2017 Brynmawr Prospectusfluencycontent2-schoolwebsite.netdna-ssl.com/File... · the main gate of...


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Get in touchBrynmawr Foundation SchoolIntermediate RoadRhydwBrynmawrEbbw ValeNP23 4XT

Tel: 01495 310527Fax: 01495 311944Email: brynmawr.school@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk photography design marketing


A great place to achieve success.A school at the heart of the community.

Brynmawr School is a great place to work together! Brynmawr School is a great place to work together!



We are proud to welcome you to Brynmawr Foundation School.

We are the only foundation school in South East Wales, and we are proud of our traditional values which we combine with modern technology and approaches to teaching. The school was established for those families who wish their children to achieve the highest possible academic standards within a strong and well established ethos of hard work leading to academic reward. This means our pupils achieve highly, they develop into wonderful, courteous, caring young adults who understand the importance of mutual respect, tolerance and their future contribution to our world as global citizens. In short this is summarised by our motto

“Aspiration Application Achievement”

The school offers an educational experience which combines high standards of academic achievement with strong moral guidance. Education should provide opportunities for every individual child to succeed in a variety of ways, preparing young people for a future in which they can thrive in their

chosen career paths in addition to becoming responsible, caring citizens. Furthermore, we believe that learning should be fun, pupils should feel happy and safe and every individual should experience success.

We are proud that the school is known as a caring and supportive environment, which caters for all pupils, irrespective of theirbackground, ability or culture. A great deal is expected of our pupils in terms of work, behaviour and dress. It is our belief that pupils respond best to clear guidelines and enjoy the challenges of meeting understood and agreed targets.

We believe strongly in the importance of high standards of behaviour, so as to ensure all pupils are educated in a secure and supportive environment. We are fortunate to have highly qualified and committed staff throughout all areas of our school.

We strive to ensure equal opportunities for all, and have a strong wellbeing support programme. There are extensive extra-curricular activities for pupils to develop their talents and skills. We have excellent traditions in

art, music and sport, and hold hugely successful drama productions. Our aim is to foster a strong ethos of celebrating achievement and success.

We realise that this is only possible by working in partnership with parents for the benefit of pupils and for us all to be working towards the same common aim.

The following document sets out information that will enhance your child’s transition to the school, however if there is anything that you need clarification or information on, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

We look forward to working closely with you to ensure your child’s success in all aspects of school life.

Mr J R Retallick Headteacher

Cllr L EliasChair of Governors

In line with the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998, these admission arrangements will aim to ensure that:

• Parents’ preference for the school of their choice is considered in the context of legislative framework, which has regard to the provision of efficient education and the efficient use of resources.

• Admissions criteria are clear, fair and objective, for the benefit of all children including children with additional educational needs or with disabilities.

• Local admission arrangements contribute to improving standards.

• The school will consult with neighbouring Admission Authorities and coordinate arrangements, including the rapid re-integration wherever practicable of children who have been excluded from other schools.

• The School’s admission arrangements seek to achieve full compliance with all relevant legislation and guidance, equal opportunities (Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Human Rights Act 1998 and Welsh Language Act 1993, Race Relations (Amendments) Act 2000) and take full account of the guidance in the Code of Practice issued by the National Assembly for Wales.

• This School will work actively against discrimination and seek to create equal access to its services for all, irrespective of race, ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, religion language or nationality.

The entry of children to the school is controlled and administered by the Governing Body of Brynmawr Foundation School. Parents may exercise their right to express a preference at the following times:• On transfer from primary to secondary school• At any time that parents may wish to transfer their child from one school to another

The school governors will comply with any preference, which is expressed, provided there is room within the school. However the decision to admit pupils, must take account of:

• The overall provision of efficient education and efficient use of resources Admission or attendance of pupils at a local primary school does not provide automatic entry to Brynmawr Foundation School. All parents are required to complete admission forms at the appropriate time.

Some pupils will, however, have learning needs requiring special educational provision. In some instances parents will already be receiving specialist support and guidance regarding the choice of school for their child. All parents, however, are encouraged to discuss possible areas of concern with the Key Stage Manager who may then seek specialist advice.

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Brynmawr School is a great place to work together! Brynmawr School is a great place to work together!

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ADMISSION LIMITThe school will admit pupils up to the school’s admission limit which is 151 pupils for the intake academic year of September 2018.

A child will normally be offered admission to the school, unless the year group is full in terms of the recognised admission limit, if applicable.

Brynmawr Foundation School may request a variation to the admission number of the school due to change in the accommodation available.

CRITERIA FOR PUPIL ENTRYThose children, whose parents have expressed a preference, will be offered places first. When these children have been identified, the allocation of the places will be selected according to the following criteria, which are listed in the priority order, up to the admission limit for that particular year group

1. Children recommended for placement for medical, psychological or special educational reasons. These must be confirmed by the LEA’s specialist advisers. In addition, looked after children (children under local authority care) will be given priority.

2. Children with siblings living in the same household and attending Brynmawr Foundation School at the date of admission.

ADMISSION TOSECONDARY SCHOOLChildren normally transfer from primary to secondary school at the beginning of the school year following their eleventh birthday. Head Teachers of primary schools will be able to inform parents of the secondary school which their children can attend. Every effort will be made to accommodate pupils, and a normal application must be made for transfer to secondary schools at the appropriate time. Applications for admission to Brynmawr Foundation School should be made as early as possible. The criteria for such admissions are listed above.

Once a pupil has been offered a place at Brynmawr Foundation School parents and pupils will be invited to school to sign a Home School Agreement so that the following can work in partnership together –

• School • Pupils • Parents/Carers

3. Children who are pupils at our Alliance Primary Schools. Where numbers exceed our capacity then priority will be given to children who live closer to the school as stated in point 4.

