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Kim E. Riordan, Ed.D. 412 Library Drive, Duluth MN 55812

(218) 726-7251 kriordan@d.umn.edu

Academic Appointment UMD Faculty Appt: 2010 Present Rank: Assistant Professor CEHSP, Department of Education Educational Leadership Type Current Appt: Date of Present Rank: 2010 Date of Tenure Track – 2005 Previous Appt: 2000-2005 UMD Instructor, Non-tenure Track Action Requested: Promotion to rank of Associate Professor with tenure

Education Ed.D. St. Mary's University of Minnesota (2010) Major: Educational Leadership

M.Ed. University of Minnesota Duluth (2001) Major: Cross Disciplinary Study of Young Children and Families B.A. University of Minnesota Duluth (1992) Major: Criminology Minor: Psychology

Professional Experience

2009-Present University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Education Associate Department Head, Accreditation Director, Director of Graduate Studies (M.Ed.), Assistant Professor

2009-2010 University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Education Associate Department Head, Director of Graduate Studies (M.Ed.), Instructor

2005-2009 University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Education Program Coordinator (Unified Early Childhood Education), Instructor

2001-2005 University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Education Instructor 1997 - 2004 Independent School District #709, Duluth , MN Adult/Parent Educator in program for immigrant/refugee families


1995 - 2002 Independent School District #709, Duluth, MN Early Childhood Family & Parent Educator in ECFE Program

1987 - 1995 Self-Employed, Duluth and Virginia, MN

Non-Profit Management Consultant and Grantwriter 1989 - 1993 Miller-Dwan Medical Center, Duluth, MN

Psychiatric Therapist, Child and Adolescent In-patient Unit 1986 - 1990 Sexual Assault Program of Northern St. Louis County, Virginia, MN Director

Scholarly Productivity

Publications (refereed) Williams, J., Nierengarten, G., Corbett, D., Munson, B., & Riordan, K. (2009). A region apart: A look at challenges and strategies for rural K-12 schools. Center for Rural Policy Development (Monograph).

(20% attribution)

Riordan, K. (2009). Writing the waves of scholarly whitewater. MountainRise, The International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(2). (100%)

Grace, D., Korach, R., Riordan, K., Storm, K. (2009). Assessment and intervention using the perspective of four organizational frames. Appreciative Inquiry: Concepts and Experiences. Bodakdev, Ahmedabad, India: Icfai University Press. (25% attribution) Riordan, K. (2008). The use of a case-study teaching method with adult learners in a parent education setting. Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, 1(3),

47-62. (100% attribution)

Riordan, K. (2008). Increasing institutional effectiveness for distance education. Review of Management Innovation & Creativity, 1(2), 20-30. (100% attribution) Riordan, K. & Marshall, E. (2008). Using videotaped interactions to promote reflective practice in early childhood teachers: An undergraduate research opportunity project, The National Social Science Association Journal, 31(1), 113-124. (The current acceptance rate is 15%) (50% attribution) Riordan, K., Minkkinen, M., & Dominguez-Mora, R. (2007). Establishing a Mexico service learning program: Changing cultural perceptions, building relationships and taking risks, Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 4(10), 1-7. (The


current acceptance rate is 11-20%). Paper won “Best Paper” distinction at conference. (33% attribution)

Grace, D., Korach, R., Riordan, K., Storm, K. (2006). Assessment and intervention using the perspective of four organizational frames. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 4(10), 15-30. (The overall acceptance rate is 10-15%). (25% attribution)

Riordan, K. (2005). The use of a service learning model and online asynchronous dialogue to promote reflection, critical thinking, and cultural competence in early childhood studies students . Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 2(11), 19-26. (The overall acceptance rate is 11% to 20%). Paper won "Best Paper" distinction at conference. (100% attribution)

Published Conference Proceedings (Refereed)

Riordan, K. (2008). Increasing institutional effectiveness for distance education. Intellectbase International Consortium. Published conference proceedings. (Publisher utilizes a double-blind review process) (100% attribution)

Riordan, K. (2008). The use of a case-study teaching method with adult learners in a parent education setting. Intellectbase International Consortium. Published conference proceedings. (Publisher utilizes a double-blind review process) (100%)


External (funded)

