4. Energy Centers | Mandala Chakra


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Mandala Chakra

Journey to your Soul – by Laural Virtues Wauters

Category Archives: 4. Energy Centers

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22. Root Chakra

Root Chakra – Base of Spine

Energy Center – Muscular Skeletal System

Meaning: The root chakra grounds the soul to the earth through the bones and muscles of thebody. This mandala contains a four-sided square representing the four directions of East, South,West and North. Within the square is a downward V holding an awakening spiral. The Vsymbolizes the archetypal feminine energy of the womb of Mother Earth. The awakening spiralrepresents the Serpent of Light or Kundalini energy that rests at the base of the root chakra.

Modern technology and information overload has caused many to become disconnected withEarth, causing vulnerability and spaciness. Spending time in nature, among trees, walking along abeach or sitting on a large stone helps to release the heavy burdens of everyday life.

Basic information for connecting with the Root Chakra

Color: Red.

Body System: Muscular-Skeletal System and Excretory System.

Goals: To feel grounded, safe, loved & nourished.

Practice: Non-judgment, non-attachment, beauty and grace.

Symptoms of imbalance: Obesity, hemorrhoids, sciatica, constipation and muscular – skeletaldisorders. Night terrors and panic attacks, inability to trust or feel grounded.

Plant Ally: Sage for cleansing and grounding.

Essential Oils: Ginger, Sandalwood, Juniper, Clove, Sage, Cinnamon.

Foods: Root vegetables, Ginger, Turmeric, Clove and Protein.

Stones and Crystals: Iron, Basalt, Granite, Petrified Wood, Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Red Jasper,Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Snowflake Obsidian.

Archetype: Serpent.

Sacred Geometry: Circle – Container of Life.

Platonic Solid: Hexahedron.

Element: Earth.

Sacred Belief: Indigenous.

Consciousness: Intention of Self.

Message: Spend more time outside in nature to feel grounded and connected with the rythymns ofthe earth. Create a ceremonnial fire pit or sacred garden where you can set intentions and meditate.Revel in the beauty of nature and trust the changing seasons in your life. Deepening your

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relationship with earth will strengthen your soul.

“I think we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.” - Henry David Thoreau

April 5, 2013 (http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/sacral-chakra/) / 2. Sacral(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/chakras/2-sacral/), 4. Energy Centers(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/perceptual-levels/4-energy-centers/)

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Laural Virtues Wauters (http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/author/mandalashaman/) / Sacral ChakraMandala (http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/tag/sacral-chakra-mandala/) / 1 Comment(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/sacral-chakra/#comments)


23. Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra – Lower Abdomen

Energy Center – Reproductive System

Meaning: The sacral chakra is located within the reproductive system of the physical body. This isthe place of creative play.

The process of creation is in itself considered sacred. We create love and life through the union oftwo souls. We create art, music, stories and homes. We, as a species, are infinitely creative ineverything we do. When we honor the act of creation as sacred to life it causes us to reflect and

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give thanks for this gift. When judgment is placed on creativity, we restrict the flow of creativeexpression. This creative flow is vital for a vibrant healthy life. Our ability to create is unlimited. Itis expressed through the choices, words and actions in everyday life. Each moment is a uniqueopportunity for creative expression.

Basic information for connecting with the Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange

Body System: Reproductive System.

Goals: Fluidity, pleasure, relaxation, fearlessness, peace

Practice: Fearlessness, certainty, non-engagement.

Malfunction: Fear and judgment create a sense of duality and isolation. Fear of change prohibitsthe creative process and shuts down the flow of life force energy.

Symptoms of imbalance: Stiffness, sexual problems, isolation, emotional instability or numbness.PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) flight, fight or freeze syndrome.

Plant Ally: Jasmine for sensuality.

Essential Oils: Jasmine, Neroli, Orange Blossom, Ylang Ylang, Cypress, Patchouli and Myrtle.

Foods: Liquids – fruit and vegetable juices, herbals teas to add fluids and replenish the body.

