2015's Annual report has been released


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Hârtie reciclată Recycled Pap




r recycle


www.recolamp.roLike us on facebook.com/Recolamp






This brochure is the intellectual property of Recolamp.

The material contains data complying with Annual Report submitted to the

National Environmental Agency, Address No. 5219/ 28.04.2016.

Recolamp Association is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certifi ed by TüV

Thüringen e.V. regarding lamp waste management services.


2015 REPORT - Béla Kovács,

General Manager Recolamp Association . . . . . . 5

Chapter I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.1 About Recolamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.2 2015 Key Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3 List of the Participants of Recolamp Association in 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.4 Recolamp Operating Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.5 Recolamp Association – EucoLight Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Chapter II - Logistics and operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.1 Collection Companies, Dismantling Operators,

Recyclers – Recolamp Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.2 Data on Collected Waste Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.3 Flow of Managed Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.4 Recipients for Collection and Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.5 Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter III - Marketing and Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1 Main Directions of Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.2 Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.3 Educational Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.4 Online Communication Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.5 Recolamp in the Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.6 Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.7 ‘Choose a Better Lighting Source Guide’ – a project

of the Romanian Lighting Industry, supported by

Recolamp and InfoCons (launched in 2016) . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Chapter IV - Financial Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.1 Revenue from “Green Fee” and Cost Allocation . . . . . . . . . . 33

Chapter V - Recolamp Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34



Hello, everybody!

In 2015, Recolamp represented

192 lighting equipment producers/

importers that transferred their

legal obligation to manage electric

and electronic equipment waste

from the market – 5th category,

according to the classifi cation of

the GEO 5/2015 that transposed

the Directive 2012/19/EU into

national law. On their behalf, the

Association collected 659 tonnes

of sources and luminaries waste,

which represent over 40% of the

average value of sales in the last

three years. This year we have the

best performance and the largest

quantity of waste managed so far.

Each month we picked up - on

average - lighting equipment

waste from 400 waste generators

all over the country. We managed

to accomplish this project due to

Collaboration Protocols concluded

for more than 10,600 locations

- offi ce buildings, industrial sites,

supermarkets, hospitals, city halls,

street lighting companies and so on.

We maintain a permanent relation

to these collection points. We call

them, we visit them or they call us,

via the free green line provided by

the association. When containers

are full of waste, a licensed collector

- Recolamp partner - picks them up

in maximum 10 working days and

provides in exchange new recipients

for further use. The collector also

prepares the legal documentation

related to waste management

procedure. This documentation is

mandatory for companies – either

state or private – in order to prove the

accomplishment of their legal duties.

According to the national

environmental legislation in force,

the waste producer or the physical

or legal person managing waste is

likely to pay penalties up to 40,000

Lei in case they abandon electric

equipment waste or they do not

ensure its recycling.

In 2015, Recolamp manufactu-

red, delivered and was providing

to different partners – waste gene-

rators – 18,098 recipients for waste

collection. All Romanian companies

may still request collection/ special

containers, while taking advantage of

the national collection infrastructure

developed by the Association. The

collaboration with Recolamp is free

of charge, as the organization gua-

rantees to collect waste of at least 20

kilograms or 100 lamp units and/ or

fl uorescent tubes and 50 kilograms –

as for luminaries waste.

Starting January 1st, 2016,

we have, for the fi rst time in the

national law, a clearly established

collection target of at leasst 40%

of the average weight of products

put on the market within the

last three years, by Romanian

producers. Until 2021, we shall be

able to provide the collection and

treating of at least 65% of electric

equipment waste.

Recolamp Association is already

prepared and aiming to reach the

target of 40% ever since 2012, the

year of the publishing of the Directive.

The medium and long-term strategy

provides investments and means of

development that could help us reach

the target of 65%. In addition to this, in

2015, Recolamp became member of

EucoLight, the European association

with headquarters in Brussels,

which was founded by the producer

compliance schemes for lamps.

EucoLight was created to offer the

European associations specialised

in managing the collection and

recycling of light sources and

Béla Kovács General Manager

Recolamp Association



15 R



Tluminaries the possibility to express

their opinions as effi ciently as

possible. This way they can ensure

the necessary requirements for

the progress of their activity and

achieve the objective for which they

were created – the protection of the

environment. More information about

the organisation, its members and its

activity is provided within this report.

As for the fi nancial results of

Recolamp in 2015, they have

been checked each year by an

international company specialised

in providing this kind of services.

As every year, we transparently

publish the fi nancial results of the

Association that are also illustrated

in this Report, in the chapter

“Financial Data”. Still, briefl y, in

2015 – Recolamp participants

have put on the Romanian market

approximately 7 million lamp unities.

These fi gures are slowly increasing

(by 5%), compared to those of 2014.

Therefore, Recolamp registered

revenue of about 6,000,000 Lei, by

applying the Green Stamp of 0.85

Lei (VAT not included) – adopted for

categories 5 ‘b - e’ and respectively

of 0.75 Lei (VAT not included) –

adopted for categories ‘5 a’ and ‘5

f’ – applied to each equipment sold

by the Association’s producers.

In 2015, Recolamp requested

and organised third party audits

from the collection and recycling

providers that have contributed

signifi cantly to the general

performance of the Association.

Therefore, an internationally known

and specialised company evaluated

the way Recolamp partners operate

their companies, report and

comply with the environmental and

contractual obligations. These kinds

of practices are carried out in order

to ensure the correct operation of

the waste electric and electronic

equipment management system and

to continuously improve their way of

operating, the evolution of costs and

the techniques used to attain better

results. In the following years, the

Association aims to keep organising

such audit missions, by survey.

Additionally, in 2016, we will

continue to develop information

campaigns, invest in containers

and increase our logistical and

communicational efforts in

order to reach the collection and

recycling target of at least 40%

of the products marketed by the

producers that we represent.

At this moment, we are certain to

represent the most effective and

relevant player on the market in what

concerns lamp waste management.

According to the most updated data

(*neutral) published by the National

Environmental Agency in 2013, all

persons licensed to manage lamp

waste in Romania have collected

599.27 tonnes. Recolamp itself

collected 476 tonnes from this total

quantity, namely about 80%.

I conclude this message by

thanking once again the authorities,

the founding companies: GE

Hungary KFT, S.C. Osram România

SRL and S.C. Philips România

SRL, Recolamp’s producers, our

collection and recycling partners,

our communication partners, as

well as the population, for their

trust and for joining our campaigns!

I invite you to read this Activity

Report in order to understand the

effi ciency of our activities and all our

efforts to achieve the mandatory

legal targets.

Best wishes!


Chapter I

1.1 About Recolamp

1.2 2015 Key Figures

1.3 List of the Participants of Recolamp Association in 2015

1.4 Recolamp Operating Model

1.5 Recolamp Association – EucoLight Member


The quantities of electric and electronic equipment waste have signifi cantly increased during the last 15 years. Considering both their volume and their hazard level, we can understand the reason why the European Union decided to take measures to prevent the generation of this waste. These measures were applied through the 2002/96/EC Directive, adopted on January 27th, 2003 and amended by the 108/2003 EC Directive, adopted on December 8th, 2003, and amended by 2012/19/EU Directive, transposed into Romanian legislation under Government Emergency Ordinance no. 5/ 16.04.2015.

Consequently, according to the legal regulations in force, WEEE producers/ importers are responsible for managing the waste, ensuring a system of waste collection and recycling and implementing measures meant to decrease both the waste quantities and their negative effect on the environment.

