27 Workout Finishers




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  • 2Disclaimer: 27 Workout Finishers is published by Vertex Performance Systems. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopies or scanned images, photographs, or via any other means without express written permission from the copyright holder except brief quotations included in article critiques or reviews. To request permission, please contact Vertex Performance Systems at PO Box 1539, Elizabethtown, KY, 42702 or via email at support@vertexperformancesystems.com.

    The text, layout and designs presented in this manual, as well as the manual in its entirety, are protected by the copyright laws of the United States (17 U.S.C. 101 et seq.) and similar laws in other countries. Scanning, uploading, and/or distributing this manual, or any designs or photographs contained herein, in whole or part (whether re-drawn, re- photographed, or otherwise altered) via the Internet, CD, DVD, E-zine, photocopied hand-outs, or any other means (whether offered for free or for a fee) without the expressed written permission from both the copyright owner and the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. The copyright owner and publisher of this manual appreciate your honesty and integrity and ask that you do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted material. Be sure to purchase (or download) only authorized material. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone.

    Check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program to avoid/reduce the risk of injury. Perform these exercises at your own risk. Vertex Performance Systems will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained as a result of using any fitness program presented in this document.

  • 3Vertex Performance Systems 27 Workout Finishers

    The use of finishers in your programs goes beyond the effectiveness of high-intensity training. To me, there is a tremendous psychological benefit to overcoming an incredibly challenging grand finale to your workout. It gives a client confidence, empowers them to push harder the next time they train, and provides an extra metabolic boost to boot.

    Finishers are meant to be just thata sort of grand finale to a workout. These arent meant to be done with low intensity; on the contrary, they need to be approached with vigor, excitement, and drive.

    Not every client is ready for finishers at the end of every session. I know that there are times where I personally would rather put my focus on the intensity of the training session and not worry about finishers.

    But a few times per week, I like to push myself to the limit and see where I can go not only physically but also mentally to cap off a workout.

    Selecting a finisher for a client is a skill that needs to be developed. You must consider the experience level of the client, their current abilities, any restrictions they might have, and their ability to push past a little bit of discomfort.

    The perfect finisher is a blend of the right intensity, the right exercise selection, and the right timeframe.

    These finishers can be done at the end of a workout, using the lower end of the volume/time recommendations, or as a complete workout on their own either on non-strength training days or as a second workout for the day.

    If you are using these as second or additional workouts for clients, I recommend 1-2 workouts per week. If they are done as a true finisher to cap off a workout, you can perform them up to 4 times per week; most clients only need 2-3 to get good results.

  • 4Warning: These finishers will be addicting to some clients. They love the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction from wrapping up a killer strength training session with an out-of-this-world finisher. It is your job as their coach to monitor recovery and assess when to put these in a program.

    You may also notice that many of the movements selected are relatively basic. That is because during a finisher, the focus is on the intensity, not trying to perfect a complex movement. I also tend to lean towards more forgiving and self-limiting movements (push up vs push press) so that when fatigue sets in, injury risks are lower. Feel free to adapt as needed for your clients.

  • 5Time TravelerThese finishers only require you to perform one movement or exercise. Dont let their

    simplicity fool youthey are tough. Use time as your guide on these.

    Swing-A-ThonPerform any variety of KB or DB swings using an EMOM set up.

    Option #1: Two-Handed SwingsPerform 15 Swings EMOM for 8 minutes. Each week, you can progress by adding a minute or increasing the weight of the KB as the 15 swings become easier.

    Option #2: Single-Arm SwingsPerform 10 Single-Arm Swings on each arm EMOM for 8 minutes. Increase weight or add time as needed to progress.

    Option #3: Hand-to-HandPerform 20 total Hand-to-Hand Swings with a KB EMOM for 8 minutes. Progress by adding time or using a heavier KB.

    Option #4: The JugglerPerform 10 KB flips with a moderately heavy KB EMOM for 8 minutes. Progress with more time, single-handed flips (switching on the flip), or a heavier bell.

