2020 - 2021 - TARBIYYAH


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2020 - 2021


SCHOOL Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Asalaamu alaykum wa Rahmutullah wa Baraktuh,

Dear Prospective Parent,

On behalf of the trustees, staff and pupils, I would like

to welcome you to Tarbiyyah Primary School.

Tarbiyyah Primary School is a faith based

independent school and our aim is to instill superior

education and upbringing in our children regarding

every aspect of their lives, in order to please Allah.

At our school, we continue the correct

tarbiyyah within our children and nurturing the

development of a truly Islamic

personality. One that contributes and

integrates positively within and beyond the


Our students come from a wide range of

backgrounds to form a friendly and

harmonious community. We provide a

supportive and secure environment that

enables them to flourish as individuals and

achieve excellent academic outcomes. We

encourage them to become independent

thinkers with a love for learning. Children from

Tarbiyyah Primary School become confident

and responsible citizens who strive for the best.

It is my great privilege to be Headteacher of

Tarbiyyah Primary School. If you have not yet

had the opportunity to do so, we invite you to

visit our school where you will be made most


Umm Yusuf, Lubna Khan (PGCE, BSc Hons)

“Children are polite and well

behaved. They are welcoming

of visitors and develop into

confident individuals.”

-Ofsted 2019


At Tarbiyyah Primary School we are passionate about providing a high standard of education and maintaining an inspirational and enjoyable environment for our students. We also encourage parents to work alongside us in our effort to nurture children upon the strong morals, discipline and exemplary behaviour that Islam promotes. Which will Insha’Allah prepare our students to become well informed, upright moral citizens who contribute positively to the community and society as a whole with ease, Insha’Allah.

Our ethos is Islamic, our purpose being to instill the proper Tarbiyyah (education and upbringing/cultivation) in our students regarding every aspect of their lives in order to please our Creator. To carry out this great responsibility, we will firmly adhere and refer to the Quran and Sunnah as well as follow the way of the first three generations of Muslims in Islam – who were the best at implementing Tarbiyyah.

By cultivating our students on the correct path of Islam, not the Islam that has been portrayed in the media or that is being practiced by those who are misinformed, we believe that our school will be a positive force in uniting the society upon that which is good and countering misunderstanding with truth, respect and working towards a better educated, productive and caring society.

“Children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is underpinned by the

school’s Islamic ethos. Leaders are committed to helping children learn to become

respectful citizens in modern Britain.”

-Ofsted 2019


Tarbiyyah Primary School is part of the HCI charity trust. The Trustees have ultimate responsibility for the charity and its property.


Mr Haneef Sandhar (Chair of Trustees)

Mr Abdur Rahman Mann

Mrs Nisha Daniels

The Senior Leadership Team is responsible for the day to day running of the school. Each member of the SLT has a particular responsibility to ensure that there is development, monitoring, line management and direction in order to uphold the school’s Islamic ethos, vision and legal obligations.


Mrs Lubna Khan - Head Teacher

Mrs Nisha Daniels - Deputy Head Teacher, Head of Early Years

Mrs Nadia Qureshi – Assistant Head Teacher

“School leaders fulfil their responsibilities with integrity.”

-Ofsted 2019

THE CURRICULUM Our curriculum is designed to reflect our ethos as well as to support our aims and values. Through our

holistic programme of studies during school time, as well as extra-curricular activities, we are committed

to giving the children a broad, balanced and relevant educational experience that will prepare them for each

next stage in their learning.

The curriculum is delivered largely through the New National Curriculum. We also teach Islamic studies

known as ‘Tarbiyyah’ as well as Arabic and Qur’aan.

The activities that the children explore in class are enriched by educational visits, visitors and themes to

broaden and deepen their understanding.

At Tarbiyyah Primary School we deliver a creative curriculum where our subjects are linked to a certain

topic each half term. This allows the children to develop a profound understanding of the knowledge and

skills required to master each subject.

Subjects include:




Tarbiyyah (Islamic Studies)





Design & Technology



Religious Education

Physical Education

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

“Teachers have good subject

knowledge and provide a nurturing

environment in which children thrive.

As a result, children make good

progress across all areas of


-Ofsted 2019


In our Early Years, our aim is to provide a happy, safe and well resourced, accessible and interactive

environment that meets the needs of every child. We have a child-centered approach where children learn

through play.

Nursery and Reception children learn through practical experiences that are led by themselves and some

adult directed. We ensure the children explore the curriculum using indoors and outdoors all year round.

The early years practitioners are very much focused on providing creative inspiration in order to instill

confidence and promote independence within the children; to help them be well prepared for their journey

of lifelong learning.

