23003543 Basketball Agility Drills


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  • 7/30/2019 23003543 Basketball Agility Drills


    Basketball Agility Drills

    These basketball agility drills will improve your speed around

    the court, quickness, co-ordination and most importantly your

    ability to change direction with minimal deceleration.

    Basketball players who excel move with lightening-like speed.

    But it's not necessarily the athlete who can run a quick 100M

    time that makes the quickest player...

    Much more important in basketball is your ability to rapidly

    switch between forward, backward, lateral and vertical


    Integrating the basketball agility drills below within a speed

    training program can have a dramatic impact on your game.

    Not only will you be able to move from one end of the court toanother much more quickly, you'll be able to transfer much or

    all of that energy into other basketball-specific movements.

  • 7/30/2019 23003543 Basketball Agility Drills


    Basketball Agility Drills

    Agility Drill #1 - Super Shuttle

    1. Starting underneath the basket with your back to the court.

    2. Shuffle backwards with hands in a defensive ready position

    to point A.3. Sprint backwards from A to B focusing on

    minimizing the time to change direction. 4. Side step facing

    the court from B to Start position (again keep hands in

    defensive position).5. Jump to touch the net or backboard.6.

    Repeat the back shuffle from Start to C.7. Sprint forwards

    from C to D.8. Side step with back to court to Start position.9.Jump to touch the net or backboard.10. Repeat for 6-8

    repetitions with at 60-90 seconds rest between.

    If you use this drill with a team of players, simply stagger the

    start. So player 2 starts just as player 1 reaches point A. The

    group can be split into two equal teams at either end of the

    court. A race makes things more interesting.

  • 7/30/2019 23003543 Basketball Agility Drills


    Agility Drill #2 - Weave In Weave Out

    1. Place 4 markers out in a straight line approximately 3 yards

    apart (see right).2. In between each set of markers place

    another marker only 3 yards to the left.3. Sprint to marker Aand then side step/shuffle to marker B leading with the left

    leg.4. Side shuffle to marker C this time leading with the right

    leg.5. Repeat to the finish.6. Walk back to the start and

    repeat for up to 6-8 repetitions.

  • 7/30/2019 23003543 Basketball Agility Drills


    Agility Drill #3 - Shuttle With Passes

    1. Start on the baseline facing the court to the left hand side

    of the basket.2. Sprint to point A and receive a pass fromanother player or the coach (red marker).3. Immediately pass

    the ball back to the coach, turn and sprint to point B.4. At

    point B, jump to touch the net or backboard.5. On landing,

    turn and sprint to point C. Receive a pass and return it.6. Turn

    and sprint to point D. Jump again to touch the rim or

    backboard.7. Turn and sprint to pint D. Receive a pass but

    this time keep the ball.8. Turn with the ball, dribble or drive

    towards the finish. 9. Repeat for 4-6 repetitions.

  • 7/30/2019 23003543 Basketball Agility Drills


    Agility Drill #4 - Box Drill

    1. Mark out a square approximately 6 yards X 6 yards.2. Place

    a cone in the center. This is the starting position.3. Give eachcone a letter or number. The coach calls out the a

    number/letter at random.4. The player sprints to the cone and

    shuffles back to the center.5. As soon as they arrive at the

    center, the coach calls another number/letter.6. Repeat for 60-

    90 seconds.

    With a group of players set out several boxes. Switch players

    every 60 seconds. Basketball agility drills like these are great

    for combining physical AND mental awareness. It's uncanny

    how often players fail to remember how the cones were

    originally numbered when they are fatigued.

  • 7/30/2019 23003543 Basketball Agility Drills


    Combine these basketball agility drills with other speed

    training sessions. Together they will help to significantly

    increase your quickness and quality of movement around the


    Paramount to optimal speed and agility is sport-specific

    strength training. Be sure to look into the most effective

    approach for developing basketball specific strength and

    explosive power.