In September 2007, producers working in this domain have agreed to set up in Romania a non-profi t association, similar to the ones in other European states, which shall be responsible for the WEEE lamp waste management. Recolamp Association has the following founding members: S.C. Philips Romania SRL, SC Osram Romania

SRL and GE Hungary KFT and its headquarters and offi ces are located in Bucharest, No. 6 – 10 Stolnicului Street, 3rd fl oor, fl at 10, 1st district.

Therefore, in order to accomplish the targets and objectives set by the Association, such as the local activities and the carrying out of Hungary-Romania cross-border cooperation program, in 2009 they decided to set up a branch in Arad, on Arad-Iratos Road. Meanwhile, this branch moved its headquarters in Satu Mare County, Decebal village.

Recolamp Association received the Operating License RO-ANPM-DEEE 003/2014 from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, on March 11th, 2014 and it is valid until March 11th, 2016.

According to the provisions of the GEO 5/2015, the licences of all the collective organisations have actually

expired on December 31st, 2015. The same normative act indicates that the environmental authorities should issue a new decree regarding the licencing/ relicensing procedure, in maximum 90 days from the date of the approval of the GEO. Unfortunately, this term has already expired in August 2015 and the decree was not elaborated and published until the end of 2015 and not even until the publication date of this report (namely June 15th, 2016).

In addition to this, GEO 5/2015 provides that, until October 20th, 2015, all the associations that want to receive a new operating licence need to present a new management plan and all the subsequent documentation.

Recolamp Association presented the necessary documentation regarding the acquirement of the reauthorisation, by Address No. 150/14.10.2015.

In view of the information presented above, starting with 01.01.2016, in theory, all the collective organisations from the WEEE domain do not benefi t from a collector licence anymore, because of reasons they cannot control, namely the normative void. However, until the issuance of the Ministerial Order regarding this domain of activity, Recolamp has continued and will continue to comply with the obligations that it has assumed, by contract, for all the stakeholders: founding members, producers, collection and recycling providers and waste generators.

The Association manages the waste electric and electronic equipment from the “lighting equipment” category, which is defi ned in GEO 5/2015, annex 3, 5th category, letters a-f:

a) Luminaires for fl uorescent lamps with the exception of luminaires in households;

b) Straight fl uorescent lamps;

c) Compact fl uorescent lamps;

d) High intensity discharge lamps, including pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps;

e) Low pressure sodium lamps;

f) Other lighting or equipment for the purpose of spreading or controlling light, including LEDs, with the exception of fi lament lamps.

1.1 About Recolamp

Fig. 1. Operating License


Set for




by 2013


Set for




by 2014


Set for




by 2015


Collection points 9,000 9,200 9,500 9,900 10,000 11,210

Collection target: (tones) 422 476 435 476 439 659

Collection rate (%) 41 41 41 41 45 43

Recovery rate (%) 70 89 70 92 70 88

Recycling rate (%) 80 87 80 97 80 90

Containers of different

size and material






boxes, 200

small Green


and 150

big Green


10,500 10,000 10,500 11,200

Regional collection

points (number)4 4 4 4 4 4

National collection

points (number)1 1 1 1 1 1

Number of employees 5 5 5 5 5 8

Table 1 – Level of achievement of the objectives set for 2013 – 2015

During the course of its activity,

Recolamp has pursued will pursue

the achievement of the following


• To take over the responsibilities of

the producers or of third parties

acting on their behalf, regarding

the achievement of the annual

quotas of collection, reuse,

recycling and recovery of waste

electric and electronic equipment,

and reporting the way the waste

electric and electronic equipment

is managed;

• To offer collection and treatment

solutions at national level, in

order to ensure the development

of an integrated, effi cient and

transparent system of waste

electric and electronic equipment


• To prove it can achieve the waste

management objectives set

through the National Strategy

for waste management, through

the national Plan for waste

management, as well as through

the implementation Plan of the

Directive regarding waste electric

and electronic equipment;

• To be open and equidistant

towards all contractual partners;

• To act impartially towards all types

of waste electric and electronic

equipment and towards any

quantity to be contracted by any

economic agent.

Therefore, through its activity,

completed by the actual involvement

in the actions carried out by the

Ministry of Environment, Water and

Forests, Recolamp contributes

to accomplishing the national

objectives set by European Union

regarding WEEE collection – lighting

equipment category.

1.2 Key Figures 2015


No. Producer/ Importer

Registration Number in the

Registry of EEE Producers and

Importers issued by NAEP

1 Abafemen RO - 2013 - 05 - EEE - 1885 - I

2 Al Padrino Auto Solution RO - 2010 - 09 - EEE - 1285 - I

3 Alevan RO - 2015 - 11 - EEE - 2490 - I

4 Amavys Project RO - 2014 - 10- EEE - 0568 - II

5 Amg Led Soft RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 1681 - II

6 Anglo-Rom RO - 2015 - 09 - EEE - 1125 - III

7 Arelux RO - 2013 - 06 - EEE - 0609 - III

8 Arena Project Consulting RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 2291 - I

9 Artelectro RO - 2015 - 07 - EEE - 1069- III

10 Atrium Design RO - 2014 - 11 - EEE - 0960 - III

11 Auchan Romania SA RO - 2014 - 04 - EEE - 1438 - II

12 Automatic Control RO - 2014 - 11 - EEE - 2161 - I

13 Avant Garde Sisteme RO - 2015 - 08 - EEE - 2393 - I

14 B.D. Prosecom RO - 2013 - 11 - EEE - 1275 - II

15 Baduc S.A. RO - 2013 - 11 - EEE - 0809 - III

16 Barecob RO - 2016 - 04 - EEE - 2642- I

17 BauMax Romania RO - 2013 - 06 - EEE - 0612 - III

18 Biotricity Power RO - 2015 - 11 - EEE - 1799 - II

19 BM LED Lighting RO - 2014 - 12 - EEE - 2175 - I

20 Brilum Lighting RO - 2013 - 12 - EEE - 0780 - III

21 Bussy Classic Lighting RO - 2012 - 04 - EEE - 1677 - I

22 Caralux Prod RO - 2014 - 06 - EEE - 1271 - II

23 Cei Grup RO - 2013 - 12 - EEE - 1975 - I

24 Cesivo SRL RO - 2013 - 04 - EEE - 1098- II

25 Ciato Galvanotehnic RO - 2013 - 04 -EEE - 1866 - I

26 Com Electro Construct S.A RO - 2013 - 02 - EEE - 0069- III

27 Complete International Business


RO - 2015 - 10 - EEE - 2457 - I

28 Comtec 2000 INC RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 0212- IV

29 Cooper Industries Romania SRL RO - 2013 - 04 - EEE - 1877- I

30 Creative Sign RO - 2015 - 09 - EEE - 1767 - II

31 D.B. Technolight RO - 2013 - 07 - EEE - 1247 - II

32 Dablerom S.R.L. RO - 2013 - 12 - EEE - 0798 - III

33 Dafar Consulting RO - 2015 - 10 - EEE - 2472 - I

34 Deco Electric RO - 2014 - 10 - EEE - 2142 - I

35 Demco Electro Design RO - 2016 - 01 - EEE - 2548 - I

36 Demco Lighting RO - 2016 - 01 - EEE - 2547 - I

37 Dietal Roumanie RO - 2015 - 12 - EEE - 1149- III

38 Diromma Impex RO - 2008 - 09 -EEE - 0958 -I

39 Ditto RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 2349 - I

40 Dream Lighting Carpatica RO - 2009 - 06 - EEE - 1072 -I

1.3 List of the Participants of

Recolamp Association in 2015In 2015, there were 192 producers registered in the system managed by



