451 Research - Report Schedule & Overview Nov 2011




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Updated November 2011


This document provides titles and descriptions for the most recently published long-format reports, and provides an agenda of planned reports for the next several months. Upcoming topics and delivery dates are subject to change at any point without notice.

Reports can be purchased individually - please contact sales@the451group.com for pricing.

The reports are listed by program, such as ICE (Infrastructure Computing for the Enterprise), CAOS (Commercial Adoption of Open Source), etc. Subscribers to these programs receive all the thematically linked long-format reports, along with analyst advisory hours, at a significantly preferential investment. Please contact your sales representative for more details.



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Upcoming RepoRts

The ‘Total Data’ Treatise: New Approaches to Data Management in Response to Big Data (December 2011)

Analyst: Matt Aslett

Data volumes are exploding. Enterprises need better techniques to analyze, for example, IT management data or customer behavior statistics. ‘Total data’ describes a broad approach that makes use of all available data, regardless of where it resides, to improve the efficiency and accuracy of business intelligence.

The Big Squeeze: Systems Convergence (December 2011)Analyst: John Abbott

Converging fabric is changing buying patterns around infrastructure, with significant implications for major suppliers, such as Cisco, Dell, EMC, HP and VMware. Cisco was the first horse out of the gate with its Unified Computing System, but frameworks with comparable ambitions (Scalent Systems, say, or Egenera’s PAN Manager) have been around for years. What, if anything, will make a new generation of converged systems more successful than their predecessors? Is anything in the mix beyond Cisco’s desire to be a strategic vendor at the enterprise level?

Monitoring and Management Gather in the Clouds (December 2011) Jay Lyman, Dennis Callaghan

This report will consider the many cloud computing monitoring and management plays, including open source pieces and vendors, as well as large players adding these capabilities, often via acquisition. This report will consider some of the key capabilities and offerings and provide some assessment of the marketplace and what’s next based on what we’ve seen thus far in the systems management space.

Desktops as a Service (December 2011) Analysts: Rachel Chalmers, Karin Kelley

In the virtual desktop world, everything’s coming together. Take dynamic desktop assembly combined with user virtualization. Add options for hosted workspaces, terminal services and offline delivery. Make it all available to managed service providers, and what do you have? A new generation of desktops as a service.

IT Financial Management (February 2012)Analyst: Dennis Callaghan

As IT organizations transform themselves into service providers, showback and shadow billing become increasingly important. This report looks at the state of the art in chargeback for the enterprise.

ICEICEInfrastructure Computing for the Enterprise


infRastRUctURe compUting foR the enteRpRise (ice)


Backup in a Virtual World (March 2012)Analyst: Dave Simpson

The emergence of virtualization is having a profound effect on the enterprise data-protection landscape. As IT managers wrestle with the realities of protecting their core data in a virtual world, opportunities are opening up for innovative companies offering a virtualization-centric approach to data protection in areas such as backup/recovery, replication and disaster recovery. This report will look at why protecting virtual environments is different than protecting physical infrastructure and discuss whether this will provide the catalyst for a new breed of specialist to disrupt the large and entrenched incumbents.

Cloud Platforms (April 2012)Analyst: Rachel Chalmers

Like their service-provider peers, IT operations teams are most effective when they are helping their customers help themselves. Automation fulfills its true potential by streamlining routine chores associated with delivering resources to line of business.

The Confluence of Devops and Mobile Applications (May 2012)Analyst: Jay Lyman

We’re seeing more and more mobile application development and deployment as a main reason for implementing devops, the confluence of enterprise application development and IT operations, where applications are deployed, typically on cloud computing and services-based infrastructures in today’s technology environment. This report examines the addition of the mobile piece to the devops trend, including PaaS support, and investigates this unprecedented confluence of consumer and enterprise IT.

Virtual Desktop Management (May 2012)Analyst: Karin Kelley

After OS and app virtualization, user virtualization is emerging as a key layer in the desktop-as-a-service stack. This report casts a wide net across this increasingly strategic market sector.

The Open Source Lift in Cloud Computing: Perspectives on Open Source Software Use by Cloud Providers and Customers (September 2012)

Analyst: Jay Lyman

Two years ago, we asked about the benefits – particularly the cost savings – of using open source software in the enterprise. Today, we see open source playing another prominent role as the basis for cloud computing. This report examines the key drivers and advantages of open source for private, public and hybrid cloud stacks and services. By asking open source users and customers about their experiences, we uncover the reasons for open source’s prevalence in the cloud.

ICEICEInfrastructure Computing for the Enterprise



Recently pUblished RepoRts

The Age of Exascale (September 2011) Analyst: John Barr

The advances required to move from one generation of high-performance computer system to the next are often described as ‘more of the same, but bigger and faster.’ The move to exascale systems is different, though – everything has to change. There is a great deal of excitement and debate within the HPC community about the technical challenges that need to be resolved in order to deliver one-exaflop-per-second performance. However, the most important issue is not the technology from which the system is built, but rather the applications that are run on such a powerful system. This report examines the opportunities and challenges in building and operating exascale systems, covering issues such as power consumption, scalability and resiliency - as well as the processor architectures, memory technology, data management systems and programming tools required. Various global exascale initiatives are profiled, and the implications for users, vendors and investors are discussed.

The Coming PaaS World War (July 2011)Analyst: Dennis Callaghan

Much has changed since our first report on PaaS in 2010. VMware and Red Hat have fully entered the fray, ready to duel for open source Java application development dominance, while Microsoft Azure continues to mature as a Windows alternative, and salesforce.com expanded its PaaS capabilities with the acquisition of Heroku. Google remains a force, while Amazon may soon pounce. Rollbase was rolled up by Intacct, and a similar fate awaits other startups that will struggle to gain traction against the giants. As developers demand cradle-to-grave application management and cloud-based development and deployment environments, PaaS has emerged as a crucial technology. This report examines this dynamic market and predicts where PaaS is heading in the next 12-18 months.

The Application Bazaar: How IT Organizations Are Reinventing Application Purchasing (June 2011)

Analyst: Karin Kelley

Application marketplaces took off with great success in the consumer and mobile markets, and businesses of all kinds are now catching on. Partner directories and application showcases are evolving into one-stop shops for applications and the services that manage them. Vendors coming into this space include PaaS and SaaS players, MSPs, traditional enterprise ISVs, dedicated startups, and desktop virtualization providers. There are also mobile and consumer app marketplaces, while other adjacent markets include security providers and data and application integration players. This report examines the app marketplaces currently being provided, for the most part, by SaaS and hybrid CRM and ERP vendors. It also looks at some emerging offerings, and the different tacks vendors are taking with their online app showcases. It includes profiles of app marketplace layers – both current and emerging – and looks ahead to map out potential directions for app marketplaces.

ICEICEInfrastructure Computing for the Enterprise



The Big Four Hypervisors and Their Ecosystems (April 2011) Analyst: Rachel Chalmers

VMware dominates the enterprise market, no question – our 451 Market Monitor service estimates that almost 80% of virtualized enterprise servers use VMware products. It is one of the great success stories of our time, but its products are not ideal for all use cases – virtualizing cloud and client workloads and bare-metal client virtualization, for example. The cloud is where we see support for alternative platforms – Xen especially, but also Hyper-V and KVM – beginning to take hold. Others see alternative hypervisors popping up at the departmental level and are building out multi-hypervisor support. Given the likelihood that future enterprise infrastructure will include a large component of public and hybrid cloud resources, multi-hypervisor support makes sense. This report provides an in-depth comparison of the major hypervisor offerings, and examines the rise of multi-hypervisor enterprise infrastructure. It includes a discussion of partner ecosystems and platform support, as well as implications for ISVs, enterprises and investors.

ICEICEInfrastructure Computing for the Enterprise



DCTDCTDatacenter Technologies

DCTDCTdatacenteR technologies

Upcoming RepoRts

Datacenter Sustainability: Mandates Are Grim, But Volunteering Is Vexing (November 2011)

Analyst: John Stanley

As huge energy consumers, datacenters find their environmental performance under intense scrutiny by regulators, customers and others. Regulations can drive datacenters toward sustainability. However, they can also burden operators with costs and restrictions, and they can alter the competitive landscape for suppliers. Voluntary measures are more palatable, but the proliferation of standards and metrics can create confusion, frustration and inaction. This report provides an overview of current environmental issues most relevant to the datacenter industry, including legislation, standards, metrics and other topics.

Datacenter Infrastructure Management Software: Market Monitor Forecast, 2010-2015 (December 2011)

Analysts: Greg Zwakman, Andy Lawrence, John Stanley

This is the first report from the 451 Market Monitor: Datacenter Technologies service, a market-sizing and forecasting product that focuses on the market for datacenter equipment and software. This report examines datacenter infrastructure management (DCIM) software. It provides a bottom-up market-sizing analysis that incorporates revenue estimates and forecasts for each of the 39 competing vendors that we have identified. The report also examines two market subsectors and their respective demand drivers, as well as providing estimated revenue ranges for each vendor’s DCIM sales in 2010. Finally, the report explains growth accelerators, growth inhibitors and other trends in the market.

The Economics of Datacenter 2.0: Prefab, Container and Modular Datacenters (1Q 2012)

Analyst: Jason Schafer The design and deployment of datacenters is being fundamentally changed by the introduction of pre-configured, pre-tested modular datacenters, sometimes delivered inside containers – so-called ‘datacenter 2.0’ offerings. This report focuses on the four drivers behind datacenter 2.0 – financial, speed to market, reliability and efficiency (FSRE). In particular, the report examines the financial issues: the comparative costs vs. traditional datacenters, the capex and opex elements, and the total cost of ownership.


Cloud Services, Energy and Carbon: Allocation, Allocation, Allocation (1Q 2012)Analyst: Andy Lawrence

Everyone agrees that cloud computing is more energy efficient – or ‘greener’ – than traditional or earlier-generation IT. But is it really? And if it is, how can cloud providers account for their energy use and carbon emissions, so they can demonstrate their efficiency? And how can they allocate energy/carbon to particular services? This report examines the issues of cloud computing, energy and carbon allocation and chargeback, and how some projects are tackling the problem.

What if Carbon Stops Being Free? Carbon, Electricity Rates and Datacenter Costs (1Q 2012)

Analyst: John Stanley

Some regions have regulations that force datacenters to pay for their carbon emissions, and others may soon implement such rules. In a few cases, datacenters might pay for their emissions directly, but more often they pay in the form of higher electricity prices. (Utilities pay for their emissions, and they pass the costs on to electricity users.) Either way, many datacenter operators are fearful of having to pay for their carbon. But how much would new carbon taxes, or hikes in existing carbon taxes, really affect electricity rates? And how much of an impact would higher electricity rates have on datacenters’ cost structures? This report explores these two questions. The answers vary by region and by the type of datacenter.

IT Power Management and Its Role in the Datacenter (2Q 2012)Analyst: Andy Lawrence

In recent years, there has been a huge effort by datacenter operators to reduce power consumption by making the infrastructure more efficient. But efforts to automatically improve the utilization and power management of servers so far have come to little. This report considers the application and potential of active IT power-control technologies, such as load shifting, load shedding, power management and power capping.

DCIM: From Fragmentation to Convergence (2Q 2012)Analyst: Andy Lawrence

Datacenter infrastructure management technology is evolving rapidly. Simple tools with monitoring capabilities have been developing into more sophisticated monitoring, data aggregation and control systems, and asset systems have become entire datacenter management databases. A few tools have become complete suites, while others have extended even further, tracking and managing physical and even virtual IT assets. This report examines the positioning and capabilities of modern DCIM.

DCTDCTDatacenter Technologies



Recently pUblished RepoRts

Case Studies in Highly Energy-Efficient Datacenters (October 2011)Analyst: Andrew Donoghue

New tools, designs and services have emerged to help datacenter operators improve the energy efficiency of IT and facilities. There are a number of standout examples of datacenters using the latest technologies and strategies to improve facility energy efficiency. But on the whole, real-life deployments still lag supplier innovations. Factors such as fuel price increases, carbon taxes and other environmental regulations will need to accelerate in order to drive substantial adoption of these efficiency technology and techniques. This report examines a cross-section of sustainable datacenter projects, which are broadly representative of the range of eco-efficient technologies and strategies being employed by datacenter owners and operators today. Some of these are becoming accepted practice; others may be too niche to be applicable to the datacenter ‘mainstream.’ However, taken as a whole, the projects analyzed in this report illustrate how the datacenter industry is repositioning itself to consider the issues of energy use and sustainability on par with uptime and availability.

