3rd chronicles · 1 FROM YOUR PASTOR Summerville Presbyterian Church 407 S. Laurel Street,...


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Summerville Presbyterian Church 407 S. Laurel Street, Summerville, SC 29483 843-871-0280, www.summervillepres.org

3rd chronicles JULY2020


Congrega onal Care One of the most meaningful things we can do for one an-other is to provide care during a difficult me such as a be-reavement, illness, or surgery. Building a web of intercon-nected rela onships is what helps us to see our church as a family and to find our faith strengthened by the knowledge that someone is praying for us and checking on us. Current-ly, there are mul ple levels of care being supplied by Pasto-ral staff, the Congrega onal Care Commi ee, and individual church members.

Congrega onal care is both a privilege and a responsibility, and we are currently seek-ing ways to make adjustments to our congrega onal care system in light of Parish As-sociate Bo’s departure. One new support effort we will be implemen ng in July is to have an elder-in-charge (EIC), aided by our Congrega onal Care Commi ee, serve as someone “on call” on Saturdays when I am taking a day off. Their primary func on will be to respond to emergency calls for prayer or hospital visita on on that day, and to keep me informed of their ac on. We will no fy the congrega on via the Friday eblast and as a message le on the church voice mail the name and number of the assigned elder-in-charge for each Saturday.

Care by Listening Presbyterians have long believed in group processes for study, mission and govern-ment. In Sunday School classes and Bible studies, we listen to others’ teaching and interpreta ons of Scripture, which helps with our own understanding. In ministry teams, we listen to input from the team members, which helps to shape and refine ideas for a ministry ini a ve. In carrying out the leadership and governing responsibil-i es of Session, we pray, share ideas and listen to others’ insights. In all of these ac vi-

es of listening, praying and sharing, we believe the Holy Spirit speaks and works. Even in these coronavirus days, remember the words of the author of Hebrews: “And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglec ng to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Anita

Table Of Contents From Your Pastor…….......1 Worship……...…………..2-4 Children & Youth……….4-5 Grow……………....…...…...6 Give & Serve…..…..…..…..7 Share………………….…..8-9 Share…..…….…............9-10 Care…………....................11 Staff Listing....……….......12 Ministry Team Listing…..12


Calendar Highlights

July 3 Office Closed

(Observing holiday) July 4

Independence Day July 11-17

Montreat at Home July 12 & 26

Fun in the Son Kids Events July 19

Confirmation Sunday July 26 - 31

Youth Mission Week



Sermon Series For four weeks beginning July 5th, we will be looking at “Character Sketches of the Old Testament.” Join us as we learn these stories of well‐known and lesser known people of faith—Esther, Gideon, Malachi, Ne‐hemiah and Hosea—and consider how their stories can be applied to our lives. Ladies, see page 6 to join Pastor Anita and Heather Kemble for an accompanying Bible study during the week!




PRACTICE - Wed, 6pm


Wed, 7pm




Hello! My name is Julia Miller and I am the Contempo-rary Worship Director here at Summerville Presbyterian! I am currently a sophomore in college studying Choral Music Education. I have been in band/chorus every year since 3rd grade and I have been playing for praise band for 10 years! Music has always been a special part of my life and overall, what defines me! I have also been work-

ing as a waitress part-time for 2 years while I am in school. I’m so blessed to be able to work at SPC doing what I love! I can’t wait to further my ca-reer and to worship the Lord through beautiful music!

Date Title Scripture Theme Reflection Question

Jul 5 “For Such a Time as This”

Esther 4 Esther saves her people What are we being called to do in our time?

Jul 12 “Passing the Test” Judges 6:36‐40, 7:1‐8

Gideon tests God (fleece), God tests Gide‐on (reducing army)

Do we trust and depend on God to fight for us?

Jul 19 “Robbing God” Malachi 3:8‐18 Malachi is the final OT prophet before 400 years of silence

How do our actions hinder God’s ability to pour out his blessings on us?

Jul 26 “Rebuilding Hope”

Nehemiah 2:11‐20, 4:1‐9

Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem after the re‐turn from exile; the op‐position rises

Do we have the vision to see the future God wants to build?