Riordan, K. & Grytdahl, R. (2009). Support for Duluth Human Rights Commission. Minnesota Local Human Rights Project Grant. $1500. (Funded). (50%) Riordan, K. (2008). Urban Immersion Initiative. IDEA GRANT. $1500. (Funded) (100%) Commission on Women/Climate Committee Members. (2008). Study of UMD’s climate for female faculty in the sciences. National Science Foundation Start-up Funds ($200,000/two years) (Funded) (5% attribution) Corbett, D., Keiffer-O’Donell, R., Munson, B., Nierengarten, G., Williams, J., Strand, J., Riordan, K. (2008). Center for Rural Policy Grant ($25,000) (Funded) (20%) External (Not funded) Riordan, K. (2008). The Impact of Diversity Initiatives on Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Ethnic, Linguistic and Cultural Diversity $8455. Research/Creativity Funds (Not funded)


Hughes, T., Marchel, M., Minkkinen, M., & Riordan, K. (2006). Service learning initiative. Faculty Research Circle Grants in International Studies (Not Funded) Internal (Funded) Riordan, K. (2010). Support for UECH welcome/orientation & science curriculum

training for UECH candidates. Chancellor’s Faculty Small Grants, Fall Semester 2010. $745. (Funded).

Riordan, K. (2009). Support for Duluth ACEI conference/training. Chancellor’s Faculty

Small Grants, Fall Semester 2009. $750. (Funded). Riordan, K. (2009). Support for student attendance at the National ACEI conference in Chicago. Chancellor’s Faculty Small Grants, Spring Semester 2009. $750. (Funded). Riordan, K. & Minkkinen, M. (2008). Support for visitors from Northern Ireland. Dean’s Office. $1200. (Funded) Riordan, K. (2008). Urban Immersion Initiative to support broader participation across programs. Dean’s Office. $1500. (Funded) Riordan, K. (2008). Funds to support Urban/Diversity Immersion Pilot Project. Chancellor’s Faculty Small Grants, Spring Semester 2008 ($740) (Funded) Riordan, K. (2008). Funds to support academic exchange with faculty from South East Regional Colleges, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Chancellor’s Faculty Small Grants, Fall Semester 2008 ($750). (Funded) Marchel, M., Hughes, T., Minkkinen, M. & Riordan, K. (2007) Enhancing Global and Community Partnerships through Language, Civic Engagement Grant ($2000) (Funded) Minkkinen, M., Riordan, K., & Godsey, S. (2007). Educational Engagement with Northern Ireland Higher Education Initiative. Office of International Programs, Fall Semester 2007 ($4500.) (Funded) Riordan, K. (2007). Conference attendance on Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Preservice Education, Ashville, NC. Dean’s Office, Spring Semester 2007 ($1000) – (Funded) Riordan, K. (2007). Funds to support travel to Ireland for educational exchange initiative. Chancellor’s Faculty Small Grants, ($750) – (Funded)


Riordan, K. (2007). Travel funds to offset expenses for international colleague (Raquel Dominguez) at conference. Chancellor’s Faculty Small Grants, ($750) – (Funded). Riordan, K. (2006). Funds to support global service learning initiative in Mexico. Chancellor's Faculty Small Grants. $750. (Funded) Riordan, K., Minkkinen, M. Marchel, M. & Hughes, T. (2006). Service Learning Initiative related to Mexico-Spanish Literacy Materials and Support, Civic Engagement Grant $1000. (Funded) Riordan, K. (2006). To pay expenses for training to align NAEYC standards with NCATE accreditation. Chancellor's Faculty Small Grants. $750. (Funded). Riordan, K. (2005). UMD Children's Place for outdoor equipment. Commission on Women Grant Program - $1000 (Funded). Riordan, K. (2005). Funding to bring early childhood studies students to a statewide conference. Chancellor's Faculty Small Grants - $732 (Funded). Riordan, K. (2004). Presentation of Unified Model at State Conference. Chancellor's Faculty Small Grants $750. (Funded). Riordan, K. (2003).Funding to supplement student's experiences in a service learning initiative as part of a professional development course. Chancellor's Faculty Small Grants $750. (Funded). Internal (Not Funded) Riordan, K. (2008). The Impact of Diversity Initiatives on Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Ethnic, Linguistic and Cultural Diversity $15,765 Grant in Aid. (Not funded)

Presentations and Workshops

International (Refereed)

Riordan, K. (2008). The use of a case-study teaching method with adult learners in a parent education setting. Intellectbase International Consortium. Atlanta, GA

Riordan, K. (2008). Increasing Institutional Effectiveness for Distance Education. Intellectbase International Consortium, Atlanta, GA

Riordan, K., Minkkinen, M. & Dominguez Mora, R. (2007). Global Service Learning With Pre-Service Early Childhood Candidates, International College Teaching and Learning Conference, Mazatlan, Mexico.


