2015-2016 Annual Report COMMUNITY IMPACT · 2017-08-16 · Joseph M. Bryan Foundation Kate B....


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Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc.Family Service of Greensboro Foundation, Inc.

Family Service of High Point Foundation, Inc.


2015-2016 Annual Report

more clients than ever, all of our programs met or exceeded target outcomes. Just as important, the results from our client satisfaction survey were stellar,with 98% of our clients reporting that they are “verysatisfied” or “satisfied” with our services. In addition,staff satisfaction remains high and voluntary staffturnover is only 12%.

While our overall annual budget increased by 9% tomore than $7.4 million, the agency’s indirect cost rateremained a low 10%. This means that 90 cents ofevery dollar Family Service receives directly supportsour programs and services! In addition, we have increased year-end assets for the sixth consecutiveyear and have maintained a solid operating reserve to safeguard against unexpected negative cash flow.

Additional successes include: • Grant awards of over $2.6 million from the Cone Health Foundation and Foundation for a Healthy High Point over the next three years to enhance and expand our Integrated Care Program in Greensboroand High Point.• Partnering with the Guilford County Family JusticeCenter, which resulted in a 62.5% increase in thenumber of victims we served; • Adding a Medical Director for Psychiatry and aMedical Director of Primary Care to provide supervision for our prescribers, training on best practice and general oversite of our behavioral healthand primary care programs;• Development of a Master Funding Plan that willguide our agency as we maximize the community impact of our programs and services, and will determine the resources needed to fully achieve ourcurrent strategic plan and Agency Mission; and• Strengthening of agency infrastructure to increase efficiency – including electronic billing, ElectronicHealth Records, and other improvements to increaseproductivity and decrease risk of downtime and lost information.

Staff, partners, volunteers and donors are all connected to the work of building safe and healthyfamilies. This network of connections, all working together for a common purpose, allows Family Serviceof the Piedmont to meet the needs of so many in our community.

Tom CampbellPresident & CEOFamily Service of the Piedmont, Inc.

Rudy Clark2016-2017 ChairFamily Service of the Piedmont Board

1 Family Service of the Piedmont

Our mission at Family Service of the Piedmont is allabout Making Connections and Meeting Needs. It is about building relationships between our clients,staff, volunteers, partners and donors. The past yearhas demonstrated the effectiveness of these relationships in meaningful client outcomes, positiveclient and staff satisfaction surveys, reliable and appropriate referrals, trusting partnerships, relevantand expanding programs, and successful fundraising.

Strong community partnerships are essential for thehealth of our agency. Family Service is “at the table”for all community initiatives relevant to our mission, including the Guilford County Family Justice Center,High Point’s Victim Justice Center, Say Yes to Education, Ready for School Ready for Life, GuilfordCounty Community Health Assessment, Healthy Relationships Initiative, Victim Providers Network, and United Way of Greater Greensboro’s Family Success Center. Our connections with funding partners (see list on this page) are also solid, and are key to our agency’s financial health.

Connections are also necessary in developing awareness, support and engagement among our volunteers and donors. Last year more than 400volunteers assisted in raising awareness of our agency through community and fundraising events,which were attended by more than 3,000 people.Our total fundraising efforts brought in more than$1.2 million with expenses of only 11%, resulting in record net fundraising proceeds of $1.1 million!

Making connections leads to meeting needs for the families and children we serve. Family Servicecontinues to see high demand for our services: last year, 17,346 children and adults received top-quality, direct service that was provided by our129 highly-trained staff. And even though we served

Message from the President & Board Chair

Our FundersFamily Service of the Piedmont is grateful to receive funding from the following private foundations

and charitable institutions which supported our agency in the 2015-2016 year:

United Way of Greater GreensboroUnited Way of Greater High PointUnited Way of Alamance County

Bank of America FoundationCemala Foundation

Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Cone Health Foundation

Ecolab Foundation Food Lion Foundation

Foundation for a Healthy High Point Hillsdale Fund

High Point Community FoundationJoseph M. Bryan Foundation

Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Lincoln Financial Foundation

Mary Lynn Richardson FoundationSusan J. Edwards Foundation

TEGNA Foundation Truliant Federal Credit Union

Verizon Foundation Weaver Foundation

Wells Fargo Foundation

Tom CampbellPresident & CEO


2015-2016 Financials*

REVENUEContributions $263,773 United Ways $1,360,078 Government Grants $2,028,689 Family Service Foundations $1,232,988 Private Foundations $874,086 Program Fees $1,491,624 Other Revenue $13,007 Total $7,264,244

EXPENSESSalaries, Benefits & Personnel $5,677,909 Professional Fees, Contract Labor $121,883 Equipment & Supplies $391,380 Occupancy & Insurance $815,396 Travel, Conferences & Dues $127,445 Special Assistance $8,148 Miscellaneous $34,258 Depreciation $82,835 Total $7,259,253

Surplus $4,991

NET ASSETSFamily Service of the Piedmont..................................................................$769,315

Family Service of Greensboro Foundation..............................................................$3,429,858

Family Service of High Point Foundation................................................................$3,061,915

* preliminary pre-audited figures

2015-2016clients served

“It wasn’t peer pressure, just something Iwanted to do. I enjoyed drinking and smoking marijuana,” Richard says. “After high school I experimented with different drugs. I liked how it made me feel.” Then one day Richardhad dental surgery and the doctor prescribedVicodin.

By the time the prescription ran out, he was addicted. “It was easy to get them on thestreet,” he recalls. But this drug did somethingthe others had not done, it changed him andhis life began to fall apart. His marriageended. He became a full blown addict.

There were years of ups and downs. After awhile, Richard had managed to get clean andput his life back together. He was happily

remarried, had a good job and a good relationship with his adult daughter. Until oneday he needed another dental surgery and thedoctor prescribed Vicodin again. “I told myselfthat I could handle it this time,” Richard remembers. “But I couldn’t. My life went fromvery good to very bad very fast.” He knew thiswas not only affecting himself, but also his relationship with his wife and his family. Heknew he needed help.

Somewhere along the line, someone had given Richard a flyer for Family Service of the Piedmont. He called and made an appoint-ment. He began therapy with Harry Suggs, anAdult Substance Abuse Therapist, and joined a support group. The journey has been difficult,Suggs says, but “Richard maintains a strong

commitment to his recovery. He is now doing remarkably well in his recovery by total abstinence from all drugs.”

Recently Richard spoke at an event for FamilyService donors. After he shared his story andwas leaving, a local dentist approached him. He told Richard that he’d noticed his dentalwork had not been completed and asked if that was something he would like to take careof. Richard was apprehensive. “I was scared I would fall back into addiction,” he admits, “but the doctor assured me he would hold me accountable and help me through. He toldme that he wanted to give me back my smile.”With a large beautiful smile, Richard concluded, “I did it. I’m here. I’m clean. Family Service of the Piedmont saved my life.”

