2nde G1et G2.doc


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    Que disent les Instructions ministrielles ? Ds le dbut des

    instructions, pdagogiques, sous le titre caractre utilitaire de cet

    enseignement nous y trouvons dfini de faon extrmement prcise,

    ce que doit tre le but atteindre. Ecoutons-le

    Lenseignement de langlais au collge technique commercial apour caractre orignal lutilit immdiate ; il doit fournir aux lves des

    connaissances positives dont ils puissent tirer parti pour les besoins

    pratique : relation avec les clients dans un magasin, correspondance

    commerciale, voyage ltranger, aussi devra-t-on assurer aux lves

    chaque stade de cet enseignement, la possession effective de

    lidiome tranger, dans les limites permises par les horaires et la dure

    des tudes.

    Le programme trs restreint qui est propos aux professeurs leur

    permettra dobtenir de leurs lves, tout moment de la scolarit, laperfection de la prononciation, la correction grammaticale et la

    spontanit de llocution dont lensemble constitue la possession

    effective de la langue, si limit que soit le vocabulaire acquis.

    En faisant ce livre, nous avons voulu essayer de rpondre ces

    demandes. Cependant, nous voudrions tout dabord dire ce que ce que

    nous navons PAS voulu faire.

    Nous navons pas voulu rdiger un ouvrage complet danglaiscommercial. Il existe dexcellents manuels anglais, destin aux

    tudiants et contenant toutes les connaissances exiges pour cette


    Nous avons poss en principe que nos lves avaient ces

    connaissances dans leur propre langue. Il fallait donc leur donner des

    textes qui contiendraient le minimum dexplications indispensables

    pour que ces lves puissent comprendre ce dont il sagissait. Ceux-ci

    nexigeaient plus quun trs petit nombre de termes nouveaux chaque

    fois. Nous restions dans les limites dun programme trsrestreint .

    On voit donc, par tout ce qui prcde, quelle a t notre intention.

    Considrant le manuel comme lun des nombreux auxiliaires audio-

    visuel du professeur, nous avons voulu quil soit une aide sous la forme

    de textes, de documents, dexercices et dactivits. Si nous y avons

    russi nous nous estimeront pleinement satisfaits.

    Les auteurs :OUATTARA Mamadou Professeur dAnglais au CBCG Cocody


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    NANDO Willson Professeur dAnglais au Collge Saint- Exupry Port-


    Fait Abidjan,le 11 octobre 2009


    I- Les auxiliaires


    1-to have (prsent)

    Affirmative Negative InterrogativeI have Have not Have I ?You have have not Have You ?She/he/it has has not Has He ?we have have not Have we ?they have have not Have they ?

    PrtritAffirmative Negative Interrogative

    I had Had not Had I ?You had had not Had You ?She/he/it had had not Had she ?we had had not Had we ?they had had not Had they ?

    2-to be (prsent)

    Affirmative Negative InterrogativeI am Am not Am i ?You are are not Are you ?She/he/it is Is not Is she ?we are are not Are we ?they are are not Are they ?

    Affirmative Negative InterrogativeI was Was not Was I ?You were were not Were you ?


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    She/he/it was was not Was she ?we were were not Were we ?they were were not Were they ?

    3-To do (prsent)

    Affirmative Negative InterrogativeI do not do Do I ?You do not do Do you ?She/he/it does Does not Does she ?we do not do do we ?

    they do not do do they ?


    Affirmative Negative InterrogativeI did did not did I ?You did did not did you ?She/he/it did did not did she ?we did did not did we ?

    they did did not did they ?


    Les auxiliaires de modalit se distinguent des auxiliaires simples en

    trois points

    1. Ils ne portent pas la marque to de linfinitif : on dit can, Mustet non to

    2. Ils sont invariables et ne prennent pas de s a la troisimepersonne du singulier on dit he can et non

    3. Ils sont toujours suivi dun infinitif simple (infinitif sans to ) ex :she will be back sooner or later

    4. Les modaux anglais les plus courants sont can, could, may,might, will, would, shall, should must, ought. En tant quauxiliaire,les modaux servent aussi former linterrogative ou la ngativeou la ngative des phrases qui les contiennent. Il nest donc passuperflu den tudier les formes et lemploi de quelques uns plus

    prcisment, la nuance de sens quils apportent la phrase.


