2018 Medical School Applicant Information · 2017. 6. 27. · 2018 Medical School Applicant...


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2018 Medical School Applicant Information

The Health Professions Advising Office offers a centralized processing service to assist students who are applying to medical, dental, or optometry schools. These services include the following: the distribution of application support materials, compilation of faculty evaluations and other pertinent information on each student, and forwarding of these materials to the school(s) of the applicant’s choice. We offer this service because most professional schools prefer a centralized system of gathering application support materials. One of the goals of the Health Professions Office is to help you with all aspects of the application process. However, it is your responsibility to see that the required materials reach our office by the deadlines. In order to assist you with the application process, the following checklist is provided: Make arrangements to take the MCAT. Registration available at: https://students-residents.aamc.org/

The MCAT is typically offered from January through September. Almost all medical schools will accept MCAT scores taken prior to the September that proceeds the matriculation year.

Example: for a student wishing to matriculate to medical school in the fall of 2018, the September 2017 MCAT is the latest test score medical schools will consider.

For many students, taking the MCAT for the first time in April or May is a good strategy; if you are pleased with your spring score, you may apply much earlier in the cycle. If you need time to prepare for a second attempt in July, August, or even September, you have that opportunity.

Students are restricted to taking the MCAT three times in one year, four times in two years and seven times in their lifetime.

Complete the UA Pre-Application (UA Pre-App), and return it to the Health Professions Advising Office.

The priority deadline for UA Pre-App submission is March 29, 2017. UA Pre-Apps received after March 29th cannot be guaranteed a committee interview with our office.

A recent photo is required and must be included with your UA Pre-App.

Most supplemental applications will require a photo. Ensure this photo is a headshot of you in professional/business casual attire. The goal is to present yourself as a mature professional.

The Health Professions Advising Office WILL NOT conduct your committee interview without your completed UA Pre-App, photo, and your letters of recommendation.

Contact, in person, the faculty members and personal references who will be completing the evaluation forms for you, and request that those be returned to the Health Professions Advising Office.

Use the evaluation forms to request academic and personal letters of recommendation. These forms can be found under the “2018 Applicants” tab of www.prehealth.ua.edu.

Sign and date the forms prior to sending them to your recommenders.

You should request a maximum of five letters: 2-3 from faculty who have taught you in a college course, and 1-2 personal references. At least one letter, (preferably 2 – 3) should come from a science professor.

If applying to D.O. schools, one letter should be from a D.O. that you have shadowed.

Good choices for personal references include dentists you have shadowed, former employers, volunteer coordinators, etc. Do not ask an immediate family member for a letter of recommendation.

Letters should be on official letterhead when possible and always signed by the recommender.

Upon completion, letters should be returned to prehealthrecs@ua.edu or mailed to: Health Professions Advising, Letters of Recommendation Box 870268 Tuscaloosa AL 35487-0268.

Complete a committee interview the Health Professions Advising Office.

Your UA interview WILL NOT be scheduled until you have submitted your UA Pre-App and all of your recommenders have submitted their letters to our office.

Your UA Pre-App will become available January 20th. It will simulate your AMCAS, so be prepared to devote significant time to fill it out.

You may submit your primary application before the committee interview and before your letters of recommendation are submitted.

The committee interviews are held at the end of the spring semester. Please plan ahead. Committee interviews after September 30th are rare and only scheduled on unusual or extreme circumstances. You are severely disadvantaged by waiting that late.

The interview with the committee serves two purposes; first, it gives the committee an opportunity to spend some time with the candidate before crafting the committee letter of recommendation, and second, allows the candidate to get a feel for what the professional school interviews will be like.

We combine the letters of recommendation submitted to our office on your behalf with our own letter to create a composite evaluation, which is sent to the medical schools.

All committee letter packets (committee letter plus your individual letters of recommendation) will be uploaded prior to or on August 1st 2017.

Identify and select the list of schools to which you plan to apply.

There are three different application services for almost all US medical schools: AMCAS for MD granting institutions, AACOMAS for DO granting institutions, and TMDSAS for Texas schools.

There are four medical schools in the state of Alabama: UAB, USA, VCOM- Auburn and ACOM.

Most offshore medical schools require a separate application, which should be sent directly to those schools.

Complete primary medical school application(s) through AMCAS, AACOMAS, and/or TMDSAS.

You must submit your primary applications to medical schools online. The online application is your official and primary application to professional school. You are responsible for submitting your primary application. Our office does not do this. www.aamc.org/students/amcas - Allopathic (MD) medical schools

www.aacomas.aacom.org - Osteopathic (DO) medical schools

www.utsystem.edu/tmdsas - Texas medical schools

If your primary application is ready to submit prior to your letters of recommendation being submitted to our office, do not wait to submit your primary application.