2016 Impact Report 2

The Road to Recovery

Tom Campbell,President & CEO

Steve Hess,Chief Program Officer

Becky Hunt,Compliance Officer/

Director of Human Resources

Jody SusongChief Advancement Officer

Chip TurnerChief Financial Officer

Rudy Clark, Board ChairGwen Willis, Vice ChairMargaret Penn, Treasurer

Kathy Dick, SecretaryGeorge Ragsdale, Immediate Past Chair

Tom Campbell, President/CEO

Lindsey AumanDavid BergenErica Best-Hunt

Kip BlakelyCurtis Collins

Kimberly CrewsManuel DudleyEddie EdwardsJay Haldeman

Reid Marks

Reid MarshKay Miller

Joan McGeachyShelley Olds

Anne OsborneMichael Schlosser

Michael SmithLeslye Tuck

Davette Williams

Kay Miller, ChairMichael Smith, Vice Chair

John Bencini, TreasurerJanice Kubinski, Secretary

Elizabeth Finch, Immediate Past ChairHeather Singer, Guild PresidentTom Campbell, President/CEO

Beachy AllenNancy AmosCourtney BestMark Clark

Matthew CochraneDebbie Cottam

Moo Moo CouncillDonna CumbyLouise Foster

Jeff HorneyWilliam LaneyJane McAllisterBill McGuinnMatt Nowell

Rosalyn PaulingCathy Procton

Kerry RiceCaren York

Lindsey Auman, ChairLeslye Tuck, Vice Chair

Matthew Rankin, TreasurerTina Forsberg, Secretary

Kim Holleman, Immediate Past ChairMojgan Jordan, Guild PresidentTom Campbell, President/CEO

Lynn BlackVanessa CarrollDonald DibbleAnita GrahamBeth HarringtonDaniela HelmsRon JohnsonSterling KellyKim Ketchum

Milly KingThais Lewis

Indira Lindsay-RobertsCarol McCoyChad OakleyDianne PuschDon Vaughan

Carolyn WaltersJim Weeks

Chief Administrative


Family Service of High PointFoundation, Inc.

2016-2017Board of Trustees

Family Service of Greensboro Foundation, Inc.

2016-2017Board of Trustees

Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc.

2016-2017Board of Directors

Living Life to the Fullest

3 Family Service of the Piedmont

“My wedding waswhat every young girl dreams of”, Allene recalls. “It was a beautifulchurch ceremony overflowing with people who loved and supported me.”But almost immediately followingthat magical day, her dreams were shattered. Her

husband’s abuse started with slapping, but thenled to more violent acts of shoving, hitting andkicking before it escalated even more. As Alleneexplains, “I was shoved into a small closet witha loaded shotgun in my mouth and was told hewould pull the trigger if I even breathed. I hadmy head thrust in a commode. I was forced towithstand things no human being should everhave to. I learned how to take the physical partfairly well, but the verbal and emotional abusewas much harder to deal with.”

This nightmare continued for thirteen very difficult years. The only bright spots in Allene’slife were her two young daughters. She knewshe should leave but fear kept her in this prison;she didn’t know how to make it happen or howshe could care for her daughters.

Finally, Allene got out. “On January 4th, I wokeup, dressed for work and got the girls ready forschool just like any other day.” But instead ofgoing to work and school, Allene and herdaughters secretly left town that morning.

service insurance and employee benefit consulting firm.

“I hope I can inspire someone to take hold oftheir life and live it to the fullest,” summarizes Allene. “By God’s grace and help, I can truthfully say things have been hard but I have lived my life, before marriage and after marriage, to the very fullest possible. For thatI am eternally thankful.”

Allene says, “All I had was a diesel pick-up truckwith a half-empty tank of diesel fuel, $60 in cash(no credit or debit cards), one change of clothing for each of us, a few toiletries and a white stuffed dog named Spike.” They lefteverything else they had ever known.

Still, she feared her husband’s retaliation. “I couldn’t go to my family because I knew thatwould be the first place he would look,” shesays. “I knew he would accuse me of stealingthe truck and kidnapping the children.” With the help of the local Sheriff, Allene eventuallyconnected with Family Service of the Piedmontand found shelter at Clara House in Greensboro.

Allene and her children stayed at the shelter for six months. “We all received counseling. They helped us with food, clothing and other necessities,” she says. “They helped me write a resume and get job interviews. Most importantly, Family Service helped us to knowlife was not supposed to be what we had knownfor so long. It took a while but eventually I wasable to get an apartment and we started over.”

“Family Service is the most wonderful organization. If it wasn’t for them, I have no idea what would have happened”, Allene says.“More than likely I would not be here today.”Both of Allene’s daughters graduated from college and have successful lives. Through muchhard work and perseverance, Allene went fromtemporary jobs as needed to a permanent jobworking with Employee Benefits. Currently, Allene is a Consultant/Voluntary Benefits PlanAdministrator as a one-third partner in her full

Stronger and SaferAfter months of secrecy and shame,William* was finallyable to tell his father that he wasbeing sexuallyabused by his youth minister.William’s parent’s reacted quickly andcontacted GuilfordCounty Sheriff’s Office to report theabuse. Within

minutes, a detective was on the phone with a child victim advocate at the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC). William and hisfamily were seen at the CAC the followingday.

Knowing it was difficult for William to sharewhat had happened, the victim advocateguided him and his parents though theprocess. She assured them that he would only have to tell his story once to a trained

forensic interviewer. She was there to answer questions, give support and share information and services available.

William’s parents talked about the sense of betrayal they felt, knowing a person theytrusted and considered a friend had harmedtheir child. The advocate assured the parentsthey were not responsible and that their family would get through it.

William and his family started individualand family counseling at Family Serviceof the Piedmont.

While investigating, law enforcement discovered information that led to theidentification of four other victims. Thesechildren were also seen at the Children’sAdvocacy Center, where they and theirfamilies were able to tell their stories andreceive support.

William and his family continue to benefitfrom services at Family Service.

Through ongoing therapy, the support of his family, and the coordinated response fromlaw enforcement and the CAC, William isstronger and safer today.

*Name has been changed to protect the confidentiality of the child and his family.

2016 Impact Report 4

The 2016 Julia B. NileFor Love of Family Awards


forever familya Planned Giving Program

Some things change, but families are forever. The Forever Family Planned Giving Program recognizes individuals who have remembered Family Service in their will, as a beneficiary of retirement or insurance plans or through another planned gift.

If you are interested in joining the Forever Family or to find out more, please contact Jody Susong at (336) 387-6161 x1105 or email jsusong@fspcares.org.

