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J. A. McKenzie, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerlandand

T. E. Ricchiuto, Laboratorio Geologia Nucleare Università di Pisa, Italy

ABSTRACTThe oxygen-18 and carbon-13 ratios were measured on a series

of carbonate samples selected from two different Messinian se-quences: the marine deposits of the intra-Messinian and the LagoMare deposits at the end of the Messinian. The intra-Messinian

Present address: AGIP-AMI, Servizio SGEL, 1-20097 S. DonatoMilanese, Milano, Italy.



carbonates from Site 372, Balearic Basin, isotopically reflectedchanges in salinity and circulation patterns as the basin movedfrom open marine to conditions of evaporite deposition. Theisotopic study of the Lago Mare deposits from two easternMediterranean sites showed the non-equivalency of sedimentarydevelopments in two separate basins. Extreme evaporation andunusual stagnant conditions are postulated to have produced therelatively heavy oxygen-18 and carbon-13 ratios found for thedolomitic sediments from Site 374, Ionian Basin. Relatively lesssevere conditions must have prevailed at Site 376, Antalya Basin,where the influx of continental water was particularly notable inthe depleted stable isotope ratios of the predominantly calciticsediments.


The existence of deep desiccated, inland basins inthe upper Miocene Mediterranean was postulated toexplain the vast evaporite deposits discovered duringDSDP Leg 13 (Ryan, Hsü, et al., 1973). Stable isotopestudies of Messinian carbonates, sampled during Leg13, had established the importance of a meteoric originfor the waters flowing into these basins (Lloyd andHsü, 1973; Fontes et al., 1973; and Lawrence, 1973).With Leg 42A, a further sampling of the Messiniancarbonates provided an opportunity to continue theisotopic studies in order to interpret the depositionaland diagenetic histories of the desiccated basins. Thepurpose of this work was to use stable isotope geo-chemistry to evaluate environmental changes that mayhave occurred during and after the deposition of theMessinian evaporites.

PROCEDUREThe carbonate samples were washed in distilled

water to remove dissolvable salts and heated in ahelium stream at 450 °C for 30 minutes to releaseorganic constituents. The samples were then reactedwith 100% phosphoric acid according to the standardtechnique used to obtain CO2 for mass spectrometricanalysis (McCrea, 1950). X-ray diffraction scans wererun on all analyzed samples to determine quantita-tively the percent of dolomite present with respect tothe total carbonate content. In general, for carbonatemixtures in which the percent dolomite was between20 and 50%, a chemical separation was undertakenduring the phosphoric acid reaction to obtain CO2 gasfrom both the calcite and the dolomite fractions (Ep-stein et al., 1964). The small particle size (5 to 10µ)was taken into consideration when determining thereaction times for the chemical separation (Walters etal., 1972).

The isotopic values are reported in Tables 1,2, and3. Data listed under bulk carbonate are for analysesmade on the total gas evolved during the preparation.Data listed under the columns Calcite and Dolomiteare for analyses of the respective gas portions fromdouble extractions made on a single sample. Theisotopic results are given in the δ-terminology (%o)relative to the PDB standard. The oxygen-18 ratios forthe dolomite analyses have been corrected by a factorof 0.8 7oo (Sharma and Clayton, 1965). Figure 1

shows the location of the DSDP sites where the ana-lyzed samples were recovered.


Intra-Messinian Carbonates

At Site 372 on the East Menorca Rise, BalearicBasin, the deep sea drilling penetrated a thin wedge ofthe Messinian upper evaporite unit and recoveredcarbonate sediments of the intra-Messinian. Thesesediments represent a time of marine deposition be-tween the lower and upper evaporite units, a timewhen there was a renewed influx of Atlantic water intothe Mediterranean (Hsü et al., this volume). Althoughover 600 meters of sediment were cored beneath theevaporite, only Sections 1 and 2 of Core 9 are ofinterest to this study. An unconformity separates thenannofossil marls of the intra-Messinian from thenannofossil marls below (Hsü et al., this volume). Theisotopic content of the carbonates found below Core 9,Section 2 remained constant well into the middleMiocene (McKenzie et al., this volume). It is in Core 9,Section 2 that isotopic changes indicative of the re-newed onset of evaporation are seen.