From ‘Brawny’ to ‘Wimpy’ – The Rise of the Low-Power Server (September 2011)Analyst: John Abbott

CPUs developed for smartphones and tablets are being repurposed for use in servers, with dramatic effects on energy use and density. Owners of large-scale datacenters supporting Internet services and cloud computing are watching these developments closely. Despite ever more powerful CPUs and the benefits and maturity that come from commoditization, x86 server development has essentially stagnated over the past 10 years, and innovation has been far more evident in the mobile device sector. Power-hungry CPUs can turn out to be overkill for a new generation of Internet and cloud workloads that, on the whole, don’t run x86 applications. For vendors and users building out cloud infrastructure – both internal and external – the differences in cost, density and performance may be too big to ignore. This report assists in the understanding of low-power servers by providing an introduction to how they fit into the current market landscape, examining how they are likely to evolve over the next 18-24 months, and presenting some typical use cases for currently available products and those about to come to the market. It also takes a look at vendor developments in CPUs, server design and related software activities. Of particular relevance here is the increasing presence of ARM.

DCTDCTDatacenter Technologies



Datacenter 2.0 – The Industrial Evolution (September 2011)Analyst: Jason Schafer

The datacenter industry is at the beginning of a period of fundamental, disruptive change. A combination of technological, economic and market factors have been coming together, with the result that datacenters are increasingly being engineered and constructed in a fundamentally different way than in the past. We believe that the emergence of prefabricated, modular datacenters will have a major impact on the datacenter industry – its ecosystem, its economics and its technology. This report helps define the taxonomy and provides an initial scoping of the market size. It also discusses future trends and expectations and gives snapshots for most of the high-profile companies currently innovating toward datacenter modularity.

Datacenter Infrastructure Management Software (May 2011)Analyst: Andy Lawrence

This report examines the emerging market for software and systems that help managers gain a clear view of the status of their datacenters – especially energy consumption, how they can use software to build accurate models of their datacenter infrastructure assets, and how they can use software to optimize datacenter performance. The report updates the 2009 report, ‘Datacenter Management & Energy-Efficiency Software.’ It discusses the products and strategies of some 30+ vendors, and looks at the functions and taxonomy of the datacenter-efficiency software market. Since our earlier report, this category has become known as datacenter infrastructure management (DCIM), and has shown some signs of promising growth. However, the landscape remains confused and complicated.

DCTDCTDatacenter Technologies



Upcoming RepoRts

Journeys in the Cloud (December 2011)Analysts: William Fellows, Agatha Poon

Building on previous reports in 2010 and 2009, this report uses both survey and interview research techniques with CloudScape’s end-user program members to understand what is driving adoption and spending. What are the experiences – what’s working and also what’s not? To what extent are enterprises deploying hybrid clouds using public and private cloud resources? The report will consist of both data and case studies.

Cloud Heavyweights 2011 (December 2011)Analysts: Doug Toombs

While there are scores of pretenders and startups, many of which are punching above their weight, this report provides analysis of the form and capabilities of the largest and most formidable contenders in the division. What types of services are being pushed? How are they built, marketed and priced? Who are the customers, and how do we see the market evolving?

Cloud IaaS – Trends from the Voice of the Cloud Customer (January 2012)

Analysts: Sean Hackett, Marco Coulter, William Fellows

TheInfoPro (TIP), a division of 451 Research, sources its insight from interviews with hundreds of enterprise IT decision-makers. Based on the latest data, this report examines which vendors are catching excitement and which are catching revenue. What are the most common cloud technologies in use? How is the infrastructure cloud being managed? This ‘voice of the customer’ report will deliver research-based answers identifying which organizations vendors should partner with, optimal implementation priorities for technologies and insight as to how far down the road the majority of IT professionals have reached. 

Cloud Application Bazaar (1Q 2012)Analyst: Agatha Poon

Application marketplaces are gaining in buzz and popularity, presenting a potentially more efficient way for businesses to source, consume and pay for applications. PaaS and SaaS players, MSPs, ISVs, dedicated startups and a host of other hopefuls are seeking to cash in on the opportunity. This report seeks to delineate the market, provide an assessment of the overall opportunity and identify the role of application marketplaces in the cloud economy.




The Role of Object-Based Storage in a Cloudy ‘Big Data’ World (May 2012)Analyst: Simon Robinson

Object-based storage systems are nothing new, but exploding volumes of unstructured data combined with cloud-based data delivery and consumption models are creating ideal conditions for growth, especially as service providers look for more cost-effective ways of building massive repositories for long-term data retention. This report will examine the drivers for object-based storage systems and how such platforms are being deployed in both public and private cloud environments, as well as offering a detailed look at the competitive landscape. Will EMC’s early dominance with Atmos be unseated by an emerging set of rival platforms from startups such as Scality and DataDirect Networks, large technology vendors such as Dell and NetApp, or even emerging open source offerings such as the Rackspace/NASA-based OpenStack?

Cloud Brokering (2Q 2012)Analyst: TBD

Many enterprises are looking to trusted cloud experts to help them navigate their journey to the cloud. Who are the leaders in the field? What is the maturity of this market today, and what does the future hold for cloud brokerage services? The spectrum of companies covered will range from current leaders in the market to those companies new to the space that show potential to secure a cloud-brokering place among the leaders. End-user experience will be provided in case studies.

Networking for the Cloud – the Flattened, Flexible Network (2Q 2012)Analyst: TBD

The winds of virtualization have driven cloud computing efficiencies for servers, storage and applications. Those same breezes are starting to affect networking in clouds and datacenters, offering improvements in provisioning and integration with the virtual environment. This report looks at both the approaches being championed and the courses being charted by vendors as they navigate in this sphere. It will explore the implications of these new paths for service provider and enterprise datacenter environments.

Cloud in Emerging Markets: China and India Driving Growth (Summer 2012)Analysts: Swapna Subramani, Agatha Poon, William Fellows

China and India are the standout leaders in cloud market growth and opportunity for suppliers. What characteristics are shaping service creation and adoption in these regions? Who are the providers, what services are being supplied, and who are the consumers? This report examines the state of the market and provides guidance for would-be entrants, including market sizing and segmentation, use cases, partner opportunities and supplier profiling.




The Open Source Lift in Cloud Computing: Perspectives on Open Source Software Use by Cloud Providers and Customers (September 2012)

Analyst: Jay Lyman

Two years ago, we asked about the benefits – particularly the cost savings – of using open source software in the enterprise. Today, we see open source playing another prominent role as the basis for cloud computing. This report examines the key drivers and advantages of open source for private, public and hybrid cloud stacks and services. By asking open source users and customers about their experiences, we uncover the reasons for open source’s prevalence in the cloud.

Recently pUblished RepoRts

Cloud Storage On-Ramps (November 2011)Analyst: Simon Robinson

As enterprise IT staff continue to wrestle with the challenges of data growth in a cost-sensitive environment, cloud storage is an intriguing option. However, adoption of cloud storage so far has been mostly concentrated in tech-savvy Web 2.0 and consumer-centric markets, leaving open the question: How do traditional IT departments take advantage? The answer may come from so-called cloud storage on-ramps, a new type of offering that promises to provide IT managers with a pathway to leveraging the cloud with little perceived risk. This report provides an in-depth appraisal of the drivers and prospects of this evolving market. It offers an overview of the current state of enterprise cloud and cloud storage adoption (including market sizing); an assessment of the challenges and use cases that cloud storage on-ramps are evolving to address; an overview of key startups, technologies and differentiators; and an assessment of the rapidly developing competitive landscape and potential M&A activity. The report concludes with several in-depth case studies of enterprises that have implemented cloud storage on-ramps.

Conducting the Cloud: Orchestration – With a Focus on Test & Development (October 2011)

Analyst: William Fellows

The hybrid cloud model won’t work unless all the resources and functions in a system can be dynamically orchestrated. Cloud orchestration marries the disciplines of automated self-service resource provisioning, on-boarding and management with process, policy, governance and security. Without this kind of orchestration, organizations cannot really play in the cloud. The cloud orchestration sector is lighting up quickly as end users, vendors, integrators and investors alike seek to understand whether it can provide the ‘missing link’ between the enterprise and cloud. This report examines vendor approaches as they converge on this opportunity from all points. We use test and development workloads - a key use case in the cloud - as a lens to focus our analysis. The report offers extensive profiles of the vendors operating in this space – including the Big Four systems management vendors and other major players – as well as revenue projections for the market.




The Coming PaaS World War (July 2011)Analyst: Dennis Callaghan

Much has changed since our first report on PaaS in 2010. VMware and Red Hat have fully entered the fray, ready to duel for open source Java application development dominance, while Microsoft Azure continues to mature as a Windows alternative, and salesforce.com expanded its PaaS capabilities with the acquisition of Heroku. Google remains a force, while Amazon may soon pounce. Rollbase was rolled up by Intacct, and a similar fate awaits other startups that will struggle to gain traction against the giants. As developers demand cradle-to-grave application management and cloud-based development and deployment environments, PaaS has emerged as a crucial technology. This report examines this dynamic market and predicts where PaaS is heading in the next 12-18 months.

Telcos Align Growth Strategies With the Cloud (May 2011)Analyst: Agatha Poon

This report examines cloud computing in the telecom arena, including current offerings, M&A activity, market sizing and the role of strategic partnerships. It includes in-depth assessments of 10 major players in the telecom cloud market.

The State of SaaS, 2011 (May 2011)Analysts: Sean Hackett and Gregg Speicher

This report examines the state of the enterprise SaaS marketplace (encompassing CRM, ERP, and content & collaboration). It aims to provide the reader with a broad perspective on the SaaS opportunity. The report includes current market sizing, examines drivers and inhibitors of growth, identifies trends impacting the competitive landscape, and highlights current and future competitors.

How to Become a Cloud Supplier (April 2011)Analyst: William Fellows

This report provides an in-depth comparison of the major hypervisor offerings, and examines the rise of multi-hypervisor enterprise infrastructure. It includes a discussion of partner ecosystems and platform support, as well as implications for ISVs, enterprises and investors.




Upcoming RepoRts

Datacenter Sustainability: Mandates Are Grim, But Volunteering Is Vexing (November 2011)

Analyst: John Stanley

As huge energy consumers, datacenters find their environmental performance under intense scrutiny by regulators, customers and others. Regulations can drive datacenters toward sustainability. However, they can also burden operators with costs and restrictions, and they can alter the competitive landscape for suppliers. Voluntary measures are more palatable, but the proliferation of standards and metrics can create confusion, frustration and inaction. This report provides an overview of current environmental issues most relevant to the datacenter industry, including legislation, standards, metrics and other topics.

Cloud Services, Energy and Carbon: Allocation, Allocation, Allocation (1Q 2012)Analyst: Andy Lawrence

Everyone agrees that cloud computing is more energy efficient – or ‘greener’ – than traditional or earlier-generation IT. But is it really? And if it is, how can cloud providers account for their energy use and carbon emissions, so they can demonstrate their efficiency? And how can they allocate energy/carbon to particular services? This report examines the issues of cloud computing, energy and carbon allocation and chargeback, and how some projects are tackling the problem.

What if Carbon Stops Being Free? Carbon, Electricity Rates and Datacenter Costs (1Q 2012)

Analyst: John Stanley

Some regions have regulations that force datacenters to pay for their carbon emissions, and others may soon implement such rules. In a few cases, datacenters might pay for their emissions directly, but more often they pay in the form of higher electricity prices. (Utilities pay for their emissions, and they pass the costs on to electricity users.) Either way, many datacenter operators are fearful of having to pay for their carbon. But how much would new carbon taxes, or hikes in existing carbon taxes, really affect electricity rates? And how much of an impact would higher electricity rates have on datacenters’ cost structures? This report explores these two questions. The answers vary by region and by the type of datacenter.

IT Power Management and Its Role in the Datacenter (2Q 2012)Analyst: Andy Lawrence

In recent years, there has been a huge effort by datacenter operators to reduce power consumption by making the infrastructure more efficient. But efforts to automatically improve the utilization and power management of servers so far have come to little. This report considers the application and potential of active IT power-control technologies, such as load shifting, load shedding, power management and power capping.

ECO-ITECO-ITEco-Efficient IT

ECO-ITECO-ITeco-efficient it


Enterprise Energy Management (2Q 2012)Analysts: Andrew Donoghue, John Stanley

This report explores in detail the rapidly emerging technology around enterprise energy management. Energy is becoming a significant cost for most organizations, but there are huge opportunities to manage energy consumption and thereby reduce costs. This report examines these strategies, and the role of technology from various vendors, ranging from IT suppliers such as Cisco, JouleX and Verdiem to building management system providers such as Siemens, Johnson Controls and Schneider Electric. It discusses how these technologies interact with carbon and sustainability management systems from suppliers such as Hara and C3.

