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Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry,

Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

II. Automated Synthesis of Biopolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

III. Carbohydrate Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

1. Enzymatic Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2. Solution-Phase Chemical Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3. Orthogonal One-Pot Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4. Solid-Phase Chemical Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5. Solid-Phase Linkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

IV. Design of an Automated Solid-Phase Oligosaccharide Synthesis Strategy . . . . 43

1. Automated Synthesis of Poly �-(1! 2)-D-Mannosides . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

2. Automated Synthesis of b-Glucans Using Glycosyl Phosphates . . . . . . . . 47

3. Complex-Type Trisaccharide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

V. Summary and Future Directions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


Practitioners of the rapidly growing field of glycobiology need accessto isomerically pure oligosaccharides to understand fully the role ofcarbohydrates in biological processes. In order to meet the demand formolecular tools, new methods for the rapid production of carbohydratesare needed. Carbohydrates are the most stereochemically challenging classof biopolymers to prepare, and a variety of methods has been developedto address their synthesis. In addition to traditional solution-phasechemical synthesis, three methods have become increasingly popularfor the construction of oligosaccharides. Enzymatic methods, orthogonalone-pot chemical methods, and automated solid-phase methods offercomplementary approaches for the preparation of carbohydrates. Here wesummarize our efforts to facilitate the procurement of oligosaccharides


0065-2318/03 $35.00 35 � 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

and glycoconjugates through the development of automated solid-phaseoligosaccharide synthesis.1 It is anticipated that these and future develop-ments in automated synthesis will allow the nonspecialist to procuresignificant amounts of defined oligosaccharides in a rapid fashion.


While no examples of automated solid-phase oligosaccharide synthesishad been reported until the work described here,2 automated oligosaccha-ride synthesis was predated by efficient methods for the synthesis of peptides3

and nucleic acids.4 Here we briefly discuss the general features of eachmethod, with particular emphasis on the scale and efficiency of peptide andnucleic acid synthesis.

Peptides of 20–40 amino acids in length are routinely prepared usingautomated protocols.5 Most commonly, solid-phase peptide synthesis iscarried out from the C-terminus to the N-terminus. In this approach, anamino acid is bound to a support through the carboxyl end and thefree amine is available for reaction.6 While polystyrene-based resins arecommonly used, polyamide derivatives (namely PEGA) have seen increaseduse recently.7 Delivery of an N-protected amino acid with an activatedcarboxylic acid group leads to amide bond formation. Removal of theN-protecting group reveals another free amine for reiteration of thecycle. Both tert-butoxycarbonyl (Boc)- and 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl(Fmoc)-protected amino acids are commonly used as building blocksfor the preparation of milligram quantities of peptides. The high efficiency(98–99.9% per step) of solid-phase peptide synthesis has allowed forthe synthesis of particular peptides on an industrial scale (kg/ton) in anautomated fashion.

Similarly, deoxyribonucleic acid strands 100 bases in length are readilyassembled using the phosphoramidite methodology.8,9 In this method, thefirst unit is attached to a controlled pore glass (CPG) support via the30-hydroxyl moiety. With the 50-hydroxyl group of the support-boundnucleoside unprotected, a 50-dimethoxytrityl-30-phosphoramidite nucleotideis added and activated with 1H-tetrazole. Coupling to afford a dinucleotideproduct is followed by oxidation to secure the phosphodiester linkage.Subsequent removal of the dimethoxytrityl group with mild acid pro-vides a convenient method of deprotection as well as analysis of thecoupling efficiency via UV absorption.10 Remarkably, coupling efficienciesof 99.95–99.99% are commonly obtained on a 0.1–1.0 �mol scale.

A method capable of generating sequences 10–15 sugar units in lengthwould be of interest with regard to carbohydrate synthesis. While couplingyields similar to those obtained in nucleic acid synthesis would be ideal,


initially a more realistic goal is to achieve 95–98% coupling efficiency.The automated method must also be able to generate significant quantities(0.1–1 mmol) of oligosaccharides. The need for relatively short sequencesin significant quantities of material draw comparisons to peptide synthesis.Milligram to multigram quantities necessitate the use of high-loadingpolystyrene resins, as in solid-phase peptide synthesis. Other supports,such as CPG, are better suited for smaller-scale synthesis owing to theirlow loading (60–100 �mol/g).