4. After taking account of the above categories, priority will be based on the closeness to the school, measured from the front door of the pupil’s home to the main gate of the school. This will be measured as the safest walking distance.

APPLYING FOR A PLACEWhen you apply for a place at Brynmawr Foundation School, you must complete the relevant application form, which is only available from the school. The school will inform you whether a place is available for your child on the common offer date.

Each school produces a prospectus, which contains relevant information including school aims and educational beliefs, the organisation of the school and curriculum opportunities and extra-curricular activities. The school’s prospectus is available by contacting the school office or on the school’s website.

WHAT HAPPENS IF YOUR CHILDIS REFUSED A PLACE?In the majority of cases children are offered places at their parents’ first choice of school. If, however, your child is unable to gain admission, you will need to decide whether you are willing to accept a place offered at a different school, or whether you wish to continue with your first application. If you choose the latter course, you may appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. This panel will judge whether the school is full and should that be the case whether the parents’ application is so strong that the child should be offered a place. Before an appeal consideration should be given to the school admissions criteria outlined previously.

REGISTERING YOUR APPEALYou may make a formal appeal against the school’s decision, but this must be received within 28 calendar days of you being notified of the decision not to admit your child to your chosen school. The appeal will be heard by an Independent Appeal Panel who will set a time and place for the hearing. The panel will afford parents an opportunity of appearing and making their representations (oral and/or written). Parents are advised that agencies such as SNAP are available to provide assistance in making appeals.

CHANGING SCHOOLSChanging secondary schools is a significant step for your child to take. In the case of moving the family home, such a decision may well be a necessity and you will need to contact your local school. If, however, you would like your child to transfer from one secondary school to another, please contact your present Head teacher first. Should you still wish to proceed with these transfer arrangements then contact the Head teacher of the school you have chosen to move your child to.

If the child is in Year 10 or 11 parents should note that curriculum option choices may vary from school to school. Moving your child during year 10 and 11 could cause significant disruption to your child's education. If that particular year has not reached the school’s published admissions limit, then your child will be offered a place at the school.

Brynmawr School is a great place to work together! Brynmawr School is a great place to work together!

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TRANSITION PROCESSWe are proud of the care we provide at Brynmawr Foundation School, which begins before pupils have enrolled at our school. We aim to provide them with a realistic flavour of life at our school through a range of visits and activities.

The first Taster Day is in September and all pupils are given the opportunity to attend. Our Open Evening is then held on Thursday 5th October, when both pupils and parents may visit. This is our opportunity to showcase our school when we ‘open our doors’ to the public and show the educational and extra-curricular experiences we have to offer.

If your child has applied for a place with us we inform pupils and parents whether their application has been successful by 1st March. We then hold an evening where parents/carers, school and the governors meet to sign the ‘Home School Agreement’ so that we can begin to work together for the benefit of our pupils.

During the summer term pupils are invited to attend a Transition Week where they have lessons and take part in activities in their form group. This is held during the last week of June. Pupils will also meet their Form Tutor and Head of Year during this week.

Parents of all pupils transferring to us from primary school in September are invited to attend a special meeting on the Thursday of the Transition Week when the Headteacher, Senior Leaders and Head of Year explain aspects of the school in detail.

There is an Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for all matters related to transition alongside the Head of Year and a team of experienced form tutors. Pupils are also supported by other staff within the school, or by outside agencies. Parents need to contact the Head of Year if they have a concern which should be brought to the attention of the school.

MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS Parents/carers are asked to complete a medical form on their child’s admission to school. It is parents/carers responsibility to keep the school informed as to the medical condition of their child and any changes in circumstance. We do not administer prescribed medication to pupils, but medication may be kept in a central location in the school. Children may be supervised while they take their medication as long as a letter is provided by parents/carers noting details of the amount and timing of the medication to be taken. However, the school accepts no responsibility for the administration of the medication.


The aim of our school is:To include everyone, staff, pupils, parents, governors and the wider community in providing a caring,stimulating environment which enables everyone to feel valued and achieve their full potential.This goal will only be achieved if:

• there is a shared commitment by pupils and parents and the school

• a high quality education is provided as the right of every child

• effective learning is achieved by positive discipline

We ask that everyone works together to achieve these aims.


Brynmawr Foundation School will:

• Provide a high standard of teaching, academic and personal guidance and deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, in line with National Curriculum demands which meets the needs of all pupils.

• Deal with behavioural issues fairly and consistently, in line with the School’s Behaviour Policy.

• Provide a safe, well-ordered and caring environment.

• Set and mark homework regularly following a structured timetable.

• Listen to and respond quickly to any concerns raised.

• Contact parents promptly should a problem arise.

• Maintain regular communication with parents and provide you with regular reports and meetingson progress.

• Encourage excellent attendance and punctuality. (see attached sheet)

• Provide a variety of extra-curricular activities.

• Record and reward good effort, performanceand progress.

• Encourage respect in all aspects of school life.

THE GOVERNORSAs Governors of the school, we will:

• Ensure financial efficiency and value for money.

• Maintain and publish a full set of appropriateschool policies.

• Consult with, and report to, parents/carers.

• Ensure compliance with statutory obligations, including health and safety regulations.

• Monitor and review all aspects of the school’s work.

• Support the school community in all aspectsof school life.

STUDENTSAs a pupil of Brynmawr Foundation School I will:

• Attend school regularly, on time and in full uniform.

• Adopt a positive attitude towards, and participate fully in, the life of the school.

• Follow the school’s Code of Behaviour, both in school and outside the classroom.

• Remain on school site during school hours.

