4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


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  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    1 (a) Diagram 1 shows part of the Supermarket ABC. In the supermarket, similar foods aregrouped together to make it easier for us to shop. The produts sold on the supermarketare lassified into setions for anned food, drinks, fro!en food, "isuits, fruits, detergents,plasti produts and so on. If the food produts are mi#ed up it will take ages for us to findwhat we want. Similarl$, in the %eriodi Ta"le, elements with the same hemial propertiesare grouped together.Rajah 1 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada Pasar Raya ABC. Di pasar raya, makanan

    yang sama dikumpulkan bersama-sama untuk membuat ia lebih mudah bagi kita untuk

    membeli-belah. Produk yang dijual di pasar raya dikelaskan ke dalam bahagian untuk

    makanan dalam tin, minuman, makanan sejuk beku, biskut, buah-buahan, bahan pencuci,

    barangan plastik dan sebagainya. ika produk makanan yang bercampur ia akan

    mengambil masa yang lama bagi kita untuk mencari apa yang kita mahu. Begitu juga,

    dalam adual Berkala, unsur-unsur dengan si!at kimia yang sama dikumpulkan bersama.

    Diagram 1 & Rajah 1

    'ow to arrange the elements in the %eriodi Ta"leBagaimana untuk menyusun unsur-unsur dalam adual Berkala"

    *1 mark & markah+

    (") Diagram shows the s$m"ols for two elements, T and -. The letters that are used are notthe atual s$m"ols for the elements.Rajah # menunjukkan simbol bagi dua unsur, $ dan %. &uru! yang digunakan bukanlahsimbol sebenar unsur-unsur itu.

    Diagram & Rajah #

    T2311 U3919

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    Diagram shows two e#periments onduted "$ student A to stud$ reation of elements Tand - in water. /ah of a small piee of element T and element - are put into two differentontainers ontaining distilled water.Rajah ' menunjukkan dua eksperimen yang dijalankan oleh pelajar A untuk mengkajitindak balas unsur-unsur $ dan % dalam air. (etiap satu daripada sebahagian kecildaripada unsur $ dan unsur % dimasukkan ke dalam dua bekas yang berbe)a yangmengandungi air suling.

    /lement T /lement - %nsur $ %nsur %

    Diagram & Rajah '

    (i) 0hat is the method that is used to determine the position of the elements in the


    Apakah cara yang digunakan dalam menentukan kedudukan unsur dalam




    .......................................................................................................................................* marks & ' markah+

    (ii) 0h$ is there a differene in the o"serations of the reations with water for the two


    *engapakan terdapat perbe)aan pemerhatian bagi tindak balas dengan air untuk

    kedua-dua unsur tersebut"


    .......................................................................................................................................*1 mark & 1 markah+

    (iii) State the relationship "etween the reatiit$ and the position of the alene eletron.

    +yatakan hubungan antara kereakti!an dengan kedudukan elektron alens.


    .......................................................................................................................................*1 mark & 1 markah+

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia



    'elio# is a mi#ture of gas 2 and gas 3 used "$ tehnial diers on er$ deep & longdeompression dies.It is not used "$ rereational diers. The harateristi of gas 2 andgas 3 are shown in Ta"le 1.&elio adalah campuran gas dan gas / yang digunakan oleh penyelam teknikal yangsangat dalam 0 selaman penyahmampatan panjang. a tidak digunakan oleh penyelamrekreasi. Ciri-ciri gas dan gas / adalah seperti dalam adual 1.

    Gas X Gas Y4 Inert gas

    2as lengai

    4 5ess solu"le in water3urang larut dalam air

    4 /ssential for "reathingPenting untuk perna!asan

    4 Dissole in water4arut dalam air

    Ta"le 1 & adual 1

    (i) 0hat is gas 3Apakah gas /"

    .......................................................................................................................................*1 mark & 1 markah+

    (ii) Can $ou fill $our tank with pure gas 3 /#plain $our answer.

    Bolehkah anda mengisi tangki anda dengan gas / tulen" elaskan ja5apan anda.



    .......................................................................................................................................* marks & # markah+

    (iii) -nder pressure in deep water, gas 2 is uses to dilute gas 3. 6ame the gas 2.

    Di ba5ah tekanan dalam air yang dalam, gas digunakan untuk mencairkan gas /.+amakan gas .

    .......................................................................................................................................*1 mark & 1 markah+

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    Diagram 7 shows two hemial ompounds that are used dail$, ta"le salt and ooking oil.

