2016 Academic Year Clinic Session Integrated National Education Information System (iNEIS TM )



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2016 Academic YearClinic Session

Integrated National Education Information System (iNEISTM)

Task to do

• During sessionTransfer StudentsWithdrawal StudentsUpdate Student BlockUpdate Class BlockMerge BlocksVerify Class Roster

• After sessionSign attendanceSign tracker

Preparation Document

• Download the document from iNEIS portal:

Navigation: Resources > Academic Year 2016 Activity Preparation

Link: http://ineis.moe.gov.bn/mod/page/view.php?id=48

Document:1610_Core Subject Classes Enrolment Instructions

Student Movement

Integrated National Education Information System (iNEISTM)

Student Movement

There are two types of Student Movement:1. Transfer Students 2. Withdrawal Students

If your school have already done Student Movement, kindly skip this step and proceed to the Student Blocks (slide 28)

Transfer Students

1. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Student Movement > Transfer Student > Transfer Student Request

2. In Add a New Value tab, enter the Student ID3. Click Add button

Transfer Students

4. Fill in the Transfer Request form5. Save and Submit the Transfer Request form

Transfer Students

6. Current School Approver to approve the Transfer Request form

7. New School Approver to approve the Transfer Request form

Transfer Students8. Current School Registrar to complete the Transfer Request form.

Upon completing the Transfer Request form, the Clearance Checklist Items is automatically assigned

Transfer Students9. Update the Clearance Checklist Items

i. Navigate to Campus Community > Checklists > Person Checklists > Checklist Management – Person

ii. In Find an Existing Value tab, enter the Student IDiii. Click Search button

Transfer Students

iv. In Checklist Management 2 tab, update the Clearance Checklist Items

v. Click Save button

Transfer Students10. Update the Student Records:

i. Drop Class Enrollmenta. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students >

Enrollment Requestb. In Add a New Value tab, enter the Student ID, Academic

Career and Termc. Click Add button

Transfer Studentsd. Select ‘Drop’ from Action fielde. Select ‘SDRP’ from Action Reason fieldf. Enter Class Nbr g. Click ‘+’ to add more Class Nbr

h. Click Save button i. Click Submit button.

Transfer Studentsii. Update the Student Program/Plan

a. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan

b. In Find an Existing Value tab, enter the Student IDc. Click Include History checkboxd. Click Search button

Transfer Studentse. Click ‘+’ to add the Transfer recordf. Enter Effective Date as date of transferg. Select ‘DATA’ from Program Action fieldh. Select Transfer Reason from Action Reason fieldi. Select New School from Campus field

j. Click Save button

Student Withdrawal

1. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Student Movement > Student Withdrawals > Withdrawal Request

2. In Add a New Value tab, enter the Student ID3. Click Add button

4. Fill in the Withdrawal Request form5. Save and Submit the Withdrawal Request form

Student Withdrawal

6. School Approver to approve the Withdrawal Request form

Student Withdrawal

7. School Registrar to complete the Withdrawal Request form. Upon completing the Withdrawal Request form, the Clearance Checklist Items is automatically assigned

Student Withdrawal

8. Update the Clearance Checklist Itemsi. Navigate to Campus Community > Checklists > Person

Checklists > Checklist Management – Personii. In Find an Existing Value tab, enter the Student IDiii. Click Search button

Student Withdrawal

iv. In Checklist Management 2 tab, update the Clearance Checklist Items

v. Click Save button

Student Withdrawal

9. Update the Student Records:i. Drop Class Enrollment

a. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Request

b. In Add a New Value tab, enter the Student ID, Academic Career and Term

c. Click Add button

Student Withdrawal

Student Withdrawal

f. Enter Class Nbr g. Click ‘+’ to add more Class Nbr h. Click Save button i. Click Submit button

d. Select ‘Drop’ from Action field

e. Select ‘WITH’ from Action Reason field

ii. Term Withdrawa. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Student Term

Information > Term Historyb. In Find an Existing Value tab, enter the Student IDc. Click Search button

Student Withdrawal

e. Select Withdrawal\Cancel Reasonf. Enter Withdrawal\Cancel Dateg. Enter Last Date of Attendance