To Sing or Not to Sing…Where are we now? I am asked on a regular basis about the safety of singing right now given what we know about the virus transmission. The simple answer is, we still don’t know how safe (or unsafe) it is at this time. There are currently tests being conducted at Colorado State University that are testing how much aerosol (or mi-croparticles) we move or create when speaking, singing, yelling, coughing, etc. We will not have con-clusive data from those tests until the end of August or September at the earliest. As noted in last month’s 3rd Chronicles, there is a lot of speculation as to the safety of singing at this time and those

ideas have led us to the conclusion that congregational singing is not a safe activity at this time. However, there is some encouraging news on the horizon. As of June 1, the CDC has removed the restriction on singing

in worship services. To be clear, they have not deemed it “safe”, but have removed the restrictions. A recent report on NPR gives a little more guidance and the link to the full report can be found at the bottom of this article.

There is also encouraging information from “The Guardian” out of London. In the article they say: “But not all scientists agree with the idea that our musical appetites pose a health risk. In particular, fluid mechanics expert Professor Christian Kähler of the Military University, Munich was highly doubtful about the dangers posed by concerts and decided to conduct experiments in the wake of the Amsterdam outbreak to find out how far singers and musicians expel air and droplets.”

“I have been studying how droplets and aerosols behave for decades and I was very doubtful that musicians and singers

were spreading the virus. So I decided to measure just how strong was the airflow from them,” Kahler told the Observer last week. “We studied singing in low and high frequencies and all sorts of things like that. We also studied different instruments. And based on the flow analysis we did of these performances we could clearly see what was going on.”

And yes, one or two instruments did pose threats in terms of their powerful air flow and might spread virus particles dan-

gerously if some form of protection was not added. In particular the flute is especially strong while the oboe and clarinet also posed problems. “The large wind instruments like the horn were not dangerous but the flute could be, it turned out. Its air flow is considera-ble. “However, we also found out that singing is quite safe. It was not the cause of the outbreaks of COVID-19 at these concerts,” he said. “Air was only propelled about half a meter in front of a singer, and that is not far enough to cause the infection levels of these outbreaks.”

Kähler said the virus was probably spread among chorus members because of their close proximity to each other before

and after rehearsals and performances. As he pointed out: “These outbreaks among choir members all occurred during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, before lockdowns were imposed and before our minds were concentrated on the importance of social distancing. Choir members probably greeted each other with hugs, and shared drinks during breaks and talked closely with each other. That social behavior was the real cause of these outbreaks, I believe.”

This point was also stressed by Professor Adam Finn of Bristol University. “The evidence for a link with singing and

spreading the virus may look compelling but is still anecdotal,” he said. “Without data from comparably large groups who interacted in the same way but didn’t sing, it’s hard to be certain that the singing was responsible. The point is that we now live in a world where the constant need for risk evaluation is suddenly noticeable. Before, we did it all the time without thinking about it.” It is also important to note that this research has not yet been peer reviewed, or duplicated. That is a major step with any new data.

So, where does that leave us? We have decided to err on the side of caution for now. We will not have any group or con-gregational singing at this time. However, we are watching for a time when we can begin to integrate that back into our services. We are starting to get groups of singers together during the week to record some of the hymns and an an-them for future services and you will begin to see those recordings beginning June 28th.

We will continue to present music in the worship service through soloists, recorded small ensem-

bles, handbells and instrumental music. We are getting closer, but aren’t quite there yet.

In Christ’s love!



CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Children's Ministry is working to come up with new ways to serve our amazing kids and their families during these trying mes. Pinwheels for Pentecost was a success! On May 29th, Ansley and myself rode around to the homes of the children that have been in-volved with Sunday School and Joy Kids in the past. We delivered pinwheels to them as a reminder to the breath and fire of the Holy Spirit that we remember on Pentecost Sun-day! It was so good to see some of their smiling faces and we were sure sad to miss those we weren’t able to see.

We have a few summer events planned for our kids as well. We are making adjustments to the events to make them as safe as possible. All events will be held outside in the open air. Restrooms will be available on an as needed basis for individual trips and will be sani zed a er each use. The event will only last about 45 minutes in an effort to limit exposure me and also to end in enough me for families to be able to view the contemporary service at 6pm either in person or virtually if they so choose. We encourage each child to bring their own water bo le. Water in recommended since we will be in the heat and the water fountains will not be available for use. Parents are also invited to and encouraged to stay for the event. Each event will include a Bible story and a fun recrea onal ac vity. I am open to comments or ques ons about safety procedures. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any ques ons you may have at summervillepreskids@gmail.com. Dates for our two remaining events are Sunday, July 12 and Sunday, July 26. All sessions will start at 5pm. We look forward to seeing some smiling faces! We are con nuing to provide the Growing in Grace and Gra tude curriculum to our children and their fami-lies through the summer. The lesson for the week is emailed out weekly along with a brief 5 minutes video reviewed the lesson and the Bible story. We plan to con nue this at this point and will reassess as needs change in the future. We miss seeing all our children every week but the children and their families remain in our thoughts and prayers. We ask for con nued prayers for our world and our community as we move in these uncertain

mes. God bless!

