5th Arab Cleaner Production Workshop - CP Arab Cleaner Production workshop in Amman, which took...


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5th Arab Cleaner Production Workshop

September 25 - 27, 2011Cleaner Production Unit (CPU)

Royal Scientific Society (RSS)Amman – Jordan

1. Introduction

The Cleaner Production Unit (CPU) of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) hosted the 5th Arab Cleaner Production workshop in Amman, which took place during the period 25 – 27, September, 2011.

The overall objective of the workshop was to present and explore ideas and needs on how to improve resource management via cleaner production (CP) and other tools and eventually to aid in setting proper environmental policies.

Diverse key environmental topics were discussed during this year event including CP in industries, CP in healthcare facilities, CP in hotels (sustainable tourism), hazardous materials management, solid waste management, life cycle assessment, risk assessment and climate change.

This workshop was attended by professionals working in CP. Attendees were from Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, France, Austria, Switzerland and Turkey. In addition, some guest speakers from UNIDO and Switzerland attended this workshop. Annex (1) shows the participants names and addresses.

This workshop was supported by United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

2. Background

In 2004, an agreement was signed between the governments of Jordan and Switzerland to implement a cleaner production project in Jordan. RSS was appointed as the project partner to implement the project in Jordan.

The overall objective of the CP project is to contribute towards a sustainable industrial production mode in Jordan and increasing the long-term competitive position of enterprises, while preventing or reducing their environmental pollution by applying cost-effective measures and technologies. Jordan shall thus be in a better position to benefit in a sustainable manner from the global economy.

As of April 2004, a specialized CPU has been established at RSS serving the different sectors in Jordan (e.g. industrial, tourism, hospitals) by providing training, and CP assessment and services with the support of the Swiss partner. A number of assessments have been implemented and positive improvements have been realized at the enterprise level, see www.cp.org.jo.

An external evaluation carried out in March 2007 on behalf of seco concluded that the project has been very successful with good results, a well managed execution and a good impact, leading with limited resources in short time to excellent outcomes. In

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accordance with seco’s policy on international cooperation and development, the Jordanian Environmental Policy Framework and RSS institutional and business strategy, seco decided to continue the project for a second phase, with the aim to focus on introducing new CP related topics such as healthcare sector to further build up CPU competence and thus develop new business opportunities in CP related areas.

3. Opening Session

Mr. Rafat Assi, Executive Director of Energy, Water & Environment (EWE) Cluster and Director of CPU started his opening speech by welcoming participants and highlighting the main themes, objectives, workshop program and activities. He noted that the workshop will include eight sessions on different environmental topics: CP in industries, CP in healthcare facilities, CP in hotels (sustainable tourism), hazardous materials management, solid waste management, life cycle assessment, risk assessment and climate change, see Annex (2): workshop program.

4. Introduction to the Workshop Themes

A. Keynote speech

Mr. Smail Al Hilali from Cleaner & Sustainable Production Unit, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) delivered a presentation titled "Cleaner Production Program, Taking Stock and Moving Forward in the Arab Region". During his presentation, he focused on many issues like climate change, ecological footprint and green industries. Also, he explained some of the projects that implemented by UNIDO such as the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) and RECP Network that aims at gathering the global cleaner production centers at one platform to share and exchange information related to CP.

B. First Session: Cleaner Production in Industries

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The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) defines CP as the continuous application of an integrated preventive environmental strategy applied to processes, products, and services in order to increase eco-efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment.

For production processes: CP conserves raw materials and energy, eliminates toxic raw materials, and reduces the quantity and toxicity of all emissions and wastes;

For products: CP includes the reduction of negative impacts along the life cycle of a product, from raw material extraction to its ultimate disposal; and

For services: CP incorporates environmental concerns into designing and delivering services.

• Session chairs: Eshaq Shishani and Smail Al Hilali• Session presenters: Yanal Abeda, Ali Labib,  Taher Kaddar,  Walid Chettouh, 

Kaouther Machta, Necat Ozgur and Salam Al Momani

- - Yanal Abeda (Jordan): delivered a presentation entitled "Recourses Efficiency". During this presentation he mentioned that promoting resource efficiency has become an economic imperative for any business to survive and flourish in the coming decades. In addition, improvement of recourses efficiency in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries makes a strong social contribution in addition to its economic and environmental benefit.