Riordan, K., Marchel, M., & Minkkinen, M. (2006). Family Partnerships: Promoting Family-Sensitive Practices, International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families, Little Rock, AK.

Riordan, K. (2005). The use of a service learning model and online asynchronous dialogue to promote reflection, critical thinking, and cultural competence in early childhood studies students, International College Teaching and Learning Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Riordan, K. (2005). Assessment and Intervention Using the Perspective of Four Organizational Frames, The International Applied Business Research Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

International (Non-Refereed)

Riordan, K. & Minkkinen, M. (2007). Global Perspectives on Children: Mexican School Children. Early Learning-Global Perspectives Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Riordan, K. (2007). Effective Limit Setting...What is Cultural? Early Learning-Global Perspectives Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

National (Refereed)

Riordan, K. (2009). Head Start personnel’s challenge to be culturally competent: Closing the achievement gap with high expectations: A follow-up. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), Washington, DC.

Riordan, K. (2009). Head Start teachers’ perceptions of their own cultural competence: An examination of what happens during training. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) Summer Conference, Charlotte, NC

Riordan, K., & Fisher, S. (2008). Student led research opportunity: Does traveling outside the U.S. matter? National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) Conference , Dallas, TX

Riordan, K. (2008). Teaching Students to Build a Literature Review, National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) Conference Dallas, TX

Riordan, K. (2008). Use of technology in the classroom: Student created web sites, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 17th Annual National Institute, New Orleans, LA.

Riordan, K., Marchel, M., & Minkkinen, M. (2007). Family partnerships: Promoting family-centered practices, National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Fall Conference, Chicago, IL.


Riordan, K. (2007). Using videotaped interactions to promote reflective practice in early childhood teachers: An undergraduate research opportunity project, National Social Science Association’s Summer Seminar, Vancouver, BC

Riordan, K. (2007). Field experiences in diverse settings: Supporting cultural competence through global service learning, National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), Pittsburgh, PA,

Riordan, K. (2007). Providing pre-service teachers an experience in perspective transformation: Service learning in Mexico to enhance cultural competence and global awareness, National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2007 National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, Pittsburgh, PA

Riordan, K., M. Minkkinen, & Marchel, M. (2006). Field experiences in diverse settings: Supporting cultural competence in pre-service early childhood teachers through global travel, service learning, study and reflection, National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE). Atlanta, GA

Riordan, K., Marchel, M. & Minkkinen, M. (2005). The process of becoming a unified early childhood studies program, National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) Washington , DC

Riordan, K. (2004). The use of service learning partnerships in teacher preparation programs. National Service Learning Conference, Orlando , FL

Riordan, K., Marchel, M. & Minkkinen, M. (2004). The use of an inductive process inthe design and development of a Unified Early Childhood Studies Program. Center for Research and Early Intervention, San Diego, CA.

State (Refereed)

Riordan, K. & Rees, P. (2010). Unleashing early Head Start’s parent power: Training for teachers and home visitors. MN Head Start Association, Brainerd, MN.

Riordan, K. & Minkkinen, M. (2008). Creating successful international partnerships to enhance student's cultural competence: What we've learned along the way. MACTE Fall Congress, Mpls, MN

Riordan, K. (2007). Change as opportunity for growth: What’s your perspective? Early Childhood Administrator’s Conference, St. Cloud, MN.

Riordan, K. (2007). Leadership in Early Childhood Education, MN Association of Family Educators, St. Cloud, MN


Riordan, K. (2006). Who am I in the lives of Children and Families? MN Association for the Education of Young Children, Annual Conference, Mpls., MN.

Riordan, K. & Marchel, M. (2005). The voyage of change: Creating a new curriculum in an early childhood studies program, MN Association of College Teacher Educators, Mpls, MN.

Riordan, K. (2003). Effectively working with diverse families. MN Association for the Education of Young Children, Annual Conference, Mpls,. MN.