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    1. CANa. formes



    Ngatif /no Interrogative

    I Can Cannot / cant Can I ?

    You Can Cannot / cant Can You ?He/She/It Can Cannot / cant Can He/She/It ?We Can Cannot / cant Can We ?They Can Cannot / cant Can They ?

    b. emploi

    Can a trois emplois lis au sens :

    Can = Pouvoir, tre capable de. Ex I can drive a car (je peux / jesais conduire une voiture)

    Can permet de demander la permission. Ex : can you lend meyour pen please ? (peux-tu me prter ton stylo sil te plait ?)

    Can exprime la probabilit et le doute au premier degr. Theycan come any time (ils peuvent arriver tout moment)

    2. COULDa. formes

    Affirmatif /yes Ngatif /no InterrogativeI Could Could not /


    Could I ?

    You Could Could not /


    Could You ?



    Could Could not /


    Could He/She/It ?

    We Could Could not /


    Could We ?

    They Could Could not /


    Could They ?

    b. Emploi


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    Could est un modal part entire mais il est souvent pris pour le

    pass de can . Il y a

    Could = pouvoir tre capable de (action passe)

    Ex : I could hold my breath for more than minuites when I was younger

    (quand jtais plus jeune, je retenais ma respiration pendant plus de

    cinq minuites)

    Could permet aussi de demander la permission mais un degrde politesse gnralement suprieure quavec can

    Could you give me her address. Please ? (pourrez-vous me donner son

    adresse sil vous plait ?

    Could exprime enfin la probabilit et le doute au deuxime

    degr : Stay down

    NB :Tout comme Can, Could semploie aussi avec les verbes lies aux

    sens mais exprimer une action pass.

    Ex : I could hear him scream last night (je lentendais crier hier soir)

    Could exprime aussi le conditionel et sert faire une suggestion. Ex :

    we could go to the cinema could we ? (on pourrait aller au cinema,

    quen pense-tu ?)

    3.MAYa. formes



    Negatif /no Interrogative

    I Could Could not /


    Could I ?

    You Could Could not /


    Could You ?



    Could Could not /


    Could He/She/It ?

    We Could Could not /


    Could We ?

    They Could Could not /


    Could They ?


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    b. EmploiMay a deux emplois

    May permet de demander la permission mais un degr depolitesse plus lev que Can et CouldMay I go out, please ?(Pourrais, je sortir sil vous plait ?)May exprime aussi laprobabilit et le doute mais un degr plus lev que Can etcould (voir lexpression maybe peut-tre ) Ex : Theymay come late (il se peut quils viennent en retard)

    4. WILL

    a. Formes



    Negatif /no Interrogative

    I Will Will not /


    Will I ?

    You Will Will not /


    Will You ?



    Will Will not /


    Will He/She/It ?

    We Will Will not /


    Will We ?

    They Will Will not /


    Will They ?

    b. emploi

    will est lauxiliaire du futur. will exprime aussi la volont ; il signifie

    alors vouloir

    Ex : Mummy, Paul wont open the door the (Maman, Paul ne veut pas

    ouvrir la porte)

    5 .WOULD

    a. Formes



    Negatif /no Interrogative

    I Would Would not /


    Would I ?

    You Would Would not / Would You ?


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    Would Would not /



    He/She/It ?We Would Would not /


    Would We ?

    They Would Would not /


    Would They ?

    b. Emploi

    Would est lauxiliaire de condition par excellence. Ex : if I were a

    bilionnaire . I would go everywhere in the world (si jetais miliadaire

    jirais partout dans le monde).Tout comme will, would exprime aussi la

    volont. Ex :would you lend me your car please ? (voudriez-vous mepreter votre vhicule, sil vous plait ?)Would exprime aussi les

    habitudes pases Ex : He would cry a lot in his childhood (il pleurait

    beaucoup dans son)

    SHOULDc. a. Formes

    Affirmatif /yes Negatif /no Interrogative

    I Should Should not /


    Should I ?