Moving upward through Core 9, the oxygen-18content of the carbonate sediments becomes progres-sively, although only slightly, more positive. See Table

TABLE 1Stable Isotope Analyses of Carbonates From Site 372,

Balearic Basin

Sample (In-terval in cm)

9-1, 87-889-1,92-939-1, 104-105

9-1, 123-124

9-1, 135-1379-2, 0-19-2, 8-9

9-2, 45-479-2, 64-659-2, 114-1169-2,135-136


light greyIt. & dk. greydark greylight greydark grey

light greymedium greydark grey

Dolomite ofTotal Carbonate







Bulk Carbonate

δ θ 1 8


+2.0+1.9+2.4+1.9+1.4-0.4+0.4+ 1.1+1.0+0.8+1.0+0.4+ 1.1+0.5+0.4+0.3

δ C 1 3





TABLE 2Stable Isotope Analyses of Carbonates From Site 374, Ionian Basin

Sample(Interval in cm)

26(SW)a, 1-226(SW), 17-1825 (SW), 3-425(SW), 21-2225(SW), 31-3325(SW), 40-4111-1,80-8111-2,25-2911-2,66-6911-2,90-9211-2, 147-14913-2,50-5214-1,77-7815-1,44-4517-1,80-8219-1, 22-23

aSidewall core.

Sample(Interval in cm)

6-4, 30-316-4, 556-4, 1007-1,40-417-1, 57-587-1,79-807-1, 107-1087-2, 102-1038-2, 19-209-4, 72-7310-3, 24-2511-2,83-8411-2, 108-11111-2,118-12112-5, 113-11413-4, 52-5315-2, 107-10816-1,45-4617-1,50-51

Depth (m)


Dolomite ofTotal Carbonate






Bulk Carbonate

n 1 8UPDB

+ 1.8+2.0+4.1+4.3+4.9+4.8



s r 1 3PDB

+1.0+ 1.0+1.1+ 1.5+1.9+ 1.0

+0.8+0.2+9.9+ 1.2



18δ PDB


13δ PDB


Stable Isotope Analyses of Carbonates From Site 376, Antalya Basin

Depth (m)



Dolomite ofTotal Carbonate





Bulk Carbonate

n 1 8δ PDB



13δ PDB




18δ O p D ß


13δ PDB



18δ O p D B


13δ CPDB

+ 1.8


S O 1 8

δ θ P D B

+2.6+2.9+2.4+ 1.0

0.0+ 1.5



1. The change in the carbon-13 content is more dra-matic. Between Samples 372-9-2, 64-65 cm, and 372-9-2, 45-47 cm, there is a significant depletion incarbon-13 by 3.5 %o. This depletion continues to alow δC13

P D B value of-5.6 %o at Sample 372-9-1, 87-88 cm. The isotopic data suggest that the upper car-bonate sediments in Core 9 were formed in a totally orpartially closed basin from a reservoir of carbonateions progressively depleted in carbon-13 and enrichedin oxygen-18. The latter enrichment probably reflectsan increase in the oxygen-18 content of the basin'swater as a result of evaporation. The sharp depletion incarbon-13 ions indicates a significant increase in theamount of carbonate ions having an organic origin.The transfer from an open marine to an evaporatingbasin may have changed the circulation pattern result-ing in euxinic conditions. Increased production of CO2

from the decomposition of organic material could haveoccurred in the stagnant layers. Therefore, as the basinapproached the evaporitic phase of deposition, theassociated carbonate sediments would be depleted incarbon-13 with respect to those from open marinesedimentation.