    Burpees With even a little space and a bit of effort, you can crush just about any level of client with burpees!

    Option #1: Perform 5-10 burpees EMOM for 5-10 minutes. Adjust for clients fitness level.

    Option #2: Perform 50-100 burpees as fast as possible. Attempt to beat your

    time each week.

    KB Snatch This is a real kick in the pants! Perform as many KB or DB snatches as possible in 10 minutes. Try this without setting the DB or KB down but only switching hands as needed.

    Be smart on this one and start out easy. Technique is a must-have as you will get fatigued very quickly.

  • 6The Final CountdownThese finishers use ladders, pyramids, or countdowns with various movements to

    bring the pain at the end of a workout.

    Clean and MeanAlternate between a double KB clean and a push up. Perform 10 reps of each, rest as little as possible, and perform 9 reps of each.

    A1) Double KB Clean - 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

    A2) Push Up 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

    Track the time it takes you to complete the finisher. Once you are able to complete the entire finisher with little to no rest (less than 15s between sets), move up in weight

    on the KB clean or add a more challenging push up variation.

    Asses and AbsAlternate between bodyweight prisoner squats or jump squats and plank walk-ups for an insane finisher that lights up your butt, thighs, and abs:

    A1) Squat/Jump Squat 10, 8, 6, 4, 6, 8, 10

    A2) Plank Walk Up 10, 8, 6, 4, 6, 8, 10

    Take a BreathAlternate between KB Swings and a plank. The Swings are performed as a descending ladder, but the planks remain the same. To count reps with the plank, perform 10 deep belly breaths1 breath = 1 rep.

    A1) KB Swings 15, 14, 12, 11, 10

    A2) Planks 10 belly breaths

    Pure BrutalityThis is the real deal! Alternate between KB swings and burpees. The swings are done in a descending ladder, and the burpees are an ascending ladder.

    A1) KB Swings 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

    A2) Burpees 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

    Rope Me inUsing a battle rope, complete the following countdowns:

    A1) Double Rope Slam 30, 25, 20, 15, 10

    A2) KB Swing 20, 15, 10, 5, 5

  • 7Push It HomeThese finishers all require the use of a sled or prowler.

    Build UpsPush a sled 20-30 yards every 60s. Start with 50lbs on the sled for women and 90lbs for men. Each minute, add another 50 or 90lbs until you cant complete any more.

    Push/Pull Tie a battle rope to your sled or prowler. Begin with the rope laid out straight and connected to the sled. Have the client row the sled to them using a hand over hand motion. Once the client pulls the sled, they will push the sled the distance of the rope. Walk back to the end of the rope and row it back again. Perform 3-8 rounds.

    Quarter Mile KillerSet up a relay with teams of 2-4 people or have individuals race. Push a sled or prowler 40 yards (20 yard down and back) 11 times. Women use the weight of the sled/prowler only and men load with 50lbs. Keep track of the fastest time.

    This is a bit more of a challenge if done individually. It is great for a gym record board.

    Sled-icideTreat this like a suicide in basketball conditioning. Set up cones at intervals on the turf or runway. If you have a 20-yard runway, you can set them up at 5, 10, 15 and 20 yards. You can have the client start at the low or high end and complete the suicide.

    If you are really cruel, do a double and have them work their way up and then back down. For example:

    Start to 5 yards and back

    Start to 10 yards and back

    Start to 15 yards and back

    Start to 20 yards and back

    Start to 15 yards and back

    Start to 10 yards and back

    Start to 5 yards and back

    Keep a bucket handy.

  • 8Carry/Push ComboCarries and sleds are two of my favorite finisher or conditioning activities. You can use them for getting stronger, learner, and bigger all depending on the load, time, and variations.

    For this finisher, simply pick the appropriate carry variation for your clients goal. Examples:

    Farmers Carry

    Suitcase Carry

    Front Loaded/Racked Carry

    Waiters Walk

    Offset Carries

    Use a variety of implements and have fun with this.