No. Producer/ Importer

Registration Number in the

Registry of EEE Producers and

Importers issued by NAEP

41 DX Optoelectronic Technology RO - 2014 - 08 - EEE - 2102 - I

42 Egibo Prod Impex RO - 2010 - 02 - EEE - 0565 - II

43 Eglo Romania Prodexim RO - 2013 - 08 - EEE - 0549 - III

44 Ekonoled RO - 2013 - 12 - EEE - 1980- I

45 Electric Group RO - 2011 - 03 - EEE - 1420 - I

46 ElectromTrade RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 1712 - II

47 Electronic Interactiv RO - 2014 - 09 - EEE - 0923 - III

48 Elprest RO - 2013 - 12 - EEE - 1334 - II

49 Eltrix RO - 2011 - 11 - EEE - 1601 - I

50 Emerigos RO - 2013 - 08 - EEE - 1928 - I

51 Ener Rom RO - 2014 - 06 - EEE - 0080- III

52 Euro Cosimo Impex RO - 2013 - 08 - EEE - 1924- I

53 Euro Vial Lighting RO - 2014 - 08 - EEE - 0926 - III

54 Eurokids Import-Export RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 1469 - II

55 Eurostil Light RO - 2015 - 03 - EEE - 2207- I

56 Exploit Concept SRL RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 2258- II

57 Ferax RO - 2006 - 06 - EEE - 0367 - I

58 Flash Enterprises RO - 2013 - 08 - EEE - 1270 - II

59 Flash Lighting Services RO - 2015 - 09 - EEE - 0107 - IV

60 Fogliani Romania RO - 2015 - 07 - EEE - 1090 - III

61 GE Hungary Kft RO - 2013 - 12 - EEE - 1335 - II

62 Geca S.A. RO - 2014 - 04 - EEE - 0826 - III

63 Gelor Trading Com RO - 2013 - 08 - EEE - 0752 - III

64 GemRaDuo Impex SRL RO - 2014 - 04 - EEE - 2033 - I

65 General Conf Grup RO - 2014 - 04 - EEE - 1405 - II

66 General Meel Electric RO - 2015 - 08 - EEE - 2412 - I

67 Gera Prod Com RO - 2009 - 05 - EEE - 1059 - I

68 GFA Securitate Systems RO - 2016 - 01 - EEE - 2544 - I

69 Global Flash Media RO - 2014 - 12 - EEE - 2179 - I

70 Golden Light 21st Century SRL RO - 2014 - 03 - EEE - 2028 - I

71 Graffi tti 94 RBI Prodcom RO - 2014 - 03 - EEE - 0821 - III

72 Graphtec Design RO - 2013 - 03 - EEE - 0485 - III

73 GTS Automatizari Industriale RO - 2015 - 11 - EEE - 2478 - I

74 Hama Distribution Romania SRL RO - 2012 - 12 - EEE - 1123 - II

75 Helios PLS SRL RO - 2013 - 04- EEE - 0578 - III

76 Hestia Company Rom RO - 2015 - 08- EEE - 2413 - I

77 Honest General Trading RO - 2013 - 11 - EEE - 0803 - III

78 Huayi Grup SRL RO - 2015 - 02 - EEE - 0878 - III

79 Ianlux RO - 2014 - 05 - EEE - 1282 - II

80 Icco Electric RO - 2015 - 07 - EEE - 0262 - IV

81 Icco Energ RO - 2014 - 05 - EEE - 1483 - II

82 Ideal Light Construct RO - 2015 - 02 - EEE - 2202 - I

83 Inductie Lighting SRL RO - 2014 - 10 - EEE - 2141 - I

84 Industrial Electrical Solutions RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 2316 - I

85 Intersofex RO - 2014 - 05 - EEE - 1474 - II

86 Intex Set Serv RO - 2012 - 10 - EEE - 1769 - I

87 Ioko Electric Company RO - 2013 - 06 - EEE - 0660 - III


No. Producer/ Importer

Registration Number in the

Registry of EEE Producers and

Importers issued by NAEP

88 Isotronic SRL RO - 2009 - 11 - EEE - 0543 - II

89 Kanlux Lighting RO - 2013 - 06 - EEE - 1902 - I

90 Kaufl and Romania SCS RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 0046 - IV

91 Kika Mobilier RO - 2015 - 08 - EEE - 1105 - III

92 Klausen Exim RO - 2013 - 12 - EEE - 0552 - III

93 Kolarz Kaal Romania RO - 2014 - 02 - EEE - 1332 - II

94 Kronstil Aquaristik RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 2342- I

95 Kyros Grup SRL RO - 2013 - 03 - EEE - 0437 - III

96 Lapp Kabel Romania RO - 2012 - 10 - EEE - 0405- III

97 Led Power Concept SRL RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 2255- I

98 Ledshine RO - 2015 - 03 - EEE - 2209- I

99 Leroy Merlin Bricolaj RO - 2014 - 04 - EEE - 1441 - II

100 Leroy Merlin Romania RO - 2015 - 03 - EEE - 2223- I

101 LGM Eutronic RO - 2015 - 03 - EEE - 0728 - II

102 Light Com RO - 2015 - 08 - EEE - 2399 - I

103 Light Smart Consulting RO - 2014 - 12 - EEE - 2171 - I

104 Light Solutions SRL RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 2345- I

105 Light&Design RO - 2015 - 07 - EEE - 1732 - II

106 Lights Up Professional RO - 2014 - 11 - EEE - 0913 - III

107 Lite-Licht Romania RO - 2009 - 11 - EEE - 0540 - II

108 Lumilux Star RO - 2014 - 07 - EEE - 2082 - I

109 Lumineco RO - 2013 - 06 - EEE - 1903- I

110 Luxten Lighting Company Co RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 0121 - IV

111 Marbo Trade RO - 2014 - 08 - EEE - 0897 - III

112 Master Graphic Media RO - 2015 - 02 - EEE - 1624 - II

113 Master Trading RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 0007- IV

114 Mavaram RO - 2014 - 05 - EEE - 1473 - II

115 Mentavill RO - 2013 - 02 - EEE - 0526 - III

116 Mercury Lighting RO - 2011 - 07 - EEE - 0915 - II

117 Mercury Lighting Cluj The contract was terminated

before incorporating at NAEP

118 Metacor Electro RO - 2015 - 01 - EEE - 2193 - I

119 Metro Cash & Carry S.R.L RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 0123 - IV

120 Moranduzzo Romania RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 0514 - III

121 Mrd Promt Consulting RO - 2014 - 04 - EEE - 2034 - I

122 Multi Will Ro RO - 2013 - 10 - EEE - 1295 - II

123 Neon Lighting RO - 2013 - 02 - EEE - 1845 - I

124 Neon Product RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 0957 - III

125 Neon Service Cluj RO - 2013 - 02 - EEE - 1844 - I

126 Neon SRL RO - 2014 - 07 - EEE - 0900 - III

127 New Lighting Srl RO - 2012 - 02 - EEE - 1650 - I

128 New Map Casa Magica SRL RO - 2014 - 07 - EEE - 0830 - III

129 NewCor Electro Modular RO - 2014 - 08 - EEE - 0892 - III

130 Odra Impex 95 RO - 2013 - 06 - EEE - 0663 - III

131 Orion & GDS Electric RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 1680 - II

132 Orion Electrics RO - 2013 - 12 - EEE - 0781 - III

133 Ormalight Romania RO - 2015 - 07 - EEE - 1093 - III


No. Producer/ Importer

Registration Number in the

Registry of EEE Producers and

Importers issued by NAEP

134 Osram Romania RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 0081- IV

135 Pet Product SRL RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 2264- I

136 PGA Electric RO - 2014 - 01 - EEE - 1989 - I

137 Philips Lighting Romania RO - 2016 - 02 - EEE - 2554 - I

138 Philips Romania RO - 2012 - 06 - EEE - 0021 - III

139 Pontaqua Piscine RO - 2015 - 12 - EEE - 2518 - I

140 Power Electric RO - 2013 - 08 - EEE - 0754 - III

141 Praktiker Romania RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 0202 - IV

142 Prima Plus RO - 2015 - 08 - EEE - 1695 - II