Stones and Crystals: Coral, Carnelian, Orange Amber, Orange/Dark Citrine, Peach Aventurine,Orange Calcite.

Archetype: Jaguar.

Sacred Geometry: Vesica Piscis – Portal of Life.

Platonic Solid: Icosahedron

Element: Water.

Sacred Belief: Taoism.

Consciousness: Awareness of Self.

Message: Be aware of the choices you are making and the life you are creating. Let go of all fears orjudgment that may be holding you from expressing your true self. Start a new routine that pleasesyour senses. Relax your body and allow yourself to flow with who you are becoming.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” - Lao Tzu

April 5, 2013 (http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/solar-plexus-chakra/) / 3. Solar Plexus(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/chakras/3-solar-plexus/), 4. Energy Centers(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/perceptual-levels/4-energy-centers/)

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24. Solar Plexus(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/solar-plexus-chakra/)

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24. Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra – Stomach Area

Energy Center – Digestive System

Meaning: The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach area of our physical body and isconnected to our digestive, lymphatic and immune system. It is symbolic of the fire that burnswithin us. It is named for the Roman god of the sun (or sol). Our body behaves like a finely tunedengine, or furnace, that maintains a body temperature of 98.6° Fahrenheit. It performs what isknown as homeostasis, the body’s natural ability to change and balance as needed to maintainequilibrium of temperature. The fire in our bellies reminds us to balance our tempers as wecontinue to grow and gain confidence in ourselves. This is necessary for us to feel both peacefuland powerful at the same time. We do this by feeding ourselves a balanced diet of healthy foodsand positive intention. With every action we create a reaction.

Basic information for the Solar Plexus Chakra

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Color: Yellow.

Body System: Upper Abdomen – Digestive System.

Goals: Vitality, confidence, will, joy and sweetness.

Practice: Integrity, becoming mindful of your actions and thoughts, transparency, stop hiding fromyourself. Transform your negative thoughts into positive journey statements.

Malfunction: Lack of confidence leads to a sense of timidity, allowing others to dominate you andfeeling unempowered.

Symptoms of imbalance: Ulcers, acid reflux, indigestion, fatigue, withdrawal, depression, apathy,liver dysfunction.

Plant Ally: Sunflower for nourishment.

Essential Oils: Lemon, Grapefruit, Juniper, Lavender, Fennel, Sandalwood, Cardamom, NagChampa Flower.

Foods: Complex carbohydrates, legumes, potatoes, whole grain breads, pastas and cereals forenergy and strength.

Stones & Crystals: Tiger Eye, Yellow Amber, Citrine, Gold, Gold Calcite, Topaz, Yellow Jade, GoldQuartz, Pyrite.

Archetype: Hummingbird.

Sacred Geometry: Seed of Life.

Platonic Solid: Tetrahedron.

Element: Fire.

Sacred Belief: Hinduism.

Consciousness: Personal Unconscious.

Message: Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water to fuel your energy source. It is alsoimportant to feed your soul with positive intentions. Feel the warmth growing within you as yourinternal sun is providing you with strength and courage.

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same” -Marianne Williamson

April 5, 2013 (http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/heart-chakra/) / 4. Energy Centers(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/perceptual-levels/4-energy-centers/), 4. Heart(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/chakras/4-heart/)

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25. Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra – Heart Area

Energy Center – Cardiovascular System

Meaning: Located in the area of the heart and lungs, the heart chakra represents the mid point forthe energy body. It is obviously named for the heart.

The lower three chakras and the upper three chakras are anchored in the heart, which is also theplace of the soul. The two triangles represent the upper and lower chakras. When they intersectthey form a Merkaba (spirit, light, body).

The heart chakra is the core of who we are and anchors us to the core of the earth and to the core ofour source. The heart releases 60% more electromagnetic energy than our brains.

It is our power center, and is fueled by love.

Basic information for the Heart Chakra

Color: Green for heart & Pink for soul.

Body System: Chest Area – Cardiovascular and Pulmonary System.

