2015-04!19!3rd Sunday of Easter B



The edition of Bridgeside Bulletin, Sunday 19th April 2015. Third Sunday of Easter, Year B.

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Sunday 19th April, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter, Year B

Bridgeside Bulletin The weekly Bulletin of the

Catholic Parish of Forster Tuncurry

Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church 33 Lake Street, Forster

St Mary, Star of the Sea Church Cnr Kent & Peel Streets, Tuncurry

Proclaiming Christ to the communities of Forster, Tuncurry and the surrounding districts

Parish Fr Greg Barker (Parish Priest) Mr Greg Byrne (Pastoral Associate) Mrs Sharon Fowle (Administration Associate/Bulletin) Sr Kathryn McCabe (Aboriginal Catholic Ministry)

The Parish Office is at the rear of the Parish Hall and is normally staffed on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 4pm.

Items for inclusion in Bridgeside Bulletin should be received by midday on Thursday.

33 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428 PO Box 67, Forster NSW 2428

P: (02) 6554 6304 F: (02) 6554 6425 W: Forster-Tuncurry.Parish@mn.catholic.org.au


Bulletin Notices: forstertuncurryparish1@gmail.com

Celebrating the Sacraments

Reconciliation is available on Saturday mornings at Tuncurry from 8:30am until the beginning of the 9am Mass, on Saturday afternoons at Forster from 4:45pm until 5:15pm.

Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays, either during any of our Sunday Masses or after the 9am Mass. The next Baptismal Preparation meeting will take place in the Parish Hall’s meeting rooms on Monday 11th May commencing at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Office for more details, or visit the Parish website.

Weddings are celebrated by arrangement and with at least three (and preferably more) months notice. Please contact Fr Greg for more details, or visit the Parish website.

A Sacramental Preparation process runs each year in the Parish for children wishing to complete the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation as part of the Parish community. Please contact the Parish Office for more details, or visit the Parish website.

The Parish hosts the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults process for those adults wishing to be baptised or be received into the communion of the Catholic Church. Please contact the Parish Office for more details, or visit the Parish website.

Search for us on Facebook as ‘Catholic Parish of Forster Tuncurry’

Follow us on Twitter: @ftcatholic

Holy Name Parish School (K-6)

Mr Chris Waters (Principal)

41 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428 PO Box 243, Forster NSW 2428

P: (02) 6554 6504 F: (02) 6554 8895 E: admin@forster.catholic.edu.au W: www.forster.catholic.edu.au

St Clare’s High School, Taree (7-12)

Mr Peter Nicholls (Principal)

Davis Street, Taree NSW 2430

P: (02) 6552 3300 F: (02) 6552 3656 E: admin@tareesc.catholic.edu.au W: www.tareesc.catholic.edu.au


The Parish Diary…(for the week ahead) Monday—20th April

Tuesday—21st April 9am Christian Meditation (Bob 6555 5914) 3:30pm Holy Hour @ Tuncurry 4:30pm Afternoon Prayer @ Tuncurry 5:30pm Christian Meditation (Bob 6555 5914)

Wednesday—22nd April 9am Mass @ Forster 9:30am MenAlive @ Forster 11:15am Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help @

Forster 7pm 1st Preparation Evening for Sacrament of


Thursday—23rd April 9am Mass @ Forster 7pm Women’s Prayer Group (Natasha 0407 589 935)

Friday—24th April 9:30am Mass @ Forster

Saturday—25th April Anzac Day

8.30am Reconciliation @ Tuncurry 9am Mass at Tuncurry 4.45pm Reconciliation @ Forster (until 5:15pm) 6pm Vigil @ Tuncurry

Sunday—26th April 7am Mass @ Tuncurry 9am Mass @ Forster

Regular Activities in the Parish

Christian Meditation Our Parish hosts opportunities for the practice of Christian meditation on Tuesdays at two distinct times, 9am and 5:30pm. Phone Bob on 6555 5914 for further information.

Women’s Bible Study Group Our Parish hosts a Women’s Bible Study Group that meets every Thursday evening from 7pm to 8pm. For more information contact Natasha on 0407 589 935.

Holy Hour The Parish community observes a Holy Hour each Tuesday afternoon in the Tuncurry Church from 3:30pm until the beginning of Mass at 4:30pm.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help The Novena is prayed every Wednesday in the Forster church commencing at 11:15am and is followed by a cuppa in the Parish Hall. For more information contact Shioney on 6554 9468.

Singing Practice Singing group will take a break over the Easter holidays and will resume at Forster on Tuesday 28th April at 5:30pm.