- Ali Labib (Egypt): delivered a presentation entitled "Cleaner Production in the Industrial Sector: Experiences and Lessons Learnt from National Cleaner Production Center in Egypt". In his presentation he outlined the main services that the Egyptian cleaner production center offered to industries and other sectors with case studies.

- Taher Kaddar (Syria): delivered a presentation entitled "Assessment of the Environmental Impact and Cleaner Production Assurance in Textile Industry". In his research, he developed a new method to conduct the environmental impact assessment for textile industry to insure that the cleaner production approach is implemented, which will be reflected positively on this industry by reduction of nonconformity cases.

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- Walid Chettouh (Algeria): presented a presentation entitled "Improvement of Cleaner Production using Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) ". He explained that increasing of environmental awareness in the industrial countries and importance of achieving goals of sustainable development lead to improve the eco-efficiency of the organization.

- Kaouther Machta (Tunisia Company for Studies and Development of Sfax City’s Northern Coasts): delivered a presentation entitled "Testing of Dust Suppressant in highway construction impact on the stabilization of soil".

- Necat Ozgur (Environmental Protection Agency for Special Areas, Turkey): delivered a presentation entitled "Photo-Voltaic Supported Fuel Cell and Battery for Electrical Tour Boats at Turkish Dalyan Channel"

- Salam Al Momani (Jordan): delivered a presentation entitled "Network for Industrial Sustainability: Water Reuse and Environmental Conservation Project, Jordan". This project aims at improving environmental performance, managing data internally, gaining access to external information and contributing to regulatory and institutional strengthening.

C. Second Session: Industrial Materials and Solid Waste Management

• Session chair: Salah Abu-Salah• Session presenters: Mohammad Mosa and Issam Al-Khatib

- Mohammad Mosa (Royal Scientific Society – Jordan): delivered a presentation entitled "Integrated Hazardous Substances Information Management and Control System". This project has carried out in Jordan as well as in the United Arab Emirate / Abu-Dhabi.

- Issam Al Khatib (Birzeit University - Institute of Environmental and Water Studies – Palestine): delivered a presentation entitled "Diagnosis and Proposals for Industrial Solid Waste Management in Two Palestinian Governorates".

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Human development has been accompanied with the development of extraction, use and disposal of natural resources. Industrial areas play a significant role in the use and production of goods and services. However, this also means that environmental problems are concentrated in these areas. The most important of these problems is the management of solid waste, which has become an important issue because of its negative effects, as well as the resources consumed.

D. Third Session: Domestic Solid Waste Management• Session chair: Mohammad Mosa• Session presenters: Salah Abu-Salah and Azeddine Sedki

- Salah Abu-Salah (Royal scientific Society – Jordan): delivered a presentation entitled "Solid Waste Composition Analysis Study". He presented Jordanian case study of characterization of domestic solid waste generated from different residential categories.

- Azeddine Sedki (Morocco): delivered a presentation entitled "Solid Waste Management in Morocco". He mentioned the actual state of solid waste management in Morocco.

E. Forth Session: Risk Assessment

• Session chair: Jehan Haddad• Session presenter: Chaden Diyab

- Chaden Diyab (Industrial Environment & Sustainability – France): delivered a presentation entitled "Sustainable Management of Industrial Risk". She presented French examples and REACH Regulations.

F. Fifth session: Solid Waste Utilization• Session chair: Umaima AL Majthoub• Session presenters: Hassan El Bari, Afilal Mohamed, Mohammad Ibrahim and

Mohammad Issa

- Hassan El Bari (Tofail University - Faculty of Sciences – Morocco): delivered a presentation entitled "The Production of Eco-Friendly Green Energy using the Anaerobic Digestion Technology".

- Afilal Mohamed (Mohamed Premier University – Morocco): delivered a presentation entitled "Evaluation of the Biogas Potential of Organic Waste in the Northern Provinces of Morocco".

- Mohammad Ibrahim (Princess Sumaya University for Technology – Jordan): delivered a presentation entitled "Waste Management: Utilization of Bio-waste as a Resource for Bio-products Development in Jordan". He presented the results of research on utilization of bio-wastes as a resource for bio-products development in Jordan.

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Risk Assessment is a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by the actual or potential presence and / or use of specific pollutants.