• Co-operate with teachers.

• Record and complete all homework on time and keep the Homework Diary up to date.

• Come to school with all the necessary equipment and make sure that books are properly used and looked after.

• Be responsible for taking communications to and from school and home.

• Respect the school environment and the local community.

• To treat all members of the school community with understanding and respect.

PARENTS/CARERSAs parents/carers, we will:

• Ensure excellent attendance and punctuality.

• Ensure the uniform is in line with school policy.

• Inform the school immediately in the event of absence and provide a note on return to explainthe absence.

• Ensure all the necessary equipment and kit is provided.

• Give encouragement to complete homework and encourage participation in opportunities for learning.

• Keep the school informed about any problems which might affect learning.

• Check and sign Pupil Planner each week.

• Attend Parents’ Meetings and read all correspondence from the school and respond promptly when necessary.

• Ensure that pupils aim for success in all aspectsof school life.

Brynmawr School is a great place to feel safe, secure and supported

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SAFEGUARDINGThe protection of Children is an integral part of the ethos of Brynmawr Foundation School. We strive to create an atmosphere in which children feel secure, their views are valued, and they are encouraged to talk and are listened to. The school follows the "All Wales Child Protection Procedures”. The school has a designated Child Protection Officer and Deputy Officers. Every attempt is made to ensure that all teaching, admin and auxiliary staff are trained in Child Protection proce-dures. All staff must have an enhanced DBS check prior to starting work at the school.

As a school we have a statutory duty to assist outside agencies acting on behalf of the pupils in our care. As well as this statutory duty we have a pastoral responsibility towards our pupils and we recognise that pupils have a fundamental right to be protected from harm. Children cannot learn effectively unless they feel safe and secure. We therefore have a Child Protection Policy, which reflects both our statutory duty and our pastoral responsibilities. If we have a concern regarding a pupil’s welfare, we have a duty to refer this to the appropriate outside agency. In making any referral, the school is not making any judgement but following legal guidelines that are in place to ensure the welfare of pupils.


EQUALITYThe Equality Act 2010 requires all schools to have equality objectives in place. These objectives cover all the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, and include the Welsh language in Wales. The School has a commitment to promoting and ensuring equality of opportunity to all pupils in lessons and school activities such as extra-curricular and leisure activities, after-school and homework clubs, sports activities and school trips, as well as school facilities such as libraries and IT facilities.

DISABILITYWe promote disability equality and endeavour to ensure equality of opportunity for all. We have a positive attitude towards disabled people and eliminate disability-related harassment. Modifications have been made to entrances and we have a toilet which has been fitted with grips. Additional arrangements may be made to meet the needs of individual pupils. We aim to identify and remove barriers to disabled pupils in every area of school life.




Brynmawr Foundation School believes that collective worship both supports and strengthens what we aim to do in every aspect of school life. Our caring ethos, and the value which we place on the development of the whole child; spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and intellectually is reflected in our worship. We value this special time in the school day for the space it gives children to develop a reflective approach to life and the ability to express their reflections in traditionally religious ways or any other appropriate manner.An act of collective worship takes place each day either through the ‘Whole School’ or ‘Key Stage’ Assemblies and also individual year assemblies or even within the tutor group. We also have a ‘Thought for the Day’, which encourages class discussion.Parents, who wish to withdraw their children from either Religious Education or Assemblies in whole or in part, should contact the Headteacher.

We are very pleased that from September 2017 we are becoming a Rights Respecting School.

There are four key areas of impact for children at a Rights Respecting school; wellbeing, participation, relationships and self-esteem. The difference that a Rights Respecting school makes goes beyond the school gates, making a positive impact on the whole community.By promoting the values of respect, dignity and non-discrimination, children’s self-esteem and well-being is boosted. The programme gives children a powerful language to use to express themselves and to challenge the way they are treated. In a Rights Respecting school children are treated as equals by their fellow pupils and by the adults in the school. Children and young people are involved in how the Award is implement in the school but are also involved in strategic decision-making; in decisions about their learning; and in views about their well-being. They have a moral framework, based on equality and respect for all that lasts a lifetime, as they grow into engaged, responsible members of society.For more information on Rights respecting Schools please visit the UNICEF website.

Parents do not have an automatic right to withdraw pupils for holidays.We have been working hard to improve the attendance of the school as a whole. In light of this we will not authorise any term time holiday absence and parents could be prosecuted for their child’s absence.Whenever possible, holidays should be rearranged to coincide with the official school holidays.

Regular attendance and punctuality at school is the legal responsibility of parent/carers. The School operates the Callio attendance system. Each half term you will receive a letter informing you what category your child falls into –

Green: 97% and above Amber: 94% and above

Red: Below 94%

Parents of any pupil in the red category who does not show an improvement in attendance will be asked to attend an attendance panel meeting. Any pupils with below 80% attendance will be referred to our Educational Welfare Officer where appropriate action will be taken.As a school we also reward good attendance and have a range of initiatives to encourage pupils to attend school.

Brynmawr Foundation School operates a first day absence system called ‘Truancy Call’. Parents/carers of pupils who are absent from school are expected to contact the school before 9.30am on each day of absence so as to provide a reason for the absence.

If a child is absent from school and no reason has been received by 9.30am the school will contact parents by an automated telephone system, to establish the whereabouts of the child and the reason for absence.

We also place great value on punctuality and all pupils who are not present at school by 8.30am will be marked late. If there is a genuine reason for poor punctuality parents/carers should contact the appropriate Head of Year to discuss and aim to resolve any issues.

The staff at Brynmawr Foundation School hope you will support us with the First Day Notification of Absence and make it work successfully. By working together we will be able to ensure pupils safety and encourage improved attendance at school.


