4+1 Solutions Ad Campaigns Book


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Campaign: 2016 Honda HR-V new vehicle launch

An advertising campaign by 4+1 SolutionsRebecca Haber, Nikita Hegde, Astrid Martin, Kady Lay and Adam Rose-Levy

Chapman UniversityFall 2014

Rebecca Haber
Copyright © 2014 by Rebecca HaberAll rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.

nikita hegdeCreative Director

astrid martinCopy Writer &

Research Analyst

rebecca haberAccount Executive

kady layMedia Director

adam rose-levyArt Director

table of contents

Executive Summary

Situational Analysis

Target Market Breakdown

Marketing Objectives

Big Idea

Creative Strategy

Creative Executions

Online and Viral Marketing

Direct Marketing, Public Relations and Sales Promotion

Media Plan - Objectives and Strategies

Media Plan - Media Breakdown

Media Chart

Campaign Evaluation


Appendix - Creative Brief

Thank You





















executive summary

The American Honda Motor Company, Inc. (AHM) has constantly transformed WKH�DXWRPRWLYH�ZRUOG�VLQFH�LWV�IRXQGLQJ�LQ�������,W�FODLPV�VHYHUDO�ÀUVWV�IRU�D�-DSDQHVH�FDUPDNHU�LQ�WKH�8QLWHG�6WDWHV��,Q�DGGLWLRQ�WR�EHLQJ�WKH�ÀUVW�company to create a subsidiary to market and sell its vehicles in the country, LW�ZDV�DOVR�WKH�ÀUVW�WR�PDQXIDFWXUH�DXWRPRELOHV�LQ�1RUWK�$PHULFD�

Honda’s upcoming Fit-based subcompact crossover, the HR-V, goes on sale in the United States later this year. The HR-V is in a new class of rapidly growing compact B-SUV’s, yet another revolutionary opportunity for the company.

With a base price point of $19,200, the HR-V’s target audience is entry level car buyers ages 25 to 30-years old. These late millennials are technology-VDYY\��DPELWLRXV��\RXQJ�SURIHVVLRQDOV�DERXW�WR�PDNH�WKHLU�ÀUVW�FDU�SXUFKDVHV�on their own.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ~ John Quincy Adams

Through extensive primary and secondary research, we’ve learned the ins and outs of our target audience and what it takes to leave a lasting impression on them. Our six-month, comprehensive marketing campaign beginning January 1, 2015, contains traditional and non-traditional initiatives to successfully reach and retain our target audience. With our $52 million budget, we’ve also carefully selected prime media outlets to build brand awareness about the new vehicle launch and to help to increase sales.

Our ideas are your answers. We are leaders.


situational analysis - SWOT analysis



�� Urban SUV: Outright performance is being traded for better fuel economy and manoeuvrability

�� Entry-Level Car: It’s affordable at a starting price of $19,200

�� Smaller than the CR-V and Honda Pilot: The car can easily drive through cities and mountain roads

�� Honda Brand: Known for safety, UHOLDELOLW\�DQG�IXHO�HIÀFLHQF\��2IIHUV�ÀYH�\HDU��������PLOH�OLPLWHG�SRZHUWUDLQ�warranty for some of its vehicles

�� HR-V Highlighting Features: Bluetooth, a rear-view camera and LED brake lights are standard equipment


�� Recall Precautions: Honda has had over 1,000,000 product recalls since 2011

�� High Price: Honda prices are often high, when compared with competitors

�� Sales Record: The brand has just had one of its lowest selling years

�� Noise: Bad history of atmospheric noise in some vehicles

�� Engine Rumors: Customers are worried the HR-V will have a weak engine

�� Front-Wheel Drive: The HR-V can’t be driven in the snow, limiting its potential

Source: Secondary Research and Bacon List Answers from Honda


situational analysis - swot analysis (continued)


�� Alternative Energy Investment: Zero-emission vehicles powered on hydrogen, such as the FCX Clarity

�� Variety: Honda can invite variety by introducing products that encompass a larger target demographic

�� New Target Audience: Young audience will lengthen Honda’s longevity

�� U.S Tax Incentives: Established for automakers in manufacturing, R&D, distribution and warehouse

�� Social Awareness: Gain positive recognition through social change endorsements in advertising tactics

�� Honda Fit: The model is set to enter the new Subcompact crossover class


�� Nissan Juke: Navigation options are some of the best in the segment

�� Ford Escape: “Ready for whatever comes your way”; campaign has a VLPLODU�EUDQGLQJ�VWUDWHJ\�YRLFH

�� Cyber Threats: Computer systems inside the car are vulnerable to hacking

�� New Category: Customers aren’t well-informed, subcompact SUV segment

�� Pricing: Direct competition (E.g. Toyota RAV4) is priced around $20,000, after accounting for trim levels

�� Too Familiar: Interior design resembles the new Civic and 2015 Honda Fit

Source: Secondary Research and Bacon List Answers from Honda


situational analysis - surveys and man-on-the-street interviews

Source: Primary Research; Surveys conducted at The Block and through SurveyMonkey.com

Primary Research

After reviewing the SWOT analysis and bacon list answers, we created surveys. These surveys were sent out to people all around the nation WKDW�ÀW�WKH�+5�9·V�WDUJHW�GHPRJUDSKLF��:H�conducted this survey, both online and�RIÁLQH�

Through SurveyMonkey.com, we sent out links to friends and family via social media and email. We also collected responses on printed surveys and interviewed people at malls in the Orange County, California area.