Lynn and John Black

The Estate of Ray BurrowThe Ray and Tanya Burrow

Family Fund

Tom Campbell

The Estate of Sarah W. Cooke

Candy and Bill Fenn

Alyce and Eric Hill

Ronald P. Johnson

Julia B. Nile

Anne and Pete Osborne

Bunnie and Mike SmithCharlie B. Smith Memorial For Love of Family Fund

Jody and Doug Susong

The Estate of Leah Tannenbaum

Recognizing individuals who have made a lasting impression on Family Service of the Piedmont and

the Greensboro and High Point communities.

Honor Societies

Families First Honor SocietyFamily Service of High Point Foundation

Families First Honor SocietyFamily Service of Greensboro Foundation

Terry AikenBeachy and Dan AllenNancy and Lin Amos

Sallie and Tony BardelasShea and Brian Barnett

Stephanie and Michael BeaverDeane and Stan Belk

Courtney BestDawn and Arthur Bingham

Beth BreeceEmilee and Brack Brigman

Claire BrinsonAnn and Charles CainSusan and Mark ClarkKitty and Earl Congdon

Debbie CottamBarbara and Paul Coughlin

Amanda CovingtonKatherine and Ned Covington

Kimberly CrewsCatharine and Frosty Culp

Leslie and Iv CulpDonna Cumby

Doris DealMary Eliza and Chip Duckett

Candy and Bill FennHeather and Cody FieldenElizabeth and Sandy Finch

Louise FosterLisa and Rick Gilliam

Stephanie and Michael GoldmanJim GoodingChris GreenePam Greene

David HayworthWhitney and Bill Heard

Alyce and Eric HillBill Horney

Claire and Jeff Horney

Linda and Tim IldertonSuzy and Harold Johnson

Mary and Wes KeeverJanice Kubinski

Gina LaneyNancy Laney

Kim and Reid MarshJane and Ken McAllister

Carroll Ann and Jeff MillerKay and Phil Miller

Jef MorganCheryl and Gabriele Natale

Rena and Mark NorcrossLenny PetersSallie PhillipsCathy Procton

Maria PuschinskyMariana and Nido Qubein

Cindy and Kerry RiceEmilie Rogers

Kathy and Steve RohrbeckLesley Rosser

Kerie Beth ScottJeannie Sedberry

Julie and Bill ShamburgMarsha Slane

Bunnie and Mike SmithCondon Smith

David S. ThompsonJeanné ThornKelly VaughanLeigh Wagner

Miriam WagnerLyndon and Kay WallGray and Jim Wehrley

Betty and Mark WilliamsonDoug WitcherChris Wynne

Missy AkinAdair Armfield

Tom and Karen ArmstrongLindsey and Frank Auman

Lori AycockRobin and Quint Barefoot

Cyenthia BarkerLynn Black

Pat and Ken BrooksLisa and Willie Bullock

Barbara and Dan CaffreyVanessa and Roy Carroll

Kay CashionDot and Clyde CollinsSally and Alan Cone

Diane Conterno-NeesePat and Pete Cross

Dixie CulverThe Honorable Aldona Wos

and Louis DeJoyLeah and David Edgerton

John EllisonPeggy and Marion FollinTina and Dan Forsberg

Judy FrederickBud FredianiRick Gabriel

Lisa and Sam GanemLaura Gasiorek

Lynne O. GladstoneAngie and Robert HagerJen and Jay Haldeman

Pam and Steve HassenfeltDaniela Helms

Fay and Mike HoggardKim Holleman

Jo and John HughesBonnie and Bynum Hunter

Muriel InabnetMary and Rodney Ingram

Jill Wilson and Marc IsaacsonLiz and Dave Johnson

Ron JohnsonMojgan JordanPaul KennedyKim Ketchum

Leslie and Robert KetnerCharisse and Phil Kleinman

Becky KoontsAmy and Fritz Kreimer

Lex KulmanPhyllis Lancaster

Anne and Pearce LandrySunny and J.D. Lawson

Liza and Jim LeeGeorgia Lineback

Glorine LuperMichael and Rebekah Mango

Jack MarkhamCarol McCoy

Mary McGinleyPatty and Bill McIvorSylvia and Jim Merritt

Richard NaultBetty Hughes Nichols

Dottie B. and Billy NuttAnne and Pete Osborne

Hoyt PhillipsSandy and Marshall Pittman

Lee PressonDonna and Don PulitzerDianne and Kevin Pusch

Elizabeth RankinCarla and Stephen Robinson

Kitty RobisonJudy and Mark Roy

Rebecca and Mike SchlosserMeredith Scott

Leigh and Carl SeagerJoy Shavitz

Sue SimmonsShirley SpearsAllene Spruill

Laura and Mike SteenKay Stern

Lynne and Karl StonecipherLeigh and Craig SudbrinkChris and Kevin Supple

Ellen and Sig TannenbaumLeslye and Marshall Tuck

Marti and Robin TylerSally and Jim WeeksJudy and Len WhiteCarolyn Woodruff

Lauren and David Worth

Chris Greene’s interest in Family Service of the Piedmont began during her career as a counselor at Ragsdale High School. She became aware of the agency’s work in the High Point area and knew it was something she needed to get involved in.

Chris served on the Family Service of HighPoint Board in the 1990’s. In 2000, she rejoined the board of the new Family Service of High Point Foundation, serving on variouscommittees and eventually as Vice Chair, thenFoundation Chair in 2004. She subsequentlyserved on the Family Service of the PiedmontBoard through 2012, eventually as BoardChair.

As Chair, Chris’s focus was on building relationships with local and state governmentsand decision-makers throughout GuilfordCounty. She says her proudest achievements include expanding relationships in Jamestown,including with the Ragsdale Family YMCA, asFamily Service established its presence there,and introducing last year's For Love of Familyaward winner Pete Callahan to the agency.

Chris and her husband Charlie have supportedthe agency for many years through the AnnualCampaign, Endowment and Oyster Roast, aswell as other gifts. Chris is a motivator and mentor of many in the High Point andJamestown communities. She was recognizedin 2015 as Honorary Chair of the JamestownPig Pickin’. She is a charter member of the Families First Honor Society.

Chris is very involved with philanthropy andcommunity building both locally and nationally.Her work with the United Way of Greater HighPoint has realized significant gains. She is apast President of the American Association ofState Counseling Boards.

Eric Calhoun joined the Family Service ofGreensboro Foundation board in 2006 at therequest of then chair Sunny Lawson. He servedfor eight years, bringing his business acumen tobear on the Investment Committee and as Co-Chair of the Endowment Committee.

In 2009 Eric co-chaired a successful AnnualCampaign along with Dottie B. Nutt, whichraised 113% of its goal. He and his wife Mary have been longtime supporters of FamilyService through the Annual Campaign and theGreensboro Oyster Roast. Mary painted the artwork used for the Oyster Roast invitationfrom 2007 through 2009.

