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FOURTEEN JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL—Wednesday Evening, July 24, 1957

Sue Mary Hartley, Lt. Jerry W. Angell Marry in U. S. Air Force Chapel in Georgia

Miss Sue Mary Hartley, daugh­ter of Mrs. Kenneth James Hart­ley, 15 Spruce Street, and the late Kenneth Hartley, was united in marriage at 11 A.M. July 20 with Lt Jerry Ward Angell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rowald Angell, &1 West Rand Street, Dion.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. Frederick Kirkland at the Bainbridge Air Base Chapel, Bain-bridge, Ga., in the presence of 30 guests. The altar was decorated with gladioli and chrysanthemums with ferns.

Miss Sabina Hartley, 'sister of the bride was the maid of honor. She wore a eoral crystalette gown fashioned with a bouffant ballerina length skirt. Her horsehair braid crown in coral was accented bv pearls and a circular veil. She also wore coral slippers and a pearl and gold necklace, a gift of the bride, and carried a nosegay of white carnations.

Best man was Lt. Barry McDon-with Lt. Roger Bowman and

Lt. James Acton ushers. The bridegroom favored them with leather belts with initialed buckles.

The lovely bride was escorted to the altar by her uncle, Theodore Peterson. She wore a camellia white gown of Dupioni silk with a fitted bodice scalloped sweet­heart neckline and short sleeves. The full ballerina length skirt had s d e fullness accented with bands of re-embroidered Alencon Iace . ' H e r ballerina length veil of im­

ported silk illusion fell from a I cloche of Dupioni silk with motifs of re-embroidered Alencon lace studded with sequins and seed

•pearls. She carried a white pray-erbook with a white orchid.

Mrs. Hartley favored a blue linen dress with matching flowered

| hat and white accessories and a corsage of orchids.

A reception followed at the Bain-| bridge Air Base Officers Club. Mr. and Mrs. Knox Talley were mas­ter and mistress of ceremonies.

For a trip to Wakula Springs.

MRS. 3. W. ANGELL —Dana Bridal Study

gell is a 1952 graduate of Dion High School and a 1956 graduate

| of Hobart College. He is serving i in the U.S. Air Force, stationed | at Bainbridg* Air Base, Bain-s bridge Ga.

Parties for the bride were given by Mrs. Robert Erickson, Mrs. John Bellavia, Mrs. Gordon Miller. Mrs. Carl Kellgren and Miss Sylvia Snyder. The rehearsal eve dinner was given by the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Peterson at the Hotel Stephen Decataur.

Out of town guests included Mrs. Gladys Hartley and Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of Jamestown, and Mr. and Mrs. Talley of Nashville, Term.

Ladies Aid Hears Convention Report

George Lusk, student pastor of First Lutheran Church, led in de­votions and reported on the Luther League convention held in Chicago, at a meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society, No. 3, in the church par­lors Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Ben AHenson presided. Mrs. Birger Halvarson and daugh­ter, Nancy, sang two songs, ac­companied by Miss Karin Ander­son, who also gave a piano solo. The birthday song was sung to Mrs. Paul A. Westerberg. *

Mrs. Robert Samuelson and Mrs. C. A. Norman Johnson were host­ess chairmen.

Attention Summer Brides

$2 ONLY .00

I per week





207 W . 3rd S t Opp. P.O. Phone 84-195

Fla., the bride chose, a light blue linen dress with beige straw purse and shoes. They will be at home at 328 West Broughton Street, Bain­bridge, Ga.

Mrs. Angell is a 1952 graduate of J.H.S. and a 1956 graduate of William Smith College, Geneva., She taught in the^Onondaga Cen-| ̂ Y a c h t C l u b

C. D. A. Holds Summer Outing

ttral School the past year. Lt. An-

Watch for This First in Jamestown !

A New Store for Mothers Opening Soon

at 213 N. Main Street



An interesting program of games and group singing was enjoyed at the dinner and summer outing of Court St. Gertrude, Catholic Daughters of America Monday evening at the Chautauqua Lake Yacht Club. There were 67 pres­ent.

Miss Grace Dolan was program chairman. Fashions of the Roaring 20's were modeled by the commit­tee, Mrs. Oscar Palm, Mrs. John Madden, Mrs, Edwin Nelson, Mrs. Clara Erickson, Mrs. Hobert Bolt, Mrs. Fred Fiore and Mrs. Eunice Neid, and Mrs. Mary Devlin, Miss Mary Lynch, Mrs. Margaret Mad-

Fleming Church Scene of July Wedding

Miss Jean Shirley Osborne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Osborne, Union Springs/ and Alexander Harold Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Brown, Ashvillf, were married at a 2 P.M ceremony on July 6 in the Fleming Method<gt Church. Rev. Rollin T. Campbipl officiated.