The structural diversity of glycans has been appreciated for many years.On one hand, the extraordinary diversity of carbohydrate sequences foundin nature is responsible for their intricate biological properties. Conversely,this variance makes the analysis and study of oligosaccharides a slow andchallenging process.11 Carbohydrates are unlike the other major classes ofbiopolymers as they are often characterized by highly branched motifs. Eachmonosaccharide unit has multiple possible sites for attachment to the nextsugar moiety. Additionally, each glycosidic linkage connecting two sugarunits can adopt one of two possible isomeric forms. There are thus overone thousand different trisaccharides possible when the nine monosac-charides commonly encountered in mammalian carbohydrates are combined.This richness in sequence variation complicates the synthesis of carbo-hydrates, and distinguishes them from other classes of natural products.Due to the structural complexity of most glycan sequences, several methodshave been developed for the synthesis of such carbohydrates, usingenzymatic, solution-phase, and solid-phase techniques.

1. Enzymatic Methods

Alternatives to the traditional synthetic methods for the procurement ofcarbohydrates make use of enzymatic methods. Enzymatic techniques relyon the high specificity prevalent in glycosyltransferase-mediated glycosyla-tions.12 Utilizing nucleotide sugar diphosphates (NDPs) as building blocks,glycosyltransferases assemble complex carbohydrates in aqueous media.A major advantage of this method is the ability to prepare sophisticatedstructures without the need for protecting-group manipulations on eitherthe building blocks or the desired product. While certain carbohydrates canbe prepared using a particular transferase, the narrow scope of transferase-mediated glycosylations necessitates the isolation and purification ofmultiple enzymes to synthesize diverse structures. Additionally, the highcost associated with nucleotide sugar diphosphates makes this method


unattractive for large-scale synthesis. Potential solutions to the challengesin enzymatic oligosaccharide synthesis include the regeneration of NDPs13

in situ via immobilized enzymes.14 Considerable research in this areais currently ongoing and should lead to new, more efficient, and flexibleenzymatic methods.

2. Solution-Phase Chemical Synthesis

The glycosylation reaction is one of the most thoroughly studied trans-formations in organic chemistry.15,16 In the most general sense, a glycosyla-tion is the formation of an acetal connecting two sugar units (Scheme 1).The majority of glycosylating agents follow similar paths of reactivity.17

The anomeric substituent acts as a leaving group, thereby generating anelectrophilic intermediate (Scheme 1). Reaction of this species with a nucleo-phile, typically a hydroxyl group, leads to the formation of a glycosidiclinkage. This reaction may proceed via a number of intermediates,depending on the nature of the leaving group, the activating reagent, andthe solvent employed.

Glycosyl trichloroacetimidates,18 thioglycosides,19 glycosyl sulfoxides,20

glycosyl halides,21,22 glycosyl phosphites,23 4-pentenyl glycosides,24 and1,2-anhydro sugars25 are among the most reliable glycosyl donors (Fig. 1).Despite the wealth of glycosylating agents available, no single methodhas been distinguished as a universal donor. In contrast to peptide andoligonucleotide synthesis, the inherent differences in monosaccharidestructures make it unlikely that a common donor will prevail. Rather,individual donors will see use in the construction of certain classes ofglycosidic linkages.

SCHEME 1. General mechanism for chemical glycosylations.

FIG. 1. Commonly used glycosylating agents.


3. Orthogonal One-Pot Methods

The desire to streamline the synthesis of carbohydrates and allow non-experts to prepare carbohydrates on demand has led to the design andevaluation of efficient one-pot methods. A solution-phase orthogonalmethod that relies on thioglycosides as glycosyl donors is the OptiMerTM

strategy of Wong.26 Analysis of the reactivity profiles for over a hundreddifferent thioglycosides using a computer program allows for prediction ofthe optimal set of donors required to generate a given polysaccharide. Thismethod involves the one-pot sequential addition of donors with decreasingreactivity.27 The reactions are performed manually in solution, with theoligosaccharide chain grown from the nonreducing to the reducing end.Factors affecting the relative reactivity value (RRV) for a thioglycosideinclude the type of sugar used and the nature of the protecting groupsemployed.

