2014 Join Scout Night Thursday, September 11 th



2014 Join Scout Night Thursday, September 11 th. Welcome to our 2014 Join Scouting Night School Coordinator Rally. Registration Fees: $13 per Scout includes Boy’s Life & Insurance thru Dec. 31. $9 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. Tonight’s Purpose:. Registration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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2014 Join Scout NightThursday, September 11th


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

Welcome to our 2014

Join Scouting Night

School Coordinator Rally

Tonight’s Purpose:

• Equip District Leadership to conduct a successful Join Scouting Night (JSN) Campaign

• Districts begin recruiting manpower to cover every public and private elementary school & ensure they are trained



$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

JSN Purpose:


• To enroll new Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts,(Varsity, Venturer, Sea Scout) and their families to join our Scouting family.

• To enlist new parents as leaders.

• To organize new Scouting units to expand the reach of Scouting in our communities.


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


JSN Plan:

• Open ALL Elementary Schools, Public and PRIVATE to invite youth and parents to join.

• Each School will have a LEAD PERSON (School Coordinator) to run the meeting.

• KEY UNIT LEADERS are asked to participate and provide support.


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


JSN Promotion• The Council will provide all Posters, Flyers, Yard

Signs, Stickers, school board endorsements, Join Night material packets and Radio PSA’s at District JSN Training.

• Super Saturdays – Put up Posters and flyer distribution at high traffic locations: malls, parks, grocery stores, Home Improvement stores, etc…

• Super Sundays – Put up Posters and flyer distribution at local Houses of Worship and faith based institutions

• Radio/TV – utilize radio/TV contacts to promote through local stations / channels

• Send a press release to local paper on your unit & JSN Night


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

The 4 Keys to a Successful Join Scouting Night (JSN)


1.Principal Visit

2. Classroom Rally / Boy Talk

3. A Trained School Coordinator presiding at JSN

4.School Coordinators report & turn in applications and fees at District Turn In Location


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


The 4 Keys to a Successful Join Scouting Night (JSN)

1. Principal Visit• Update them on Pack progress, leadership, projects, share

pictures, invite to major event (ie. Blue & Gold banquet, Pinewood Derby)

• Discuss Flyer Distribution• Ask Principal for 2 mins. in each classroom-invite to JSN• Posters / PTA Announcements• How can we get Pack calendar activities on School/PTA

Calendar• Request a table at Open Houses/Back to School Nights• Make sure no conflicts with other school events when

scheduling JSN Night (Sept. 11th)• Who should we contact if we have any trouble that night,

doors, bathroom locked• What can we do for you? Service Projects?• Can Scouts raise the flag in uniform the day of JSN?• Bring a Thank You for Principal & “Gatekeeper”


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


2. Classroom Rally / Boy Talk•Purpose: to excite and invite the boys to come to JSN and what to bring•If classroom visit is prohibited, ask for an assembly of boys or visit them at various serving times in the lunch room (non-instructional time if it is brought up as an issue)•Morning News Show or Announcements, only if classroom visit is not allowed•Agenda: Distribute flyers, talk about some of the fun they can do as Scouts•Repeat date, time, place for JSN & what to bring parents and money($13), but come anyway, even if you don’t have the money and we’ll talk about how we can help you. (i.e. popcorn sale)•Share fun story, joke to remind them to share flyer with parents & bring them and $13 to join.

The 4 Keys to a Successful Join Scouting Night (JSN)


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

Best Methods for New Youth:


• Rallies in the Classroom are BY FAR the best way to spread the message.

• As parents, we need your help with schools and principals to ensure classroom access.

• Youth & Parents must be invited back to a close to home location. Unfamiliar locations can be a barrier.


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


Best Methods for New Youth:

• Have existing Scouts wear their uniform the day of the recruitment.

• Send flyers twice if you can! Once in the first week of school packets (August 19th), the next at the “Rally (Boy Talks)” week of sign up

• Conduct “Boy Talks” 2 – 3 days prior to Recruitment Night.


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

Jessica Lunsford Act:


• Volunteers

• Staff

• In order to distribute flyers in a local School you will need to pass a background screening with your local school board


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


Best Methods for New Youth:

• Have Scouts invite their friends!

• Super Saturdays

• Super Sundays

• Advertise at Houses of Worship, local supermarket, Home Improvement, retail stores (ask the manager)

• Buddy Cards: Invite other friends from sports, karate, clubs, etc.


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


3. Join Scouting Night Mtg.• When you recruit your JSN School coordinators have them

commit to attend training.• At JSN Mtg. - Youth and their families have come out to join

Scouting• Don’t talk to much, follow the JSN Agenda• Let boys know about the fun they will have• Emphasize to parents Scouting’s impact on their child’s

development while having fun• Invite parents to join along with their son• Utilize resources like “The String Story” / “A Boy’s

Eyes”.• Allow them to sign up, pay fees, (Have JSN helpers

ensure apps are complete & signed) share info on next meeting, training, Cub Fun Day, resources, contact info & adjourn

• Finally bring Apps & fees to District Turn in Location that night

The 4 Keys to a Successful Join Scouting Night (JSN)


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

Lead Person – School Coordinator Duties:


• Attend District JSN Training Attend District JSN Training

• Contact Principal to set Scout Night & Contact Principal to set Scout Night & Rally, hang up posters.Rally, hang up posters.

• Recruit helpers to: collect applications, Recruit helpers to: collect applications, help answer questions, “crowd control”.help answer questions, “crowd control”.

• Invite local Pack & Troop to provide Invite local Pack & Troop to provide basics.basics.