The %ide was given in marriage by her p ther . She chose a gown of white ofgandy with pink eyelet em­broider!^ and carried a cascade of pink and white rosebuds.

Miss Judith Osborne was maid of honojr, and wore pink organdy. Miss Crjeryi Brown and Miss Janel Carol Brown, nieces of the bride­groom, were flower girls. Each wore pfeik organdy and carried a basket if pink snapdragon.

MiltoH C. Brown was best man for his brother, with Albert J. Brown »nd Charles H. Brown, Wil­bur A. Osborne, Jr., ushers.

Mrs. Osborne chose beige silk pongee, and Mrs. Brown, white pongee print, each with white ac­cessories and corsage.

FolloSjring the ceremony, a re-' ception was held in the bride's home. The table was appointed in pink, afld centered with a tiered wedding cake. Aides were Mrs. Elwin Mosher and Mrs. Clinton Osbor™!

rown was graduated from rings Central School and »r at Oswego State Teach-ge. Mr. Brown was grad->m J.H.S. and attended

Mrs Union is a se ers' Co uated Cornell at Os

Jniversity. He is a senior State Teachers' Col-

MRS. FRA^K OLANDER Lindquist Photo

Mrs. Bemus, Frank Olander Marry Saturday

Mrs. Bertha Pitts Bemus of Bemus Point and Frank Olander, Forest Hills, Pittsburgh, Pa., were united in marriage at 2:30 P.M. Saturday at the home of her moth­er, Mrs. Lucy S. Pitts, 14 Lake-view Avenue. Rev. Gilbert F. van Bever performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate families and close friends.

The bride chose a beige sheer dress with white accessories and an orchid corsage for the cere­mony. She was attended by her daughter, Miss Carol Ann Bemus.

James Brophy was best man for his father-in-law with whom he is associated in business.

A reception for 75 guests fol­lowed the ceremony from 3-6 P.M. Those who poured were Mrs. Fred Bl Tinkham, Miss Margaret M. Patterson. Mrs. Lucius H. Bugbee, Mrs. Gilbert F . vanBever and Mrs. William A. Broadhead. The tea table was centered with a beautiful arrangement of snap­dragons and sweetheart roses. Aides were Miss Barbara Mus­tard, niece of the bride, Miss Lu-cinda Lockwood, Miss Karen Spetz, Miss Cynthfa Carveth and the Misses Mary and Martha Pitts and Charles and Robert Pitts, nieces and nephews of the bride, j

Mrs. Olander is a graduate ofj Miss J.H.S. and attended Pennsylvania! of Mr. College for Women in Pittsburgh. | Baker She resided in Pittsburgh for sev-i named eral years where her husband, the\ versity late William J. Bemus, was 'anling. S electrical engineer. For the past! in the 10 years she has resided in Bemus • nursing Point. Mr. Olander is a distribu-| tor for Worthington Pumps in M r

Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Olander | ^ a v e __, will make their home in Bemus Atlanta, Ga., after spending the Point following a motor trip to the Pa

rst w'ef« w ' t h ^ s brother and

Thousand Islands and Canada. iwife- M l a n d Mrs. Floyd Hart-Out of town guests included Mr. w e i 1 ' 4 9 &** A v c n u e * Lak*wood.

and Mrs. Warren Miller. Warren,; Miss » s s i e G. Smith. 5 Clvde " Mrs. Elliot H. Kidder,

Sewing Circle The Sewing Circle of the First

Mission Covenant Church held a j tureen luncheon meeting Tuesday j at the home of Mrs. Charles Lund-


lege. The couple spent their honey­

moon iijphe Thousand Islands, and are at Mime at 7 Westlake Avenue, Auburnjf

Pre-nuptial affairs for the bride were gyen by Mrs. Charles H. Brown, jp^rs. Clifford R. Brown, Mrs. CBpton Osborne, Mrs. Elwin Mosher §nd the women of Fleming Methodiit Church.

Out oMtown guests included the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Biss, Cato; Mrs. Jessie Osborne! Auburn; Mr. and Mrs.

