5S Implementation For Organizations


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5S Implementation for Organizations

Presented by Ritetrac Consulting Nigeria Ltd.

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Formally defined, 5S is a method of creating a clean and orderly workplace that exposes waste and makes abnormalities immediately visible. As such it’s important to realize that 5S is far more than a housekeeping initiative like so many confuse it to be

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When someone refers to 5S they’re generally referring to 5 Japanese words that start with S. But, it would seem, contrary to what many people assume… the origins of 5S may not be Japanese after all.

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History of 5S

In fact, Henry Ford’s CANDO program which stands for cleaning up, arranging, neatness, discipline, and ongoing improvement seems to be the obvious precursor to what we call 5S today. This actually seems very logical since the Japanese studied Ford’s methods shortly after the war ended.

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But to be sure, the 5S we’re focused on in this course and in most lean manufacturing situations is based on 5 Japanese words. They are:

Seiri : which is commonly translated as sort

Seiton: which means to straighten

Seisou: which means to sweep or shine

Seiketsu: which actually means to sanitize but is most commonly referred to as standardize today

Shitsuke: which means self discipline or sustain

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The 5 Steps

1. The first step is sort. This step basically challenges us to get rid of the things we don't need or use. This can be a very hard step for some people since they like to keep everything they’ve ever come into contact with. But this type of attitude only leads to clutter and disorganization. So, if we don’t need it we need to get rid of it

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Step 2

2. The second step is straighten. So, once we’ve cleared out the items we don’t need we need to straighten up what’s left. The mantra of a place for everything, and everything in its place fits this step perfectly.

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Step 3

3. The third step is sweep. This step is also often referred to as shine. This is probably the most misunderstood step of all since most assume this step simply means to grab a broom and clean up. And while good old fashioned sweeping is definitely important, this step is far more than just cleaning. You see, the main principle behind this step is to clean to inspect. In other words, if you find yourself sweeping up the same mess day after day you should do your best to eliminate the source of the dirt.

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Step 4

4. The fourth step is standardize. This step is focused on creating standards so abnormalities are easily recognized. Things like checklists and audits are very helpful. Also, some companies even engage in corporate 5S competitions where the monthly winner gets to hold the local 5S trophy while the last place team gets the opportunity to partake in a brown bag lunch with the general manager of the facility as they explain their plan to improve.

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Step 5

5. Finally the last step is sustain or self discipline. The key to this step is to apply positive tension. In other words, for any improvements to sustain it must be made clear that this is how we intend to operate as a company. It’s similar to a rope. If a rope is pulled tightly and we pull on it we get an immediate response. Conversely, if the rope is loose and we pull on it we may not know about it for some time. So, it gets back to be able to identify abnormalities. With positive tension we identify issues immediately… with loose or no tension we don’t.

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To sort simply means to remove unnecessary items from the workplace that no longer add value.

Now these items can be anything. A few simple examples of these “items” could be that old phone book from 1996… to the obsolete tooling crammed in your already over capacity warehouse… or the excess paperwork devouring your office.

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So no matter what the item is, in the end, all we need to do is ask the question… do we really need this? And as many Lean Six Sigma practitioners are fond of saying … when in doubt, sort it out.

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Why Sort

First of all, sorting can lead to a much safer workplace. By clearing out the items you no longer need people will have more room to work and things like trip hazards and items falling off shelves will be greatly reduced.

Additionally, sorting also improves workflow since there is less clutter to deal with.

Next, done correctly, sorting will most definitely increase productivity production and office environments. I’ve personally seen examples of productivity improving as much as 50% after simply sorting and clearing out unneeded items from a work cell.

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Involve Accounting Department

It’s extremely important to involve your sites accounting or controller’s office in any sorting activities since some items may still have book value and will need to be properly accounted for. So make sure to include them… you might even invite them to help out.

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3 Step Sorting Process

1. Evaluate and take pictures of the work area. To help you get started we’ve provided a 5S evaluation form in the resources section. It’s also extremely important to take pictures during this evaluation step since referencing them after improvements have been made can be very enlightening.

2. Identify and red tag the items you no longer need. In the next module we’ll explain exactly how to go about red tagging since, while it’s not a complicated process, there are some traps to avoid.

3. Decide what to do with the tagged items. Again, in the next module we’ll offer some suggestions as to how you might be able to clear some things out while also helping others.