This approach is useful for the synthesis of short, functionally denseoligosaccharide sequences, as exemplified by the synthesis of the globo Hhexasaccharide.2 Currently, efforts are underway to develop a set of buildingblocks from which the majority of carbohydrate sequences can be prepared.A challenge inherent to this method is evident when structures containingmore than one identical linkage are desired. The need for orthogonalreactivity and sequential addition of donors necessitate the use of more thanone building block (with different RRVs) for the same linkage, therebyadding to the overall number of building blocks needed. Although there arestill limitations to the OptiMerTM method, it represents the first example ofa computer-assisted program for oligosaccharide synthesis.

Another notable example of orthogonal one-pot glycosylations usingthioglycosides is that of Takahashi and co-workers.28 A library of 54 lineartrisaccharides was prepared in parallel on a Quest 210 synthesizer, using thestrategy already outlined. Similarly, 18 branched trisaccharides were alsoprepared in excellent overall yield (64–99%). This highly efficient procedureand the successful use of a manual synthesizer should lead to moreinstrumentation advances. Restrictions as to the overall length of the oligo-saccharides prepared by one-pot methods currently hinder their wide-spread use.

4. Solid-Phase Chemical Synthesis

Solution-phase oligosaccharide synthesis remains a slow process due tothe need for iterative coupling and deprotection steps, with purificationat each step along the way. To alleviate the need for repetitive purificationevents, solid-phase techniques have been developed.29,30 In solid-phase


oligosaccharide synthesis there are two methods available (Figs. 2 and 3).The donor-bound method links the first sugar to the polymer through thenonreducing end of the monomer unit (Fig. 2). The polymer-bound sugaris then converted into a glycosyl donor and treated with an excess ofacceptor and activator. Productive couplings lead to formation of polymer-bound disaccharide, while decomposition products remain bound to theresin. Elongation of the oligosaccharide chain is accomplished by convertingthe newly added sugar unit into a glycosyl donor and reiteration of theabove cycle. Since most donor species are highly reactive, there is a greaterchance of forming polymer-bound side products using the donor-boundmethod.

FIG. 2. Donor-bound solid-phase carbohydrate synthesis.

FIG. 3. Acceptor-bound solid-phase carbohydrate synthesis.


Alternatively, acceptor-bound strategies have found considerable use insolid-phase oligosaccharide synthesis (Fig. 3). In this approach, the firstsugar is attached to the polymer at the reducing end. Removal of a uniqueprotecting group on the sugar affords a polymer-bound acceptor. Thereactive glycosylating agent is delivered in solution and productive couplingleads to polymer-bound oligosaccharides, while unwanted side productscaused by donor decomposition are washed away. Removal of a uniqueprotecting group on the polymer-bound oligosaccharide reveals anotherhydroxyl group for elongation.

While the merits of the donor-bound method have been demonstrated byDanishefsky and co-workers,31 the most popular and generally applicablemethod of synthesizing oligosaccharides on a polymer support remains theacceptor-bound strategy. The ability to use excess glycosylating agents insolution to drive reactions to completion has led to widespread use of thismethod. All of the aforementioned glycosylating agents have been utilizedwith the acceptor-bound method to varying degrees of success.30

5. Solid-Phase Linkers

A critical element of any solid-phase synthesis strategy is the choice ofan appropriate linker group connecting the first sugar to the solid support(Table I).32 The linker must be inert to the glycosylation conditions as wellas the deprotection conditions. Equally important is the need for a high-yielding cleavage event at the conclusion of a synthesis. Several acid- andbase-labile linkers, similar to those employed in peptide and oligonucleotidesynthesis, have been modified for oligosaccharide synthesis.32

Silyl ethers are most commonly used for monomer attachment toa polymer support under the donor-bound paradigm. Linkers suchas diisopropyl phenylsilyl ether (1) are stable to mildly acidic and stronglybasic reaction conditions, and have proven valuable when glycosyl trichloro-acetimidates, glycals, glycosyl fluorides, and glycosyl sulfoxides areemployed.33 Liberation from the polymer support is accomplished upontreatment with fluoride sources, affording the free oligosaccharide unpro-tected at the original point of attachment. Due to the frequent use of silylethers as temporary protecting groups in oligosaccharide synthesis, theincorporation of a silyl linker often leads to significant challenges whendifferentiating the remaining hydroxyl groups.