SCHOOL MEALSPupils are not permitted to leave the school site during the school day. A healthy balanced diet at school helps pupils to gain the knowledge, understanding and the support they need to adopt a healthy eating habit throughout their life. Healthy eating in school will help them to meet their nutritional needs, increase concentration and help them to perform better in class.

We are a cashless catering school and parents are requested to use ParentPay online to put money into their child’s account. This will enable your child to purchase food.

We have a range of options available to the pupils, breakfast, break and lunch. Lunch options are hot meals, Salad bar (which is available during the spring/-summer terms); pasta pots, as well as a grab and go option such as: sandwiches, wraps, panini’s, sub-rolls, baguettes, and jacket potatoes with various fillings. Weekly Menus are posted on the website.

We believe that all pupils, including those identified as having additional needs, have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them. We ensure that all pupils are fully included in all aspects of school life.Brynmawr Foundation School’s policy on ALN is dedicated to providing support and help for all pupils who need to overcome educational difficulties, however they are caused. These difficulties embrace many aspects including difficulties accessing the curriculum (for example with literacy and numeracy), physical, social, psychological, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Special arrangements for meeting the needs of such pupils include providing support teaching in some subjects, making class sizes smaller whenever resources allow, and identifying, engaging and placing additional support as necessary to meet individual learners’ needs. All pupils are encouraged to take an active part in school life, to experience the widest possible curriculum opportunities and supported to feel safe and secure within the school community.

We believe that all pupils, including those identified as having additional needs, have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them. We ensure that all pupils are fully included in all aspects of school life.


Brynmawr School is a great place to feel safe, secure and supported Brynmawr School is a great place to feel safe, secure and supported

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UNIFORMThe governing body supports the Headteacher and the teaching staff in maintaining the high standard of appearance of all pupils. There is a standard uniform for all pupils at Brynmawr Foundation School.

The appearance of pupils reflects the quality of the school and it is therefore important that all pupils adhere to the uniform regulations at all times. We are confident that parents share this view and will support the school by ensuring that pupils attend school wearing the correct uniform, as listed below.

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the owner’s name.

GIRLS BOYSNavy Blue School Blazer with badge

• Plain white blouse in a classical style – long/short sleeve with no design• Plain black knee length skirt or tailored trousers• Plain Black V-necked jumper (Autumn/Winter only)• School tie• Plain black formal leather/leather-look shoes*• Black/White plain socks/black un-patterned tights

PE/Games Kit

• White Polo T-shirt• Navy Shorts and/or Leggings• White ankle/trainer socks• Red & Green Socks• Trainers• Shin pads are advisable for some sports

Navy Blue School Blazer with badge

• Plain white shirt in a traditional style – long/short sleeve with no design • Plain Black trousers• Plain Black V-necked jumper (Autumn/Winter only)• School tie• Plain black formal leather/leather-look shoes*• Black plain socks

PE/Games Kit

• New Style Rugby Jersey• White Polo T-shirt• White Shorts• Red & Green Socks• White ankle/trainer socks • Trainers• Football/rugby boots• Shin pads are advisable for some sports

* Trainers/Converse are not permitted. * Pupils are permitted to wear a plain black belt.

OVERCOATSPupils are required to wear plain dark coloured overcoats. Casual designer – labelled tops/denim/leather jackets are not allowed. All outdoor wear should be removed in school eg scarves, gloves etc. All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the owner’s name.

HAIR STYLESHair must have NO unnatural/bizarre colours/streaks of bold colour/tramlines/ patterns, NO Ombre/highlights. There should be no unnatural length to hair e.g. Mohican/skinhead

EQUIPMENTThe school provides all the necessary textbooks, exercise books etc., but each pupil should have a pen, pencil, sharpener, ruler, pair of compasses and rubber, plus a school bag in which to carry them. A dictionary and a basic calculator would be useful possessions. All items of equipment should be marked with the pupil’s name.


For security and appearance; pupils are permitted to wear one earring in each ear it must be stud like, no ring, tunnels are to be clear plastic. Should piercings take place during term time pupils will be asked to take it out. All other piercings are not permitted. The school will permit pupils to wear a reasonably priced watch. Make-up is to be natural looking and subtle. False/Acrylic/Gel/Shellac/Painted nails are not permitted.

JEWELLERY & MAKE UP If mobile phones or other electrical equipment is brought into school, they must not be used between 8.30am and 2.40pm. Use of mobile phones during school hours will result in the phone being confiscated. Any pupil found with a mobile phone on them during an exam will have the exam paper destroyed. The school will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage.



8.30 – 8.50

8.50 – 9.40

9.40 – 10.30

10.30 – 10.50

10.50 – 11.40

11.40 – 12.30

12.30 – 1.00

1.00 – 1.50

1.50 – 2.40

First Bell

Registration Assembly

Lesson 1

Lesson 2


Lesson 3

Lesson 4


Lesson 5

Lesson 6


8.30 – 8.50

8.50 – 9.40

9.40 – 10.30

10.30 – 10.50

10.50 – 11.40

11.40 – 12.30

12.30 – 1.20

1.20 – 1.50

1.50 – 2.40

First Bell

Registration Assembly

Lesson 1

Lesson 2


Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5


Lesson 6


SCHOOL POLICIESAll Brynmawr Foundation School Policies and relevant documentation may be found on ourwebsite: www.brynmawrschool.co.uk

Brynmawr School is a great place to feel safe, secure and supported Brynmawr School is a great place to feel safe, secure and supported

At Brynmawr Foundation School, we seek to promote a community where pupils feel secure, supported and well placed to rise to challenges which allow them to flourish and take increasing levels of responsibility for their own learning and development.The primary purpose of Brynmawr Foundation School is to be a place of learning for the pupils who are in its care. The emphasis is on good order and respect for the individual thus enabling high quality teaching and learning for all members of our community.