Student Withdrawal

d. In Term Withdrawal tab, select ‘Withdrew’ from Withdrawal\Cancel field

h. Click Post Term Withdrawal button

NOTE: Once the student is Term Withdrawn, the Automatic Tuition Calculation process must be run before proceeding on updating the Student Program/Plan. Refer to Tuition Calculation for Individual Student in Online Help

iii. Update the Student Program/Plan a. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Career and Program

Information > Student Program/Planb. In Find an Existing Value tab, enter the Student IDc. Click Include History checkboxd. Click Search button

Student Withdrawal

e. Click ‘+’ to add the Withdrawal recordf. Enter Effective Date as date of withdrawalg. Select ‘WADM’ from Program Action field

Student Withdrawal

h. Select Withdrawal Reason from Action Reason field

i. Click Save button

Student Blocks

Integrated National Education Information System (iNEISTM)

Update Student Block

1. If teacher have brought the list of students for each class Cross check student block with the list

2. If teacher do not have list of students for each class Cross check student block with registration class


Make sure to add missing student or student recently transferred in

Student Block Naming Convention

Registration Class & Subject Naming Convention

Class Block Code: SSSS-YLCCC

SSSS = School CodeDashY = Academic Year (E.g. 2015 = 5, 2016 = 6)L = Level (E.g. Year 1 = 1, Year 9 = 9)CCC = Class Section (E.g. A, B, C )

E.g. 1012-62A for campus 1012, Year 2016, class 2A

Update Student Block1. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Block

Enrollment > Create Student Block2. In Find an Existing Value page, enter existing Student Block3. Click Search button

Update Student Block4. Click “+” to add more students or “-” to remove students you just

found moving out from school5. Enter student ID and Academic Career6. Click Save button

Class Blocks

Integrated National Education Information System (iNEISTM)

Class Block Naming Convention

Registration Class & Subject Naming Convention

Class Block Code: SSSS-YLCCCT#

SSSS = School CodeDashY = Academic Year (E.g. 2015 = 5, 2016 = 6)L = Level (E.g. Year 1 = 1, Year 9 = 9)CCC = Class Section (E.g. A, B, C )T# = Term (E.g. T2 = Term 2, T3 = Term 3)

E.g. 1012-62AT1 for campus 1012, Year 2016, class 2A, Term 1

Update Class Block1. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Block

Enrollment > Create Class Block2. On Find an Existing Value tab, enter existing Class Block3. Click Search button

Update Class Block

4. Click on “+” button to add new Class Nbr for Subject classes

Update Class Block5. Enter Term as 16106. Enter Class Nbr7. Tick the Action Date8. Enter Action Dt as the class start9. Click Save button

Class BlocksTo get class nbr

Integrated National Education Information System (iNEISTM)

How to get Subject Class Nbr

1. From the Class Nbr lookup button

OR2. From Query Viewer

1. Create Class Block – Get Class Nbr

1. Enter the Term2. Click on Class Nbr lookup button3. Select Course Subject4. Select Course Career5. Click Search button

1. Create Class Block – Get Class Nbr

6. Click select class button

2. Query Viewer - Get Subject Class Nbr

1. Navigate: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

2. Enter the query: MOE_ENRL_STATUS

3. Click HTML link

2. Query Viewer - Get Subject Class Nbr

4. Fill in all the fields and click View Results

2. Query Viewer - Get Subject Class Nbr – Sample Result

Block Enroll Merge

Integrated National Education Information System (iNEISTM)

Block Enroll Merge1. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Block

Enrollment > Block Enroll Merge2. Click Add a New Value tab

Block Enroll Merge

3. Enter the Student Block4. Enter the Class Block5. Click Merge button

Block Enroll Merge

6. Click Submit button7. Notice Request Status will be Errors8. Click Retrieve button

Block Enroll Merge

NOTE: Refer to Resolving Class Enrollment Issues under Encounter Error when merging student block and class block in Online Help

9. Click on Detail link10. Check the Messages at the end of the page

Verify Class Roster

Integrated National Education Information System (iNEISTM)

Verify Class Roster1. Navigate to Curriculum Management > Class Roster > Class Roster2. Enter the Term3. Enter the Class Nbr4. Click Search button

Verify Class Roster

End of PresentationThank You