Ana Hill Interim Director of Children’s Ministries

I LOVE THY CHURCH, O GOD This is a familiar hymn in our church. The tune, entitled St. Thomas, is the same one for I LOVE THY CHURCH, O GOD, I LOVE THY KINDOM LORD and RISE UP, O MEN OF GOD. The author of our hymn, Timothy Dwight (1792-1817), is important in the history of Ameri-can hymns. He is also important in American literature and education. Dwight was a Congre-

gational pastor and a Revolutionary War chaplain. As an educator he was a tutor and professor at Yale College and be-came president from 1795 to 1817. As president he continued to teach and serve as chaplain. He was instrumental in improving both the academic and the spiritual life of the college. Aaron Williams (1731-1776) was the composer of the tune St. Thomas. He taught singing, was a music engraver and clerk at the Scottish Church, London Wall. He published various church music collections, some intended for rural church choirs.



Youth Events for Summer 2020 Our youth group is beginning to ease back into youth in-person events, starting with Youth Meet-ups!! Middle & High School youth are invited to join us on June 24th at 5 PM and July 8th at 11 AM at Doty Park in Summerville for social distancing fun!! We will have lunch or dinner provided in a grab & go style and we will spread out under the picnic shelter as we catch up & fellowship together! We’ll also have some social

distancing games & time to hang out together! If you are feeling healthy we hope you will join us for these fun, outdoor events! Our rain plan/heat plan is to meet in the SPC Gym! Allison will contact any schedule changes through the remind app!

Love, Allison Bond Director of Youth and College Ministries

Want to receive our SPC Youth announcements & infor-mation?? Join our remind group!!

Up & Coming for SPC YOUTH: HS Montreat at-home retreat at Linger

Longer Lodge July 11th-17th SPC Youth Mission week: July 27-31st

8:30-3:30 Monday- Friday Cost to participate: $100 – if you paid a deposit for a trip that did not take place this summer, your $100 deposit will cover the cost of this event! Breakfast, lunch & snack provided daily Tentative plan: We will be using the CROSS mission virtual experience & hope to have the youth serve at mission sites around Summerville Monday-Thursday! Friday will be a fun day! Event TBD based on group vote Keep an eye out for information on how to sign up your youth today!

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Women’s Five-Week Bible Study! Join Pastor Anita and Heather Kemble Thursday nights on Zoom be-ginning July 9th. They will be offering a study called “The Faithful,” which is a compilation of studies by several best-selling authors: Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Lisa Harper, Kelly Minter, and Jennifer Rothschild. This 5-session study explores crucial moments in the lives of five Old Testament figures—Esther, Gideon, Malachi, Nehe-miah, and Hosea. Through their stories, discover how God uses the lives of ordinary people for His glory and the good of His people. Strengthen your faith as you walk alongside these larger-than-life fig-ures who all chose to obey God no matter the circumstances.

Contact Julie at summervillepres.org to reserve your spot and your book. Bible study books are $14, and will be pre-ordered and availa-ble for pick-up prior to the study. The deadline for placing your order is July 2nd.

Summer Wednesday Night Bible Study Join Ralph on Facebook Live each Wednesday night at 6:30 pm, as we dive deep into the gospel of John!

New Bible Study for Saturday Morning Men's Group Join Ralph and the men's group as they begin a study of 1 Peter on Saturday, June 27th, at 8:30 am. At first Christianity enjoyed official toleration by the Roman empire, but gradually the gov-ernment turned against it. Rome resented the Christians' talk about another kingdom and their objection to idolatry and decadence. Although 1 Peter was originally written to people in severe danger, its lessons apply to all of us, for we all experience pain of some kind. Why don't things work out the way we want? Is God trying to tell us something? Peter gives authoritative an-swers. If you want to join in, please email PastorAnitaHerbert@gmail.com to be added to the Zoom invitation list.