143 Proenerg Oradea RO - 2015 - 02 - EEE - 2206 - I

144 Proenerg Tg Mures RO - 2013 - 03 - EEE - 0221- III

145 Profi way RO - 2014 - 02 - EEE - 1391 - II

146 Promod RO - 2015 - 09 - EEE - 0231 - IV

147 Protector System SRL RO - 2014 - 10 - EEE - 1569 - II

148 Quick 24 Mail Order Services SRL RO - 2012 - 12 - EEE - 0434 - III

149 R&R Trading Group SRL RO - 2013 - 12 - EEE - 0779 - III

150 Rabalux SRL RO - 2014 - 08 - EEE - 0918 - III

151 Rafi International RO - 2014 - 05 - EEE - 0721 - III

152 Real Hyper Magazine SRL RO - 2013 - 11 - EEE - 1958 - I

153 Redo Group RO - 2015 - 11 - EEE - 2498 - I

154 Regency Company RO - 2015 - 08 - EEE - 2426 - I

155 Resonance Distribution SRL RO - 2011 - 08 - EEE - 1546 - I

156 RMG Casual RO - 2015 - 07 - EEE - 2373 - I

157 Roda Electric Instal RO - 2014 - 12 - EEE - 2182- I

158 Romania Hypermarche SA RO - 2014 - 05 - EEE - 0888 - III

159 Rombal Tim RO - 2015 - 10 - EEE - 2459 - I

160 Romib S.R.L. RO - 2014 - 05 - EEE - 0888 - III

161 RTS Electro RO - 2014 - 10 - EEE - 1573 - II

162 S&O Group RO - 2014 - 11 - EEE - 2162 - I

163 Search Chemicals RO - 2014 - 02 - EEE - 1996 - I

164 Selgros Cash & Carry RO - 2015 - 08 - EEE - 1115 - III

165 Semrut Led S.R.L. RO - 2015 - 05 - EEE - 2248 - I

166 Semrut Serv SRL RO - 2015 - 10 - EEE - 2458 - I

167 Sfera Global Trading RO - 2015 - 10 - EEE - 1687 - II

168 Simus Trading RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 0351 - IV

169 Skrekis Elextric RO - 2014 - 04 - EEE - 1406 - II

170 Smart Light Solutions RO - 2014 - 12 - EEE - 2170 - I

171 SMP Transparent Solutions SRL RO - 2015 - 11 - EEE - 1663 - II

172 Solar Watts RO - 2015 - 12 - EEE - 2531 - I

173 Somogyi Elektronic RO - 2013 - 04 - EEE - 0513 - III

174 Sprinter 2000 SA RO - 2012 - 12 - EEE - 0164 - III

175 Starwood Industrial Group RO - 2010 - 02 - EEE - 1178 - I

176 Steaua Electrica SA RO - 2015 - 07 - EEE - 0297 - IV

177 Steinel Distribution SRL RO - 2009 - 08 - EEE - 1108 - I

178 Sterisystems RO - 2014 - 05 - EEE - 0722 - III

179 Talnes Impex SRL RO - 2015 - 06 - EEE - 0911 - III

180 Tesva S.R.L RO - 2015 - 07 - EEE - 0300 - IV

181 Tobimar RO - 2015 - 09 - EEE - 1756 - II


Table 2: List of the participants of RECOLAMP Association - December 2015

No. Producer/ Importer

Registration Number in the

Registry of EEE Producers and

Importers issued by NAEP

182 Tobimar GROUP RO - 2014 - 03 - EEE - 1436 - II

183 Total Strada RO - 2015 - 12 - EEE - 1807 - II

184 Tracon Electric RO - 2015 - 08 - EEE - 1006 - III

185 Tungs Star RO - 2015 - 12 - EEE - 0165 - IV

186 Ultra Active Management Group RO - 2014 - 10 - EEE - 2132 - I

187 Valoris RO - 2015 - 12 - EEE - 2515 - I

188 Viator Serv RO - 2012 - 10 - EEE - 1774 - I

189 Vitacom Electronics RO - 2015 - 08 - EEE - 0461 - IV

190 X-Lighting Design RO - 2015 - 07 - EEE - 2372 - I

191 Zaza Lighting RO - 2013 - 09 - EEE - 1293 - II

192 Zexstar RO - 2016 - 02 - EEE - 2568 - I

1.4 Recolamp Operating


a. The set-up of “Green Stamp” worth

0.85 RON (VAT not included) for

categories ‘b - e’ and 0.75 Lei (VAT

not included) for categories ‘a’ and

‘f’, which are required elements,

according to GEO 5/2015, that

need to be clearly visible in the

sale price of each light sourse

or lighting equipment put on the

Romanian market.

Note: The notion „put on the

market” refers to the light sources

or lighting equipment sold/

transferred – as end products or

incorporated in other equipment

– in Romania.

b. The quantity of light sources

put on the market is evaluated

every month through the Monthly

Declaration and at the year-end

through the Annual Declaration,

which are submitted to Recolamp

by the participant.

Note: Declarations are sent

through the Black Box – a secured

system owned by RECOLAMP and

managed by Basesoft Solutions

in Amsterdam. This system

also allows the Participant to

submit other notifi cations and

confi dential communications

to RECOLAMP and ensures the

confi dentiality of all documents

provided by the Participant.

Recolamp checks the precision

and accuracy of each declaration

by developing yearly audit

missions, contracted together

with notorious international


c. The participant pays a monthly Fee

(the value of the “Green Stamp”)

for all light sources and lighting

equipment put on the Romanian

market, as Producer. This fee is

consolidated and transferred to

Recolamp, together with those of

other participants.

Note: The payments are made

by the Participants directly to

the account managed by the

Black Box, according to the bank

details in the invoice.

d. The collected Fees are used by

Recolamp in order to fi nance the

collection infrastructure and to

conclude partnerships with the

suppliers providing services of

collection, sorting, transportation,

treatment and recycling of light


Note: The management model of

the Fees represents the object

of the Management Plan, which

is periodically submitted to

the approval of the Minister of

Environment, Water and Forests.

In the course of its activity, Recolamp is guided by the following principles:




produced in our


Imported equipment Exported equipment Total POMTotal POM, without

exported equipment

units tons units tons units tons units tons units tons

5A - Luminaires for

fl uorescent lamps

with the exception

of luminaires in


19,784 17 115,782 285 0 0 135,566 302 135,566 302

5B - Straight fl uorescent

lamps0 0 2,602,981 278 112,811 12 2,602,981 278 2,490,170 266

5C - Compact fl uorescent

lamps0 0 2,265,962 184 0 0 2,265,962 184 2,265,962 184

5D - High intensity

discharge lamps,

including pressure

sodium lamps and

metal halide lamps

0 0 336,499 36 0 0 336,499 36 336,499 36

5E - Low pressure sodium

lamps0 0 2,211 0.54 0 0 2,211 0.54 2,211 0.54

5F - Other lighting or

equipment for the

purpose of spreading

or controlling light,

including LEDs, with

the exception of

fi lament lamps

6,903 18 1,810,771 877 0 0 1,817,674 895 1,817,674 895

Total 26,687 35 7,134,206 1,661 112,811 12 7,160,893 1,695 7,048,082 1,684

Table 3: Number of reported units of lighting equipment

Moreover, Recolamp acts as a

spokesperson for its members in

relation to authorities, media and

other organizations on issues related

to compliance and improvement of

the environment performances and

the increase of the awareness level

about the impact of daily activities

on the environment.

