4113059 kiyoka shimabukuro


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4113059 Kiyoka Shimabukuro

Social withdrawn is called Hikikomori in Japan  

Hikikomori is a Japanese term to refer to the phenomenon of reclusive adolescents or young adults who withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement. The term hikikomori refers to both the sociological phenomenon in general as well as to people belonging to this societal group.

Why Hikikomori occurs?

They didn’t fit in the workplace  23,7%

Disease 23,7%

Job hunting didn’t go well 20,3%

School refusal 11,9%

Relationship didn't go well 11,9%

They didn’t fit in school 6,8%

Failed to enter university 1,7%

Current state of Hikikomori

You’re officially a hikikomori if you spend more than 6 months in your room. 5 months and 2 weeks could just be a blue spell. This extreme social withdrawal affects people of all ages but is especially common among teenagers and young adults. Around 80 percent of hikikomori are male.

The daily life of a hikikomori

Hikikomori don’t go to school, don’t work and rarely ever leave their tiny rooms. They occasionally leave to buy food at the konbini (convenience store), visit the library, eat meals with parents or go shopping for CDs or manga. They spend their days listening to music, watching television and reading. A hikikomori may shut himself up for a few years or as long as half a lifetime.

Feelings of Hikikomori

・ impatience

・ self-accusation・ diffidence

・ distrustfulness

・ ambivalence

Symptoms of Hikikomori

distrust of humanity

a fear of other people

emotional paralysis

dissociated state

What can we do to help thousands of people suffering from Hikikomori?

・ Dave embarrassment

・ Not preach

・ Spend time together ( Watch TV together )

・ Disseminate information relating to society

That’s all !!

Thank you