- Mohammad Issa (Palestine): delivered a presentation entitled "Investigating Technical and Economical Feasibility of Recycling Limestone Wastes from Stone Cutting Plants in Palestine".

G. Key note speech: Life Cycle Assessment

- Fredy Dinkel (Carbotech AG, Switzerland): delivered a presentation entitled "Life Cycle Assessment: Theory, Examples, Case Studies, and New LCA Emerging Topics".

H. Sixth Session: Climate Change

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For over the past 200 years, the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, and deforestation has caused the concentrations of heat-trapping "greenhouse gases" to increase significantly in our atmosphere. These gases prevent heat from escaping to space. As the concentrations of these gases continue to increase in the atmosphere, the Earth's temperature is climbing above past levels. The Earth's average surface temperature has increased by about 1.2 to 1.4 ºF in the last 100 years. Most of the warming in recent decades is very likely the result of human activities. Other aspects of the climate are also changing such as rainfall patterns, snow and ice cover, and sea level.

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a methodology to analyze all environmental burdens (consumption of natural resources, emissions to air, soil and water) of a product or service over its whole life cycle from cradle to grave. LCA is a relatively young technique; starting in the seventies / eighties, it became well-known in the nineties and today it is accepted as the best methodology to evaluate the overall environmental impacts.

The most common reasons for companies to apply LCA are for product improvement, support for strategic decisions and benchmarking. LCA is also known to be an important tool for decision-making and a basis of communication with external bodies such as government, public and stakeholders.

• Session chair: Rafat Assi• Session presenters: Hussein Badarin

- Hussein Badarin (Ministry of Environment – Jordan): delivered a presentation entitled " Climate Change in Jordan: Measures & Actions".

I. Seventh Session: Cleaner Production in Tourism Sector

• Session chair: Issam Al-Khatib• Session presenters: Azzaz Larbi

- Azzaz Larbi (Algeria): delivered a presentation entitled "Sustainable Coastal Tourism Development in Algiers".

J. Eighth Session: Cleaner Production in Healthcare Facilities

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Tourism facilities hold tremendous scope to adopt environmentally responsible practices and to develop in a more sustainable manner. CP has much to offer the hospitality industry. It is easy to adopt, easy to implement and the environmental and financial savings are extremely attractive. It does however require a paradigm shift among managers and employees to ensure that the objectives are not only sustained in the workplace, but consistently upheld, monitored and improved. For CP to truly make a lasting difference in the tourism sector it needs to be entrenched as a standard practice- in training establishments, hotels, tourism and hospitality associations, and in government bodies dealing in tourism.

In healthcare facilities, CP approach will contribute to lowering water and energy consumptions and will improve the waste management. Applying CP know-how means also improving efficiency and adopting better management techniques. Hospitals have specific and complex structures that do not belong to the industry, but rather to the service sector. What makes hospital special is that the most important issue in the healthcare sector is safety: hospital processes have to be safe for patients and the staff. The second main concern in hospitals is their profitability as they have to be led economically. Finally, the environmental concerns can be tackled.

• Session chairs: Issam Al-Khatib• Session presenters: Darine Mawla and Haitham Salti

- Darine Mawla (Lebanon): delivered a presentation entitled

"Demonstrating and Promoting Best Techniques and Practices for Reducing Health­Care   Waste   to   Avoid   Environmental   Releases   of   Dioxins   and Mercury".

- Haitham Salti (Jordan): delivered a presentation entitled "Implementation of Cleaner Production on the Pharmaceutical Industry in Jordan". He talked about the pharmaceutical industry in Jordan as an important player in the local economy. And he outlined the results of CP assessment in two Jordanian pharmaceutical industry.

Following each presentation, the presenter answer the audience questions, comments and any suggestions for new ideas to be considered on possible future means of cooperation.