According to the Monthly

declarations, confi rmed by the

Annual declarations reported to

the online reporting system “Black

Box”, the companies participating

to the collective scheme managed

by Recolamp summarized a

total number of 7,048,082 light

equipment units, respectively 1,684

tonnes, according to the table below

(equipment put on the market –

equipment exported to other states):

1.5 Recolamp Association -

EucoLight memberEucoLight - The European

association of collection and recycling

organisations for WEEE lamps and


The collection and recycling of lighting

is facing unprecedented challenges

and opportunities with the transition

to new technologies and a rapidly

changing regulatory environment.

The business of recycling WEEE

lighting is evolving and reinventing its

approach in order to meet the needs

of the 21st century.

EucoLight will strengthen the lighting

sector, becoming the main forum for

development and communication

and helping to shape the future

of lighting WEEE in Europe. It will

add value to all lighting Producer

Compliance Schemes in the fi elds

of legislation, policy, logistics,

standardisation and communication.


EucoLight is the voice of European

WEEE Producer Compliance

Schemes specialised in managing

the collection and recycling of WEEE

lighting, in the name of the producers

which they represent.

The Association is working to make

the circular economy a reality for

lighting products.

It promotes the positive role of Extended

Producer Responsibility schemes on

the environment and society.

It engages in a constructive dialogue

with stakeholders to provide expertise

in the fi eld of collection and recycling

of WEEE lighting.

Founded in 2015, EucoLight engages

with everything related to the WEEE

Directive, legislation and standards

affecting the collection and recycling

of WEEE lighting. The Association

is working on behalf of its Producer

Compliance Scheme members.








Chapter II – Logistics and Operations

2.1 Collection Companies, Dismantling Operators,

Recyclers – Recolamp Partners

2.2 Data on Collected Waste Quantities

2.3 Flows of Managed Waste

2.4 Recipients for Collection and Transportation

2.5 Recycling


Recolamp Association collaborates

with specialised companies licensed

by environment authorities in order

to manage and operate a national

collection system. According to

the protocols signed with waste

generators, Recolamp is responsible

for picking up the selectively

collected lamp waste in maximum 10

working days after the notifi cation,

in all locations in Romania, with a

single limitation imposed for reasons

of cost and effi ciency: the collected

weight must be at least 20 kilograms

or about 100 pieces of waste in case

of light sources and 50 kilograms for

luminaries waste.

The fl ows of documents and of

the activities performed in relation to

these contractual relationships are

detailed in the fi gure below:

2.1 Collection Companies,

Dismantling Operators,

Recyclers – Recolamp Partners

Fig. 2. System organization – contractual relationships

In 2015, Recolamp commissioned and carried on third party audits at its collection and recycling suppliers, with a relevant contribution to the general performance of the Association. Thus, a specialised company with an international reputation verifi ed the working and reporting procedure, along with the compliance procedure on environmental and contractual obligations of Recolamp partners.

Such practices aim to correctly monitor the lamp waste management system and to continuously improve the working procedure, the evolution of costs and the techniques to improve results.

The Association aims to achieve these audit missions, on random sampling, in the next years as well.


  Name City County Services

1 Alpin Satu Mare SM Collection

2 Alpin Recycling Arad AR Collection

3 Api Sorelia Piatra Neamţ NT Collection

4 Avarem Hungary Recycling

5 Ave Salaj Ecoserv Zalău SJ Collection

6 Bene International Oradea BH Collection

7Brantner Servicii

EcologicePiatra Neamţ NT Collection

8 Computer Trade Miercurea Ciuc HR Collection

9Concept Solution

SystemBucurești B Collection

10 CUP Salubritate Focșani VN Collection

11 Ecorec Recycling Buhuși BCCollection

and Recycling

12 Ecosafe Oradea BH Collection

13 Eco-Sal Mediaș SB Collection

14 First Recycler Târgul Jiu DJ Collection

15Green Zone

CompanyOdorheiul Secuiesc HR Collection

16 Greenlamp Reciclare Ţintești BZCollection

and Recycling

17 Greentronics Alexandria TR Collection

18 Gremlin Constanţa CT Collection

19 Indeco Grup Zădăreni AR Collection

20 Jifa Sibiu SB Collection

21 JT Grup Tulcea TL Collection

22 Leo Team Florești CJ Collection

23 Metal-Rom Sibiu SB Collection

24 Mondo Agrar Ștefănești AG Collection

25 Rechoralex Ociu, com. Vata HDCollection

and Recycling

26 Remat București Sud București BCollection

and Recycling

27 Remat Vrancea Focșani VNCollection

and Recycling

28 Rematholding Co. București BCollection

and Recycling

29 RIAN Consult Brașov BV Collection


RecyclingVidrasau MS Collection

31Serviciul Public

EcosalGalaţi GL Collection

32 Servsal Onești BC Collection

33 Urban Serv Brașov BV Collection

The operators with which Recolamp Association has concluded collaboration

agreements for collection and recycling are presented in the table below.

Table 4 – List of operators licensed to collect and recycle


In order to ensure the collection and

recycling of lamp and luminaries

waste, Recolamp provides the

following services:

☞ endows waste generators (private

companies and public institutions),

free of charge, with standard

collection containers, based on

collaboration protocols;

☞ provides free services such as:

waste pick-up, transportation,

temporary storage, sorting,

regional and national

consolidation, based on service

provision agreements concluded

with certifi ed operators;

☞ pre-treats the waste for

dismemberment or transportation

in order to be recycled in Romania

and Hungary, based on service

provision agreements concluded

with certifi ed operators;

☞ provides a free green line (0800 888

666) and call assistance services,

to be used by waste generators to

notify Recolamp for picking up the

owned waste;

☞ the waste collected and

temporary stored at local level by

certifi ed operators is transported

to regional consolidation points

(Bacău, Satu Mare, Târgu Mureș

and Bucharest). From there, it

is transported to the national

consolidation point at GreenLamp

Buzău, where is sorted by types

and categories, as well as

recovered. The waste collected in

the 4 west counties are treated in


Regarding the collection system,

Recolamp provides certain containers

to retail chains and suppliers (of

different sizes, depending on the

space owned and on the pickup

volume), so they guarantee the

collection of lamp and luminaries

waste according to the 1:1 or 1:0

exchange, depending on the case, in

the actual commercial activity.

Moreover, Recolamp has provided

standardised containers to companies

and to institutions and thus created its

own collection system, while ensuring

a clear evidence of the waste quantity

and of its reporting.

2.3 Flows of Managed Waste

In 2015, Recolamp collected 659 tons of waste:


Put on the market

(after beingexported)



Collectedfrom othersources


Treated inthe country

Exported tobe treatedin other EU




Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons

5 a 301.9 - 279 279 - -

5 b 266 4.1 162 117 27 -

5 c 184 3 45 45 - -

5 d 36 - 19 20 - -

5 e 0.54 - - - - -

5 f894.9 0.47 147 146 - -

Total 1684 8 651 607 27 -

Table 5 – Data on collected waste quantities

* Note: The average weight of lamp waste is 0.128 kg and 2.5 kg for luminaries waste,

according to the research accomplished by Recolamp Association.

