323 Learning Guide 2011 Final


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  • 8/6/2019 323 Learning Guide 2011 Final


    UFH Learning Guide




    YEAR: 2011

    2011 - Department of Information Systems, University of Fort Hare 1

  • 8/6/2019 323 Learning Guide 2011 Final


    UFH Learning Guide

    Course Title: Enterprise Information Systems

    Course Code: IFS323E

    Course Credit Value: 16

    Qualification Reference: Bachelor of Commerce

    National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level: 7

    Name of Lecturer(s) Delivering Course: Ms. N Wayi

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    UFH Learning Guide


    Part 1: Organisational Component ................................................................................. 4

    1.1. Welcome Statement ............................................................................................4

    1.2. Contact Details .................................................................................................... 4

    1.3. Consultation Times

    The consultation times for the lecturer are as follows: .............................................. 4

    Part 2: Learning Component .......................................................................................... 5

    2.1. Structure of the course .........................................................................................5

    2.2. Level descriptors of the course ............................................................................5

    2.3. Purpose of the course .......................................................................................... 5

    2.4. Learning Outcomes and Associated Assessment criteria ....................................5

    2.5. Employment Prospects ........................................................................................ 5

    2.6. Teaching-Learning Methods ............................................................................... 6

    2.7. Learning Activities ..............................................................................................6

    2.8. Resources .............................................................................................................6

    2.9. Roles and responsibilities of the Learner ............................................................ 62.10. Roles and responsibilities of the Lecturer ......................................................... 7

    2.11. Plagiarism and Copying .................................................................................... 7

    2.12. Right of Admission to Computer Laboratories .................................................7

    Part 3: Assessment Component ..................................................................................... 8

    3.1. Assessment Methods ...........................................................................................8

    3.2. Calculating marks ................................................................................................8

    3.3. Assessment Regulations during Examinations/Tests ..........................................9

    Part 4: Learner Support Component ...............................................................................9

    4.1. Printed and Digital Matter ................................................................................... 9

    4.2. Reading Material .................................................................................................9

    4.2.1 Prescribed text ...............................................................................................94.2.2 Recommended Readings ............................................................................... 9

    4.2.3 Online Content ............................................................................................ 10

    4.2 Module Content** ..............................................................................................10

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    UFH Learning Guide

    Part 1: Organisational Component

    1.1. Welcome Statement

    This module is aimed at providing the students with the role played by Information

    technology applications in facilitating organisational functional areas; by supporting

    problem solving, increasing productivity, managing people, improving customer

    service and also fast-tracking business processes.

    The students will understand how enterprise systems foster stronger relationships with

    customers and suppliers and how these systems are widely used to enforce

    organizational structures and processes.

    The module will be based mainly on Business processes and functions, Enterprise

    Resource planning (ERP) systems (with emphasis on SAP R/3).

    1.2. Contact Details

    Please use the UFH website on http://www.ufh.ac.za to find details that are possibly not

    included below.

    Designation Person/Entity Location Tel. Ext. Email address

    Lecturer Ms. N.Wayi EL (Dept. of IS) 7072 nwayi@ufh.ac.za

    Head ofDepartment Prof. S. Flowerday EL (Dept. of IS) 7071 sflowerday@ufh.ac.za



    Ms. R. Pederit EL (Dept. of IS) 7094 rpiderit@ufh.ac.za

    Faculty Manager Mr M. Ndlovu Alice/Bhisho/


    040-602-2020 mndlovu@ufh.ac.za

    Faculty Library Ms. J. Richter Library 043-704-7018 mlotter@ufh.ac.za



    Learning Unit


    Dr. M. Skead Office B12 (EL) 043-704-7207 mskead@ufh.ac.za

    Dean: Learner


    Alice 040-602-2430

    Secretary Ms. L. Nkwinti EL (Dept. of IS) 7073 lbeja@ufh.ac.za

    1.3. Consultation Times

    The consultation times for the lecturer are as follows:

    *****Please check the Departmental notice board about the consultation hours.****

    The email (nwayi@ufh.ac.za ) can be used outside consulting hours or to set-up an

    appointment with the lecturer.