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Red Tagging

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Literally speaking, red tagging means to put red colored tags on items that need to be evaluated as to whether they’re needed or not.

It’s best for a person or group of people familiar with the process to initially red tag an area. Then, others can come in and offer their opinions as to whether they agree.

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Now, to be sure, red tagging can be a lot of fun… especially since many people feel an amazing sense of clarity after cleaning and organizing an area but if done poorly and without proper planning red tagging can also become an emotionally charged event… especially if disagreements as to whether something is needed or not arise.

So, it goes without that saying that it’s extremely important to be courteous and respectful – especially when you’re in another persons work area during a red tagging event.

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Steps to Red Tagging

1. The first step is to identify the target area for red tagging. Now since you can’t clean the whole world it’s important to define the area in which you plan to do the tagging and stick to that area. Once completed, you can move onto other areas.

2. The second step is to define the criteria for which you’ll red tag something. This is extremely important as it helps people objectively determine if an item in the workplace should be red tagged or left alone. A common criterion is to base decisions on what’ll be needed for the coming month. If items are clearly needed to meet the demands of the coming month they can stay. If they’re not needed they can either be disposed of or stored in another location.

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3. The third step is to create the actual red tags. We’ve provided some templates you can use in the resources section to get started but we do advise you to make the red tags “your own” since you know your organization better than we do.

4. The fourth step is to conduct the red tag session. The best advice we can offer is to begin at one end of the defined area and work your way through the area while red tagging anything that meets the established criteria. Now an extremely important point I want to stress here is that red tagging is not a job for the lone ranger. Instead, a strong and united team effort is required in order for red tagging to succeed.

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5. The fifth step has us evaluating the red tagged items using the criteria established in step 2. Some examples of things you may choose to do are throw the item in the trash, transfer it to another area, or sell it. Again, you should all agree on these criteria as a team while doing what works best for your organization.

6. After evaluating the red tags it’s time to dispose of obviously unnecessary items. Again, as mentioned in the sort module, be sure to work with your accounting organization if you’re dealing with items that may have book value. To be safe, we always recommend the early involvement of the local controller in any 5S initiative.

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7. The last step of the red tagging process is to move any remaining items that have not been thrown away or haven’t found a new home into the red tagged items holding area. Some companies call this the bone yard. This area is basically for items we’re just not sure if we should get rid of yet we don’t really have a home for them.

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Formally defined, straightening means to arrange all necessary items in such a way as to maximize economy of movement. In other words we should place the things we use most close to us in a clearly labelled and designated place.

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Really, all we’re doing in the straighten step is asking the question… what’s the right place for the items we use most. Now with this said, straighten doesn’t simply mean to “put things in neat rows” as the name might imply… instead it means to find a place for everything while ensuring everything is in its place. Some actually refer to this step as “set in order”.

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Why Straighten?

1. First of all, once items have been organized and straightened they're easy to find and return. As an example, if you mistakenly grabbed some red apples instead of green apples in this store it wouldn’t take you long to remedy the situation since this particular supermarket excels at the straighten step of 5S.

2. Next, straightening also makes things much easier to find which in turn eliminates the frustration caused when we are searching for things.

3. And a fact most people don’t initially think about is that straightening also reduces inventory since things don’t get lost and you don’t buy extra things you don’t need since you already have them (and can find them).

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4. These are just a few examples of why straightening is so important. There are many more reasons such as the fact that the straighten step is actually at the core of so many important lean and business principles such as safety, ergonomics, quality, inventory control, productivity, standard work, the visual workplace and employee morale.

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3 Steps to Straightening

1. Once we’re done sorting and getting rid of the things we no longer need we then need to understand the current situation. In other words, we need to understand what’s needed in the way of tools or supplies at the place the work is done. We also need to understand the standard work or the things the person doing the job does on a regular basis.

2. Next, we must then decide where things belong based on our understanding of the work that’s done.

3. Finally, once we know where to put things we must determine how things should be stored since making things easy to find doesn’t always mean they’re easy to retrieve.

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Point of Use

Point of use describes when materials, tools, and parts are located close to the process they’ll be used. When items are placed at point of use they’re immediately available within arms reach. This makes things safer and more efficient since wasted motion, waiting, and correction is all but eliminated.