After leaving the Foundation in 2012, Eric remained involved in fundraising and friend-raising for Family Service. He beganhosting informal events at his home to educatesupporters and introduce new friends to theagency. These events became known as “Beerat Eric’s” and soon proved an effective way toshare the work of Family Service with others ina more casual setting. They were instrumentalin the 2015 Endowment Building Campaignwhich raised $300,000 to name the agency’sGreensboro service center The Families FirstCenter, and increased the Foundation’s Endowment to more than $1 Million.

Eric remains a tireless advocate for Family Service of the Piedmont in the Greensboro community. “What inspired me about the workof Family Service was the fact that it worksholistically with families and the fundamental aspects of challenges they face,” he says.

Eric’s other community service includes 25years on the board of the Greensboro ScienceCenter, and 14 years on the board of Greensboro Day School.


5 Family Service of the Piedmont

Family Service is grateful to the many individuals, businesses and groups who sustain us in our vision of building safe and healthy families. While it is not possible to list all our donors, Family Service would like to give special thanks to the following supporters who gave to

our agency during the 2015-2016 year.

Every effort has been made to ensure donor information is complete and correct. If you find any errors or omissions, please accept our apology and bring it to our attention by calling (336) 801-1154.

Our Donors

Diamond Donors ($10,000 - $19,999)

Emerald Donors($5,000 - $9,999)

Sapphire Donors ($2,500 - $4,999)

Ruby Donors ($1,000 - $2,499)

Albion AssociatesLindsey and Frank Auman

BluezoomBuchanan Printing & Graphics

Lisa and Willie BullockThe Clark Foundation, Inc./

Susan and Mark Clark/Keith ClarkColumbia Forest ProductsJane and Barry Deaton

Dormition of the Theotokos GreekOrthodox Church

Fink's JewelersFurnitureland South, Inc.

High Point Bank and TrustHigh Point Jewelers

and Fine GiftsAlyce and Eric Hill

Liz and Dave JohnsonKriegsman Luxury Outerwear

Matthews Mobile MediaMutual Distributing

Richard NaultRena and Mark NorcrossSamet Corp/Sylvia and

Norman Samet, Emilie and ArthurSamet, Leslye and

Marshall TuckSchiffman's JewelersSolstas Lab Partners/

Quest DiagnosticsTCDI

TLC Laser Eye CentersThe Honorable Aldona Wos

and Louis DeJoy

The Foster FoundationThe J. Richard and Sybel F. Hayworth Foundation

Leslie and Robert KetnerCarol McCoy

Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc.

PNCSouthern Event Rental/ James R. Bullock, Jr.

United Guaranty CorporationWells Fargo

Woodruff Family Law

Anonymous (2)BBQ Joe's Country Cooking

The Carroll CompaniesKitty and Earl Congdon

Elm Street Center

Major Contributors ($20,000 and Above)

The Charles E. Hayworth Jr. FoundationLenny Peters Foundation

Bethany Medical Center/Peters Medical ResearchPepper Moon Catering

VF Corporation

Aesthetic Images PhotographyNancy and Lin Amos

St. Francis Episcopal ChurchBank of North Carolina

Robin and Quint BarefootFirst Citizens Bank/Cyenthia

BarkerBassett Furniture

BB&TMandy Black

Box-Board ProductsNancy and Jack BrittsCanter Power Systems

Vanessa and Roy CarrollCentral Carolina Air ConditioningClassic Construction of NC, Inc.

Cogent AnalyticsColonial, LLC

Courtyard Commons - Apartments on W. Main

Culp, Inc.D.H. Griffin Construction Co.

Pittman/Whitener FoundationCathy Procton

Dianne and Kevin PuschRalph Lauren Corporation

Debby ReynoldsKatie and Paul Riggan/Blue Group

RestaurantsMarsha Slane

Carolyn and Belvin SmithLaura and Mike Steen

Diana and Tom StuckeyThomas Tire & Automotive

Kimberly Crews and David S. ThompsonUnitedHealthcareVita Lighting, Inc.Debra Wallace

Well-Spring Retirement CommunityWyndham Championship

High Point Regional HealthHorizon Tool, Inc.

I.H. Caffey Distributing Co.Institutional Insurance GroupInternational Market Centers

Irvin OrthodonticsJOTT

Lex and Brent KulmanLincoln Financial Group

Rebekah and Michael MangoJane and Ken McAllister

The McMichael Family Foundation/Emilee andBrack Brigman/Whitney and

Bill HeardThe Michel Family Foundation

Kay and Phil MillerDiane Conterno-Neese

and Tim NeeseNancy Pickard

Pita DeliteSandy and Marshall

Davis FurnitureThe Deal Foundation

Dixon Hughes Goodman LLPJohn Ellison/The Ellison Company

EyeSalonsFairway Outrdoor Advertising

Elizabeth and Sandy FinchFirst Citizens Bank

Mary S. FisherFlow Land Rover &

Jaguar of GreensboroForeign Cars Italia

Lisa and Sam GanemGreen Ford, Inc.

The Guild of Family Service ofGreensboro Foundation, Inc.

Guilford Technical Community CollegeHarriss and Covington Hosiery

Mills Inc.Deana Hawkins and

Sheri ChamberlinHawthorne Residential Partners

BuzziSpaceBarbara and Dan Caffrey

Tom CampbellCarolina Bank

Betsy and Watts CarrMadison Carroll

CDS Indoor StorageCellular Sales of North Carolina

Michelle and Rudy ClarkVickie and Jimmy Clark

Rebecca ClodfelterColey Cosmetic & Hand Surgery Center

Helen and David CongdonDebbie and Bob Cottam

Crescent FordPat and Pete Cross

Crown BMWLora Cubbage

Culinary Visions CateringCatharine and Frosty Culp

April and Patrick DalyMarie G. Dennett Foundation

Susan and Donald DibbleEast Coast Construction Services, LLC

Edge Water Group, Inc.Leah and David EdgertonEdward Jones Investments/Brian Buttolph, Stan Holt,

Warren LackeyLinda and Lawrence Egerton

Empire Education Group

Essential Health & WellnessCandy and Bill Fenn

Fiber DynamicsHeather and Cody Fielden

First BankTracy and James Flori

Peggy and Marion FollinJudy Frederick

Friendly Dentistry:G. Ribando DDS, B. Semones DDS and M. Wilkinson DDS

Full Moon Oyster BarGalloni's Triad Door Service

Gary Jobe Builder, Inc.Marita and Skipper Gates

Global Brands GroupStephanie and Michael Goldman

Kristine GorsonAnita and Gary GrahamLaura and Robert Green

Greenhouse FabricsGinger and Haynes Griffin

The Guild of Family Service of High Point Foundation, Inc.