Recently pUblished RepoRts

Case Studies in Highly Energy-Efficient Datacenters (October 2011)Analyst: Andrew Donoghue

New tools, designs and services have emerged to help datacenter operators improve the energy efficiency of IT and facilities. There are a number of standout examples of datacenters using the latest technologies and strategies to improve facility energy efficiency. But on the whole, real-life deployments still lag supplier innovations. Factors such as fuel price increases, carbon taxes and other environmental regulations will need to accelerate in order to drive substantial adoption of these efficiency technology and techniques. This report examines a cross-section of sustainable datacenter projects, which are broadly representative of the range of eco-efficient technologies and strategies being employed by datacenter owners and operators today. Some of these are becoming accepted practice; others may be too niche to be applicable to the datacenter ‘mainstream.’ However, taken as a whole, the projects analyzed in this report illustrate how the datacenter industry is repositioning itself to consider the issues of energy use and sustainability on par with uptime and availability.

From ‘Brawny’ to ‘Wimpy’ – The Rise of the Low-Power Server (September 2011)Analyst: John Abbott

CPUs developed for smartphones and tablets are being repurposed for use in servers, with dramatic effects on energy use and density. Owners of large-scale datacenters supporting Internet services and cloud computing are watching these developments closely. Despite ever more powerful CPUs and the benefits and maturity that come from commoditization, x86 server development has essentially stagnated over the past 10 years, and innovation has been far more evident in the mobile device sector. Power-hungry CPUs can turn out to be overkill for a new generation of Internet and cloud workloads that, on the whole, don’t run x86 applications. For vendors and users building out cloud infrastructure – both internal and external – the differences in cost, density and performance may be too big to ignore. This report assists in the understanding of low-power servers by providing an introduction to how they fit into the current market landscape, examining how they are likely to evolve over the next 18-24 months, and presenting some typical use cases for currently available products and those about to come to the market. It also takes a look at vendor developments in CPUs, server design and related software activities. Of particular relevance here is the increasing presence of ARM.

ECO-ITECO-ITEco-Efficient IT



Carbon Management: Introduction to an Emerging Market (January 2011)Analyst: John Stanley

This report focuses on software tools that organizations can use to track and manage their energy consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other aspects of sustainability performance. Companies across the globe are continuing to increase their attention to sustainability issues, driven by a combination of existing or pending government regulations, customer attention, supply-chain pressures and competitive drivers. Within the broad scope of sustainability, energy and GHG management are receiving particular attention. One reason is the environmental community’s attention to GHGs and carbon; another is that businesses understand that carbon reductions often go hand-in-hand with cost-saving energy reductions and other competitive advantages.

PC Power Management (December 2010)Analyst: Andrew Donoghue

This report examines the market for desktop power management products, including the technology currently available, adoption trends and user behavior, and the future direction of the market, as well as profiles of 19 prominent vendors.

ECO-ITECO-ITEco-Efficient IT



Upcoming RepoRts

The ‘Total Data’ Treatise: New Approaches to Data Management in Response to Big Data (December 2011)

Analyst: Matt Aslett

Data volumes are exploding. Enterprises need better techniques to analyze, for example, IT management data or customer behavior statistics. ‘Total data’ describes a broad approach that makes use of all available data, regardless of where it resides, to improve the efficiency and accuracy of business intelligence.

Solid-State Storage Systems (December 2011)Analysts: Henry Baltazar and Simon Robinson

Few in the industry would disagree that solid-state storage technology will significantly reshape the way enterprise data is stored and accessed; however, as flash-based systems begin to penetrate the market, the debate over how solid-state storage should be deployed has only just begun. This report provides an overview of the impact of flash on the enterprise storage market to date, and assesses the prospects for an emerging range of innovations that are threatening to further disrupt the market.

The SharePoint Ecosystem (1Q 2012)Analyst: Kathleen Reidy

The impact that Microsoft SharePoint has had in the information management market in the past decade can, perhaps, not be overstated, and we are likely still in the early days of SharePoint’s entrenchment as an enterprise system. Adoption of SharePoint continues unabated, and this has created a complex competitive landscape for vendors that had previously been stalwarts in the information management space. SharePoint isn’t a panacea, though, and Microsoft has seemingly intentionally left SharePoint a fairly generic platform. This means the buying organizations often have requirements that extend beyond what SharePoint can do out of the box. Many third-party vendors have rushed to fill these gaps, and there is a growing ecosystem of vendors providing extensions, add-ons and infrastructure management tools for SharePoint. This report will detail many of these gaps, the areas in this ecosystem that are particularly ripe for growth, and the costs and benefits to IT organizations as they extend SharePoint. We’ll outline the key vendors that are building businesses on top of SharePoint, the potential risks these vendors face and market consolidation that may occur. This report also looks at how cloud deployment models are likely to affect SharePoint’s growth and what the impact of Office 365, specifically, is likely to be on the SharePoint ecosystem. 

E-Discovery 2012 (1H 2012)Analyst: David Horrigan

In our annual look at the e-discovery market, we look at the growth rate of the US and Western European markets, as well as user adoption. How fast is it growing, and what is driving that growth? This report will focus on those issues but also look at the latest technology innovations and key decisions from the courts and national and international regulators.

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Backup in a Virtual World (March 2012)Analyst: Dave Simpson

The emergence of virtualization is having a profound effect on the enterprise data-protection landscape. As IT managers wrestle with the realities of protecting their core data in a virtual world, opportunities are opening up for innovative companies offering a virtualization-centric approach to data protection in areas such as backup/recovery, replication and disaster recovery. This report will look at why protecting virtual environments is different than protecting physical infrastructure and discuss whether this will provide the catalyst for a new breed of specialist to disrupt the large and entrenched incumbents.

The Role of Object-Based Storage in a Cloudy ‘Big Data’ World (May 2012)Analyst: Simon Robinson

Object-based storage systems are nothing new, but exploding volumes of unstructured data combined with cloud-based data delivery and consumption models are creating ideal conditions for growth, especially as service providers look for more cost-effective ways of building massive repositories for long-term data retention. This report will examine the drivers for object-based storage systems and how such platforms are being deployed in both public and private cloud environments, as well as offering a detailed look at the competitive landscape. Will EMC’s early dominance with Atmos be unseated by an emerging set of rival platforms from startups such as Scality and DataDirect Networks, large technology vendors such as Dell and NetApp, or even emerging open source offerings such as the Rackspace/NASA-based OpenStack?

The Confluence of Devops and Mobile Applications (May 2012)Analyst: Jay Lyman

We’re seeing more and more mobile application development and deployment as a main reason for implementing devops – the confluence of enterprise application development and IT operations – where applications are deployed, typically on cloud computing and services-based infrastructures in today’s technology environment. This report examines the addition of the mobile piece to the devops trend, including PaaS support, and investigates this unprecedented confluence of consumer and enterprise IT.

IMIMInformation Management



Recently pUblished RepoRts

Cloud Storage On-Ramps (November 2011)Analyst: Simon Robinson

As enterprise IT staff continue to wrestle with the challenges of data growth in a cost-sensitive environment, cloud storage is an intriguing option. However, adoption of cloud storage so far has been mostly concentrated in tech-savvy Web 2.0 and consumer-centric markets, leaving open the question: How do traditional IT departments take advantage? The answer may come from so-called cloud storage on-ramps, a new type of offering that promises to provide IT managers with a pathway to leveraging the cloud with little perceived risk. This report provides an in-depth appraisal of the drivers and prospects of this evolving market. It offers an overview of the current state of enterprise cloud and cloud storage adoption (including market sizing); an assessment of the challenges and use cases that cloud storage on-ramps are evolving to address; an overview of key startups, technologies and differentiators; and an assessment of the rapidly developing competitive landscape and potential M&A activity. The report concludes with several in-depth case studies of enterprises that have implemented cloud storage on-ramps.

E-Discovery and E-Disclosure 2011: Crossing Clouds and Continents (August 2011)Analysts: Nick Patience and David Horrigan

Our annual look at the market for electronic discovery is an opportunity to step back from the day-to-day focus on overall trends in the market. Here, we examine not only how this growing industry is adjusting to new technologies, but also to new legal decisions and regulations. Cloud computing has had – and will continue to have – profound implications for e-discovery. Social media has opened a Pandora’s box of legal and technical issues for e-discovery. Technology usually outpaces the law, and 2011 has been no exception, and conflict of laws continues to be an issue in e-discovery. The past 12 months has seen a resurgence in M&A activity in this market, particularly in the first half of 2011. This report will review these transactions and look ahead at what might be coming next. As e-discovery crosses clouds and continents, we will analyze how these factors and others impact corporations, their lawyers, their software and service providers as they deal with new technology, new laws and new regulations.

IMIMInformation Management



NoSQL, NewSQL and Beyond: The Drivers and Use Cases for Database Alternatives (April 2011)

Analyst: Matt Aslett

The database landscape has changed significantly in recent years with the emergence of many new relational and non-relational database products. The various database alternatives have been developed in response to the fact that the existing products did not meet requirements with regards to scalability, performance, (relaxed) consistency, agility and intricacy. While the NoSQL offerings are closely associated with Web application providers, the same drivers have spurred the adoption of data-grid/caching products and the emergence of a new breed of relational database products and vendors. For the most part, these database alternatives are not designed to directly replace existing products, but to offer purpose-built alternatives for workloads that are unsuited to general-purpose relational databases. This report provides perspective on the changing market landscape, reviews the drivers for the creation and adoption of alternatives to traditional relational databases, and examines the use cases for the various commercially viable products and services.

Cloud E-Discovery (November 2010)Analyst: Katey Wood

This report offers a market overview of e-discovery hosted inside and outside the firewall. It focuses on the benefits and risks of cloud e-discovery, adoption trends and inhibitors, market drivers, current vendor and service-provider offerings and the future direction of the market, particularly for enterprise customers.

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Upcoming RepoRts

A Peek Into the Psychographics of the CISO (December 2011)Analysts: Wendy Nather and Daniel Kennedy

When CISOs really get talking, we hear some interesting things about security. Overall vendor market figures only show half the picture: our interviews from TheInfoPro division shed light on how leading security products are bought, used, and in some cases discarded. We put leading security analysis from 451 Research’s Enterprise Security Practice together with end user data from TheInfoPro’s Security Practice to build a multi-dimensional view of current industry trends.

The Identities of Data: Extending, Automating and Securing the Data Lifecycle (February 2012)

Analyst: Steve Coplan

Encryption has long served as information security’s workhorse. Data security, however, faces a new set of challenges where custody and ownership are separated within cloud computing, and distributed information networks are increasingly targeted by sophisticated adversaries. These trends have catalyzed efforts to better automate and scale the policies that govern data access by incorporating identity and data-classification logic, and abstract the underlying key management and key exchange plumbing from runtime decisions. In this report, we investigate how the realms of identity management, data and content classification, key management, and intelligent encryption are converging to address these market requirements.

The Critical Infrastructure Protection Playbook (2Q 2012)Analyst: Andrew Hay

The primary purpose of this report is to open the eyes of security technology vendors to the slew of security opportunities and related monies made available by the security concerns of critical infrastructure protection (CIP). If you are a security vendor looking to make money in this lucrative sector, this report will explain some of the lesser-known government programs to take advantage of to help gain entry into the market, as well as the natural technology affinities within the realm of CIP security that will succeed. From an opportunity standpoint, we will also explain the potential exits for technology companies and show investors how they can make more money (while taking fewer risks) than ever before.

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Recently pUblished RepoRts

The Application Security Spectrum (August 2011)Analyst: Wendy Nather

The application security market is growing in several directions, and although it still receives much less spending than other types of IT security, it is hitting the mainstream in a big way, due in part to the awareness raised by widespread attacks from Anonymous, LulzSec, AntiSec and other chaotic actors. In this report, we look at application security from the perspective of an enterprise that is developing its own software or acquiring it from a third party: which products would work best at different stages? There are products that look for security flaws in the code, test for flaws in the running production application in place, detect and prevent tampering with the application and block known or suspected attacks on the application. There are also burgeoning products that blur the lines around an application by abstracting some of its key security controls into a separate management point. How many of these does one CISO or CIO need to cover application security? And what about the cloud? This report looks at specific use cases and issues, based both on the author’s years of experience as a CISO in the public and private sectors, and on numerous interviews with large and small organizations that are tackling these challenges today.