Osborne, Albany; Mr. Milton C. Brown and

nkirk; Mr. and Mrs. Al-rown and Cheryl, Tona-

JMiss Lawson J. H. Samuelson Are Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Law-son, Towerville Corners, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, H. Genoa Lawson, to Jack H. Samuelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samuelson, Belleview Road, Bemus Point.

Miss Lawson is a graduate of J.H.S. in 1953 and is employed at the Jamestown Mutual Insurance Company. Mr. Samuelson was graduated from Bemus Point Cen­tral in 1952 and served four years in the U. S. Air Force. He is em­ployed by H. C. Granger Asphalt Paving and will attend Alfred University this fall. The wedding is planned for Aug. 24.

There will be swimming in the afternoon. ^

Dessert will be served by the committee, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pitts, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Forest

* u n o nr* „ rM-,„K^u S t a r k a n d M r - a n d M r s - James sten, Ashville Bay. Miss Elizabeth _ _ . _ T , . , ^ ' . ,_ . , , / B . Casker. In case of Inclement Danielson of Chicago, formerly of w e a t h e r i the affair will be held in Jamestown, was speaker. | church.

Mrs. Ray Knudson led in devo-1 tions, and songs were given by Rev. Helmer Lundgren. Hostesses were Mrs. Lundsten, Mrs. Otto Hjalmarson and Mrs. Eric Daniel-son.

Picnic Supper The Fellowship Guild of Bethel

Lutheran Church will meet for a family picnic supper Saturday eve­ning at 6:30 at the lakeside home of John W. Pitts at Driftwood. lllllllllllllllillfllllilllllllllllllltllllllilllllllllllllllll>lll«i»tlllllllllllllllnili

FIT comes FIRST we feature

Little Yankee Children's Shoes p C-50 JM |

according to fix* E


Raymoi and M Scott, bert J wanda.

'ersonals lene Anderson, daughter d Mrs. Axel Anderson, eet Extension, has been the dean's list at Uni-Buffalo School of Nufs-

is enrolled as a senior jr year collegiate basic rogram.

Mrs. Ray V. Hartwell rned to their home in

SHOES 1 2nd


^TM f i * 11 k 111111111111 f i f i M t r i; 1111111111111111111 M 11111111 it 11111111 m 111 r i; 1111111111 fT

den, Mrs. Grace Dolan and Miss j Pa., Mrs. E. P. Denigan, Mr. and! A V P ^ P Mary Lou Lawson. Mrs. John Mad-I Mrs. Carter MacMillan, and Mrs.* South,J den was the commentator and Miss Maie Collins furnished music.

Prizes in contests were won by

Inez Patterson, Pittsburgh, Pa.; turned Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bemus visit in Jr., and sons, J o h n and Tommy, wire th«

Mrs. Reynold Erickson, Miss Mary I Shippensburg, Pa., and Mr. 01an-JLvr,ri H# Brennan, Mrs. Peter Buckley and Miss Reba Stauffer. The past noble grands participated in a water­melon eating contest which was won by Miss Marie Briggs and Mrs. Anthony Glace.

der's four daughters, Mrs. William j der. Price and Mr. Price, Eau Gallic j Fla., Mrs. James Brophy and Mr. Miss Brophy, Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Gor-! daughtei don Fee, Oak Ridge, Tentfe, andjDe Joe, Mrs. DeArmand Moore. Norfolk,! plane S

Mrs. Margaret Madden and Mrs. |Va. Also Mrs. Olander's sister, i month's Grace Dolan dressed in appropri-: Mrs. H. R. Mustard, Mr. Mustard Calif, ate costume presented an amusing j and daughter Barbara of Pitts-skit of school days. Rev. Kenneth burgh, Pa. . v> Mullen and Mrs. Edwin Nelson spoke briefly. Cards followed the program.

in Street Extension, re-»sday after several days'

Idlarid, Mich., where they [guests of Mr. and Mrs. tley and Miss June Kid-


itricia LuAnn De Joe. )f Mr. and Mrs. RusseU Stewart Avenue, left by

turday morning for a (vacation at Saratoga,

S. G. Club Miss Sally Nupp was welcomed

into membership of the S. G. Club at a recent meeting at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Tramondo in Fal­coner. The annual family picnic is planned for Sunday at Allegany State Park.

KEEP COOL . . . and SA VE!

TO WED — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tollivoro, 76 Shady Lane, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Evange­line Jean, to Thomas W. Well-er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weller, Dallas, Tex., formerly of Jamestown. Miss Tollivoro was graduated from J.H.S. and attended Eastern Nazarene College, Boston, Mass. Mr. Weller was " graduated from South Oak Cliff High School, Dallas. A winter wedding is planned.