    You Should Should not /


    Should You ?



    Should Should not /



    He/She/It ?We Should Should not /


    Should We ?

    They Should Should not /


    Should They ?

    d. Emploi

    SHOULD exprime le devoir moral ou sert a donner un conseil.Ex : You should learn your lessons before coming to school(vous devez / devriez apprendre vos leons avant de venir au cours)


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    e. Must

    a. Formes

    Affirmatif /yes Negatif /no Interrogative

    I Must Must not / Mustnt MustIYou Must Must not / Mustnt Must you ?He/She/


    Must Must not / Mustnt Must he/she/it

    We Must Must not / Mustnt Must we ?They Must Must not / Mustnt Must they ?

    b. EmploiMust exprime le devoir, une obligation forte, il signifie devoir il

    faut que .( il faut que je rentre maintenant)

    Remarque : Must et Can sont exclusivement employs au prsent

    pour les conjugaisons au et au futur. quivalents Can =

    To be able ou to be allowed to / Must = To have to ou to be



    1-Simple present :Rule: subject + base form of the verb


    NB: at the third person of singular, the verb takes s


    2- Present continuous (am/is/are):Rule: Subject + am/is/are + verb

    + ingEx:

    3. Present perfect :Rule: Subject + have / has + part participle of

    the verb


    4- Past continuous :Rule: Subject + was / were + verb + ing


    5- Future :Rule: Subject + shall / will + verb


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    6- Past perfect :Rule: Subject + had + past participle of the verb


    7) Conditional :Rule: Subject + would + verb


    8) Present perfect continuous :Rule: Subject + have/has + been +

    verb + ing


    9) Past perfect continuous :Rule: subject + had + been + verb +




    EXERCISE 1: Mettez lesph ras essu iv an te sau simplepr s en tou aup rsen t

    con t inu on sselonle co nt ex te .

    1 S h e ( g o) .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. to s c h o

    e v e ry d a y a t2 . L i s ten , ne (p lay) . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .

    n e w re c o rd .

    3 . New they (do ) . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . th

    wa s h i n g u p

    4 . T h e y n e v e r ( s t a y ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hom e on

    Sa tu rdays .

    5 . Look , t he ch i l d ren (p l ay ) . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . o

    the ca rpe t .

    6 . S h e a lw a y s (h e lp ). .. .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . he r

    p a re n t s a t h o m e

    7 . A f fou (b rush ) . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. t he f l oo

    t w ic e a w e e k

    8 .Yao (car ry ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . some f lowers ih i s hands .


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    9. i t ( ra in ) . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .l e t '

    l e a v e n o w .

    1 0 . T h is b o y a lw a y s ( o b e y ) . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . h i

    pa ren t s .

    1 1 . T h e c h i ld re n ( n o t l ik e ) . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

    wo rk i n q

    1 2 . T h e l ad y ( n o t c o o k ). .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

    eggp lan t s .

    EXERCICE 2 : Mettre les phrases suivantes au prsent

    perfect continuous

    1. Cari (to play) very

    well, .............................................................................

    2. The women (to sell) fruits at the


    3. I (tell) you


    4. We (to watch) a movie in th sitting


    5. You (to bring) me a glass of


    EXERCICE 3 :Mettre les phrases suivantes au prtrit.

    1. Cari (to play) very

    well ............................................................................

    2. The women (to corne) back frorn th


    3. I tell you


    4. We (to wacth) a movie in the sitting



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    EXERCICE4: Mettre les phrasesde lexercice trois aupast continuous.


    Since, For et Ago manquent le temps, ils sont traduits par

    depuis ,mais avec une lgre difference entre eux


    Since indique lorigine, le debut, le commencement dune action (since

    + date)

    Ex : Jules has worked in Abidjan for 17 years. (Jules travaille Abidjan

    depuis 17 ans.)