Buren and Tom HaggaiDora and Anthony Hairston

Jen and Jay HaldemanHang-Ups Art & Framing

Naomi HarkeyKim and Brad Hayes

Steve HessHigh Point Market Authority

Fay and Mike HoggardKim Holleman

Kathleen Kelly and George HoyleJo and John Hughes

Mary Sansing and Les HurrelbrinkIlderton Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram

Mary and Rodney IngramInternational Textile GroupIrving Park Art & Frame

iSurity, Inc.Jamestown Civitan Club

Jamestown News/YES! WeeklyRon JohnsonEric Jones

Christie Ownbey and Wade JurneyRalph W. Ketner

Kick Ass ConceptsKiwanis Club of High Point

Brad KouryAmy and Fritz Kreimer

Janice KubinskiSally and David Kuratnick

Lake Jeanette Orthodontics & Pediatric DentistryRenee Lauver

LeBauer Allergy & AsthmaLegacy Classic FurnitureThe Lookout FoundationFrances and Frank Lucius

Kim and Reid MarshSandra and Jim Marsh

Martin Marietta

McDonald's of High PointSusan and Mackey McDonald

Caroline and Bill McGuinnMercedes Benz of Greensboro

Mickey Truck Bodies, Inc.Carroll Ann and Jeff Miller

Mount Zion Baptist Church of GreensboroJane and David Murphy

Cheryl and Gabriele NataleNewBridge Bank

Betty Hughes NicholsAshley and J.B. Nosek

Marilyn and Matt NowellKerrie Orrell

Anne and Pete OsbornePackrite, LLC

Palmetto Equity Group, Inc.D. Williams Parker

Elizabeth and Phil PayonkBrad and Margaret PennDonna and Ryder Perkins

Pest Management Systems, Inc.Sallie Phillips

The Earl Phillips Family FoundationKaren and Stanley Pigman

Oliver J. PortmannPortraits, Inc.Praesage, LLC

Premier Federal Credit UnionDonna and Don Pulitzer

Mariana and Nido Qubein

Billy RagsdaleJenny and George RagsdaleAnna and Jonathan RamsdenElizabeth and Matthew Rankin

Claudia and David ReichRhino Times

Cathy and Garson RiceCarla and Stephen RobinsonKathy and Steve RohrbeckBrooke and William Ross

Stephanie RossSalem One, Inc.Same Day Xpress

Samson International, High PointRebecca and Mike Schlosser

Leigh and Carl SeagerSenn Dunn Insurance

SFWJulie and Bill Shamburg

Sharrard, McGee & Co., P.A.Brenna and Scott ShepherdShores Fine Dry Cleaning

Simon JewelersAnn and Dick Smith

Bunnie and Mike SmithSmith Leonard PLLC

Southern Roots Restaurant & CateringShirley Spears

Allene D. SpruillKay SternStratagon

Leigh and Craig SudbrinkBev and Al Sykes/Cuffs & The Formal Wear Shop

Systems Contractors, Inc.Ellen and Sig Tannenbaum

Robert B. Taylor, III FoundationTerminix CompanyThayer Coggin, Inc.Theodore AlexanderMarsha and Tom Tice

TK Holdings Inc.Dorry and Michael Tooke

Trentini OrthodonticsTriad Eye Associates

TruistTuggle Duggins P.A.

Tyler Redhead & McAlister Real EstateUNILIN

Vanguard FurnitureVann York Auto Group

Sabine and Tom VerellenVisiting Angels of the Triad

Lyndon and Kay WallSally and Jim Weeks

Wesley Memorial United Methodist ChurchKatie White

Betty and Mark WilliamsonMary and Art Winstead

Wishes by Wyndham FoundationThe Mary and Elliott Wood Foundation

AnonymousAbove and Beyond CateringAlan Ferguson and Associates

Alice Owens PhotographyAnderson Family Foundation

Adair ArmfieldAssociation Management Group

Sallie and Tony BardelasBE CreativeBeco Inc.

Deane and Stan BelkBenefit Plan Services, Inc.

Benson, Brown & Faucher, PLLCSheri and Preston Bergen

The Berkley Hall CompaniesJanis and Ray Beshears

Bio-Tech Prosthetics & OrthoticsLee and Kip Blakely

Bliss and Co.Blossoms by Stroud FloristBlue Ridge Companies

Joe BrantleyBraxton Culler, Inc.

Breece Enterprises, Inc.Nancy and Frank Brenner

Sharon BrittPat and Ken Brooks

Brow LoungeBrown & Durham D.D.S., P.A.Michelle and Bob Bruggeworth

Amy Buckthal

2016 Impact Report 6

Pearl Donors ($500 - $999)

Community Supporters ($200 - $499)

Anonymous (7)2nd Chance Thrift Store

Cheridan and Eric AbelesABR Acupuncture

Caryl and Ben AdamsDavid Adams

Gloria and Jim AdamsAnna and Chidi Akwari

Elizabeth AldridgeSally and Ray Alexander

Lisa AllenMaggie Triplette and Louis Allen

Margie AllenWilliam Allen

Blyss and Rob AllonierSally and Howard Altizer

Laura AmosCindy and Will Armfield

Raegan and Cobb AtkinsonAtlantic Bay Mortgage Group

Kirt and Ken AustinIngrid Avera

Anita Hughes Bachmann and George Bachmann

Jennifer and Chan BadgerJill and Scott Bailey

Charwyne and Scott BakerBecky and David Barger

Tracey Shrouder and Michael BarnesCheryl and Mark BarnettMartha and Edwin BassTricia and Kim Bauman

Scott BayerStephanie and Michael Beaver

Shari and Richard BeaversBeeson Hardware and Lumber Co.

Leigh and Michael BellMary Katherine and Durant Bell

Cathy and Bill BenciniCeCe and Mike Biesecker

Anne and Andy BillsBizi Kidz High Point

Aprille and Keith BlackBonnie and Jimmy Black

Barbara and David BlackmanYvette and Chris Blackman

Liz and Bill BlackwellBlueCross BlueShield of NCRose Marie and Lee Boone

Yvonne BostwickHolly and Ernie Bovio

Sarah and Ken BowdenLouise Bowles

Susan and Bob BoydohDarlene and Strib Boynton

Louise and Jim BradyCooper Brantley

Rosemarie and Herbert BroadmeadowBonnie and Tom Broadwater

Dora and Bruce BrodieHelen Brooks

Nancy and Jim BryanLynn and Randy Buchanan

Nancy and James BuchananFrances and Frank BullockJane and Lee BunemannCathy and Bill Burling

Ebony BusbyAnn and Charles Cain

Sue CainMontrel Caldwell, Sr.