Surveys handed out at The Block

Responses collected online

Analysis of Key Questions in the Survery

�� What features of a vehicle are most important to them: To get an idea of what we really need to highlight in our campaign.

�� Which websites and apps they frequently visit: To know where the best places to target them are (media buys).

�� How they perceive the Honda brand and if there’s anything they think Honda could be doing better: We thought this was important to position our campaign messaging appropriately and resonate well with our target audience.


situational analysis - surveys and man-on-the-street interviews

Primary Research - Survey Results

Additional Insights:�� The top three most desired features in a car are

reliability, good price and appearance. Now that we have this information, we can make sure our campaign hits all of these points.

�� According to the results, our target audience uses Facebook, Twitter and Instagram the most.

�� All of the participants were interested in philanthropy work. The majority of them are more likely to buy a car if the company is involved in philanthropy work.

Perception of the Honda brand



fuel efficient


great appearance

Top destinations using a car

Website and Social Media Usage


Target market breakdown - THE BASICS

Target Audience

The Honda HR-V has one target audience - The Early Adopters.

Why Early Adopters? Honda has recently been neglecting this generation of energetic and adventurous individuals in its products and marketing initiatives. The company sees the growth opportunity for the subcompact SUV market amongst this demographic and hence, created the HR-V.

Quick Insights:

�� Late millennials ages 25 to 30-years old�� 60:40 (skewed female)�� Outdoorsy and athletic�� Fuel economy aware�� (QMR\�GULYLQJ�ORQJ�GLVWDQFHV�DV�RSSRVHG�WR�Á\LQJ�� Concerned with the environment�� Technology-driven�� Only driven used cars before�� First car purchase without any funding from their parents

“Honda needs the early adopters to keep growing its market share.”- Ms. Kristen Roberts, Honda Motor Company, Ltd.


target market breakdown - demographic and psychographic

Geographic LocationEthnicity

Relationship StatusOccupation

Annual IncomeLifestyle

PersonalityCar History

Media Consumption

Mission Viejo, Orange County, Calif.


In a relationship



Social trends, hiking, camping, online


Social and environmentally conscious

Used Nissan Altima paid for by her parents


work, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Pandora

and reads the LA Times on her iPad

Culver City, Los Angeles, Calif.



Web Developer


Photography, latest apps, technology

enthusiast and social gatherings

A leader, innovative and creative

Used Jeep Cherokee gifted by his father

Spotify, Hulu, social media, Shazam,

Adobe Creative Suite, subscription to

Car and Driver Magazine and KiiS-FM

“That 24-hour camp for the new iPhone 6 was

totally worth it. I would do it any day!”

“My friends, a map and some good music:

these are all I need after a long work week.”

Segment One - The Passionate Drivers Segment Two - The Pioneering Drivers

Michael, 29Emily, 25

Although the HR-V has one target audience, it can be broken down into different segments.

marketing objectives

,Q�RUGHU�WR�SURYLGH�D�FOHDU�VHQVH�RI�GLUHFWLRQ��ZH�QHHG�WR�GHÀQH�RXU�REMHFWLYHV��7KH�purpose of our campaign and its effectiveness will be at its highest caliber once we have set objectives to constantly refer back to.


It’s All About Youth CultureWe will promote Honda’s affordability and position it as ‘attainable’ by the early adopters. We will aim to get the attention of ‘hand raisers’ (those that are interested in what Honda has to offer). Honda already has the young audience - we just need to appeal to them more and put them in the forefront of our executions.1Creating VROOM-Worthy Buzz Our campaign will be active on social media, create viral-worthy content and increase general awareness through a digital presence. We will ignite conversations and get people excited about the HR-V.2Drive Past the Clutter and Competition We will focus on the need to create excitement and make Honda stand out in the eyes of potential customers. We will stay aware of tight competition with the Nissan Juke, Jeep Renegade and Chevrolet Trax.3


a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideasa position at the forefront of new developments or ideas

van guard��¶YDQ��JlUG�



A big idea is the creative backbone that gives a marketing campaign direction. Our big idea puts the power in the hands of our target audience. All marketing executions will stem from the idea of vanguard to inspire, engage and empower.

Our target audience already possesses the passion, energy and drive to achieve their dreams. As advocates of the Honda HR-V, we’re making their dreams happen faster.


Accelerate Ambition

campaign tone

Inspiring, zealous and adventurous

creative strategy - creative vision

It takes new ideas to move the world.

It takes ambitious people, ready to take risks, willing to support those in need, to better themselves and their environment.

It takes ambitious people, conscious and aware, full of questions and willing to embrace the lessons of the old world with those of the new. They are ambitious people who are eager to use the latest technology to explore new horizons.

They are dreamers for a living: authors, poets, scientists, engineers, creative and connected. It takes ambitious people to shape a generation.

They are vanguards. They are drivers of the Honda HR-V.

14 Note: All creative executions will follow Honda’s style guide.

creative executions - outdoor billboard

Digital Billboard

A see-through digital billboard will be placed along major freeways. It will include a working analog clock to highlight the time of day. The copy will read, “It’s never too early for that adventure” or “It’s never too late for that adventure,” according to the time. The clock will trigger the copy to change.

An enlarged image of the Honda HR-V along with #hrventure will create awareness and encourage social conversation and engagement.

TONE: inspiring, empowering and energizing

Copy reads:

“It’s never too early for that adventure.”HONDA HR-V#hrventureTime: 07:25 a.m.

