powerwithoutfuel.in 2_wednesday.docx · Web viewThe water jet rotate (empower) the Pelton wheel and...


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(See section 10)


2. NAME AND ADDRESS: - Desai Haribhai J Mahadev was At &Post:-KHERALU-384325 Dist:-Mehsana, Gujarat state India

E-mail :- desaihari@ymail.com

Nationality : - INDIAN

3. The following specification particularly describes the nature of invention and in the manner in which it is to be performed………

ENDLESS POWER is a perpetual motion machine. It is mechanical process of compressed air and water in the manner that produce Electrical power without any type of fuel. It is a technique that out put become more than input. The aim of this endless power research is to provide ample, cheaper, endless and at door electrical power.

To explain I take help of three figures. The figure no-2 or say figure-2 is the main basic figure. The figure-1 and the figure-3 are parts of the figure-2. The figure-3 shows how the sets of other water tanks are joined for the continuity of air compressor.

The figure-1 arrangement is to produce power with high pressure air and to trap high pressure air in first water tank-1 or say W.T.-1. There is three stage water cooled air compressor with electric motor. There is water filled first water tank with four valves, valve-A, valve-B, valve-C and valve-D. To produce power by water jet system, there is Pelton wheel (turbine), pulley

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and belt power transmission, fly wheel for stability and electrical generator as shown in figure-1. The routing parts are on bearings.

Working of figure -1 first fill the water in the water tank-1 and close all the valves. Then start the motor by temporary external electric supply that air compressor work and produce high pressure air. Then open valve-A and valve-B that high pressure air press the water and water jet produced at valve-B. The water jet rotate (empower) the Pelton wheel and the water jet energy transfer to electric generator at needed RPM through belt and pulley energy transmission drive.The first water tank-1 is empting or evacuating When water level come at the bottom, let at L-L line or nearer to the valve-B, close valve-B, valve-A and stop motor that high pressure air can be trapped in water tank-1. Again explaining when reducing water level in W.T.-1 come at line L-L, that water seal remain and high pressure air cannot escape, means at L-L level close valve-B, valve-A and motor that high pressure air can be trapped.

Note the following important points:-1. The energy produced by generator in KWH may be approximate 30% less

than energy given by motor in KWH.2. The energy in KWH is given by motor is stored in W.T.-1 in form of high

pressure air. Let it may be approximate 10% less as three stage water cooler air compressor is used.

3. Above two point shows that the trapped air is extra benefit. Means the KWH of generator + KWH of trapped air is greater than KWH of motor. Means the second law of thermodynamics is violated. This provide ground of perpetual motion machine.

4. The trapped air in W.T.-1 will work as a air compressor for second water tank, W.T.-2 means as per W.T.-1. In this way reaping will continue up to the last tank.

5. There are four main variable and varies with power requirement which is main criteria.

D-diameter of jet,T- time of evacuatingP- air pressure from compressorE- efficiency or economics I suggest pelton wheel

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Only for W.T.-1. There are other turbine or reciprocating pump to produce power . the air vessel can narrow variable head. More detail is out of scope of the patent.

The figure-2 arrangement is to produce power from the “ trapped “ air in W.T.-1 . Now there is no need of air compressor. Looking to the notifications, W.T.-2 is the second water tank. W.T.-3 is the third water tank. W.T.-2 and W.T.-3 are added with their pelton wheel with belt pulley transmission system. There is air tank to reduce the capacity of motor and air compressor in one set of water tanks. There can be air pump and over head water tank with pump to utilize the final exhaust of air to lift water and refill the water tanks. This is not shown in figure. But here air motor is applied which is also not shown in figure.

Working of figure-2Open value-C and value- G that high pressure air from W.T.-1 press the

water of W.T.-2 and water jet produce at value-G that rotate palton wheel or other turbine below it. When water level come nearer to valve-G, close valve-G and open valve-F and valve-H. Evacuating time of W.T.-2 is 75% time of W.T.-1.

The air from W.T.-1 and W.T.-2 will press the water in W.T.-3. Jet will produce at valve-H. In this way proceed for other water tanks. The evacuating time depends on design of bottom valves. Here I take evacuating time for W.T.-2,W.T.-3….W.T.-n equal to 75% of evacuating time of W.T.-1. That pressure become half when both tanks filled with air. I take volume of water tanks that pressure become half than previous water tanks. In this way I add water tanks till long the air pressure become useless. The last exit of air can lift water.

The total energy production in KWH of W.T.-1, W.T.-2 and W.T.-3 is more than energy supply to the motor in KWH. That this is a perpetual motion machine. Explaining the continuity of the process , when the last tank operation take place , close valve- C and open valve-D refill W.T.-1 by operating pump and valve-E.The function of air tank is to reduce the capacity of motor and air compressor as it can run in process time. If the air compressor produce higher pressure, then more water tanks can be joined. Made in U.S.A. air compressor can produce air pressure as high as 15000 bar . see the range of research.

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Figure-3 Shows how positive displacement centrifugals air compressors or other like axial flow compressor, heat exchangers and single generator shaft produce power in close air circuit. The figure -3 is self explaining.

