

Citation preview

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(The New Right) *

. . : . 1. 2. 3. 4.

. 1. 2. 3. 4. .

. 20 1920 , . . 1980 . , . 2008 . . 1920 1930 * , b-culture@hanmail.net 1) Todd G. Buchholz, New Ideas from Dead Economists (Penguin Books, 1989)T.G. , , (, 1994) , p.283.1)

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, . 1920 , . . .2)

(Karl Polanyi) , . . . , , , , . , , 20 ,2) John Gray, Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007), p.134. 3) Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation (Boston: Beacon Press, 1944), p.140.3)

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(The New Right)

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IMF , , , 90 (NGOs) , . . . . , , 4 . . (F.A. Hayek) 4) 1980 . . Ruth Levitas ed., The Ideology of the New Right (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1987); Gillian Peel, Revival and Reaction: the Right in Contemporary America (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984); Norman Barry, The New Right (London: Croom Held, 1987); Desmond King, The New Right (London: Macmillan, 1987); David Green, The New Right (London: Wheatsheaf, 1987). 1990 Edgar Wilson, A Very British Miracle: The Failure of Thatcherism (LondonConcord, Mass.: Pluto Press, 1992) . Andrew Gamble, The Free Economy and the Strong State, 2nd edn. (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1994).4)

- 205 -

- 4 -


1980 (Reaganomics) , 90 . , . (economic libertarianism) (Liberal new right) . , (Adam Smith) . 20 . (neoliberalism) . . - (pre-Disraelian) - , , . (the conservative new right), (neoconservatism)7) 6) 5)


5) Andrew Heywood, Political Ideologies: An Introduction, 4th edn. (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), p.88; Robert Leach, Political Ideology in Britain (Palgrave, 2002), p.191. 6) 19 (Benjamin Disraeli, 1804-81) , , (one-nation conservatism) . . () (paternal conservatism) (Christian Democracy) . 7) R. Eatwell and N. OSullivan eds., The Nature of the Right: European and American Politics and Political Thought since 1789 (London: Pinter, 1989). I. Stelzer, Neoconservatism (London: Atlantic Books, 2004).

- 206 -

(The New Right)

- 5 8)


1930 (Friedrich August von Hayek, 1899-1992) (Margaret Hilda Thatcher, 1925-). , , . .11) 10) 9)

20 1970 . .

8) . , , - , , , - . 1947 , ( ) , , . , , . David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, 2007), p.40. 9) Alan Ebenstein, Friedrich Hayek: A Biography (New York: Palgrave, 2001), ch. 26 . 10) Gamble, The Free Economy and Strong State Wilson, A Very British Miracle: The Failure of Thatcherism John Gray, False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism (London: Granta Books, 1998); Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia; David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005) . 11) Edward Feser ed., The Cambridge Companion to Hayek (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p.1. 90 . John Cunningham Wood and Ronald N. Woods eds., Friedrich A. Hayek: Critical Assessments vol. 1-5 (London and New York: Routledge, 1991) . , 2006 .

- 207 -

- 6 -


. (The Road to Serfdom, 1944) . , , , . , (Global Capitalism) . 20 . , 20 .13) 12)

, . 20 (John Rawls) (Political Liberalism)

(1993) . 30 .

12) Kukathas, Hayek and liberalism, p.183. 13) (The Constitution of Liberty, 1960) (Why I Am Not a Conservative,) . , . . Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, p.398. Roger Scruton,Hayek and Conservatism , Feser ed., Cambridge Companion to Hayek, p.208. . Heywood, Political Ideologies, pp.88-92.

- 208 -

(The New Right)

- 7 -

. (a marginal figure).14)


? ? ? , ? . .15)

. ? , , .

. : . (Milton Friedman, 1912~2006). 14) Kukathas, op. cit., p.183. 15) . P. Hall, Governing the Economy: The Politics of State Intervention in Britain and France (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986). .

- 209 -

- 8 -

93 16)


(Capitalism and Freedom)(1962) , .17)

1870 (The New Liberalism) , 20 . 20 , .18)


. 1940 , .19)

. . , , , , , . .20)

Heywood, op. cit., p.89. Leach, op. cit., p.192. Ibid, p.193. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, pp.54-75, E.H.H. Green, Ideologies of Conservatism: Conservative Political Ideas in the Twentieth Century (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), p.258. 20) Ebenstein, op. cit., xiii.

