5% Facebook Groups



dealing in the facebook groups of 5%

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In the Name of Allah, the Lord of All the Worlds The 5% NATION OF ISLAM FB Group Guidelines:16. Who are the 5% in this poor part of the Earth? ans. They are the poor righteous teachers who do not believe in the teaching of the 10%; who are all wise and know who the true and living God is; who teach that the True and Living God is the Son of Man, the Supreme Being, the Black Man of Asia; who teach Freedom, Justice and Equality to all Human families of the Planet Earth. Otherwise known as Civilized People; also is Muslim and Muslim Sons.This group is the Five Percenters who agree with the points of the Nation of Islam and its core teachings. These Five Percenters fit the definition of an Extension within the Nation of Islam and its teachings as defined in the word and its root word:Extend- (1) to stretch out or draw out to a certain point (2) to enlarge in area, scope, influence, meaning, effect, etc.; widen; broaden; expand; spread (3) topresent for acceptance; offer; accord; grant (4) to give added bulk or body to (a substance).Extension- (1) the amount or degree to which something is or can be extended; range; extent. (2) a part that forms a continuation or addition. (3) a branch of auniversity for students who cannot attend the university proper.Hence, as an extension and continuation of the Original Nation, these 5 Percenters embrace the fundamental concepts of NOI theology aka Knowledge of Self. TheseFive Percenters believe that Allahs original intent and purpose of founding theFive Percenters were to spread the teachings of Islam (as taught in the NOI lessons) to the babies in the street who didnt attend the Mosque. These Five Percentersidentify themselves in the lessons as being part of a larger Nation of Islam that encompasses all the human family who are striving for righteousness and Black People in particular.As a rule of thumb, these Five Percenters comply and teach in accordance with the teachings of Allah (Supreme Mathematics and Alphabets) and W. F. Muhammad andElijah Muhammad teachings (120 lessons as well as the body of knowledge found within NOI literature). Although the Five Percenters of this frame of thought recognize a divine connection between themselves and the NOI, they still cite the need for the Five Percenters and its unique identity and purpose within the grandscheme of things. We agree with the following pertaining to the study of the Lessons:MINISTER FARRAKHAN: "The value of those Lessons first, cannot be perceived, unless we properly understand who is giving the questions and who is giving the answers. Once we have an appreciation of the value of Who the Author of the questions is, then we can begin to assign greater value to each and every question and by understanding the value of him who was being questioned and the state of mindthat he was in at the time of his answers to that question.Then we will learn that the questions are deeply profound, in that they stretchour minds from the past to the present into the future. If we start with the study of the answers given by one born to meet the Questioner, born to see and knowthe Questioner, then his answers have to be the basis of our beginning study ofthe course that would not just make us Muslims, in the common understanding ofthe meaning of Muslim, but make us into Gods, the very uncommon understanding ofbeing a Muslim.So one must approach the study with deep honor and respect and love for the OneWho came; Who studied forty-two years to deliver us; for the One Who broke the circle of the Gods to bring us into equality with those men--these very great scientists. When we begin to look at it in this manner, we can begin to perceive the value of the six Lessons, that Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, left with us for us1. Purpose.The purpose of the group is to educate, build on and fulfill the purpose of the16th degree from Lost-Found Muslim Lesson No. 2 (1-40), asked by Master Fard Muhammad and answered by the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad (in 1934) to the Nation of Islam, and also shared (revealed) by Allah (Hon. Clarence 13X) in (1964) to the 5Percenters.

The purpose of this forum is simple: Freedom, Justice and Equality, which is Islam. There are many forums on Facebook that give voice to the Five Percent. However, some of these forums refuse to deal with Islam, i.e. Freedom, Justice and Equality. Some of these same forums that refuse to deal justly and equitably withthe many voices of the Five Percent also display a noticeable lack of civility,which is contrary to the very definition of the Five Percent in this poor part of the planet Earth. This forum offers Freedom to the many voices of the Five Percent, and the guarantee that those offering their voice will be treated with Justice and Equality: Islam.2. Be respectful and civilized. Display righteous conduct and behavior.A civilized person is one having knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture and refinement and is not a savage. Respect must be shown at all times for everybody.No profanity, crude language, slack talk, gossip, slander, defamation, cheap shots, insults, personal attacks, name-calling, hateful language, threats etc. will be tolerated. This is not the place to air one s personal grievances, immaturity or hatred. Yet this is the place where you can represent yourself with civilization, dignity and respect. Let us represent ourselves in the best manner at all times.3. No degradation of any of our Great Reformers will be tolerated for the Mission is ONE.This includes but is not limited to: The Hon. Marcus Garvey, Prophet Noble DrewAli, Master Fard Muhammad, The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, ALLAH (Hon. Clarence 13X), The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, etc. whether you follow these respectivemen or not. You can disagree, but no disrespect of them (or any of our great reformers) will be allowed or tolerated for the Mission is ONE.4. Respect the 5%NOI school of thought within the group.This group is not anti-Muslim or anti-Muslim God. We dont tolerate Sectarianism,which according to one definition, is bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arisingfrom attaching importance to perceived differences between subdivisions withina group, such as between different denominations of a religion, class, regionalor factions of a political movement. We recognize that there are different "sees" or "schools of thoughts" within the 5%, yet all of the different schools of thought should be recognized, respected and have patience (tolerance) with one another. We cannot condone dogma. It s ok to discuss differences and even RESPECTFULLY debate differences, but no sectarianism (hatred) will be allowed.On The 5 Percenters forum, we are not "Anti-God", we are "Pro-God." As is defined:ANTI- God: "To disrespect or hinder A Student from expressing righteous intelligence that He or She has derived from THE study of ALLAH S TEACHING."PRO- God: "To respect and encourage A Student to express the righteous intelligence that He or She has derived from THE study of ALLAH S TEACHING."5. Respect the Supreme Wisdom (Lessons), its Authors, and The Knowledge of Self.Respect is mandatory for The LESSONS, its Authors, its Revealers, and the students of the culture who teach it.This includes (but is not limited to): 1. Supreme Mathematics 2. Supreme Alphabet 3. The 12 Jewels of Islam 4.The Student Enrollment (1-10) 5. English Lesson C1 (1-36) 6. Lost-Found Muslim Lesson No. 1 (1-14) 7. Lost-Found Muslim Lesson No. 2 (1-40) 8. Actual Facts (1-11) and 9. Solar Facts (1-9).This also includes the Sum total of All of the teachings of Knowledge of Self or Islam as revealed to us by Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that is extant and available. Which includes the Lessons, the Histories, the Books (Message to the Black Man, How to Eat to Live, etc) and the code of conduct established via the examples of our Great Reformers.6. No violators.We will take steps to remove individuals and posts that are not conducive to creating and promoting the desired environment intended by this 5% FB forum. It should be noted that if there is personal business to be discussed, it is best discussed in a personal environment except where the safety of another one of our precious brothers and/or sisters is involved. If you are not in compliance with the group guidelines, you will be given a warning, after which you may be removed

and possibly banned from the group. This means you cannot re-join."Unity is the Directive, Truth is the Criteria"PEACE