Amy and Steve CallaghanCarrie and Randy Carda

Sydney and Michael CardoneKristin and Craig Carlock

Brenda and Jeff CarrMolly and Henry Carrison

Kathleen and William CavanaughGwynne and Bruce Chadwick

Chris CharetteLisa and Barry Cheek

Chevalrie SalonGlenn and Amy ChrystalClem and Hayes Clement

Lyl and Aaron ClinardShirley Coble

Tonya and Sanders CockmanMelissa and Seth CokerAlison and Jamie Collins

Denise CollinsRebecca and Chas Coltrane

Susan and Doug ConnorLeslie and Len Conway

Jean and Doug CopelandDonna and Mike CottonaroBarbara and Paul CoughlinJennifer and Derek Coulter

Amanda and Tyler CovingtonKristine and Jeffrey Cox

Kari and Joe CraigLynn and Kent CrawfordHolly and Buzz CrosbyTeresa and Nestor Cruz

Susan and Rob CulpMichael and Jamie CumbyPhyllis and James Cumby

Cumby Family Funeral ServiceSallie and Hank Cunningham

Pam and Elmon DaleMary Carol and Pat Danahy

Kim and Peter DansieMary Darby

Beth and Jim DasherAshley and Kearns DavisKaren and Danny Davis

Carolyn and Lenwood DennisBetty Denny

Anne and Allen DickDesiree and Arthur DickMarti and Don DigbyLaurie and Tim DolanDon't Dust Book Club

Cindy and Dee DowdyJonnie Downey

Tricia and Tom DoylePaige and Will DuBose

Jane and Windley DunbarPam and Alan Duncan

Lele Y. DunlapGwyn and Jed Dunn

Kate and Dennis DuquetteBetty and Doyle Early

The Early College at GuilfordCathy and Lowell Easter

Julia and Alan EbelTrisha and Bill EdwardsKaren and Blades ElliottKim and Erick EllsweigEnvy Motorcycle Club

Melanie and Andy EskewDebbie and Keith FairclothLinda and John FairclothNadine and Andy Farah

Lora and Jeff FarlowPaula and E.O. Ferrell

Dee Dee and Jack FetnerCourtenay and Brad Fields

Debbie and Bert FieldsFirst United Methodist Church

Emily and Joe FisherEvelyn and Jim Fisher

Fleet PlummerGlenda Floyd

René and Tom Folk

Robert FonorowShawn and Zan FortuneLeslie and Chris FosterSarah and John Foster

Kelly and Lyle FryeFurniture City Chapter, NSLEOA

Rick GabrielDiane and Ed Gaines

Alice and Kim GallimoreJackie Garrett

Ronda White and Brian GaviganKim and Rob Gay

Brandon and Faith GentryMary Ann and Allen Gerhard

Olivia and Len GillespiePeggy and Tom GlaserLindy and Herb Goins

Pamela and Steven GoodbredJean and Gary Goodman

Robin and William GoodmanStephanie and Daniel Goodrich

Joyce and Russ GraversonPenny and John GravesCarolyn and Art Green

Elizabeth and Kevin GreenJennifer Cross and Michael Green

Kathy and Chris GreenGreensboro Cluster

Greensboro Police DepartmentGreensboro Police Foundation

Susan and Rick GreesonJoann and David Grimes

Nicole GroszHelen Iris Guidry

Jamie and Mike GulledgeKate Guthrie

Kay and Chip HagenMary and David Hagan

Mary and Scott HaleCathy Hampton

Shay HargerKathryn and Chris Harrell

Mozelle HarringtonAudrey Congdon and Jack Harris

Martha and Charles HarrisSusan and Doug HarrisonDebbie and Joe Hayworth

Susan HazzardTerry and Jim Helms

Lori HendersonTerri and Steve Hendrickson

Grace and A.B. HenleyJoseph Herbin

Sebrina and Juan HernandezAnde and John HewittCathy and Chip HicksSharon and Jack HicksRobin and Jeremy Hoff

Rob Holden/Giovanni's RestaurantBeth and Rich Holland

Amelia and Barry HopkinsMartha and David Howard

Sonja and Corey HuckShane Hudnall

Chris and Bob HudsonClyde and Kay Hunt

Robin and Skipper HuntAlicia and Matt HurleySallie and Hoke HussLinda and Tim IldertonRoberto InchausteguiAlicia and David Irvin

Debbie and Bobby IrvinCarswell Jackson

Gloria and Barney JacksonSuzi and Dan JacksonFran and Dick Janas

Cindy and Tom JarrellRobyn Saunders and Maurice Jenkins

Lisa and Stanhope JohnsonTeresa and Hal Johnson

Karen and Gene JohnstonMary and Chuck Jones

Shannon JonesJones & Peacock, Inc.

Mojgan and Ben JordanDebbie and Phil Joyce

Gina KaczmarekKathy Manning and Randall Kaplan

Merrill and Chuck KeeleyMary and Wes KeeverJan and Larry Keiner

Shane KellyLee and Brian Kemp

Susan and Paul KennedyLisa and Kim Ketchum

Karen and David KieferMilly and Charles KingGennie and Sam Kirby

Leigh Ann and Steve KleeTresa and Rodger Kleisch

Christy KnightDebby Koonce

Elizabeth M. KoonceWilliam G. Koronis

Justin KrickRenee Kuneff

Paula and John LabbanDiane and Eric Lackey

Ladies of Country Club WestPhyllis and Rick LancasterBetsy and Richard LaneGina and William LaneyNancy and Bruce Laney

Jeanette and Tommy LangleyCandy and Larry LansfordBarbra and Bart Lassiter

Rachelle LasterJackie and Brent Lawrence

Sunny and J.D. LawsonLynne and Chuck Ledford

Donna and Andy LeeCynthia Lee-FernandezLegacy Paddlesports

Kelly and James LeggettLeslie and Ric Leinbach

Allison and Rob LeonardGinger and Bob LettMichele and Pat LevyBecky and Larry Lewis