“It’s never too late for that adventure.”HONDA HR-V#hrventureTime: 08:45 p.m.


creative executions - print advertisements

Print Advertisements

Our print ads will be unveiled in a ‘curtain strategy,’ where we gradually release one ad after the next over the course of the six-month campaign. This will ensure our messaging consistently reaches the target audience, increasing brand retention.

All three ads highlight different aspects of an ‘adventure,’ appealing to the intrinsic ambitions of our target audience.

TONE: positive, empowering and motivational


creative executions - guerrilla marketing

Guerrilla Marriage Proposal

Hollywood and Vine, February 14, 2015. 1:00 p.m. A frantic young woman, Janet, 29, asks passersby if they have seen her boyfriend. She increasingly gets more nervous. At the last minute, a chopper ÁLHV�RYHUKHDG�ZLWK�KHU�ER\IULHQG��6WHYH�������5RVHV�rain down from the helicopter. Steve is holding ÁRZHUV���+H�VOLGHV�GRZQ�IURP�WKH�KHOLFRSWHU�RQ�a rope. Steve approaches Janet. “What are you doing,” she asks. He gets down on one knee. The band, Boyz II Men, complete with their instruments, step out from a restaurant business across the street. They start singing “End of the Road.” This whole event is now being broadcast on a billboard. People stop and stare. Nathan Morris (one of the main singers) gives Steve his microphone, and Steve asks the question: “Janet, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?” She emphatically replies, “OMG YES!” Crowd goes wild. A brand new Honda HR-V drives up with ‘Just Engaged’ written on the back. Steve and Janet hop in and the band joins them in the car. They drive off into the sunset.

We can follow Steve and Janet’s honeymoon around the world on YouTube as they accelerate their ambitions in a Honda HR-V.

Follow-Up Ad one month later

Steve and Janet are on a beach in Hawaii with their Honda HR-V, which has “Just Married” written on the back. Steve and Janet talk to the camera, almost like they’re making a video blog. Janet: “This vacation has been awesome. We’re in Maui on the beach! This HR-V is taking us places we never thought imaginable.” Steve: “Only problem is, those Boyz II Men guys won’t go away. They’re third-wheeling---or six wheeling us everywhere. The water’s run dry. It’s getting weird.” Camera zooms out to Boyz II Men playing hacky sack on the beach. They make eye contact with the newlyweds and start to break out in to song. It’s awkward.


creative executions - guerrilla marketing

Public Transport - Train Guerrilla Execution

The HR-V Crossover is no ordinary car. It is a symbol of invention, originality and adventure. We will be accelerating the ambitions of our audience by bringing the campaign’s adventurous and zealous tone to life.

The Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center will be the location for this guerrilla execution. It is strategically placed in front of the Honda Center. 7KLV�GHVWLQDWLRQ�DWWUDFWV�HQRXJK�IRRW�WUDIÀF�ZLWKLQ�RXU�target audience to ignite awareness of the car. The stunt will immerse train visitors with large illustrations of destinations on both sides of the building.

From a mountainous terrain or a lush path embellished E\�DXWXPQ�WUHHV�WR�D�VXQ�ÀOOHG�SDWK�DORQJ�WKH�6DQWD�Monica Pier, various destinations will transition every 10 PLQXWHV��7LUH�WUDFNV�ZLOO�EH�LPSULQWHG�RQ�WKH�ÁRRU��DV�ZHOO�as the tagline “Accelerate Ambition”. Not only will this stunt be photogenic, igniting awareness throughout social media, but it will give the audience a glimpse of the adventures the HR- V can undertake. This will be an effective interruption to people’s stressful commute.


online and viral marketing

Honda’s Mobile App - ‘Honda To-Go’

Honda is currently lacking a comprehensive mobile application. Apart from several Honda Link apps and an app for automotive accessories, the brand isn’t effectively reaching its technologically-driven target audience.

With the creation of a new Honda app, ‘Honda To-Go,’ we will create an all-inclusive interactive brand experience. The app will include general information about Honda, but will also RIIHU�D�VSHFLDO�WDE�VSHFLÀFDOO\�IRU�WKH�+5�9��8VHUV�ZLOO�KDYH�WKH�option to:

�� Find the nearest Honda dealer�� 0\�+RQGD�SDJH��ÀOH�DQG�UHFRUG�GHWDLOV�DERXW�WKH�YHKLFOH��

for example, gas payments and maintenance reminders�� Research all Honda models dating back to 2004�� HR-V Tab: view all its features, price range and customize

an ideal car�� Live Chat: to negotiate prices and get questions answered

“Technology has given us the option to get creative with our lifestyle, to work from home, wherever that may be. Experiences are everything.” - www.domo.com (Business Intelligence online resource)

)RU�PLOOHQQLDOV�LW·V�DOO�DERXW�IXOÀOOLQJ�D�OLIHVW\OH�QHHG�WKDW�DWWUDFWV�brand loyalty. The ‘Honda To-Go’ app will foster customer engagement and create an interactive experience that has them wanting more.

Live Chat


My Honda




Honda To-Go



Honda to Go



Our campaign will use television ads to drive people online so that they interact with the HR-V’s website, Twitter, Vine and Instagram. 7KH�¶VZHHSVWXQW·�ZLOO�HQFRXUDJH�SHRSOH�WR�ÀQG�RXW�PRUH�

online and viral marketing (continued)

*Our Instagram strategy coincides with our Sales Promotion. (Just a few pages away)


The HR-V’s Instagram and Vine posts will be linked with the Twitter account. The Twitter account will allow users to customize and build their own HR-V without leaving the page. The account will feature upcoming footage from AMC’s ‘Better Call Saul’ so that the audience is compelled to follow the HR-V and stay updated for more behind-the-scenes news and clips. This will correlate with our television campaign, as we will advertise heavily during that show.