    Next, pick your sled push or pull. You can push it, drag it, pull it, or play around with different variations of crawling or different planes of movement.

    Finally, pick your distance or time that you will perform each. I like to shoot for a 1:1 ratio of carry to pull. For example you can either go for 45s each or shoot for 50 yards for each.

    The finisher might look like this:

    A1) Farmers Carry x 40 yards

    A2) Sled Drag x 40 yards

    Rest 60s and repeat 3 times.

    This is a fun one that you can play with and adjust based on your clients needs.

  • 9Short CircuitThese finishers are all performed as a circuit moving from one exercise to the next with as little rest as possible.

    Slammer Perform 3-5 rounds of this circuit:

    A1) Rotational MB Slam Over Right Shoulder x 10

    A2) Rotational MB Slam Over Left Shoulder x 10

    A3) KB Goblet Squat x 10

    Rest 60-90s between sets

    Rubber Legs (Leg Matrix) Perform this 1-2 times through:

    A1) Bodyweight Squat x 24

    A2) Reverse Lunge x 24 (12 each)

    A3) Split Jump x 24

    A4) Jump Squat x 24

    If you can complete this in 2 minutes, you are in incredible shape.

    Summer Special Its called this because it will light up your abs. Complete 1 time through:

    A1) Mountain Climber x 30

    A2) Sit Throughs x 20

    A3) Plank Jacks x 10

    A4) Hollow Body Hold x As long as possible

    If your client can hold the Hollow Body with good form for longer than 60s, increase reps on each of the above by 5 reps. Continue to increase reps to keep Hollow Body hold around 60s.

    Hammer TimeComplete 3-5 rounds:

    A1) Sledge Hammer Slams x 20 (10 over right/10 over left) A2) Alternating Battle Rope Small Waves x 40 (20 each side) A3) Skater Jumps x 10 (5 right/ 5 left) A4) T-Push Up x 10 (5 to right / 5 to left) Rest 60-90s

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    Dig OutComplete 3-5 rounds:

    A1) Sandbag Shovel x 20 (10 each side)

    A2) Battle Rope Jumping Jacks x 25

    A3) Sandbag Plank Pull Through x 10 (5 each direction)

    A4) Skip x 10

    Two FacedComplete 3-5 Rounds. For this circuit, perform the first movement with your weaker side.

    A1) Single KB Front Squat x 5

    A2) Single KB Front Squat x 5

    A3) Single Arm Standing Band Row x 5

    A4) Single Arm Standing Band Row x5

    A5) Rotational Side Plank x 5

    A6) Rotational Side Plank x 5

    For the Rotational Side Plank, start in a good side plank position and then reach your top hand around your body, rotating your torso and hips as one unit and reach under your rib cage as far as possible. Return back to the start and that is your first rep.

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    ComplexityThese finishers are all performed as complexes. Use one implement and one weight for all of the movements. Select your weight based on the movement in the series that is your weakest.

    BandsComplete 2-4 complexes with 60-90s rest between sets:

    A1) Band Front Squat x6

    A2) Band Push Press x6

    A3) Band Stepping High Pull x 6

    A4) Band Bent Over Row x6

    A5) Band Deadlift x 6

    Cosgroves Evil 8 Perform this 8-exercise complex using a descending ladder rep scheme. Rest 90-120s between sets. If you want a real challenge, rest with a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio by timing your sets. There is no need to increase weight on this for each set. If a client cant perform a push press due to shoulder restrictions, add a set of push ups at the end.

    A1) Barbell Deadlift

    A2) Barbell RDL

    A3) Bent Over Row

    A4) Power Clean

    A5) Front Squat

    A6) Push Press

    A7) Back Squat

    A8) Good Morning

    Perform sets of this complex using the following rep scheme for each exercise:

    Set 1: 6

    Set 2: 4

    Set 3: 3

    Set 4: 2

    Set 5: 1

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    The Sandbag Evil 8Same concept, different tool, a bit more variety.