    II FOR

    For indique la dure de l'action. (For + dure)

    Ex : jules has worked in Abidjan for 17 years. (Jules travaille Abidjan

    depuis 17 ans)

    III- AGO

    Ago indique une action termine un moment prcis dans le passe.il

    indique le temps prcis de cette action. On le traduit volontiers par

    l'expression il y a + date




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    Ex : Jules started this work 17years ago. (Jules a commenc travailler

    il y'a 17 ans de cela)

    REMARQUES : Since et For semploient gnralement avec le prsent

    Perfect Continuous.

    Ex1 : I have waited for you since noon. / I-have been waiting for yousince noon. (je tattends depuis midi)

    Ex 2 : i have waited for you for two hours. / i have been waiting for you

    for two hours. (Cela fait deux heures que je tattends)

    - Ago s'emploie toujours avec le Prtrit. Ex ; her two days ago.

    - Since peut s'employer avec le prtrit dans les phrases telles que: Its

    quite a long time sin I last saw my-parent

    Une question portant sur since commence par "Since when"

    Ex : They hve resumed the courses since last week.

    Q : Since when hve they resured the courses ?- Une question portant

    sur for commence par "How long"

    ex : They have resumed the courses for one week

    Q : How long hve they resumed the courses ?

    - Une question portant sur ago commence par "How long ago"Ex :They have resumed the courses one week ago.

    Q : How long ago have they resumed the courses ?

    EXERCICE : F ill in the blanks with FOR, SINCE or AGO


    ACTIVITY 1: Read the text and circle the correct answer

    The text is about:

    a- Trade


    1. l've be en w aitingfor ataxi h a l f an h o u r 6..He decided lo be singer ..............he met

    Alpha Blondy2. She hasbeen reading . t e n m i n u te s 7 They ha ve lived in this town. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    three years

    3.He has been working seven minutes 8 - W e m e tth eh e a d m a s t e r af e w d a y s

    .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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    b- Wholesale trade and retail tradec- How the consumer get the goods

    The wholesaler handles goods in the intermediate position between

    the producer and the retailer. He buys these goods in very large

    quantities, transports and warehouses them carefully. He then breaks

    down bulk to reasonable size, markets his newly-packed goods bycreating a suitable distribution network. He very often sells under his

    own brands name and thus relieves the manufacturer of the need to

    advertise his products. As a middleman, he conveys the view of the

    producer and the retailer to each other, this helps either to make

    improvement in the quality of the products or to use them more

    profitably. It is the wholesaler who advises the producer about which

    goods are selling best, which ones appeal to the market. With his huge

    warehouses he provides storage space for manufacturers who cannot

    stock all the goods they produce.

    The retailer buys in bulk from the wholesaler and cuts into

    smaller quantities to meet every day needs of the consumers. He also

    acts as a middleman; the small shopkeepers prices are certainly high,

    but he has the advantage of being near the consumers house; this

    saves time and money. Moreover, he can offer personal services:

    credit, advice about particular lines that are cheaper; customers can

    knock at his door at any time. Through the wholesaler the retailer can

    let the manufacturer know the customers needs, complaints andsuggestions about a product. The retail- trade includes hawking,

    paddling, street market, door-to-door selling, mobile shop, ordinary

    shops, specialist shops, multiple stores (or chain stores), departmental

    stores, supermarkets mail-order.

    ACTIVITY 2:(voc.) read the text and match the word in column

    A to their definitions or synonyms in B: write your answer likethis example in the space provided: 1-d

    A/ B/


    1-Wholesaler (L 1)

    2- Goods (L 1)

    3- Warehouses (L2)

    4- Manufacturer (L 5)

    a- Person who cells goods in smallquantities

    b- Sells

    c- Persons who eat goods

    d- Person who sells goods in large

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    ANSWERS1/.. 2/ 3/.. 4/ 5/ 6/..7/8/. 9/. 10/

    ACTIVITY 3 : (comprehension) Read the text again and answer

    the following questions in the space provided

    1- What does the wholesaler do?.2- What services does he render to the manufacturer?.