The HR-V’s Vine will feature short clips from the ‘sweepstunt’ as well as exclusive footage from AMC’s show, ‘Better Call Saul.’


HR-V ads will consist of a trailer for the HR-V documentary, ‘Kicking for Equal Footing,’ as well as clips of the ‘sweepstunt’ to encourage people to go to the HR-V website and our app.


online and viral marketing (continued)

Pandora 30-Second Spot


“You might be at work right now, or at the gym, or cooking your dinner. Ever stopped to wonder what is out there right now? Right this second. Think about it. (Pause) That mountain, that river, that sand. You know you want to get there. You are a pioneer of your dreams. A voyager always prepared for an adventure. Be the leader of your adventure and accelerate your ambition. Honda HR-V.”

A ‘Click Here’ call-to-action will direct listeners to the Honda +5�9�SDJH�RQ�WKH�FRPSDQ\·V�RIÀFLDO�ZHEVLWH�

Promoted Tweets

In addition to our overarching Twitter strategy, we will also use our sponsored hashtags, #hrventure and #accelerateambition, to drive engagement and awareness for the HR-V.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising will embellish the sides of people’s newsfeeds. We will strategically target adventurous, trailblazing individuals and those who ÀQG�LQWHUHVW�LQ�SURGXFWV�RUJDQL]DWLRQV�WKDW�DOLJQ�with our campaign’s message.



Promoted by Honda

Something big is on its way. Pack your

bags. #accelerateambition #hondahrv

Honda @Honda Mar 21

Honda: 2016 HR-V

An all-new Honda vehicle is being launched Spring ������%H�WKH�¿UVW�WR�know all about it.

150 people are already talking about the Honda HR-V. Join them now.


online and viral marketing (continued)

Online Documentary - Honda HR-V Presents:

“Kicking For Equal Footing”

One aspect of positive advertising and marketing that we EHOLHYH�ZRXOG�EH�ODUJHO\�EHQHÀFLDO�WR�ERRVWLQJ�VDOHV�DQG�awareness of the Honda HR-V is to create a brand-sponsored, feature-length documentary.

‘Kicking for Equal Footing’ will focus on the recent rise of women’s soccer in Iraq, both youth club soccer and professional soccer. This is a very empowering outlet for ambitious women, revolutionizing their role in a typically patriarchal society.

Professional female soccer players from the United States will travel to Iraq to educate and train young Iraqi women in playing soccer. By featuring these U.S. professional athletes driving in the Iraqi landscape with a Honda HR-V, we will subtly insert Honda into the conversation. This will associate the brand with positive relationships and advancement. The HR-V will represent individuality, freedom, empowerment and the acceleration of ambition.

Branded documentaries are recently successfully utilized by many brands, including Patagonia’s ‘DamNation,’ their recent documentary on dam removal. By focusing on a societal or environmental issue, our brand will impact a wider audience between theatrical distribution, online viewing and streaming.

Honda HR-V for Women’s Soccer


online and viral marketing (continued)

Honda Partners with GoPro

We will build a strategic partnership with GoPro Hero4. 7KLV�FROODERUDWLRQ�LV�PXWXDOO\�EHQHÀFLDO�EHFDXVH�RI�WKH�demographic overlap between both products. The consumers of both products are late millennials, technologically savvy, adventurous and active.

The following shows how the overall collaboration will function:

Revolutionary Sweep-Stunt:�2XU�DJHQF\�ZLOO�ÀQG�FRPSHOOLQJ�LQGLYLGXDOV�WKURXJKRXW�WKH�8QLWHG�6WDWHV�ZKR�UHSUHVHQW�VSHFLÀF�characteristics of our demographic. Examples include:

Gianna, Cliff and Leslie live enriched, diverse lives. Their vehicles serve as a catalyst for their passions. It provides them with spaciousness (which gives them room for HTXLSPHQW���HIÀFLHQW�IXHO�HFRQRP\��ZKLFK�DOORZV�WKHP�WR�travel farther distances) and high terrain capability (to get to places they would not be able to travel to otherwise.)

Gianna, a 30-year-old volcanologist and mother of three children living in Bozeman, Montana. She drops her kids off at school and then heads to a volcano to collect volcanic samples.


Cliff, a 27-year-old nutritionist living in Sun Valley, Idaho, who gets off work to go cliff jumping with his girlfriend.#2/HVOLH��D����\HDU�ROG��ZKR�UXQV�D�QRQ�SURÀW�WKDW�combats homelessness in Long Beach, Calif. In her spare time, she performs in trendy clubs.



online and viral marketing (continued)

How would this work?

Honda will give selected individuals a brand new HR-V equipped with GoPros on both the interior of the vehicle as well as the front and back of the vehicle.

This partnership will correlate with our sales promotion on Instagram. Users will be encouraged to post a photo of their adventure on Instagram using the hashtag #hrventure to win a Honda HR-V equipped with GoPro Hero 4s and a roadtrip to the Super Bowl on February 2, 2015.

GoPros will be attached to a system to allow them to be constantly charging and recording.

GoPros will record their activities for a week.