“Children’s personal

development and

welfare are promoted

positively through trips

to the local area,

including public


-Ofsted 2019

Staff are trained to work within the Early Years Foundation

Stage and recognise that “all children have from birth a need

to develop, learning through interaction with people and

exploration of the world around them”. The Early Year’s

framework recognises the holistic nature of development and

learning and covers the seven areas of learning.

Children mostly develop the 3 prime areas first during


These are:

Communication and language

Physical development

Personal, social and emotional development

The prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific


These are:



Understanding the world

Expressive arts and design


The EYFS hours are as follows:

Nursery – Morning Session: 8:15am – 11:15pm, Afternoon Session: 11:45pm – 3:30pm

Reception – 8:15am – 3:15pm

Appearance & School Uniform

We expect parents, carers and guardians to ensure that children take

pride in their appearance and adhere to the school uniform.


Reception children will wear the full school uniform (see uniform

page for further details)

Nursery children are not required to wear a school uniform. We

encourage the children to be independent and they are expected to

wear comfortable clothes. However, we insist that there are no

pictures of people or animals on their clothing. Jogging bottoms or

trousers with elastic waist and leggings for girls are recommended.

Comfortable shoes are required for both girls and boys (no



In the interest of Health & Safety we do not allow jewellery at the

school and there is no exception to this rule.

Outdoor Clothes

Please provide your child with an outside coat or cardigan according

to the weather, as there will be continuous outdoor play provision in

various weathers.

Spare Clothes

All children are expected to bring a spare set of clothes in a labelled

bag. These are to remain in school and should be replaced if your

child needs to change into them.

“In Reception, the

teaching of phonics is a

strength. Adults build on

children’s prior learning

of letters and sounds


-Ofsted 2019

EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE How to Prepare Your Child for Nursery or Reception

Please talk to your child about starting school and some of the activities he/she will be doing. Many of these activities

will be similar to activities carried out in nursery, especially in the first half-term – child-initiated activities,

construction, presentation techniques, sand, water, writing area, computer, jigsaws, water, sand and making area. We

aim to provide a curriculum firmly based on active learning, often through play-based activities. We believe this will

help foster a love of learning in children and encourage them to develop enquiring minds.

You can assist your child to become more independent by getting them to learn the du'as as appropriate, dress and

undress themselves, go to the toilet hygienically without assistance, use cutlery sensibly, be polite, say please and

thank you, and by helping them to understand that they will need to learn to stand in a queue and not mind if they are

first or last!

We expect the children in Early Years to play

with a tolerant and non-violent attitude. Games

which involve fighting, play fighting and

physical aggression are discouraged.

School can be an exhausting experience for a

young child. Sometimes they will come out from

school full of enthusiasm, sometimes they will

appear a bit grumpy, other times they may tell

you that they have “done nothing today”. All

these responses are normal for the induction

period – please be assured that we want your

child’s experience of school to be happy, positive

and fun. If there are ever any problems or areas

of concern please let us know so that we can sort

them out.


Parents are children’s first and most effectual educators. We believe that when parents and schools work together, the results are prodigious on the child’s learning and development. We aim to develop an effective partnership with parents/carers.

At TPS, we would like all parents/carers to feel equally valued as part of our school community. We endeavour to build close partnerships in order to improve the children’s learning. It is essential parents/carers become involved with the school and there are various ways you can do this:

helping out in the classroom

supporting with fundraising activities

attending parents coffee mornings

coming in to speak to the children as a


coming in to run a workshop

taking an active role in the PPA

volunteering for lunchtime supervisory


volunteering for trips

teach a particular skill

“Classrooms are positive learning environments in which adults provide children

with great care and direction. Relationships between adults and children are warm

and this enables children to grow and learn with confidence.”

-Ofsted 2019


It is vital that children come to school on time every day. Persistent

lateness and poor attendance will have a negative impact on the

children’s learning and progress over time.

Holidays during term time are not allowed. The school’s academic

calendar shows when school closure times are and holidays should

be taken during these times. Any absences will be followed up by

the school administrator.

It is the legal responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that their

child of compulsory school age attends school regularly.


If a child is absent, parents/carers must contact the school by 8am

on each day of an absence. Parents must call the school office

number and leave a message, stating the full name of the child,

class and reason for absence. Alternatively, parents can send an

email to schooloffice@tarbiyyah.co.uk.

Routine medical appointments should be made outside of school



The school doors open at: 8:15am, Monday to Friday.

Children who arrive after 8:30am are be marked in as late.