The Cyber Security Playbook: Selling Into the Global Cyber Security Market (April 2011)

Analyst: Andrew HayThe primary purpose of this report is to open the eyes of security technology vendors to the slew of cyber-security opportunities and related monies made available by the cyber-security concerns of the government, military and intelligence communities. If you are a security vendor looking to make money in this lucrative sector, this report explains some of the lesser-known government programs that could help you gain entry into the market, as well as the natural technology affinities within the realm of cyber security that will succeed. From an opportunity standpoint, we also explain the potential exits for technology companies and show investors how they can make more money (while taking fewer risks) than ever before. Although this report is primarily US-centric due to the US having the majority of government funding and R&D-backed initiatives in this space, in addition to the largest defense industrial base in the world, many of the recommendations still apply across geographic boundaries.

ESPESPEnterprise Security Program



From ‘Identity in the Cloud’ to ‘Cloud Identity’ (January 2011)Analyst: Steve Coplan

This report investigates the intersection of identity management, security for cloud computing and the service-enablement challenges facing cloud service providers and their customers. As identity has emerged as a key enabling technology for the cloud and desktop and application virtualization, as well as enterprise adoption of mobile computing, the market is now contending with what the cloud requires for identity management as a technology set relative to what the identity management industry can deliver. The question now posed by cloud computing and services-enablement automation requirements is: What could an organization do in the cloud? How could the cloud help make business processes more efficient and seamlessly integrated? Framed in terms of enabling technology, the question is now broader than getting users (or other entity identities) through the front door; it’s what they can do once they have authenticated to an API – regardless of the authentication protocol. In this report, we analyze how these cloud computing demands for granularity of policy definitions, service automation and transparent security are driving a demarcation between ‘legacy’ and ‘cloud’ identity management.

Virtualized Desktops Grow Up: Mapping the Intersection of Management and Security (July 2010)

Analysts: Steve Coplan and Rachel Chalmers

This report examines the intersection of management and security for virtualized desktops, including end-user perspectives, current and future use cases, and an in-depth user deployment study, as well a discussion of partnership and M&A.

ESPESPEnterprise Security Program



Upcoming RepoRts

The ‘Total Data’ Treatise: New Approaches to Data Management in Response to Big Data (December 2011)

Analyst: Matt Aslett

Data volumes are exploding. Enterprises need better techniques to analyze, for example, IT management data or customer behavior statistics. ‘Total data’ describes a broad approach that makes use of all available data, regardless of where it resides, to improve the efficiency and accuracy of business intelligence.

Monitoring and Management Gather in the Clouds (December 2011) Analysts: Jay Lyman, Dennis Callaghan

This report will consider the many cloud computing monitoring and management plays, including open source pieces and vendors, as well as large players adding these capabilities, often via acquisition. This report will consider some of the key capabilities and offerings and provide some assessment of the marketplace and what’s next based on what we’ve seen thus far in the systems management space.

The Confluence of Devops and Mobile Applications (May 2012)Analyst: Jay Lyman

We’re seeing more and more mobile application development and deployment as a main reason for implementing devops – the confluence of enterprise application development and IT operations – where applications are deployed, typically on cloud computing and services-based infrastructures in today’s technology environment. This report examines the addition of the mobile piece to the devops trend, including PaaS support, and investigates this unprecedented confluence of consumer and enterprise IT.

The Open Source Lift in Cloud Computing: Perspectives on Open Source Software Use by Cloud Providers and Customers (September 2012)

Analyst: Jay Lyman

Two years ago, we asked about the benefits – particularly the cost savings – of using open source software in the enterprise. Today, we see open source playing another prominent role as the basis for cloud computing. This report examines the key drivers and advantages of open source for private, public and hybrid cloud stacks and services. By asking open source users and customers about their experiences, we uncover the reasons for open source’s prevalence in the cloud.

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Recently pUblished RepoRts

The Changing Linux Landscape (September 2011)Analyst: Jay Lyman

For years the enterprise Linux market has been dominated by two versions of the OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. But significant changes are already under way, ushered in by cloud computing, wide use of other distributions such as Ubuntu, and continued use of unpaid community Linux such as CentOS and Debian. In addition, other distributions like Oracle Linux continue to evolve and grow, as do the providers of Linux support, which now include Microsoft. These additional competitors and choices, and the new way of developing and deploying enterprise applications known as ‘devops,’ are driving and disrupting the Linux server market to bring challenges and opportunities - particularly in PaaS - to both vendors and users. This report is intended for executives, developers, vendors and investors interested in learning about the latest directions and extensions of Linux, and how this changing market landscape is likely to affect their organizations. It focuses on market dynamics, including competitive analysis of various Linux distributions, analysis of adoption drivers and hurdles, and customer use cases.

Going Open, Going Closed (July 2011)Analyst: Matt Aslett

The adoption of collaborative development and open source licensing practices by software vendors has grown rapidly in the past 10 years as open source specialists have emerged to disrupt the proprietary incumbents, and established vendors have, themselves, learned to leverage open source in order to benefit from collaborative development. Open source is no longer a black-and-white issue (if it ever truly was), and it has become clear that when it comes to open-source-related business strategies, there are various shades of grey. This report is the latest in a series from the 451 CAOS practice examining the impact of open source on business strategies. It takes a look at open source successes, as well as vendors that have walked away from open source licensing and development projects, investigating the reasons why they failed to gain the expected benefits from open source – or open source failed to meet their requirements. ‘Going open’ is a complicated and difficult process that requires concerted effort and an understanding of best practices, as well as the lessons learned from companies ‘going closed.’

CAOSCAOSCommercial Adoption of Open Source



NoSQL, NewSQL and Beyond: The Drivers and Use Cases for Database Alternatives (April 2011)

Analyst: Matt Aslett

The database landscape has changed significantly in recent years with the emergence of many new relational and non-relational database products. The various database alternatives have been developed in response to the fact that the existing products did not meet requirements with regards to scalability, performance, (relaxed) consistency, agility and intricacy. While the NoSQL offerings are closely associated with Web application providers, the same drivers have spurred the adoption of data-grid/caching products and the emergence of a new breed of relational database products and vendors. For the most part, these database alternatives are not designed to directly replace existing products, but to offer purpose-built alternatives for workloads that are unsuited to general-purpose relational databases. This report provides perspective on the changing market landscape, reviews the drivers for the creation and adoption of alternatives to traditional relational databases, and examines the use cases for the various commercially viable products and services.

Control and Community (November 2010)Analyst: Matt Aslett

The software industry has entered the fourth stage of commercial open source business strategies, characterized by a shift away from projects controlled by a single vendor and back toward community and collaboration. There is an increased focus on open source as a development model for the creation of software to be monetized indirectly, rather than a licensing strategy to spread adoption for direct monetization. Established open source specialists that rely on controlling open source development projects need to evaluate how they might transition toward more collaborative development. Maintaining a balance between control and community is the key issue facing vendors attempting to generate revenue from open source software. This report assesses the trends that are driving business strategies toward a renewed focus on cross-vendor collaboration. It examines the evolution of open-source-related business strategies, and presents the findings from our research and an end-user survey.

The Rise of Devops (September 2010)Analysts: Jay Lyman and Rachel Chalmers

This report focuses on a trend we and others are calling ‘devops.’ The roles of application development, application deployment and IT operations are changing and flowing together. The forces pushing them together include vastly increased business and consumer demand for rapidly written, rapidly iterated Web-scale applications, combined with the advent of private and public cloud computing environments to host them. The devops role will help drive faster software development and more flexible and cloud-like IT infrastructure as its influence grows within mainstream enterprise IT.

CAOSCAOSCommercial Adoption of Open Source



Upcoming RepoRts

Enterprise Mobile Applications: Native vs. Browser-Based Mobile Applications (December 2011)

Analyst: Vishal Jain

Mobile applications are driving the use of smartphones and tablets in the enterprise. This report explores the strategies that enterprises can employ to mobilize key business processes. Application developers are now experimenting with browser- based applications in place of native mobile apps. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, and provide our thoughts on where the overall market is going.

Evolution to Digital: Mobile Security Threats and Tools (December 2011)Analyst: Chris Hazelton

Mobile operating systems powering smartphones and tablets are taking on key attributes of desktop computing as they make inroads into the enterprise. But as these mobile OS offerings are expanding in capability, the threats posed by cybercriminals targeting smartphones and tablets are expanding as well. This report highlights the landscape of current digital security threats targeting mobile devices, which are key access points to corporate data and IP. It also focuses on the threats to mobile applications and devices that enterprises will face in the near future, and profiles vendors battling these threats.

Playing Mobile Payments Roulette (1H 2012) Analyst: Vishal Jain

This report examines technologies like NFC, Bluetooth and SMS that are driving the growth of the mobile payments market. It explores how and why mobile payments are becoming an integral part of the mobile device stack – including the hardware, OS and application layers. Our analysis of acceptance terminals and processing networks provides a strong understanding of what is happening on the merchant side. This report looks at the use of mobile payments in various markets across the globe and identifies the trends driving them. The report also covers the strategies of mobile operators, banks and device manufacturers, in addition to providing a vision of how the market will develop over the next three years.

Mobile Device Market Monitor: Smartphones (2H 2012)Analyst: Chris Hazelton

This report sizes the market for smartphones in the US enterprise sector. Key vendors and their enterprise strategies are highlighted, and the report offers recent historical data and forecasts for the use of smartphones in the enterprise.



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Mobile Device Market Monitor: Mobile Tablets (1H 2012)Analyst: Chris Hazelton

This report sizes the market for mobile tablets in the US enterprise sector. Key vendors and their enterprise strategies are highlighted, and the report offers recent historical data and forecasts for the use of tablets in the enterprise.

The New Mobile Commerce: Reshaping Commerce for Enterprises (2H 2012)Analyst: Vishal Jain

Mobile commerce is no longer limited to apps and gaming, and has outgrown its initial scope to include both physical and digital commerce. This report explores various technologies (social, mobile, location, cloud, advertising, etc.) and vendors enabling this convergence. It also examines the business models of select enterprises that have such mobile commerce deployments in place.

The Confluence of Devops and Mobile Applications (May 2012)Analyst: Jay Lyman

We’re seeing increased mobile application development and deployment as a main driver for implementing ‘devops’ – the confluence of enterprise application development and IT operations – where applications are typically deployed on cloud and services-based infrastructures. This report examines the addition of the mobile piece to the devops trend, including PaaS support, and investigates this unprecedented confluence of consumer and enterprise IT.




Recently pUblished RepoRts

Mobile Tablets (August 2011)Analyst: Chris Hazelton

The mobile tablet is set to drive a new wave of mobile computing throughout the enterprise. But are we entering a post-PC era? This report details how the tablet will impact the enterprise, from a user, software, and hardware standpoint. We detail current and future adoption of tablets by mobile OS, by company size, and by company vertical. The barriers ahead for the mobile tablet are discussed, as well as the advantages that mobile tablets bring to the enterprise. As cloud computing takes hold in the enterprise, this report also discusses the impact this new delivery model will have on users computing device of choice. Lastly we profile the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats of the key hardware and software vendors that will have the most impact on the mobile tablet in the enterprise.

State of the Market: Mobile Display and Search Advertising (April 2011)Analyst: Vishal Jain

Mobile advertising will get a boost from the growth of mobile applications, smartphones and tablets, as well as from offline advertisers interested in tapping eyeballs through mobile platforms. Increased inventory is expected to be available, pushed by emerging application stores and the overall growth of the mobile Web. This report examines the state of the mobile advertising space, covering the drivers and economics at work, the significant players across various segments, and the future direction of the market.

Mobile Device Management in the Cloud (November 2010)Analyst: Chris Hazelton

As smartphones and tablets drive deeper into the enterprise, IT needs to provide the tools necessary to manage these devices. Security requirements, regulations and the management of mobile applications will continue to drive demand for mobile device management. But enterprise MDM has yet to hit its stride, with several small players in this market. The cloud presents an opportunity to expand the reach of these products, with access to sales and support from large MSPs and mobile operators. As the smartphone and tablet take more overall computing share from laptops and desktops, the need for MDM will only accelerate. Cloud-based MDM will provide a low-cost alternative to on-premises offerings. This report examines the economic drivers behind cloud-based MDM, and highlights where the industry stands in this period of transition. It includes analysis of the economics of mobile cloud computing and detailed vendor profiles.