A class of photolabile linkers has been developed to circumvent the useof silyl ethers as linkers and allow for the use of temporary silyl protect-ing groups.34,35 Photolabile linkers, such as 2, often involve the use ofo-nitrobenzyl ether groups. This functional group is stable to a variety ofconditions; however, cleavage from the polymer support is often slow and


yields vary. Nonetheless, photolabile linkers offer another degree oforthogonality that is valuable when designing a synthesis.

A linker strategy that is unique to oligosaccharide synthesis involvesthe attachment of the first sugar to a polymer support via a thioglycoside.As already discussed, thioglycosides are moderately stable to acid and areinert under basic conditions. Thioglycosides, such as 3, are cleaved fromthe polymer support upon addition of such thiophilic reagents asN-bromosuccinimide or Hg(O2CCF3)2 in the presence of an alcohol orwater, to afford either acetal or hemiacetal products, respectively.36,44 Theobvious limitations of this linker are the incompatibility with thioglycosidedonors and the limited stability to treatment with acidic activators. Also, amixture of anomers is possible and control of the anomeric ratio is difficult,since the cleavage event occurs at the reducing end.

More recently, linkers similar to 4, making use of alkene metathesis as thecleavage method, have been developed.37,38 Alkene-type linkers are stable toacidic and basic reaction conditions, and the double bond acts as a handlefor the final cleavage event. This is an attractive option because the linker


Linkers and Cleavage Methods for Solid-Phase Oligosaccharide Synthesis

Linker Cleavage Product Cleavage Conditions


functionality is inert under commonly used coupling and deprotectionconditions, and the final cleavage step is compatible with numerous pro-tecting groups. Importantly, the cleavage product contains an alkene group,thereby allowing for additional functional group manipulations.

As with solution-phase oligosaccharide synthesis, no single glycosylationmethod or linker strategy has distinguished itself among the variety of solid-phase techniques available. The abundance of linker strategies providesuseful flexibility when planning a synthesis. It is anticipated that the devel-opment of novel linker and cleavage strategies will allow for the synthesisof increasingly complex carbohydrates using solid-phase methods.



At first glance, the automated synthesis of carbohydrates appears to bea formidable challenge. The multitude of branched sequences and varietyof monosaccharide units necessitate the execution of long linear syntheticstrategies. The inherent difference in reactivity and stereoselectivity ofglycosylating agents also adds to the complexity of carbohydrate synthesis.Taking these factors into consideration, our laboratory systematicallydeveloped a strategy to address the viability of automated solid-phaseoligosaccharide synthesis.

Our approach to oligosaccharide synthesis relied on the acceptor-bound solid-phase method. This method formally reduces the synthesisof carbohydrates to a repetitive cycle of glycosylation and deprotectionevents. It was reasoned that the repetitive nature of an acceptor-boundglycosylation method rendered it ideal for automation. Therefore, we set outto investigate the potential variables in such a scheme.

The acceptor-bound method necessitates the appropriate choice ofpolymer support and linker functionality. We chose to investigate the use ofswelling and nonswelling polystyrene-based resins, as well as polyethyleneglycol (PEG)-grafted polystyrene. These resins were selected for theirmoderate to high-loading capacity (0.2–1.0 mmol/g) and stability to acidicand basic reaction media. Our prior solid-support efforts using polystyrene-based Merrifield’s resin (1% cross-linked) were promising; however, wewere interested in exploring the properties of other resins.37,39 Anothersupport that proved useful for carbohydrate synthesis was the highly cross-linked, polystyrene-based Argopore� resin.40 In contrast to conventionalpolystyrene supports, Argopore� is a nonswelling resin that is compatiblewith aqueous and organic solvents. Attempts to functionalize polyethyleneglycol grafted polystyrene supports, such as Tentagel�, with our linker wereunsuccessful.41


An octenediol linker was selected as a convenient method of attachmentto the polymer support.37 Furthermore, the desired oligosaccharide couldbe readily obtained via cleavage by alkene metathesis to afford 4-pentenylglycosides. 4-Pentenyl glycosides are versatile intermediates that can beused as glycosyl donors, coupled using free-radical chemistry to thiols, oroxidized to serve as linkers in glycoconjugate synthesis.42 Additionally,octenediol-functionalized resins were proven to be stable to a number ofroutine transformations in carbohydrate chemistry.37

Another important aspect of our acceptor-bound strategy was thedelivery of donors in solution. In selecting donors we considered theirstability, reactivity, ease of synthesis, and activation under homogeneousreaction conditions. The use of insoluble reagents (such as powderedmolecular sieves) would not be compatible with an automated instrument.