The sediments of Core 9 were frequently thinlylaminated. The isotopic content of the different laminadoes not show a consistent pattern of variation. Thefact that the isotopic values do vary from layer to layermay indicate frequent alteration in the salinity andredox conditions of the basin prior to the onset of theevaporite deposition.

Lago Mare Carbonates

Near the end of the Messinian salinity crisis, thedeep desiccated basins in the eastern Mediterranean



were flooded by an influx of water from the Paratethys.The sediments deposited after the inundation belong tothe Lago Mare sequence, which spans the transitionfrom the top of the Messinian evaporites to the earlyPliocene (Hsü et al., this volume). Carbonate samplesfrom the Lago Mare sequence of two basins, the Ionianand the Antalya, were available for this isotopic study.

At Site 374 on the Ionian Abyssal Plain, dolomite isthe dominant carbonate mineral of the Lago Maremarls. In most samples the dolomite percentage of thetotal carbonate approaches 100%. The dolomite sam-ples analyzed for this study are of two distinct types.Cores 12 to 19 contain dark grey, dolomitic marlstonesoften in association with the Messinian gypsum depos-its. The dolomite in the marlstones is most likely aprimary precipitate or an early diagenetic replacementproduct. The sediment of Core 11 is a dolomitized,early Pliocene pelagic limestone. This replacementdolomite has an unusual crystal habit. The crystalshave a platy structure, which changes gradually to-wards a more rhombohedral form in the lower part ofCore 11, Section 2. The contact between the twodolomite facies has not been sampled but is probably adisconformity rather than a gradual transition. (Ber-noulli and Mélières, this volume).

The stable isotopic ratios of the Site 374 dolomitesshow a large variation, which probably representschanges in the isotopic composition of the Lago Marewaters. The <5O18

PDB of the dolomitic marlstone rangesfrom +6.0 to +9.7 %o, while δC13

P D B ranges from-4.0 to +13.8 7oo. See Table 2. The high, variableoxygen-18 content is not unusual for dolomite precipi-tated from evaporated waters. The è>O18 ratios of thedolomite indicate that the isotopic content of the LagoMare water had been highly enriched by extreme andrepeated evaporation. This enrichment isotopicallyobscures the meteoric origin of the waters in the IonianBasin during the Lago Mare deposition.

More unusual than the relatively positive <5O18 ratiosis the variation from negative to positive values in theδC13 ratios. Such variations, although not frequent,have been recorded elsewhere. Extreme light andheavy carbon-13 contents were found for dolomiteswithin the same outcrops of the Permian Irati Forma-tion, Parana Basin, southern Brazil. The lighter carbonvalues were associated with a grey, massive dolomitecontaining small amounts of organic matter, whereasthe heavier carbon values were found in a zone con-taining interbedded, thin layers of organic-rich shaleand dolomite (De Giovani et al., 1974). Anotherexample of unusually heavy carbon-13 values in dolo-mites with a mean δC13

P D B of +8.2 ± 2.6 % o wasreported for the Precambrian Lomagundi carbonateprovince, Rhodesia (Schidlowski et al., 1976). Theseanomalously high values were found for carbonatesamples covering an extensive area. To obtain such anelevated carbon-13 content, it was concluded that thedolomite formed in a closed basin under stagnant orevaporitic conditions in which the carbon-13 contenthad been substantially increased through the preferen-tial removal of carbon-12 into sedimentary organics.

A second explanation for dolomites with variableheavy carbon and relatively constant heavy oxygenwas presented by Murata et al. (1969) to explain suchisotopic values found for carbonates of the marineMiocene formations of California and Oregon. Theysuggested that the heavy carbon comes from an iso-topic equilibration between CO2 and CH4. With thismechanism the equilibrated CH4 is significantly de-pleted in carbon-13, while the CO2 and the resultantcarbonates are enriched.