Riordan, K. (2010). Children with challenging behavior. Duluth Association for the Education of Young Children (DAEYC). Duluth, MN.

Riordan, K. (2010). Increasing parent advocacy effectiveness. Duluth Head Start Family Advocate Training. Duluth, MN

Riordan, K. (2009). Positive behavioral support. Licensure in a Day Workshop. Hermantown Family Resource Center, Hermantown, MN.

Riordan, K. (2009). Cultural competence training in four parts. Duluth Head Start Staff Development Training, Duluth, MN.

Riordan, K. (2008). Working with children with challenging behavior. Northland Foundation Child Care Appreciation Day. Duluth, MN.

Riordan, K. (2007). Staff development training, Hermantown Family Resource Center, Hermantown, MN.

Riordan, K. (2007). Working with children with challenging behavior, Koochiching County Early Childhood Coalition – Early Childhood Super-Saturday Workshop, International Fall, MN.

Riordan, K. (2007). Global perspectives on parenting, First Annual Early Childhood Conference - Mesabi Range Community College, Virginia, MN.

Riordan, K. (2007). Working with challenging behavior in young children. First Annual Early Childhood Conference - Mesabi Range Community College, Virginia, MN.

Minkkinen, M., & Riordan, K. (2007). Global perspectives on children: Mexican school children. First Annual Early Childhood Conference - Mesabi Range Community College, Virginia, MN.


Riordan, K., & Thomas, N. (2007). When did saying no become a bad word? Effective limit setting. Duluth Association for the Education of Young Children (DAEYC). Duluth, MN.

Riordan, K. (2007). Cultural Competence. Duluth Association for the Education of Young Children - Winter conference at Lake Superior College, Duluth, MN.

Thomas, N. & Riordan, K. (2006). When did saying no become a bad word? Effective limit setting. Duluth Association for the Education of Young Children - Winter Conference at UMD. Duluth, MN.

Riordan, K. (2004). Women and leadership,YWCA Girl Power, Duluth, MN.

Riordan, K. (2004). Working with diverse student populations. Eveleth-Gilbert Teachers In-service, Eveleth, MN.

Riordan, K. (2003). Increasing cultural competence. Edison Charter School In-service, Duluth, MN.

Riordan, K. (2003). Effective intervention with challenging behaviors, Happy Time Day Care Center,

Riordan, K. (2003). Reflective dialogue as a practical intervention with parents at risk. University of MN, Mpls, MN.

Riordan, K. (2002). The use of videotape for promotion of appropriate parental behaviors. University of MN, Mpls, Mn.

Riordan, K. (2006). Professional Development Panel (co-presented with representatives from WITC, UWS, FDLT&CC and MRCC). Duluth Association for the Education of Young Children, Developmentally Appropriate Practice - Early Childhood Conference at Lake Superior College, Duluth, MN.


Department of Education. (Fall, 2010). Professional Day: Salsa, laughing children and Mexico during j-term-Service learning in Puerto Vallarta, 2011.

Department of Education (Spring, 2010). Professional Day: Mexico service learning.

UMD International Education Office (2009). Facilitating a short term programs

International Education Office. (2009). Prospective international program leaders. (Workshop panelist)


Department of Education. (Spr, 2009). Professional Day: Dynamics of sexual abuse: Intervention and prevention.

Department of Education. (Fall, 2008). Professional Day: What happens when your student comes to school with two moms (or two dads)?

Dept of Education. (Spring, 2008). Promoting cultural, linguistic and ethnic competence in teacher preparation programs.

CEHSP Teaching Initiatives. (2008). Teaching students how to build a literature review.

Instructional Development Services. (2008). Teaching students how to build a literature review.

Medical School Students. (Spring, 2007). Leadership in rural communities.

