4/12 - MMO Fundraiser Event @ 6:30 4/18 - Good Friday...


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Upcoming Dates:

4/4 - Mixed Bag Fundraiser Ends

4/8 & 4/9 - School Pictures

4/12 - MMO Fundraiser Event @ 6:30

4/18 - Good Friday - ALL MMO PROGRAMS


4/21 thru 4/25- Spring Break SCHOOL-ONLY


Director’s Note…

Spring is here and we are all looking forward to

warmer temperatures and more time outdoors! Earth Day is

April 22nd

and school-wide MMO Programs will focus on

our planet and environment and learning ways to keep the

earth healthy.

March ended with a wonderful production of The

Rainbow Fish by Miss Noelle’s class and a fun and

informative literacy safari led by Miss Christina’s class. I

would like to thank the staff and parents who helped make

each possible. A special thanks to the family Anna

Jacobstein for donating the beautiful new stage curtain and

needed hardware! It truly has transformed the space and

will enhance many productions in the future….many


This month is our big Fundraiser event! We are

hoping to see you there for a very fun night of food, silent

auction, casino games and live music. It will be a wonderful

opportunity to meet fellow MMO parents and supporters

while helping raise money for our playground. Tickets are

available in the office. Thank you to those who have

generously donated to the event and to our silent auction.

This year our school pictures are being

photographed by Joy Glen. She is hoping to shoot outdoors

(weather permitting) on April 8th

and 9th


In safety and security news, plans for “sealing off”

MMO school spaces have undergone numerous

architectural revisions over the last few months. Final plans

are now awaiting permit approval by the town and once

granted, I will notify you of planned proceedings.

Some classes have availability for the 2014-15 school

year. If you are interested in school-year programs or

summer camp, please come to the office or email us at





Enjoy an evening of food, live music, casino games & silent


April 12th at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available at

the MMO Office

Our eco-friendly fundraiser this month through Mixed Bag

Designs ends April 4th! These useful products are re-useable,

recyclable and very cool - including reusable bags, lunch sets,

backpacks, accessories, gift items and much more. Be sure to

place your order!

Questions? Please see Missy

Have you been acquiring new clothing, lunch boxes, sippy cups and more as your infant, toddler or preschooler grows? Our Lovable Labels fundraiser is ongoing

throughout this school year. You can still order these personalized, waterproof labels for your child’s boots, coats, springtime jackets and summer sandals, and 20% of every order will support MMO Programs. Your use of these labels has really helped us cut down our lost and found pile this year! Thank you for your

ongoing support. You may continue to order labels at www.MMOP.lovablelabels.ca. Please share the website with your family and friends!

Questions? Please see Miss Jan

Infants - M


Contact Information: Phone: 973-744-6521 Email: info@mmoprograms.org

Infants & Toddlers- Missy

Hopefully, Spring has (finally!) sprung.

Warmer weather will allow us to get the

infant and toddler classes back outside on

the playground, providing us with

opportunities for healthy motor

development. We will be able to go on

nature walks, observing what’s happening in

the natural world around us, and take

“listening” excursions, during which we pay

attention to the outside sounds. All the

while, teachers will use description, self-

talk, parallel talk, and expansion to support

speech and language development as we

continue the fourth of our over-arching

developmental tasks, “Communicating With

Parents, Teachers, and Friends”.

Young 3’s - Miss Christina During the month of April, our curriculum theme

will be Spring. We will discuss all of the changes that happen during this season. Understanding life cycles

will be a hands-on experience observing our live caterpillars morph into butterflies! This month, our school wide theme is keeping the Earth healthy. We

will do our part by planting our own plants and discovering ways to keep our Earth clean. Don't

forget, we will be having our class trip to Turtle Back Zoo on April 14. Hope to see you there!

MMO Toddlers - Miss Jen

Spring is here and we will be

enjoying the outdoors much

more! We will be focusing on

large motor skills, particularly

stability skills (balance) and

locomotor skills (moving from

one place to another).

April will be a celebration

of Spring and all things

that grow. Earth Day is

April 22 and we will focus

on helping the earth by

planting and cleaning.

lastly, we will talk about

the concepts of “big and

small,” using animals (a

favorite topic) as our


Older 3’s - Miss Noelle

Following the undersea adventures of March, we will

spend April exploring the Amazon Rain Forest. We will

compare and contrast the creatures that call the

Amazon home, and learn about the valuable things

that come from the rainforest. We will make

rainforest masterpieces, cook rainforest snacks, sing

rainforest songs and even have a monkey party.

Through the entire month we will learn about how vital the

rainforest is to our earth.

PreK -Miss Gidget During the month of April, we will continue

learning our alphabet by focusing on letters M,

N, O, P, Q, and R. Some of the exciting

activities to look forward to are exploring

with magnets, having a Pajama Party, and

making a robot out of recyclables! Throughout

the month, we will also focus on ways to take

care of the Earth.

PreK - Miss Tara The Pre-K children are getting excited about Spring!

Throughout the month of April the children will

discover and observe many changes in nature. As the

weather gets warmer, and we start spending more time

outside, we will begin discovering some signs of the

new season. As Earth Day approaches, we will discuss

our planet and come up with ways to keep it safe and

clean for all living things. We will walk to the flower

garden and track the progress of the flowers' growth,

and even do some planting ourselves! Our class

“pets", live caterpillars and lady bugs, will arrive this

month and we will to learn about their life cycles.

Aftercare Enrichment We are excited to get back outside! The children are eager to go for neighborhood walks and enjoy playtime on the playground. Our

learning will focus on the ocean and its inhabitants. With Earth Day on April 22nd

, we will be talking about the importance of

plants, flowers and trees. Our hands will be dirty out in the garden! Enrichment will continue to include Yoga with Miss Noelle and

Creative Movements with Miss Maya. Each day Miss Jen will continue to bring Spanish to our learners, the Art Garage instructors

offering creative art projects and Miss Taphi from the Little Rockers bringing excitement and music!

Infants - Miss Jan Many of our babies are emerging into toddlerhood and their

abilities to communicate continue to grow. This was quite

apparent during a recent March scheduled fire drill. With

temperatures in the 20’s, we put on coats and shoes and

bundled up. Our entire staff and students were outside for

less than 60 seconds when we were given the go-ahead to

return to our warm building. Such weeping and gnashing of

teeth! The babies were emphatic in communicating their

displeasure in returning indoors before they had a chance to

play outside, despite the cold! As we stripped off coats, hats

and shoes, the staff and I discussed how proud we are to see

how the communication skills of our little ones have advanced.