2012 Annual Report



2012 Annual Report

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Reaching, Teaching, & Transforming

Another Child Foundation Serving children and families in Romania for 10 years

2012 Annual Report


The ACF “Vision”

Inspiring Stories

Ministry Updates

Meet our Ministry partner

Table of Contents 4 Meet Our Leaders 11 Reaching 17 Story of Love 22 Our Donors

7 Buckner Group Home 13 Teaching 19 Story of Faith

9 Point of Hope 15 Transforming 20 FAQ’s

Table of Contents 4 Meet Our Leaders 11 Reaching 17 Story of Love 22 Our Donors

7 Buckner Group Home 13 Teaching 19 Story of Faith

9 Point of Hope 15 Transforming 20 FAQ’s

Stories to Inspire! Welcome to the Another Child Foundation 2012 Annual Report. We are proud to be able

to supply this resource to you so you can learn more about the ministry work ACF does

in Romania. Here you will find dynamic stories of how God is making a difference in the

lives of people who travel with ACF to Romania as well as the numbers and processes

behind the ministry. While each story and aspect of ACF is unique, we feel you will see a

common thread throughout. We pray these stories will inspire you to make a difference

to someone in your life.

Left to Right:

Gabi Szabo– Missions

Coordinator for Buckner Romania

Dacian Moldovan– President of

Buckner Romania

Tim Oloffson– Executive Director

of Another Child Foundation

Our Leaders

Mission Statement Another Child Foundation believes that wherever people are suffering, compassion and hope can help

them endure. Social injustice keeps the Roma population from reaching their potential as people.

Another Child Foundation exists to mobilize people and resources to reach, teach, and transform at-

risk individuals in Romania; which is achieved through a partnership with Buckner Romania. Together

we implement a variety of impactful programs that empower individuals, including; mission trips,

humanitarian aid drives, and educational opportunities for underprivileged children, and a group home

for orphans.


A Message from our Executive Director

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Another Child Foundation has had a number of very

emotional and moving stories since we began our

ministry in 2010. While we wish we could share all of

the stories, we hope that you will enjoy hearing the

stories we have chosen. Each one of these stories

bears a wonderful witness and life giving spirit to

everyone involved in Another Child Foundation’s


However, the full story of ACF has yet to be told. God

promises us through the apostle Paul saying that, “I

am confident of this that the one who began a good

work among you will bring it to comple-

tion” (Philippians 1:6).

The partnership we have with you, the donor, is vital-

ly important to the ongoing work we are doing to

help the orphan and the at-risk children and families

in Romania. Without you, the work being done to

bring justice to the world would not be happening in

the dramatic and biblical fashion that is taking place.

With grateful people throughout the world, we join

hands giving all the glory to our Lord who is fulfilling

the promise of life in Christ Jesus.

Grace & Peace,

Tim Oloffson

Executive Director– ACF

Our Promise

Another Child Foundation is a 501 c 3 registered non-profit organization. ACF is intentional in being good stewards of every dollar given. We take all of our financial reporting seriously and do so with the highest level of integrity.

1 Corinthians 4:2 Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.


Therefore, since God in his mercy has given us

this new way, we never give up.

2 Corinthians 4:1

At certain times of year we reflect on how God has blessed us and all the abundance we enjoy. But not everyone

is feels blessed. I asked Another Child Foundation (ACF) Director Tim Oloffson about what past Christmases were

like for the children at the Zau Orphanage in Romania.

Tim told me that In 2006 ACF and Buckner brought small bags of gifts and treats for the children at Zau

Orphanage. The children were shocked to receive gifts. No one from the outside had remembered them at

Christmastime before. Buckner Missions Coordinator Gabi

Szabo explained, “They would be excited about the gifts and

open them immediately, eating up everything edible, often

times getting sick afterwards.” “I always felt that though

together in the building the children were very lonely at

Christmas, with no contact with their families and no real

traditions to look forward to. There were no gifts under the

tree, no special time for opening gifts, no hugs, no change in

routine. Everything was mostly bleak.”

Andrea (Andi) Orban experienced several Christmases at the

Zau Orphanage. She ended up in the child protection system

because her father didn't have the means to raise her and her

sister, Erika. She was 4 at the time. She had lived with various foster parents until she was moved to the Zau

orphanage. She spent 4 years there before she and her sister moved to the Buckner Group Home. Her father has

visited her twice. She doesn't remember her mother.