Nylon Tricot Lingerie 5 0 % Reduced up to +**^J "

Nylon & Cotton Robes Reduced for Clearance

Bedroom & Beach

SLIPPERS Reg. $3.98

NOW mm Choice of Colon

Evening Meeting l c . .. . The Wfllard Chapel Ladies Aid r l l l d l e y L a k e

Society ipll meet Thursday at 8




P.M. Hostess

Carlson, Harry Johnson,*] Jack Clil bertson, Mildred sort, Mi Carl Si Bland, Oscar \̂ | Olson, Jack Ka< Larson, Miss Joa Johnson.

The rummage and food sale (held at the Fire Hall on Saturday

will be: Mrs. Gust j by the Legion Auxiliary was re-Axel Rosell, Mrs. [ported successful. The proceeds

from this sale will be applied to the Legion building fund.

AH Soles Find

irs rglund, Mrs. Edwin E.

!. John C. Kling, Mrs. >rd, Mrs. James Cuth-trs. Charles Ellis, Mrs. ;lson, Mrs. Enoch Carl-

Eric Lindgren, Mrs. iwall, Mrs. Richard

is, Ben Allenson, Mrs. Lundell, Mrs. Emil

Luther Olson, Mrs. lelein, Mrs. C. Sigfried [rs. William Carlson,

ine Rosell, Miss Edith

TOWN & COUNTRY Main & 4th


Wednesday Closed at 1:00 Friday Open 12 Neon ' t i l 9.00

Values to $25

*5 95 to $1495 Many styles, colors, fabrics to choose from.

Sizes 10 to 20

All first quality

Phone 61-737


ENGAGED-Mrs. Marian L. Swanson, 418 East Fifth Street, and A. Milton Swanson, 464 Oak ^Street, Passaic, N.J. annoynce the engagement of their young­est daughter, Sandra Heath, to Jerold Frederick Lindholm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Worthy F. Lindholm, 127 Lakeview Avenue. Miss Swanson was graduated from J.H.S. in 1956 and is em­ployed by the Jamestown Tele­phone Corporation. Mr. Lind­holm a t t e n d e d Jamestown schools and was graduated, from Deveaux School, Niagara Falls. He is employed by the James­town Telephone Corporation and will resume studies at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa., in September.

Open Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Chester Phillips of

Detroit spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. John Gleason.

Mrs. William Lovell of Tonawan-da spent several days with rela­tives here.

Recent guests of Mrs. Johanna Gleason were Mr. and Mrs. Nor­man Gleason and family of Bing-hamton and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown and children of Rochester.

Balcoms Corners Mr. and Mrs. Alton Larson,

who spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Randall, left Tuesday p>r their home at Attle-boro, M

Mrs. Fred G Mrs. CI Friday.

Recent Millard Mrs. F

•ed Stolts and Mrs. ;e called on Mr. and Te Lewis in Dunkirk

XORD'S this week


uests of Mr. and Mrs. bbard were Mr. and

Wern, Jaclyn and Billy Tuj§le of Gowanda, Mrs. Gordon lltearns of Gerry and Mrs. Norjpan White and daugh­ter. Sandira, of South Dayton.

Recent jpuests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Safcuelson were Mr. and Mrs. M. M Penner of Lakewood, Mr. and Si rs . Oscar Samuelson of Jamesflw'n, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam S h e « a n and family of Go­wanda, Miss Susan Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sheehan of Prrrysburg.

Miss Dilina Gier is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Rau in Buffalo.

Henry lientley and daughter, Mrs. Artnbr Dole of Markhams and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graves of Perrysburg, visited Mrs. Paul Phillips la | t weekend. Mrs. Phil­lips called on friends in Fredonia Saturday.

Miss Kllren Warner with her weekend Ifuests, M i s s Janice Meadows of Fredonia, attended a wiener roast at the home of Miss Patflcia Mierzwa Satur­day evenhjp.

v e in our


SAVEi Buy a regular $69.50 Golden Dawn


Absolutely Free . . . A BO* SPRING TO MATCH SSb M O O

Why? Because you buy wham they arc made.

JAMESTOWN MATTRESS Co. 47 YMtt luildii* Bettor Nddtof

116 E. First S t . , Phone 42-135 C. A. "Doc" tjork, Prop.






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