40698294 Teaching Vocabulary by Using Games to Young Learners 2


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  • 7/29/2019 40698294 Teaching Vocabulary by Using Games to Young Learners 2


    Teaching Vocabulary by Using Games to Young Learners

    I. Introduction

    People all over the world use a language to communicate and interact

    with other people around them. Language can be used not only in spoken form

    but also in written form. A complex system of symbols or signs that are shared

    by the members of a community is called language. It will be useful to think

    about the other signs that people know and how they are reacting to the signs.

    People use language to interact and communicate with other people not only

    around them but also around the world. The most popular and important

    language for every people to interact and communicate with people around the

    world is English.

    English is a universal language. Nowadays, it is very important to

    mastering English in global era. In English, there are some skills that students

    have to master. Those skills are speaking, reading, listening, and writing. Due

    to the important role of English as a universal language, so English is not only

    taught and learnt in English speaking countries but also in non-English

    speaking countries, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, English is the first

    foreign language. It is not easy to teach English because every education level

    has different capability and characteristics especially in teaching young


    In teaching young learners, teacher must be patient. He or she have to

    find new and interesting method to make the students feel enjoy when they are

    learning. Teaching young learners are more difficult than teaching teenagers

    or adults because young learners are very easy to be bored. In mastering theEnglish skills the basic thing that students have to learn and understand is

    vocabulary because vocabulary is a key to learn any language. It is easier to

    use games in teaching young learners. It can make the students feel enjoy in

    learning vocabulary and it will be easy for them to acquire the lessons.

    Vocabulary is lists of words with their meaning. Teaching vocabulary to


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    young learners by using games will make them easier to remember,

    understand, and recognize the vocabularies that will be used.

    II. Discussion

    A. TEYL

    Young learners can be categorized as kindergarten or elementary

    students. According to Louanne Piccolo, teaching English to young learners is

    teaching children that the aged is about 3 until 11. In this paper the writer has

    specified young learners as children aged ten or at 4th grade of elementary

    school. The writer chooses children aged 10 or at 4 th grade of elementary

    school for they have enough ability in learning a language. On the other hand,

    the teacher may find a difficulty such as the students will less focus on

    teaching learning process; but also the teacher will find a fun experience.

    Teaching English to young learners is a challenging job for the teacher.

    According to Monique Barb,TEYL (teaching English to young learners) is

    difficult and enjoyable. It can be difficult for the teacher because he or she has

    to be creative in finding new and interesting way to get attention from the

    students and attract students interest; however, it can also be enjoyable for the

    teacher because he or she got a chance of becoming children again by working

    together with them and seeing the world through their eyes.

    Cameron suggested that there are 4 things that the teacher needs to teach

    English to young learners beside knowledge and skill:

    A conscious of how the children think and learn.

    Skills and knowledge in speaking English to deliver the whole lessons


    An ability to find and know what children interested in and uses that

    for language teaching.

    Being equipped to teach important literacy in English.

    As a teacher who teaches young learners he or she will find some

    problems or difficulty when he or she is teaching. Shelley Vernon's website,


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    Teaching English Games stated that there are some problems that the teacher

    have when he or she teaching English to young learners. Those problems are:

    Children have short time attention

    Children are easy to forget things quickly.

    Very small children can not speak their own language exactly


    Children usually can be shy and uncertain to join the


    The development of every child is different so in one class

    there will be mixed ability levels although the age of all children is


    Children that are learning through repetition can be boring.

    Therefore, the teacher who teaches English to young learners should find

    the best activities and method in order to solve the problem.

    B. Vocabulary

    In English, there are 4 skills. Those skills are speaking, reading, writing,

    and listening. In English, there are also some elements that the children should

    paid attention such as structure, pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary. The

    basic things that the students need to know to mastering Englishs skills are

    vocabulary. Vocabulary is very important to support the improving of their

    skills. Vocabulary is list of words with their meaning. In normal situations,

    children at least need 1 until 2000 words to speak and write English.