Upcoming RepoRts

Platform Management (December 2011)This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the platform management sector. Platform management involves the provisioning and utilization of cloud environments, essentially bridging the platform layer to the stacks above it. Most closely related to platform as a service, this sector includes vendors that provide enterprises and ISVs with tools to create, test, develop and integrate IT services in the cloud. This report evaluates the revenue being generated by platform management providers, predicts the growth trends for the space and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

System & Network Monitoring & Management (December 2011)This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the system and network monitoring and management sector. Cloud-monitoring tools drill down from the application code through the VM to the underlying physical server and network layer. The most effective way to monitor cloud workloads without heavy overhead is with monitoring tools that are themselves cloud services. Cloud analytics tools are used to ensure that performance data can be accurately measured and interpreted. These analytics tools must be able to analyze multitier, multisystem (virtual or physical) and multivendor/OS environments. This report evaluates the revenue being generated by system and network monitoring and management providers, predicts the growth trends for the space, and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

Stand-Alone PaaS (January 2012)This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the stand-alone PaaS sector. Vendors that provide a platform without this parasitic arrangement associated with SaaS have been grouped into a stand-alone PaaS segment. This report evaluates the revenue being generated by CaaS providers, predicts the growth trends for the space and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

Storage as a Service (February 2012)This report provides a detailed look at the storage-as-a-service (StaaS) market from a revenue perspective. StaaS involves the provisioning of storage capacity, accessible over the Internet from a third party as a hosted service, available ‘on demand’ and metered according to usage. The StaaS segment includes both stand-alone cloud storage and platform-attached cloud storage (storage services included within a larger cloud infrastructure initiative). This report provides estimates for the aggregate size of the StaaS market, categorizes vendors by revenue range, predicts the growth trends for the space and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

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Market Overview Report (March 2012) This is the fourth overview report in 451 Research’s Market Monitor: Cloud Computing service. It examines the aggregate revenue generated by cloud service providers and IT vendors via cloud platforms (infrastructure as a service and platform as a service), as well as by services used to build and manage a cloud environment (software infrastructure as a service). The report provides the current aggregate market size and growth expectations through 2014 for the aforementioned sectors, and segments the aggregate cloud market by geography, vertical and customer size.

Compute as a Service (April 2012)This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the compute-as-a-service (CaaS) sector. CaaS is the provisioning of computing resources (access to raw compute or server capacity) on demand. This cloud computing layer involves the delivery of virtual or physical resources as a service, priced via a consumption-based model. This report evaluates the revenue being generated by CaaS providers, predicts the growth trends for the space and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

PaaS from SaaS (May 2012)This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the PaaS from SaaS sector. The most commercially successful PaaS offerings are those upon which multiple applications can share resources and user information, subject to tight controls. Parasitic PaaS arrangements – where a central application provides a critical mass of users, and other smaller applications attach themselves – have proved more popular than stand-alone offerings. This component of the PaaS landscape is dominated by SaaS providers like salesforce.com, whose Force.com leverages its existing platform to build, deploy and deliver SaaS applications, and house development environments as a proxy for regular IT infrastructure. This report evaluates the revenue being generated by CaaS providers, predicts the growth trends for the space and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

Problem Management (June 2012)This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the problem management sector. Problem management software tracks, records and manages problems related to the IT infrastructure and operations. This category includes IT helpdesk applications and related problem determination and resolution applications, including knowledge bases. Also included in this segment of our analysis are vendors that provide event management tools that automate the analysis and response of the systems to non-scheduled system and application events. This report evaluates the revenue being generated by CaaS providers, predicts the growth trends for the space and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

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Pre-Production (July 2012)This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the pre-production sector from a revenue perspective. At its highest level, the pre-production segment includes vendors that build cloud-based copies of existing IT environments. Specifically, these vendors provide on-demand IT environments for test and development, IT operations, ERP migration, training, demonstrations, proofs of concept and sales evaluations. Several vendors in this category evolved from the test-lab automation market and have expanded their wares for a cloud world. This report evaluates the revenue being generated by CaaS providers, predicts the growth trends for the space and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

Recently pUblished RepoRts

Cloud Overview Report III: ‘As-A-Service’ Market Sizing (September 2011)This is the third overview report in the Market Monitor: Cloud Computing service. It examines the revenue generated by the cloud service providers and technology vendors via cloud platforms – PaaS and IaaS – as well as software delivered as a service that is used to manage IT environments via the cloud, or IT management as a service (ITMaaS). In addition, we offer top-line estimates for the remainder of the SaaS market in order to provide forecasts of the cloud market that accommodate different cloud market definitions.

Cloud-as-a-Service Data File (September 2011)The Cloud as a Service Data File contains the most recently updated data set for the Market Monitor cloud computing program, which covers the rapidly evolving cloud as a service marketplace. The data provides current market size and five-year growth rates for the infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software infrastructure as a service (SIaaS) segments, leaderboard rankings for the top vendors, and a list of all vendors by category and the revenue ‘cluster’ in which they fall. The data in this spreadsheet was assembled using 451 Research’s proprietary database of cloud as a service providers, which currently tracks and forecasts revenue and other statistics for more than 170 market participants. The estimates contained in our database are continually updated when new information and insight is received from our team of industry and financial analysts. In addition, findings from regular surveys of cloud end users contributes to the estimate update process.

Compute as a Service (July 2011)This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the compute-as-a-service (CaaS) sector. CaaS is the provisioning of computing resources (access to raw compute or server capacity) on demand. This cloud computing layer involves the delivery of virtual or physical resources as a service, priced via a consumption-based model. This report evaluates the revenue being generated by CaaS providers, predicts the growth trends for the space, and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

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Desktop VirtualizationCloud Computing

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Cloud-Enabling Technologies

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IT Management as a Service (Jun 2011) This report examines the ‘IT management as a service’ (ITMaaS) market from a revenue perspective. ITMaaS vendors provide the essential management tools that enable users to access and view an IT environment, monitor and evaluate performance, and ultimately improve the functionality of IT environments through a cloud delivery model. This report provides estimates for the aggregate size of the ITMaaS market, categorizes vendors by revenue range, forecasts growth trends for the space, and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors within the market.

Storage-as-a-Service (May 2011) This report provides a detailed look at the storage-as-a-service (StaaS) market from a revenue perspective. StaaS involves the provisioning of storage capacity, accessible over the Internet from a third party as a hosted service, available ‘on demand’ and metered according to usage. The StaaS segment includes both stand-alone cloud storage and platform-attached cloud storage (storage services included within a larger cloud infrastructure initiative). This report provides estimates for the aggregate size of the StaaS market, categorizes vendors by revenue range, predicts the growth trends for the space, and highlights the opportunities and threats facing vendors.

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Cloud-Enabling Technologies

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Upcoming RepoRts

Security (December 2011)This report examines the security market revenue aggregates, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals. Virtualization security vendors offer products that discover the virtual infrastructure and then determine what security controls are required. Security products are installed within a privileged virtual guest, from which vantage point they can inspect all traffic on the virtual network. For the purpose of understanding virtualization security at its nascent level, Market Monitor focuses on part of the security market that consists of vendors that have integrated their core products with the virtual environment via vShield APIs.  

Management – Test Lab (December 2011)This report examines the market revenue aggregates, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals of the test lab subsector of the management stack. At its highest level, test lab automation reproduces a physical test lab (or other dynamic IT environment) using VMs instead of hardware. The advantage is that when these dynamic environments need to be created, torn down or changed, this can be done in software, thereby materially lowering the cost and complexity of building and managing a physical test lab environment.

Cloud-Enabling Technologies Overview (March 2012)This is the fifth in a series of reports on the rapidly evolving server virtualization and cloud computing technology marketplace. This report provides updated estimates for the server virtualization and on-premises cloud-enabling technology segments, and includes a breakdown of top-line revenue by geographic region, customer size and vertical market. This report also highlights key aspects of the server virtualization and cloud-enabling technologies stack that has made it a sustainable and profitable technology since we started following and tracking it in 2008.

Management – Capacity Planning (April 2012)This report looks at the market revenue aggregates, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals of the capacity-planning subsector under the management stack. Capacity planning provides insight into the virtual tier and predictive trending. This enables customers to establish new server workload and capacity management strategies based on previous events, and walks new users through the process of discovering and analyzing their assets to identify the likeliest candidates for implementation of cloud-enabling technologies. Capacity planning provides not only a view of the current performance of the system, but also applies rules that project the necessary capacity for anticipated growth. Most capacity-planning tools provide a snapshot of the environment, run an algorithm to project future needs and ask the administrator to specify the next course of action. Some of these tools will automatically create an additional machine to run workloads for an application when a certain level of utilization is achieved.

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Desktop VirtualizationCloud Computing

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Cloud-Enabling Technologies

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I/O Virtualization (May 2012)This report looks at the I/O virtualization market revenue aggregates, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals. I/O virtualization takes the virtualization analogy and applies it across the entire datacenter. When the datacenter needs to be re-provisioned, the administrator can reassign software identities. The idea is to treat all datacenter resources as bare-metal compute nodes that can be provisioned and re-provisioned according to need. I/O virtualization has the second-highest CAGR within the cloud-enabling-technologies stack, and this report evaluates the market size of this sector while also indicating some key points, accelerators and inhibitors affecting this nascent sector.

Recently pUblished RepoRts

Backup & High Availability (November 2011)This report examines the market revenue aggregates, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals of the backup and HA sector. Backup and high-availability vendors provide much-needed fault-tolerance, disaster-recovery and continuous-uptime capabilities for the virtualized server environment. The virtual backup and HA tools on the market today largely represent a transition in existing technology. These functions were typically performed at an operating-system level and often required that applications be specified for each backup task. This was not easily transportable to other environments or machines, which made this function increasingly cumbersome, time-consuming and expensive in a virtual environment.

Cloud-Enabling Technologies Overview (October 2011)This is the fourth in a series of market overview reports on the rapidly evolving virtualization and cloud-enabling technologies space. This is a timely report in light of the attention, adoption and investment we are seeing in this market. There is rapid growth in private and public cloud environments alike, and vendors in the cloud-enabling technologies space are addressing both opportunities. This report provides updated estimates, historical revenues and growth forecasts for the cloud-enabling technologies market, and includes a breakdown of revenue by the six market subsectors, as well as by geographic region, customer size and vertical market.

Cloud-Enabling Technologies Data File (September 2011)The Cloud-Enabling Technologies Data File contains the most recently updated data set for the Market Monitor cloud-enabling technologies product, which covers the rapidly evolving server virtualization and cloud computing technology marketplace. The data provides current market size and five-year growth rates for the server virtualization and on-premises cloud-enabling technology segments, leaderboard rankings for the top vendors, a list of all vendors by category and the revenue ‘cluster’ in which they fall under currently as well as a breakdown of top-line revenue by geographic region, customer size and vertical market. The data in this spreadsheet was assembled using 451 Research’s proprietary database of cloud-enabling technology providers, which currently tracks and forecasts revenue and other statistics for more than 120 market participants.

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Desktop VirtualizationCloud Computing

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Cloud-Enabling Technologies

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Server Virtualization (August 2011)This report focuses on server virtualization as the first layer within the cloud-enabling technologies management stack. This layer includes the hypervisor, containers and the administration tools that form the basis of any virtualized infrastructure. Administration vendors provide the foundation for centralized management of all hypervisors, containers and their VM guests. Included in this report are the market revenue aggregates; growth forecasts; vendor shares; and segmentation by geography, customer and verticals of the server virtualization sector.

Management – Automation (August 2011)This report focuses on automation as one of the essential tools within the cloud-enabling technologies management stack and includes vendors that have offerings for both virtual and cloud environments. Included in this report are the automation market revenue aggregates, growth forecasts, and vendor shares and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals. Automation vendors seek to contain VM sprawl – the uncontrolled number of system images brought about by virtualization. Automation lets systems administrators script complex processes to be triggered by specific events or run at specified times. Automation is also an important and indispensable tool in a cloud environment where orchestration and provisioning is enabled through automation.

On-Ramps/Cloud Brokers (May 2011)This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the fast-moving on-ramps/cloud brokers sector, including segmentation by geography, customers and verticals.  At its highest level, on-ramp service providers manage the resources required to package, build, test and deploy services into the cloud. In addition to offering cloud management consoles, on-ramp providers may offer prepackaged, cloud-ready templates for commonly used server and application configurations. Closely related to on-ramps, cloud brokers are a bit different in that they provide a value-added economic function, which matches workloads to a best execution venue. This report evaluates the size of this market and identifies the market accelerators and inhibitors.

Management – Monitoring (May 2011) This report examines the aggregate market revenue, vendor shares and growth potential of the cloud management marketplace, with a deep-dive analysis of the monitoring segment, including segmentation by geography, customers and verticals. The management layer represents the entire stack that provides insight into and control of the virtual tier. It includes monitoring tools that apply the principles of performance monitoring to applications running inside VMs; capacity planning that provides historical capacity insights and predictive trending, enabling future capacity management of VMs; on-premises cloud management, which includes all the tools that are used on-premises to manage a private cloud; automation tools that seek to contain VM sprawl; and other automation-related sectors in the virtualization stack, with vendors that provide application deployment, application fabric and test-lab automation as part of their offerings. This report evaluates the size of this market and identifies the market accelerators and inhibitors.