• Turn in applications & money at District Turn in applications & money at District Turn-In locations the night of Sept 12Turn-In locations the night of Sept 12thth


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


OK, Let’s Get in to it…:

• All school packets will include:

•Applications for youth & ADULTS

•Table Signs

•Activity Flyers

•Training Flyers

•Rosters, Agenda

•Welcome Guide

DE’s will providethe packets


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

Recruitment Night:


• Arrive 45 minutes early to ensure School is open.

• Arrange Tables by grade.

• On tables: Grade level signs, youth applications, Boys’ Life, Roster for each grade, Parent Orientation guidebook.

• Set up a registration table for later that night (Delegate to your registrar…)


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

Best Methods for New Adults:


• Set the expectation for them to participate.

• Be a Part of your son’s experience – shows him you care and it’s important

• “For 100 years, parents, like yourselves, have been volunteering to ensure a quality program for their sons.”

• Give many ways to “share talent” (Many hands, make for light work)


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


Recruitment Night – The Meeting:

• Separate arrivals to appropriate tables.

• Start on time

• How does the program work? (Volunteers!)

• What is expected from Parents? (Volunteer!)

• What does it cost?

• Briefly Review Welcome to Cub Scout Guide – A Parent Guide


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


Best Methods for New Adults:

• Ask leading questions - “Who works in Miami Lakes, who likes to shop?” – Advancement

• Who has a computer at home? – Secretary

• Who can manage a bank account? – Treasurer

• Who likes to host parties? – Events!

• Training is offered for all positions.

• Make sure every parent signs up for something: Blue & Gold chair, Pinewood Derby chair, Popcorn Kernel, Newsletter Editor, and much more…!


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

OK… Back to the meeting:


• The Easy part is to sign up the boys, that was a given when they walked in…

Getting New Parent’s Involved in Existing Dens:

– Current Cub Leader to lead discussion at each table.

– Explain leader needs, on the back of the Table Tent Grade level sign !

– Each group needs a leader, assistant leader, and at least one Member of Committee.

– Our Den needs…

– Experienced Leaders to mentor/help at beginning


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


A Quality Program:

• Parents expect to pay to join. They pay much more for other programs. Sports, Karate, Computer camp, etc.

•Charge $13 to secure their commitment to the program this includes registration, insurance, & Boy’s Life Magazine thru Dec. 31st.

New Units are different:•The BSA does not allow a new unit to be chartered for a period less then six months. New units started during JSN campaign will be chartered for 16 months through 2014.

• Fees = $TBD registration (per Scout and Adult) and $TBD for Boy’s Life


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

OK… Back to the meeting:


Securing New Parents for a New Pack•Circle Up – All parents in grade groups must sit with their sons at the table.

– Assign a temporary chairman to lead discussion at each table.

– Explain leader needs, on the back of the Table Tent Grade level sign !

– Each group needs a leader, assistant leader, and at least one Member of Committee.

– New Parents talk in group and decide who will do what, and register

– Provide Training information


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

The Meeting…:


• Stress that training is available

• You are a parent, just like them!

• We need your help to continue.

• Turn over the “den” to the temp chair.

• Bring applications when they recruit each leader (youth protection & collect apps/$)

• After all leader’s recruited: Introduce each leader! (Seals the deal!)


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

The Meeting…:


Stress that training is available:

•Cub Leader Basic Training

• September tbd at Scout Office

•District Opportunities-Training Grid available showing all District Cub Leader Basic


$10 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$5 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


Closing the Meeting:

• Applications are being filled out

• Ensure ALL info is filled out properly

• ALL sigs, SSN, DOB, Etc.

• Answer application questions. Explain that Boys’ Life is included in the fee.

• If a parent can not pay the full amount, DO NOT announce that everyone can pay later, work with them 1 on 1.


$10 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$5 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


After the Meeting:

• After they are done with applications, they can go to the check out table.

• Make an express line for checks (Made payable to BSA).

• Ask for all new leaders to stay for a quick meeting. Hand out training and Youth Protection requirements (www.scouting.org), Fast Start info, invite to preset Pack Leader’s Meeting to work out details.


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

Things to Remember:


• Don’t talk too much, they want to sign up and leave.

• Divide into grades upon arrival.

• Don’t let Leader’s tell stories or share anything negative. You will NEVER recruit anyone if you tell them everything is bad or no one helps…


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


4. District Turn In LocationKeep the promise to the Scouts, turn in applications so they can be registered in a timely manner, start receiving Boy’s Life, and covered by insurance•Celebrate each Coordinator/Schools arrival at Turn In •Thank them for their participation and for recruiting the next crop of Eagles and future leaders in our community•Record their totals on the Tote board (It is a List of all District schools to be opened)

• Record # of Tigers, Cubs, Scouts, Adults, etc…?• Audit money, issue a receipt• Plan on following up with principal to hopefully send a

reminder flyer for boys/parents that may have missed the first JSN. If doing so, be there to sign them up and contact your JSN Chair or DE to turn in apps & fees.

The 4 Keys to a Successful Join Scouting Night (JSN)


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.

2014 JSN Goals


Open every elementary school

Invite every youth and family to join

Reach our District Goal of ?


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


What’s Next?


•Recruit Pack/Troop Leaders to assist, (if you do not have them already on board)

• Ensure their attendance at District JSN Training

•Visit School Principal

• Confirm your JSN Date / Rally Date / Morning Announcements/ Flag Ceremony/ etc…

• Give administrators/gatekeepers a camp card as thanks

• Hold a successful JSN and turn the applications in at the District Turn in location


$13 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$9 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.


Have a successful JSN!!!



$10 per Scout includes Boy’s

Life & Insurance thru

Dec. 31.

$5 per Adult

No other $ transactions at

this time.