16) 17) 18) 19)

- 210 -

(The New Right)

- 9 -

, 2 1989 . .21)

, , , .22)

, - , , - 1947 (Mont Pelerin Society) .23)

(Institute of Economic Affairs, IEA) . (Anthony Fisher) . , IEA , (think-tanks) . .25) 24)

1979 1990 11

21) Chandran Kukathas, Hayek and liberalism, Feser ed., The Cambridge Companion to Hayek, p.182. 22) Harvey, op. cit., p.21. 23) Ibid., pp.19-20. (Ludvig von Mises), , (Karl Popper) . 24) Kukathas, op. cit., p.182. 25) (M. Friedman) , IEA , . Caniel Tergin and Joseph Stainslaw, The Commanding Heights (1998), p.98. Ebenstein, op. cit., p. 285.

- 211 -

- 10 -


, (a key reference point) . , , .27) 26)


, . , . . , , 1960 1970 .29)28)

, .30)

(masterpieces) ,

26) Ebenstein, op. cit., pp.206-208; Andrew Gamble, Hayek: the iron cage of liberty (Cambridge: Cambridge university Press, 1996), pp.100-25, 166-8; Green, Ideologies of Conservatism, pp.220, 250, 258-9; Edgar Wilson, A Very British Miracle: The Failure of Thatcherism, pp.26-7, 32-3. 27) Margaret Thatcher, The Path to Power (London: Harper Collins, 1995), p.50. 28) Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years (London: HarperCollins, 1993), pp.12-13. (Keith Joseph Memorial Lecture) , , . 29) Thatcher, The Path to Power, p.85.

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(The New Right)

- 11 -

, 1980 .31)

(Enoch Powell), (Keith Joseph), (Geoffrey Howe), (John Biffen), (Nigel Lawson) . .33) 32)

, 34)


1975 1979 . .35)

30) (The Constitution of Liberty, 1960) ! . (Winston Churchill) (Clement Atlee) . Ebenstein, op. cit., p.291. 31) , , , , . . . Brian McCormick, Hayek and the Keynesian Avalnche (New York: St. Martins Press, 1992), p.235. 32) 1970 1974 (Edward Heath) (Mont Pelerin Society) . 33) . Economic Affairs (June 1992), p.21. Ebenstein, op. cit., p.293. 34) 1978 (Michael Foot) . Ebenstein, op. cit., p.293. 35) Ebenstein, op. cit., p.291.

- 213 -

- 12 -


. . , . , .36)

1985 , . , , , .38) 37)

20 , , .39)


1979 5 3, .

36) May 18, 1979 telegram from Margaret Thatcher to Friedrich Hayek, in the possession of Larry Hayek. Ebenstein, op. cit., p.295. 37) Thatcher, Interview with BBC Radio 3, 17 Dec. 1985, Thatcher CD-Rom. Ebenstein, op. cit., ch.37 . 38) Green, op. cit., p.259. 39) Ray Richardson, Hayek on Trade Unions: Social Philosopher or Propagandist?, Stephen F. Frown ed., Hayek: Economist and Social Philosopher, A Critical Retrospect (New York: Macmillan, 1997), p.260. 40) Wilson, op. cit., p.3.

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(The New Right)

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. 1. 41)



. .

(constructivist rationalism) () .44)


. . . 41) . . Friedrich A. Hayek, Law, Legislation, and Liberty : A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy, University of Chicago Press. Vol. 1. Rules and Order. 1973.(LLL-1 ) Vol. 2. The Mirage of Social Justice, 1976.(LLL-2) Vol. 3. The Political Order of a Free People. 1979.(LLL-3) 42) John Gray, Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007), p.90. 43) Richard Bellamy, Liberalism and Modern Society (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992), p.222. 44) Andrew Gamble, Hayek on knowledge, economics, and society, Feser ed., The Cambridge Companion to Hayek, p.111. 45) LLL-1, p.13.

- 215 -

- 14 -


. , , . , .47) 46)

. .48)

20 , . , , , , . 2. (taxis, organization) (spontaneous order, cosmos) . 1 . 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) Gamble, Hayek on knowledge, economics, and society, p.111. LLL-1, p.14. , (, 1999), p.515. , p.511. LLL-1, p.2.50) 49)

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(The New Right)

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, , , ,52)


, , . .53)

, . , , .54)

. , . . , , .55)


, .51) 52) 53) 54)56)

Ibid., pp.36-37. Ibid., pp.52-54. LLL-2, p.136. Hayek, Individualism and Economic Order (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948), pp.79-

80. (, 55) , 1996), p.50. 56) LLL-3, p.71.