• All our pupils have a right to an education that engages and challenges them and enables them to reach their potential through the highest standards of academic achievement and the development of their personal, social and life skills.

• The highest standards of academic achievement

and personal and social development can only be achieved where the highest standards of personal conduct and behaviour exist.

• All pupils have a right to an education that is not under-mined or damaged in any way by the unacceptable behaviour of other pupils.

• All members of the school community are responsible for ensuring that the highest standards of behaviour for learning, and behaviour around the school site, exist at all times and during school activities off-site.

A core belief of Brynmawr Foundation School is that the creation of a positive environment and learning ethos throughout the school will reduce the likelihood of challenging and unacceptable behaviour arising.

It is the Schools’ belief that behaviours should be recognised when positive, creating a culture that celebrates praise, application and achievement. Brynmawr Foundation School rewards pupils in a variety of ways. All pupils should receive rewards, including those who regularly display exemplary behaviour.

Points are awarded based on the following criteria:• Targets being achieved• 100% weekly Attendance • Excellent Homework• Following instructions• Adhering to class/school rules• Polite & respectful to pupils & staff• Focussed on task• Question and challenge appropriately & offer opinions• Empathy and emotionally considerate• Share / co-operate• Self-control / honesty• Positive modelled behaviour• Understanding positive behaviour• Extra-Curricular activities

This criterion gives the opportunity for ALL pupils to achieve, regardless of circumstance or ability, and provides a sustainable target for all members of the School community to aspire to.

Pupils will receive commendation and recognition for their achievements on a termly basis.


ATTITUDE & BEHAVIOURWe organise a successful and structured school where pupils learn in a happy, secure and safe environment. We expect pupils to behave in a manner which brings credit to the school, parents and themselves, which reflects the ethos of the school.

At Brynmawr Foundation School we believe that access to educational achievement and success and the promotion of pupils’ social, emotional health and well-being are rights that should be available to all pupils throughout their time in the school. Effective teaching and learning can only take place in a well ordered environment.

Promoting positive behaviour requires the commitment of all members of our school community, pupils, parents, governors and staff; it requires a consistency of practice across the school to ensure that pupils know the standard of behaviour that is expected of them.

If all members of the school community are to achieve their best then they must be free to learn and teach in an environment that is caring and respectful, open and welcoming, culturally affirming and equitable. We also believe that the highest standards of academic achievement and well-being can only be attained where the highest standards of personal conduct and behaviour exist.Our aim is for all pupils to develop the necessary social, emotional and behavioural skills to make wise choices about their behaviour, to take responsibility for their behaviour and to access rewards and recognition for doing so.

However, there will be occasions when we need to depend on parental support in the application of sanctions for poor behaviour.

Examples of sanctions applied –

• Detention during school hours

• Detention after school hours

• Internal exclusion from classes

• For more serious incidents, Fixed Term or Permanent Exclusion.

Further details can be found in the School Behaviour Policy (2017)

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At Brynmawr Foundation School we believe all children are entitled to an education that will enable them to develop their full potential, be that intellectual, physical, creative, emotional, spiritual or social, finding appropriate challenge in the positive learning environment we have created. The school is a member of the National Association for Able Children (NACE). Our broad and balanced curriculum promotes stimulating and challenging experiences for all pupils. We also offer quality learning activities that focus on the particular needs of the More Able and Talented pupils. The school’s MAT Co-ordinator is committed to identifying and meeting the needs of MAT pupils as early as possible in order to enable them to achieve their best. Each subject identifies MAT pupils and uses this register to differentiate, challenge and develop pupils effectively. There are fortnightly seminars during registration for MAT pupils from all year groups and we have established strong links with our feeder Primary Schools who visit us in small groups for subject specific workshops.

Brynmawr School is a great place to learn

Raising standards for Learning and Teaching at Brynmawr Foundation School is an on-going evolutionary programme. Its development is based on whole school lesson observations and feedback, together with faculty specific and pupil specific reviews. All aspects of learning and teaching benefit from pupil feedback and clear, regular marking with pointers for improvement as well as reflection time for progress. All Faculties have Development Plans that reflect the whole School Improvement Plan and focus on target setting, learning and teaching styles, in-class assessment and feedback and supports staff and pupils at all times to ensure further achievement and long term success. The school has a common Lesson Plan which also focuses on the behaviours for and of learning.

All classrooms have state of the art Touch Screen displays, which provide the opportunity for pupils to engage directly during lessons and allows ‘hands-on’ manipulation of content, encouraging pupils to work collaboratively with their teacher and peers.

Brynmawr School is a great place to learn



MORE ABLE & TALENTED (MAT)Successful and effective Learning and Teaching is the cornerstone of pupil progress at Brynmawr Foundation School. On-going formative and summative assessment and target setting combined with wide ranging learning and teaching strategies inform staff, pupils and parents of progress made and improvements required to further succeed in all subject areas. Challenge and impact are key foci for all members of staff and all pupils are afforded constant academic support and time on all stages on their journey through both Key Stages. All staff integrate Assessment for Learning tools and strategies, many of which are common across all subject areas – these strategies enable pupils to feel confident in accessing both established and new subject areas.

Fast track electronic analysis of data prior to joining Year 7, highlight pupils’ individual learning styles and needs so that teaching strategies and tasks can meet personalised requirements and ensure pupil progress through to Year 10/11 and GCSEs.

