45.1 SPRING 2015 ESSO Bee - National Speleological...


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ESSO Bee Newsle er of the ESSO Gro o of the NSS

Eastern States Speleological Organiza on

1 www.essogrotto.com 

45.1 SPRING 2015 


Page 1 

Trip Report: Potential Pits

Mapping Project

Page 2 

From the Editor

Message from the President

Page 3 

Event Calendar

Page 4 

Bolting Project Update

Promoting the Grotto

Photos at CCSRP

Page 5 

Winter Adventure Weekend 2015

Page 6 

Grotto Committees

Trip Report: a trip to establish landowner    relations and investigate potential pits 

Jeff Rickman  

Sheila and Keith had been invited to inves gate a few pits on a friend of theirs property. They met up with Jeff at McDonalds in Grayson and headed out to Carter City. The property was located off of Brushy Creek Rd. By chance Brian Saul, Mark Walker, Mike Rz, and Jeff Rickman had met the landowner before and remembered him being very friendly and open to cavers. A er a bit of small talk the landowner led us up a small road to the top of a sec on of pasture and pointed the way to where he had spo ed the pits.      (con nued on page 6…)

Above: Sheila Stephens rappelling in to a pit


The mapping project is currently 

underway and is making good pro-

gress.  The goal of the project is to 

collect and organize cave and land-

owner informa on in one loca on 

and for the informa on to be user-

friendly and accessible.  The first 

mee ng was held in February at 

Steve Duncan’s house.  

  (con nued on page 6…)   


The ESSO Grotto of the  

National Speleological Society  

PRESIDENT: Jeff Rickman 


TREASURER: Sheila Stephens 

SECRETARY: Brian Saul 



Hi everyone,

February marked one year since I joined ESSO Grotto, and I have to say

that it was the best decision ever. Although I still have much left to learn, I

have learned more than I ever thought possible in the past year. I want to

thank everyone for continued support and contributions to the ESSO Bee

and also for everyone’s patience for this edition. My plan is for the Bee to

be quarterly / seasonal, so the next edition will be ready by July’s meeting.

Please send all photos, articles and suggestions to:


Also on behalf of every ESSO member, I would like to say congratulations

to our recently appointed officers! We are looking forward to a fun and

exciting year!


Lesli Burdette, Editor


 Message from the President 

www.essogrotto.com  2 

45.1 SPRING 2015 

Greetings everyone,

I have a few things to go over before you dive in to this edition of the ESSO Bee. First of all I would like to

thank our editor for undertaking this most difficult task. Let’s all remember that we can make her job a

little easier by filling her inbox with lots of awesome content. We love to see old and new photos as well

as trip reports both past and present. I for one would love to hear some stories from the early days of


Also, we have been kicking around the idea of having a Grotto day every month on the weekend follow‐

ing the Grotto meeting. These Grotto days could be held on Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Activities

could include caving, hiking / ridge walking, map comparison, vertical practice, or anything else you could

think of. We will likely start in May. If anyone has any suggestions on trips or activities for the Grotto, or

would just like to voice your opinion on something, please feel free to contact me directly.

Jeff Rickman


(304) 634‐4112 

3 www.essogrotto.com 

45.1 SPRING 2015 



APRIL Saturday, April 25th……………....Volunteer Day, Cave tours……………..…....Carter Caves 


MAY May 2nd-3rd………....Mammoth Cave Restora on Camp………..…Mammoth Cave, KY 


Sunday, May 3rd……………....Annual Canoe Trip…………….Tygart’s Creek, Carter Caves 


May 7th—10th……….………………………...SERA……..…………………………...Jamestown, TN 


Monday, May 18th……………………….ESSO Mee ng……...……………...Flatwoods Library 


May 22nd—25th…………………………...Speleofest………………....……………...Louisville, KY 



JUNE Monday, June 15th..………...............ESSO Mee ng………..…………….Flatwoods Library 


Saturday, June 20th…………….…...Annual ESSO Picnic……..…….…………..Carter Caves 


June 25th—28th………………………..……..KOR………………………...…….Mount Vernon, KY 


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45.1 SPRING 2015 

PLAN TO PROMOTE ESSO Recently, there has been much discus-

sion regarding ideas to be er promote 

the gro o, including marke ng materi-

als and se ng up booths at major cave 

related events such as KOR and SERA.  

Since January, President Jeff Rickman 

has been preparing business cards for 

distribu on.  As of March, business 

cards were ready for prin ng.  During 

the March mee ng, Jeff also discussed 

the idea of bumper s ckers and / or 

window clings, which was very well ac-

cepted by members in a endance.   

