31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


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  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    KAAU 2007

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records



    Objectives.The Importance of medical records.Orani!in medical records."hat is #O$% and &hat are its mainelements.'o& to form a problem list.(omponents of a medical record

    database.The Initial plan.'o& to &rite a proress note.

    Appl)in the * O A # form.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records



    Understandin the importance of orani!inmedical


    Understandin the main concept of #O$%.

    Kno&in ho& to form a problem list.

    "ritin medical notes in the form of * O A #.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    #ermits eas) comm+nicationbet&een health

    professionals for optim+m patientcare.

    Transferrin relevant facts reardinpatient

    care to all health personnelinvolved.

    Allo&s onoin patient health

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    Important for proper assessmentof the

    present health problem.

    The manaement of chronic

    illnesses re,+ires an acc+rate d)namicrecord

    re/ectin past and present


    Assistin the ph)sician in

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    Organizing medical records


    A proper lin s)stem

    Orani!in each medical record in

    s)stematic &a) e.g. appl)in POMs)stem.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    Orani!in medical records +sin an e1cientlin s)stem is of reat val+e especiall) in term

    of ,+ic- access and time savin.

    $lphabetical %ling s#stem/ $islin is


    &umbering %ling s#stem/ $islin is 3esscommon

    Color coding/ $islin islarel) eliminated

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    Usin open shelvesis better than closed

    dra&ers especiall) &hen it is +sed &iththe color codin lin s)stem.

    %ecords of patients &ho have not beenseen for 2 or 4 )ears are consideredInactive.

    These les sho+ld be isolated to preventmislin.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    e emen s

    Is orani!in the medical record of eachpatient in a loicals)stem beinnin &ith the establishment ofa database

    after &hich a problem list is developedInitial plansareidentied and the patient)s progress ismonitored &ith

    continual updating of the databaseand problem list.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    The !our *asic +lements ofPOM/

    Problem ,ist.


    Initial Plan.

    Progress notes.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    o( to form a problem list

    a problem is an)thin that re,+ires dianosis ormanaement or that interferes &ith ,+alit) of lifeas perceived b) the patient.

    a problem list is a d)namic pict+re of the

    patients health problem and is chanedcontin+all) b) +pdatin.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    The Concept of a Problem List is the single most

    Important component of POMR.

    Problems are either:

    1.Active(anthing that re!"ires management or f"rther

    #iagnostic $or%"p&

    '.Inactive( problems that are "s"all prior resolve#

    me#ical or s"rgical illnesses that are still important to beremembere#&

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    Important facts to be note# in constr"cting a problem list

    are these:

    A problem sho"l# be #efine# at its highest level of

    #efensibilit. (#epen#s on #egree of "n#erstan#ing&

    A. list all fin#ings (phsical or lab #ata& as separateproblems or

    ). list problems accor#ing to associabilit

    in the secon# case the Problem List co"l# be mo#ifie# to facilitate

    more precise (an# less length& #ail progress notes

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    The #roblem 3ist m+st incl+de allabnormalities noted in the initial data base.

    The #roblem 3ist is rened as problems areeither resolved or f+rther dened

    If the initial data base is incomplete the#roblem 3ist m+st state so.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    The #ositive %evie& of *)stem

    Ideall) the most dianosticall) +sef+l or

    5'I6' I8395 problems are listed rst

    The $#3 sho+ld be +pdated as the caseproceeds

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    The database is composed of:

    (omplete histor).

    #h)sical e;amination.

    #h)sioloic data.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    The Initial plan

    *The plan m"st incl"#e + #istinct gro"pings :

    1. ,iagnostic plan.

    '. Therape"tic plan.

    +. Patient e#"cation plan.

    *-ometimes the initial plan is incorporate# $ith the progress note.

    o( o (r e a progress no e

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    o( o (r e a progress no e

    "ell orani!ed and loicall) str+ct+redprogress notesin addition to the problem listare the secret of POMe@ectiveness inpromotin contin+in patient care.

    -ail# progress notes should summarizedevelopments in all the follo(ing/

    #atients hospital co+rse.#roblems that remains active.#lans to treat those problems.#roress notes sho+ld address each

    element of the problem list.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    S = Subjective/

    What the patient states.Includes any problem or symptom.e.g. nausea, vomiting, chest pain, appetite, pain, and other symptoms.

    O = Objective/

    Al&a)s bein &ith the vital sins.*tate )o+r ndin in the ph)sical e;aminationIncl+de ne& available lab res+lts.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    Assessment Plan

    Diagnosis ( If known

    !resent status of the


    " diagnosis to rule out

    #anagement /

    o #edication

    o !rocedure

    o $on pharmacological


    $ew investigations re%uired

    &ealth education

    "ssure continuing the

    previous plan ( If no new

    plan is needed

    A & P = Assessment and Plan/

    It is better to present them together in a list with aseparate "ssessment and plan for each problem.

    $ l i th " O $ P f

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    $ppl#ing the " O $ P form

    +ample of a " O $ P progress note /Date

    'ime &D (&osp. Day ) or !*D (post+op day ) post appendectomy

    S: !t c/o three episodes of chest pain associatedwith nausea and vomiting.

    O: - ! ! 00 'emp. *)sat

    1hest clear to auscultation bilaterally 1- regular rate and rhythm -2 3 -) 3 4 "bd positive bowel sounds, non+tender, non+distended, no hepatosplenomegalyA/P:

    2. &'$ well controlled (or not on capoten )5 mg Day ) ). !neumonia Improving on 6ithroma7 Day )/5 ('his is Day ) of a 5 day course


  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    S O A P can als be used in t!e "ll#in$/

    Writing short case reports.

    Writing patients discharge plan.

    !resenting cases in rounds

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    $edical record sho+ld be &ell orani!ed to #ermits eas)comm+nication bet&een health professionals for optim+onoin patients health care.

    POM is a perfect s)stem for orani!in medicalrecords.

    All elements of POMsho+ld be completed incl+dinCThe problem list0 -atabase0 Initial plan and

    progress notes.

    "ell orani!ed progress notesand problem listarethe

    secret of an e@ective #O$% s)stem.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records


    o+ m+st have a complete and acc+rate problemlist for each patient.

    (omplete the patients record database&ith properhistor#0 Ph#sical eamination and lab results.

    *+mmari!e the patients dail) health stat+sdevelopment in a proper " O $ Pprogress note.

    Al&a)s update the records databaseand problemlist accordin to the proress notes.

  • 8/10/2019 31013_Problem Oriented Medical Records