    According to Raja T. Nasr, vocabulary of a language includes many

    words that aim to part of experience. In English, all of those words include

    vowels and consonants that are arranged in special sequences. Vocabulary is

    the important element of language learning. It includes many words, not only

    as individual word but also as a group of word that have meaning.

    Vocabulary is very important for children. It is a key for children to

    understand what they read and hear, and to communicate with other people

    successfully. There are a lot of vocabularies that children have to learn.


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    Therefore, to make the children enjoyable and do not feel bored when they are

    learning vocabulary; the teacher can use game.

    C. Games

    As the writer has explained above that young learners are often being

    bored when they are learning language especially in learning vocabulary, it

    will be enjoyable learning if the teacher use varieties method or activities in

    teaching vocabulary such as games. According to Jones, 1986 (Jones in

    Teaching English to Children) game is played one or more players to compete

    something or collaborate for playoffs based on the rules that are set. Games

    are one of interesting method or activities that can be used to teach especially

    in teaching young learners. In this case, games help the students to learn

    vocabulary effectively. They will not be bored and will acquire the lessons


    According to Mark Koprowski, there are ten games that can be used to

    teach vocabulary, that are:

    1. Taboo (aka hot seat)

    In this game, the class is divided into team A and team B. team A

    sits on one side and team B in the other side of the classroom. Put two

    chairs in front of the room so the student who sits on the chairs will be

    faced with her or his respective team, and the back of the students is

    blackboard or white board. One member of each team sits in their teams

    chair. Then, the teacher writes a word on the board. The students who sit

    in the chair mustnt see the word that is written on the board. After that,

    the teacher shout go and teams have one minute. They only permitted touse verbal clues to make their seated teammate say or guess the word that

    is written on the board. The rule (taboo) is that they mustnt say the word

    that is written on the board.

    2. Memory Challenge


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    In this game, students are asked to make a small group or sit in

    pairs. Then, give them a time limit for example 3 minutes and ask them to

    write down as many words as they can from the last lesson (e.g. the topic

    of the last lesson is animals). The group or pairs that can remember many

    words from the last lessons will win the game.

    3. Last one standing.

    The game is called last one standing where the students are given a

    topic (e.g. food, clothes, animals, things in a kitchen) and ask them to

    stand up in a circle if it is possible. Then, the teacher says, one, two, three,

    and followed by a topic (e.g. animals). After that, the next students in the

    circle say the item that is related to the topic and so on. The student who

    can not think and say the word or repeat the word that already said he or

    she has to sit down. Then, its time for another student and so on. The last

    one standing is the winner.

    4. Pictionary

    The next game is pictionary. In this game the teacher divides the

    class into two teams (teams A and teams B). Teams A are asked to sit in

    group on one side of the classroom and teams B sits in the other sides. One

    member of each team is asked to go to the board. The teacher gives them a

    word, phrase, or expression that is written on a piece of paper. The

    students only have one minute to make their team say the item of the word

    only by drawing picture on the board as a clue. The first team who say the

    word will get a point.

    5. Bingo

    The teacher writes up 10 words on the board. Each student chooses

    5 words from 10 words on the board then writes down the words. After

    that, the teacher selects one of the words randomly and gives the students a

    definition or synonym of the word but does not say what the word is. If the


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    students think that the can guess the word that the teacher has described,

    they thick it. When a student has ticked all of the words, they should shout

    BINGO! Student who shouts BINGO wins the round.

    6. Outburst

    In this game, Mark Koprowski suggested to divide the class into

    two teams that are team A and team B. the teacher give a topic to each

    team, then ask them to keep it from another team. Each team is given 5

    minute to discuss the items related to the topic then write down the lists.

    After that, the games begin. The teacher tells to A the Bs topic. Then

    team A is given one minutes to try to guess team Bs lists. The member of

    team B has to listen carefully and thick the items that are guessed by team

    A. every item that is guessed by team A correctly means that team A will

    get a point and every item that they miss means that team B will get a

    point. After one minute, its time for B to guess team As list. The team

    who get a lot of point will win the game.