    3- What services does he render to the producer?


    4-Why do we call him middleman?..

    5-What does the retailer do?.

    6-What services does he render to customers?

    7-Why do we call him middleman?

    8-Where do people practice retail trade?


    5- Provides (L9)

    8- in bulk (L 11)

    10- Customers (L 15)

    e- In large quantities

    f- Clients

    g- Supplies

    h- Products

    i- Keeps in warehouse

    j- Person who makes or produces goods

    6- Retailer (L 11)

    9- Consumers (L12)

    7-Markets (L3)

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    ACTIVITY 4 : (Grammar countable and uncountable nouns)

    classify the following nouns in the table: ruler, bread,shoes,

    oil, pen, rice, bag, milk, water, person


    1 1

    2 2

    3 3



    5 5

    ACTIVITY 5: (Grammar) Insert one of the following words in the

    sentences: much-many-a lot of-not many. Write your answer

    like the example:

    1- This man is poor: he hasnt money

    2- That boy has big stamp collection. He has stamps.

    3- In a post-office there must betelegram formsavailable

    4- In this telephone exchange, there are ..telephoneoperators

    ACTIVITY 6 : With your partner, find the collective nouns of the

    following items in the space provided like this example:a-drink

    a- beer wine soft drink water drink

    b- Yellow red indigo purple ..

    c- Jeans tee-Shirt shorts shirt

    d- Dictionary novels copy book .

    e- Bus car lorry bicycle ..


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    f- Rice bread milk chicken ..

    ACTIVITY 6: read the text again and complete the diagram

    below with: wholesaler, goods, trade, retailer, customers,

    shopkeeper, manufacturer, supermarket, warehousing,


    ACTIVITY 7 : Translate the following sentences into English

    1- Grace aux grossistes, les fabricants trouverons de nouveauxdbouchs

    2- Le dtaillant vend ses marchandises par petites quantits



    Initial found

    2 Large amont of Fonds


    Savings 4

    Important decisions

    6 a supply matriel equipment




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    3- Le client a toujours raison..4- Que voulez-vous ?

    6- Vous trouvez chez votre commerant tout ce dont vous avez besoin7- L es petits dtaillants doivent faire face une vive concurrence.

    ACTIVITY 8 : (writing) look at the diagram of activity6 and as

    an expert in marketing, retrace in an argumentative paragraph

    the path of goods from the producer to the consumerWhen following the diagram, it can be said that after

    producing the goods, the producer


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    ACTIVITY 1: Read the text and complete the following answer

    in the provided space.

    The text is


    In order to promote sales retailers place greater emphasis onprice competition. Within shopping centers in urban areas, one can findsupermarkets and superstores. They offer fresh, as well as packages

    food, fresh meat, fish, vegetables, bread baked on the premises,household appliances, and all this part of their diversification policy.With the introduction of laser scanning electronic checkouts, theimpact has been a major one on retailing. The receipt, which thecustomer receives, shows the price and identity of each itempurchased and the stores stock records are altered automatically.In some countries one can still find one- man businesses, but theseshops tend to disappear year after year because of the mans financialrisks involved. Mass produced articles are mostly sold in chain stores.One of the most frequented places, both by the locals and tourists aredepartment stores, which are specialized in clothing, householdappliance, footwear, furniture etc. More and more people also by goodsand articles through mail order firms and are enticed to a full refundif they are not satisfied with the quality of the articles received.