The most beautiful Christmas I remember was in 2011 when I moved to Buckner group home. Before Christmas

day came I liked to decorate the tree and to help prepare various dishes, cakes. Then Santa sneaked into the

house to put presents under the tree. We left on the table a plate of cake and a cup of milk beside a piece of

paper on which we wrote: “for Santa.” When we returned

home we looked under the tree and we found a lot of

colorful gifts. Before we opened the presents, I looked at

the table where I noticed that Santa enjoyed the milk and

cookies, leaving on the paper his response “thank you.” I

was very happy that night because Santa Clause visited and

we had beautiful celebration. Even now I remember this

magical Christmas that we spent in family and the happiness

could be seen on every girl’s face. Andi O.

For I can do everything

through Christ who gives

me strength.

Phil 4:13

Buckner Group Home


For God so Loved the World that He gave His

only Son and whoever believes in Him shall

not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Point of Hope Development Center


It has been 5 years since the Point of Hope Center opened its doors in Târnăveni, Romania. Now, in

2012, Buckner Romania President Dacian Moldovan is happy to report the first measurable results. This Ro-

manian community is harvesting the much awaited fruits of all the hard work and dedication of the teachers

and staff at the center.

Towards the end of the 2011-2012 school year, teachers from the public schools provided an evalua-

tion on the progress of the 40 children who attend the after-school programs at Point of Hope. 23% of the 40

children have excellent performance in school and several of them were awarded first or second prizes at the

end of the school year. 44% of them have good results, while 31% have satisfactory results. Since most of

these 40 children first graduated from the Point of Hope pre-school program,

we can conclude that the early education of the children at Point of Hope has

born its fruits!

The Buckner Romania staff is especially proud of these results because

most of the children they work with on a daily basis at Point of Hope are Roma

children. Given their family background and the very low level of education in

the Roma community in general, these children have very little chance of suc-

ceeding on their own. They lack basic skills and basic knowledge when they

first come to preschool, and they have a lot to learn and to overcome. Much

work is needed for these children to keep up with their Romanian peers, especially since the teachers

in public schools don't have the time or resources to focus on every child individually. In the after

school program the Point of Hope teachers try to make up for whatever the children missed in school

and help the children understand and apply what they learn. They are also encouraged to keep

attending school and to do their best there. Because they do their homework at Point of Hope, the

next day they go back to school well prepared.

Before there was a Point of Hope Center, the chil-

dren living in the neighborhood were not prepared well for

school. Some of them would go to school without having

attended preschool, thus lacking much of the basic skills

and knowledge they needed to succeed. Dacian stated that

the rate of school abandonment in these conditions was

about 25% for elementary school students. “They had no

support system at home which would encourage them or

help them to do their homework and to do well.” Consider-

ing the fact that about 90% of the children who were included in the after school program (since 2009) are

still attending school regularly, the program has made a substantial difference in their lives.

If you abide in Me, and My

words abide in you, you

will ask what you desire,

and it shall be done for

you. By this My Father is

glorified, that you bear

much fruit; so you will be

My disciples. John 15:7

Now faith is being sure of what we hope

for and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1



Sandy Sitts found out in July 2012 that women in the US have something in common with the mothers at the Point of

Hope Development Center. We all enjoy a little pampering from time to time! Sandy couldn’t have imagined how God

could use her abilities as a hairdresser to further His kingdom in Romania.

Sandy touted, “Each of the team members used their God-given talents and each one complemented the other. Tim

Walker worked with Keri Claggett to give oral care and take blood pressure. Sarah Walker played her violin and was ter-

rific and French manicures and up-do’s. Beth Finch is a natural teacher and also helped with make-up and manicures.

Judy Dunn is a power house and wealth of knowledge on how to make a room shine with very little.. Her husband Bob

Dunn was wonderful at construction as well as entertaining us with wonderful life stories!”