The most frequently used building blocks for solution-phase oligosac-charide synthesis include anomeric trichloroacetimidates and thioglycosides.Although thioglycosides are generally shelf-stable compounds that displayexcellent glycosylation properties, they often demand the use of N-iodo-succinimide (NIS) as an activator. The partial solubility of NIS in organicsolvents, as well as the requirement for powdered molecular sieves in thereaction vessel, led us to forego the use of thioglycosides in our automatedmethod. Glycosyl trichloroacetimidates, on the other hand, are routinelyactivated with trimethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulfonate (Me3SiOTf) underhomogeneous reaction conditions. Furthermore, trichloroacetimidatedonors are reliable and efficient species that are activated in a catalyticmanner.

We were interested in designing a synthesis whereby a variety of readilyprepared donors could be utilized. The need for flexibility arises from thebroad reactivity spectrum of glycosylating agents. Divergence in activityis common when comparing glycosyl donors of different monosaccharideswith different protecting-group patterns. Previous efforts employingglycosyl phosphate donors were promising both in solution and on asolid support.37,43 Glycosyl phosphates are activated under homogenousconditions and are a class of highly reactive compounds. In addition to theirfavorable glycosylation properties, glycosyl phosphates are convenientlyprepared from commercial starting materials. A one-pot procedure for thesynthesis of glycosyl phosphates from glycal precursors can be readilyapplied to the construction of glucosyl and galactosyl phosphates inmultigram quantities.43

Another critical consideration was the development of an effectiveprotecting-group strategy. We chose to employ benzyl ethers as ‘‘permanent’’protecting groups, not to be removed during the course of intermittentdeprotection events, because of their stability under moderately acidic and


strongly basic reaction media. Esters were selected as temporary protectinggroups due to their ease of removal. Both acetyl and levulinoyl esters werechosen, based on prior work with their removal from support-boundoligosaccharides.44 The removal of levulinoyl esters (N2H4, pyridine–aceticacid) was readily accomplished in the presence of acetyl-, benzyl-, andpivaloyl-protected hydroxyl groups. Additionally, acetates were removedvia saponification with sodium methoxide in methanol–dichloromethane.A solvent system with adequate swelling properties for polystyrene resins wasrequired during each glycosylation, deprotection, and washing step. Whileswelling is less essential when macroreticular polymers are used, any reactionemploying lightly cross-linked polystyrene-based resins would suffer pooryields when conducted under inappropriate reaction conditions.

In order to automate the synthetic process, we reconfigured a commer-cially available peptide synthesizer. An Applied Biosystems (ABI) Model433A synthesizer was chosen because it was amenable to modificationand capable of carrying out batchwise syntheses on a millimole scale(0.1–1.0 mmol) (Fig. 4). Reagent bottles equipped with the chemicalsnecessary for oligosaccharide synthesis, and containers with washingsolvents, were installed on the instrument. While many of the manipula-tions in peptide chemistry are carried out at ambient temperature, mostglycosylation events are performed at low temperatures.15 To addressthis need, we designed a double-walled reaction vessel (8 mL internalvolume) with inlet and outlet hose fittings (Fig. 4). The temperature(�50 �C! 40 �C) of the reaction vessel was controlled by connection to aJulabo� circulating bath. The vertical positioning of the reaction vessel in

FIG. 4. Schematic design of an automated solid-phase oligosaccharide synthesizer.


the instrument demanded that a glass frit be installed on the bottom of theapparatus. With this design, we were able to load and remove resin from thetop of the reaction vessel.