2.2 Data on Collected Waste



Waste collection may be schematically represented as it follows:

Fig. 3. Recolamp operational fl ow

In 2015, the collection and picking up

from professional users (companies

and public institutions), from

municipalities and from domestic

users was performed by managing a

collection network of:

☞ 9,445 collection points from


☞ 1,158 collection points from

domestic users.

Recolamp operates four consolidated


points that collect waste quantities

depending on the geographic areas.

These consolidation points receive

all the lamps collected by collection

societies in a certain area.

All the waste quantities collected

by the four regional consolidation

points is transported to a unique

national consolidation point.

The waste collected in all 5

consolidation points (4 regional

and 1 national) receives appropriate

storage and management


These locations cover an area of

minimum 100 sqm, in order to

carry out the activity requested by

Recolamp. These locations own

certifi ed equipment to weigh the

waste quantities that are picked up.


c. Containers for the public – Green Corner provided free of charge and used

to manage WEEE collection points placed in heavy traffi c shopping centres

in order to ease the direct collection from the population. Depending on the

quantities of collected waste within this system and the agreed operation

frequency, Recolamp synchronises its picking-up and transportation to

collection points.

Recipient type Waste typeSize

(L x l x h/cm)




empty (kg)

Metallic containerCompact sources

(bulbs)80 x 80 x 114 1,000 70

Metallic container Linear lamps

(fl uorescent tubes)

195 x 80 x 114 1,000 150Fig.4. Metallic container


2.4 Containers for Collection

and Transportation

Containers for collection:

1. Collection container for the general public, available in high traffi c

locations. Waste types: bulbs, fl uorescent tubes, batteries and small

WEEE (in partnership with specialized organisations).

2. Collection recipient for the general public made of resistant plastic,

transparent and marked. It contains two boxes: one for bulbs and one

for tubes.

Recipient type Waste typeSize

(H x L x l )

Green CornerLight sources (bulbs and fl uorescent tubes),

batteries and small WEEE.200 x 100 x 126

a. Metallic containers provided free of charge and used for the endowment

of the municipal collection points, as well as for the use of collection

companies and of large waste generators (e.g.: street lighting companies,

industrial platforms, offi ce buildings, etc.).

b. Cardboard boxes – used as needed, depending on the case, for both

waste storage and transportation.

Fig.5. Cardboard box


Fig.6.1 Green Corner

Recipient type Waste typeSize

(L x l x h/cm)




empty (kg)

Cardboard boxCompact sources

(bulbs)62 x 40 x 40 100 0.5

Cardboard box Linear lamps

(fl uorescent tubes) 156 x 27 x 27 100 0.5

Vertical cardboard

boxLinear lamps

(fl uorescent tubes)40x40x(120-150) 100 0.5

Recipient type Waste typeSize

(H x Diam/cm)

Green Corner Light sources (bulbs and fl uorescent tubes) 120 x 45

Fig.6.2 Green Corner


All recipient and containers used

to collect, consolidate, sort and

transport the waste are entirely

sponsored by Recolamp, as well as

all the associated services.

Also, all collection/ transportation

recipients are marked with the

Recolamp signs – logo, the

Association’s contact data and the

Green Line number that can be used

free of charge in order to ask for

information, to receive containers or

to announce the existence of waste

or that a container is full, so that the

waste can be picked up.

All contracts regarding the containers

have been concluded following open

tenders, followed by negotiations, so

that the established prices comply

with and, sometimes, are even less

than the levels previously set in the

Operating Plan.

Fig. 8. Linear tubes palletFig. 7. Bulbs pallet

Fig. 10. Linear tubes recycling

Fig.11. Automated recycling of bulbs

d. Transportation recipients – pallets. These enable safe transportation of

the sorted waste to the recycler.

Starting with 2011, when Greenlamp

Reciclare SRL from Buzău received

the environment authorization and

made available 3 systems for light

sources waste treatment, for each

type of waste: linear tubes, energy-

saving bulbs and high intensity

discharge bulbs. Within the same

company, there is also a line for

mercury distillation. As of 2011, all

light source waste fl ow is directed to

GreenLamp Reciclare in order to be


Additionally, due to Hungary-

Romania cross-border cooperation

program aiming the collection of

lamp waste, 2007-2013 Program:

“Reducing the hazardous substances

pollution by improving the lamp

waste management in cross-border

counties”, a recycling facility has been

built in Hungary, in Mezökovacsháza

locality. The facility ensures the

recycling of fl uorescent tubes waste

collected in the four counties on the

Romania-Hungary border.

Waste collected by Recolamp in

2015 – 659 tons – was recovered

either in Romania by GreenLamp

company, or in Hungary by Avarem


2.5 Recycling

Fig.9. Recolamp containers signs


Chapter III – Marketing and Communication

3.1 Main Directions of Communication

3.2 Events

3.3 Educational Programs

3.4 Recolamp in the Media

3.5 Online Communication Tools

3.6 Awards

3.7 ‘‘Choose a Better Lighting Source Guide’ – a project

of the Romanian Lighting Industry, supported by

Recolamp and InfoCons (launched in 2016)’



en L

ine: 0800.8



In 2015, Recolamp Association’s

main target was to increase the

collected lamp waste quantities and

subsequently, recycled. According to

the provisions of the new legislation,

the Association continued to invest

in extending the collection network

built for the general public, as well as

for the waste generators – state or

private institutions.

Thus, in order to assure that the

information regarding the necessity

to selectively collect energy-saving

bulbs, fl uorescent tubes, LEDs and

lighting equipment reaches the target

public and determines a behavioural

change, a sustained communication

was, and still is essential.

In 2015, Recolamp continued to

organise the customized information

and awareness campaigns in order

to increase notoriety of lamp waste

collection, while it also consolidated

its leader position in the recycling

fi eld.

Therefore, all performed activities

mainly aimed to support the selective

collection of lamp waste, in order

to ensure its recycling in safety

conditions for the environment and

for human health.

Recolamp’s main directions of

communication in 2015 were the


1. Inform and increase responsibility

of the professional users towards

selective collection of signifi cant

waste quantities generated by big


2. Increase the responsibility of the

retail chains/ economic agents

that put lamps on the market,

and persuade them to get actively

involved in waste collection from

the population;

3. Support the civil society’s efforts

to develop a recycling awareness

of individual users – a medium

and long-term goal;

4. Make central and local authorities

sensitive and get their support

to build a viable and effi cient

collection infrastructure, a

structure based on a correct

legislation in accordance with the

market realities;

5. Increase Recolamp’s general

brand notoriety and its

positioning as the only specialized

organization that is truly and

actively involved in lamp waste


Recolamp has conveyed relevant

and customized key messages to a

wide audience consisting in:

☞ participants: Recolamp founding

members and manufacturers/

importers – participants in the

collective scheme managed by


☞ legal entities that generate waste:

companies generating waste from

their own activity and companies

that can support and disseminate

Recolamp’s message among their


☞ central and local authorities and

public institutions;

☞ individuals – domestic waste


☞ providers of logistic services:

sanitation, collection, transportation

and recycling companies;

☞ institutionalized civil society: NGOs

and other collective organizations;

☞ national and local mass-media –

an essential factor in awareness

raising campaigns and in

Recolamp’s brand promotion,

as well as a barometer for

the economic and ecological

conditions, at national and

international levels.

3.1 Main Directions of Communication


b. Lamp waste collecting and recycling guide

c. Collection guide for lamp equipment suppliers

d. 2014 Activity Annual Report – available in Romanian and English on the

Association’s website - www.recolamp.ro

Recolamp’s communication toolsa. General fl yers


21.05.2015 – Recolamp organized a working visit to Greenlamp Reciclare Buzău, the largest integrated factory for treating waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in Romania and one of the

most modern facilities in Europe.