If you have any sugges ons or ideas, 

please send to Jeff Rickman at jrick-






Renova on plans for Carter Caves 

Lodge include photo décor of vari-

ous themes such as caves, wild life 

and flowers.  At the March 

mee ng, Coy presented the idea 

of having an ESSO designated sec-

on with a plaque dedicated to 

ESSO members for the long history 

of loyalty and service to the park.  

If you would like to submit photos 

for considera on, please email to 

Coy Ainsley at 



Last fall, several volunteer weekends were held to com-

plete the bol ng phase at the future rappel sites at Carter 

Caves.  The project has been ongoing for several years and 

is now nearing comple on.  During the  March mee ng, 

Coy discussed the progress of the project and future plans 

for trails and building addi onal steps to improve func on 

of the rappel site.  Per Coy, rappel sites should be ready 

and open to the public by Memorial Day Weekend.  

Above: new steps at rap-

pelling site

Right:: Installa on of bolts



Photos courtesy of Adam Wilson

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45.1 SPRING 2015 



“WOW! Or should we say ‘WAW’!” was Coy’s opening line to  his Staph thank you email.  With a record 

breaking 436 par cipants, over 150 trips and workshops, and $2,300 raised from dona ons and auc ons, WAW 

2015 was undeniably the best the park has seen yet.  According to Andy Niekamp,  WAW registered more par-

cipants on opening day of registra on in 2015 than for the en re event in 2010; needless to say, Winter Ad-

venture Weekend has come a long way in 5 years. 

  This year, many ESSO folks volunteered leading trips, events and workshops.  To name a few: Mark 

Walker was a guide for the corrugated cave, Sheila Stephens and Keith Music lead tours through Bat Cave, and 

Jeff Rickman and Brian Saul ran the recrea onal tree climbing area while several others worked the high line 

pu ng on harnesses, helmets and working the ropes.  Aside from tours and workshops, there was also a great 

turn out for the auc on, the squeeze box compe on, along with many beau ful submissions for the Photo Sa-


Le : WAW 2015 shirts “Keep Calm and Adventure On” Right: Highline team organizing rope, helmets and harnesses

Photos courtesy of Adam Wilson; addi onal photos on page 8

www.essogrotto.com  6 

Trip Report: a trip to establish landowner relations and investigate potential pits 

...con nued from page 1

A er a short walk we soon started seeing very promising features. The en re top of the hill was li ered with sinks, cracks, 

and small pits. No stone was le  unturned. Every li le sink that was spo ed was inves gated. One par cular pit was about 20

-30 feet deep and able to be dropped to allow further inves ga on. The bo om was covered in a large debris pile consis ng 

of leaves and s cks of various sizes. All agreed that a digging project would be in order. By the end of the day we had accumu-

lated enough digging projects to keep a dozen gro os busy for the next 10 years. If we all had Keith's energy the task could be 

accomplished in a day or so. A er about 3 hours of looking around we decided to pack it up. Given the amount of poten al 

for the area and the friendliness of the landowner we hope to return for a gro o trip and do some ridge walking in the future.  

Above: Sheila Stephens descending in to a discovered pit on the property; addi onal photos on page 7

45.1 SPRING 2015 


(continued from page 1…)

At this point, the second mee ng is wai ng to be 

scheduled.  Addi onally, many of the coordinates 

and maps need to be checked in the field for accura-

cy.  If you have any cave related informa on or sug-

ges ons for organizing informa on, please contact 

Steve Duncan.   


In the past, ESSO used a system of commi ees and non-

officer posi ons to achieve various goals and tasks.  During 

the March mee ng, Jeff Rickman discussed re-

implemen ng such a system to improve ac vism and in-

crease membership.  Previous commi ees existed for top-

ics such as trip coordina on, safety, conserva on, ver cal, 

survey and several others.  If you have any related sugges-

ons or would like to volunteer for a commi ee or posi-

on, please contact Jeff Rickman at jrickmana@gmail.com. 

www.essogrotto.com  7 

Above: Jeff Rickman and Keith Musick descending in to a newly discovered pit on the property

Photos courtesy of Jeff Rickman

45.1 SPRING 2015 

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45.1 SPRING 2015 


Top le : Rob Kline and Adam Wilson on highline

Top right: Brian Saul Recrea onal Tree Climbing

Bo om le : cave tour

Bo om right: Rob Kline tearing down highline ropes

Photos courtesy of Lesli Burde e, Jeff Rickman