The footage will be used for television and YouTube commercials.

Live streaming of these activities will be available on the HR-V website as an interactive map that will allow visitors to click on each individual’s HR-V to see what they are up to.

GoPro installations on the Honda HR-V

Cliff’s photoGianna’s photo

Leslie’s photo

Example photo submissions:


Direct Marketing

Direct Mail - HR-V Postcard

With the continued rise of technology and online media, direct mail is seldomly used. However, the internet is cluttered with information, making it harder for brands to break through and get their messages across. Therefore, mailing our technology-oriented target audience a tangible ad is unexpected and exciting in the midst of all the junk.

'LUHFW�PDLO�LV�DQ�XQGHUUDWHG�FKDQQHO�ZLWK�WKH�IROORZLQJ�EHQHÀWV��� Narrowing down our audience to a niche segment�� Personalization, including names on the card�� Measurable results, making it is easier to track the number of

impressions with the physical delivery of content�� Inexpensive marketing method

The collateral sent through the mail will be a mock postcard from a ‘friend’ with a photograph of his or her adventure with the HR-V. This tactic will promote the various experiences an HR-V can offer. The tagline, “Accelerate Ambition” will accompany the body copy to tie in our creative strategy.

The postcard will be accompanied with another card detailing the car’s highlights, including the Magic Seats and HondaLink Next Generation connectivity, along with information leading viewers to the website and social media sites.



- HR-V Crossover












Honda HR-V

Jimmy! Check this car out!

It helped us get to the peak!!!

Love, Alice & Ben

Jim Smith

530 One Treeland Rd.

San Diego, CA


public relationsWired Magazine

We will pitch a feature story in Wired magazine highlighting the HR-V’s innovative advancements. The magazine’s techno-utopian agenda aligns perfectly with our target audience’s interests in pioneering technology. Wired works diligently to transform “new ideas into HYHU\GD\�UHDOLW\�µ�+HQFH��WKLV�ZLOO�EH�WKH�SHUIHFW�ÀW�IRU�WKH�HR-V vehicle launch.

TIME Magazine

Time magazine has been spotlighting leaders of the world for years. For this reason, we would like the magazine to capitalize on Honda’s trailblazing entrance into the unexplored subcompact SUV segment. The feature story will also highlight the HR-V’s innovative combination of versatility, technology and design. The alignment between Time and the HR-V are almost perfect with how both “embrace the lessons of the old world with those of the new.” This awareness will reach 17,341,000 readers, many of which are within the HR-V’s target demographic.


public relations - pitch letter


Email format:

Subject line: New Honda vehicle accelerates your ambitions

Dear [insert journalist’s name],

Honda’s new HR-V is breaking in to a new class of rapidly growing subcompact SUV’s. This Fit-based vehicle primarily targets entry level car buyers with a base price of $19,200.

With the HR-V’s combination of technology and design, our late millennial target audience aligns perfectly with your innovative and ambitious readers.

The HR-V is a packaged adventure ready to be switched into overdrive. This subcompact SUV has the following key features:


For more information about the HR-V and its position in the market, check out our QHZ�ZHEVLWH��KWWS���DXWRPRELOHV�KRQGD�FRP�KU�Y��LQWUR��

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me. I’ll give you a call tomorrow to touch base.

Best, Rebecca HaberAccount Executive, 4+1 Solutions310-414-6632 | rebeccahaber@41solutions.com

Sales Promotion

Promotional Contest

Show us your #hrventure!

To kick off the campaign and build buzz around the Honda HR-V, we will host a two-part, monthlong online contest that correlates with our GoPro partnership. It will increase the conversation on social media about the brand and increase the number of downloads for the Honda mobile app.

Part One:Participants have to download the new mobile app, ‘Honda To-Go,’ and design their ideal HR-V. This includes LQWHULRU�DQG�H[WHULRU�FRORUV�DQG�VSHFLÀF�FDU�IHDWXUHV��7KHQ��they submit their creations within the app. Through the submission page, we will be able to store a database of consumer information.

Part Two:Participants will create an Instagram photo, collage or video illustrating the type of adventure they would take with their ideal HR-V using #hrventure.

Honda representatives will choose the three most creative submissions and deem them winners. Winners will go on a road trip in their ideal HR-V (with GoPros attached) and have the opportunity to turn their dream adventures into a reality.

One day. #hrventure #honda #hrvYay Hondaaaaaa

I hope you win!!!

Can I go with?Love it.

If I won a #Honda #HRV I wouldn’t spenda single day indoors. Beach errday! #hrventure


media plan - media objectives media strategies

Build an All-Inclusive PlanWe will use traditional and non-traditional media in order to reach our audience online and�RIÁLQH��7KLV�ZLOO�LQFUHDVH�RXU�overall reach and impression count.1 - While encompassing all forms of media,

we will emphasize on online and television- Adopt an integrated strategy that will link RXU�RIÁLQH�DQG�RQOLQH�H[HFXWLRQV

Increase Audience Engagement Our campaign will foster conversation and action, increasing overall interaction with the Honda brand. 2 - Executions will include calls to action

- Employ #hrventure throughout the media campaign to spark conversation

Increase Retention and ComprehensionTo consistantly stay within the minds of our target audience, we will strategically plan our media spendage to build brand loyalty.3 - Continuous media plan (hit the target

audience in frequent intervals along the course of the campaign)


media plan - media breakdown

Audience Media Lifestyle

According to psychographics, current Honda owners scored high in the following areas:�� Conversations with friends�� Going to the movies�� Listening to the radio�� Reading�� Working out �� Shopping�� USA travel�� Watching television

Television Advertising

Television advertising is one of the most popular mediums because it reaches a wide range of viewers. TV ads also have a wide target window with various channel options.