The menALIVE Groups Our Parish currently hosts two menALIVE groups. The daytime group will next meet on Wednesday 22nd April after the 9am Mass and the evening group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 7.30pm.

Secular Franciscan Fraternity The Secular Franciscans Fraternity will next meet on Wednesday 6th May 2015, coming together for Mass at 9am, followed by a cuppa at 9:30am and then the meeting 10am to 12pm.

Maintenance & Gardening Group The gardening team will have their next reunion wil on Thursday 21st May. Contact Howard 6557 6826 for more information.

Evening Prayer & Benediction The Parish community celebrates on the first Sunday of each month at 5:30pm in the Tuncurry church. It will celebrated on Sunday 3rd May 2015. All welcome. (Not celebrated in April—Easter Sunday)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word The next Liturgy of the Word for children aged 4-12 will be on Sunday 3rd May 2015 at the 9am Mass. A morning tea will follow Mass.

Collection of Foodstuffs for Homebase The next collection of foodstuffs in support of Homebase is today Sunday 3rd May 2015.

Mark Allan Zoe Allen

Leteesha Amato Izaac Boag

Georgia Daley Ruby Daley

Madison Darcy Rhyan Dodds

Rory Falk Alice Fowle

Ashleigh Harris Keegan Herb Kade Hickson Lily Hodges

Bayley Joughin Amelia Joughin

Olivia Keen Harrison Le Rougetel

Bridan McNamara Savannah Murray

Cooper Payne Mitchell Provost

Mauro Ragno Joseph Reardon

Amelia Robertson Amy Rowell

Clare Rozario Clary Russell Rory Russell

Olivia Van Haren Genevieve Wayte

Grace Wicks

Please Pray for the Children participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation in May


From the Pastor’s Desk… Dear Parish Family,

Someone said to me recently ‘you know Father, you can’t save everyone!’ It’s not a very accurate statement: it was a well-intentioned reflection mind you, designed, I am sure, to take some of the pressure off and in particular some anxiety over a soul to be saved. The reality of course as we all know is that I can’t save anyone. At most and best, I am a well-intentioned vessel of some bigger, broader and all powerful being. So are you. Whilst we don’t save anyone we work for the one who does.

I often say to people, that I think we too often ask the wrong question of ourselves and our God. It’s not what would Jesus do but more to the point what would Jesus have me do? I know in this weekend’s Gospel we find the heart of what Jesus would have me do;

‘So you see how it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that, in his name, repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses to this.’ Luke 24:48 (the bold is my addition.)

So whilst I can save no one I have to share with others the reality of the saving power of Christ that is in my own life. We can’t give that lip service as a powerful tool for inviting others to experience what we have experienced and continue to experience. There is nothing more attractive than a person enthused about their own vocation, nothing more credible than the one who puts it courageously into practice. It’s not “bible bashing” but living the life we have been given with all its tremors and traumas. It can be difficult to suffer and to make sense of it in faith, but we do and that is powerful witness.

The challenge often enough is making our faith as normal as buying milk. A normal part of our daily conversation as talking about the movie we saw or the dinner we had, and in the same normal way. ‘At church on Sunday I saw ……’ ‘I was struggling with X and the prayers of the faithful reminded me to …’ After Mass we went to …for coffee and ….’ I got a real thrill from being an extraordinary minister of communion this week because ….’ Normal stuff really.

We can be sure that we know God only by keeping his commandments. 1 Jn 2: 3

What are his commandments? to love God, love your neighbour and love yourself! And not just the ones we find acceptable.

Often we notice in the events of Jesus’ life that he never seems to get around to asking what people have done before he heals them, welcomes them, accepts them. When he separates sheep from goats it’s those who didn’t visit, feed or clothe that are condemned not by God but by their actions. Maybe they were the ones who couldn’t give because they might waste, or visit because the crime was too great, or clothe because they might have drunk their pay? I don’t know but I do know this, it doesn’t seem to matter to Jesus.


Greg (Father)

From Horseback to Hatchback Living an Authentic Pastoral Ministry Today Join with clergy, pastoral associates, parish pastoral council members, other parish ministers and workers at 9am on Tuesday 5th May to 3pm and Wednesday 6th May at Dooley’s Lidcombe Catholic Club, Sydney.

Explore our Catholic missionary origins in Australia, and apply our discoveries to our new missionary fields today. What mode of transport do we need for today and tomorrow? Where are the new fields and paddocks and laneways where we are called to serve?

The ongoing challenge of Pope Francis, is to smell like the sheep. Who are the sheep? Where are sheep these days? And what about the shepherds? Keynote speakers include: Bishop Eugene Hurley, Fr Ed Campion, Sr Kari Hatherell OSU and Mr Richard McMahon.

