3 music magazine analysis


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This Q cover features many conventions; for example the central image is the first thing that catches your eye, although arguably this should be the masthead this comes closely second. The layout of the cover is also conventional with the cover stories at the sides and the cover line pairing with the main image being the largest. The red used on the masthead is bright which helps it stand out and blends with the colour scheme. The use of the stand out colours emphasise the line ‘they’re back with a bang’. The line ‘they’re back with a bang’ is used to intrigue the audience and make them want to know more. Alex Turner – the lead of arctic monkeys is being represented as a ‘big deal’ as his picture overshadows all the rest of the features on the page. The pull quote uses a mode of address coming directly from a band member which then goes on to the mode of address being an opinion

from the magazine – ‘’THEIR MOST EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW EVER’’, this combined with the buzz word ‘most’ is used to make the audience feel more eager to read it as it is exclusive, the uses and gratifications theory could be applied here as it would be fulfilling the audiences desire for surveillance. The cover conveys a striking and alluring feel to pull in their audiences, this is a good approach for Q is a popular music magazine aimed at a mainstream/indie target audience.

This NME cover has a very vintage old style with the use of the faded colours; making it kind of reflect a newspaper print. This goes well with the genre of the magazine as it features bands old and new, and a lot of the bands and artists featured don’t make the typical chart tracks and take inspiration from music pre-2000s. The black and yellow used on the graphic feature makes it stand out and yellow often being associated with happiness makes the audience feel that ‘Jack White’s new album’ is a good thing and something they might want to look into. The artists on the cover are represented as a team with their back to back pose and the close bringing together of their names with the ‘&’. This appeals to audiences as teamwork is valued highly in our society. It could be argued this is being used to sell a good, friendly hard working lifestyle.

The image of the two well polished men is also used to appeal to audiences as NME’s target audience is mainly men and this look could be desirable/idolised by a lot of them. The magazine follows conventions as it uses a bold font for the cover lines and the smaller text accompanying them being in a smaller font. The italic font used for the pull quote also follows convention.

I would say that this cover doesn’t follow convention as much as the previous two covers as the amount of text is minimal. However the integration of images and text works well as the cover lines frame the image of the model. The Male Gaze theory can be applied to this cover as the image draws attention to the woman’s cleavage and the curve of her waist. After reading cover line ‘Summer Tours’ stands out and then the reader can see if there is a band they like in the list, the red colour and large font size is used for this technique of pulling in the reader. This cover also has a vintage feel like the previous, this works with the name of the name of the magazine ‘Rolling Stone’ as the Rolling Stones are a band who were formed in the 1960s. This gives the magazine

the opportunity to appeal to an audience with a wide age range. In the graphic feature the line ‘Guiliani: Worse Than Bush’ shows that the magazine features a story on politics so it is not just a magazine that focuses on music, again widening the range of people that the magazine can be targeted to. This is fitting as Rolling Stone magazine aims to provide content covering music, liberal politics and popular culture.

It is clear that this magazine is aimed at a niche market. The splatter background used and the carved looking font used on ‘BRING ME THE HORIZON’ implies it is aimed at the edgy, metal and rock market. The smashed effect on the masthead emphasises this. The bright colour scheme used shows that this magazine is made for artists who are not afraid to stand out; this is supported by the tattoos covering the man in the main image. The splatter of red in the background connotes blood which adds to the magazines sharp and edgy image. The buzz word at the side ‘EPIC’ excites the reader and encourages them to buy the magazine to receive the posters inside. The use of a leading question in bright yellow in the skyline is another technique used to intrigue the reader as to want to know what

is inside. The flash on the right under the masthead will appeal to the niche audience and ‘Of Mice & Men’ fans as they will relate and feel emotionally connected to them; therefore wanting to buy the magazine and read the article.

This magazine cover uses a striking pairing of almost contrasting colours yellow and blue, this helps it stands out and fits with it’s genre as it is an alternative music magazine. The poses that the band are pulling and the way that they have made it look like the man in the centre is holding the band name show that one of the messages of the magazine is not to be afraid to do something different. This cover is the least conventional as there are not many cover lines and the ones that are there don’t fill up the sides. However the masthead at the top and the skyline follow convention fairly ‘normally’. The image seems as if each person has been shot from a different distance which also emphasises the sense of alternative and mixing things up.

The mode of address used on the skyline ‘’THE BAND WHO CHANGED MY LIFE’’ is that of the bands featured in the magazine, this is used to help sell as the readers be eager to relate with their favourite bands music taste – here the uses and gratifications theory can be applied as the article can help readers fulfil their wish to identify themselves with icons in the media.

This contents page is quite simplistic which shows that the readers focus is mainly on the content and the images, this is because Q is aimed at an older target audience and the magazine prides itself on it’s high standards of photography and printing. The simplistic nature of the page gives it a sense of maturity. The use of the red white and black colour scheme and the white background also enhance this. The font used it also quite simplistic and it gives the page a chic style. It follows the convention of the columns and page numbers being on the side and the containing of stacked images.

The layout of this contents page is very busy which shows that the magazine promotes a busy and active lifestyle, attractive to it’s younger target audience. This is supported by the images used as they are iconic artists playing live as these people are idolised by readers. The band index is a good way of filling up the page and it also attracts readers because if they see a band they like they will be more encouraged to read it.

This contents page is quite simplistic and mature looking as the layout is not that busy which shows it is representing an older generation of music buyers. The drawing represents an artist and the detailed style that has been used suggests that the magazine has pride in the finest quality content.