Some of the channels we want to focus on are:�� Discovery Channel�� ESPN�� Travel Channel

Roughly $24 million will be spent on approximately 50 commercials shown on very popular TV shows. (Approximately 475,000 per 30 second spot for very popular shows.)

$6 million will be spent on approximately 60 commercials shown on niche TV shows that appeal to our target demographic. (Approximately 100,000 per 30 second spot for niche shows.)

$9 million



media plan - media breakdown (continued)

Billboard Advertising

Billboards are a great way to reach a large amount of people with one quick message. They are also a cost-HIÀFLHQW�ZD\�WR�\LHOG�D�VXEVWDQWLDO�QXPEHU�RI�LPSUHVVLRQV��

We will put emphasis on the billboard campaign in Southern California. Many people in this geographic region lead DFWLYH�OLIHVW\OHV�WKDW�ÀW�ZLWKLQ�WKH�LGHQWLW\�RI�WKH�+RQGD�+5�9�

Billboards run from $1,000 to $30,000 in highly populated regions. Because our billboard includes a transparent display with digital time, we expect it to be on the higher HQG�RI�WKH�ÀQDQFLDO�VSHFWUXP��+HQFH��ZH�KDYH�EXGJHWHG�this execution at $3 million.

$3 million

Radio Advertising

Radio advertising is an inexpensive channel to reinforce marketing messages. The ability to target audiences DFFRUGLQJ�WR�VSHFLÀF�VWDWLRQV�DQG�LQWHUHVWV�PDNHV�UDGLR�D�EHQHÀFLDO�RXWOHW�WR�UXQ�KXQGUHGV�RI�DGV��UHPLQGLQJ�OLVWHQHUV�about the HR-V.

$3 million


media plan - media breakdown (continued)

Outdoor Transit Advertising

Outdoor advertising reinforces messages and targets viewers when they least expect it.

�� Bus Exterior Ads: $150 - $4,500 per ad per four week period�� Bus Stop Ads: $150 - $4,500 per ad per four week period�� Bus Interior Ads: $20 - $125 per ad per four week period�� Bench Ads: $75 - $500 per ad per four week period

$3 million

Online Advertising

:KHQ�LW�FRPHV�WR�EX\LQJ�D�FDU��WKH�ÀUVW�SODFH�RXU�WDUJHW�audience looks to is the internet. Because of this, we will be spending a good portion of our budget on online advertising.

Ads will be placed on sites such as Kelly Blue Book and Edmunds along with video ads on sites like YouTube and Hulu. Banner ads will also be placed on websites that have a high WUDIÀF�UDWH�ZLWK�RXU�WDUJHW�DXGLHQFH�OLNH�)DFHERRN�DQG�7ZLWWHU�

�� Facebook log-out screen ad: $100,000�� Hulu in-stream ads: $30 CPM�� Standard web costs: 728 x 90: $14.88 300 x 250: $16.12 160 x 600: $15.25

$15 million





media plan - media breakdown (continued)

Magazine Advertising

Magazines have a high pass-along rate. Monthly installments ensure consistant marketing reinforcement.

We will do full-page ads across a wide variety of magazines based on interests, topics and tone that our target audience engages with the most.

Magazines we will target include:�� Autoweek�� Car and Driver�� National Geographic�� Reader’s Digest�� American Lifestyle Magazine

$3 million

Email Campaign

(PDLOV�DUH�WLPH�HIÀFLHQW�DQG�FRVW�HIIHFWLYH��7KH\�FDQ�DOVR�EH�customized to the target audience, making it a personalized corporate conversation as opposed to ‘junk mail.’

$1 million

Guerrilla Campaign

Our guerrilla executions tell a story, engage the audience and leave behind a resonating message about the HR-V. Hence, to be as effective as possible, a $3 million budget has been allocated for guerrilla. It gives us just the right amount of creative liberty.

$3 million


Direct Mail

Direct mail allows us to break through the clutter and reach our target audience directly at their homes. Personally delivering our HR-V pitch in today’s day and age will resonate well and leave a lasting impression.

For production, our direct mail will cost approximately $1.25 each, which calculates to reaching about 800,000 people.

$1 million

media plan - media breakdown (continued)


Sponsoring a documentary will cost around $2.68 million for travel and production. This medium is a creative and engaging method of promoting Honda. Our documentary will incorporate philanthropic efforts, appealing to our target audience’s values.

$2.68 million



media plan - chart and explanation

7KLV�ÁRZFKDUW�GHPRQVWUDWHV�WKH�WLPLQJ�DQG�IUHTXHQF\�RI�RXU�DGV��:H�ZLOO�XVH�D�pulsing method to strongly engage viewers at crucial purchasing times, particularly during the launch of the HR-V and during the summer time to capitalize on summer sales. Our strategy will keep Honda on our target audience’s mind through a steady and consistent pace.


campaign evaluation

In order to measure the success of our campaign, we will carry out the following forms of evaluation:

Social Media Interaction

Our campaign is social media-driven; hence, we can measure how well the campaign performs by evaluating the number of people engaging with Honda before and after the launch of our campaign. We will also evaluate consumers’ general consensus about the HR-V by observing online conversations and mentions.