Goals: Balance, compassion, unconditional love.

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Practice: Stop hiding from yourself, love unconditionally.

Malfunction: A closed heart does not unconditionally love itself or others. The opposite of love isfear and when we feel fear our heart becomes hard, angry or shut down.

Symptoms of imbalance: Loneliness, codependence, resentment, jealousy.

Plant Ally: Rose for love.

Essential Oils: Rose, Carnation, and Lily of the Valley.

Foods: Vegetables greens, broccoli, cucumbers, asparagus.

Stones & Crystals: Rose Quartz, Peridot, Emerald, Green and Pink Tourmaline, Green Jade, GreenAventurine, Green Fluorite, Malachite, Kunzite, Copper, Serpentine, Pink Opal, Green Quartz, Pinkand Green sea glass.

Archetype: Eagle.

Sacred Geometry: Flower of Life

Platonic Solid: Star Tetrahedron.

Element: Love.

Sacred Belief: Buddhism.

Consciousness: Personal Conscious.

Message: Be aware of what helps your heart open and what causes it to close. Both are necessary,just like sleeping at night and being awake during the day. Think of your heart as a rose that isfilled with the power of unconditional love. The time has come for you to share in the miracle oflove.

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything isa miracle.” - Albert Einstein

April 5, 2013 (http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/throat-chakra/) / 4. Energy Centers(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/perceptual-levels/4-energy-centers/), 5. Throat(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/chakras/5-throat/)

26. Throat (http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/throat-chakra/)

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26. Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra – Throat Area

Energy Center – Vocal System

Meaning: The throat chakra serves as the gateway for truth. The interlocking triangles representthe union of above and below. This is symbolic of speaking from a place of both love and wisdom.Our words create the world we live in. For this reason it is important to be clear of fears anduntruths, so our truth is spoken with the intention of practicing peace.

Words are the fruits of wisdom. They are the gifts that are choosen to be shared with the world.That is why it is so important to use words wisely. Every word creates a vibration or frequency thatripples throughout the universe. Sound carries long distances and impacts places and people wedo not see. These vibrations are the essence of creation throughout the universe.

Basic information about the Throat Chakra

Color: Blue.

Body System: Throat – Vocal System & Lymphatic System.

Goals: Clear communication, creativity, resonance and truth.

Practice: Be true to your word, and see how your words or your silence affects you and the worldaround you.

Malfunction: Losing your voice due to untruths or fear of speaking the truth. Not knowing how tospeak with compassion.

Symptoms of Imbalance: Shyness, silence, lying, sore throats, stiff neck.

Plant Ally: Elderberry for soothing.

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Essential Oils: Blue Chamomile, Gardenia, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Spruce.

Foods: Fruits, especially juicy fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, apples, pears, cherries,mangos, kiwi, peaches, melons.

Stones & Crystals: Amazonite, Celestite, Sodalite, Angelite, Aquamarine, Blue Calcite, Turquoise,Azurite, Chrysocolla, Blue Fluorite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Kyanite, Lapis.

Archetype: Roots of Tree.

Sacred Geometry: Fruit of Life.

Platonic Solid: Octahedron.

Element: Air.

Sacred Belief: Judaism.

Consciousness: Collective Unconscious.

Message: Listen to your soul and sense if you are being asked to speak more or less. Are youspeaking truthfully? Are your words being used wisely? Whatever your answer is speak yourtruth from a place of love, compassion and peaceful power. From this place you will no longerdoubt your words as you share your wisdom with others wisely.

“Every spoken word arouses our self-will.” - Johanne Wolfgang von Goethe

April 5, 2013 (http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/third-eye-chakra/) / 4. Energy Centers(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/perceptual-levels/4-energy-centers/), 6. Third Eye(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/chakras/6-third-eye/)

27. Third Eye(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/third-eye-chakra/)

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27. Third Eye

Third Eye Chakra – Midde of Forehead

Energy Center – Sensory System

Meaning: The third eye connects the frontal lobe of our brain with the limbic system (amygdala,pineal gland, etc). This information is then anchored within our heart and soul where we can feel itand act upon it.