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Three F Standards

In order to properly store things it is recommended that the following points be taken into considerations. Namely:

• Fixed location: Items have a dedicated location and don’t “wander”

• Fixed item: A place for everything, and everything in its place

• Fixed quantity: Only a pre-determined amount of items can be stored (no mound hills allowed)

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Formally defined, in the context of 5S, sweep means to clean in such as way as to identify and remove the sources of contamination.

Obviously this definition is much more than many make this step out to be. You see, a commo.n misunderstanding about 5S is that is about sweeping and cleaning up. It’s not

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In fact, it’s about NOT cleaning. Here’s how it works: first, we do an initial physical Sweep to make everything clean by picking up trash, sweeping the floors clean, and wiping down machines and equipment. Then, we do a visual Sweep each day and notice where things are getting dirty again. And during these daily sweeps we write down the reasons why the mess occurred and take actions to eliminate the root causes.

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Cleaning means Inspection

Another important concept is that cleaning means inspection. If you’ve ever hand washed and waxed a car you know that there’s no better way to find all the little dings and dents on your car since you’re touching it and looking at far more closely than you normally would. Well the exact same thing occurs in our offices, factories and hospitals when cleaning things.

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Why Sweep?

First of all, organizations that struggle with the sweep or shine step often suffer from poor morale since simple things like sunlight never makes it through the grime on the windows. And studies have shown that the environment people live and work in has a direct impact on how they behave. Some even go so far as to say… live like an animal, behave like an animal.

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2. Another benefit of sweep is that it improves safety by reducing things like slips along with a myriad of other things

3. Another benefit of sweep is that it improves prevents breakdowns. In fact research has shown again and again that dirt and contamination are a chief reason for machine breakdowns, as are things like fluid leaks, air leaks, and dirty air filters

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Clean with Meaning

The first thing we must always do during the sweep step is clean with meaning. In other words, think about how to eliminate the cause of the dirt altogether? And as we clean with meaning there are 4 key points we must stay laser focused on.

1. They are to first restore things to good conditions. So, if your workplace is a complete disaster… WE WILL need to get busy and clean it up.

2. The second step is to find the sources of fifth. So, for example, if the printer in your office is leaking ink don’t just clean it up… find out why it’s leaking.

3. This leads us directly to the 3rd step which is to eliminate the root causes of the issue altogether. So, in the case of the printer this may mean bringing in the printer repairman or fixing the problem ourselves.

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4. Finally, the last point calls us to reduce the need to clean at all. Very rarely will we ever get to a point where no cleaning is ever needed… but this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t aim for this ideal state by staying focused on finding the sources of filth and eliminating them.

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The Sweep Recipe

1. Own the Zone. The first step is to assign zones of responsibility. Everyone should be assigned a zone within the area and be made responsible for keeping it in order. Key considerations should be the time it takes to do daily maintenance, and the impact the member has with respect to keeping the area clean. In other words, everyone should clean their own room.

2. Set Standards. The second step is to set standards to sweep. Just because many of the daily cleaning operations don’t actually add value to our product or service doesn’t mean that we can’t create standard work for them. By doing this we can find ways to improve or eliminate the tasks we’re doing.

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3. Keep to the clock. The third step is to keep to the clock. If anyone has kids they know that if you allow them all day to clean their rooms, that’s exactly how long it will take. Therefore, be sure to determine and indicate the allowed time to perform the daily activity with regards to 5S.

4. Start at the same time. The fourth step is to start at the same time. This makes it easy to see if proper work assignments have been made with regards to daily maintenance. And if they’re not… adjustments can be made.

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In the context of 5S standardize is simply the result of doing the first three steps properly, namely- Sort, Straighten and Sweep.

In fact, many companies actually refer to it as 3S and not 5S, while some call it 4S, and yet others add safety and call it 6S. And while none of these are wrong or better than the other it goes without saying that to excel at Lean we must at a minimum, the Sort, Straighten and Sweep steps.

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Along these lines, Taiichi Ohno, one of the chief architects of the Toyota Production System was fond of saying, “where there is no standard there can be no improvement.” In other words, if there is no consistency to the way work is done how could one ever expected to improve it.

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Another way off looking at it is all we’re doing with this step is making what we want done VISUAL in nature so there’s no guessing involved since making things in our factories, offices, and other places of work visual is essential to success of 5S as it helps everyone know what to do and how to do it. It also helps us identify when something is not right allowing us to implement a countermeasure immediately.

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Why Standardize

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So in addition to these important facts, there is another extremely powerful reason standardization is so important.

