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He was the Roman governor who

crucified Jesus Christ.

Who was Pontius Pilate?

This is another name for the Hebrew Bible.

What is the Old Testament?

This explains the basic beliefs of the Christian


What is the Nicene Creed?

This is the term used for the displacement of

Jewish people.

What is Diaspora?

This allowed Christianity in the Roman Empire.

What is the Edict of Milan?

Important Roman Wars

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Explain the details of each Punic War

1st Punic War - Sicily2nd PW -

Rome (Hannibal)3rd PW - Carthage

This group made up the minority of Rome and were

typically senators.

Who were Patricians?

This was the written law code that was posted

in the forum.

What were the 12 Tables?

This was the assembly of plebeians that spoke for

the common person.

What were tribunes?

.This man became dictator

for life after defeating Pompey.

Who was Julius Caesar?

This man became known as

Caesar Augustus.

Who was Octavian?

Gaius Cassius and other Roman Senators conspired

with this man and killed Caesar.

Who was Marcus Brutus?

This was the battle when Mark Antony left

his troops to chase ?

What is the Battle of Actium?

These were the brothers that were killed because they were opposed by

the Senate.

Who were the Brothers Gracchus (Tiberius & Gaius?

This was considered a time of peace and prosperity in Rome.

What was the Pax Romana?

This provided Roman cities with water.

What were the Aqueducts?

This is what connects Roman cities. Roads are

an example of this.

What is infrastructure?

He was the last great ruler of Rome.

Who was Marcus Aurelias?

He was the first of the Bad Rulers. He was also

mentally unstable.

Who was Caligula?

He led the Huns into the Roman Empire.

Who Attila?

This happened when Romans created more money.

What is inflation?

He moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium and

renamed it.

Who is Constantine?

This man split the Roman Empire into

East and West.

Who was Diocletian?

He was technically the last of the Roman Emperors.

Who was Romulus Augustulus?