- 217 -

- 16 -


. , . .57)

. , .58)

. , .59)

, . (market as an information network) (competition as a discovery procedure) . (market price mechanism) . . , 57) LLL-2, p.109. 58) LLL-2, p.110. 59) LLL-2, p.112.

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(The New Right)

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. . , . . .61)

. , .62)

. . 3. . . .60) 61) 62) 63) 64) Gray, op. cit., p.90. LLL-2, pp.115-116. LLL-2, p.117. LLL-3, p.129. LLL-1, p.95.64) 63)

- 219 -

- 18 -


. , . .65)

. ? . .66)

, . .67)

(law of liberty) (laws of legislation) (laws of government) . (rules of just conducts) . 65) LLL-1, p.11. 66) . . , . , . , , (, 2000), p.94. 67) LLL-1, pp.78-81.

- 220 -

(The New Right)

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. . .69)



18 . 4. , , , . , . . , . .72)

68) 69) 70) 71) 72) LLL-1, , LLL-1, LLL-1, , pp.131-132. , p.517. pp.84-85. p.85. , p.563.

- 221 -

- 20 -


. . . , , .73)


, . . . .74)


. . . . . . , , .76)


73) 74) 75) 76)

, , p.39. , , p.561. , p.562. , , p.21.

- 222 -

(The New Right)

- 21 -

19 (Social Darwinism) . . 19 .77)

. 1. . , , , .78)

. . 79)


. , .80)

77) Marvin Perry, An Intellectual History of Modern Europe (Boston, Toronto: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993), p.357. 78) LLL-1, pp.141-142. 79) LLL-1, p.63. 80) LLL-2, pp.31-38.

- 223 -

- 22 -


. ( ) . . , . . .81)

, . .82)

. .83)

. . , , , .84)



81) LLL-2, p.70. 82) LLL-2, p.72. 83) LLL-2, p.83. 84) LLL-2, p.87. 85) LLL-2, p.96.

- 224 -

(The New Right)

- 23 -

. . . , .86)

, . . . , .87)


, . , 86) LLL-2, p.94. 87) , , p.531. 88) LLL-3, p.128.

- 225 -

- 24 -

93 89)


. . . , , .90)

. , . .91)

2. . .92)

, . 1960

89) 90) 91) 92)

LLL-3, LLL-3, LLL-3, ,

p.126. p.127. p.143. , p.54.

- 226 -

(The New Right)

- 25 -

. . 93)

1991 1980 . (The biggest obstacle) (the chief cause) (the prime source) (the main reason) 94)

, , (the sole cause) . . , , . .97) 96) 95)

1960 (F.A. Hayek) .

93) Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, pp.265-84. 94) Hayek, Economic Freedom (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991), p.344; Richardson, Hayek on Trade Unions: Social Philosopher or Propagandist?, Stephen F. Frowen ed., Hayek: Economist and Social Philosopher, A Critical Retrospect (London: Mavmillan, 1997), pp.259-260. 95) Hayek, ibid., p.318. 96) Ibid., p.319. 97) Richardson, op. cit, p.260.

- 227 -

- 26 -


, .98)

, . 1997 . , . . .100) 99)

. , . . , . . .101)

1993 , . 10-15 .102)

98) Stephen F. Frowen, Introduction, Frowen ed., Hayek: Economist and Social Philosopher, p.xxvi. 99) Richardson, op. cit, p.260. 100) Ibid., p.269. 101) Ibid. 102) Ibid.

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(The New Right)

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. , , . , . (a underclass) .103)


. 3. .104)


. . , .106)

. (Green) 103) , - , ? - 78 (: , 2003), pp.261-293 . 104) Gamble, Hayek on knowledge, economics, and society, Feser ed., Companion to Hayek, p.130. 105) F.A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988), pp.125-26. 106) F.A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1960), pp.369-70. Gamble, Hayek on knowledge, economics, and society, p.130.

- 229 -

- 28 -

93 107)


. , . , , , . . , .108)


. - ( ), , (BSE) - , . .110) 109)

4. 107) Martin Pugh, State and Society: British Political & Social History 1870-1992 (London and New York: Edward Arnold, 1994), p.319. 108) Ibid., p.320. 109) Ibid. 110) Ibid., p.321. 111) , , p.537.111)

- 230 -

(The New Right)

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(denationalization of money) . .112)

, .113)

, . . . , .114)

. . . 1929 , . 2008 .112) LLL3, pp.104-107. 113) Ibid., p.58. 114) Ibid., p.105.

- 231 -

- 30 -


. . . 1929 2008 , . , 2008 .

. . . . . 4 - 232 -

(The New Right)

- 31 -

. the market primacy assumption . , .116) 115)

, ,

. . .118) 117)



, , , . 19 .121) 120)

, 122)

, , . , , 115) Ha-Joon, Chang, Globalization, Economic Development and the Role of the State (London: Zed Books, 2003),H.-J. Chang, , (: , 2006), p.130 . 116) O. Williamson, Markets and Hierarchies (New York: The Free Press, 1975), p.20. 117) Ha-Joon Chang, Kicking away the Ladder (Wimbledon: Anthem Press, 2002)H.-J. Chang, , (, 2004), p.29 . , pp.130-131. 118) , 119) , p.132. 120) K. Polanyi, , p.140. 121) John Gray, , p.1. 122) , p.1.

- 233 -

- 32 -

93 123)




2 1 125)

. . .127) 126)

() 19 20 . . , , , , , , , (Toll Tax), . - - . .

. 123) R. Kozul-Wright, The Myth of Anglo-Saxon Capitalism: Reconstructing the History of the American State. H-J. Chang and R. Rowthorn eds., Role of the State in Economic Change (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995). 124) C. Freeman, New Technology and Catching-up, European Journal of Development Research, vol.1, no.1, pp.85-99. 125) World Bank, World Development Report 1991 (New York: Oxford University press, 1991). 126) , , p.133. 127) , p.133.

- 234 -

(The New Right)

- 33 -

. . , . . (anarcho-capitalism) , . (command economy).128)

. 2 , . , 1 17 8 30 .129)

1970 , 1 20 15 .130)


1 1982 6.5

13 . . 128) Gray, , p.41. 129) D. Harvey, op. cit., p.31. 130) Ibid., pp.33-34.

- 235 -

- 34 -


. . (CIS) . OECD 1980 , 5 1 5 1 1960 30 1, 1990 60 1, 1997 74 1 . .131)

. , . , , .132)


, .133)

, . 20 . , . 131) Ibid., p.36. 132) Gray, , p.90. 133) Ibid.

- 236 -

(The New Right)

- 35 -

, , , . , . : 2008.10.20. : 2008.11.3. : 2008.11.17.

- 237 -

- 36 -


The Ideological Limitation of British New Right: Problems of F.A. Hayek's Theory of Spontaneous Order and Neoliberal Social and Economical ArgumentsPark, Woo-ryong[ Abstract ] In the 1940s Hayek gave up economics for social philosophy, but not before developing a powerful critique of central planning. That time mainstream economists believed that under suitable conditions central planning could be highly productive. Against this consensus Hayek argued that it was inherently unworkable. The core of Hayeks argument was that the planners could never possess the knowledge they need to organize economic life efficiently. He called the idea that humanity can design whatever institutions it wishes constructivism. Hayek argued that collective government control of an economy will lead to totalitarianism because every aspect of economic life becomes politicized. Hayek thought that the idea of constructivism has much destructive consequences. Hayek also believed the free market appears spontaneously. Emerging as the unintended consequences of countless human actions, it is not the result of any human design. Hayeks argument was that free market orders are more productive than central government control of economics. The free market, though based on state laws and their enforcement, keeps discretionary government intervention to a minimum. He also saw the desirability and necessity of change. But he adopted an evolutionary interpretation of the progress of human society. Hayek saw the development of world civilization in the direction of great material wealth as largely evolutionary. As an account of the emergence of the free market Hayeks belief is the

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opposite of the truth. Laissez-faire came about as a result of central planning. The free market in Britain in the mid-nineteenth century was an artefact of state power. The same was true in the late twentieth century. Reinventing the market could be done by Thatcher's highly centralized state. He also contributed to a harmful type of thinking: while illuminating the irrationality of central planning he overlooked that of market process. Hayeks achievement was to show that a successful planned economy is a utopia. He failed to notice that the same is true of the self-regulating market.(Sogang University/b-culture@hanmail.net)

, , , , Key wordsconstructivism, totalitarianism, spontaneous order, Thatcherism, free market

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