Within the effective and successful Faculty structure, all Schemes of Learning are mapped to focus on clear learning objectives and Assessment for Learning – this ensures that all pupils are fully involved in the learning processes and have complete knowledge of their targets, and how to achieve and exceed those targets. 2017/18 will see the school embed Personalised Learning Checklists across all subject areas – these user-friendly documents map pupils’ understanding and areas needful of support and reinforcement. There will also be a clear focus towards the implementation of the recommendations from The Donaldson Review with a continuing drive towards embedding all areas concerning key developments, including ensuring Literacy, numeracy and Digital Competence are intricately woven throughout the curriculum.

Learning and Teaching are both rigorously monitored throughout all Key Stages and subject areas, and examples of excellent practice are shared so that pupils see, recognise and apply useable and transferable learning skills. By identifying and modelling the most effective strategies, pupils and parents are assured that consistency and parity exist, and that learning and teaching is in safe hands, making sure that all pupils apply themselves fully, aspire to success and achieve.

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In Key Stage 3, all Year 7 classes have clear and dedicated Literacy and Numeracy lesson whilst Year 9 pupils follow and exciting new teaching development called PiXL Edge. A whole range of life-long learning skills are covered in these lessons:

• Working with Others

• Leadership Awareness

• Team Roles

• Community Task Learning

• Team Management and Organisation

• Self-Evaluation and Reflection

All these skills, plus others, form in essence a passport for the pupils’ working life and will feed into the new WB Challenges in Key Stage 4. As a school, we are committed to the development and acknowledge-ment of high level skills in our pupils such as Problem Solving, Creativity and Thinking Skills – all of which complement and embed cross curricular academic achievement.

Pupils are accredited for tasks/skills completed and there will be definitive learning links with our transition feeder schools in Key Stage 2 and the Welsh Baccalaureate Challenges in Key Stages 4. On this continuum of learning and with a strong, enthusiastic and professional teaching team, all pupils are afforded limitless opportunities to improve academically, interpersonally and socially.Such is the success of the programme, the school has hosted a range of visits for Senior School Managers from across the UK, and to date pupils have successfully achieved 100% pass rate across the six skills.

Brynmawr Foundation School offers activity-based learning to all its pupils: education with a purpose. All classrooms are equipped with interactive touch screen boards, and these have been proven to be an effective learning tool.

Brynmawr Foundation School offers wide ranging learning experiences to all pupils ensuring that all learning styles are met and all pupils achieve. All Faculties offer in-school project events, trips, cross-phase events and the possibility for involvement in extra-curricular whole experiences such as fieldwork; sporting fixtures; theatre and museum visits. We also offer many educational visits throughout the academic year including visits to France and Llangrannog to name but a few. In 2015 pupils visited China and in 2017 pupils participated in expeditions to Japan and Florida.

Brynmawr School is a great place to learn

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Brynmawr School is a great place to achieve success.

YEARS 7, 8, & 9


All pupils will be placed in mixed ability form groups during Key Stage 3. All Year 7 – 9 pupils will study:

• English• Welsh & Spanish• Religious Education• Music• PE & Games• Mathematics• Science• PSE

Whilst in Key Stage 3, pupils will be taught the Foundation Subjects of Art, Drama, Spanish, Geography, History, Music, Religious Education, ICT and in their form groups.

The remaining subjects which are English, Welsh, Mathematics, Science and will be grouped in 3 ability Bands. The Band structure allows for movement within the the Band but not across the Bands. Core staff meet at half termly intervals following on from Teacher Assessment to discuss and approve pupil movement within the Band.

An important part of becoming a pupil is to develop a disciplined approach to personal study. With this as an aim, all pupils are given assignments to complete at home. All homework, whether written work or reading or preparation work, is put on Edukey ‘Classcharts’. This is an online homework site accessible to pupils, parents, staff and governors at all times. The link is clearly highlighted on the school website.

Pupils follow a structured course including Study Skills, Health Education, Personal Development and Citizenship. We focus on the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of all our pupils and prepare them to be active and positive citizens in the school and wider community. We are supported in the delivery of this by many outside agencies such as the Careers Service, School Community Health and Police Liaison Officers.

The schools programme of sex education, as agreed by the Governing Body is linked with areas of the school curriculum and also a broad based social education. The main emphasis is on healthy relationships and will reflect the needs of the pupils as they develop over the key stages. Parents may view the policy (also available on the school website) and discuss the resources used. Parents have the right to withdraw their children, should they wish to, from sex education.

This is a unique 10-digit number. Every pupil, apprentice and learner has one and it’s been developed with the help of pupils and learners. It’s an individual number for pupils to keep and use for life. Using it will reduce paper administration and burdens for all pupils, school, college or training provider while, for example, a pupil registers at college or enrols on a course. The ULN will help pupils throughout lifelong learning and when accessing Next Step careers advice. It is the educational equivalent of a National Insurance Number.

All Year 10 and 11 pupils are encouraged to follow a balanced curriculum. Compulsory subjects include; Mathematics, English, Science, Welsh, RE, PE, PSE and Skills Challenge Certificate, Enterprise.

All pupils study a Core syllabus which includes Mathematics, English and Double Award Science or 3 separate sciences. Three Option choices are also available, with one studied in Year 10, along with the Skills Challenge Certificate, and two studied in Year 11. Pupils will sit the GCSEs in the option choices at the end of each academic year.

The Options Booklet is issued to all Year 9 pupils in October. This will be followed by an Options Evening so that parents/-carers have the opportunity to encourage and support their children to make appropriate and informed choices for their studies in Key Stage 4.Whatever courses pupils eventually follow, the staff encourages each individual to achieve his or her best with academic excellence and suitable progression rates into further education or Vocational prep being the ultimate aim.Key Stage 4 pupils are organised in groups within Core subjects to match ability and prior attainment. A large part of the curriculum is compulsory for all pupils but there is also an element of choice which means that pupils shape their own learning programme in KS4 according to their interests and future education and career aspirations. The core subjects – Mathematics, English, Welsh, Science, Physical Education, and Religious Studies run across Year 10 and 11.