The school finishes at 3:15pm Monday—Thursday and at 11:45am

on Friday.

All children need to be collected on time in order to avoid the late



At TPS we run a range of after school, weekend and holiday clubs

to provide the children with the opportunity to participate in

activities that they enjoy and that will enhance their skills and

broaden their learning experiences.

Please see clubs timetable for up to date information on what is on


“Children enjoy coming

to school because of

adults’ strong support

and guidance. As a

result, children attend


-Ofsted 2019

School Uniform

Boys Girls

Grey thobe (with

TPS logo)

Navy blue abaya

(with TPS logo)





Grey kufi Navy scarf

Grey V-neck

jumper (fine knit)

Navy cardigan

Grey/black socks


White socks


Black school

shoes (no


Black school

shoes (no


Grey bookbag with school logo

PE Uniform

Boys Girls

White T-shirt White T-shirt



Black jogging


Black jogging







It is mandatory that children come to school in the correct uniform. Uniform items with the school logo must be purchased from the school office. All other items can be purchased from a retailer of your choice.

Boys Girls

Grey jumper (with TPS


Navy blue jumper (with

TPS logo)

Black tracksuit bottoms Black tracksuit bottoms

Grey kufi Navy scarf

White polo shirt White polo shirt

Grey/black socks (plain) White socks (plain)

Black school shoes (no


Black school shoes (no


Grey bookbag with school logo


Uniform items with the school logo must be purchased from the school office. All other items can be purchased from a retailer of your choice.


At Tarbiyyah Primary School we want to maintain a safe, secure and welcoming environment where bullying will not be tolerated.

In Islam we are taught to love for each other what we love for ourselves, and that having excellent adaab (manners) at all times is an essential element in our dealings with each other. This is integral to our ethos and will be incorporated into our curriculum. The issue of bullying will be included in the Person, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Islamic Studies (Tarbiyyah) programme taught to all children. It is tackled through assemblies; with the use of pupils who act as school buddies and are assigned to each class and a big buddy (a staff member) who oversees anti-bullying through the school.

Abdullah ibn 'Amr said, "The Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), was neither coarse nor loud. He used to say, "The best of you is the one who has the best character." (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

We believe the school has a central role in the children’s social and moral development just as it does in their academic development. Guidelines have been set up in order to achieve this and TPS will work as a partnership between teachers and parents in order to make this a reality and a success. Several policies have been created in order to work towards the standards of acceptable behaviour at our school. We believe that with the support of parents and teachers we will be able to make our behaviour policy a success, creating a positive and encouraging learning environment.

“Adults encourage children’s good

behaviour, underpinned by the

school’s Islamic ethos.”

-Ofsted 2019


All our students are supported with care and concern. Teachers always carefully monitor the welfare of students both inside the classroom and in the outdoor play areas. All staff go through stringent checks before joining the school including a DBS clearance check.

Our belief is that every child is an amanah (trust) and thus we are committed to child welfare practices in relation to safeguarding and Health & Safety regulations when organising activities for each of the year groups. We wish to ensure that children are able to learn in a safe, healthy, happy and stimulating educational environment. We expect all of our staff, trustees and volunteers to share in this commitment.

Parents should be aware that where it appears to a member of staff that a child may have been abused, the school is required to report their concern to Local Authority immediately.

A copy of our policy on Safeguarding & Child Protection is available on our website or upon request.

“Safeguarding is effective. Leaders work proactively with external agencies.”

-Ofsted 2019

Fees 2020-2021

Nursery 15 hours Free

Nursery full time £3,200

Reception £3,200

Years 1-6 £3,200


At TPS we try to strike a balance between what our community can realistically afford and what our children need in order to thrive and achieve their ambitions. The fees for 2020-2021 are as follows:

We currently offer the following payment options: -

• One Single Payment

• Three Termly Instalments

Paying in installments requires the set-up of a standing order from your bank or building society. Please see attached standing order form.

A single discount of 10% per academic year is available for the 3rd sibling attending the school from Reception to year 6.



Tarbiyyah Primary School

40 New Heston Road

Heston, Middlesex


Telephone: 020 3719 8697

Email: schooloffice@tarbiyyah.co.uk

Proprietor: Heathrow Community Initiative

Chair of Proprietorial Body (Trust): Hardeep Sandhar gbchair@tarbiyyah.co.uk /

07903 577 656

Follow us on Twitter: https:twitter.com/tarbiyyahschool

DFE Number: 312/6006

School Unique Reference Number (URN): 137273

Charity Number – 1162401

For admissions or any other enquiries please contact us on the following:
