4/25 or 28/2011Early On Spring Data Cleaning 1 Spring Cleaning for Your Early On Data EOTTA Webinar...


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4/25 or 28/2011Early On Spring Data Cleaning1

Spring Cleaning for Your Early On Data

EOTTA WebinarApril 25 and 28, 2011

Presented byAllan Knapp and Mary SchraderInteragency Information Systems


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Schedule for MI-CIS June 2011 Collection Count day is Thursday, June 30 Must be CERTIFIED by 4pm Friday, July 29 Early On Active and Exited children Detail Reports available as soon as data

submitted Data Portrait draft ready by August 12 June 2011 data will be used for Special Ed

Indicator 12 spreadsheet AND for APR indicators 1, 7, 8a

Changes Coming – 1 MI-CIS will be the site for June 2011

and December 2011 collections The Michigan Student Data System

(MSDS) may be the collection site starting in June 2012, more likely in December-ish 2012MSDS successfully collected annual

Special Education data last fall (good)Early On impact: likely minor

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Changes Coming – 2 MSDS is planning a “Combined

Collection” for fall 2011 forGeneral CollectionSpecial Education Supplemental Nutrition

Planned Date = First Wednesday in October

Early On Impact: MSDS Early On collection delayed (see Change – 1)

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Changes Coming – 3 Changed Special Ed regulations are now out

for public commentUnder age 2.5, there is only an IFSPChildren continuing with Special Ed services

after age three must have an IEP by their third birthday.

Early On impacts: All Special Ed children under age 2.5 will be in Early On; MICIS Notification screen will be more useful.

More details expected4/25 or 28/2011Early On Spring Data Cleaning5

Changes Coming – 4 The official counts for Indicators 1,7,8a

will come from the June 2011 collection The MI-CIS counts will replace part of

the Self Assessment process in the Annual Application

The December 2010 collection provided a Trial run for gathering and reporting the Indicator 1,7,and 8a data.

Impact: Some must do the entry work!

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See Dec 2010 handout P1

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See Dec 2010 handout P2

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Some APR Feb 2012 Data Captured in December 2010 See the left side 618 columns in the

Early On Summary Counts handout ACTIVE child records captured for

Indicator 2 – Natural EnvironmentIndicator 5 – Child Find Birth – 1Indicator 6 – Child Find Birth – 3

Ind 2 is final; Ind 5 and 6 percent might change if new (2010) Birth data available

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Other Feb 2012 APR Data will be captured in June 2011; Trial Run in December Indicators 1,7,and 8a will use the

period 7/1/10 – 6/30/11. We can see partial data from December – the right side columns in EO Summary Counts

The Indicator 1,7,and 8a counts on the following pages will NOT match the December Data Portrait; they are a subset.

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APR Data Trial Run in December All three Indicators 1,7,and 8 are

compliance – you SHOULD have 100% on each

Low percents on the handout are a WARNING to you – clean up your data and correct how you do things!

Some of you have three high numbers – Congratulations! Keep it up!

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Handout Close Up – Pg 2

The Plan for Today

Indicators 1,7,8aReview Data Entry Suggest Best Reports to identify missing dataEncourage low scorers to DO SOMETHING

Indicator B-12 and C-8b,cThis Year; Next Year – starting 7/1/2011See B-12 Webinar May 23 and 26

Q&A; additional webinar May 16 and 18

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Indicator 1 – Timely Service Start This is a compliance indicator – 100%

is expected. Late Services are NOT the problem The problem is NOT ENTERING the

Actual Start Date for the service This can be corrected for the June


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Indicator 1 – All options

Indicator 1 – Actual Service Start Date Rules

Enter Actual Start Data for all NEW services A red NEW label appears on the prog/serv

screen the first time a service is offered; trust the red NEW

Continuations are not new Only need to enter start date for one if there

are two of same service staring same day Only need to worry about NEW services

DUE on or after 7/1/2010.4/25 or 28/2011Early On Spring Data Cleaning16

Program/Services Detail

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Indicator 1 – Due List Reports

Two due list reports are meant for current active childrenSee Reports / Early On / Due ListServices Actual Start Date Report is a

potential entry documentDetail Services Start Date Code shows

code for all ACTIVE children

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Indicator 1 – History Report

Federal PERIOD count report shows ALL children you should be interested in

See Reports / Early On / Federal / Period CountChoose period from 7/1/10 – 6/30/11Group By Service Actual Start CodeCheck the Unduplicate Count buttonReview the Missing Service Code group

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Indicator 1 – Fix the Missing

Find the child record Go to the Programs/Services screen Click the SHOW ALL button

Don’t bother with SECode recordsDon’t worry if Begin Date prior to 6/1/2010Don’t worry about Continuation services –

(AND remember it is PLAN continuation)Don’t worry if there is no red NEWCall the Help Desk

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Find Service(s) to Update

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Indicator 7 – Timely First Meeting Dates

This is a compliance indicator – 100% The December data file did not have

accurate Late Reasons, so the actual numbers are a little better than those presented in the EO Summary Counts.

The state will look at timely Initial IFSP dates as well as timely First Meeting dates. The APR will only contain First Meeting dates.

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Indicator 7 – All options

Indicator 7 – Entry Screen Expectations

Indicator 7 is only about Initial IFSPs The Referral Date is the start of the

timeline There will be Due Dates for First Meeting

Date (45 days) and Initial IFSP Date (60 days)

Events happening after a due date mean a Late Reason must be entered

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Indicator 7 – Referral Outcomes Report

Reports / Referrals / Early On Referral OutcomesSelect Period 7/1/2010 – 6/30/2011Group By Outcome

• the BLANK outcomes will rise to the top• You probably can’t fix the Untimely outcomes,

but it is worth making sure you have the correct Late Reason.

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Indicator 7 – Blank Referral Outcomes

Reasons for having a blank outcomeNo Initial Eligibility IFSP was enteredNo Late Reason was enteredMultiple open referrals are out thereData entry is goofy

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Indicator 8a – Timely Transition Plan Entry

This is a compliance indicator – 100% Plans screen – choose the Purpose option =

Transition Plan If you have a review which is also a

Transition Plan, enter two records Most Common problem is a missing

Transition Plan

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Indicator 8a – Timely Transition Plan Rules

APR will count children who were active when they turned 33 months oldWill exclude exits prior to 33 monthsWill exclude initial IFSPs after 33 months

Timely Transition Plans are held between 27 and 33 months of age

Some untimely plans were too early A missing Transition Plan counts as Untimely Transition Plan late reason not tracked

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Indicator 8a – All options

Indicator 8a – Transition Plans Report

Reports / Early On / Due List / Transition Plan Due List shows plans for children in Snapshot (Active) or Period (Both)Sort by birth dateUse the with and without Transition Plan to

narrow the searchTIP: the report does not label Transition

Plans held too early (prior to 27 months). Do a visual scan to see if a later plan is needed.

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What to do NOW

Run the reports and make the entries for Indicators 1, 7, and 8a

If you have questions, attend another webinar May 16 or 18, whose focus is to review this material and answer questions

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Predicting Upcoming Changes for 8b, 8c, B-12

The following assumes that the new proposed Special Ed regulations will be implementedIf not, all bets are off!

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Indicator 8b, 8c – Timely Notification, Conference

For the current year, ending 6/30/11, expectAny child who has an IEP by age 3

will count as having had a timely notification and conference

Use the Special Ed Eligible check box on the Early On screen.

So most Service Areas will have 100%

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Indicator 8b, 8c – Changes beginning 7/1/2011- Rules?

The new Special Ed regulations say no IEP until age 2.5

All three transition events must occur between 27 and 33 months of ageTransition plan for all EO childrenNotification for potentially eligible for SEConference if SE evaluation needed

No Notifications until 27 months of age

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Indicator 8b, 8c – Changes beginning 7/1/2011- Impact?

A date field will be added to MICIS for Conference Date

Dates will need to be in order: Transition Plan, then Notification, then Conference

Only Notification Screen entries will be counted for C-8b as well as B-12

Use existence of MSDS IEP for children age 3; compare to count of notifications

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Indicator B12 – Timely Initial IEP for Special Education

The June 2011 June collection will once again be the starting point and will use a similar calculation and spreadsheet format as the last two years.

The expected change in state Special Ed regulations will likely have an impact starting July 1, 2011 for the February 2013 APR.

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Indicator B12 – Timely Initial IEP for SE- changes?

Expect that Notification entry will be required for counting B-12 children

Role and use of combined IEP/IFSP check box and the Special Ed Eligible check box will change

Tell your Special Ed counterparts about the webinars May 23 and 26 – B12 Entry and Reporting

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Schedule for MI-CIS June 2011 Collection – Reminder Count day is Thursday, June 30 Must be CERTIFIED by 4pm Friday, July 29 Early On Active and Exited children Detail Reports available as soon as data

submitted Data Portrait draft ready by August 12 June 2011 data will be used for Special Ed

Indicator 12 spreadsheet

Early On Spring Data Cleaning39

INFORMATION –Contact the Help Desk – Interagency Information Systems (IIS)

Footprints issue tracking Access through www.mi-iis.com / MICIS

Support, or http://mi-iis.nfpondemand.com/MRcgi/MRlogin.pl?PROJECTID=1

Login with your email address

Email support@mi-iis.com opens automatically in Footprints. You need a Footprints login.

Toll Free Phone – 866-731-2379

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