The due date for individual schools is not the date you submit your primary application but instead the date by which your application has been processed by AMCAS/AACOMAS. This processing can take up to six weeks in peak times, so plan ahead.

The recommendation letters are an important part of your secondary application, which the medical schools will send you directly after you have applied through the primary online application service. It is your secondary application that is not complete without letters of recommendation – not the primary.

It is our strong recommendation that you submit your primary application no later than August 1st.

Make arrangements to have your official transcript(s) sent directly to AMCAS/AACOMAS/TMDSAS from the University Registrar’s Office.

The Health Professions Advising Office does not send transcripts.

Request your UA transcript through your MyBama or at http://registrar.ua.edu/services/transcripts/. Fees may apply.

If you have transfer work, you must also have this transcript sent directly from each college/university. AP credit shows on your official UA transcript.

You will undoubtedly have questions about your application to medical school throughout the process. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you have. Good luck with your applications! We look forward to working with you. -The Health Professions Advising Team













The University of Alabama Health Professions Advising Office

Cycle 2018 Medical Applicant Timeline

Submit Letter of


Request to



Note: Dates are subject to change!

2016 2017

November 7th and 15th, 2016:

Mandatory Meetings of 2018

Application Cycle

January 17th, 2017: Last

Mandatory Meeting of 2018

Application Year.

UA Pre-Application available

at www.prehealth.ua.edu.

March 29th, 2017: ALL

Application Materials Due to the

HPAO office by 5pm CST.’ This


-UA Pre-Application


-Grade Trends Worksheet

-Letters of Recommendation

Incomplete file = No Interview

April/May 2017: Health

Professions Committee Interviews

April 24-May 12th, 2017.

Mid-June: Schools are

able to download your

application packets for




Application AS




Start Interviewing

at Medical Schools.

Early Decision:

August 1st deadline

to submit to


September 2017:

Last MCAT test

date for 2018



Early May: AMCAS,


application opens.


CYCLE 2017

Professional schools will not accept letters that are not signed and on department letterhead. Questions? Call (205) 348-5970


STUDENT’S NAME: ___________________________________________________UA CWID:______________________ STUDENT’S EMAIL:__________________________________________________@crimson.ua.edu

HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS EVALUATOR? _____________________________________________________________

(Professor, Physician I shadowed, Extracurricular/Work Supervisor, etc.)

If Applicable:

1) Course taught: ___________________________________Semester/Year: ____________________Grade: _________

2) Course taught: ___________________________________Semester/Year: ____________________Grade: _________

I hereby voluntarily waive and relinquish access to this confidential evaluation: ____________________________________________________ ______________ Student Signature Date I request that my letters be submitted to the UA committee by the following date: _________________________________________________________________

It is strongly recommend that you choose to waive your right to view your letters.

Give letter writers at least two weeks to complete your letter. If you have questions, please ask. TO THE EVALUATOR: The Health Professions Advising Committee will use the information you provide to write a composite recommendation of the above named student to medical, dental, or optometry school, as well as send a copy of your letter to the professional schools. Your input in the following areas will be especially useful: 1. Do you think he/she has performed at or below his/her potential? Do you think the academic record and test scores of this student are a good indication of his/her potential in the health professions? If not, please specify the qualities or circumstances of the student that would help put such quantitative measurements in better perspective. 2. Please make additional comments that address the qualities of this student such as: MOTIVATION, WORK HABITS, EMOTIONAL MATURITY, ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE, ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS, and LEADERSHIP. Please visit: https://www.aamc.org/download/349990/data/lettersguidelinesbrochure.pdf for a list of detailed competencies. 3. FOR PROFESSIONAL EVALUATORS: Please make comments that address your observance of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal behaviors such as: TEAMWORK, CULTURAL COMPETENCE, SOCIAL SKILLS, RESILIENCE, ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY TO SELF AND OTHERS, DEPENDABILITY, and ORAL COMMUNICATION. Please see link above for a list of detailed competencies. 4. Please indicate your summary recommendation by indicating from the choices below. Your recommendation should be based on the applicant as compared to other pre-health professional students with whom you have worked.

Top Quartile Second Quartile Third Quartile Bottom Quartile

No Recommendation

EVALUATOR SIGNATURE: _________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________ TITLE/DEPARTMENT/CONTACT PH#:_______________________________________________________________________ (attach business card if possible) PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM HEALTH PROFESSIONS ADVISING AND YOUR LETTER TO: BOX 870268 TUSCALOOSA, AL 35487-0268 OR SEND AS AN EMAIL ATTACHMENT TO: PREHEALTHRECS@UA.EDU