    ACTIVITY 2 : (Vocabulary) Read the text and match words in (A) with

    their synonym in (B) in the provided space. Do like the example 5-i

    1- Promote (L1) a- Led

    2- Emphasis (L1) b- accent/stress3- Diversification (L4) c- to make Known4- Receipt (L6) d- Produced in large quantity5- Purchased (L7) e- To make difference in formor quality6- Mass produced (L10) f- to order by mail7- One-man businesses (L9) g- Business of one person8- Mail-order(L14) h- Written statement thatshows that one

    has received money

    9- Enticed (L15) i- Bought


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    ACTIVITY 3: (Comprehension) read the text again and say if the

    following sentences are true or false and justify your answer

    like this example: 8-F (L17-18)

    1- Anything is done by the retailer to promote sale.2- We can find superstores in villages.3- The introduction of laser-scanning electronic had a positive effect onretailerDiversification policy.4- The receipt shows the price, the size and the identity of purchaseditems.5- The one man business belongs to many persons.

    6- The one-man business tends to disappear nowadays because of theprofit.7- Goods or items are bought by people through the post order8- People cant bring back goods if they are not satisfied


    ACTIVITY 4: (grammar the double comparative)

    Write sentences using a double comparative for the adjectives

    in brackets; do like the Example in the provided space.

    1 (creative) Japanese are more and more creative2 (short) 3 (pretty)

    4 (good) 5 (intelligent)6 (frequent)7(powerful)8 (expensive)9 (great) 10 (cheap)



    1 3.. 5.. 7.

    2.. 4.. 6. 8.

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    - For short adjectives : adjective + er + and + adjective + er

    Example: big. bigger and bigger

    - For long adjectives: more + and +more + adjective.

    Example: more and more beautiful.


    Definition: A modal is always the first word in the verb phrase. It

    always has the same form and never has an ending such as s, ing and

    ed. After a modal we put the verb into the infinitive form.

    The modals are: can, must, may, should, shall, will, would, could, have

    to, might may, and ought to, etcthey can be used to express

    obligation, permission probability advice possibility, certainty, ability,

    and necessity etc.

    1-Obligation and advice

    We use should, must, have to and ought to for obligation and advice to

    say what is right or best things to do.



    a-Asking permission

    We use can, may and could to ask permission.

    Ex 1:

    b-Giving permission

    We use can, could and may to give permission.


    c-Refusing permission

    We can use cant, couldnt and May not to refuse a permission


    3- Possibility

    a-May and might

    We use may and might to say:

    - that something is possibly true.


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    Ex: That old picture may be sold next year.


    - In statement to mark a request

    Ex: may God bless you


    b-Can and could

    We use can and could to:

    -Suggest possible future or actions

    Ex: You can go on the train.


    -In request

    Ex: can you wait for a moment please?


    ACTIVITY 5: translate into English the following sentences in

    the space provided.

    1-Le reu que les consommateurs reoivent, montre le prix et lidentit

    de chaque article reu par le client.

    2-je ne veux pas habiter dans une rue trs frquente.

    3- David tient une picerie dans le quartier commerciale de la ville.

    4-Les articles produits en grande quantits sont les plus souvent

    vendus dans les supermarchs.

    5-Bon nombres de personnes achtent aussi les marchandises et les

    articles par commande.


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    ACTIVITY 6: (Writing) if you have to set up a business, which sort

    would you choose? Why?


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    ACTIVITY 1: Read the text and circle the right answer:

    The text is about:

    a- How to be a share holder in a limited company?

    b-How to invest in a limited company?

    c-Shares in a limited company

    When a limited company has started trading, you dont invest in

    shares by giving more capital to the company. You buy them from one

    of the shareholders. If it is a private limited company a shareholder can

    only sell shares if all the other shareholders agree. If it is a public

    limited company, shares can be bought and sold freely, usually at a

    stock Exchange. If the company is doing well and paying high

    dividends. You might pay more than the face value of the shares. The

    price you pay at the stock Exchange (or to a shareholder) for your

    shares is their market value.