Alworth Institute Brown Bag Presentation. (2006). Field experiences in diverse settings: Supporting cultural competence through global service learning w/Molly Minkkinen

Medical School Students. (Fall, 2006), Leadership in rural communities

Research Seminar Series. (2006). Early childhood research initiatives w/Mary Ann Marchel and Molly Minkkinnen

UMD Social Work Department-Regional Conference. (2005). Interacting effectively with diverse families

Pizza with the Professor. (2005). Measurement of student and faculty perceptions of classroom environment in online settings

IDS, Brown Bag Presentation. (2004). The use of a service learning model with early childhood studies pre-service students

Techcamp. (Wtr/2004). Use of webx for hybrid approach

Department of Education. (2004). In-service Day: Adult learning theory & teaching strategies online; practical application issues with web crossing

Residence Hall Advisors. (2003). Cultural awareness and competence

Educator's Institute. (2002). The use of reflective dialogue approach in parent education


Books/Chapters Reviewed for Publisher(s)

Leading on Purpose: Emotionally Intelligent Early Childcare Education. (2008). Authored the student study quizzes for a first edition text.

Diversity in Early Childhood Settings. (2009). Pearson. Infants, Toddlers and Caregivers 8th ed. (2009). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. New Voices, Linguistic and Cultural Diversity. (2007). McGraw-Hill. Leadership in Early Childhood Administration. (2007). McGraw-Hill. Crafting the State of the Art Review for Action Research. (2004). Sage. Challenging Behavior in Young Children. (2004). Allyn & Bacon. Observation & Participation in Early Childhood Settings. (2004). Allyn & Bacon. Group Parent Education. (2003). Sage.


2009 Perceptions of kindergarten readiness. Student Researcher: Stephanie Fisher

2008 Does traveling outside the U.S. matter? Student Researcher: Stephanie Fisher

2007 Using videotaped interactions to promote reflective practice in early childhood teachers. Student Researcher: Emily Marshall

TEACHING – University of Minnesota Duluth Fall, 2010

Educ 4650 Student Teaching in Parent Education

Summer, 2010

EdAd 5911 Leadership and Personal Growth

Spring, 2010

Educ 4650 Student Teaching in Parent Education

Educ 4600 Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education


FST 5069 Global Engagement in Puerto Vallarta

Fall, 2009

ECH 4011 Parent Education

Educ 4600 Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education

SPED 4600 Student Teaching in Early Childhood Special Education

Summer, 2009

EdAd 5911 Leadership and Personal Growth

Spring, 2009

ECh 4400 Professional Development – Block 1

ECh 4400 Professional Development – Block 3

FST 5069 Global Engagement in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Fall, 2008

ECH 2010 Foundational Issues in Early Childhood Education

SPED 3109 Working with Children with Challenging Behavior

Educ 7001 Introduction to Graduate Study

Summer, 2008

EdAd 5911 Leadership and Personal Growth

Educ 5995 Special Topics: Poverty and Educational Intervention

Spring, 2008

ECH 3050 Observing and Guilding Young Children, Birth-Age 8

ECH 4009 Leadership in Early Childhood Education

FORS 4000 Northern Ireland: Cultural Immersion Experience

FST 5069 Global Engagement in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico


Fall, 2007

ECh 2010 Foundational Issues in Early Childhood Education

ECH 4600 Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education

Educ 7001 Introduction to Graduate Studies

SPED 3109 Working with Children With Challenging Behavior

Summer, 2007

ECh 4009 Leadership in Early Childhood Education

SPED 3109 Working With Children With Challenging Behavior

EdAd 5911 Leadership and Personal Growth

Spring, 2007

ECH 3050 Observing and Guilding Young Children, Birth-Age 8

Educ 5340 Interacting With Diverse Families

FST 5069 Global Engagement in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Fall, 2006

ECH 2010 Foundational Issues in Early Childhood Education

SPED 3109 Working with Children With Challenging Behavior

Summer, 2006

EdAd 5911 Leadership and Personal Growth

Educ 5295 Special Topics: Reframing Organization Using Four Frames

SPED 3109 Working with Children With Challenging Behavior

Spring, 2006

Educ 5340 Interacting With Diverse Families

ECH 4009 Leadership in Early Childhood Studies


Fall, 2005

ECH 2010 Foundational Issues in Early Childhood Education

ECH 4009 Leadership in Early Childhood Studies

Educ 5340 Interacting With Diverse Families (face to face)

Educ 5340 Interacting With Diverse Families (online section)

Courses taught prior to tenure track position:

Educ 1101 - Education in Modern Society

ECh 4610 - Professional Issues Seminar in Early Childhood Education

ECh 4251 - Parenting

Educ 1000 - Human Development

Educ 1100 - Human Diversity

Educ 7008 - Foundations of Teaching and Learning: Curriculum Theory and Design

Educ 7004 - Educational Action Research and Inquiry

Educ XXX – Leadership, Change and Collaboration



2010 Co-Chair (1 Doctoral Student), Committee member (3 Doctoral Students)


2010 Advisor (43 MEd students)

Chair of Grad Committee (5 MEd students)