By opening our third eye, we reveal and receive information from our mind and our heart. Thisactivates both sides of our brain, which helps us see the whole picture. Basic Intelligence (IQ) isone aspect of being human, emotional intelligence (EQ) is another. We have placed far more energytowards improving our basic intelligence. The more we trust our inner knowing, we exercise ourthird eye. This will help the IQ and the EQ to become balanced. From this place of awareness, wecan reconnect with both aspects of ourself to feel whole.

Basic information about the Third Eye Chakra

Color: Violet.

Body System: Middle of Forehead – Sensory System.

Goals: Trust your intuition and inner knowing.

Practice: Dream your world into being. Trust in your knowing.

Malfunction: Not trusting your intuition and/or inner knowing. Closing your mind to new ideasor ways of thinking.

Symptoms of imbalance: Headaches, nightmares, feeling stuck in your head.

Plant Ally: Lavender for inspiration.

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Essential Oils: Peppermint, Rosemary, and Lavender.

Foods: Feasts for the Eyes! Colorful and Healthy.

Stones & Crystals: Iolite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Charoite, Purple Fluorite, Tanzanite.

Archetype: Trunk of Tree.

Sacred Geometry: Metatron’s Cube.

Platonic Solid: Dodecahedron.

Element: Ether.

Sacred Belief: Christianity.

Consciousness: Collective Conscious.

Message: By slowing down and taking a few deep breaths you will help to quiet your mind so youcan connect with your heart. From this place, you will begin to see what is truly within you. Bytrusting in your inner knowing you can practice seeing with your heart instead of your eyes. Thiswill help you to see what your soul truly wants you to know. The wisdom within you will becomeknown and the answer you seek will present itself.

“When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer likethe inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, sothat the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make an image in place of an

image, then you will enter.”

- Jesus Gospel of Thomas 22 -

April 5, 2013 (http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/crown-chakra/) / 4. Energy Centers(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/perceptual-levels/4-energy-centers/), 7. Crown(http://mandalachakra.wordpress.com/category/chakras/7-crown/)

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28. Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra – Top of Head

Energy Center – Belief System

Meaning: The crown chakra represents mankind’s connection to the universe and the concept ofsomething beyond them selves. Through the crown chakra we connect with the mystical aspects ofour human nature.

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung felt that the human psyche was “by nature religious,” and to heal thesoul would require a journey to meet the self and the divine within.

There are over a thousand names for God, yet it remains nameless and formless. Some see it asGreat Mystery, the Cosmic Void or the Cosmic Consciousness. Stars fill the night sky and haveprovided guidance for mankind since the dawn of time. Stars point in all directions to illuminateour path.

Basic information about the Crown Chakra

Color: White.

Body System: Top of Head – Belief System & Nervous System.

Goals: Experience a spiritual connection so you are not alone.

Practice: Allow your mind to step out of the way of your soul.

Malfunction: Feeling alone in the universe, disconnected from your source and your soul. Thinking there is no purpose.

Symptoms of imbalance: Confusion, apathy, loss of purpose, deep sense of isolation, sadness anddespair. Believing that this is all there is and feeling that death marks the end of everything.

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Plant Ally: Lotus Flower for enlightenment.

Essential Oils: Violet, Lavender, Neroli, and Frankincense.

Foods: Clear Water and Fasting.

Stones & Crystals: Clear Quartz Crystal, Herkimer Diamond, Selenite, Alexandrite, Diamonds,Apophyllite.

Archetype: Branches of the Tree.

Sacred Geometry: Merkaba/Star of Life.

Platonic Solid: Sphere.

Element: Light.

Belief System: Islam.

Consciousness: Awakened Self.

Message: Connecting with the stars is what your soul is yearning for. Always remember that youare not alone and only you can define the undefined. Imagine opening your crown chakra like alotus flower. Allow your connection to source to flow through you until you feel infinite peace.

“Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself.” -Pythagoras

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