    If the company fails, it stops trading and go into liquidation. This

    means that all the companys property and equipment (its assets)

    must be sold and the money from the sale will be used to pay its debts

    to its creditors. The shareholders may lose the money paid for the

    shares. If the company still doesnt have enough money to pay all its

    debts, the shareholders dont have to pay any more money. In other

    words the shareholders liability for debts is limited to the value of their


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    shares. On the other hands, if you are an owner of a business which is

    not limited for example a sole proprietorship (owned by one person) or

    a partnership (owned by between 2 and 20 peoples) and your business

    fails you will go bankrupt. In this case you might sell your own private

    possessions (your house, car, furniture etc) to play all your creditors. Inother words, sole proprietors and partners have unlimited liability for

    their firms debts.

    Were in business P.P 81-82

    ACTIVITY 2: (voc.) read the text and finds the words

    Which mean: (The lines references will help you)

    Write your answer like the example in the provided space.

    1- Selling (line 1) is

    2- Parts (L3) refers to

    3- To use money to make more money (Line 1)


    4- Persons who have shares (L3) are


    5- What we owe to somebody (Line 10) is

    6- Work or trade for earning money (Line 15) is

    7- To fail (Line 16) is .

    8- A company (Line 18) is


    ACTIVITY 3: (comprehension) Read the text again and answers

    the following questions.

    1-Can you invest in a limited company when it has starting selling?


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    2-What is the difference between a private limited company and apublic limited company?

    3- When does the shareholder pay more than the face value?

    4-what are the consequences of a business failure?

    5-What is a sole proprietor ship?

    6-What is a partnership?.

    ACTIVITY 4 : (grammar) rewrite the following sentences taking into

    account the given instruction in brackets.

    1-I do my homework (obligation)

    2- Women defend their right (obligation)

    3-I want to go out (permission)

    4- He reads in English (possibility)5- I help you (suggestion)6- Dont write on, the table (advice)

    ACTIVITY 5 : Translate the following sentences into English

    1-Certaines entreprises sont diriges par une seule personne

    2-Le chiffre daffaire augmente.

    3-Tous les associs sont responsables et solidaires


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    4-Dans une socit anonyme il doit y avoir au moins sept associs.

    5-Lactionnaire est un associ de la socit

    6-Il peut y avoir un nombre illimit dactionnaires

    ACTIVITY 6 : (writing) if you are owner of a business in a non

    limited company what would you prefer; a partnership

    company or a sole proprietorship one why? Write your opinion

    in 15 lines


    ACTIVITY 1 : Read the text and answer the question below.

    What is the general idea of this text?



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    A century after the first industrial revolution, the need to

    rationalise the production was adopted. Since then manufacturers

    have striven to produce goods and services at the lowest cost and sell

    them at the highest possible price.

    This is achieved through the division of the labour which implies thesplitting up of a firms activities into many departments.

    Those departments have well-defined functions and limited

    responsibilities. They are complementary as they communicate with

    one another and are supervised from the top by the board of directors

    and managing director. We may find a few variations in the names and

    roles of the departments but the usual classification reads as follow:

    The manufacturing department changes raw materials into finished

    goods. It produces after orders are placed or in anticipation of demand.

    The work manager has to plan and control the process of work, check

    stocks and quality. The maintenance superintended, the quality

    supervisors, the designers and methods engineers work under his


    The purchasing department is headed by a buying manager whose

    duties include the purchase, at reasonable prices, of suitable raw

    materials, equipment and stationery. He must seek spare parts and

    suppliers as well as do some invoicing.

    The sales department is as important as the manufacturing onesince a firm must promote sales in order to survive. The sales

    manager, with the help of agents and representatives, advertises the

    firms products, record orders and dispatched goods,

    carries out market research in order to know the level of demand and

    the customers needs.

    The accounting or finance department keeps books such as ledges

    where payment or expenses are recorded, controls credit and wages.

    The chief accountant draws up the balance sheet and the budget.In the research and development department, designers and

    engineers invent new products or improve existing ones so as to

    satisfy the customers and face competition.

    The personnel department is responsible for selecting, engaging and

    training new employees. It is in charge of their welfare, including

    health, sports, facilities and even accommodation.

    The company secretarys department deals with legal matters.