Date Scripture July 1 John 6:41-7:53 July 8 John 8-9 July 15 John 10:1-11:46 July 22 John 11:47-12:50 July 29 BREAK August 5 John 13-14 August 12 John 15-17 August 19 John 18-19 August 26 John 20-21/Recap



As we look ahead, the Hands of Christ committee is dedicated to assisting our community with a school supply distribution. This will be SPC’s 10th HOC distri-bution, and we are so thankful to our congregation and staff for your unwaver-ing support. This year’s distribution will have to adjust to fit the current safety guidelines, but we know that we have a community in need and are committed to doing what

we can. Please read the weekly e-news, emails and Facebook posts for updates and ways you can be involved! We are working closely with Session and Staff to ensure a safe and effective distribution that will be different from previous years but allow us to serve our community.

Although we will gratefully accept any donation, the following are the items that are our critical needs at this point. Any donations may be dropped off at the church office. Again, thank you so much for allowing us to serve our local children through this ministry.

Home of Hope

Needs Hope’s House


PRAYER Toilet Paper Paper Towels Hand Sanitizer Spray Disinfectant Pant Sizes 30, 32, 34

Bottled Water Laundry Detergent Fabric Softner Pine Sol Disenfectant Cleaner

A Letter from Church World Service (CWS)

Dear Friends:

Thank you for your generous gift to the CWS Blankets Pro-gram. As families and communities around the world recover from emergencies and struggle in the face of challenges, you are standing with them. You are providing relief and hope.

Your contribution provides hope to neighbors near and far, from migrant families facing cold and wet conditions to refu-gees who have just arrived in the United States to build a new future to guests at homeless shelters. Around the world, your support of this program means vital supplies and support for those in need.

Because of you, CWS is able to respond when disasters occur and support is needed. We thank you! May God bless you for your support!

SPC donated $2,019.00!

Critical Needs: Boys’ underwear sizes X-small, large Girls’ Underwear size 6 New Clothing: Boys’ short sleeve shirts/t-shirts sizes 7, 12, 16 Girls’ short sleeve shirts sizes 16 and 18 Girls’ shorts or capris sizes 7 and 8

School Supplies: Two-binders Scissors—Blunt Point Crayons - 24 pkg Notecards - 3 x 5 Notebook dividers Blue or black ink pens Wide rule notebook paper Pencil pouches




By Ezekiel W. Mouse, Esq. Special to 3rd Chronicles

“Wasn’t it fun to see how happy people were to see each other when the services began again at church?”

“Yes, Mary. Even though they couldn’t hug or see the happy smiles, you knew they were under the masks. It is good that every-one wore the masks to keep their friends safe.” "Often just the ordinary ability to attend church is taken for granted until you no longer can, then you realize how much you miss it!” “I was thinking how, under normal conditions, people might be thinking of excuses for not going to church. Teenagers may want to sleep in, and others might wake up thinking it was won-derful weather for a round of golf.” “I bet there are two groups that really want to go, children and the older members of the congregation. The children look forward to seeing their friends and having fun at church, and the older members were raised to attend unless there is a really good reason to stay home.” “I bet our members now realize what a privilege it is to be able to attend church. Some people elsewhere can not do so.” “I hope the church can go back to being the way it was, but this pandemic may have changed it forever. Whatever happens we will still be able to worship as a family of faith!"

July: Thoughts To Ponder Never look down on someone unless you are helping him up.