2009 Advisor (32 MEd students)

Chair of Grad Committee (5 MEd students)

2007 Chair of Grad Committee (8 MEd students)


2006 Chair of Grad Committee (12 MEd students)

2005 Chair of Grad Committee (1 MEd students)


Average of 32 undergraduate students each academic year

Professional Online Faculty Mentoring

Educ 7002 Human Diversity and Exceptionality (Fall Semester, 2005)

Ech 2025 Cognitive Development (Summer Semester, 2005)

Educ 7002 Human Diversity and Exceptionality (Spring Semester, 2005)

Ech 2025 Cognitive Development (Fall Semester, 2004)

Educ 7002 Human Diversity and Exceptionality (Spring Semester, 2004)

Teaching Evaluations

Quantitative scores nearly always exceed 5 out of a 6 point scale in which 6 is the top score



2008-present National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), Treasurer (2nd term)

2009-present National Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), President’s Council Secretary

2008-2009 National Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), President’s Council Member

2007-present National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), Executive Committee

2007 National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), Regional Representative

2007 National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), Policy Manual Review Committee


2007 National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), Long Range Planning Committee


2010 MN Board of Teaching-Institutional Review Panel member

2008-2009 MN Association of Childhood International, President

2007 MN Association of Childhood International, President-elect

2007-2009 Content Reviewer: Training for MN Department of Education, Board of Teaching Licensing Division - To review institutional applications for licensing

2005 Review Panel Member for MN Department of Education, Board of Teaching Licensing Division - Early Childhood Content Knowledge and Principles of Learning and Teaching Praxis Exams


2007-2008 Schocet Advisory Council, member


2010 Commission on Women, Chair Ex Officio

2009 Parent Educator for UMD Children’s Place Child Care Center

2009 Distance Learning Council, Member

2008-2010 Commission on Women, Chair

2005-2009 GLBT Advisory Commission, Chair

2008 IEO Scholarship Committee, Reviewer

2007-2008 CEHSP Retention Committee, Member

2006-2007 Commission on Women Leadership Committee, Convener

2006-2007 Commission on Women Education & Outreach Committee


2005 CEHSP Search & Screen Committee (Director of Student Affairs)

2005 GLBT Commission’s Sexual Assault Prevention Protocol Committee

2003-Present Participation in UMD's commencement ceremony (Graduate and Undergraduate)


2008-2009 Search & Screen Committee (Language Nest), Member

2004-2009 UECH Student Association, Faculty Liaison

2004-2006 Dept of Education Scholarship Committee, Member

2006-Present Dept of Education Community Advisory Council for Teacher Education

2005-2009 Dept of Education Graduate/Program Committee

2005-Present Maawanji’idiwag Advisory Council

2003, 2004 Dept of Education Search & Screen Committee(s)

2003-2004 UMD Student Behavior Judiciary Committee

2002-2006 Dept of Education-Social Justice Committee


2009-2010 Duluth Human Rights Commission

2009-2010 United Way’s Success by Six

2007-Present Fond du Lac Early Childhood Program Advisory Council

2005 Consultant, Range Center, Conduct goals-based program evaluation of project grant

2002-2010 Happy Time Day Care Center – Board of Directors


Program Development

2010 Articulation agreements with Itasca Community College (in progress)

2008 Created a new structure for the Department of Education’s Professional Day experience to enhance pre-service teachers’ professional development

2007-2008 Creation of a Mesabi Cohort plan to offer a 2 and ½ year BASc degree on the Mesabi Range for students who have completed their associate degrees and preparatory courses.