Early bird $150 until April 24. Full fee $175 until May 4. http://www.trybooking.com/128530. General enquiries to Christine 0450 371 983. Conference organised by NSW Association of Pastors, Pastoral Associates and Parish Workers.


Pacific Emergency Appeal By now you are well aware of the devastating cyclone to hit Vanuatu. Caritas has opened a Pacific Emergency Appeal to respond to the urgent and immediate needs such as food, shelter and clean water to support the devastation.

The Appeal has raised $564.60 to date. A final collection will take place after Masses again this weekend.

Please give generously.

Alternatively, donations can be made directly at the Caritas website www.caritas.org.au

Vocation View What could convince someone to turn to God? That God became man and is the sacrifice that takes our sins away. Let us pray - Lord Jesus, make Your work plain to us and set our hearts no fire with love when You speak. Enable us to respond to the call to be witnesses of Your love. For more information regarding Vocations contact Fr Brian Mascord on 02 4979 1112 or vocations@mn.catholic.org.au

Baptised with Water and the Spirit This weekend we witness the baptism of Kylah Joughin, daughter of Christine and Jason.

May the gift of baptism received strengthen Kylah in her journey of life and faith she will share with us. Please remember Kylah and her family in your prayers.

Email Addresses Further to Fr. Greg’s request at Mass last week, we have placed a form at the rear of the church to enable you to include your email details. There is also a box to place a business card as an alternative.

Please also note the new Parish email address is now Forster-Tuncurry.Parish@mn.catholic.org.au

Thanks for your generosity Once more parishioners have shown their generosity by donating $2,142.10 to Project Compassion.

Guiding Children’s Faith Journey Are you interested in guiding children on part of their faith journey? Catholic Special Religious Education (SRE) / Scripture classes continue in this Parish community at Forster 9.30 – 11.00am, Tuncurry 11.20am – 12.30pm and Pacific Palms PS. Currently, because of family, health and work the current SRE teachers require enthusiastic, caring, supportive volunteers to help with classes on Fridays of the school Term. All support will be offered to assist the volunteer. Mentoring is offered to new recruits also. For more information contact loretta.heffernan@mn.catholic.org.au / 0408 895 951 or parish office 6554 6304.

Under One Sky The African Children’s Choir Australian Tour 2015 includes a performance at the Manning Entertainment Centre on Monday 1st June, at 7.30pm. The St. Joseph’s Primary and St. Clare’s High Schools Combined Choir will also be performing. Adults $25, Children/Concession $15. Tickets available from the Manning Entertainment Centre on 6592 5466.

There will also be a public workshop on Tuesday 2nd June at 7pm. Adult $15, Child/Concession $10. Tickets available from St. Joseph’s in Taree on 6557 7031.

Further information is available at the rear of the church.

Sacramental Program—Confirmation 1st Preparation Evening for the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place this Wednesday 22nd April at 7pm in the Church Hall .


Communion from the Chalice when Sick The occurrences of colds and flu are currently increasing, a reminder to everyone to consider the wellbeing of your fellow parishioners.

If you are not feeling well, we would respectfully ask you to please refrain from receiving Communion from the Chalice during Mass.

Parishioners in Hospital/Aged Care Due to “Privacy Legislation” the parish can no longer ascertain names of people in hospitals or aged care facilities. It is essential that family and friends inform the Church office if one of their loved ones is admitted to such a facility.

Homily by Richard Leonard SJ Sometimes the lectionary cuts a gospel story off too soon. Today we hear from the last chapter of Luke’s Gospel where there are four accounts of how the disciples came to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. In the first two stories Mary Magdalene and then Peter come to see that Jesus has been raised from the dead because they found his tomb empty. The third story is set on the Road to Emmaus. Today’s gospel is where Jesus appears to the apostles and disciples en masse, but it finishes at verse 48. In the next few verses Jesus tells the disciples that he is sending them out to be his witnesses in the world, and then he ascends to the Father.

The Church finishes the passage early because it does not want to pre-empt the feast of the Ascension, but by doing so it does the story an injustice. We are used to hearing how the Road to Emmaus mirrors what we do here at Mass each Sunday. But if we include Luke chapter 24, verses 49 to 50, then we can see that today’s Gospel does the same thing. The verbs tell the story. In today’s Gospel Jesus is present to the disciples; he gives himself to them to be seen and held; he eats with them; teaches them about the scriptures; and he commissions them to go out.