- Jesse Jackson


1 Fraser Blunt

3 Ann Beltz, Bill Helwig, Debbie Lindsay

6 Drew Bishop, David Deaver, Jean Muller

8 Chivonne Blair, Douglas Hess, Vicky Methot, Kathryn Tupper, Shawn Woodside

9 Jo Cherie Overcash

10 John Franks, Frances McIntosh

11 Norman Brunswig

12 Lisa Blue, Jerry Davenport, Dekle Griffith Mary Deane Robbins

13 Melissa Spearman

14 Ellen Carney, Terry Simpson Mary Von Dohlen, Heather Kemble

15 Sara Griffith, Robin Legare, Carol Thompson

16 Barbara Lybrand

17 Gene Byers, Ramona Jasso Merrilyn Long, Marjorie Pritchard

18 Alice Johnson, Eric Stem

19 Ted Finucan

20 Tracey Kelly, Gary Moore, Sherry Roberts Marilynn Shaughnessy

21 Peggy Ferro, Arlette Moore, Aiden Selander, Kara Stem Brooks Summers, Scott Wilson

22 Carol Austin

23 Mark Edwards

24 Rebeccah Harley, Daniel McFann

25 Allison Bond, Dawn Hutnik Danny Page, Miriam Peacock

26 Kris Boland

27 Rebecca Bailey, Hunter Harris Tom Myers, Carol Ploth

28 Lisa Hamilton, Larry Wineland

29 Bradley Deaver, Kim Robbins Grace Simpson, Stewart Summers

30 Ashley Heslop

31 Jim Altman, Leslie Deaver, Debbie Friday



!IRAQ IN THE BIBLE Israel is the most mentioned nation in the Bible, and Iraq is the second! Iraq was then called

Babylon, Assyria and Mesopotamia. * The Garden of Eden was there, so was the Tower of Babel. * Mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization. * Noah built the ark in Iraq. * People from there are Abraham, Isaac’s wife Rebecca and the Wise men. * Assyria conquered the ten tribes of Israel. * Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and carried the Jews into captivity. * Daniel was in the lion’s den and the three Hebrew children were in the fire there. * Jonah preached there as did Amos, Ezekiel and Peter.

3rd Chronicles Staff: Carol Austin, Diane Burden, Merze French, Frieda Hughey, Merrilyn Long, Julie McCormick, Janice Sharp

3rd chronicles

Send questions, comments and news to: 3rd Chronicles Summerville Presbyterian Church 407 South Laurel St. Summerville, SC 29483 843-871-0280, fax 843-871-0300 thirdchronicles@hotmail.com The 3rd Chronicles deadline is normally the second Tuesday of each month.


Derek Bishop, Air Force Reserves—Charleston, SC

Derek Craver (son of Don and Patri-cia), Navy—Japan

Anne Anderson’s granddaughter Joshua Hites, Navy—St. Marys, GA Brian Hoybach (Maggie’s son) Matt Jenkins (Carolyn Eason’s cousin),

Navy Seal Michael Jones, NCIS—Iraq Trent Kern (Bill and Gail Hausler’s

grandson-in-law), Air Force—Vance AFB, Enid, OK

Matt Kitchen (Merrilyn Long’s nephew), Coast Guard—Williamsburg, VA

Seth Malcolm, Air Force—Charleston AFB, Charleston, SC

Lance McElhiney (brother-in-law of Peggy), Army—Iraq

Andre Maurice Moncrief (son of Sherry Roberts), Army Reserve—Modesto, CA

Joel C. Mortimer, Coast Guard—Yorktown, VA

Matthew L. Nemetz (Jack and Barbara Stewart’s grandson), Navy—Jacksonville, FL

Shaun Rooney (Susan Seay’s son-in-law), Air Force—Langley AFB, VA

Eric Stem, Air Force Reserves—Charleston, SC

Scott Tetrick, Navy—Charleston, SC Christopher Wheeler, Army—

Hinesville, GA Terry Wright, Jr. (Barbara Grube’s son-

in-law), Air Force, Mary Esther, FL Robert Gotheridge, Army, AL Chaplaincy School at Fort Jackson, SC Chaplains of the 4th Infantry Division

Please let the church office know when changes occur.

Friday, July 3rd the church office will be closed in observance of Independence Day.

Saturday, July 4th is Independence Day! We wish everyone a safe and good weekend!

From all the staff at SPC




We extend our sympathies and Prayers for the families of -

To the family of Billie Erwin, as they grieve their loss. To the family of David Simmons who was the son of Franklin and Joan Simmons, as they grieve their loss. To the family of Maxine Whitehurst as they grieve their loss.



Ministry Team Leaders, Staff Leaders and Ses-sion Members. If you would like to learn how to compile your groups and start communi-cating in Realm to your groups. Contact Julie McCormick at the church office.


Need help with Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube, the SPC website, or some other type of technology that SPC is using?

Your Admin Assistant Julie McCormick is ready to help! Feel free to give her a call, or bring in your device so she can help you stay connected to sermons and Sunday School classes, as well as participate in virtual events through Zoom!