During her stay Sandy cut and styled hair for 50 Roma ladies. She has been a hairdresser for 38 years and says that

getting to make the Roma ladies feel special was a blessing. Sandy explained, “I brought my hair products, called Royal

Therapy, and the bottles and red with a gold crown on top. I explained to the ladies that the products were only fit for

royalty and as the children of The King we receive His inheritance and love that trusting in His Son Jesus can bring. I ex-

plained that by accepting Him into our hearts we are grafted into The King’s royal family. The products were there to

remind us that we are special to Him just as we are.”

...O my soul, bless God, don’t forget a single blessing!...He crowns you with love and mercy– a paradise crown.

He wraps you in goodness– beauty eternal. Psalm 103:2-5 (The Message)

Sandy said that they made a lot of progress in relationships with the ladies. “Sarah’s ideas to bridge the gap with love

and beauty treatments was fantastic!” Sandy went to a local sa-

lon and met with a Romanian hairdresser who is very excited to

volunteer her time to help the Romanian ladies in the future.

Sandy said it was an answered prayer.

When asked what touched her most, Sandy said “That is easy!

Our last day with the ladies was so busy that as we were having

our closing time I was still cutting my last lady’s hair and finished

just in time for my name to be called to the front of the dining

room...I walked in and the ladies clapped and shouted for me! I

was speechless! I felt I has just won an Academy Award. I told

them that the blessings had been all mine and that I loved each of them. I still get emotional thinking about their re-


Reflecting on the time she spent at the Point of Hope, Sandy said, “I was so excited to see the many changes for the chil-

dren at the Point of Hope center. The fact that the children that graduated and completed their first year of public

school were recognized for their high academic achievements was thrilling. Especially after being told they were without

hope and could never succeed. Its proof that God is transforming lives through the ministry of Another Child Founda-


Sandy summed up her time this way: “God’s blessings overwhelmed me! God answered every prayer I had for this year’s

Romania mission and then some! He never does it half way. Every person on the team was used and in each one’s ele-

ment; teaching, music, health, beauty, construction, all for the glory of God. Thank you Lord Jesus! God Bless the Roma


The LORD has told you what is good, and this is

what he requires of you: to act justly, to love

mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8



Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…

Leann Bohn and the Hope Mission team from Hope Lutheran Church in Rochester, New York surely embodied this

command from the book of Colossians at the Point of Hope in June 2012.

Leanne explained that two years ago when the Hope Mission team visited the Point of Hope, the third floor was in

need of desperate renovations so that more Roma children could be included in their programs. They made a

commitment to help finish one of the classrooms and generously sent

the funds so the renovations could begin before their arrival. Just a few

days before Leanne and the Hope Mission team arrived, the walls were

painted in preparation for their work to begin.

Leanne explained that each day, after teaching the children for six hours,

they went upstairs to trace and paint a mural of the creation story on

the wall of the new classroom. “We would do a devotion each night,”

explained Leanne, “and most nights devotions did not start until 11:00

pm because everyone wanted to keep working!”

They used an overhead projector to illuminate the design on the wall so that everyone could help. Their task was

made more challenging because of the lack of electricity available. A very long drop cord was run to the projector

and the team painted by its light only. Leanne said they “just prayed that it would look okay in the morning when

the sun came up! And every day it looked more and more beautiful!”

Thanks to the generosity of the Hope Mission team’s supporters , the team was able to prepare dinner for the

parents of the children at the center. “On Tuesday and Wednesday

evening we hosted the parents at the center for a delicious dinner of

lasagna, bread, and ice cream,” said Leanne. “It was a great time to

meet the parents and get a chance to chat with them. We performed

Agnes Dei for them in Romanian and had wonderful fellowship, talking

to them about how precious and beautiful their children are.”

Leanne expressed what an amazing blessing it was to be able to

provide such a beautiful and happy place for these children who have

such little beauty and happiness in their lives. One of the children said

to her that he “feels safe in the center.” Leanne, expressed her gratitude for all who have helped wrap him )and

the other children) in the loving arms of Jesus.