5. Closing Session

Mr. Rafat Assi, presented the workshop's highlights including the main points and issues discussed during the three days of the workshop. This was followed by a presentation by Ms. Darine Mawla from Lebanon. The main recommendations of the workshop were as follows:• Raise awareness through widening the participation in future workshops to

include representatives from Arab governmental bodies, media, industrial and academic sectors. Enhanced participation of these stakeholders can only improve their awareness of cleaner production, and enhance commitment towards environmental efficiency

• Raise awareness through sharing with the workshop participants the main goal targeted by the RSS, the results from previously conducted workshops, and the expected outcomes

• Creation of an online cleaner production forum allowing the exchange of information, expertise and resources, and capacity building. Such a forum can also be a tool for the development of environmental needs assessment in the region, and for attracting international funding agencies

Finally, Dr. Tareq Al-Hadeed on behalf of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan presented a speech and delivered the certificates with Mr. Ghazi Oddat, Adviser to the Minster of Environment, Ms. Tojan Bramamt and Dr. Mustafa Smadi National Commission Secretary, Jordan National Commission for Education, Culture &

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Science, and Mr. Roland KNOBEL, Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Switzerland.

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Annex 1

List of Participants

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No. Name Country e-mail

1.Ali Labib Egypt aboohaitham@yahoo.com

2.Afilal Mohamed Elamin Morocco



3.Azeddine Sedki Morocco sedki@ucam.ac.ma

4.Azzaz Larbi Algeria



5.Chaden Diyab France chaden.diyab@ies-emea.com

6.Darine Mawla Lebanon Dado_m3@hotmail.com

7.Fatima Dagher Lebanon fatmadagher@gmail.com

8.Fredy Dinkel Switzerland f.dinkel@carbotech.ch

9.Hassan El Bari Morocco amades_morocco@yahoo.fr

10.Iffat Edriss Lebanon



11.Issam A. Al-Khatib Palestine ikhatib@birzeit.edu

12.Kaouther Machta Tunisia



13.Nazih Al Rayess Lebanon nazihrayess@yahoo.com

14.Necat Ozgur Turkey necatozgur@yahoo.fr

15. Renee AounLebanon renee_aoun@live.com

16.Sallama Namani Lebanon s.namani@makhzoumi-foundation.org

17.Shadi Al Sharif Palestine srs_banker@yahoo.com

18.Smail Al-Hilali Austria S.Alhilali@unido.org

19.Taher Kaddar Syria dr.t-kadd@mail.sy

20.Walid Chettouh



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21. Umaima Al MajthoubJordan


22.Wafa’ Saleh Shehadeh


23.Yanal Abeda


24.Zakareya Abu Atiah


25.Ziad Zaza


26.Zaid Tareq Mohammad


27.Hameed Abu Abeleh


28.Khaled Banat


29.Kefah Yaseen Tawfek

Jordan Kefah1969@yahoo.com

30.Khaled Othman


31.Muhieddin Tawalbeh


32.Mohammad Al-Nowaf’ah


33.Mohammad Al-Safadi


34.Mohammad Ibrahim


35.Mohammad H. Kailani


36.Nagham Al Soub


37.Nedal Al-Metani


38.Najeeb Atiyat


39.Nezar Haddad


40.Nidal Erefej


41.Omar Ibrahim Al Mahasneh


42.Ola Khaled Al Mahasneh


43.Osama Abu Al- Ragheb




No. Name Country e-mail

1.Rafat Assi


2.Mohammad Mosa


3.Rawia Abdallah


4.Ahmad Abu Safa


5.Salah Abu Salah


6.Jehan Haddad


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Annex 2

Workshop Program

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Day 1 – Sunday 25th September 2011

09:00            | Pick up from Hotel (Al­Fanar Palace Hotel)

09:30 – 10:00 | Registration 

10:00 – 10:15 | Welcome Remarks & Workshop Agenda Walk ThroughEshaq Shishani, RSSRafat Assi, RSS

10:15 – 11:00 | Keynote Speech

Cleaner Production Program, Taking Stock and Moving Forward in the Arab Region Smail Al Hilali, Cleaner & Sustainable Production UnitUnited Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Vienna, Austria

11:00 – 11:30 | Networking Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:00 | Session 1­A: Cleaner Production in Industries                        Chair: Eshaq Shishani

Resource Efficiency: Achieving Operational Efficiency and Performance ExcellenceYanal Abeda, Jordan 

Cleaner Production in the Industrial Sector: Experiences and Lessons Learnt from National Cleaner Production Center in Egypt Ali Labib, Egypt

13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch (RSS Cafeteria)

14:00 – 16:30 | Session 1­B: Cleaner Production in Industries                        Chair: Smail Al Hilali