2007-2008 Collaboration with Mesabi Range Community College in forming an articulation agreement to prepare Range students to transfer to UMD for the UECH program (2007-2008)

2007-2009 Collaboration with Mesabi Range Technical and Community College and Northern Ireland University - Study Abroad Initiative

2006-Present Mexico Service Learning Initiative

2007-2008 Initiated an urban immersion experience, piloted 11/08 to include 23 students and 5 faculty from all undergraduate education majors

2007 Collaboration with Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College to form an articulation agreement

2005-Present Participated in Planning/implementing Maawanji’idiwag Cohort I and II

Professional Affiliations

2002-Present NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children)

2003-Present MNAEYC (MN Association for the Education of Young Children)

2007-Present MNAFEE (Mn Association of Family and Early Education)

2003-Present NAECTE (National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators)


2003-Present MNAECTE (MN Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators)

2005-Present ACEI (Association for Childhood Education International)

2004-2009 ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)

2004-Present AAHE (American Association for Higher Education)

1995-Present NEA (National Education Association)

1995-Present AFT (American Federation of Teachers)

Professional Development Training

Indian Child Welfare Institute (July, 2010). Walker, MN

Anti-Racism Dialogue Circles (Jan-June, 2010). Duluth, MN

AACTE Conference (February, 2010). Atlanta, GA

MACTE Conference (October, 2009) Mpls., MN

NAECTE Conference (Nov, 2009). Washington, DC

NAECTE Conference (June, 2009). Charlotte, North Carolina

AACTE conference (April, 2009). Washington, DC

ACEI conference (March, 2009). Chicago, IL

AACTE conference (February, 2009). Chicago, IL

MACTE conference (January, 2009) Mpls., MN

MACTE conference (Fall, 2008), Mpls., MN

NAECTE conference (11/2008) Dallas, TX.

Intellectbase: International Consortium (10/2008)

NAEYC conference (11/2008) Dallas, TX

NAEYC Professional Development Institute (6/2008) New Orleans


National Association for Childhood Education International (3/2008), Atlanta, GA

Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Pre-service Education (2007) Ashville, NC

Ten Moons Rising - Holistic Family Education (10/2006).

Bridging Education and Mental Health, Center for Early Education and Development (9/2005)

SSF-IIIHS International Conference: At the dawn of a new light, Montreal , (5/2005)

Midwest Association for the Education of Young Children, Mpls., (4/2005)

Faculty In-service-Urban Learners & Faculty Development 4/05

Faculty In-service-ELL in MN public schools 4/05

Undoing Racism Training, Duluth (F/2003 & S/2004)

New Learning Technologies: Applied Learning Conference, Orlando (2004)

Children Who Hurt: Supporting and teaching stressed and traumatized children, Cloquet, MN (2004)

Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention, San Diego (2004)

The power of the circle and academic engagement, Orlando (2004)

National Service Learning Conference, Orlando (2004)

National Multicultural Institute, Washington , DC (2003)

Working with Emotional Intelligence-Goleman, Minneapolis (2001)

The Hurried Child-Elkind, Duluth (1999)

Framework for Understanding Poverty, Duluth (2000)

Jean Illsley Clark-Young Children and Self-Esteem, Duluth (2000)

When parents face shattered dreams, Ted Bowman, Duluth (2000)

Family Literacy Conference, St. Thomas (2001)

Regional In-service, CFL, Home Visiting (2002)


Regional In-service, CFL, Infant/Toddler Development (1999)

Implications of brain development and attachment research for parent educators and early childhood practitioners, Duluth (1998)

Grad Rules: Implications for Early Childhood Programs, Duluth (1998)

Clinical Implications of Attachment Theory, Duluth (1997)

Changing times, Changing families, Duluth (1997)

Working together with families who have children with special needs, Duluth (1997)

University Training History

Online Policies and Reg Update- Completed 9/2010

Online Policies and Reg Update - Completed 09/02/09

Online Policies and Reg Update - Completed 09/15/08

PrHSubjects-CITIweb-SBbasic - Completed 01/26/08

Online Policies and Reg Update - Completed 09/24/07

Manage Student Data Securely - Completed 04/14/07

Data Security Info for Admin - Completed 04/14/07

Securing Your Workstation - Completed 04/11/07

Using University Data - Completed 04/11/07

Training Custom Assessment - Completed 04/11/07

Data Security in Your Job - Completed 02/19/07

PrHSubjects-CITIweb-SBbasic - Completed 01/25/07

Online Policies & Regs Update - Completed 10/11/06

Resp Cond. of Rsch-Part 1-ITV - Completed 04/01/05

Resp Cond. of Rsch-Part 2-ITV - Completed 10/14/04

Intro to HIPAA Privacy & Secur - Completed 03/30/03


Safeguarding PHI on Computers - Completed 03/30/03
