25th November, 2016 Newsletter no 5 - … · 25th November, 2016 Golden Table ... The recent...


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Newsletter no 5

Sporting Achievements & Events Cross Country

Congratulations to the children who participated in the recent cross country event. The children were great ambassadors for Mellor Primary School.

Boccia (a cross between archery and curling)

We entered three teams for the Stockport based competition. Year 6 were awarded first place with Year 3/4 gaining places in the top 5 schools. Congratulations to Oliver H for a ‘Spirit of the Games’ award for team work and to Cameron R for his ‘Spirit of the Games’ award for passion.

Infant Sports Hall Athletics

We entered two teams gaining 1st and 2nd places which was a great effort. Congratulations to Jayden B for a ‘Spirit of the Games’ award for teamwork.


Our Year 5 & 6 Dodgeball team demonstrated great determination and competitive spirit. Whilst the teams were beaten in each game, Mrs Fenteman reported that the children showed a wonderful attitude and the children said how much fun they had had.

Pupil Parliament Our Pupil Parliament have started their work this year with each department considering their key actions. The Education Department have asked children their views on how they could improve reading. The children’s thoughts have been shared with the teaching staff and as a result we will be looking to develop our reading areas in classrooms.

The Charity and Community Department organised the ‘Wear Something Blue Day’ and Teddy Raffle to raise awareness for anti-bullying and support Children In Need, they managed to raise £207.03.

25th November, 2016

Golden Table

25th November Congratulations go to Luca S, Lucy K, James S, Grace M, Fredrick J, Thomas Y and Olivia R.

Headteacher Awards

18th November Congratulations go to Molly J, Ben D, Felix R, Emma H, Niamh W, Hannah C, Josh M.

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Local Parking Issues We have received a complaint recently from a local resident regarding inappropriate parking at the junction

entrance to school between Longhurst Lane and Knowle Rd. We ask parents to be mindful of blocking drive

ways of local residents and of the areas with double yellow lines. Remember, you can park in the Sports Club

car park and walk across the nomow pathway. Thank you.

Doug Scott Lecture

The recent charity lecture held at school by the world acclaimed Himalayan mountaineer Doug Scott and Paul

‘Tut’ Braithwaite raised £5700 for Community Action Nepal. A few members of our parental community

supported the event and enjoyed the lecture of climbing the South West face of Everest in 1975. Community

Action Nepal operates with 3% admin costs and therefore 97% of money raised goes directly to support the

children and families in the Himalayan communities. It is my intention to visit our links school at Easter and see

the ongoing work as well as take the school raised contribution directly to the nurse we are currently


Last year, Pasang gained her qualification to teach. We supported her through her training and she now

teaches in Melamchi School . Our school parliament have already indicated that they would like to contribute

to support the village in Nepal through future events.


Christmas Pudding Label Design Winners We had quite a response for our design a label for our Christmas Puddings! After much deliberation the winners are:- Ruby M - Year 6 Sticky Toffee Pudding Olive S - Year 4 Christmas Pudding Alice R - Nursery Triple Chocolate Pudding Thank you to all of our parents who purchased our fund raising puddings, which raised £174.28 towards school funds. A big thank you also, to Mrs Bray for all her time spent organising the sale and distribution of the puddings.

Christmas Dinner Menu - Friday, 16th December

We will be having our Christmas dinner on Friday, 16th December, A copy of the menu can be found on page 7

of this newsletter. If your child does not normally have a school meal on a Friday and you would like them to

have one on this occasion, please notify us via schooladmin@mellor.stockport.sch.uk by 9am on Friday 9th

December at the latest. If your child is in Nursery or Years 3 to 6, you will also need to pay £2.10 for this meal.

Unfortunately, late orders cannot be accepted due to food ordering. Thank you.

CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY—Friday, 16th December On Friday 16th December we’re inviting all pupils to wear their silliest, sparkliest or

cosiest Christmas woollies and make a small donation. The Health and Sports

Committee would like to continue the support already started for the people affected

by the earthquakes in Nepal which took place in April 2015. Everything was demolished

including the local school with which we have links. Last year we decided to raise

money to help and the funds raised from Christmas Jumper Day went towards the

training and support of a Nepalese nurse. This year we would like to continue to

support the nurse and the ongoing rebuild of the area as the majority of families are still living under canvas or

in sheltered accommodation. We receive regular updates and are told there is still a lot of work to be done so

all donations will be gratefully received.

If your child doesn’t have a festive sweater already, just dig out a plain jumper and decorate it with tinsel,

baubles or homemade snowflakes. It is also Christmas lunch on the 16th December so there should be a great

festive atmosphere around school while raising money for this good cause.

The Charities Department of the School Parliament


On-line Safety 2

In the last newsletter I shared with you information regarding what our children are doing online.

In this week’s slot we will begin to explore the ways in which children can be vulnerable through established

and emerging technologies as well as provide some tips to keep young people safe.

So what are the overarching risks associated with social communication technologies?

Potential Cyberbullying

Unwanted contact/grooming

Exposure to harmful content/illegal materials

Access to privacy/digital footprints

We’ll focus on cyberbullying this week following on from our focus on Anti-Bullying week.