EXAMPLE AND TABLE :-Let me try to produce 500 KW power. Let consider 1 kg/cm2 = 1 bar

approximate. One bar pressure is equal to 10 m water column. Let three stage water cooled air compressor produce 100 kg/cm2 or say 100 bar. The first water tank W.T.-1 has 100 bar pressure, means the water of first tank is producing jet at bottom valve-B is equal to the jet produced by 1000 m high water dam at bottom. I take six equal sets of water tank set evacuate in 10 minute. The remaining tanks evacuate in 7.5 minute. I take 80 % efficiency of compressor and 80 % efficiency of pelton wheels. Actually other efficient turbine like Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine etc. should be applied, but for easy calculations and understanding I apply pelton turbine only. The volume of water tanks applied in manner that pressure becomes half than previous.

The design starts at the jet diameter of first water tank. Let take 2 c.m. Diameter of jet at the bottom value –B. The aria of jet is=0.000314m².Let the three stage water inter cooler air compressor deliver air at 100 Kg/cm2 Pressure. That the velocity of Jet=√2gh¿(2x9.81x1000)0.5 = 140 m/sec and Q=AxV=26.37m³ evacuate in 10 minute. That the first water tank size should be 3mx3mx3m=27m approximate.

Now kw=26.37x1000x9.81x1000/(600x1000)=431kw.Considering 80% efficiency of the compressor, the motor should be=538 kW. Now Deducting inter cooling kw by 20%=107kw, the actual motor Need=431 kw. The 431kw motor run for 10 minute. That it consume 431x (10/60) =72 kwh. Now production of pelton wheel at 85% Efficiency=431x0.85=366.35 kw. The generator efficiency is 95%, then Kw=348 kw. The generator run for 10 minute, then energy production =58 kwh. There for the difference or say loss is 72kwh-58kwh=14kwh.

Please note that the water is replaced by 100kg/cm² air at expenditure of 14 kwh. Now the high pressure air is ready to use for next water tank in place of compressor.

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The colorific value of dry cool is 35000 KJ/kg and water tank is filled with 263700 KJ. In form of high pressure air. This means 263700/35000=7.53 kg Dry good coal is produced. The efficiency of coal to convert into electricity Is only 20%. The 7.53/0.20=37.67 kg coal is produced at home in 10 minute.

Refilling energy of first water tank:- Let the refilling made in 9.81 minute at 10 m height. Let the efficiency of

pump taken 80%.KW= (26.37x1000x9.81x10x100)/(1000x9.81x60x80)=5.49KW. The 5.49 KW motor run for 9.81 minute. That KWH= 5.49(9.81/60)=0.89 KWH, consider 1 KWH.

Calculation of second water tank:-W.T.-2:-In W.T.-2, the starting pressure is 100 bar and at end 50 bar. The average

pressure means (100+50)/2=75 bar. To produce same KW as W.T.-1, decrease evacuating time and increase flow by designing the bottom valve-G of higher diameter.431=(26.37x1000x9.81x750)/(1000xseconds) that seconds=450 and 450 seconds=7.5 minutes.Now designing valve-G, Q m3 /sec=26.37/450=0.0586 m3 /sec. the velocity=(2x9.81x750)0.5=121.3m/sec that Q=AxV results d=2.48cm. now KW=431, and considering pelton wheel and generator efficiency at 80%. That output is 431x(80/100)=344.8 KW. That KWH=344.8x(7.5/60)=43.1KWH.

Calculating of third water tank W.T.-3.The W.T.-3 has double volume 52.74m3 and half average pressure (37.5) bar

than previous one (W.T.-2). It evacuate in same time [ 7.5 minute ] as previous one (W.T.-2). That KW and KWH as W.T.-2 are equal. Bottom valve-H diameter d=4 cm and refilling energy is double than previous one=2 KWH.

In this manner all the tanks calculations are made. Go to table .After the last water tank air motor is applied that consume applied energy of compressor motor.

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No of water tank

Time duration minute

Energy input KWH

Energy output KWH

Energy difference KWH

Refilling energy KWH

Tank volume m3

Average pressure bar

Jet diameter C.M.

1 12-00 to 12-10

72 58 -14 1 26.37 100 2

2 12-10 to 12-17.5

NIL 43.1 43.1 1 26.37 75 2.48

3 12-17.5 to 12-25

NIL 43.1 43.1 2 52.74 37.5 4.1

4 12-25 to 12-32.5

NIL 43.1 43.1 4 105.48 18.75 7

Total 32.5 72 187.3 Nil 8 210.96

1:- At the last we have 210.96 m3 air at 12.5 bar. Means 263700 KJ energy as first tank had. This convert by air motor in KWH at 50 % efficiency and in 7.5 minute give 36 KWH2:- The actual energy difference =187.3-8-72+36=143.3 KWH

3:- This power plant can produce 11 million KWH/year by six set of water tanks + air motor.

4:- Double power is produced than applied at compressor’s motor. That this is a perpetual motion machine.

5:- The technique of power production is to be patented.

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1. ENDLESS POWEER is a perpetual motion machine.

2. Power can be produced without fuel.

3. The technique of power production is to be patented.

4. The second law of thermodynamics is challenged.

5. Pressurized air in closed vessel consume self generated power to

maintain pressure in closed vessel. For numerical example , in 1m3

Volume and 100 bar air pressure consume self generated power is

approximate 16 kw. This means the power is endless.


1:- Power production is simple, cheaper and eco-friendly, This type of power

can produce cheap clean water by applying dehumidifier.

2:-All water tanks produce power without consuming applied power. The

Applied power is used by air motor and friction. This is the first Perpetual

Motion Machine .This can remove poverty and climate change. The power

cost at USA is 700 KWH/$.

3:- The power production is the subject of machine design not that of fuel


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Dated this 16th day of November 2010.

(Desai Haribhai J)


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