1. Automated Synthesis of Poly a-(1! 2)-D-Mannosides

With a synthetic strategy and an instrument in place, we explored theautomated synthesis of poly �-(1! 2) mannosides. Initially, we developeda coupling cycle to control the quantity of reagents delivered, as well asthe length of each step (Table II). Glycosyl trichloroacetimidate 11 wasemployed and activated with catalytic Me3SiOTf (Scheme 2). Removal ofthe C-2 acetyl group was accomplished with sodium methoxide inmethanol–dichloromethane. The sequence of events outlined in Table IIwas utilized with octenediol-functionalized 1% cross-linked polystyrene inthe synthesis of pentamannoside 13 (Scheme 2). Under these conditions, 13was prepared in only 14 h, or approximately 3 h per monomer unit added.The nonswelling highly cross-linked Argopore� resin was also successfullyemployed in this cycle with similar results.

We evaluated the purity of the final resin-bound pentasaccharide usingon-bead analytical methods.1 Characterization of the resin-bound pentamer12 was performed using high-resolution magic angle-spinning nuclearmagnetic resonance (HR-MAS NMR).45,46 The two-dimensional NMRspectra revealed characteristic anomeric resonances between 97 and103 ppm. In addition to the HMQC results, homonuclear total correlationspectroscopy (TOCSY) HR-MAS analysis distinguished the five anomericresonances. In a direct comparison, resin-bound 12 and an authentic sample


Cycle Used with Glycosyl Trichloroacetimidate Activation and Acetate Deprotection

Step Function Reagent Time (min)

1 Couple 10 Eq. donor and 0.5 eq. Me3SiOTf 30

2 Wash Dichloromethane 6

3 Couple 10 Eq. donor and 0.5 eq. Me3SiOTf 30

4 Wash Dichloromethane 6

5 Wash 1:9 Methanol–dichloromethane 6

6 Deprotection 2� 10 Eq. NaOMe (1:9 methanol–dichloromethane) 80

7 Wash 1:9 Methanol–dichloromethane 4

8 Wash 0.2 M Acetic acid in tetrahydrofuran 4

9 Wash Tetrahydrofuran 6

10 Wash Dichloromethane 6


of 13 showed excellent correlation, with minor line broadening of the resin-bound sample.47

The facile synthesis of 13 in high yield and purity prompted us toundertake the synthesis of larger poly �-(1! 2) mannosides. Applying thecoupling cycle described in Table II, heptamer 14 and decamer 15 weresynthesized, with stepwise yields of 90–95%. Heptamannoside 14 wasprepared in 20 h and in 42% overall yield while we manually synthesized 14

on the solid support in 14 days and in only 9% overall yield.37 A strikingfeature of the automated solid-phase method was the efficiency with whichreactions took place. Based on these results, it is evident that repetitivereactions carried out on an instrument can be accomplished rapidly andwith high yields.

A useful feature of this synthesis was the ability to recover excess donor.In using the auxiliary waste feature as a donor-recovery function, we wereable to isolate a significant portion (50–60%) of unreacted donor 14.Hydrolyzed donor and 1$10-linked disaccharides were among the otherproducts recovered. The solvents used in the synthesizer were commercialHPLC grade CH2Cl2 and tetrahydrofuran (THF), and were not dried priorto use. The use of a drying agent in the reagent and solvent bottles on thesynthesizer may lead to suppressed hydrolysis of the donor and furtherincreased yields.

2. Automated Synthesis of b-Glucans Using Glycosyl Phosphates

Given our success with the use of trichloroacetmidate donors, we soughtto explore the use of glycosyl phosphates in an automated protocol.1


n n



SCHEME 2. Synthesis of poly �-(1! 2) mannosides using glycosyl trichloroacetimidates.


The phytoalexin elicitor (PE) family of b-D-glucans (Fig. 5) was selected as atarget because these oligosaccharides had been synthesized previously insolution48,49 and on the solid support.50,51 It was our intention to investigatenot only the application of glycosyl phosphates to automated solid-phasesynthesis, but also to compare our method to the previously describedreports of PE syntheses.

Our retrosynthesis of the branched b-(1! 3)/b-(1! 6) PE structuressuggested glycosyl phosphate donors 17 and 19 as potential building blocks.The levulinoyl ester was chosen as a temporary protecting group for O-6because it could be easily removed, and yet under acidic conditions was lessprone to migration than other esters.52 To ensure complete b-selectivity inthe glycosylation reaction, the 2-O-pivaloyl group was installed. Glycosylphosphates 17 and 19 were prepared from the corresponding glycals (92 and84% respectively).