As a result of that first Easter we gather here each Sunday to remember and make Easter present again. This is the reason, for example, we talk about the 40 days of Lent when in fact there are 45 days from Ash Wednesday to the Easter Vigil. In or outside the Easter season Sundays are always days of the Resurrection. And just like the first Easter Sunday we believe that Christ continues to invite us here; to teach us about how to understand the scriptures and live them out in our daily lives; is present to us, to have and to hold, in his Word, this community, the presider and in a special way in the Eucharistic meal; and that he sends us out to proclaim his saving love with heroic joy.

To enable us to do all this we receive the same gift Jesus gave the first disciples as well, the gift of peace. But sometimes we have to get creative about how we achieve it, like the old man who purchased a retirement home near a high school. He spent the first few weeks in peace and contentment. Then a new school year began. The very next afternoon three young men came down his street beating merrily on every rubbish bin they encountered. The crashing percussion continued day after day, until finally the old man decided to take some action. The next afternoon, he walked out to meet the young percussionists. He called out, ‘You kids are a lot of fun. Will you do me a favour? I'll give you each a dollar if you'll promise to come around every day and do your

thing.’ The kids were elated and continued to do a bang-up job on the rubbish bins. A few days later, the retiree approached them again, ‘Look’ he said. ‘I haven't received my pension cheque this month, so I'm not going to be able to give you more than 25 cents. Will that be okay?’ ‘25 cents?’ the drum leader exclaimed. ‘If you think we're going to waste our time beating these bins for 25 cents, you're nuts! No way, mister. We quit!’ And the old man enjoyed peace and quiet for the rest of his days.

So as Christ sends us forth today, may we be wise about how we can create some happiness and peace around us as well.

© Richard Leonard SJ.

“So you see how it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that, in h i s n a m e , repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all the nations, b e g i n n i n g from Jerusalem. You are witnesses to this.”

Little White Books Enjoy six minutes of daily reflections for the Easter season with a little white book. Available from the rear of the church for $5.


Kid’s Corner You will be forgiven

Across 3: the man who ordered that Jesus be crucified

7: God _ _ _ _ _ _ Jesus from death

9: the disciples saw Jesus on the road leading to this place

10: when Jesus appeared the disciples thought they were seeing

a _ _ _ _ _

11: Jesus appeared to the disciples on the _ _ _ _ to Emmaus

Down 1: you do this when you are hungry

2: the people you care about and like to spend time with are

your _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4: someone who leads

5: Jesus explained the Scriptures, which said he would rise

from death after this many days

6: Peter said to the people, “Give up your _ _ _ _, and you will

be forgiven”

8: Jesus told the disciples that all people of every _ _ _ _ _ _

should be told what had happened

10: the opposite of bad

1 2

3 4



7 8




Acts 3:13-15. 17-19

Ps 4:1ab & 1ef. 3. 6cd-7a. R. v.7b

Lk 24:35-48


Opportunities Outside The Parish

RCIA Mass RCIA Mass of Celebration with Neophytes will be held on Sunday 19th April at 9:30am at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Diocesan Mass of Celebration with Neophytes 9.30am at the Cathedral Hamilton. Morning tea will be served after Mass.

Assembly of Catholic Professionals Luncheon—Kevin Bailey Lunch will be held on Thursday 30th April at 12pm at Fort Scratchley Function Centre, Newcastle East. Assembly of Catholic Professionals Members - Free, $110 guest. To book phone 4979 1261 or email acp@mn.catholic.org.au

SafeTALK Suicide Prevention Awareness Program This program will be held on Friday 24th April at 9am at Woodberry Family Centre, 11-13 Lawson Ave, Woodberry. No cost. Companions must register at www.goodgrief.org.au. All other participants please P 4979 1355 or E jenny.harris@mn.catholic.org.au

Diocesan Formation

Remaining Faithful will be held on Saturday 2nd May at 9am at Holy Spirit Catholic Infants School Hall, Abermain. Part I of the diocesan formation for 'Sunday Celebrations in Anticipation of Eucharist' is being hosted by the Cessnock and Kurri Parishes on Saturdays in May. This is a community formation process and invites the participation of all members of the parish community.

Mum’s Night Out TWEC’s Mums’ Night Out will be held on Wednesday 6th May at 5:30pm at West Wallsend Workers Club, Carrington St, West Wallsend. RSVP 30th April on 4939 9601 or twec@ssjl.org.au.

TWEC Dinner Annual TWEC Dinner with Phil Glendenning will be held on Friday 8th May at 6:30pm at the Therry Centre, New England Highway, East Maitland. Phil Glendenning is the Director of the Edmund Rice Centre and is currently President of the Refugee Council of Australia. RSVP by 30 April to Secretary P 4930 9601 E twec@ssjl.org.au. Cost for hors d'oeuvres, drinks, main meal and dessert is $60 per person. Tables of 10 & individual bookings are available.