- 20 journalists and civil society

representatives, together with the

Recolamp team visited both the

GreenWEEE collection centre and

the Greenlamp Reciclare recycling

factory and held discussions with

the Recolamp team and with the

managers of the factory in Buzău.

15.04.2015 – Meeting with the Waste Department representatives

of the Ministry of Environment.

- the aim of the meeting was to present

the activity of Recolamp, including

the infrastructure development,

in order to emphasize better the

efforts and costs that a lamp waste

management system requires.

11.05.2015 – The conference and marketing research made by the Public Policy Institute.

- the conference was attended by

representatives of the Ministry

of Environment, of the National

Environmental Guard and of the

Competition Council and by Ecotic

and CCR representatives. After

presenting the PPI study, they

discussed legislative norms that could

solve some of the system’s problems.

B. PR conferences and events which Recolamp attended:

29.01.2015 – Romanian Lighting Industry Association Meeting;

10-11.03.2015 – ADI Pitești Local

Authorities Conference;

05.03.2015 – Lighting Industry Forum;

23.04.2015 – Romenvirotec;

29.04.2015 – Courses for Electricians, CNRI, Bucharest;

26.05.2015 – “Think City” Bucharest Conference;

28.05.2015 – European Recycling

Society Reunion, Bucharest;

29.05.2015 – Conference at the Ministry of Environment;

02.06.2015 – Special Events for World Environment Day;

11.06.2015 – PPI Round-Table on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Management;

01-03.07.2015 – Sanitarians’ Conference, Constanţa;

01.09.2015 – Conference on Circular Economy, Bucharest;

08-10.09.2015 – International Lighting Year, Sibiu;

08.10.2015 – Energy Effi ciency Conference, Bucharest;

16.10.2015 – National Symposium on Lighting, Sinaia;

19.10.2015 – Round-Table about Street Lighting, Competition Council, Bucharest;

29-31.10.2015 – Local Authorities Conference on Lighting, Brașov;

29.10.2015 – PPI’s Public Services Study, Bucharest.

Recolamp team participated to different events organised for the business

environment and for the general public, among which we mention the following:

A. Meetings and working visits with decision-makers, players from the industry and mass-media representatives:

3.2 Events


C. Annual Meeting of Collectors – Recolamp partners

02 – 04.10.2015 - Meeting of Collectors Recolamp Partners,


- the event was attended by

representatives of 15 companies

that are Recolamp partners for

lamp waste collection and recycling


- the event’s aim was to analyse the

results from 2015 and to identify

solutions for increasing the lamp

waste quantities collected through

authorized collectors.

- collection targets and the activity for

2016 were communicated in order

to achieve the performance criteria

established by the Association for

its partners.

D. Recolamp information and collection campaigns – examples:

1. Campaigns for big waste generators:

01.06 – 31.07.2015 - Collection campaign addressed to companies from which Recolamp is collecting waste (9,800 locations).

01.09.2015 – 27.11.2015 - Collection campaign addressed to companies from which Recolamp is collecting waste (9,800 locations).

2. Campaigns addressed to population:

2015 & 2016 National Caravan, in partnership with Ecotic Association, January - June 2015:

☞ Events in 200 schools, in the parking lots of big retailers, in 20 public


☞ Guided tour of the caravan, which also includes information about light

sources recycling;

☞ Events in Brașov, Bacău, Piatra Neamţ, Suceava, Botoșani, Iași,

Focșani, Brăila, Galaţi, Buzău and Bucharest.


Total collected waste 39,589 kg

No. of picking up orders 768

Prizes awarded 60


Total collected waste 64,676 kg

Prizes awarded 100


3. Campaigns addressed to the professional sector – electric equipment stores and electricians:

20.06.2014 – 30.06.2015 - “Every time a bulb burns out, recycle it and win prizes FOR SURE” - www.campanie2014.recolamp.ro.

Campaign objectives:

1. Raise awareness among electricians and market owners on the necessity

to recycle lamp waste because of its mercury content;

2. Involvement and reward granted to markets and electricians involved in

selective collection of lamp waste;

3. Presentation of Recolamp Association as the single national active

organization specialized in lamp waste management.

Campaign mechanism:

1. Stores participating to this campaign automatically become Recolamp

partners and receive a kit of materials – campaign poster, costumed

cash tray, fl yers, posters and collection containers - Green Corner +

cardboard boxes.

2. Along with the kit of materials, partner stores also receive prizes that can

be offered to electricians participating in this campaign, according to

the Offi cial Rules. Therefore, an electrician shall receive FOR SURE and

immediately the prize corresponding to the waste quantity delivered in

the store (sale limited to available stock on hand):

- For 50 waste units – a voltage pencil;

- For 100 waste units – a tape line;

- For 200 waste units – a multimeter;

- For 400 waste units – a Bosch hammer drill + a barbecue accessory.

2015 Campaign Results:

☞ 440 electric equipment stores partners to this campaign;

☞ 3,543 prizes granted;

☞ 22,812 kilograms of collected lamps;

☞ Media communication and information campaign;

☞ 60,000 brochures were distributed;

☞ Text message campaign – 6,000 text messages were sent.

4. Campaign to increase the number of containers intended for selective collection from population:

Partnership with Green Group Buzău for collecting the lamp waste from 26 SIGUREC containers all over Romania. www.sigurec.ro


In 2015, Recolamp team continued to develop and to implement

education and information programs on environment protection, as well as

communication activities aiming to increase awareness on the importance

of environmental protection.

3.3 Educational Programs

Safety kit in case of fl uorescent lamps breakage at Recolamp collection centres

- The kits are available in all Recolamp

collection locations, the collection

centres for population having


- Letters addressed to the company

in which we explain that there is no

danger if a bulb breaks and that we

approach seriously the safety of our

partners and of their employees;

- 2,000 kits were distributed in

collection centres in 2015.

Awareness campaign at Politehnica University of Bucharest

- The campaign was initiated in the

context of celebrating the 200th

anniversary of the university;

- The campaign’s message: “Protect

the environment and recycle in

order to leave a world without waste

to your inheritors”.

Awareness and collection campaign for JW Marriott hotel employees in Bucharest

- The employees of the hotel

were interested in our activity.

The idea was to highlight the

importance of collection activities

and of environment protection to


3.4 Online Communication

Toolswww.recolamp.ro – website that provides general information on the activity

of Recolamp Association.

www.coltverde.ro – website that provides information on the closest collection

locations of light sources and other waste electrical and electronic equipment

from individuals.

www.facebook.com/Recolamp – webpage dedicated to social communication

with people interested in Recolamp activity and on lamp waste recycling.

Like us on facebook.com/Recolamp


3.5 Recolamp in the Media

3.6 Awards

December 2015 – award received from Forbes Magazine for contributing to

a green economy.

Recolamp developed a coherent and consistent communication program,

its messages being remarked in the business environment and among the

target public.

Recolamp in 2015 media – a continuous communication either printed or

online, or on radio and TV.

☞ At least one press release per month;

☞ Appearances in major business and general publications: ZF, Business

Magazin (business), Forbes (business), wall-street.ro (business), evz.ro

(general), thetrends.ro (general), govnet.ro (business), profi t.ro (business);

☞ Appearances in the most important audio-visual media channels: Digi24,

Pro TV, Prima TV, local television channels, PRO FM & Digi FM, Smart FM;

☞ A special project developed with one of the most famous business

magazines in Romania – Forbes – “cover story” about the brand’s history

in Romania and its contribution to the recycling industry;

☞ Special online projects: monthly interactions between the Recolamp team

and opinion leaders at some informal events and through social media

content and blogs.