Google Analytics

*RRJOH�$QDO\WLFV�PHDVXUHV�RQOLQH�WUDIÀF�WR�+RQGD·V�website. With this tool, we can observe how many visitors the HR-V page receives. Google Analytics can also help us track the amount of downloads and the level of interaction with the Honda mobile app.


budget - budget breakdown

Figures in %TelevisionBillboard

Radio Outdoor

Online Magazine

Direct Mail Email Campaign


Agency Fees

FeeProduction Fees

$9 million $3 million$3 million$3 million$15 million$3 million$1 million$1 million$2.68 million$3 million

$8.32 million


$52 millionTotal


appendix - creative brief

1) How will we measure the results of the campaign?�� Surveys: collecting reactions to our campaign�� 6DOHV��LQWHUHVW�LQ�+5�9�� Google Analytics�� 2QOLQH�WUDFNLQJ�RI�YLUDO�HIÀFDF\

2) How is the company positioned in the market? �� Honda is perceived as the reliable car brand�� Cars are safe and last long�� Value for money�� Fuel Economy

3) Does the company have a tagline? Is it effective?�� “Start Something Special”�� The idea is that it’s not a car, it’s a relationship�� Focusing on lifestyle and psychographics �� Honda’s global brand message: “The Power of

Dreams” �� These are effective for the current target audience,

however they need a newer, fresh direction for their younger audience

�� Storytelling. They need sui generis (latin phrase meaning “of its own kind”) storytelling

4) Does the company need to be re-positioned? How?�� 1RW�UH�SRVLWLRQHG��EXW�GHÀQLWHO\�VWUHQJWKHQ�LWV�

message to appeal more to millennials aged between 25-30

�� Customize it to them, make them feel special

5) How does the company compare to the competition? List major strong & weak points.�� Strong points: Reliability, safety, long lasting�� Weak points: Entering an already crowded


6) What is are the “reasons to buy, choose or try” expressed as a bullet point sales argument?�� Magic Seats �� Next Gen Connectivity �� Adaptable�� Youthful, fun, adventurous

7) Describe the brand in terms of:�� Personality: Exciting and fun, sexy, creative energy�� Value to the target audience: An engine to power

their energy and adventurous needs, room for personal freedom, independence and pride since they bought it with their own money

�� 9LVXDO�LGHQWLÀHUV� Magic Seats, sporty, sleek look�� History or story: Honda’s have been on the road

over a million miles. Bring back the youthfulness to Honda

8) Does this product have a genuine competitive advantage over others? If so, what?�� Magic Seats�� 2QH�RI�WKH�ÀUVW�6XEFRPSDFW�FDUV�IRU�\RXWKIXO�



appendix - creative brief (continued)

9) Why should someone pick Honda?�� Advanced Systems�� More room to store things and for leg room �� )XHO�HIÀFLHQW�� Great stereo�� Adaptable: Can be driven on city streets and

mountain roads

10) What could differentiate Honda from competitors?�� Magic Seats�� Next Generation Connectivity

11) Does this product solve a real consumer problem?�� 0RUH�URRP�LQVLGH�WR�ÀW�EHORQJLQJV��ZKHQ�WU\LQJ�WR�

ÀW�RXWGRRU�VRFLDO�RFFDVLRQ�DGYHQWXUH�HTXLSPHQW�such as hiking gear, tents, bags, music instruments HWF��025(�63$&(�WR�ÀW�025(�)5,(1'6� �025(�ADVENTURES

�� The HR-V can take them all the way to the top of a mountain: it can handle steep roads, rubble and jagged roads

12) What is that problem? How does the product or service solve the problem?�� Target market needs more room in their car to

accommodate their friends and family on their adventures and the car does this by provided PDJLF�IROGLQJ�VHDWV��EHLQJ�YHU\�IXHO�HIÀFLHQW�DQG�by being ready for any adventure

13) What are the cultural, historical or popular icons of the company, or the industry, that might inspire the concept or design?�� Matthew Broderick in the commercial about Ferris

Bueller (80’s, daring, spontaneous) �� Michael Bolton (uses a lot of humor, winter friendly)

14) What visual aspects of the company, the product or service might inspire design or concept ideas?�� The HR-V is offered in black and charcoal grey �� Magic Seats�� Honda logo

15) Is there any anxiety or psychological stress possibly related to the company, the product, service - or the purchase process?�� Cognitive Dissonance - the point of post-purchase�� Recent automobile recall due to airbag defects�� Honda has had over 1,000,000 product recalls

since 2011 for interior accessories defects in the accord (uncomfortable seats, door locks, cracking sounds inside vehicle, gauges stopped working, key ignition)

����:KDW·V�WKH�VLQJOH��PRVW�VLJQLÀFDQW�.H\�)DFW�UHODWLQJ�to the market and the company, service or product?�� Honda is breaking into the subcompact segment�� The brand is trying to reach a younger



appendix - creative brief (continued)

����$UH�WKHUH�DQ\�VLJQLÀFDQW�SUREOHPV�LQ�WKH�WDUJHW�audience that inhibits purchases?�� 2SLQLRQ�OHDGHUV��IULHQGV��IDPLO\·V�LQÁXHQFH�� Social Media could be a barrier: what people say

about the brand (those that are not fans of Honda)

18) What should the communication encourage people to Think or Feel or Do?�� They are in control �� Pride, independence and a sense of adventure�� Freedom�� Adrenaline rush