    A1) Sandbag Rotational Deadlift

    A2) Sandbag Clean

    A3) Sandbag Front Loaded Squat

    A4) Sandbag Rotational Press

    A5) Sandbag Front Loaded Good morning/RDL

    A6) Sandbag Rotational Lunge

    A7) Sandbag High Pull

    A8) Sandbag Stagger Stance Bent Over Row

    For this finisher, use an even number on your rep scheme due to the rotational lifts and unilateral lifts. Perform an equal number on each side, so for the Rotational Deadlift, do 8 reps (4 per side). The sandbag allows you to make tons of adjustments to a clients stance or plane of movement to keep this interesting.

    DumbbellsPerform 2-4 sets of this complex with a pair of dumbbells. Rest 60-90s between sets:

    A1) DB Skier Swing x 8

    A2) DB Front Squat x 8

    A3) DB Push Press x 8

    A4) DB Reverse Lunge x 4 each leg

    A5) DB Burpees x8

    A6) DB Push Up to Core Row x 8

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    Carry, Crawl and CryThese finishers all involve some type of carry, crawl, or a combination of the two. They are great for groups, races, or relays.

    Chomp, ChompAlligator Crawl with Sliders x 3 sets of as far as possible (rest as soon as form breaks)

    Deadlift and CrawlI have to hate thank Dan John for this one:

    KB or BB Deadlift x 5 reps (load = 10-12RM)

    Bear Crawl 20 yards

    Repeat up to 5 times

    Partner Up Perform this in pairs. One partner planks or does push-ups while the other partner performs the carry.

    40-yard Farmers Carry with KBs

    Plank or Push Ups (perform until partner completes the carry)

    Complete for rounds or for time.

    Carry ComplexThis can be performed with a sandbag, dumbbells, or kettlebells. There is an incredible amount of time under tension during this, so 1 round might be enough:

    Clean x 5-8 reps (reps determined by load)

    Carry 40 yards

    Front Squat x 5-8 reps

    Carry 40 yards

    Press x 5-8 reps

    Carry 40 yards

    RDL/Deadlift x 5-8 reps

    Carry 40 yards

    Bent Over Row x5-8 reps

    Rest 120-180s between rounds if you choose to do more than 1

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    What is VPS?Performance drives everything else.

    When developing Vertex Performance Systems, it was important to us to ensure that performance was in the name and stayed a major focus for us at VPS.

    I am dedicated to being a high performer, enhancing my performance as a husband, friend, business owner, coach, and athlete. I use the term athlete very loosely as a person who is always striving to be more athletic and enhance how my body performs for whatever I might enjoy doing at the time.

    Vertex Performance Systems has one focus and one purpose: Developing Excellence. We are going to develop ourselves, and we are going to help you develop your own excellence as a coach and trainer by providing you with cutting-edge training and nutrition information.

    We know that you are a lifelong learner. You value quality information, and you consume it at a rapid pace. We plan on delivering!

    This makes you a high performer. When you take all that information and your new expanded knowledge base to your clients, you become the expert. You are their resource for training and nutrition information.

    We also arent so dense to think that we wont learn from you. In fact, many of our experts who provide you cutting-edge, high quality information have been in your shoes: They started where you are at now, and they have helped us grow by implementing their knowledge base and coming up with new ideas, concepts, and training methods.

    Our goal is to be able to provide you with a complete toolbox of resources to implement with your clients so you can deliver incredible results and continue to refine your craft. The best coaches in the world know who they serve best, and they are able to give those people everything they need to succeed. We want to be your coach by providing you with everything that you need to have incredible success with your clients.

    When you have incredible success with your clients, you are now the expert!

    Thank you for visiting the site, and I hope that you can dive right in and start utilizing some of the great information and resources to start building your toolbox.

    Ryan Ketchum


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    Ryan Ketchum Bio PageMy passion lies in helping people change. I want to help them realize their potential, get the body they want, and make it perform at the level that they want.