To Leanne and the Hope Mission team...we remember before our God and Father your work produced by Faith,

your labor prompted by Love, and your endurance inspired by Hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3

If someone has

enough money to live

well and sees a

brother or sister in

need but shows no

compassion—how can

God’s love be in that


1 John 3:17

Seeing the children (with their hair no more than a half inch long) clinging to the wire

fence watching us walk up to the orphanage was heartbreaking. It seemed I could hear them

saying in their minds, "Someone is leaving! Maybe it's ME!" That image

had been permanently burned onto my heart since April 2000. It was

my first time in Romania, and I was picking up my newly adopted,

beautiful daughter Gabriela from the orphanage. Ever since that

moment, I knew I wanted to return someday to somehow help other

orphans. I felt the call then, but it was not in God's plan yet. Fast

forward eleven years to June 2011 and my daughter Gabi was now 13

years old. We were finally returning to Gabi's homeland of Romania

with ACF to help put on a VBS camp for the orphans. I was aware this

would be an emotional trip and I knew Gabi would experience emotions

differently than the other members. Was she ready? I prayed she was!

The day the orphans arrived was the day I heard my heart sing! The kids came into the

camp, and as that day and week progressed, I felt all my worries about how this trip would

affect Gabi be lifted from me. She made many friends that first day and the days following. I

could see on Gabi's beaming face that she was overjoyed to be with other Romanian

orphans - just like she had once been. Once, while we were discussing the day's activities,

Gabi said "Mom, that could have been ME coming to this camp!" She was feeling the same

compassion and attachment to the kids as the rest of us, but there was also some guilt

mixed in. Guilt that she had been adopted and was growing up in a loving family. As the

saying goes... “There but for the grace of God, go I.” It was that realization which cemented

her knowledge of exactly how blessed she has been.

Leaving those precious orphans was one of the most heart wrenching moments of my

life. It certainly was THE MOST overwhelming moment of Gabi's life. The mission trip was

amazing and yet humbling. My prayers were answered, Gabi had definitely been ready for

this! We went on this mission trip considering it the trip of a lifetime. Now we are planning

our return with ACF! Lori Hilgart

Gabi & a new friend!




Board of Directors

Officer’s Elected Board Members

David Claggett– President David Shelton

Bob Dunn– Vice President Dennis Lofton

John Frank Reeve– Treasurer Pastor Jeff Schlesinger

Lisa Comeaux– Secretary Jessica Huettel

Tim Oloffson– Executive Director, Another Child Foundation

Dacian Moldovan– President, Fundatia Buckner


Operations Team

Ministry Team- The team now has the following members: David Claggett (chair), Bob Dunn, John Frank Reeve,

Lisa Comeaux, & Tim Oloffson

2012 Review

The team formally installed three ministry teams to expand and organize the ministry

The team decided to invite the sitting Fundatia Buckner President to become a member of the ACF Board of

Director’s in a full voting position. Dacian Moldovan accepted that position in November 2012

The Operation’s Team invested $1500 into a Board Development seminar presided by Fred Reggie of Reggie

Associates from Lafayette, LA.

2013 Plans

The team will identify and start monitoring 3 performance measures which will be designed to show the over-all performance of the ministry in the US and Romania

Develop a Budget team which will work proactively in creating a budget to propose to the Board

Find a third-party endorsement of ACF and the ministry we offer to children

The purpose of the Operations team is through the Direction of the Chairperson, Executive Director, and other ACF

officer’s to oversee the administrative operations and the financial position of the organization. The team is also respon-

sible for the regular oversight of the work being done by the other ministry teams.

The purpose of the Fund Development Team is through the direction of the Chairperson, Executive Director, and other

ACF teams develop a structure of events, campaigns, appeals, and programs that will provide the necessary funds to

meet the budgetary needs of the organization.

Fund Development Team

Ministry Team- The team now has the following members: Jeff Schlesinger (chair), Lisa Comeaux, Jessica Huettel,

Nancy Reeve, Beth Finch, & Tim Oloffson

2012 Review

The team grew the following 2012 fund development events, campaigns, appeals, and programs...

One-time gifts to Fundatia Buckner by 23%

Sponsorship of Fundatia Buckner children by 34%

Overall giving by 23%

2013 Plans

The goal of the Fund Development Team for 2013 is to simply give our supporters creative and fun ways to be engaged in the process of reaching, teaching, and transforming the children and families we are committed to helping

The team would like to grow all avenues of revenue by 32% in 2013

The team would also like to create a reserve fund. The eventual goal will be to have enough funds in this account to sustain the ministry for 6 months.


