2014 Together We Can Foundation’s Donation Hall of Fame ... · desk. sist communities by...


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SKA News

2014 Together We Can Foundation’s Donation Hall of Fame Michelle Gong - 40 bottles of fruit juice Erika Tay - Granola Bars and pudding

Li Reeve - Fruit Jelly Toiletries (4 shampoo, 4 deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste)

Dario Liu - 24 cans of tuna fish Megan Wu - Fruit jelly

Jacob and Joey Chang - 30 cans beans Leng Chang - 3 cases of water

San Teh - 20 cans of can noodle soup Matteo Gonzalez - Hot Dogs and fruit cups

Annette Sujo - Clothing Chanel Nicholson - 10 dozen doughnuts

Priscilla Lin - Toiletries Lily McClellan - 20 fruit cups and 80 bags of fruit snacks

Colleen Cao - 16 soaps Lauren Lin - 168 bottles of water and 36 bars of cookies

Zhifang Shih - Clothing and food Aaron Marlin - Water

Ava Leavitt - Toiletries, soaps, sweaters, and pillows Meredith and Elsye Santoso - 15 snack bags

Natalie Lam - Snack bags 1 big box Ben Zhang - 1 pack of candy Divija Nath - 6 pairs of shoes

Kayli Fowler - Toiletry bag Willie Chi - Can food

Christopher Lohr - One box of Sun Chips Simon Wang - Snack box

Christina Wang - Snack box Charlene Gu - Clothes, 8 pairs of shoes, 1 can of food Vanessa, Kevin, and Isabella Ching - 22 cans of food

Angela Xiao - 24 noodle bowl Thomas and Caty Xiao - $50

SKA Students: Future Leaders People are not born leaders, they gain aspects through experience and interaction. SKA can assist their students in this by providing opportunities to speak out and attend events such as the ILF seminar, which was hosted August 10th. Here are several students’ views on the event: “Being an effective leader/ speaker is primarily dependent on impression, the ability to speak up, and the emotions evoked.”

- Qianci Ma, 9th grade “The speakers that spoke about their experiences on the stage really inspired me to try to be the best I can be by overcoming my fears and saying what I need to say in order to move forward. Even with fears, I must overcome them like any obstacle to reach my goals, as the guest speakers have told me and other attendees.”

- Priscilla Lin, 9th grade “Being a leader requires you to be able to think positively, have financial stability, get along well with other people, and communication as a way to express yourself. The seminar was very informative and engaging. Watching people that have gain success share there story to the younger generation was a image of inspiration in itself.”

-Sharon Chen, 11th Grade From their statements, we are able to see how SKA helps inspire students to grow as the future leaders of the upcoming generations..

SKA appreciates and is very proud of its students and parents for the amount of donations received for Tailgaters For the Hungry and Homeless! Students and parents listed below donated items and now are apart of Together We Can’s Donation Hall of


SKA and the Together We Can Foundation would like to thank all of the parents and students who donated to the Tailgaters For the Hungry & Homeless. If you have donated items and your name is not listed above, please contact us by stopping at the front desk. If you have not donated yet and would like to, drop off your

donations at SKA and you can get a certificate at the 2015 Annual SKA Awards Ceremony.

This month at SKA Academy…

Our visual art students are currently working on an upcoming contests for the GA Wildlife. Students are to draw Georgia birds and a winner will be selected and their drawing will be printed on a t-shirt. Computer graphic classes are working on producing commercials in Aftereffects. Students are having a blast on practicing new programs. Our fashion design class is currently working on their recycling project. Students are using recyclable materials such as, newspaper, straws, etc, to create an article of clothing.

AUGUST ANNOUNCEMENTS SKA would like to congratulate Lily McClellan on receiving

first place in her grade level for her bookmark design at the Gwinnett County Public Library!

All reflection categories (Literature, Visual Arts, Theme Search, etc) are due this month! Please drop off you entry forms and entries at SKA as soon as possible.

Starting this August, each time you recommend a new student that has registered to attend our classes, you will be rewarded. For each new student that has enrolled through your recommendation, SKA will compensate you by offering you $30 to use only on our 2015 summer camp workshops. If you recommend more than one student, you can combine your earnings only on our 2015 summer camp workshops.

The SKA Intern Meeting was Saturday, August 23. Students learned leadership skills such as public speaking, a component that will help them in future careers.