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Desktop VirtualizationCloud Computing

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maRket monitoR: ViRtUalization softwaRe

Desktop Virtualization

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Desktop VirtualizationCloud Computing

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Cloud-Enabling Technologies

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Market MonitorMarket Monitor


Upcoming RepoRts

Application Virtualization (December 2011) This report examines the market revenue aggregates, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals of the application virtualization sector. Application virtualization lets applications run on Windows PCs without having to be installed. In eliminating that installation step, the application virtualization technologies radically change how applications are delivered and used. Application virtualization vendors seek to improve portability, manageability and compatibility of applications by encapsulating them separately from the underlying operating systems on which they are executed.

Desktop Virtualization Market Overview (January 2012)This is the second in the series of reports on the rapidly evolving desktop virtualization marketplace. This report provides updated estimates for the desktop virtualization ecosystem, which includes server-, client-, cloud- and OS-hosted desktop virtualization, in addition to desktop-attached user virtualization, application virtualization, and virtualized desktop management. This report also includes a breakdown of desktop virtualization revenue by geographic region, customer size and vertical markets.

Client-Hosted DT Virtualization (April 2012)This report examines the market revenue aggregates, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals of the client-hosted desktop virtualization sector. Client-hosted desktop virtualization executes on a user’s desktop or laptop PC. This makes it possible to support two or more desktop environments. One may be a corporate image; the other may be a personal image. Examples include Microsoft MED-V and Virtual Computer.

Virtualized Desktop Management (June 2012)This report examines the market revenue aggregates, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals of the virtualized desktop management sector. Virtualized desktops need to be provisioned, monitored and managed in order to provide users with an uninterrupted desktop usage experience. This report analyzes this small but significant sector consisting of pure-play vendors that focus solely on the specific requirement of virtualized desktop management, and estimates market revenue aggregates and growth forecasts. VDM is expected to have the highest CAGR within the desktop virtualization stack, and this report evaluates the VDM market size, as well as market accelerators and inhibitors affecting this nascent sector.


Recently pUblished RepoRts

User Virtualization (November 2011)This report focuses on user virtualization, a segment of the desktop virtualization ecosystem that has recently seen a great deal of activity and interest. User virtualization vendors offer a set of tools that had initially evolved to address the limitations of Microsoft’s roaming user profiles, especially in virtualized desktop environments. However, the sector now goes beyond addressing those limitations and has become the focal point of the ‘user-centric’ world of IT and desktop virtualization. User experience has taken precedence over other aspects of a virtualized desktop environment, making the user virtualization sector perhaps the most important in the entire desktop stack. User configuration and application data is not only business-critical, but also plays an important part in the user experience. Its absence or corruption impairs productivity and requires costly support. In virtual desktop environments, this data is even more crucial. Within this market sector, we include 11 private companies with a major focus on user virtualization. This report features market revenue aggregates, growth forecasts, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customer and vertical.

Server-Hosted Desktop Virtualization (September 2011)This report takes a deep dive into the server-hosted desktop virtualization sector and includes aggregate market revenue, vendor shares, and segmentation by geography, customers and verticals. In the server-hosted desktop virtualization model, workspaces – including an OS, applications and user preferences – live in the machine room or datacenter and are served to end users over the LAN or WAN. Examples include Citrix XenDesktop and VMware View. This report evaluates the size of this market and identifies the market accelerators and inhibitors.

Desktop Virtualization Data File (September 2011)The Desktop Virtualization Data File contains the most recently updated data set for the Market Monitor Desktop Virtualization product, which covers the rapidly evolving desktop virtualization technology marketplace which includes server-, client-, cloud- and OS-hosted desktop virtualization, in addition to desktop attached user virtualization, application virtualization and virtualized desktop management.. The data provides current market size and five-year growth rates for the desktop virtualization eco-system, leaderboard rankings for the top vendors, a list of all vendors by category and the revenue ‘cluster’ in which they fall under currently. The data in this spreadsheet was assembled using 451 Research’s proprietary database of virtualization providers, which currently tracks and forecasts revenue and other statistics for more than 50 market participants.

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Desktop VirtualizationCloud Computing

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The Desktop Virtualization Ecosystem Overview (July 2011) This is the introductory overview report on the rapidly evolving desktop virtualization marketplace. This report provides updated estimates for the desktop virtualization ecosystem, which includes server-, client-, cloud- and OS-hosted desktop virtualization, in addition to desktop-attached user virtualization, application virtualization, and virtualized desktop management. This report also includes a breakdown of desktop virtualization revenue by geographic region, customer size and vertical markets. Desktop virtualization has evolved materially over the past few quarters, achieving an estimated 100% year-on-year growth rate in 2010. The sector has gained traction with rapidly growing interest among the vendor and investor communities. Also, enterprises today are trying to achieve a ‘cloud like’ IT environment, and desktops serve as the key link between enterprise infrastructure and end-user functionality.

Virtualized Desktop Management (May 2011)This report examines the aggregate market revenue and vendor shares of the virtualized desktop management sector, including segmentation by geography, customers and verticals. The virtualized desktop management sector is a relatively new category and includes vendors that provide insight into and control of a virtualized desktop environment. This report evaluates the size of this market and identifies the market accelerators and inhibitors.

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Desktop VirtualizationCloud Computing

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Cloud-Enabling Technologies

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Market MonitorMarket Monitor



Upcoming RepoRts

MTDC Supply: North America Top Markets (December 2011)Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This report gives readers an overview of the top 10 datacenter markets in North America, while providing actionable metrics around geographies and specific providers. The report provides current market size, supply, demand and utilization metrics, as well as updates to market-specific analyses.

MTDC Providers - North America (December 2011) Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This report provides the overall size, scope and growth of the multi-tenant datacenter (MTDC) market in North America. It spotlights various prominent North American multi-tenant datacenter providers and provides a market outlook for each. The report also includes an overview of the Canadian MTDC market. The report provides market share and revenue estimates for the top 20 North American and top 10 Canadian datacenter providers. The report also includes profiles of several North American datacenter providers. Each datacenter provider profile includes analysis of datacenter revenue, datacenter geographic locations, expansion strategy and pipeline of expansions underway and planned. The report also includes a breakout of the wholesale datacenter market.

MTDC Supply: EMEA and Asia Top Markets (December 2011)Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This report gives readers an overview of the top eight datacenter markets in the EMEA and Asia-Pacific regions while providing actionable metrics around geographies and specific providers. The report includes current market size, supply, demand and utilization metrics, as well as updates to market-specific analyses.

MTDC Providers – Global (January 2012) Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This report examines the overall size, scope and growth of the multi-tenant datacenter market globally. The report segments the global market into regions including North America; Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA); Asia-Pacific; and Latin America. It spotlights various prominent global datacenter providers and provides a market outlook for each. Each datacenter provider profile includes analysis of datacenter revenue, datacenter geographic locations, expansion strategy and pipeline of expansions underway and planned. This is the third year T1R has published this report, and it has been updated with leaderboards identifying the top 30 datacenter providers globally, as well as the top 15 datacenter providers in North America, EMEA, Latin America and Asia-Pacific regions.


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MTDC Supply – Hot Global Markets (e.g., India, Brazil, China) (April 2012) Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This new report examines supply, demand and utilization metrics, as well as updates to market-specific analyses for one of the new growing global datacenter markets, such as India, Brazil or China, including estimated datacenter market sizes and a look at the business opportunities and risks.

MTDC Providers – North America (May 2012) Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This report provides the overall size, scope and growth of the multi-tenant datacenter (MTDC) market in North America. It spotlights various prominent North American multi-tenant datacenter providers and provides a market outlook for each. The report also includes an overview of the Canadian MTDC market. The report provides market share and revenue estimates for the top 15 North American and top 10 Canadian datacenter providers. The report also includes profiles of several North American datacenter providers. Each datacenter provider profile includes analysis of datacenter revenue, datacenter geographic locations, expansion strategy and pipeline of expansions underway and planned. The report also includes a breakout of the wholesale datacenter market.

MTDC Supply: North America Top Markets (July 2012)Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This report gives readers an overview of the top ten datacenter markets in North America, while providing actionable metrics around geographies and specific providers. The report provides current market size, supply, demand and utilization metrics, as well as updates to market-specific analyses.

MTDC Supply: North America Emerging Major Markets (September 2012)Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This report gives readers an overview of 12-14 emerging major datacenter markets in North America while providing actionable metrics around geographies and specific providers. The report provides current market size, supply, demand and utilization metrics, as well as updates to market-specific analyses.

MTDC Supply: EMEA and Asia Top Markets (November 2012)Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This report gives readers an overview of the top eight datacenter markets in the EMEA and Asia-Pacific regions while providing actionable metrics around geographies and specific providers. The report includes current market size, supply, demand and utilization metrics, as well as updates to market-specific analyses.


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MTDC Providers – Global (December 2012) Analyst: Jeff Paschke

This report examines the overall size, scope and growth of the multi-tenant datacenter market globally. The report segments the global market into regions including North America; Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA); Asia-Pacific; and Latin America. It spotlights various prominent global datacenter providers and provides a market outlook for each. Each datacenter provider profile includes analysis of datacenter revenue, datacenter geographic locations, expansion strategy and pipeline of expansions underway and planned. This is the fourth year T1R has published this report, and it includes leaderboards identifying the top 30 datacenter providers globally, as well as the top 15 datacenter providers in North America, EMEA, Latin America and Asia-Pacific regions.

Recently pUblished RepoRts

Datacenter 2.0 – The Industrial Evolution (September 2011)Analyst: Jason Schafer

The datacenter industry is at the beginning of a period of fundamental, disruptive change. A combination of technological, economic and market factors have been coming together, with the result that datacenters are increasingly being engineered and constructed in a fundamentally different way than in the past. We believe that the emergence of prefabricated, modular datacenters will have a major impact on the datacenter industry – its ecosystem, its economics and its technology. This report helps define the taxonomy and provides an initial scoping of the market size. It also discusses future trends and expectations and gives snapshots for most of the high-profile companies currently innovating toward datacenter modularity.

Enterprise Datacentre Selection – Europe 2011 (September 2011)Analyst: Jeff Paschke

The Enterprise Datacentre Selection Report gives readers an overview of the selection criteria used by enterprise customers in choosing a datacentre facility. This report focuses on the selection process to be used by enterprises to select outsourced datacentre services from Internet infrastructure datacentre providers in Europe, including wholesale datacentre and colocation providers, and does not include traditional IT outsourcers or system integrators such as IBM, Fujitsu or Hewlett-Packard. This report focuses on selective outsourcing of datacentre services and not full-blown traditional IT outsourcing or fully managed IT services that include datacentre services.


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Eastern European MTDC Market Assessment 2011 – Part I Russia (August 2011)

Analyst: Konstantin Borman

The Eastern-European Multi-Tenant Datacenter Market Assessment 2011 – Part 1 Russia is the first in a series of Tier1 Research reports covering key trends and metrics associated with the multi-tenant datacenter (MTDC) market in Eastern Europe. The initial report includes current supply, demand and utilization metrics and provides profiles for the most important MTDC service providers, with an initial focus on the Moscow and St. Petersburg metropolitan areas.

Eastern European MTDC Market Assessment 2011 – Part II (September 2011)

Analyst: Konstantin Borman

The Eastern-European Multi-Tenant Datacenter Market Assessment 2011 – Part 2 Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine is the second in a series of Tier1 Research reports covering key trends and metrics associated with the multi- tenant datacenter (MTDC) market in Central and Eastern Europe. This second report includes current supply, demand and utilization metrics. It discusses the MTDC market leaders and market share, discusses Central and Eastern European countries’ colocation price indexes, compares energy costs of those countries with their Western peers, and provides profiles for the most important MTDC service providers, focusing on metropolitan areas in Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, Bratislava and Kiev.


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Upcoming RepoRts

Special Report: Telcos in the Hosting and Cloud Sector (December 2011)Analyst: Agatha Poon

With the avalanche of acquisitions by telecommunication companies in the hosting and cloud sector in the past year, it’s clear that telecom providers are interested in moving up-market from their legacy data and circuit-driven revenue models and into higher-margin IT services. In this report, T1R looks at the major telecom players in the hosting and cloud markets and the acquisitions they’ve made in the sector, as well as smaller up-and-coming communications providers. This report provides market sizing and projections for the mass-market, managed hosting and cloud sectors, as well as a look at key developments that could have an impact on the market.