So what is it?

Definition of cyberbullying:

‘The use of digital technology (text messaging, email, social networking sites etc.) to bully, harass or abuse

someone.’ (DFE 2008)

How does it happen?

Mobile phones

Social networking




More recently sexting and the use bullying of children following the sharing of images.

Use of Webcams

Cyberbullying traits differ from more traditional forms of bullying it’s all pervasive as there is no escape -

children and young people can be bullied at home via their mobile or computer; images or text can be shared,

uploaded and downloaded and continue to be shared without the child knowing about it therefore there is a

lack of closure; it can be easier for perpetrators to remain anonymous or pose as another person in the online

context therefore children don’t know who the real perpetrator is, this can be extremely damaging and

frightening; physical factors do not come into play in the same way – the internet is a real leveler – anyone can

be the subject of bullying; children and young people become engaged in cyberbullying in an inadvertent way

as they cannot ‘feel’ the consequences in the same way, the consequences are not immediate and are more

abstract (almost 48% of young people admitted bullying someone – source: Beat Bullying Virtual Violence

2009); the good news is that there is an evidence trail in the online world so perpetrators can be caught and

children and young people need to be taught how to save the evidence if they are subject to cyberbullying.


Cyberbullying Traits

It is an invasion of personal space for young people and is all encompassing and penetrating.

The audience can be large, reached rapidly and can be unknown.

It is easier for perpetrators to remain anonymous through the online world or masquerade as another


The target of bullying can be anyone as physical and other factors do not come into play.

Often young people who engage in cyberbullying get involved in an unintentional way.

There is a disconnection as they are removed from the face to face.

There is an evidence trail in the online world therefore there is the ability to track people.

Tips for young people and parents if children have access to their own devices and use social

communication online

Share suspected case of cyberbullying with a trusted adult, seek advice at school or report it to CEOP.

Know the ‘Childline number’ 0800 1111.

Privacy settings need to be set to “Friends only” - Including comments, posts and photos.

“Friends” should be people you know and trust in the real world.

Only post content and photos you wouldn't mind showing your family!

Learn how to report any issues directly to any Social Network Service.


Consider having shared access to children’s mobile phone use and social media.

Consider where children have access to the internet, the sites they use and their levels of protection


If your children are using online technologies ensure access to the CEOP page is clearly understood.

Remember children are digital natives and are inquisitive therefore they can often find routes through

systems. Familiarise yourself with new apps that children may use eg Whats App, Snap Chat etc especially

when they have group messaging functionality.

Sign up and use ‘Think You Know’ .

Next newsletter we will cover ‘Grooming and unwanted contact’.


Q Have you ever wondered how to report on-line abuse through our website?

A Look for the CEOP button on the home page of our website. Click and follow the instructions.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest

Benjamin Franklin


If you ever have any on-line safeguarding concerns, you can report directly to the Child Exploitation and On-line Protection Centre (CEOP) www.ceop.police.uk www.thinkuknow.co.uk is also good site for understanding safety in this digital world. Please see our website for additional information on the whole subject of safeguarding children.

Friends of Mellor

Weds 30th Nov Non-uniform Day in lieu of bottles & jars for the Christmas Fair tombola

Fri 2nd Dec FOM Christmas Fair 5.30-8pm


Dates for your diary Inservice Day Mon, 28 November

Bikeability Yr 5 Tues 29th November

Reading Workshop Tues 29th November @ 6.30pm

Year 6 Residential Meeting Thurs 1 December @ 6pm

Winter Wonderland School Choir Sat, 3 December @ 1.55pm

Infant Christmas Production Wed, 14 December @ 2pm

Thurs, 15 December @ 6.30pm

School Christmas Lunch

& Christmas Jumper Day Fri, 16 December

Junior Carol Concert at school Tues, 20 Dec @ 6.30pm

Year 5 Residential Mon 24 to Weds 26 April, 2017

Mellor Primary School Knowle Rd

Mellor Stockport SK6 5PL

0161 427 1052 schooladmin@mellor.stockport.sch.uk


Please refrain from using the School Gateway to communicate. The inbox is not monitored.

Please remember to keep the office informed of any changes in medical conditions,

emergency contact numbers & email addresses via the school

email address schooladmin@mellor.stockport.sch.uk or in writing.



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Dear Residents,

Over the last few days you may have noticed increased police activity targeting drug dealing and

associated crime in your area.

As a result of information provided by a number of police sources and residents we executed a

warrant that has led to the arrest of a person for drug related offences.

The information provided by local people was central to the success of this operation, We would like

to thank everyone who contributed and reassure you that we will continue to work with you to

make neighbourhood a safer place to live, work and grow up in.

If you have information that will help us to tackle drug related and other crime in your area please

contact your Neighbourhood Policing Team on 0161 856 9973 or email us at


Remember, Remember the 5th of November

Bonfire and Fireworks parties in the area were a huge success. We noticed a significant reduction in

calls to the police for associated anti-social-behaviour.

Shed/Vehicle Breaks

We have had a slight increase in the above in and around the Marple Hall Drive area. Please can I

ask that any suspicious activity is reported to the Police immediately on No:101.