With gram quantities of 17 and 19 in hand, the coupling and deprotectionconditions were adjusted for the use of glycosyl phosphates and levulinoylesters (Table III). Glycosyl phosphate 17 was reacted at �15 �C for 15 min(Scheme 3). As anticipated from previous studies,53 deprotection of thelevulinate ester was accomplished at þ 15 �C (15 min) when 3:2 pyridine–AcOH was used as the solvent system.* Introduction of an additionalwashing cycle following deprotection of the levulinoyl group ensuredremoval of any excess hydrazine. As with previous solid-phase examples,double glycosylations and double deprotections were employed to guaranteehigh stepwise yields. Incorporation of these modifications to the automatedcycle resulted in the formation of b-(1! 6) trisaccharide 18 (Scheme 3) inexcellent yield (92% by HPLC analysis).

FIG. 5. A representative b-glucan oligosaccharide.

*Other hydrazine solutions using mixed solvent systems (MeOH–EtOH–THF) were

susceptible to precipitate formation and did not display adequate swelling properties.


Paramount to the success of this method was the execution of glyco-sylations at low temperature. As a comparison, we performed the synthesisof 18 at room temperature. Analysis of the HPLC data of the final cleavedproducts showed significantly fewer side products when glycosylations wereperformed at �15 �C.1

Using alternating phosphate building blocks, we prepared more complexPE oligosaccharides. Branched hexasaccharide 20 was constructed in highyield in only 10 h (Scheme 4). Finally, we prepared dodecasaccharide 21

(Fig. 6) in 17 h and >50% yield using the same cycle. A similar dodecamerhad been previously prepared manually on the solid support through theuse of block couplings with trisaccharide thiodonors (10% overall yield).50

Notably, our synthesis of 21 required the solution-phase synthesis ofonly two phosphate building blocks. The use of glycosyl phosphates in


Cycle Used with Glycosyl Phosphate Activation and Levulinoyl Deprotection

Step Function Reagent Time (min)

1 Couple 5 Eq. donor and 5 eq. Me3SiOTf 15

2 Wash Dichloromethane 6

3 Couple 5 Eq. donor and 5 eq. Me3SiOTf 15

4 Wash 1:9 Methanol–dichloromethane 4

5 Wash Tetrahydrofuran 4

6 Wash 3:2 Pyridine–acetic acid 3

7 Deprotection 2� 20 Eq. hydrazine (3:2 pyridine–acetic acid) 30

8 Wash 3:2 Pyridine–acetic acid 3

9 Wash 1:9 Methanol–dichloromethane 4

10 Wash 0.2 M Acetic acid in tetrahydrofuran 4

11 Wash Tetrahydrofuran 4

12 Wash Dichloromethane 6




SCHEME 3. Synthesis of b-(1! 6) triglucoside 18 using glycosyl phosphates.


the automated setting offers another degree of flexibility with regard tothe donor options available. Furthermore, the successful deprotection oflevulinoyl esters provides an alternative to acetyl esters as temporaryprotecting groups.

3. Complex-Type Trisaccharide

After developing procedures for the activation and coupling of anomerictrichloroacetimidate and glycosyl phosphate donors as well as for thedeprotection of acetyl and levulinoyl esters, we designed a synthesis utilizingall aspects of our automated chemistry. Trisaccharide 24, composed of three


SCHEME 4. Synthesis of hexasaccharide 20 using glycosyl phosphates.

FIG. 6. Dodecamer 21 prepared with glycosyl phosphates.


different monomer units, was chosen as a target structure and we devised asynthesis to incorporate different donors and temporary protecting groups(Scheme 5). Glycans containing this trisaccharide motif are difficult toprepare synthetically due to the presence of b-Gal-(1! 4)-GlcNAc andb-GlcNAc-(1! 2)-Man linkages.54

Taking into consideration the activation and deprotection conditionsnecessary for the use of donors 11, 22, and 13, we devised a suitable couplingcycle (Table IV). Employing the sequence outlined in Table IV, the synthesisof trisaccharide 24 was performed on a 1% cross-linked polystyrene support(Scheme 5). After the 10-h coupling cycle, trisaccharide 24 was cleaved fromthe support and analyzed by HPLC to afford 24 in 60% overall yield. Wewere encouraged by this result, as it was the first example incorporating allof the automated protocols into a single coupling cycle. Furthermore, thesuccessful deprotection of a levulinate ester in the presence of a phthaloylamine protecting group provided an orthogonal protecting-group strategythat can be generally applied to other sequences. It is anticipated that eachdegree of orthogonality developed for our automated protocol will enhancethe speed and efficiency with which increasingly complex carbohydrates canbe prepared.