Mass Market Hosting: Global Mass-Market Midyear Update 2011 (December 2011)

Analysts: Jason Verge, Carl Brooks

The Mass-Market Hosting: Global Midyear Update 2011 report summarizes the state of the mass-market hosting sector through the second quarter of 2011. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R’s current market leaderboards, revenue projections through 2013, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.

Cloud Infrastructure Services: Here Come the Heavyweights – 2011 Edition (December 2011)

Analyst: Doug Toombs

This series of cloud infrastructure reports contrasts the leaders of the cloud IaaS and PaaS sectors. Profiles include Amazon’s Web Services, Google App Engine, Windows Azure, Force.com and Rackspace. The report describes the direction these cloud service providers are taking as they expand beyond rudimentary IaaS and enter the traditional dedicated and managed services market. These cloud services users have changed – modern clouds are tailored to the needs of the enterprise market, the federal sector and other highly regulated and compliance-seeking industries. This report showcases some of the concerns of these users, and how some of the cloud leaders have evolved their offerings to attract serious enterprise users to their platforms.



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The Cloud and the European Service Provider Market (December 2011)Analyst: Daniel Beazer

This report describes changes among the most prominent providers that have shifted to cloud services. T1R has noticed a greater degree of maturity and nuanced differences in the more sophisticated cloud infrastructure services in the market. For the first time, T1R will provide the most accurate market-sizing numbers for the cloud infrastructure market, eliminating the meaningless numbers that have been thrown around in the market, and extrapolating just the pure-play cloud services numbers. The market will be further disaggregated into those providers that are fostering public and commodity cloud offerings, separate from those creating more complex private cloud environments.

Global CDN Market Overview 2011 (February 2012)Analyst: Jim Davis

The Global CDN Midyear Update 2011 report summarizes the state of the CDN sector through the calendar year of 2011. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector and market-share data on the top public and private players, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R›s current market leaderboards and revenue projections through 2013, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.

Managed Hosting: Global Managed Hosting Market Overview 2011 (February 2012)Analyst: Doug Toombs

The Managed Hosting Global Market Overview 2011 report summarizes the state of the managed hosting sector globally through the calendar year 2011. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R’s current market leaderboards and revenue projections through 2013, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.

Mass-Market Hosting: Global Mass-Market Hosting Overview 2011 (February 2012)Analyst: Jason Verge, Carl Brooks

The Mass-Market Hosting: Global Overview 2011 report summarizes the state of the mass-market hosting sector through the second quarter of 2011. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R’s current market leaderboards and revenue projections through 2013, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.



Hosting & Managed Services


Infrastructure Services: Mass-Market Hosting/Global Midyear Update 2012 (July 2012)

Analyst: Jason Verge, Carl Brooks

The Mass-Market Hosting Global Midyear Update 2012 report summarizes the state of the mass-market hosting sector through the second quarter of 2012. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R’s current market leaderboards and revenue projections through 2014, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.

Infrastructure Services: Content Delivery Networks/Global Midyear Update, 2012 (August 2012)

Analyst: Jim Davis

The Content Delivery Networks Global Midyear Update 2012 report summarizes the state of the CDN sector through the second quarter of 2012. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector and market-share data on the top public and private players, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R›s current market leaderboards and revenue projections through 2014, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.

Infrastructure Services: Managed Hosting/North America Overview 2012 (August 2012)

Analyst: Doug Toombs

The Managed Hosting North America Overview 2012 report summarizes the state of the managed hosting sector within North America over the course of the past year. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R’s current market leaderboards and revenue projections through 2014, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.

Infrastructure Services: Mass Market Hosting/Global Overview 2012 (February 2013)

Analyst: Jason Verge, Carl Brooks

The Mass-Market Hosting Global Midyear Update 2012 report summarizes the state of the mass-market hosting sector through the calendar year 2012. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R’s current market leaderboards and revenue projections through 2014, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.



Hosting & Managed Services


Infrastructure Services: Managed Hosting/Global Overview 2012 (February 2013)Analyst: Doug Toombs

The Managed Hosting Global Overview 2012 report summarizes the state of the managed hosting sector globally through the calendar year 2012. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R’s current market leaderboards and revenue projections through 2014, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.

Global CDN Market Overview 2012 (February 2013)Analyst: Jim Davis

The Global CDN Midyear Update 2012 report summarizes the state of the CDN sector through the calendar year 2012. This report provides T1R’s market sizing and projections for the sector and market-share data on the top public and private players, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes T1R›s current market leaderboards and revenue projections through 2013, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.

Recently pUblished RepoRts

CDN: Global CDN Midyear Update 2011 (September 2011)Analyst: Jim Davis

The Global CDN Midyear Update 2011 report summarizes the state of the CDN sector through the second quarter of 2011. This report provides Tier1’s market sizing and projections for the sector, market-share data on the top public and private players, as well as a look at key developments and industry trends that could shape the market in the future. The report includes Tier1’s current market leaderboards, revenue projections through 2013, as well as profiles and snapshots of notable service providers in the market.

Mass-Market Hosting Winter 2011 (February 2011)Analyst: Phil Shih

Mass-Market Hosting Quarterly, Winter 2011, is the latest in an ongoing series of quarterly reports published by Tier1 Research focused on the mass-market hosting sector. This report provides snapshots of several leading and emerging players as we examine which companies will prevail over the long term.

Global Managed Hosting Market Overview 2011 (January 2011) Analyst: Doug Toombs

This report takes a look at the global managed hosting market, broken into four major geographic regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world. The report includes our current Tier1 leaderboard, regional overviews, market sizing, and projected growth rates for each geographic area.



Hosting & Managed Services


Upcoming RepoRts

Servers – Wave 11 (December 2011)Analyst: Peter ffoulkes

Reports are based on hour-long interviews with 169 server professionals conducted from May through September 2011. The Vendor Performance Report looks at current and projected spending levels, likelihood of customers switching vendors, and customer ratings on 14 criteria. The Technology Roadmap details implementation plans for over 35 server technologies, including vendor short lists and projected spending. The Industry Profile looks at IT budgets, pain points, platforms for different application workloads, storage for virtual servers and many other topics. The Narratives Report includes direct quotes that provide context to the charts and conclusions in the other reports.

Desktop Virtualization – Wave 1 (March 2012)Analyst: Peter ffoulkes

Reports will be based on 45-minute interviews with over 50 IT professionals. The Vendor Performance Report looks at current and projected spending levels, likelihood of customers switching vendors, and customer ratings on 14 criteria. The Technology Roadmap details implementation plans for over 15 technologies, including vendor short lists and projected spending. The Industry Profile looks at IT budgets, metrics on virtualized and desktops client images, product functionality for Citrix, VMware and Microsoft, and many other topics. The Narratives Report includes direct quotes that provide context to the charts and conclusions in the other reports.

Networking – Wave 9 (1H 2012)Analyst: Daniel Kennedy

Reports will be based on hour-long interviews with over 180 networking professionals. The Vendor Performance Report looks at current and projected spending levels, likelihood of customers switching vendors, and customer ratings on 14 criteria. The Technology Roadmap details implementation plans for over 30 networking technologies, including vendor short lists and projected spending. The Industry Profile looks at IT budgets, pain points, cloud computing, mobility, converged infrastructure and many other topics. The Narratives Report includes direct quotes that provide context to the charts and conclusions in the other reports.



Cloud Computing – Wave 3 (1H 2012)Analyst: Sean Hackett

Reports will be based on hour-long interviews with over 100 IT professionals. The Technology Roadmap details implementation plans for over 25 cloud and cloud-enabling technologies, including vendor short lists and projected spending. The Industry Profile looks at IT budgets, use of different platforms for specific workloads, criteria for selecting external cloud providers and many other topics. The Narratives Report includes direct quotes that provide context to the charts and conclusions in the other reports.

Storage – Wave 16 (1H 2012)Analyst: Marco Coulter

Reports will be based on hour-long interviews with roughly 275 storage professionals. The Vendor Performance Report looks at current and projected spending levels, likelihood of customers switching vendors, and customer ratings on 14 criteria. The Technology Roadmap details implementation plans for over 30 storage technologies, including vendor short lists and projected spending. The Industry Profile looks at IT budgets, pain points, capacity sizing, solid-state drives, storage optimization, and many other topics. The Narratives Report includes direct quotes that provide context to the charts and conclusions in the other reports.


Recently pUblished RepoRts

Information Security – Wave 14 (October 2011)Analyst: Daniel Kennedy

Reports are based on hour-long interviews with 181 information security professionals conducted from March through August 2011. The Vendor Performance Report looks at current and projected spending levels, likelihood of customers switching vendors, and customer ratings on 14 criteria. The Technology Roadmap details implementation plans for over 35 technologies, including vendor short lists and projected spending. The Industry Profile looks at IT budgets, pain points, virtualization, cloud computing and many other topics. The Narratives Report includes direct quotes that provide context to the charts and conclusions in the other reports.

Cloud Computing – Wave 2 (July 2011)Analyst: Sean Hackett

Reports are based on hour-long interviews with 109 IT professionals conducted from January through May 2011. The main report explores users’ different definitions of cloud computing and their intentions to implement different models. The drivers and inhibitors of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS projects are described. Then the actual project and functional requirements that drive buying decisions and vendor selection are highlighted. In addition, details are provided for the virtualization, storage and other infrastructure needed to support private cloud initiatives. The Narratives Report includes direct quotes that provide context to the charts and conclusions in the main report.

Storage – Wave 15 (April 2011)Analyst: Marco Coulter

Reports are based on hour-long interviews with 247 storage professionals completed in February 2011. The Vendor Performance Report looks at current and projected spending levels, likelihood of customers switching vendors, and customer ratings on 14 criteria. The Technology Roadmap details implementation plans for over 25 technologies, including vendor short lists and projected spending. The Industry Profile looks at IT budgets, pain points, capacity sizing,, cloud computing, virtualization and many other topics. The Narratives Report includes direct quotes that provide context to the charts and conclusions in the other reports.


changewaVe ReseaRch

Upcoming RepoRts

noVembeR 2011

Apple iPhone 4S Owners Survey – New Owners Speak Out The iPhone 4S launched in mid-October, with some analysts questioning how well it would be received, given the original expectations by many that Apple would be releasing an iPhone 5. Demand for the iPhone 4 to date, however, has been extraordinary. The November 2-9 ChangeWave survey of 215 Apple iPhone 4S owners looked at a range of initial reactions and opinions, including overall satisfaction ratings, key likes and dislikes, the impact of the iPhone 4S battery-life issue, and dropped-call rates.

decembeR 2011

December Consumer Spending – 90-Day OutlookThis monthly report takes a look at overall consumer spending plans for the next 90 days, including spending on Consumer Electronics, Restaurants, Travel, Autos and other categories. In addition, the survey of 2,700 consumers looks at next-90-day spending projections for several major retailers, including Amazon, Apple, Best Buy, Costco, JC Penney, Macys, Target and Walmart, among others. Report details also include changes in consumer confidence and expectations.

4Q 2011/1Q 2012 Corporate Quarterly Business TrendsWhere is the actual economy going as the 4th quarter heads toward a close? This report – based on a December survey of 2,800 corporate respondents – evaluates the true health of the US economy – with a look at 1Q sales pipeline projections, capital spending, hiring, availability of credit and pricing pressures, among other things.

Consumer Smartphone Demand: Winners and Losers Going ForwardThe Apple iPhone 4S took the smartphone market by storm. Now that the initial excitement over Apple’s latest release has subsided, which manufacturers are most in demand? This report – based on a survey of 4,000 consumers – looks at the competition among Apple, Motorola, Research In Motion, Google, Microsoft, Samsung and HTC, as well as the overall growth trends in the smartphone market.


TV Service Provider Trends: Battle Between Fiber-Optic, Cable and Satellite The competition among fiber-optic, cable and satellite providers continues to heat up – but which type of service has the momentum, and which providers are best positioned? This report – based on a survey of 2,600 US and Canadian respondents – focuses on customer satisfaction, loyalty and future demand trends among the top providers. The survey also looks at additional features of most importance to consumers – including the use of TV apps and pricing issues.

JanUaRy 2012

Wireless Service Provider Trends: AT&T vs. Sprint vs. T-Mobile vs. VerizonThis report examines the latest wireless service-provider trends – including future demand, dropped-call rates, and customer satisfaction among top providers AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon. The report – based on a survey of 4,000 respondents – also looks at the importance of data plans and 4G speeds in purchase decisions.