At Site 374, the dolomites with negative <5C13


ratios (Cores 17 and 19) undoubtedly received part oftheir carbon from an organic source, probably frombiogenic decay within the basin. The gypsiferousmudstones of Cores 16 to 21 are especially rich inorganic matter, enough to have qualified as sapropelsin a marine sequence (Site 374 Report, this volume).In fact, Deroo et al. (this volume) report that theorganic matter of the Messinian evaporitic levels ofSite 374 could be of marine or lacustrine origin. Thiswould indicate that during this time there were epi-sodes of stagnation of the bottom waters in the basin.Perhaps, the effect of this alternating stagnation andevaporitic episodes was felt isotopically until the end ofthe Messinian as a consequence of either (1) thedeposition of organic matter which depleted the lightercarbon isotopes in the closed basin or (2) the release ofmethane in the stagnant bottom waters which equili-brated with CO2 resulting in isotopically heavy carbon-ate ions. Or, the carbon-13 contents may reflect acombination of both effects. Also, it is interesting tonote that Sigl et al. (this volume) report unexplainablylow carbon-13 contents for the organic material foundin cores from Site 374, including those of the Mioceneevaporitic sections.

The isotopic values of the samples from Core 11and Sidewall Core (SW) 25 are for the diagenetic,platy dolomite. They are not particularly unusualvalues for a deep-sea dolomite, although the carbon-13content indicates a partial biogenic origin of CO2

(Fontes and Desforges, 1975). On the other hand, theisotopic ratios of Sample 374-11-2, 90-92 cm, make itspositioning uncertain as it appears to resemble morethe Messinian dolomites. Perhaps, this sample repre-sents a boundary between diagenetic solutions originat-ing in the stagnant, evaporitic basin and in an openmarine environment. The increasing rhombohedralnature of the dolomites in the lower part of Core 11,Section 2 may also be another result of formation froma different solution. The analysis of more samples isrequired to obtain a better understanding of whattranspired.

The stable isotope ratios of the Sidewall Core 26carbonates indicate a return to normal marine condi-tions.

At Site 376 on the Florence Rise, Antalya Basin, theLago Mare sediments are nannofossil marlstones some-times dolomitic but mainly calcitic. Significant amountsof dolomite are found only in the upper cores ap-proaching the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. Negativevalues were found for the oxygen and carbon isotopic



10 20 30° 40

-30° N4 0 E‰

Figure 1. Map of the Mediterranean Sea showing site locations ofDSDP Leg 42A in relation to those of Leg 13 sites.

ratios of the calcite samples. See Table 3. Even thecalcite intercalcated with the gypsum sequence (Sam-ple 376-17-1, 50-51 cm) had negative ratios. Thedolomite samples from Cores 7 to 9 also had negative<5C13 ratios and rather low but positive δθ 1 8 ratios. Allof these isotopic values are indicative of a significantinflux of continental water into the Messinian basin.Once in the basin, the water surely experienced evapo-ration, which increased its oxygen-18 content. Thecarbonate sediments were precipitated from a brackishmeteoric water. The variability of the <5O18 ratiosprobably represents fluctuations in the amount of freshwater input versus evaporation. It may also representslight changes in the temperature of the water. A studyof west Texas lake carbonates from the Pliocenerevealed a similar, rapid variability in their isotopiccomposition (Parry et al., 1970). It was concluded thatthis variation resulted from the isotopic alteration ofthe lake water under extreme climatic conditions. Theslightly negative and variable δC13

P D B values for theLago Mare carbonates reflect a terrestrial input ofcarbonate ions or organic decomposition within thebasin.