    Rajah 6 menunjukkan dua sebatian kimia yang digunakan dalam kehidupan seharian, iaitu

    garam biasa dan minyak memasak.

    Diagram 7 & Rajah 6

    (a) State the t$pes of hemial "onds that are formed in the two su"stanes.

    +yatakan jenis ikatan kimia yang membentuk kedua-dua bahan tersebut.


    ................................................................................................................................................* marks & # markah+

    (") State two ph$sial properties that an differentiate "etween the two ompounds.

    +yatakan dua si!at !i)ik yang membe)akan kedua-dua sebatian tersebut..




    ................................................................................................................................................* marks & # markah+

    () Compare the fores of attration that e#ist in the two ompounds.

    Bandingkan daya tarikan yang 5ujud dalam kedua-dua sebatian tersebut.


    ................................................................................................................................................* marks & # markah+

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    (d) /#plains how the hemial "ond of ta"le salt is formed.

    $erangkan bagaimana ikatan kimia garam biasa terbentuk.









    ................................................................................................................................................*7 marks & 6 markah+

    8ormat "orang pem"inaan item 9BAT

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    1 KONTEKS Ikatan kimia

    2 KONSTRUK Menganalisis, Menilai Jenis soalan: Esei

    3 ARAS KESUKARAN Sede!ana




    (angka! )



    kogniti* Konse+

    e-idens. 1 %engeta!/an

    2 Ke*a!aman

    3 A+likasi

    4 Analisis

    5 Sintesis









    (a) Car"on dio#ide is one of two o#ides of ar"on. Car"on dio#ide is a linear oalentompound.

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    3arbon dioksida adalah salah satu daripada dua oksida karbon. 3arbon dioksida adalahsebatian koalen linear.

    Diagram & Rajah '

    (i) State the t$pe of oalent "ond in ar"on dio#ide+yatakan jenis ikatan koalen dalam karbon dioksida"

    .*1 mark & 1 markah+

    (ii) 0rite the hemial formula for ar"on dio#ide.$ulis !ormula kimia bagi karbon dioksida.

    ..*1 mark & 1 markah+

    (iii) /#plain how the ompound is formed and draw the eletron arrangement of theompound formed.elaskan bagaimana sebatian ini boleh terbentuk dan lukiskan susunan elektronbagi sebatian yang terbentuk.





    *: marks & 7 markah+

    (i) 6ame the other o#ide of ar"on.

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    +amakan oksida karbon yang lain.

    .*1 mark & 1 markah+

    (") ;#$gen an also reat with sodium to form another ompound with the formula 6a;.8ksigen juga boleh bertindak balas dengan natrium untuk membentuk sebatian laindengan !ormula +a#8 itu.

    (i)Compare the melting point of ompound 6a; with the melting point of ar"on


    Bandingkan takat lebur sebatian +a#8 dengan takat lebur karbon dioksida


    *1 mark & 1 markah+

    (ii)Suggest an answer in

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia



    #4 i5e ) ais keing

    Car"on dio#ide an e#ists as solid ar"on dio#ide and is known as dr$ ie. Dr$ ie hassuper old surfae temperature of 4

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    .......................................................................................................................................* marks & # markah+


    T!is is a ;e e8ting/is!e /sed to +/t o/t small ;e S/ggest 6!4 li

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia



    1 (a) Inreasing order of proton num"er

    (") (i) 1. B$ used of the proton num"er and onstrut eletron arrangement for "othelements

    . /lement T @ .:.1. /lement - @ .:.:.1

    (ii) This is "eause - element reats more reatie with water as ompared to Telement

    (iii) eatiit$ inreases if the position of alene eletron is further awa$ from nuleus

    () (i) ;#$gen

    (ii) 1. 6o. ;#$gen "eomes rapidl$ to#i at depth && ;#$gen is highl$ reatie and an make

    other su"stanes flamma"le

    (iii) 'elium

    (a) 1. Ta"le salt @ Ioni "ond

    . Cooking oil @ Coalent "ond

    (") 1. Ta"le salt has high melting point & in solid state, ooking oil has low melting point & in

    li>uid state

    . Ta"le salt an dissole & solu"le in water, ooking oil annot dissole & solu"le in water

    () 1. The fores of attration in ta"le salt are stronger than those in ooking oil

    . "eause the melting point of ta"le salt is higher than that of ooking oil

    (d) 1. Ta"le salt (sodium hloride) is formed through the transfer of eletrons "etween sodium

    atom and hlorine atom

    . Sodium atom donates & releases one eletron to form sodium ion && 6a 6a e

    . Chlorine atom aepts & reeies one eletron to form hloride ion && Cl e Cl

    7. ;ne sodium ion and one hloride ion are attrated to one another "$ strong eletrostati

    fore to form ompound 6aCl a (i) Dou"le oalent "ond

    (ii) C;

    (iii) Car"on atom with eletron arrangement .7 needs four eletrons to ahiee a

    sta"le otet eletron arrangement.