The offerings along with monies received for the use of facili es and the total expenses for the month ending May 31, 2020, as well as year to date are as follows: Monthly Year to Date Receipts $ 51,510.00 $322,738.00 Expenses $ 46,578.00 $246,258.00 Excess/(deficit) $ 4,932.00 $ 76,480.00 May’s expenses are $11,203 under budget and May’s receipts are $6,271 under budget. The year to date overage is $76,480; this is due to several members who paid their en re annual pledge using their Required Minimum Distribu on from their re rement accounts in January and February. Thus, SPC had larger than usual receipts in January and February. As the year progresses, receipts will even out. During these unprecedented mes, the finance commi ee would like to thank everyone who has been able to keep up with their pledg-es and financially suppor ng our Church. Thank you The Finance Commi ee


Congratulations to Carol Ploth on the birth of a second great grandchild. Harper Grace Fiedler is the daughter of Carol’s granddaughter, Megan Ploth Fiedler.


Dear SPC Friends - I want to say a very special “Thank You” for all the kindness you have given to me over the last month or so. Thank you so much for your cards, calls, concern, visits, beautiful flowers and especially your prayers. All of this has meant so much to me in so many ways. I feel very blessed to be a member of SPC and I pray God will continue to bless all of us. Most Sincerely, Mary Evans Thank you for the lovely flowers and all the caring thoughts and cards. After a rather rough start I think I am on the mend and hope to be able to see you all soon. Thank you! Sue Harris Thank you so much for the cards your church sent us at Trident Hospital during this challenging time! They will never be forgotten. We will make it through with each other and especially with God on our side. Thank you again and God Bless you all! Sincerely, Donna Dixon - Nurse at Trident Hospital Dear Summerville Presbyterians, Thanks so much for the lovely Easter Lily. It has brought Joy to our hearts in these troubling times With love to you and especially Bo, Ann and Billy Crockett Dear Friends, Jan and John Franks, and Susan Seay especially, thank you for checking on me. I do appreciate it. I hope you can read this as I’m having brain surgery on Monday and it’s affecting my eyes and writing. Keep me in your prayers. Rosemary Bennett To the Congregational Care Committee, Rocky and I wish to thank those who sent the cards and the encouragement of the notes. Also, the many visits from you all, the visits from Bo and bringing the communion. Even though Rocky is still not getting out much, it’s encouragement to keep moving and he is enjoying the church family. Thank you, Jackie Brinson Dear Fellow Members, This is truly a trying time for us, our Church, our Country and the World! I know we all feel the loneliness and stress, but I want to tell you how grateful I am for you, Our Church. The cards are a real bright spot in my life and my regular calls from Diane are really a God-send. Thank you all, Kitty Somers Dear SPC Family, Thanks so much for the cards, phone calls and your notes. Also, the beautiful flowers from the Congregational Care Committee have been enjoyed and appreciated. We are enjoying the worship service on Sunday mornings and are hop-ing to be able to worship with you before long. Love, Hilda and Bob Forbes Thank you so much for thinking of me. I’m doing fine. My sister is not so well. I am with her at Murrels Inlet. God Bless you all for doing a great job for SPC. In Christ love, Jennie Bowman.


Congregational Care Communications


TheRev.Dr.AnitaHerbert—Senior Pastor BoHamilton—Parish Associate WilliamBennett—Director of Music JimMoore—Organist JuliaMiller—Director of Contemporary Worship AnaHill—Interim Director of Children’s Ministry

Connections:Hunter Harris (Chair) , Sandra Lindsay, Leo Lorenz, Samantha Smith Fellowship: Harl Porter (Chair), Claudia Terranova, Claudette Young Nurture:Diane Dunham (Chair), Sandra OteroService: John Franks (Chair), Joseph Friday, John Croft SpiritualGrowth:Sherry Roberts (Chair), Daniel Selander, Robin Legare Support: Scott Wilson (Chair), Terry Simpson Personnel/Finance: Jeff Bowers (Chair) Worship: Debbie Lindsay (Chair), Candace Pratt, Tim Owens ClerkofSession: Joseph Friday



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3rd chronicles Summerville Presbyterian Church 407 S. Laurel Street, Summerville, SC 29483


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AllisonBond—Director of Youth & College Ministries RalphHerbert—Interim Director of Discipleship CeceliaBond—Finance Manager JulieMcCormick—Administrative Assistant WalterSadlak—Sexton RoyGay—Assistant Sexton