• Art • History• Geography• Drama• Design & Technology• Information & Communications Tech• Essential Skills - Literacy and Numeracy


This is a non-examination course for all Key Stage 4 pupils and is intended as a preparation for life after school. It covers areas of careers and personal, social and health education, complimenting the work completed in Key Stage 3. We liaise closely with outside agencies to support pupils and staff with the delivery of an effective and comprehensive PSE programme that reflects both the issues and concerns that arise on both a local and global level.

The School makes appropriate arrangements for any Controlled Assessments or other coursework to be completed by pupils. We aim to provide the support prior to the assessment and the environment during the assessment that will give our pupils the best chance of achieving their potential.

Careers advice is given to pupils as early as Year 9 where it is specifically related to selecting a balanced curriculum for the GCSE years. In Years 10 & 11, the careers programme is far more extensive. It is a course designed to illustrate the many opportunities that are available to young people today. It looks at the wide range of careers available using the careers library as a base; at making applications; at preparing for interviews. Our links with business, commerce and industry are excellent and these links are fostered in order to ease the transition from school to work.







English Language

English Literature







Performing Arts


Religious Studies


D & T/Product Design

D&T/ Resistant Materials

Health & Social Care

Science – Double Award







Physical Education


Information Systems

Media Studies


Brynmawr School is a great place to do moreBrynmawr School is a great place to do more

EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESPupils are expected to extend themselves through extra-curricular activities and opportunities provided both in and outside school. The school takes pride in the range of activities offered outside the hours of compulsory school. Brynmawr Foundation School has an excellent reputation for its high standards in Rugby, Netball, Soccer, Hockey, Cricket and Athletics. The cultural side of the school is well known, having a reputation gained through the progress of many pupils in Music, Drama and the Arts.

The teaching staff within the school are experienced, highly motivated and dedicated to providing pupils with an abundance of opportunities that help to develop their physical, social and mental well-being. In addition to the excellent teaching that takes place during the school day, there is a tremendous amount of extra-curricular activities that take place daily.

We hold art clubs on a weekly basis for MAT and KS3 and our GCSE pupils are encouraged to stay behind at least once a week to enhance their coursework portfolios. During the year we organise visits to local and London galleries with Key Stage 4 pupils. In the past we have run residential visits to Paris, New York and St. Ives. Pupils are encouraged to enter local and National competitions - enjoying numerous successes in competitions such as the National Eisteddfod, the Tai Calon, Brynmawr Town Council Art Competitions and are involved with the Brynmawr BNB festival. Pupils have recently contributed to the Blue Balloon charity event to create the Guinness world record for the longest landscape.

Brynmawr Foundation School has a thriving Drama Department and stages an annual musical, which offers pupils the opportunity to perform as an actor, chorus member, backstage or lighting. Previous shows include “Billy Elliot”, “Oliver”, “The Lion King”, “We Will Rock You” and this year’s production is “School of Rock”.

Pupils also attend numerous theatre trips, including trips to London where pupils are given the opportunity to work with professional actors and view live performances.

We enjoy partnerships with many local and National Dance and Drama organisations which provide workshops, and further opportunities within the area. Several students have been fortunate to attend the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama where they focus on developing acting skills. Indeed, many of our past pupils have gone on to enjoy successful careers in the industry – ranging from performances in the West End, Film Industry and Television.

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Music plays an integral role in the life of pupils at Brynmawr Foundation School, in addition to teaching the National Curriculum for Music and GCSE Music, pupils have opportunities to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular groups, including the annual school show (past shows have included ‘We will Rock you’, ‘The Lion King’, ‘Oliver’ and ‘Hairspray’), Choir, Music Club, instrumental ensembles and other instrumental tuition. Pupils have regular opportunities to perform throughout the year including Open Evening, Presentation Evening, Remembrance Assembly, Christmas Concert and assemblies. We also perform within the community throughout the year.

Instrumental Tuition:Instrumental tuition is provided by Gwent Music Support Service (GMSS). Lessons are available for strings, woodwind, brass, percussion/drums, piano, guitar (classical, electric and bass) and voice. Pupils will have a minimum of ten 20 minute lessons per term on a rota timetable. The cost of tuition is £50 per term; this is not the full cost of tuition and works out at just £5 per lesson. Those pupils who are eligible for free school meals, receive instrumental tuition for free. Payment is made in advance of each term. If you are interested in learning more about instrumental tuition, please speak to Mrs J Thomas.

Choir:Around 20 pupils from our current year 8 and 9 take part in our choir. We rehearse twice a week, and it is an excellent chance for the pupils to express themselves through song, make new friends and build in confidence. Together, we choose the songs, which range from Welsh traditional songs, such as ‘Ar lan y mor’, to modern pop songs, such as ‘Read all about it’ by Emeli Sande.

We are very fortunate to have a team of experienced and dedicated PE staff who, along with our Rugby Officer, 5 x 60 & ‘One More’ Officer provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities for our pupils to enjoy at lunchtimes and after school at a recreational and competitive level.

Physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle and many of our pupils enjoy the social, non-competitive aspects of the many sports on offer - they do them because they are quite simply, fun. We think that is as good a reason as any to enjoy sport and physical activity.

We also offer our pupils a range of Leadership qualifications such as Sports Leaders, Community Sports Leaders and Rugby Leaders - indeed many of our pupils have progressed to become Silver & Gold Ambassadors!