Margaret and Rick LewisThais and Gerald Lewis

Lewis Systems & Service Co., Inc.Albert Linder

Smedes and Doug LindnerSuzanne and Bill LoweRita and Michael Lucas

Stephanie and Mike LudwigSue and Neil Lutins

Ann and Charlie LynchCarolyn S. Maddux

Ashley Wall and Ernie ManuelReid Marks

Kim and Joe MartinSherry and Joe Marus

Mary Perry Ragsdale YMCAKay and Dusty MaynardGeri and John McComb

Keeyahma McCrayTeresa and Wayne McGee

Patty and Bill McIvorKathy and John McKenzie

Nancy and Hayden McKenzieMary and Jay McQuillan

Donna and Tom MedlinKellie Melinda

Allison and John MelsonSusan and Jim Melvin

Avery and Colin MerrittJanice Metcalf

Katherine and Gary MichaloveThe Midstate Rotary Club

Ellen and Keith MillerVicki and David Miller

Liz and Joel MillsMadeline and Butch Mills

Jill MongelliCheryl Moore

Leslie and David MooreLyall and Will MoorePeg and Skip Moore

Teresa and Louis MooreAnn and Jim Morgan

Christi and Jef MorganRichard Morse

Beth and Dan MoscaNikki and Rich Mossman

Liz and Tim MullinsJill and Mike MurrayKim and Bob MurraySusan Navpanahi

NC Coalition Against Sexual AssaultCharla B. Nelson

Catherine and Randy NiebauerSheila and Nick Nikouyeh

Julia and Terry NileGail Niles

Alicia and Don NooneLaura and Dean Norman

Jane and Steve NorrisNorth Carolina Christian

Women ConnectionMaegen and David Novak

Janet E. OdumMegan Yowell and Hunter Oglesby

Amy and Mike O'KeeffeRina and Matt Olin

Ivey and Richard OrrJo Ann and Bill Owings

Barbara PalmerLaura and Stan ParkMichelle PattersonElizabeth Patton

Caroline and Peter PearceJackie and Ed Pearce

Courtney and Mark PenleyJane and Lloyd Peterson

Elizabeth and Kevin PhillipsSusan and Jim PhillipsHolly and Lou Pierce

Lyn Broome and Rick PintoLaura and Dan Pierce

Mary Ann and John PlaceyLeigh Ann and Andy PoolElizabeth and Jerry PooleDenise and Steve PotterPotter's House Ministries

Peggy PowellHattie Presnell

Julie and Dickie PriceWanda and Jan PritchettTracy and John Purdie

Sally Millikin and Gene PurdumQuality Care

Ramsey QubeinEmily Ragsdale

Kathleen and John RaileyPalmer and Kerr Ramsay

Randy McManus Designs, Inc.Norma Ranieri

Ann and David Raper

Kathi and Mike RaybonAnn and Jordan Reece

Rosemary and Robert ReedReed's Jewelers

Lisa Smith ReynoldsMary McGinley and Mark Reynolds

Marya and Al RhotonCindy and Kerry Rice

Lori and Tyler RichardsonApril and Matthew Richmond

Jean and Ken RipleyPatty and Bobby Roberts

Clarisse RobinsonAnne and Bob RodmanDianne and Scott Roe

Jennifer RogersGail and Paul Rohlfing

Rotary Club of High PointJudy and Mark Roy

Lisa Sherry and Ron RoyalsBee and Bob RuleSams Law Firm

Julie and George SandersJenny and David Sar

Leslie and Greg SardzinskiKaren and Frank Schaede

Sue and Mark SchallCathy and Martin SchlaeppiCarolyn and Joe SchraderSandra and Mike Schulte

Meredith and J ScottStephanie and John Scott

SearsJeannie and Anthony Sedberry

Dana and Tom ShadeCarolyn and Don Shaw

Elizabeth and Charlie SheffieldAnn and Bob Shepherd

Kirstin and John SheppersonCaroline and Mark Shogry

Annie and Mark SilverLinda and Tom SloanCarol and Greg Smith

Janet and Gregory SmithMadeline and Dixon SmithNatalie and Sterling Smith

Sue and Bill SmithBarbara and Steve Snavely

Carole and John SniderKay and Jim Snow

Elisabeth Stambaugh and Pete SojkaBill Soles

Somerset Bay, Inc.Teresa and Dave Sowinski

Elizabeth and Kevin SpeightPaula Spinks

Drew and Dillard SpringSusan and John StahlLiza and Chip StameyLacy and John StarrDeb and Jim Staton

Megan and Alex StevensAndrea Stewart

Billy StokesKatie and Brad StonekingKimberly and John StrongSara and Taylor Stroud

Harry SuggsClaire and Thomas SullivanVirginia and J.J. SummerellSylvia and James Swayze

Sweet Josephine's LLCCathy Szydlik

Melissa and Bill TankersleyJeanne L. Tannenbaum

Louisa TaylorElaine Teague

Kitsy and Jim TennantElizabeth Terrell

Gaither and Tom TerrellLaura and Christopher Tew

Leslie ThomasJennifer and David Thompson

Trinh and Burke ThompsonJeanné and John Thorn

Amy Crouch and Mark TolandJudy and Allen Tomlinson

Roya TooloianCarole Torn

Trininty Heights Wesleyan MissionsAnna and Mark TroutmanDonna and Royster Tucker

Alonzo TurnerTraci and Sam TurnerBeth and David TuttleMarti and Robin Tyler

Susan and Larry TysingerPam and Zan Tyson

Ujamaa Literary Book ClubCarol Young and Tom UllmanUniversity of North Carolina

at GreensboroAshley and Richard VanoreSylvia and Richard VanoreKelly and John Vaughan

Sherry and Randy VaughanLeigh Ann Safrit and Zack Veasey

Susan and Bill VeazeySandra Vernon

Very Good Fund of Triangle Community Foundation

Miriam and David WagnerKathryn and David Walker

Anna and Tom WallOllie and John Wall

Elizabeth and Tom WalshMirielle and Mark Walsh

Nancy and Mark WarburtonMitzie and Joe Weatherly

Katherine and Mike WeaverSusie and Don Webb

Teri WebsterDot and Buddy WeillBecky and Ed Weller

Kathy and Haywood WestJacalyn and Brantley WhiteMary-Ann and Steve WiggsDavette and Elliott Williams

Mary Lou and Hugh WilliamsMeredith and Burt WilliamsSusan and Stephen Williams

Victoria and Jim WilliamsWilliams Memorial C.M.E. ChurchDeb Crater and Peggy D. Williford

Gloria M. WilsonWine and Design

Susan and Eric WisemanBert and Chuck Wood

Adrienne and Patrick WoodsHarvey Wooten

Ellen and Robert WorthLauren and David Worth

Wyatt Early Harris Wheeler LLPNicole and Curt YannoneBrenda and Greg YatesKappie and Mark YatesEllie and Will Yearns

Barbara and Bill YoungSara and Seth YowellAnn and Ben Zuraw

AnonymousAbsolute Comfort Heating & Cooling

Adams Farm Animal Hospital, PAAffordable Chiropractic Center/

Dr. Jeff FrickeBeachy and Dan AllenAllen Industries, Inc.