This reason is the second law of thermodynamics otherwise known as entropy. Now, if you force yourselves to think back to your college or high school days you’ll recall that entropy is a measure of the disorder in any system. Put another way, entropy helps us measure the energy that disperses or spread out in a process.

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So, for example, when you drive over a nail your tire eventually blows out. Here in Texas we like our backyard barbeques. And when I’m done cooking my food, my grill eventually cools off, even in the hot Texas air.

These are both examples of entropy at its best. With this said, when we sort, straighten, and sweep an area into a thing of beauty it’s also entropy that does its very best to undo it. So you could say that this standardize step essentially keeps its eye on entropy and helps us continuously fight against it.

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Examples and Techniques

As a quick review, visual management is used to make it clear what is “normal”. This reduces discussion about what the standard should be. Standards can always be improved, but once a standard is set it’s important to make it visual so that it’s maintained. A good way to maintain and improve performance is to make the status visible.

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There are many examples of visual management and standardization available including:

• Safety Crosses

• Color Coding Standards

• Standard Work Documents

• Standardized Cleaning Lists

• Location Control Marks

• Position Marks / Shadow Boards

• Standardized Filing / Diagonal Tape

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Formally defined, in the context of 5S, sustain means to have the commitment and self discipline to maintain the previous four steps.

In the 5S overview module we introduced the concept of a rope to describe sustain since when you tug on a rope with no slag in it you get and immediate response. Lets explore iy deeply.

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It’s sort of like this… if a company is serious about the sustain step there would be no way an employee of the company could ever walk buy a piece of trash on the floor without picking it up since, staying with the analogy, the sustain rope has been pulled tight and any abnormality, like some trash on the ground, is immediately noticed.

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However, when the rope isn’t tight, meaning this last step of sustain is more of fad than a way of life… that piece of trash may lay on the floor all day before someone even notices it.

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Why Sustain

The first reason the sustain step is so important is it drives accountability throughout the organization. You see, most people are far more likely to follow through

with a promise when they know someone else is watching and participating in the same initiative

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Next in addition to accountability, a little friendly competition can result from the sustain step. Later in the module we’ll explain some techniques many companies use to keep everyone focused on not only maintaining, but also improving 5S levels. Of course this competition must be kept in check and not taken too far since, in the end, the success of the company is more important than success of a work area

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3. Finally, perhaps the most important aspect of the sustain step is the fact that the entire organization continuously learns and improves. In fact, if we look at the PDCA wheel, which as an aside, will be covered in much more detail in a future course, we see parallels to 5S. The first three steps of sort, straighten, and sweep are covered in plan and do while the last two steps of standardize and sustain are covered in the check and act portions of PDCA.

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Techniques to Sustain

1. The first technique to make clear links between 5S and SQDC metrics, which stand for safety, quality, delivery, and costs. Various graphs and charts linking 5S to other critical metrics should be in place.

2. The second technique to sustain is for supervision and management to practice genchi genbutsu which means to go and see for yourself. In fact, for 5S to sustain… management MUST make it a point to walk the floor at least once a day to find out what problems exist and how they can support their employees.

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3. Another powerful technique is to implement what some call a 5 minute clean program where each and every employee cleans and tidies up for a designated period of time. Some find 5 minutes each day to be enough while some may need more and some need less. The exact time period is not as important as making sure cleaning and workplace organization becomes engrained in the daily work of all associates and not just something that happens during the annual spring cleaning blitz.

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4. Next, having employees audit one another’s work area at least once a month is another excellent technique used by many companies. Of course clear guidelines and specifications as to how to score things must be made clear to avoid potential conflict. Another benefit of this technique is that employees learn from each other and are able to share best practices while offering advice to one another.

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5. Many companies also find that a friendly 5S competition between work areas, including front office areas, can be a great way to generate excitement around the 5S program.

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6. Finally, the last technique we’d like to propose is to aim for your entire facility to be tour ready with no notice. In other words, if the CEO of your company called and said he or she would be in the plant in 5 minutes would you be ready for them? Another more practical way of ensuring you’re tour ready is to invite others, including key customers, to tour your plant… you could also schedule family tours from time to time as these events force us to constantly stay on top of sorting, straightening, and sweeping.

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We render Training & Consulting Services in the following areas

Lean Implementation

Lean Factory

Lean Manufacturing

Lean Six Sigma

(Yellow, Green, Champion, Black, Master Black Belts)

5S Implementation

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