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Environment Impact Assessment and Cleaner Production Assurance in Textile IndustryTaher Kaddar, Syria

Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) as a Tool for the Development of Green Production in Algeria: Current Status and the FutureWalid Chettouh, Algeria

Testing of Dust Suppressant in Highway Construction Impact on the Stabilization of SoilKaouther Machta, Tunisia

Photo­Voltaic Supported Fuel Cell and Battery for Electrical Tour Boats at the Turkish Dalyan Channel Necat Ozgur, Turkey

Network for Industrial Sustainability: Water Reuse and Environmental Conservation Project, Jordan Salam Al Momani, Jordan

Day 2 – Monday 26th September 2011

09:00            | Pick up from Hotel (Al­Fanar Palace Hotel)

09:30 – 11:00 | Session 2: Industrial Materials and Solid Wastes Management                        Chair: Salah Abu Salah

Integrated Hazardous Substances Information Management and Control System 

Mohammad Mosa, Jordan

Diagnosis and Proposals for Industrial Solid Waste Management in Two Palestinian GovernoratesIssam Al­Khatib, Palestine

11:00 – 11:30 | Networking Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:00 | Session 3: Domestic Solid Wastes Management

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                        Chair: Mohammad Mosa

Municipal Solid Waste Composition Analysis Study in Amman / JordanSalah Abu Salah, Jordan

Solid Waste Management in Morocco: Issues and Development ApproachAzeddine Sedki, Morocco

13:00 – 13:30 | Session 4: Risk Assessment                         Chair: Jehan Haddad

Sustainable Management of Industrial Risk: French Example and REACH RegulationChaden Diyab, France

13:30 – 14:30 | Lunch (RSS Cafeteria)

14:30 – 16:30 | Session 5: Solid Waste Utilization                         Chair: Umaima AL Majthoub

The Production of Eco­Friendly Green Energy Using the Anaerobic Digestion Technology: The Moroccan CaseHassan El Bari, Morocco

Evaluation of the Biogas Potential of Organic Waste in the Northern Provinces of MoroccoAfilal Mohamed, Morocco

Waste Management: Utilization of Bio­waste as a Resource for Bio­products Development in JordanMohammad Ibrahim, Jordan

Investigating Technical and Economical Feasibility of Recycling Limestone Wastes from Stone Cutting Plants in PalestineMohammad Issa, Palestine

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Day 3 – Tuesday 27th September 2011

09:00            | Pick up from Hotel (Al­Fanar Palace Hotel)

09:30 – 10:30 | Keynote Speech

Life Cycle Assessment: Theory, Examples, Case Studies, and New LCA Emerging TopicsFredy DinkelCarbotech Inc.Switzerland

10:30 – 11:00 | Session 6: Climate Change                        Chair: Rafat Assi

Climate Change in Jordan: Measures & ActionsHussein Badarin, Jordan

11:00 – 11:30 | Networking Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:00 | Session 7: Cleaner Production in Tourism Sector                        Chair: Issam Al­Khatib

Sustainable Coastal Tourism Development in Algiers: Sidi Fredj Case StudyAzzaz Larbi, Algeria

12:00 – 13:00 | Session 8: Cleaner Production in Healthcare Facilities                         Chair: Issam Al­Khatib

Demonstrating and Promoting Best Techniques and Practices for Reducing Health­Care Waste to Avoid Environmental Releases of Dioxins and Mercury Darine Mawla, Lebanon

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Implementation of Cleaner Production on the Pharmaceutical Industry in Jordan

Haitham Salti, Jordan

13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch (RSS Cafeteria)

14:00 – 14:45 | RSS Scientific Exhibition Visit

15:00 – 16:00 | Closing Session

Workshop HighlightsRafat Assi

Workshop recommendationsDarine Mawla, Lebanon

Closing RemarksHRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, President of El Hassan Science City and the  Royal Scientific Society.

Dissemination of Certificates

Key AttendeesEng . Ghazi Oddat, Adviser to the Minster of Environment, Ministry of Environment.Ms. Tojan Bramamt, National Commission Secretary, Jordan National Commission  for Education, Culture & Science.Dr. Mustafa Smadi, National Commission Secretary, Jordan National Commission  for Education, Culture & Science Mr. Roland KNOBEL, Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of  Switzerland

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