The isotopic data for the Site 376 Lago Maresediments is in agreement with the paleontologicalstudies, which indicate the existence of a shalloweuryhaline environment at this site during the lateMiocene (Site 376 Summary, this volume). For com-parison, it is interesting to note that stable isotopicvalues for the carbonate sediments associated with lateMiocene evaporites in the Red Sea are likewise nega-tive (Supko et al., 1974). In fact, the isotopic ratios ofthe Red Sea carbonates are more depleted than thosefrom the Antalya Basin. The authors propose that thesenegative values are the result of fresh water influxesinto the evaporatic basin, which lowered the δθ 1 8 ratio

of the water. Perhaps, then, the Red Sea carbonatesediments are synchronous to the Lago Mare depositsof the eastern Mediterranean.

The confused nature of the isotopic values at theMiocene/Pliocene boundary (Sample 376-7-1, 40-41cm to 376-6-4, 30-31 cm) reflects the greatly disturbednature of Core 6, Section 4, where Pliocene marls werefound under the Miocene. This has been explained byboth downslope slumping and downhole contamina-tion (Site 376 Summary, this volume). Therefore, theisotopic results are inconclusive due to the possiblemixing that may have occurred.


The carbonate sediments analyzed in this study werefrom two different intervals of the Messinian salinitycrisis. The stable isotopic analyses of these samplesproduced general information concerning the environ-ment of deposition during these intervals.

The first sequence of sediments investigated weredeposited during the intra-Messinian interval, theperiod in which marine sedimentation occurred be-tween the upper and lower evaporite units (Hsü et al.,this volume). The analyzed samples were nannofossilmarls from Site 372, Balearic Basin. They showed agradual increase in δθ 1 8

P D B from +0.5 to +2.0 %owith a more dramatic decrease in δC13

P D B from -0.2 to-5.6 %o. These isotopic variations were interpretedas indicators of changes in the aqueous environmentsprior to renewed evaporite deposition, i.e., increasedsalinity accompanied by reduced circulation and stag-nation within the basin.

The second interval studied pertained to the LagoMare deposits from the eastern Mediterranean. Theseare transitional sediments which span the time intervalfrom the top of the Messinian evaporites to the early



Pliocene (Hsü et al., this volume). This transition wasstudied isotopically in a sequence of carbonate samplesfrom two eastern Mediterranean basins. The sedimen-tary developments in the basins were not identical. TheLago Mare transition was marked in individual basinsby differing environments.

In the Ionian Basin, Site 374, the deeper of the twostudied, the Lago Mare was a stagnant body of waterfrom which dolomite appears to have either precipi-tated or been an early diagenetic replacement product.Quite possibly, the water in this basin had a meteoricorigin, but with extreme and repeated evaporation itsisotopic content became highly enriched. The dolomitehad very enriched δθ 1 8

P D B ratios ranging from + 6 to+ 10 7oo. The accompanying salinity stratification andstagnation produced unusual conditions, which werereflected in an alteration of the carbon isotopic ratios inthe carbonate ions. The carbonate of lower cores wasdepleted in carbon-13 at a δC13

P D B ratio of -4 %o.Carbonate in subsequent cores was highly enriched incarbon-13, as great as a δC13

P D B ratio of +14 %><,.This carbon-13 enrichment may be related to extensiveorganic sedimentation in a closed, stagnant basin.

The Lago Mare in the Antalya Basin, Site 376, wasa shallow, brackish water body conducive to thesupport of euryhaline fauna. Calcium carbonate wasthe dominant carbonate mineral with isotopic ratiosranging from -4 to 0 %o for δθ 1 8

P D B and -3.5 to 0%o for δC13

P D B . Under these less severe conditionsthe stable isotopic compositions of the carbonatesreflect the continental origin of the water and a terres-trial input or biogenic origin for a portion of thecarbonate ions.


We would like to thank K. J. Hsü, A. Longinelli, and G.Cortecci for stimulating discussions during the course of thiswork, which was carried out at the Laboratorio di GeologiaNucleare, Pisa, Italy, and was supported by the SwissNational Science Foundation Grant Number 2.765-0.72 andby C.N.R.-University of Pisa Grant Number 74.00723.


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