19) Beyond setting the “Think / Feel / Do” objectives, what are some ways to accomplish those objectives?�� Focus on the physical features of the car that

improves their driving experience �� Tap into their emotions, their intrinsic desires�� Cut to the chase with the facts

20) What are some of the surprising or unexpected aspects of the company, the product or service?�� Honda wants to invite a younger audience back

LQWR�WKH�EUDQG��:LWK�WKH�+59��WKH\�ZLOO�EH�WKH�ÀUVW�WR�carve out a car market for older millennials

21) What are the psychodynamics of the audience?�� Sense of adventure and tech savvy,

independence, control, passion, trendsetters

22) How is the audience changing, evolving?�� Technology advancements�� Marriage and growing families

23) Describe the competitive landscape?�� Honda is being an industry leader right now within

the subcompact market. Won’t be long until other companies break into this category

24) Chief competitors?�� Nissan Juke, Jeep Renegade, Chevrolet Trax,

Toyota RAV4

25) Industry trends to be aware of?�� Subcompact market is going to be huge. Honda’s

WKH�ÀUVW�WR�EUHDN�LQWR�WKLV�� Hybrid engines�� )XHO�HIÀFLHQF\�� Technological integration�� Low pollution: eco friendly �� Improved battery power

26) What keywords would people use to search for this company, product or service?�� Honda�� HR-V�� Subcompact�� Magic Seats


27) Who should or might buy the product or service?�� Adventurous, tech savvy, environmentally aware

25-30 year olds

28) Any secondary markets, secondary target audiences?�� No. No secondary or tertiary audiences. JUST older

millennials. Really trying to break into the 25-30 audience. We already have the 29-45 audience

29) How much money does the client have to spend on this campaign?�� $52 million

30) What is the budget for this project?�� Strictly $52 million. Nothing over or less.

31) What is the client looking for?�� Bring back the youthfulness to Honda�� Fun, excitement and adventure

32) Is there anything they expect to see at the presentation?�� KNOW the target audience. Don’t focus on just the

Big Idea�� KNOW Honda�� Audience interaction

33) What is the 30 second elevator speech for this company, product or service?�� Honda is a company that is built on the dream to

enhance human mobility and improve society. As a result, we are motivated to build innovative products, such as the HRV, that are not only safe, EXW�DOVR�HIÀFLHQW��,W·V�QRW�DERXW�WKH�LQFUHDVHG�VDOH�that is important, it’s the customer’s satisfaction. For this reason, we customize each of our vehicles to our target market’s liking. Make it for the product! HR-V!

34) This is who we are, what we do, and what we can do for you.�� We are a automobile company that not only

manufactures and sales cars that are safe and HIÀFLHQW��EXW�ZH�DOVR�EXLOG�GUHDPV��´7KH�3RZHU�of Dreams” guides and inspires us to create innovative products that enhances human mobility and improves society. We don’t release a product until we know it reaches our customers’ standards of perfection.

35) What are some of the unusual or unexpected reasons people buy the product or service. Any unusual or unexpected uses for the product/service?�� Great car for starting a family�� Magic Seats�� Very roomy and ready for various adventures

appendix - creative brief (continued)


36) Does the client have any reference websites, ads or marketing campaigns?�� Liked Toyota Camry campaign �� ,SKRQH��$SSOH

37) What are the existing creative communication assets? (Photography, customer testimonials etc.)�� Loving employees�� Humor as a way to get people’s attention�� Beloved celebrities used as opinion leaders

38) Is there anything else important to this project?�� A youthful tone in the campaign �� $GDSWHU�PLOOHQQLDOV�DUH�WKH�WDUJHW�PDUNHW

appendix - creative brief (continued)


special thanks

Cheril HendryCheryl Boone IsaacsVeston RoweKristen RobertsHonda Motor Company Ltd.Dodge College of Film and Media Arts

thank you

We hope you enjoyed reading our marketing plan as much as we enjoyed creating it. We look forward to working with Honda.


sources - titles and links


Bogardus, Meghan. “12 Things Millennials Refuse to Do - Driving a Car, Getting Married - AARP.” $$53��:HE����'HF���������KWWS���ZZZ�DDUS�RUJ�SROLWLFV�VRFLHW\�KLVWRU\�LQIR������������WKLQJV�PLOOHQQLDOV�UHIXVH�WR�GR�KWPO�VOLGH��!�


Robinson, Britany. “Generation Rent: Why Many Millennials Are Choosing a Nomadic Lifestyle.” The Cultureist An Online Travel Culture Magazine for the Socially Conscious Citizen. Web. 4 'HF���������KWWS���ZZZ�WKHFXOWXUHLVW�FRP������������PLOOHQQLDOV�FKDUDFWHULVWLFV�EHFRPLQJ�QRPDGLF�!�

“The Vacation Equality Project: It’s Time For Guaranteed Vacation in the US.” The Cultureist An 2QOLQH�7UDYHO�&XOWXUH�0DJD]LQH�IRU�WKH�6RFLDOO\�&RQVFLRXV�&LWL]HQ��:HE����'HF���������KWWS���ZZZ�WKHFXOWXUHLVW�FRP������������YDFDWLRQ�HTXDOLW\�SURMHFW�JXDUDQWHHG�YDFDWLRQ�XVD�!�

“Why Millennials Are Choosing Freedom Above All Else (INFOGRAPHIC).” The Cultureist An Online Travel Culture Magazine for the Socially Conscious Citizen. Web. 4 Dec. 2014.