We have developed an automated solid-phase approach for the chemi-cal synthesis of oligosaccharides. Using an acceptor-bound solid-phase

SCHEME 5. Synthesis of trisaccharide using glycosyl trichloroacetimidates and glycosyl



glycosylation strategy in a specially designed instrument, poly �-(1! 2)mannosides as large as a decasaccharide were synthesized. The use ofglycosyl phosphates was demonstrated with the synthesis of a dodecamerphytoalexin elicitor b-glucan. During this investigation, we relied on the useof HR-MAS NMR analysis as an on-resin analytical tool. The methoddescribed here is anticipated to have a significant impact on the field ofoligosaccharide synthesis. Although there are still a number of challenges tobe overcome, the automated construction of glycosidic linkages will allowfor the preparation of a diverse set of carbohydrate for pharmaceutical andbiochemical evaluation.

The advances in automation presented constitute an important first steptoward alleviating the difficulty incumbent to carbohydrate synthesis.


Cycle Used for the Synthesis of Trisaccharide 24

Step Function Reagent Time (min)

1 Couple 4 Eq. donor 11 and 0.4 eq. Me3SiOTf 30

2 Wash Dichloromethane 6

3 Couple 4 Eq. donor 11 and 0.4 eq. Me3SiOTf 30

4 Wash Dichloromethane 6

5 Wash 1:9 Methanol–dichloromethane 4

6 Deprotection 2� 10 Eq. NaOMe (1:9 methanol–dichloromethane) 80

7 Wash 1:9 Methanol–dichloromethane 4

8 Wash 0.2 M acetic acid in tetrahydrofuran 4

9 Wash Tetrahydrofuran 4

10 Wash Dichloromethane 6

11 Couple 4 Eq. donor 22 and 0.4 eq. Me3SiOTf 30

12 Wash Dichloromethane 6

13 Couple 4 Eq. donor 22 and 0.4 eq. Me3SiOTf 30

14 Wash Dichloromethane 6

15 Wash 1:9 Methanol–dichloromethane 4

16 Wash Tetrahydrofuran 4

17 Wash 3:2 Pyridine–acetic acid 3

18 Deprotection 2� 20 Eq. hydrazine (3:2 pyridine–acetic acid) 30

19 Wash 3:2 Pyridine–acetic acid 3

20 Wash 1:9 Methanol–dichloromethane 4

21 Wash 0.2 M acetic acid in tetrahydrofuran 4

22 Wash Tetrahydrofuran 4

23 Wash Dichloromethane 6

24 Couple 5 Eq. 23 donor and 5 eq. Me3SiOTf 15

25 Wash Dichloromethane 6

26 Couple 5 Eq. 23 donor and 5 eq. Me3SiOTf 15

27 Wash 1:9 Methanol–dichloromethane 4

28 Wash Tetrahydrofuran 4

29 Wash Dichloromethane 6


Continued progress in the development of new methods for carbohydratesynthesis is anticipated to lead to further breakthroughs in automation. Theconstruction of other linkages using a wide range of donors is on thehorizon and will facilitate the synthetic process. Additionally, the definitionof an orthogonal protecting-group ensemble applicable to a wide range ofbuilding blocks will lead to the production of diverse carbohydrate libraries.

While the path to enhancing automated synthesis is clear, a number ofpractical challenges remains. Given the recent success of synthetic methods,other bottlenecks have emerged. Notably, the purification of both fullyprotected and deprotected oligosaccharides is a laborious process.Improvements in currently available techniques are needed to allow forthe expedient purification of synthetic material. More efficient methods forthe analysis and sequencing of carbohydrates are of major importance.


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