1. Select the type of lamp holder.

Choose the type of lamp holder that fi ts your luminaire. You can fi nd more

information on the packaging or in the luminaire’s user guide.

2. The input power – Bulbs have different input powers depending on the

luminaire you plan to install them: 220 – 240Vac, alternating current; or

12Vdc or 24Vdc, direct current.

3. Bulb shape – The shape and the dimensions of the bulb must be chosen

according to your luminaire.

4. The equivalent power consumption (Watt, short form: W) – We measure

the power consumed by a bulb in Watt. New technologies have a lower

consumption power and, therefore, a lower electric energy consumption.

5. The luminous fl ux (lumen, short form: lm) – Represents the quantity

of light produced by a bulb. You must take into account the equivalent

luminous fl ux when buying new bulbs because new technologies always

have a lower consumption rate. The conclusion: choose lumens, not watts!

A bulb is economical and more effi cient if the lm/ W ratio is bigger.

3.7 ‘‘Choose a Better Lighting Source

Guide’ – a project of the Romanian Lighting Industry, supported by Recolamp and InfoCons (launched in 2016) www.ari-iluminat.ro

You decided to choose a new lighting source. By the time you arrive at the

store, you already know that the old incandescent bulb can’t be bought

anymore. It was replaced because of its high electric energy consumption.

However, a wide range of options are available on the market, therefore you

can easily replace it.

Bulbs with new technologies consume less energy than incandescent bulbs,

although they produce the same amount of light. New bulbs are also designed

to fi t the already existing luminaries.

The bulb’s packaging offers very useful information. 1














How do we choose the right bulb?

In order to choose the right bulb, we have to take the following aspects into account:

The consumption power of a new bulb versus the consumption power of an

incandescent bulb

The energy effi ciency label (see point 13);

The power consumption (in Watts);

The luminous fl ux (see point 5);

The average life span (1,000 hours, the equivalent of the average use in one year – see point 6);

The colour temperature (see point 8);

The colour rendering (see point 9);

The number of on/ off cycles (see point 6);

The bulb allows luminous fl ux adjustment – if not, the symbol is cut with a cross (see point 10).


Incandescent bulb


Minimum luminous

fl ux [lm]

15 120

25 220

40 415

60 715

75 930

100 1,340


6. Bulb’s lifespan (hours or years) – Incandescent bulbs have a lifespan

of 1,000 hours or 1 year. Economical bulbs or LED bulbs have a bigger

lifespan that must be marked on the packaging. The lifespan is calculated

based on an average use of 3 hours/ day, with a number of at least 650

on/off cycles.

7. The lighting time – Depending on its construction type, the bulb can reach

maximum light after a given period of time. The halogen bulbs or the LED

bulbs have instant lighting.

8. The colour temperature - The bulb can display both warm white light

and cool white light, on a scale from 2,700 K (warm white) to 6,500 K (cool

white). The bulb with incandescence or with halogen can display warm

white light (2,700 K).

9. The colour rendering - The way in which colours are rendered through

light sources is different from bulb to bulb, on a scale from 0 to 100. If you

need a better colour rendering in your home or in any other activity, we

recommend you the bulbs with a Ra rendering ratio of over 80.

10. Luminous fl ux adjustment - Not all bulbs allow the luminous fl ux

adjustment that reduces or increases the bulb’s light. Beware of the

symbols on the bulb’s packaging.

11. Product’s origin – The packaging must contain the country where it

was produced, the name of the producer/ importer in Romania and its

address in order to be easily identifi ed.

12. Separate collection – The packaging must have the indicator that shows

that the burnt out bulb is subject to a separate collection process.

13. The energy effi ciency – The packaging must have the energy effi ciency


14. The Green Stamp – The cost of collecting, treating and removing in safe

conditions in order to protect the environment and people’s health; it must

be highlighted separately.

15. RoHS - Optionally, the packaging must have the RoHS symbol that ensures

the equipment does not contain heavy metals over the permitted limit.

16. The certifi cate of conformity – The packaging must contain the CE

symbol that certifi es the product was produced according to the technical

provisions of the EU and that the product meets all legal requirements on

health, safety, consumer and environment protection.


Lifespan symbol example

Lighting time symbol example

(in seconds)

Allows luminous fl ux adjustment

Doesn’t allow luminous fl ux adjustment

Beware: the “China Export” symbol doesn’t

have any space between the letters!










“Not enough”

Colour rendering

1. Supplier’s name or its registered trade;

2. Supplier’s model identifi er;

3. The energy effi ciency class;

4. The annual energy consumption for 1,000 hours (average energy consumption for 1 year).

CE symbol China Export


Chapter IV – Financial Data

4.1 Revenue from Green

Stamp Fee and Cost

AllocationThe income registered by Recolamp comes exclusively from the Green Stamp fees of the participants. The participants use the Black Box monthly in order to declare the quantities of electric and electronic waste put on the market and they pay in Recolamp’s bank account the amount related to these quantities.

The expenses recorded by Recolamp in 2015 are detailed below in table 6:

Table 6 – Income and Expenses in 2015

Categorie Amount (RON)

Income from the Green Stamp 5,902,748

Other fi nancial income (e.g. interests) 87,571

Total Income 5,990,319

Total expenses 5,119,694

Total administrative expenses 1,469,907

Consulting services 533,085

Other services (accountancy, HR, management of Green Stamp

reporting application)169,086

Rent, utilities, offi ce endowment, stationery 116,353

Telecom, internet, couriers 108,514

Salaries and assmilated 297,947

Auto, travel expenses 83,274

Protocol 18,600

Depreciations 0

Wage tax and social quota 105,356

Other fees, taxes and penalties 1,112

Banking fees 11,778

Losses from forex diff erences 24,802

Total marketing expenses 966,154

Variable expenses 717,920

Agency services (market research, media monitoring, etc.) 15,265

ATL (online, offl ine) 72,215

PR 74,638

Production of information and promotional materials 209,770

Conference 185,208

Events 160,824

Fixed marketing expenses 248,234

Total operating expenses 2,683,633

Variable operating expenses 2,281,138

Collections recipients and pallets 252,135

WEEE collection 758,768

Transportation 118,700

Management of consolidated points 282,653

Recycling 499,703

Logistical support services, service collection locations 369,179

Fixed operating expenses 402,495

Provision for doubtful income 85,080

Gross result of exercise 785,545

Tax on profi t 111,610

Net result (after tax) 673,935

“In 2015, Recolamp participants

introduced on the Romanian

market approximatively 7 million

units of lighting equipment –

fi gures slightly bigger than those

recorded in 2014. Recolamp

recorded revenues of about

6,000,000 lei representing the

counterpart of the Green Stamp’s

value of 0.85 lei (VAT not included)

– established for categories

5 “b - e”, respectively 0.75 lei

(VAT not included) – established

for categories “5 a” and “5 f” –

applied to each equipment sold

by the Association’s producers.”

Béla KovácsGeneral Manager

Recolamp Association



No. 6 -10 Stolnicului St.,

3rd fl oor, fl at 10,

1st district – zip code

011394, Bucharest

phone: 021 223 02 56

fax: 021 223 02 57

offi ce@recolamp.ro


Green Line:


Chapter V – Recolamp Team

Like us on facebook.com/Recolamp

Béla KovácsGeneral Manager


Sorin BoroșLogistics Manager


Daniela BrumăAdministrative Manager


Roxana Șunică Marketing Manager


Simona VaidaAdvisor for relationship with Authorities


