5th IEEE Glo bal Conf on Signal Information Process ing Che Zhenyu Guo Wu Liu, Beij, video etc.,...


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General ChenggaHongtao Today's Image anrich mobgenerateopened cand catemultimedconvolutwidely exbecomincoordinalearning propose

• Sremm

• Vco

• Hdeev

Paper Supossible rindustry psubmittedwill not beand abstr

Importa May June July

For inqu(zhineng

mber 14 ‐ 1


Co-Chairs: ang Yan, Han

o Xie, Chines

digital contend video conbile devices.ed, publishedchallenges a

egorization. Mdia content ional neural xploited in mg an emergi

ated effort to techniques, new real-wo

Signal and etrieval (ima

music search,multimedia coVisual semanontent analyt

Home/public etection andvent detectiubmission: references, anpresentations d/published ane indexed in Iracts will be sc

nt Dates: 15, 2017: Pa

e 30, 2017: N22, 2017: Ca

uiries pleasg.chen@ia.ac

16, 2017, 

ium on D

ngzhou Diane Academy o

ents are inhentents, in par Accelerated

d and spreadand opportunMeanwhile, wanalysis signetworks hav

modeling teming research

o understand showcase in

orld datasets information ge/video se, retrieval mo

ontent analytintic analysistics & securit

video survd classification and recProspective a

nd with one ad and Ongoingnywhere else)IEEE Xplore, cheduled in le

aper submissotification of


e contact: c.cn), Zhenyu




Deep Lea

zi University of Sciences

erently multimrticular, becod by tremen explosively,ities for intel

with the recenificantly anve demonstraporal dynam

h area in thed the scenarnnovative meand discuss processing arch, speecodels, hashincs & security

s for intelligty veillance antion, scene cognition, pauthors are indditional optiog Work prese) and written ihowever the acture and pos

sion due Acceptance papers due

Chenggang u Guo (zheny


l, Canada

h IEEE Glonal & Info

arning foCa

media: text, ime a new wadous increas becoming aligent multimnt advances d initiate neated high caics in videos field of mulrios and chaethodologies future directfor Multime

h/audio seang) for intelligy gent multime

nalysis (mounderstand

eople analynvited to submonal 5th page centations) via n accordanceabstracts and

ster sessions.

Yan (cgyayu.guo@sen


obal Confformation

r Intelligall for Pa

mage, audioay of commuse in Interne

an insecurity media conten in deep lear

ew research pability in im

s. Therefore, timedia and

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ysis, mit full-length containing on the GlobalS

e with the stan/or the presen

an@hdu.edu.ngled.com) or


ference on Process

ent Multapers

Technical CoZhineng CheZhenyu GuoWu Liu, Beij

o, video etc.,unication amoet bandwidthpart of todayt analytics &rning techniq directions tage and vide deep learnin computer vierging in muintroduce lar include, but


• Realintell

• Dataevalu

• Mult• Othe

papers (up toly references)IP 2017 confndard IEEE dontations will b

cn), Hongtar Wu Liu (liu


 on sing 


timedia A

o-Chairs: en, Chinese Ao, Research &ing Universit, due to the ong Internet

h and storagy's big data. S

& security, e.gques, we areto understaneo recognitiong for intelligision. The goultimedia corge scale reaare not limitect trackingputer/robot

wd analysis) l-world appliligent multima collectionsuation imodal signaer applicationo 4 pages fo and extendedference websouble-column e included in

ao Xie (xieuwu@bupt.e



Academy of & Developmety of Posts anadvancemen users with thge space, mSuch large-sg., managem

e now able tond multimedin, while recu

gent multimedoal of this syntent analytial systems oed, to the follg and interaction,

cations of mmedia contents, benchma

al representatns of large-scr technical cod abstracts (u

site. Manuscri paper templathe IEEE SPS



s & Secu

Sciences ent, Sengled nd Telecommnt of multimohe proliferatioultimedia da

scale multimement, retrievao boost the ina content. F

urrent neural dia analytics ymposium isics & securi

or applicationowing: segmentatio behavior

multimedia ct analytics & rking, and

tion and visucale multimedontent includinp to 2 pages, pts should beate. The acceS SigPort. Acc

e.ac.cn), Zh




munications odal sensorson of sensor

ata has beenedia data hasal, recognitionntelligence oFor instance networks are & security is

s to call for aty with deep

ns, as well as

on, humanrecognition

computing fosecurity performance

ualization dia data ng figures and for paper-lesse original (nopted abstractscepted papers

hineng Chen


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