Our more talented performers have the opportunity to further develop their potential through Regional and National trials. Many of our past and present pupils have achieved District, Regional and National representation across a range of sports and many have enjoyed a semi-professional/ professional career.

Sports that are offered• Football (Boys & Girls) • Hockey • Rugby (Boys & Girls) • Cross Country • Rounders • Multi-Sport• Netball• Athletics• Cricket


Brynmawr School is a great place to do more

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5x60 / One More


The 5x60 programme aims to increase the number of secondary age pupils taking part in sport or physical activity for 60 minutes, at least five times a week. The programme is managed by local authority Sports Development officers who work alongside PE staff to complement existing sport and physical education (PE) provision in school. It offers a range of activities to all children regardless of ability. Activities include: competitive sport; informal activities, such as dance and aerobics; coached activities; and outdoor activities.

The programme gives young people opportunities to lead activities in their own schools.

SPORTS LEADERS UKGaining a Sports Leaders UK award or qualification can be a life changing experience.

Sports Leaders Course• A fun and practical course that focuses on leading rather than technical ability.

• Potential stepping stone into employment, further education or training.

• A good foundation to progress onto other Sports Leaders UK awards or qualifications, and/or a National Governing Body award.

• Develops generic leadership skills that will be vital in other areas of life.

• Allows those who are not sports superstars to take a full and active role in sport and physical activity.

• Increased self-confidence that comes through taking responsibility for own and others learning and enjoyment. A nationally recognised qualification which compliments the delivery of other programmes of study such as Key Stage 4 National Curriculum in Physical Education, 'A' Level PE, BTEC in Sport and Recreation.

Sports Leaders make things happen! They organise, communicate and get people involved in sports activity.

We have a full time School Rugby Officer is at Brynmawr Foundation School who delivers a full and comprehensive rugby programme for all boys and girls at Brynmawr Foundation School, local Primary Schools and rugby clubs. The aim of this partnership is to deliver growth in participation figures, increase fixtures and transfer players to local rugby clubs. Also a full conditioning and skills programme will be based from the school for all players.

On Wednesday after school we run the F1 in schools club which provides pupils with the opportunity to compete with other schools to design, build and race their own CO2 powered Formula One car. There are two categories in this competition–Bloodhound SSC for KS3 and F1 at KS4, if successful regionally pupils go on to compete nationally, and beyond that the competition culminates with a worldwide event hosted by F1. The club runs after school every Wednesday, with the regional competition being held in February.

Every Thursday KS3 pupils have the opportunity to program using Raspberry Pi and BBC micro bits. This year we were able to run a 6 week computing programming course delivered by TechnoCamps.

Brynmawr School is a great place to do more Brynmawr School is a great place to do more

STEM CLUBS (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)







We have a range of interesting and exciting opportunities for you to get involved in at Brynmawr Foundation School. These activities are provided as extra-curricular and require interested pupils to be passionate, mature and self-motivated as the level of challenge is very high. However, with these projects the sky is the limit!

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship is about the things we do every day. It is about the big issues in the world – such as climate change, trade, resource and environmental depletion, human rights, conflict and democracy – and about how they relate to each other and to us. It is about how far apart we live. It is about how we prepare for the future. Every one of us has a part to play.

The key concepts of ESDGC are:• Interdependence• Citizenship and stewardship• Need and rights• Diversity• Sustainable change• Quality of life• Uncertainty and precaution• Values and perceptions• Conflict resolutions

The school aims to:• Enable pupils to learn how to care for and protect their resources with thought and care.• Help pupils to understand their own rights and responsibilities, as citizens locally and globally, and respect the rights and responsibilities of others.• Celebrate cultural, religious and linguistic diversity and foster positive attitudes.

At Brynmawr Foundation School we want to encourage thinking about our impact on the world’s resources and how we can become more sustainable. During the past year we have been raising awareness of environmental problems within the school and how we can tackle them. We have introduced recycling of paper and plastic waste. The Eco Schools programme is run by pupils, and they participate actively by choosing the projects, implementing their ideas and evaluating the success of the projects.The Eco-Schools group are working alongside the COPE group and are in the process of developing an Eco Garden including a greenhouse made from recycled plastic bottles and up-cycled garden furniture

At Brynmawr Foundation School we offer pupils in year 9 an opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. Successful pupils can then go on to study silver in year 10.

KS3Every Monday after school we have been running a Maths club focus around the developing reasoning skills as well as incorporating STEM.In maths club we have done taken part in many problem solving tasks including designing bridges to fit across a 15cm span out of paper, straws and cello tape. We had to budget our materials against other groups, the bridges were tested and the winning group that can hold the most weight won a prize. In the summer months we are going to do outdoor practical work such as measuring problems and trigonometry.

KS4In September pupils interested in continuing their mathematics education into A level will be given the opportunity get a head start by completing the Further Mathematics qualification. This after school course will introduce parts of mathematics they will not see in the Mathematics or Numeracy GCSE and is very similar to the first exam they will sit in A Level Mathematics.

LEGO MINDSTORMS is a programmable robotics construction set that gives pupils the power to create and command their own LEGO robots. Pupils have access to kits that enable them to create robots that walk, talk, move and do whatever you want them to. Pupils create their own robot and command it through the intuitive Software program, the intelligent EV3 Brick or smart device. If you can think it, LEGO MINDSTORMS lets you create and command it!

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Get in touchBrynmawr Foundation SchoolIntermediate RoadRhydwBrynmawrEbbw ValeNP23 4XT

Tel: 01495 310527Fax: 01495 311944Email: brynmawr.school@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk photography design marketing


A great place to achieve success.A school at the heart of the community.