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    UFH Learning Guide

    Part 2: Learning Component

    2.1. Structure of the course

    This course (IFS323E) is a 16-credit compulsory module for the Bachelor of Commerce

    Honours in Information Systems.

    2.2. Level descriptors of the course

    This course is offered at NQF level 7.

    2.3. Purpose of the course

    The purpose of the IFS323E course is to groom learners for the information systems

    profession, and to prepare learners for postgraduate studies in the discipline. The main themeof the course is geared toward producing graduates that are highly competent in the field of

    Enterprise Information Systems and Business Process Management.

    2.4. Learning Outcomes and Associated Assessment criteria

    As exit level outcomes, learners should be able to:

    Learn the fundamentals of enterprise information systems and get a holistic

    view on this topic.

    Understand the role of enterprise systems for increasing enterprise

    productivity and transparency.

    Understand major Enterprise Architecture models used in the industry

    Identify, describe, and evaluate the major enterprise system software providers

    and their packaged systems.

    Acquire the skills they need in order to ensure successful implementation and

    usage of enterprise systems in business.

    Analyze real-world scenarios and case studies of enterprise system

    implementation and usage.

    2.5. Employment Prospects

    This course is the beginning of a very rewarding journey for those Learners who have an

    interest in the Information & Communication Technology (ICT) environment. Learners can

    use the skills gained in this and subsequent Information Systems courses to enter a range of

    career opportunities, such as a (but not limited to):

    Business Analyst

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    UFH Learning Guide

    Business Process Analyst

    ERP Specialist

    Information Auditing and Compliance Specialist

    IT Operations Manager

    2.6. Teaching-Learning Methods

    Formal lectures are conducted as per term time-table by utilising electronic and other media.

    In addition, students undertake assignments during the module, and presentations based on

    these assignments.

    Theory Class Times / Venue Details

    Please consult the Lecture Time-table

    2.7. Learning Activities

    Advanced Information Technology Project Management will occupy approximately 16 hours

    per week. This time is made up as follows:

    Description Hours

    Preparing for lectures (self-study) 3

    group lectures (90 min/lecture) 3

    Lecture revision & reading (self-study) 3

    1 x Tutorial Class (45 min) 1

    Assignment/Presentation preparation 6Total 16

    2.8. Resources

    The following resources are available to learners:

    Suitably qualified and experienced lecturing staff;

    Current and relevant teaching and learning manuals;

    Well equipped lecturing theatres;

    Access to the intranet for purposes of communication and access to teaching


    Well resourced library; and,

    Computer laboratories with all the necessary software and Internet access.

    2.9. Roles and responsibilities of the Learner

    In order to achieve success in this module, Learners need to:

    Diligently attend classes;

    Complete all assignments;

    Participate adequately in group assignment activities;

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    UFH Learning Guide

    Do pre-lecture reading and revision; and

    Participate in class discussions & other activities.

    2.10. Roles and responsibilities of the Lecturer

    The lecturer will:

    Take up all scheduled lectures. Inform students timeously of any changes

    affecting the schedule;

    Give feedback on summative assessment tasks timeously;

    Provide the necessary guidance and support to help learners succeed; and

    Point you to the relevant support service structures within the University, if

    and when requested to do so.

    2.11. Plagiarism and Copying

    Learners who are found to have plagiarised written material, i.e. not acknowledged

    the source of the material using the Referencing Style required by the department

    will receive zero for the work.

    Learners who are found to have copied the work of a fellow learner will receive a

    zero. The learner who supplied the material to be copied will also receive a zero.

    The disciplinary rules of the University will apply in the case of an examination.

    2.12. Right of Admission to Computer Laboratories

    If a learner is found to be in contravention of the Acceptable Usage of ICT Resources and

    Services Policy of Fort Hare then he/she will have their access to the Fort Hare Computer

    Resources suspended until such time, that a Disciplinary Hearing convened by the

    Department of Information Systems is held to determine an equitable punishment.