    7. Concentration

    In this game, the teacher is suggested to divide the class into small

    group. A set of card which consist of 2 types of card, words card and

    picture cards, is divided to the each group. They play in turn. Students in

    turn open one of their cards and match it with the corresponding card. If it

    is matching, they can play again and if its not, the turn is going to the next

    student. The winner is the group which can match most of the card than

    the others group.

    8. Scrambled Letters

    What should the teacher do in this game is writing eight words on

    the board with their letter shuffled (e.g. eicscen for science). After that, the

    teacher shout go and the students individually or in pairs try to

    disentangle the words as quickly as they can. The first student who is able

    to disentangle the word will win the game.


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    9. Q & A

    Divided a class in to two group, A group and B group. Each group

    get a list of a word write down on the board, A group with A list, B group

    with B list. Each student should make questions based on the word they

    has. Then the question will exchange with the other student of other group.

    Each student has to answer the question. Then the answer is exchanged

    again and the original student has to read the question and its answer.

    10. Categories (aka the alphabet game)

    Divide a class into 3 or 4 teams. Write 6 categories in common life

    like sport, jobs, countries, furniture, verb, etc. then, the teacher choose

    randomly a letter of alphabet and write quickly in board. Each team should

    work together and find the words of each category with the start of the

    letter. The team that have found all words of categories should say stop

    and one member of the team write the word they found in board. Teacher

    check the words found by other teams. The points will be given to a team

    which find quickly and correctly the words. The winner is the teams with

    most points.

    D. Teaching Vocabulary

    In teaching English there are four skills namely reading, speaking,

    writing, and listening. Those skills are supported by some language elementsthat are structure, pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary. The most important

    element that the children should learn more to mastering Englishs skills is

    vocabulary. As described above, vocabulary is lists of word with their

    meaning. It can also include collection of words.

    Teaching vocabulary to young learners is not easy. Teaching children or

    young learners are different from teaching adults. Children have special


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    characteristics than adults and they need special treatment. Teacher should be

    creative because children are often feeling bored. He or she have to find an

    interesting activities to make the children feel enjoy when they are learning.

    E. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Games to Young


    Teaching vocabulary to young learners as mentioned above is not easy.

    Young learners have special characteristics so they need more attention. It is

    different from teaching adults. Vocabulary is list of words with their meaning

    and it also consists of collection of words. There are many words that children

    have to understand and remember. To help the children easy to remind and

    understand the words, the teacher should be creative. He or she has to find a

    suitable method and interesting activities to make them enjoy when they are


    According to vale and Feunteun (1998:2) children have a lot of special

    characteristics in learning. Children as young learners have special needs.

    They will learn best if they are participated and their work are appreciated and

    they have an opportunity to experience and experiment by themselves.

    Children are like playing, so it is more useful if the teacher uses games as a

    method in teaching vocabulary to young learners. Games are interesting

    activities that will make the students enjoy and easy to acquire the lessons.

    The best interesting activities that the teacher can use to teach

    vocabulary to young learners is game. Aydan Ersoz stated that games are

    motivating the children in learning vocabulary because games are very

    interesting and amusing. Games are not only used in teaching vocabulary but

    also in all language skills and many types of communication. According toLee Su Kim, there are many advantages of using games in the classroom:

    Games can break the usual routine of the language class.

    Games can motivate and challenge the children in learning process.

    In learning a language needs an effort. Games help the students to make

    the effort of learning a language.


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    Games are providing the students to practice in the four skills of English

    that are speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

    Games help the students to interact and communicate.

    Games create a meaningful context in using language.