Donor Communications Team

Ministry Team- The team now has the following members: Dennis Lofton (chair), Swanna Lofton, Mark Trekell,

Linda Trekell, Keri Claggett, Dawn Cook, David Shelton, Tim Oloffson

2012 Review

The team helped direct a new ACF look. Developed a new, more friendly logo. New color palate using gold and purple. This is now on all printed material as well as electronic communications

The team developed a new variation of the ACF Mission Statement. Reaching, teaching, and transforming is a tag-line in which we can use for all facets of our ministry

Upgraded the GiftWorks donor software to provide even better service to our donors

Updated the ACF website with the new branding style. Website now looks much more professional and is much easier to update keeping donors and potential donors informed on ACF news and stories

Made the donation page more user-friendly. This should result in additional on-line donations

All donations are now being acknowledged within 48 hours

Surveys for mission trip participants and donors were created and sent to those groups to gather data on the

effectiveness of our work

Created a Send a Card profile to acknowledge gifts and services given to ACF in a personally given greeting card

Have created a system where all of our sponsors are being emailed monthly updates on the child they are sup-


Have implemented social media into the ACF donor communications effort. Facebook is now being used to tell stories and drive people to our website and blog. ACF now has a Twitter account

The team has also developed a blog to keep supporters informed on both ACF activities and general thoughts on ministry related items. We have 3 regular writers for the blog plus a mission trip participant

ACF is also working with Taylor Jenkins, Scott Richard, and Noble Mosby in creating videos which help ACF tell

our story to our supporters. The ACF YouTube page now has multiple videos that our supporters can view

ACF now has a monthly newsletter titled reaching, teaching, and transforming. The main purpose of this news-letter is to communicate news, faith stories, and Buckner Romania news to our 1300 newsletter subscribers

2013 Plans Continuously look for obstacles that hampers good communication between ACF, Buckner Romania, and donors

Continue to develop volunteers on the team. A newsletter team that discusses news worthy items to cover will both enhance our communication with ACF supporter’s as well as engage our volunteers in a deeper way

Create a better video landing page for our supporter’s to view ACF activities

Use video as a more effective tool in promoting ACF opportunities to support

Somehow get a dated piece of information onto the ACF Home page. This helps people see that the site is ac-tive and that things are happening within ACF

Have the Executive Director learn more about the effective use of websites

Continue to thank our supporter’s in proper ways

Recruit a volunteer to coordinate the Sponsor Communications email program

Find a blogger from Romania to post blogs on the ACF blog

Develop the Social media team to formulate a Facebook plan

Through the direction of the Chairperson & Executive Director, develop a diverse communications network using all

forms of media to keep all donors up-to-date with ACF ministry news


The purpose of the Community Development team is through the direction of the Chairperson & Executive Director; devel-

op a creative structure of resources for existing & new communities of supporters to be involved in the ministry of ACF

Community Development Team Ministry Team- The team now has the following members: John Frank Reeve (chair), Lisa Jenkins, Lisa Comeaux,

Jessica Huettel, & Tim Oloffson

2012 Review

The team successfully held 4 summer mission trips to Romania. These trips brought 51 participants and 2 summer interns to see the fullness of the ACF ministry. One team, from Rochester, New York catered to the needs of the children at the Point of Hope while also renovating a classroom on the third floor. Another team took 33 orphaned children from local group homes to Harghita Christian Camp near Targu-Mures. The third team was full of youth from Lafayette, LA and they ministered to the children at the Point of Hope while also renovating a third floor classroom. The fourth and final team performed a Women’s Ministry to the women of the children enrolled at the Point of Hope. The team also did some renovations to a room and a bathroom on the third floor. Another mission team is scheduled for December and will distribute humanitarian aid

The team also provided summer internships for Taylor Jenkins and Jessica Huettel. Both of the interns arrived in mid-June; Jessica stayed for 1 month while Taylor extended his trip until September. The interns provided very valuable assistance to the mission teams while also performed a VBS for a local gypsy church and did many activities with the young ladies in the Buckner Group home

The team also created new partnerships with churches and organizations through the Project Respond humanitarian aid drives

An organization named Manna Relief is now providing a nutritional supplement for the children at the Point of Hope Development Center. This supplement powder will help give a child all of the nutritional needs children of their age need on a daily basis