    2011 - Department of Information Systems, University of Fort Hare 7

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    UFH Learning Guide

    Part 3: Assessment Component

    3.1. Assessment Methods

    Formative assessment

    Formative assessments are on-going assessments, reviews, and observations in the classroom,

    used to improve instructional methods and learner feedback during the teaching and learning

    process. Mini- Assignments and Presentations completed during this module provide

    summative assessment marks for this module.

    In this module, all deliverables are assessed by the Lecturer and formative feedback is

    provided to guide learners to the successful completion of future tasks, and to provide

    preparation for the final examination.

    Summative assessment

    Summative assessments are used to determine learner competency, afteran educational phase

    (lectures and formative assessment) is complete. Please not the following:

    Ad hoc quiz tests will be held after the end of a Unit. These are short question tests

    (Usually multiple-choice) that are aimed at testing the students understanding of

    concepts. The quiz mark will form part of class participation mark.

    Two formal tests will be written during the course of the semester. The average mark of

    the two tests will contribute towards the module mark.

    Students are expected to actively participate in class by asking questions and sharing

    personal experiences.

    Please use the Lecture and Assignment Schedule hand-out for details about


    Please note: Marks for all assignments include a mark for the presentation (10% of

    total mark).

    3.2. Calculating marks

    Final mark for semester will be calculated as follows:



    Final Mark (%) Paper Length



    Tutorials 20

    Research Essay 30

    Test (Average) 40

    Class Participation 10

    Semester mark 100

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    UFH Learning Guide

    Theory Exam Paper 100 180 100

    Final examination mark 100

    TOTAL Final Mark(FM) 100 (100+100)/2 = FM

    Final Mark

    Learners will pass IFS323E, if the TOTAL final mark received is greater than or equal to

    50%. A learner will obtain a distinction if the final mark is 75% or greater. However, a learner

    can still fail the semester even if he/she receives a TOTAL final mark (class mark +

    examination mark) greater than or equal to 50%, if the examination mark is less than 40%.

    3.3. Assessment Regulations during Examinations/Tests

    Normal Examination Rules apply, but the following need to be noted:

    Strictly, No use of Mobile phones. Please make sure that your phone is switched off.

    No borrowing of stationery (e.g. pens, pencils, rulers, and erasers) is allowed.

    Silent, non-programmable calculators are permitted.

    A learner may not have a cell phone on their person during an examination.

    Cheating and plagiarism is prohibited and will be dealt with harshly.

    Part 4: Learner Support Component

    4.1. Printed and Digital Matter

    Learners will receive the following printed and/or digital matter during this course:

    A Learning Guide

    Lecture Schedule and Assignment Topics

    Where necessary, readings, examples, or in some instances handed out during class,

    where necessary.

    Learners are expected to read and study relevant readings before the lectures to which they

    relate. Learners will then be in a much better position to understand the lectures, and to

    concentrate on problems and concepts that they have already encountered in their reading.

    4.2. Reading Material

    4.2.1 Prescribed text

    Monk, E. & Wagner, B. 2009.Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, 2nd edition.

    Thomson Course Technology

    4.2.2 Recommended Readings

    Olson, D.L & Kesharwani, S. 2009. Enterprise Information Systems: ContemporaryTrends and Issues. World Scientific Publishing Company

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    UFH Learning Guide

    4.2.3 Online Content

    Additional articles and material will be posted v drive, for your convenience.

    The Department of Information Systems and the lecturers in its employ will do everything

    possible to ensure that learners are provided with every possible opportunity to succeed. Only

    the learner can decide how much of the assistance they will need, and this will differ from

    individual to individual.

    4.2 Module Content**

    Please consult the Lecture and Assignment Schedule for the detailed content and

    deliverables.UNIT TOPICS Preparation



    1 - Information and Systems

    - EIS concepts


    - Strategic Alignment

    - Change Management

    - Chapter 1 (Olson and



    2 - Understanding Enterprise Architecture (EA)

    - Comparison of EA Models

    - Extra Notes


    3 - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

    - Cost and Benefits of implementing an ERP


    - Chapter 1

    - Chapter 2



    - SCM



    - Chapter 3- 6


    5 - ERP Workflow Tools

    - ERP Implementation

    - Chapter 7

    PROCUREMENT6 - Outsourcing - Notes

    ** Further information will be shared during classes.

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