    In choosing a game, the teacher have to consider some things such as

    time, material, the topic of the lessons, and the students it self. In this case, the

    writer has specified what game that is suitable for 4th grade students to learn

    vocabulary easily. The game is last one standing game which is quoted from

    Mark Koprowski. The writer chooses this game because this game is easy to

    be applied for 4th grade students. In this game, according to Mark Koprowski,

    the students are asked to stand up in a circle if it is possible and they are given

    a topic (e.g. animals) Then, the teacher says, one, two, three, and followed by

    a topic (e.g. animals). After that, the next students in the circle say the item

    that is related to the topic and so on. The student who can not think and say

    the word or repeat the word that already said he or she has to sit down. Then,

    its time for another student and so on. The last one standing is the winner.

    Teaching vocabulary by using games to young learners is one of the

    effective ways. Teaching vocabulary by using games is helping the students to

    learn with fun and it also will decrease students bored so it will make them

    easy to understand and remember the vocabulary that is taught by the teacher.

    According to the explanation above that the writer has specified or

    decided young learners as children aged 10 or at 4 th grade elementary school,

    the writer would like to enclose a lesson plan in teaching vocabulary by using

    games to young learners. One of the games that the writer chooses by quoting

    Mark Koprowski opinion is last one standing game.


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    F. Closing

    In conclusion, when teaching young learners, teacher must be patient. He

    or she have to find new and interesting method to make the students feel enjoy

    when they are learning. Teaching young learners are more difficult than

    teaching teenagers or adults because young learners are very easy to be bored.

    In this case, the writer has specified young learners as aged 10 or at 4th grade.

    It will be easier to use games in teaching young learners. Games help the

    students to learn vocabulary effectively.

    As explained above there are 10 good games that can be used to teach

    vocabulary to young learner according to Mark Koprowski. Those games are

    Taboo (aka hot seat), memory challenge, last one standing, pictionary, bingo,

    outburst, concentration, scrambled letters, Q & A, and categories (aka the

    alphabet game).

    In choosing games the teacher should consider about the time. It is not

    only time that teacher must be considered but also the material if it is suitable

    with the game and the students it self.

    Teaching vocabulary by using games to young learners is one of the

    effective ways to make the students understand and remember all the

    vocabulary that is taught by the teacher easily. Teaching English to young

    learners is helping the students to acquire the lessons with fun. Teaching

    vocabulary by games is amusing the children so it will decrease their bored inlearning. Therefore, teaching vocabulary to young learners has many

    advantages. Those advantages are:

    helping the students to acquire the lessons

    decreasing the students bored

    the children will learn with fun


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    The children are able to remember and understand the vocabulary


    The writer concludes that teaching vocabulary by using games will make

    the children learn effectively and with fun, and help the children easy to

    remember and understand vocabulary.

    Lesson Plan

    Subject : English

    Class : 4th grade elementary school

    Theme/sub-theme : vocabulary/ transportation

    Meeting : twice a week

    Time : 1x 45 minutes

    Teaching aid : Board marker, Eraser, White board.

    Standard Competence

    To understand the meaning of vocabulary and kinds of vocabulary about

    transportations in the context of daily life and to access knowledge.

    Basic Competence

    To understand the meaning and type of vocabulary about transportations

    accurately, fluently, and acceptably to interact with closest environment.


    Students are able to know kinds of transportation.

    Students are able to remember kinds of transportation by playing the games.

    Teaching-learning Method

    Genre Approach, GTM (Grammar Translation Method)

    Teaching-learning Media

    Papan tulis, penghapus, board marker, buku yang relevan, kamus, gambar.



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    Buku Panduan (LKS)



    Tugas individu

    Tugas kelompok

    Tanya jawab singkat

    Teaching- learning process:


    1. greeting

    2. The teacher explains to the student about transportation.


    Teacher: ok, kemarin kalian telah mengetahui tentang jenis-jenis binatang,

    sekarang saya akan mengajarkan topic yang baru, tapi sebelumnya

    saya akan bertanya kalau pergi ke desa biasanya kalian naik apa?