The team also set-up a display booth at a National Youth gathering for youth leaders in New Orleans for a 4 day workshop. Over 850 youth workers were present ACF was also present at a Ladies Night Out event where 250 ladies from around the Illinois/Iowa region enjoyed a night to see opportunities to get involved in ministry

ACF was also featured in many Illinois newspapers for the work being done in Romania

The ACF Executive Director also spoke at numerous church and community group functions

2013 Plans

Plan and execute 4 summer mission trips and possibly a fall or winter mission trip

Recruit 4 summer interns for June & July

Create a church information pack to deliver to current supporting churches as well as potential partners

Continue to partner with Shoes for Orphan Souls on a shoe drive in the Quad City area

Create an event in the community of Lafayette, LA to support Project Respond

Continue to develop partnerships with churches in which we have contacts

Create a partnership with Christian Youth Theater (CYT) in Lafayette for a 2014 mission trip

Work with Camp of the Woods & Kirk Gambrell in Adirondack, NY on the potential of a 2013 mission trip in October for 30 college-aged youth

Attend 1 or 2 conventions where ACF can promote its mission opportunities

Develop a list of local, regional, and national media outlets in which we can send press releases

Promote to all ACF Board members to actively look for local speaking engagements to speak about ACF

Help John Frank create a musical show in which local community groups, private schools, and others can book and give JF the opportunity to speak about ACF

Develop support for the Young Ambassadors program in universities where ACF has supporter’s

What is the vision of Another Child Foundation?

The vision of ACF is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of

orphaned & at-risk children as well as promote the family structure

to families struggling with the circumstances of poverty.

How much does it cost to sponsor a child and what

benefits does each child receive?

Sponsorships start at $25 and can go as high as the

$200 a month it requires to provide the educational,

physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of these

children. Each child is individually evaluated so that

their specific needs are being met.

How does Another Child Foundation partner with

Buckner Romania?

ACF & Buckner Romania have a mutual

understanding of what the Bible calls his people

to do for the orphans and outcasts of our

societies. ACF uses Buckner Romania’s expertise

in their culture to do the work God calls us to do.


Is evangelism part of what Another Child

Foundation does while helping children?

Christian principles and Biblical teachings

are the cornerstone of EVERYTHING we

do! Without the guidelines God has set

before us our work would be futile.

How does Another Child Foundation stand out compared to other larger


ACF feels the advantage of the work we do for children and families is

the work is done with the highest quality possible. We measure our

success not by the width of our organization but by the depth of the

programs we offer. This is a major difference compared to some larger


of every dollar given to sponsor a child goes

directly to that child’s specific needs.




7507 Foundation

Accardo, Mario & Barbara

Adams, Jeff & Kathy

Adams, Jennifer

Ahlstrand, David & Christine

Ake, PD

Allen, Larry & Kathleen

Althaus, Richard & Leslie

Anderson, Eric & Lauren

Anderson, Larry & Deb

Anderson, Roger & Barbara

Arya, Anand & Jayanthi

Bailey, Kent & Linda

Becker, Steve & Joan

Bender, Doris

Bergren, Arthur

Bernardoni, Robert & Arlene

Bertola, John

Besola, Melvin & Irma

Bethany Lutheran- Leland, IL

Body Balance Chiropractic

Bondurant, Carolyn

Boone, Robert & Iris

Bortak, John & Linda

Brantner, Gladys

Brantner, Holly F.

