29 South Chadbourne San Angelo APRIL 2017 Let’s Talk ...€¦ · the most effective natural...


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29 South Chadbourne ● San A ngelo , TX 76903

Phone (325) 655 -3146 ● Fax (325) 658 -5891 APRIL 2017

In this Issue:

Travel Plans? ............................................................. Pg 2

Allergy Fighter .......................................................... Pg 2

Featured Essential Oil: Grapefruit ......................... Pg 2

Proverbs to Live By: Think Before You Speak ...... Pg 3

Featured Compound: Migraines ............................. Pg 3

New Gift Item ............................................................ Pg 4

Let’s Talk Irritable Bowel As uncomfortable as it may be to discuss, I want

to address a common problem: irritable bowel

syndrome (IBS). A syndrome is a collection of

symptoms that often occur together. Approximately 20% of

Americans experience IBS symptoms, and more women than

men are affected.

Irritable bowel syndrome is also known as spastic colon, irri-

table colon, mucous colitis, and spastic colitis. Irritable bowel

syndrome makes everyday life uncomfortable. It can make it

difficult to work, attend social events, or travel. The symp-

toms of IBS include…

Pain and discomfort in the abdomen. Pain usually

comes and goes. The length of each bout can vary greatly.

The pain often eases when you pass stools or wind. Many

people with IBS describe the pain as a spasm or colic. The

severity of the pain can vary from mild to severe, both

from person to person, and from time to time in the same


Bloating and swelling of your abdomen. You may pass

more gas than usual.

Changes in stools. Some people have bouts of diarrhea,

and some people have bouts of constipation. Some people

alternate between the two. Some people have urgency,

which means they have to get to the toilet quickly. A

morning rush is common. This is, they feel an urgent need

to go to the toilet several times shortly after getting up.

This is often during and after breakfast.

Other symptoms include nausea, headache, belching,

poor appetite, tiredness, backache, muscle pains, and


The exact cause of IBS is unknown. Possible causes include

an overly sensitive colon or immune system. Post-infectous

IBS is caused by a previous bacterial infection in the gastroin-

testinal tract.

Individuals with IBS have gastrointestinal complaints that last

at least three months for at least three days per month. Symp-

toms such as bloating and gas are typically resolved after hav-

ing a bowel movement. It’s not uncommon for an individual

with IBS to have episodes of both constipation and diarrhea.

These symptoms do not have to be persistent. They can be

present for a period of time and then resolve, only to come

back. Some individuals experience continuous symptoms.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for IBS. Treatment is typically

aimed at symptom relief. I recommend the following lifestyle

changes before trying medication:

Participate in regular physical exercise

Minimize caffeinated beverages that stimulate the intes-


Eat smaller meals

Avoid deep-fried or spicy foods

Minimize stress (talk therapy may help)

Take a high quality probiotic

If these lifestyle changes don’t remove the symptoms, we rec-

ommend the following supplements:

ZymeMax (90 caps, $29.99): promotes a healthy intestinal

lining and enhances digestion and nutrient absorption.

IntestiMax (90 caps, $29.99): supports intestinal lining and

helps soothe the digestive system.

DigestMax Ultra (90 caps, $29.99): helps with gas, bloating,

and indigestion.

If you need help determining what supplement is best for your

unique situation, please stop by the pharmacy and ask me. I

would be happy to help you in any way that I can.

Sharon Conley


Allergy Fighter Allergy season is quickly approaching. Every year, billions of

dollars of over-the-counter medications are sold to suppress

allergy symptoms. You don’t have to take dangerous drugs to

suppress your symptoms. Natural remedies can do the job

better, and without side-effects.

Our secret allergy weapon is Natural D-Hist which contains

the most effective natural allergy-fighters known to man:

Quercetin: anti-inflammatory and histamine-blocker

Stinging Nettle: forms an antihistamine effect

Bromelain: reduces inflammation by

inhibiting kinin formation (the cause

of swelling and pain)

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC): breaks

down the viscosity of mucous better

than any other natural substance

An all-natural allergy-fighter, Natural

D-Hist is the most powerful approach

to fighting allergies I’ve found. This

product works so well that we will

refund your money if it doesn’t meet

your expectations. Just bring in the

bottle with your original receipt.

Grapefruit Grapefruit essential oil are developed from the peels of the fresh fruit for a citrusy oil with the bright aroma of a grapefruit orchard. It’s this sweet, invigorating aroma that people enjoy for its ability to en-

courage feelings of joy, satisfaction, and playfulness.

When you’re feeling the tired, hungry, 3 p.m. lag, diffuse Grapefruit for an invigorating aroma that can support a sense of positivity to help you power


Treat yourself to a luxurious, essential oil-infused massage with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and Grapefruit essential oil, focusing on desired areas. You’ll love the invigorating aroma and smoother-

looking skin.

Not only is Grapefruit oil perfect for diffusing, but it’s also a great addition to DIY skin care products from lotions to bath salts. Get creative and combine it in a salt body scrub with other skin-toning oils such as Lemon and Juniper for a simple

home spa experience that gives your skin a smooth-looking glow.

We can notify you via text when your prescriptions are

ready to be picked up. No more guessing. Just tell one

of our team members that you want to sign-up for text


Travel Plans? Traveling can be hard on you physically, particularly if you are traveling over long distances

in cramped conditions. Tight quarters like airplane or bus seats can make blood flow an issue.

You may feel the need to stretch, to reduce the cramping and to maintain normal circulation in

your feet and legs.

Jobst stockings can help take the physical discomfort out of travel. They help prevent swollen

ankles and feet, reducing the risk of traveler’s


Jobst Stockings can improve your circulation

and make your legs feel great during and after

traveling. Please stop by and ask our team for

help picking the right stocking for you!


“When I get ready to

talk to people, I spend

two thirds of the time

thinking what they want

to hear and one third

thinking about what I

want to say.”

- Abraham Lincoln

If Mississippi wears her New Jersey, what does Delaware?

I don’t know, Alaska.

Think Before You Speak

Proverbs 10:19 – When words are many, sin is not ab-

sent, but he who holds his

tongue is wise.

Proverbs 11:12 – A man who

lacks judgment derides his

neighbor, but a man of under-

standing holds his tongue.

The Apostle James understood

the value of these proverbs and


James 1:19 – My dear brothers,

take note of this: Everyone

should be quick to listen, slow

to speak, and slow to become


Take the time to think before you put your tongue in gear

and you will no doubt gossip less, hurt fewer people,

avoid many problems and bring more glory to God. Be

wise… speak less.


Migraines are the third most prevalent illness worldwide. Over 38 million men, women, and children suffer from

migraines in the United States alone and over one billion people worldwide. The age group hit the hardest with mi-

graines are those between 35 and 55, including twice as many women than men.

Migraine pain is severe and debilitating. Symptoms include nausea; visual disturbances; dizziness; numbness in ex-

tremities or face; and extreme sensitivity to light, sound, smell, and touch. This neurological disorder does not have

a simple solution.

We do have several compounded formulas commonly used for migraines;

remember, you will need a prescription from you physician:

Lidocaine 4% Nasal Spray

Ketamine 2.5% or 5% Nasal Spray



If you have any questions or concerns about our compounded

solutions, please give us a call or stop by.


One coupon per customer. In store only. Good through April 30, 2017.

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