(249014814) HomeSearchapplicationform GA3 A1 L1 2


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A1 Level 1 : Learning activity 3 : Stage 1F.Special requirements

MOVING TO A NEW PLACE Home Tearch application Gorm

Please write the first or main applicants surname hereTorres

Important: Please make sure you read all the information presented in this document carefully before you complete this form.

A. Your details

First name(s)Zulma

Give any other name(s)

you were previously known by

Date of birth02/09/1991

For example 06/12/1968Calle 11 #5-123

Current address540006

PostcodeContact/correspondenceAvenida 1 #11-156

or safe address (if different from above)3013458723

Contact telephone numbers(s)Zulmatove_15@outlook.com

A1 Level 1 : Learning activity 3 : Stage 31

Email addressServicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

A1 Level 1 : Learning activity 3 : Stage 1

Do you experience difficulties with reading or writing?

Whats your gender?



No X

Female XX

What is your religion?

Prefer not to say

Muslim Sikh




Other(please specify)

B. Employment informationI am a engineer

If you are working, please tell us:

What do you do?

Yes X No

C. Your family or household

We need to know if other people will be moving with you. This will help us to know what type of home you will need. Please give their details below.


Last nameTorresVelsquez

First nameJuly

Date of birth23/11/1989


Relationship to you (wife,son, etc.)


D. Your present accommodation/circumstances

Tick the box against the property type in which you live or best describes your circumstances.




BungalowCottageTerraced house

Detached houseXSemi-detached houseNo fixed address

E. Your house preferences

State your house preferences describing all the characteristics you want your new home to have.

House type (apartment, cottage, etc.) Number of roomsNumber of bathrooms

Which floor (if located in a building) Public utilities (gas, water, etc.) LocationPrice

Write a more detailed description of the kind of house you want to have.

I want something very confortable, its in a tranquil zone and small but cozy

G. Applicants signature

NameZulma torres Velsquez

Date01/04/2014Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.