Brasche, William & Laurie

Brinkmeyer, Phil & Beth

Brooks, Chris

Broussard, Gerald

Brown, Marcus & Yvette

Bruce, Gary & Diane

Bureau County Thrivent Chapter

Burton, Jennifer

Butterfield, Lyndon & Carolyn

Buzzard, Bob & Vicki

C & S Roofing

Calvary Lutheran- Moline, IL

Carl, Denise

Carlson, Leota

Carr, Gail & Cynthia

Carver, Joshua & Lana

Case, Jim & Debbie

Christ Community- Princeton, IL

Christ Methodist- East Moline, IL

Christianson, Tom & Diane

Church Women United

Claggett, David & Keri

Clearfield, Lynne

Cole, Jim & Molly

Conkling, Phil & Cammie

Continental Builders Inc

Cook, Dawn

Cooper, Debra

Cox, Amanda

Cremerius, Peter & Kathryn

Crimestoppers of The Quad Cities

Dalton, Justin & Sarah

Dalton, Larry & Deb

Dancey, Stephen & Carole

De Weerth, Joan

Derber, Wayne & Melody

Dillon, Chelsea

Dunn, Bob & Judy

Dunn's Designs

Duplantis, Kelly

Dye, Brenda

Eastwood Church-Tennessee

Eble, Jim & Diane

Edlefson, Nate & Sara

Ehmen, Harlan & Alice

Elliott, Bradley & Ann

Emerson, Donald & Susan

Engle, Terry & Kathy

Ennenbach, Joseph & MaryAnn

Enviro-Tech Products

Evangelical Covenant- Princeton, IL

Faber, Arnie & Anne

Fay, Joy

Fehlman, Bruce & Barb

Fenwick, Bob & Lynda

Ficken, Mike & Margi

Finch, Beth

Fine, Linda

First Baptist-Lafayette, LA

First Covenant- E. Moline, IL

First Lutheran- Geneseo, IL

First Lutheran -Granville, IL

Fiste, Judy

Flaherty, David & Pamela

Foes, Todd & Kim

Frail, Deb

Franklin's Barber Shop

Fritz, Jerry & Sue

Gahan, Steven

Ganschow, Dean & Delores

Ganschow, Randall & Katherine

Garvin, John & Sue

Gaskins, Kim

GDF Suez Energy

Geerts, Joe & Barb

Goers, Betty

Goetzmann, Wilma

Goy, Don & Karen

Grace E-Free Church- Davenport

Grace Methodist- LaSalle, IL

Gray, Christina

Grey, Thomas & Carmen

Gronbach, Phil

Gross, Gary & Pam

Grumbles, Marcus & Joanne

Guinn, Charlotte

2012 Income

Sponsorship Program $44,510.67 Program Gifts $132,788.00

General Income $65,916.41 Fundraisers $$25,127.00

Mission Trips $77,252.87 Total Income $345,594.95

2012 Expenses

Romanian Programs $213,999.25 Mission Trips $85,387.90

ACF admin $71,028.02 Total Expenses $370,415.17


St. Johns Lutheran- Mendota, IL

St. John's Lutheran- Princeton, IL

St. John's Lutheran- Sterling, IL

St. Matthew's Lutheran- Princeton, IL

Steele, Martha

Stover, Brandon & Emily

Strader, James & Linda

Sunshine Band Union Church

Swain, Karen

Tellefson, Don & Katie

Templin, David

The Antero Charitable Foundation

Thomas, Jeff & Christie

Thomas, Steven & Dena

Thompson, Jeremy

Trahan, Randy & Deborah

Trautwein, Paul & Lynette

Trekell, David & Linda

Trekell, Mark & Sandra

Trinity Lutheran Church- Manlius

Trinity Lutheran WELCA- Manlius

Tucker, James & Arlene

Turner, Edward & Lonna

Ultch, Doug

United Methodist- Alpha, IL

Unrath, Jim & Beth

Vandermoon, Norman & Theresa

Vezain, DuAnne

Vincent, Gene & Lisa

Vrana, Mike & Deb

Walker, Tim & Sarah

Wallace, Dwayne & Diana

Walnut Community Bible Church

Walnut United Methodist Church

Walter, Merle & Linda

Warden, Taylor

Warner, Joseph & Gail

White, Robert

Williams, Andy & Rachel

Willmer, Barry & Tina

Wilson, Bill & Jenn

Wilson, Don & Linda

Winek, Joe & Anita

Wink, Ron & Anna

Wirges, Donna

Woodley, Troy

Wujek, Andrew & MarySue