Mission: One Heart, Many Voices Conference Conference will be held on Monday 18th May at SMC Conference Centre, 66 Goulburn St, Sydney. Mission: One Heart, Many Voices is for those inspired to strive creatively for justice, truth, peace, freedom,

reconciliation and the Reign of God. Visit www.mohmv.com.au for more information or P Catholic Mission 9919 7800.

Annual Lord Mayor’s Prayer A breakfast will be held on Friday 19th June at 6:45am at Wests New Lambton, Starlight Room. The purpose of the Lord Mayor's Breakfast is to acknowledge God, the power of prayer and to invite the blessing of God over the City of Newcastle and her people. Visit www.lmpb.org.au for more information.

Family Faith Forum Faith Forum 2015 will be held on Friday 22nd May at Toohey Room, Diocesan Offices, 841 Hunter Street, Newcastle West. Sacramental teams, catechists, teachers and priests are invited to explore how parishes might journey with families for the Sacraments of Initiation. Bishop Bill will launch the new policy, “Becoming Disciples”.

The Human Search A Buddhist-Christian Conversation will be held on Tuesday 9th June at 10am at Level 5, 141 Harrington Street, The Rocks. Aquinas Academy course allows participants to take part in a conversation that explores some fundamental questions relating to our being human together. When: 4 Tuesday mornings, 10am - 12pm, 9th-30th June. Where: Level 5, 141 Harrington Street, The Rocks Cost: $132/person (including notes).

Direct Debit Planned Giving We now have direct debit facilities available at the office. We would like to encourage you to use this option for your weekly planned giving, particularly if you think you will be spending time away during the year. Application forms can be found at the rear of the church. If you have any questions please contact the Parish office.

Catholic Newspapers Available Both The Catholic Leader (Brisbane) and The Catholic Weekly (Sydney) newspapers are available at a cost of $2 each from our churches.

Gardening Group Needs Your Help Consider joining the Gardening Group. They are fun to be around and always have the most delicious cake available to share at morning tea, following their endeavours. Please consider getting involved. Their next reunion will be on Thursday 21st May. Call Howard 6557 6826 for more information.


Scripture Readings This Week

Today Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 1 John 2:1-5 Luke 24:35-48 Monday Acts 6:8-15 John 6:22-29 Tuesday Acts 7:51—8:1 John 6:30:35 Wednesday Acts 8:1-8 John 6:35-40 Thursday Acts 8:26-40 John 6:44-51 Friday Acts 9:1-20 John 6:52-59 Saturday Acts 6:1-7 John 6:16-21 Sunday Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 1 John 2:1-5 Luke 24:35-48

Today’s Liturgy of the Word

Responsorial Psalm Response: Lord, let your face shine on us.

Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! Lord Jesus, make your word plain to us: make our hearts burn with love when you speak. Alleluia!

In your charity, please pray for:

Those recently deceased. Shirley Doody.

Those whose anniversaries occur about now. Thelma Nelson, Bonnie Favero, Martin Dunn, John Joseph Hope.

All those in our community who are sick.

Ministers this Weekend... ...of the Word ...of Communion

6pm Tuncurry

A: Frank Hayman B: Kylie Hall

Margaret Smith, Maureen Pye, Neil Pye, Owen Carroll, Pat Hooker.

7am Tuncurry A: Genevieve Williamson B: Chris Matuszny

Alex Matuszny, Fred Liackman, Genevieve Williamson, Lorraine Clark, Norm Chapman.

9am Forster A: Kyla Loring B: Kris Koch

Alan McCarthy, Anne Hartman, Coral McCarthy, Josie Beech, Shioney Neal.

Ministers next Weekend... ...of the Word ...of Communion

6pm Tuncurry A: Valarie Ross B: Geraldine Mullin

Kathryn McCabe, Michael Amato, Valarie Ross, additional volunteers required.

7am Tuncurry A: Kay Griffiths B: Fred Liackman

Alex Matuszny, Cecile Malone, Cushla Drake, Edna Tucker, Kay Griffiths.

9am Forster A: Trevor Turner B: Barbara Dolahenty

Anne Moloney, Barbara Kermode, Greg Byrne, Rhiannon Temesvary, Rob Temesvary.

Please note: The above information reflects the rosters as originally published, and doesn’t take account of any ‘swaps’ that may have been organised between individuals.

Text: Excerpts from the English Translation of the Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL); Music: From the Mass of St Francis © 2010, Paul Taylor. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Australian Agent—LicenSing Online Lic No. 624844.