    The company secretary , who is not an executive secretary, keeps the

    register of shareholders and maintain contacts the general public


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    ACTIVITY 2 : (Vocabulary) Read the text and match the words

    in A with the meaning in B ; Write your answer like the

    example in the provided space.

    A/ B/

    1-splitting up (L4) a-making bills for goods2-labour (L4) b-production manager3-Departments (L5) c- financial director4-Manufacturing department L10) d-director of thecompany5-work manager (L 11) e- division6-purchasing department (L14) f-workers7-Buying manager (L14) g-Makes known by thepublic8-Invoicing ( L16) h-service of marketing

    and sitting9-sales department (L17) i-buying service10-Sales manager (L18) j-purchasing officer11-advertises (L19) k-man-power12-accounting department (L22) l-a committee ofcompany directors13-the chief account (L23) m-goods production14-employees (L28) n-sales director15-board of directors (L8) o-service ofaccountancy16-managing directors (L8) p-services


    ACTIVITY 3 : (comprehension) Read the text again and answers

    thefollowing questions

    1-What did companies do to produce goods at the lowest cost and sell

    them at the highest price?

    2-Who supervises the departments?

    3-What does the manufacturing department do?

    4-who is responsible for the manufacturing department?

    5-What does the purchasing department do?


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    6-who directs the purchasing department?

    7-What does the sales department do?

    8-Who directs the sales department?

    9-what does the finance department do?

    10-who is responsible for the finance department?











    ACTIVITY 4 : (grammar) turn the sentences below into the

    passive form.

    1-The board of directors supervises the departments.


    2-The manufacturing department changed raw materials..

    3-We kept expenses in our book...

    4-They organized firms in departments.

    5-The customers is asking for a special kind of lipstick.

    6-A grocer doesnt sell meat.


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    7-Mr green will offer us a cup of tea.

    8-She was giving us her weekly order.


    ACTIVITY 5 : (Translation) translate the following sentences

    into English.

    1- Qui dirige cette socit ? .

    2- Les assembles gnrales annuelles ont lieu deux fois par an...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    3-Qui a inform le conseil dadministration ?

    4-Voici la secrtaire du Directeur, elle nous attend car nous avonsrendez vous avec Mr Watt

    5-le service marketing marche bien.

    6-Dans notre entreprise, les ventes se font chaque premier lundi du

    mois par le service commercial.

    ACTIVITY 6: Read the text and complete the diagram with the

    following words sales managers agents, Board of director,

    purchase department General director, warehouse, Managingdirector Accounts.


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    Word power Equipment and Furniture

    1- Vocabulary 1





    4- Administration 5-

    7- Stock

    6- General

    Sale manager







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    A match the words with the picture below

    B/ Cover the names and ask YOUR PARTNER TO REMEMBER

    THEM. Changeroles.

    E.g 1: Student A: whats picture 1? E.g. 2: Student A: Whats

    picture 1?

    Student B: Its a printer Student B: Its a


    Student A: Sorry, youre wrong Student A: Yes, youre right


    A/ Function and roles


    Cell phone filing cabinet shorthand typewriter dictating machine photocopier land

    phone (telephone) printer duplicating machine fax machine envelop Computer

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    Match the pictures with the functions and roles

    1- File documents 7- Store data, process

    information, calculate

    2- Make calls 8 Dictate information

    3- Send letters 9- Type letters and documents

    4- Send document 10- Take notes fast

    5- Copy documents

    B/ what is used for?

    Read this example and complete the rule.

    A type writer is for typing texts

    A type writer is used to type textsA type writer used for typing texts

    C/ Quiz

    In pairs, ask answer questions like this:

    3- VOCABULARY 2: Word pairs

    A/ Match the verbs from box A with the words from box B to make

    word pairs.


    Complete this rule

    Is for +


    Is used to +





    BOX A

    1-Send / receive







    BOX B

    a-The internet

    b-Phone calls

    c-A letter / fax / an email

    d-Date / information



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    B/ Which of these activities do you usually do? Write sentences

    and read them to the class

    Example: I usually make phone calls