Yezavitas, James & Linda

Zion Lutheran-WOW

Zude, Dale & Kimberley

Pearson, Glenn & Norma

Pearson, Gregg & Kaye

Permanent Painting Of Acadiana

Peterson, Gail & Betty

Phalen, Tim & Jan

Power, Jim & Carol

Prusator, Jeff & Amy

Pullin Charitable Trust

Ramsey, Erlene

Randecker, Daniel & Rita

Rankin, Cheryl

Ratliff, Kristie

Red Page Ministries

Reel, Scott & Sharon

Reeve, John Frank & Nancy

Reinhardt, Warren & Pat

Resurrection Lutheran -Channahon

Rhinehart, Glynn & Lana

Ringo, Sharon & Kioke

Robertson, Brian

Rodriguez, Sandy

Rogers, Ray & Kathy

Sack, Chris & Theresa

Safranek, Gary & Lori

Salem Lutheran- Moline, IL

Sam, Carl

Sasser, Zachary & Treva

Schaller, Marilyn

Schlesinger, Jeff & Theresa

Schlesinger, Norm & Diane

Schlindwein, Paul & Teri

Schlund, Don & Barbara

Schlund, Rebecca

Schroeder, David & Melanie

Scruggs, Jim & Sue

Sedberry, Lewis & Pamela

Sheehan, John & Toni

Sheets, Eddielea

Shelton, David & Kelly

Shelton, Revis & Sheila

Simonton, Matthew & Shelley

Simpson, Janet

Sitts, Gordon & Sandy

Smith, J.T. & Terri

Smith, Mary

Smith, Mike & Pam

Smith, RW & Mary

Smith, Sammy & Mary

Snethen, Brad & Jill

Solace, Bryan & Beth

Lee, Ken & Marilyn

Lee-Brown, Kim

Lindell, Alan & Lynn

Lipcaman, Don

Little, Duane & Ronda

Lockett, Tamara

Lofton, Dennis & Swanna

Lofton, Kristi

Love, M'Kayla

Marquis Energy

Marrero, Nan

Martin Chiropractic

Matthews, Jeff & Dawn

May, Ken & Nancy

May, Lloyd & Karen

Maynard, Sue

McCollum, George

McCune Tillage Systems

McCune, Harry & Dee

McKee, Gary & Nellie

McMullen, Amy

McMullen, Gary & LaDonna

McRae, Kelley

Michlig Grain

Miller, Barb

Miller, Joanne

Mooney, Cindy

Mooney, Heather

Moore, Billy & JoAnn

Morris, Sherry

Morris, Tom & Dawn

Morrison, Linda

Morton Fertilizer

Moss, Sharon

Napoltes, Rod

Nelson, Bill & Theresa

Nelson, Joel & Carol

Nelson, Ron & Kelly

North Central Bank

Northside Plumbing Supply

O'Connor, Daniel & Verene

Oloffson, Brittany

Oloffson, Kay & Baldy

Oloffson, Tim & Theresa

Owen, William

Packsaddle Church- Kingsland, TX

Packsaddle Study Group

Palmer, Scott & Dana

Patterson, Gary & JoAnn

Peace Lutheran- Belleville, IL

Guinn, Debra

Gustafson, Carol

Hand, Steve & Pam

Hansen, Larry & Karen

Hansen, Mark & Dawn

Hanson, Charles & Pamela

Harmon, Steve & Colleen

Harper, Tim & Terri

Hartz, Mary

Henkel, Matthew & Camilla

Hildebrand, Don & Linda

Hilgart, Lori & Gabi

Hillman, Martha

Hirst, Terry

Hoening, Sherry

Hogg, Jon

Holaway, Randy & Saundra

Holland, Deryl & Charlotte

Holt, Joan

Hope Lutheran- Rochester, NY

Huettel, Jessica

Huettel-Kiker, Teanna

Hunter, Shirley

Huston, Dennis & Marcia

Jacobson, Chris & Trisha

Japha, Dan & Angela

Jenkins, Dave & Lisa

Jenkins, Taylor

Jenkins, Tiffany

Johnson, Greg & Karla

Johnson, Marilyn

Jones, Colby

Jones, Matthew & Traci

Julifs, Harold & Sandy

Kaspar, Gerald

Kelly, Kevin & Robbin

Kernan, Dean & Lindi

King, Don & Val

Kingsville Baptist- Ball, LA

Kiser, Jennifer

Kiwanis Club- Geneseo

Knoblauch, Howard & Nancy

Konitzer-Bush, Kim

Kreiser, Robert & Cynthia

Kuhnen, Don & Kathy

LaMour, Ronald & Sandra

Landry, Shannon

Larson, Jim & Jan

Launhardt, Lindsey

Lawson, Betty


Another Child Foundation

416 E. Dover Rd

Princeton, IL 61356
