29.10.2015 14:07:45


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21.04.23 11:28 AM

Michael was born in 1957 on Striyschini Lviv region. Artist, teacher, - these are the main keys of his creative and professional life. Artist, behind which bright and original creative way, a large number of solo exhibitions, widely recognized in Ukraine and many foreign countries. The teacher, who for more than twenty years lays the foundations of graphic letters in Sambirskomu pedagogical college named after Ivan Filipchaka.The artist's favorite genre is still life, landscape and genre composition. But most of all interested in the artist's still lifes wildflowers. Their artistic images he creates big sound.Flowers - a cult of goodness, wisdom, elegance, and beauty. They are filled with exciting hidden content. From the living heart of the artist they grow through the fabric as flares flickering flame of life. Colours is a feature of his artistic language.The most important and interesting for Michael Yaremkiva is life colors, their unity and harmony.

The most important and interesting for Michael Yaremkiva is life colors, their unity and harmony. Still life with wildflowers, which came under the brush of the artist, like the bright fireworks, full of life, colors and light. The artist believes that art should be beautiful. He is behind the easel departs from everyday life, finds himself, putting the soul in each of his painting. And then the real works of art are born to gladden the hearts of the people, encouraging their imagination. Wildflowers in his still lifes look so vividly that, unwittingly, I want them to smell! The artworks are interested and art lovers and professionals and collectors. The artist's canvases have their place in private collections of paintings.