    ;#$gen atom with eletron arrangement . needs two eletrons to ahiee a

    sta"le otet eletron arrangement.

    ;ne ar"on atom share pairs of eletrons with o#$gen atoms to form

    ar"on dio#ide moleule with the formula C;

    ;ne ar"on atom ontri"utes four eletrons and eah of the two o#$gen atom

    ontri"utes eletrons for sharing to form dou"le oalent "ond.

    ;ne ar"on atom forms dou"le oalent "onds with o#$gen atoms

    Car"on and o#$gen atoms ahiee otet eletron arrangement.

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    Corret no of shells

    Corret no of eletrons

    (i) Car"on mono#ide

    " (i) The melting point of ompound sodium o#ide is higher than ar"on dio#ide.

    (ii) The positie ion and negatie ion in 6a; are attrated "$ strong eletrostati fore

    so large amount of energ$ is needed to oerome it.

    The weak fores of an der 0aals "etween moleules needs a small amount of

    energ$ to oerome it.

    (i) su"limation

    (ii) Dr$ ie

    (iii) It has a high ooling apait$ d/e to t!e e-a+oation !eat 6!i5! is

    e8ta5ted *om t!e en-ionment

    0hen it su"limes it will not leae an$ residue

    8ood will remain fro!en when it reahes its destination.

    (i) it smothers the o#$gen

    "eause itEs so old, it also remoes heat.

  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    Soalan ;"Fektif (Gadual Berkala -nsur)

    1. Shool A will hold a siene fair on this Saturda$. 3ee Soon was ommissioned "$ his

    hemistr$ teaher to arr$ out a simple e#periment on the elements in the %eriodi Ta"le of

    /lements. After searhing for information on the Internet, 3ee Soon intends to ondut

    e#periment EGumping SodiumE as shown in Diagram 1.

    (ekolah A akan mengadakan pameran sains pada hari (abtu ini. /ee (oon telah

    ditugaskan oleh guru kimianya untuk menjalankan satu eksperimen ringkas tentang unsur-

    unsur dalam adual Berkala %nsur. (etelah mencari maklumat daripada nternet, /ee (oon

    bercadang hendak menjalankan eksperimen >umping (odium? seperti yang ditunjukkan

    dalam Rajah 1.

    0hih of the following is not the reason wh$ otane is used in the e#perimentAntara berikut, yang manakah bukan sebab mengapa oktana digunakan dalam eksperimen


    A ;tane is one of the few things that sodium doesnEt reat with

    8ktana adalah salah satu daripada beberapa bahan yang tidak bertindak balas dengannatrium

    B ;tane proides a little support for the lump of sodium

    8ktana menyediakan sedikit sokongan untuk mengapungkan natrium

    C ;tane keeps o#$gen from getting to the reation

    8ktana menghalang oksigen daripada sampai ke tindak balas

    D ;tane a"sor"s the h$drogen gas produed

    8ktana menyerap gas hidrogen yang terbentuk

    Answer? D

    0ater phenolphthalein indiator

    Air @ petunjuk !enol!talein




  • 7/25/2019 4 - 5 Jadual Berkala Dan Ikatan Kimia


    Soalan ;"Fektif (Ikatan kimia)


    This ompound is produed from the transfer of eletrons. It has high melting point and "oilingpoint. 0hih of the following statements "est desri"es wh$ the melting point and "oiling pointof this ompound is er$ high.3ompaun ini dihasilkan daripada pemindahan elektron. a mempunyai takat lebur dan takatdidih yang tinggi . Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah menerangkan mengapa takat leburdan takat didih sebatian ini adalah sangat tinggi.

    A. The partiles are "onded to eah other "$ an Der 0aals fores.arah terikat antara satu sama lain oleh daya tarikan an Der aals.

    B. The eletrostati fores "etween partiles are er$ strongDaya elektrostatik antara )arah adalah sangat kuat

    C. The ompound has low densit$.(ebatian ini mempunyai ketumpatan yang rendah.Hore heat is needed to oerome the fore of attration "eause the ompound has "igsi!e.5e"ih "an$ak ha"a diperlukan untuk mengatasi da$a tarikan kerana se"atian itumempun$ai sai! $ang "esar.

    Answer ? B