    Students: bis, pesawat, kereta, kapal, dan lain-lain

    Teacher: ok, in English bus, train, ship, and plane. All of them are called

    transportation. Jadi topic kita hari ini adalah transportasi. Saya akan

    menjelaskan lebih banyak lagi macam-macam transportasi yang bisa

    digunakan. Please look at the black board.

    3. The teacher patches many kinds of transportation picture with

    their name. example:


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    Main activity:

    4. The teacher asks the students to read the transportations name

    after her or him. Example:

    Teacher: tirukan setelah saya. Bus= bis, train=kereta, plane= pesawat,

    car=mobil, motorcycle= sepeda motor, taxi= taksi, bicycle= sepeda,

    ship= kapal, boat= perahu motor,

    Students: Bus= bis, train=kereta, plane= pesawat, car=mobil, motorcycle=

    sepeda motor, taxi= taksi, bicycle= sepeda, ship= kapal, boat=

    perahu motor, buggy= andong

    Teacher: very good, once again, skali lagi, setelah itu kita akan memulai

    permainan. Ok, 1, 2, 3.

    Students: Bus= bis, train=kereta, plane= pesawat, car=mobil, motorcycle=

    sepeda motor, taxi= taksi, bicycle= sepeda, ship= kapal, boat=

    perahu motor, buggy= andong.

    5. The teacher asks the students to make a circle then start to play

    the game. Example:

    Teacher: baiklah, sekarang berdiri membentuk lingkaran. Tadi kan kalian

    sudah mengenal dan mengetahui berbagai jenis transportasi. Untuk

    membuat kalian lebih mudah dalam mempelajari dan mengingatnya.Sekarang kita buat sebuah permainan. Setuju?

    Students: ya, bu

    Teacher: nama permainannya adalah last one standing. Dimana kalian berdiri

    membentuk sebuah lingkaran yang sudah kalian lakukan seperti ini,

    kemudian setiap siswa akan mendapatkan sebuah topik yang telah

    kita pelajari hari ini dan sebelum-sebelumnya. Mengerti?


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    Students: ya

    Teacher: kemudian siswa yang saya beri sebuah topik harus bisa menjawab

    kata apa yang berhubungan dengan topik tersebut. Misalnya siswa A

    saya kasih topik animal jadi siswa pada hitungan ketiga harus

    menyebutkan nama atau kata yang berhubungan dengan animal,

    misalnya dog. Paham?

    Students: paham.

    Teacher: aturannya, jika siswa tidak bisa menyebutkan kata yang berhubungan

    dengan topik maka ia harus kembali ketempat duduknya, kata yang

    sudah disebutkan tidak boleh disebutkan kembali, dan yang sampai

    akhir tetap bertahan dan masih berdiri karena bisa menyebutkan kata

    yang diminta maka dia yang jadi pemenang dan mendapatkan


    6. The teacher starts the games. Example:

    Teacher : ok, first! Start to student A, animals?1,2,3

    Student A : cat

    Teacher : animal. 1,2,3

    Student B : lion

    Teacher : transportation. 1,2,3

    Student C : (cant answer)

    Teacher : student C please back to your seat, next animal

    Student D : butterfly.

    Teacher : transportation (back to student A)1,2,3

    Student A : car

    Teacher : transportation. 1,2,3Student B : ship

    Teacher : transportation

    Student D : (cant answer)

    Teacher : please back to your seat. Animal, 1, 2, 3

    Student A : giraffe

    Teacher : transportation. 1, 2, 3


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    Student B : (cant answer)

    (and so on until the teacher got the winner)

    Teacher : so, the winner is student A


    7. The teacher ends the class. Example:

    Teacher: ok, enough for today. Kita sudah banyak belajar mengenai

    transportasi dan sebelumya kalian juga sudah mempelajari tentang

    animal. kalian murid-murid yang pintar bisa mengingat apa yang

    sudah kalian pelajari. Ok, good afternoon, see you

    Students: good afternoon and see you