    Every step in my professional career has been about helping people in one way or another realize a higher level of success.

    Lets go back to the beginning

    I started in this industry almost by default.

    I have been surrounded by training and fitness for most of my life. I remember going to the gym with my dad around the age of 4 or 5 and watching him train and seeing bodybuilders, powerlifters, and the average Joe work out in an attempt to reach their goals. I was amazed by the guys who were getting prepared for a bodybuilding show and equally amazed by the insane weight being lifted by powerlifters getting ready for their competition.

    Those guys were my heroes. I grew up, like other kids, with heroes I idolized. However, I wasnt into the comic book superheroes as much as I looked up to the likes of Arnold, Franco Columbu, Magnus Samuelson, Bill Kazmaier, and even a few cartoons like He-Man!

    Looking back, I have no doubt that these experiences as a young child built my foundation and fascination with changing the body as I got older.

    Throughout my adolescent and teenage years, I was an athletean athlete who loved being a superstar. No doubt about it, I wanted to be the guy on the team whom everyone looked up to and wanted to be like. I wanted to be the king of the mountain.

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    Fortunately for me, because of my early life experiences in the gym, I also loved the process of getting better. I loved the off-season and the training that went with it. My time in the gym or out on the field conditioning proved to be incredibly valuable. I learned to enjoy the process of performance enhancement.

    Through my college years, I bounced from pre-med to business and eventually fell into the kinesiology program at Indiana University. At the time, I had no idea what I would do with my degreewould I become a collegiate strength and conditioning coach, personal trainer, or maybe even a physical therapist?

    In 2006, I graduated from Indiana University and decided that I was going to make a run at the Olympic Trials in the shot put. I had some success at IU on the track team, and I wasnt quite ready to give up that dream.

    So, what better way to pay for my own training and make my own schedule than start a personal training business?

    I began training athletes and regular Joes that summer and started building my business and continued training for the Olympic Trials. After a year or so of multiple surgeries, I decided to hang up the throwing shoes and focus on my business.

    That is when I discovered my passion for transformations. I went on my own personal journey, going from 335lbs to 220lbs in a little under 18 months. I absorbed every bit of training and nutrition information that I could get my hands on, and I tried implementing it all on myself before taking those principles and testing them out on clients.

    The business grew, and soon enough, I had outgrown the gym that I was training out of and needed to start my own facility. That was the birth of Force Fitness, still one of the top fitness businesses in the country. I partnered with my good friend Wil Fleming to create Force Fitness, and we rapidly built a successful training

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    facility that became known for helping athletes reach their full potential and creating life-changing transformations with fitness clients.

    As Force grew, so did I, and I transformed myself into a business expert. I slowly worked to become the best business owner that I could be and take the road less travelled to learn everything I could about marketing and sales.

    Soon enough, I was working with Pat Rigsby, Nick Berry, and the Fitness Consulting Group team as a business partner and business coach. Over the past several years, I focused on helping hundreds, if not thousands, of fitness businesses across the country transform their businesses and allowing them to chase their dreams. My experiences as a business coach will only help define the rest of my career. I had the pleasure to see behind the scenes of the top fitness business in the world, work with the best of the best in the industry, and put on events and seminars all over the country.

    I have seen what is working now, learned what the best of the best are doing with their clients, and built relationships with those experts as well.

    This all brings us to where we are today when I made a life-changing decision. I was struggling to find my own passion and purpose. I was constantly searching for what was next and what was going to provide me with fulfillment in my own life. So, the logical thing to do (note the sarcasm) was to sell my fitness business to my partner Wil Fleming, step out of a role as a business coach, and finally pursue what I loved the most.

    I thrive on challenges and being a little uncomfortable. I needed to push myself to chase my dreams.

    This is the start of my journey to bring cutting-edge, high quality information, the same info that I seek for my own development, to you. Not only will I be sharing my years of experience, new concepts I am learning, and ideas on training, but I will also be working with some of the very best in the industry to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what they are doing as well.