January Consumer Spending – 90-Day OutlookThis monthly report takes a look at overall consumer spending plans for the next 90 days, including spending on Consumer Electronics, Restaurants, Travel, Autos and other categories. In addition, the survey of 2,700 consumers looks at next-90-day spending projections for several major retailers, including Amazon, Apple, Best Buy, Costco, JC Penney, Macys, Target and Walmart, among others. Report details also include changes in consumer confidence and expectations.

Corporate Software Purchasing TrendsThis report – based on a survey of 1,600 corporate software purchasers – focuses on enterprise software spending projections for the next 90 days – including adjustments to overall capital budgets and key reasons behind future spending. Software categories with the most and least momentum are also featured, such as BI, Data Storage, Virtualization, CRM, SCM, ECM and ERP, among others.

Corporate Cloud Computing and Spending TrendsMomentum for cloud computing has been growing in ChangeWave surveys – and this survey of 1,600 corporate IT buyers focuses on how companies are making use of the cloud, the impact it’s having on overall software spending and IT staffing, and where cloud is headed for the next six months and beyond. The report also looks at cloud vendors with the most momentum, and corporate perception of the reliability and security of the cloud.


febRUaRy 2012

Internet Service Provider Trends – 90-Day OutlookThis survey of 2,800 consumers focuses on the attitudes and opinions toward Internet service providers – including customer satisfaction, loyalty and future demand preferences. Providers featured include Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-verse, Bright House, Cablevision, Charter, Comcast, Time Warner, CenturyLink and Cox.

Alternative TV Industry Trends – Is the Cord-Cutting Phenomenon Real?The alternative TV industry continues to evolve – but who is leading the charge? This report takes a close-up look at the trends toward cord-cutting, free and paid alternative TV providers, and Internet-connected devices. The report also focuses on the potential competition between Apple TV, Google TV, YouTube, Hulu and Netflix, among others..

February Consumer Spending – 90-Day OutlookThis monthly report takes a look at overall consumer spending plans for the next 90 days, including spending on Consumer Electronics, Restaurants, Travel, Autos and other categories. In addition, the survey of 2,700 consumers looks at next-90-day spending projections for several major retailers, including Amazon, Apple, Best Buy, Costco, JC Penney, Macys, Target and Walmart, among others. Report details also include changes in consumer confidence and expectations.

Consumer Tablet, E-Reader and PC Demand TrendsWith the initial hype surrounding the Amazon Kindle Fire tablet release passing, how much of an impact is it having on the Apple iPad? This report – based on a survey 3,000 respondents – takes a close-up look at consumer demand for tablets, as well as PCs and e-readers. The survey also looks at next-90-day consumer spending projections for Apple, Dell, HP, Amazon and Barnes & Noble, among others. Additional topics include tablet cannibalization of other electronic products, and factors affecting the tablet purchasing decision.

2Q 2012 Corporate IT Spending: Enterprise Demand for Smartphones, Tablets and PCsChangeWave’s Corporate IT Spending Surveys have proved to be an accurate early indicator of the health of the US economy. This report – based on a survey of 1,700 corporate IT purchasers – takes a close-up look at US corporate IT spending projections, with a focus on enterprise demand for smartphones, tablets and PCs.


maRch 2012

1Q/2Q Corporate Quarterly Business TrendsWhere is the actual economy going as the 1st quarter heads toward a close? This report – based on a January survey of 2,800 corporate respondents – evaluates the true health of the US economy – with a look at 2Q sales pipeline projections, capital spending, hiring, availability of credit and pricing pressures, among other things.

March Consumer Spending – 90-Day OutlookThis monthly report takes a look at overall consumer spending plans for the next 90 days, including spending on Consumer Electronics, Restaurants, Travel, Autos and other categories. In addition, the survey of 2,700 consumers looks at next-90-day spending projections for several major retailers, including Amazon, Apple, Best Buy, Costco, JC Penney, Macys, Target and Walmart, among others. Report details also include changes in consumer confidence and expectations.

TV Service Provider Industry TrendsThis report – based on a survey of 2,600 US and Canadian respondents – focuses on customer satisfaction, loyalty and future demand trends among the top providers. The survey also looks at additional features of most importance to consumers – including the use of TV apps and pricing issues, among other things.

Consumer Smartphone DemandThe report – based on a survey of 4,000 consumers – looks at the competition among Apple, Motorola, Research In Motion, Google, Microsoft, Samsung and HTC, as well as the overall growth trends in the smartphone market. The survey also looks at the impact of newly released handsets.

apRil 2012

Wireless Service Provider TrendsThis report examines the latest wireless service provider trends – including future demand, dropped-call rates, and customer satisfaction among top providers AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon. The report – based on a survey of 4,000 respondents – also looks at the importance of data plans and 4G speeds in purchase decisions.


April Consumer Spending – 90-Day OutlookThis monthly report takes a look at overall consumer spending plans for the next 90 days, including spending on Consumer Electronics, Restaurants, Travel, Autos and other categories. In addition, the survey of 2,700 consumers looks at next-90-day spending projections for several major retailers, including Amazon, Apple, Best Buy, Costco, JC Penney, Macys, Target and Walmart, among others. Report details also include changes in consumer confidence and expectations.

Corporate Software Purchasing TrendsThis report – based on a survey of 1,600 corporate software purchasers – focuses on enterprise software spending projections for the next 90 days – including adjustments to overall capital budgets and key reasons behind future spending. Software categories with the most and least momentum are also featured, such as BI, Data Storage, Virtualization, CRM, SCM, ECM and ERP, among others.

Corporate Cloud Computing Usage TrendsMomentum for cloud computing has been growing in ChangeWave surveys – and this survey of 1,600 corporate IT buyers focuses on how companies are making use of the cloud, the impact it’s having on overall software spending and IT staffing, and where cloud is headed for the next six months and beyond. The report also looks at cloud vendors with the most momentum and corporate perception of the reliability and security of the cloud.

may 2012

Internet Service Provider Industry TrendsThis survey of 2,800 consumers focuses on the attitudes and opinions toward Internet service providers – including customer satisfaction, loyalty and future demand preferences. Providers featured include Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-verse, Bright House, Cablevision, Charter, Comcast, Time Warner, CenturyLink and Cox.

May Consumer Spending – 90-Day OutlookThis monthly report takes a look at overall consumer spending plans for the next 90 days, including spending on Consumer Electronics, Restaurants, Travel, Autos and other categories. In addition, the survey of 2,700 consumers looks at next-90-day spending projections for several major retailers, including Amazon, Apple, Best Buy, Costco, JC Penney, Macys, Target and Walmart, among others. Report details also include changes in consumer confidence and expectations.


Consumer Tablet, E-Reader and PC Demand TrendsThis report – based upon a survey 3,000 respondents – takes a close-up look at consumer demand for tablets, as well as PCs and e-readers. The survey also looks at next-90-day consumer spending projections for Apple, Dell, HP, Amazon and Barnes & Noble, among others. Additional topics include tablet cannibalization of other electronic products, and factors affecting the tablet purchasing decision.

3Q 2012 Corporate IT Spending: Enterprise Demand for Smartphones, Tablets and PCsChangeWave’s Corporate IT Spending Surveys have proved to be an accurate early indicator of the health of the US economy. This report – based on a survey of 1,700 corporate IT purchasers – takes a close-up look at US corporate IT spending projections, with a focus on enterprise demand for smartphones, tablets and PCs.

Recently pUblished RepoRts

1Q 2012 Corporate IT Spending Trends: Improved Business IT Spending Outlook – Led by Surge in Tablet Demand (November 2011)After two consecutive quarterly declines, ChangeWave’s latest IT spending survey points to an improved corporate spending outlook for the first quarter of 2012. A total of 1,623 respondents involved with IT spending in their organization participated in the November 8-21 survey, which also focused on business demand for PCs, tablets and smartphones.

ChangeWave Consumer Electronics Trends: Tablets, PCs and E-Readers – Amazon Fires at Apple as Tablet Demand Soars for the Holidays (November 2011)It’s the most explosive development in the tablet market since the release of the original iPad. The launch of the Amazon Kindle Fire represents a major shot across the bow at Apple, according to a new ChangeWave survey of primarily North American consumers. Until now Apple has almost completely dominated the tablet space, rolling past competitors – no more. Besides tablets, the November 1-13 survey of 3,043 consumers looks at the latest demand trends in PCs and e-readers.

2011 Consumer Holiday Spending Trends: It’s an Amazon Shopping Season as Spending Rises in November – But Overall Holiday Growth Rate Lower Than 2010 (November 2011) Consumer spending is rising in November according to the latest ChangeWave survey, but the holiday shopping growth rate is proving below that of last year. The survey of 2,691 US consumers, completed November 13, shows a surge in two key spending areas, as well as a significant improvement in confidence and expectations. The biggest beneficiary here appears to be Amazon, as it continues to grow its overall dominance of the online shopping space.


Internet Service Provider Trends: 90-Day Outlook – Price, Speed, Unlimited Usage Drive Consumer ISP Market (November 2011)During October, ChangeWave surveyed 2,785 consumers on their attitudes and opinions toward their Internet service providers – including customer satisfaction, loyalty and future demand preferences. The survey, completed October 14, also focused on the ability of ISPs to provide adequate bandwidth for supporting multiple devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) simultaneously.

Corporate Cloud Computing Trends: Momentum For Cloud Leaps as Corporate Acceptance Grows – But is it Squeezing Other IT Spending Areas? (November 2011)An October ChangeWave Business Software survey found a tepid software spending environment overall, but a sharp rise in momentum for public cloud computing in the enterprise. This report focuses on ChangeWave’s latest cloud survey results, including how companies are making use of the cloud, the impact it’s having on overall software spending and IT staffing, and where cloud is headed for the next six months and beyond. A total of 1,604 respondents involved with software purchasing in their company participated in the October 11-25 survey.

Business Software Spending – Corporate Software Spending Still Showing Little Momentum (October 2011)ChangeWave’s latest corporate software survey points to a continued tepid spending environment going forward. The October 11-25 survey reveals a continuation of the slower growth we’ve been tracking since April in our business spending surveys, coupled with a modest downward adjustment in corporate capital budgets. While some software categories still show positive overall growth, most categories appear weaker than they were just three months ago.

Wireless Service Provider Market Trends – iPhone 4S, Tiered Data Plans and 4G Reshaping the Landscape Going Forward (October 2011)Several developments have combined to reshape the wireless service provider industry during 2011, including the introduction of tiered-pricing plans, 4G speeds, the Verizon iPhone and, most recently, the Apple iPhone 4S. To better understand the impact of these changes and where the industry is headed going forward, ChangeWave conducted a survey of 4,130 consumers on wireless service provider trends – including future demand, dropped-call rates and customer satisfaction. The September 19-27 survey also looked at consumer reaction to proposed mega-mergers between AT&T and T-Mobile, and Google and Motorola Mobility.


Consumer Smartphones: 90-Day Outlook – iPhone 4S Triggers Explosive Surge in Smartphone Demand (October 2011)In early October, Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S, featuring the latest iOS 5 operating system. This report presents the results of two new ChangeWave surveys on consumer demand trends within the rapidly changing smartphone market: (1) A late September survey of 4,130 consumers, completed just days before the Apple iPhone 4S announcement and focused on overall smartphone demand; and (2) A follow-up survey of 1,527 consumers, begun immediately after Apple’s announcement, which looked specifically at demand for the iPhone 4S. The results show an explosive leap occurring in overall smartphone demand, triggered by a major surge in consumer intentions to buy a new Apple iPhone. The survey findings also look at the demand for other smartphone manufacturers, along with consumer preference for mobile operating systems. We note that the survey samples are primarily North American, with 89% in the US market.

TV Service Provider Trends – Mobile Apps Boost Customer Loyalty for Service Providers (October 2011)A recent ChangeWave survey on alternative TV trends showed that traditional service providers face an emerging threat from a growing list of companies, including Amazon, Google, Netflix and Apple. In response, traditional TV providers are offering new services to their subscribers – including mobile apps that enable them to view and manage video on their smartphones and tablet devices. Using such apps, subscribers can now watch live and on-demand content via their smartphone/tablet, manage DVRs and perform TV remote functions, among other things. During September, ChangeWave surveyed 2,520 US and Canadian respondents on their traditional TV providers, including customer satisfaction and future demand trends. The survey also looked at the use of TV apps and their impact on customer retention and loyalty.

3Q/4Q 2011 Corporate Quarterly Survey: Downward Spiral – Latest Survey Shows Continuing Decline for US Economy (September 2011) ChangeWave’s latest corporate quarterly survey shows a further decline in US economic growth – led by sharply lower third-quarter sales projections, reduced visibility, a seriously worsening job market and a further pullback in capital spending. The August 23-September 9 survey comprised 2,675 corporate respondents.