In honor of our students’ hard work and effort, SKA has developed a showcase each quarter for the top 8 students to present their artworks at SKA during open house for their friends, family, and other visitors to see. The first annual showcase was on August 24, 2014, and students had a blast!

SKA’s water rafting trip was August 30. It was a meritorious experience for both students and parents that will hopefully last in their minds for a long time.

UPCOMING EVENTS Donations are needed for the Tailgaters For The Hungry &

Homeless. Drop off your donations at SKA now! Also, volunteers are needed onsite, so please sign up at the front desk.

Sign up at the front desk to have you or your child’s artwork exhibited to the community and others to see!

CPACS introduction meeting will be on September 27. For more information, stop by the front desk.

The PTSA/ NAHS Meeting is September 6. Parents and students are welcome to come as these organizations will talk about membership, benefits, and upcoming fundraising projects.

We are looking for Talent Show participants for the awards ceremony December 14. (Participants volunteer to do anything art or music related.)

The Halloween Haunted House trip is open to all students and their parents on October 31. We hope you can come!

TAILGATERS FOR THE HUNGRY AND HOMELESS As you all know, every year SKA picks an organization/charity to donate items for those who need it as a part of our tradition to help out the community. This is part of our mission to help reinforce the importance of art education and foster a new generation of young artists who can share their talents and make a valuable contribution to their community. The past years, SKA has donated medicines and canned foods to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, SafeHouse, and many more. This is a significant way to give back to the community and is a great source of community service, and this year, SKA has chosen to participate in the Tailgaters For The Hungry & Homeless. Items that will be collected include clothing (coats, socks, gloves, blankets, pillows, scarves, hats, and shoes), toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, sham-poo, comb, first aid kit, lotion, and dental floss), and snacks (crackers, peanuts, granola bars, candy, cookies, etc.). Also, volunteers are needed to give out items and prepare items! Donators and volunteers from SKA will receive a certificate showing that they have participated and have received community service credits. Also, donators and volunteers will be listed on next month’s issue of SKA News. Bring in your donations now!

EXHIBTION OPPORTUNITY An exhibition opportunity has recently opened up for SKA students at E.W. Bank in Chamblee and Norcross and will be distributed to other locations, such as SouthCrest Bank at Johns Creek, Lobster House at Roswell, Canton Cook at Sandy Springs, Oriental Pearl at Chamblee, Atlanta Harts-field-Jackson Airport, and Gwinnett County Library. Exhibi-tions are a great way for our students to display their amaz-ing works for the community and others to see. This will also help students build up their resumes and portfolios for future purposes. To sign up, stop by the front desk!

2014 SKA Summer Camp Workshops

Every summer, SKA hosts a summer camp workshop where students are able to take fieldtrips throughout the week and draw onsite in different environments. Students are able to learn different and new techniques outside of the classroom to broaden their horizons as young, inspiring artists. SKA and its students had lots of fun at our recent summer camp workshop! For more information about our summer camp workshops, stop by the front desk!

Students’ final products at the Printmaking Workshop.

SKA students in the Printmaking


SKA group picture at Anna Falls.

SKA group picture in Helen before the tubing trip!

TAILGATERS FOR THE HUNGRY & HOMELESS | Bring in your donations soon for donations for the needy! HOMEWORK | Come to class prepared by bringing your materials and printing out concept pictures for upcoming contests! TOGETHER WE CAN | Sign up to be a member of the Together We Can Foundation. Members will learn how to grow their own or-ganic gardens, help communities by fundraising and providing for the less fortunate, and a lot of other fun activities!

SKA’s New Partnership Here at Together We Can Foundation, our mission is to as-sist communities by educating participants about the im-portance of healthy life styles while providing shelter and support for those who are not as fortunate. Participants will engage in informative lectures about farming organic pro-duce and how to cultivate their own gardens in their back-yards. With the seasonal harvests, TWC Foundation will do-nate the produce to local shelters and offer culinary classes for engagers to learn recipes that are a lot healthier and still enjoyable to promote healthy diets. TWC Foundation also intends to assist the homeless by building creative mobile homes to live in. Besides providing food and lodging, TWC Foundation will host fundraisers to collect clothing, basic medications, and donations to attain basic necessities need-ed to live for those who cannot afford such items. Funds col-lected through TWC Foundation will be contributed to pro-mote education for financially troubled families by funding children to attend supplemental art classes and assisting high school graduates, who have the potential, to attend college. At TWC Foundation, we aim to help others live a better and healthier life one step at a time.