Karen and Frank AluisioAmish Trading Post

Sallie and Bob AmosHilary and Marius AndersenTom and Karen ArmstrongAvery Body & Trim Shop

Baity TireBeth and Tom Baker

Charlotte and Cliff BakerKelly and Scott Bankhead

Barber Center for Plastic SurgeryShea and Brian Barnett

Ruthie and David BaynardMary and Jeff Beach

Susan and Richard BeardLeslie and John Bencini

The Benevity Community Impact FundMarianne and Jim BennettJeanine and David BergenBernard Robinson & Co.Courtney and Fred Best

Bill Black Chevrolet CadillacKimberly Black

Lynn and John BlackBless Your Nest

Carol and Jason BohrerBreslow Starling Frost Warner

Boger Hiatt, PLLCAnn and Bob Brinson

Debbie and Scott Brown

Lavern and Bob BrownCres and Mike Calabrese

Carolina Business Interiors (CBI)Linda Carr

Carruthers & Roth, PABilly Carter/UO! IP, LLCCatherwood Foundation

Jill and Bobby ChristiansenTom Clawson

Christine and Fred ClodfelterDenise and Matthew Cochrane

Curtis CollinsCommunityOne BankRene and Tom ConeSally and Alan Cone

Connors Morgan, PLLCPat Copeland

Lisa and Greg CostelloMooMoo and Moore CouncillChris and Sherman CovingtonJennifer and David CovingtonKatherine and Ned Covington

Meredith and Braden CovingtonKathy and Daniel Craft

Tiffany and Scott CrenshawMichelle Crow

Lula and Hamp CullerLeslie and Iv Culp

Dixie and Ken CulverDonna and Andrew Cumby

Rachel and Jon DalyAndrea and Steven DavisDeep River Commercial Property ManagementKathy and Allen Dick

Diversified Trust CompanyLisa and Tony Donato

Zoe and Michael DraelosDress Code/Maribeth Geraci

Martha Anne and Blaine DuboseMary Eliza and Chip DuckettDorsay and Keith EichhornElastic Fabrics of AmericaAlison and Bobby EllingtonDabney Chakales ErwinSusie and Ras FengerLynn and Jim FinneganMolly and Van Fletcher

The Fresh MarketKristy and Harley GarrisonJoanne and Philip GilbertLynda and Jody GordonCarolyn and Joe Gorga

Jane GorrellElizabeth and Tom GratzekGreenpoint Insurance GroupGreensboro Regional Realtors

Foundation, Inc.Donna and David Griffin

Guilford Merchants AssociationAngie and Robert Hager

Margaret Ann and Cam HallBeth Harrington

Lisa and Rodney HazelDaniela and Rob Helms

Hill, Chesson and Woody, Employee Benefit Services

William HoltBonnie and David Horney

Claire and Jeff HorneyDaphne and Bill Horney

Beth HundleyBecky Hunt

Indigo the Salon

Innovative Kitchens & BathsJill Wilson and Marc Isaacson

Jake's DinerDina and Burney Jennings

JH Adams InnJohnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC

Kim and Bob JonesMeg Jordan

Team Smart - Keller Williams RealtyKersey Valley

Amy and Matt KettermanCharisse and Phil KleinmanAndrea and Ralph Knupp

Blair and Kenn KopfAlfred Kuhnemann

Denise LandiDr. Karyn Waterman/Lawndale

Veterinary HospitalKellie Leonard

Georgia and Mike LinebackGinni and Al LineberryLaurie and Oliver LloydMorgan and Scott Love

Amanda and Orrin MagillThe Marisol

Jo and Phil MarsomDonna and Todd McCurryJoan and Rod McGeachy

Leslie and Christopher MeadowsMartha and Frank Mellon

Sylvia and Jim MerrittStacy and Richard Miller

Holly MintzMitchell and Bartlett Orthodontics

Cotten and Tom MoringLee and Stuart Nunn

Dottie B. and Billy Nutt

The Ofsanko FamilyTracy Cox and Shelley Olds

Jody OlszewskiJeannie and Zizzy OsborneLou Ann and Randy Parker

Party Chick and PaperAmy and Mitchell PaulKelly and Matt Penley

Perky’s BistroPiedmont Direct MailPiedmont Logistics

Piedmont Triad Insurance/Erie InsurancePure Barre High Point

Purolator Advanced Filtration GroupR. D. Stone Electrical Inc.Mary and Will RagsdaleLibby and Rick Ramsey

Replacements, Ltd.Rice Toyota

The Ricky Proehl P.O.W.E.R. of Play Foundation

The Ringer Centers Inc.Rinnai

Indira Lindsay-Roberts and Kevin RobertsCarmella and Kurt Roehrig

Dr. Kathryn, Henry and Ava Hemingway Rogers

Royal Limousine of GreensboroMelinda and Jim Rucker

The Salvation ArmyDeena and Brad Samuel

Vanessa SandsSanmark LLC

Virginia and John SaslowSharon and Jim Schlosser

Scott InsuranceSedgefield Country Club

Sedgefield Outdoor EquipmentMartha and John Sensenbrenner

Joy ShavitzPhyllis Shavitz

Stephen ShelleyMike Skertich

Sno White CleanersJennifer and Kirk Sparks

Christy Doby and Rod SpeightGayle Stancil

Dallas and Chris StanleyJoan and Doug Stone

Chris and Kevin SuppleJody and Doug Susong

Elizabeth and Don SwaimTex and Shirley's Family Restaurant

Emily and Matt ThielAmy McMichael and Ralph Thomas

Lauren and Adam TilleyTrinity Pension Group, LLCJeanne and Mike TwilleyUS Trust, Bank of America

VALICNancy and Don VaughanKelly and Mark Walker

Susannah and Jess WashburnMila Weavil

Pam and Teddy WelbornJudy and Len White

Anne Glen and Robert WhitnellJudy and Bob Wicker

Judith and Craven WilliamsGwen and Don Willis

Woman's Club of Southwest GuilfordJames Wright

Kishie and Scott WyattAnn Wyche

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Foreclosure Wasn't An Option



Building Safe and Healthy Families

Family Service of the Piedmont empowers individuals and families to restore hope,achieve stability and thrive through quality support services, advocacy and education.


“The company I was working for downsized and Ilost my job,” explains Addie, a single mother oftwo. “I eventually found another job but I was working twice as much and making a third of what I made before. It was very discouraging.”

Over time, Addie got further in debt and was no longer able to make her monthly mortgage payment. Determined not to lose her house to foreclosure, she researched and discovered shemight be eligible for a mortgage loan modificationthrough her lender. She contacted them and

immediately started the process but before it could be finalized, her loan was sold to anotherlender. Within a few months, her loan was sold to a third lender.

During this time Addie did everything she could on her own. She wasn’t ready to let her homego without a fight. She called, wrote letters and emailed. She saved every bit of correspondencein a banker’s box hoping one day someone would be able to help her. Help came when sheheard about Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Greensboro (CCCS), a program of Family Service of the Piedmont.

When she arrived at her first appointment with CCCS, Addie put the overflowing banker’s boxon Pete Sargent’s desk. “Addie is very sharp and was very determined at making sure she wasn’t going to lose her home,” says Sargent, a CCCS Counselor. “I wish all my clients werethis organized.”

After several meetings and a lot of paperwork, progress finally was made. “I had never seen this happen, but the investor tied to Addie’s loancame forward and offered to write off a significant amount of her principal in order to accommodate the requirements of the Mortgage Payment Program,” Sargent says. “Who said prayers aren’t answered!”

With her home secured, Addie is now attending college and working full-time, determined to rise above the circumstances that brought herhere. She is looking forward to what the future holds.
