6 FBASD seminars


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Seminar Series




Competitive Strategies ▪ Planning & Development

Profitability ▪ Corporate Development

Owner Lifestyle ▪ Sustainability ▪ Wealth-Creation

Developed by Jeremy Kravetz, MBA

J Kravetz & Associates

Presented to

Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County

June 2015

Seminar Series Proposal Presented to The San Diego Food and Beverage Association June 2015

Copyright © 2015 Jeremy Kravetz All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 5

The restaurant industry is competitive, management-intensive, under constant pressures on profitability, risky if not

operated well, and subject to constant market changes that can impact survivability and financial value.

Independent restaurant operators are at a disadvantage vs. larger corporations that have greater resources, and

economies of scale across all key areas, including: site selection, development costs, marketing, recruiting, HR

management, purchasing, cost of capital, and critical management information systems.

To thrive under such circumstances, smaller companies must make sure they avoid serious mistakes, do a better job

of attracting and satisfying customers, and make maximum use of the management resources that are available

with their smaller budgets.

Fortunately, with the proper competitive strategies and management approaches, smaller companies can

outcompete, and operate efficiently enough to thrive. This is not easy to do, but those that do their best are usually

rewarded with sustainable success, and attractive long-term financial rewards.

This seminar series presents strategic business development and management strategies and systems that help to

enable smaller, independent restaurant operators to create healthy, profitable and durable companies that:

Allow their owners personal/lifestyle freedom

Minimize risk and worry

Operate at maximum efficiency and profitability

Grow in financial value

Enjoy competitive advantages that cannot be replicated by most competitors

Use marketing in a systematic and scientific way to build income, brand equity and company

Have a positive culture that attracts good staff members

Can grow in a controlled, profitable and sustainable manner

Can adapt and stay competitive despite economic and market changes

Have multiple desirable growth and future “exit” strategies

The series has 6 parts. Each session is 3 hours

1. Planning & Launching Your Business on Solid Path to Sustainable Success

2. Marketing Systems That Build your Income, Brand Equity & Business Value

3. Using Social Media Marketing to Systematically Develop Your Business

4. Building Teams That Understand and Work to Achieve Your Goals

5. Financial Planning for Successful Ventures & Happy Capital Providers

6. Financial Management Strategies for Growth-Management & Value-Creation

Who can benefit:

Startups wanting to set off on a solid foundation for success

Small companies developing their organization for well-managed growth

Businesses preparing for a sale, merger, acquisition, or other “value-inflection” event

Businesses seeking external capital for growth

Restaurant managers who want to contributions more to corporate-level development

Restaurant managers who want to become successful restaurateurs

Seminar Series Proposal Presented to The San Diego Food and Beverage Association June 2015

Copyright © 2015 Jeremy Kravetz All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 5

1. Planning & Launching Your Business on Solid Path to Sustainable Success

Business Planning

Market Analysis - Understanding Trade Area Supply and Demand

Competitive strategies – Identifying a gap. Value Proposition

Financial planning – strategic structuring and budgeting

Defining ideal trade areas and locations. Evaluation and selection of alternatives

Management Information Systems for the special needs of restaurants

Risk Management – Financial, operational, reputational, regulatory

Building a strong internal management team, and external support infrastructure

Human resources – recruiting, selection, intake, retention, management, training, financial planning

Creating sustainable company value/wealth

Organization, Development and Startup

Common sense best-practices

Development team

Lease/landlord issues

Government regulation

Building systems

Energy efficiency and sustainability. Regulatory trends.

Interior layout/design – POS, production, distribution

Operations service providers

2. Marketing Systems That Build your Income, Brand Equity & Business Value

Powerful Strategies for Customer Attraction and Loyalty

Marketing Defined – American Marketing Association / Peter Drucker

Understanding your trade area/marketplace and how you fit in

Brand-differentiation/customer experience strategies used by the best companies

Delivering deep emotional-benefits that make customers loyal and vocal advocates

Customer experience mapping and emotional-design

Selecting the right staff for your brand culture and competitive strategies

Getting your staff to market all of the time

Creating sustainable company value using timeless hospitality/psychological strategies

Integrated Marketing Systems

Integrated Marketing

Guerilla viral marketing - big results with few dollars

Public Relations

Traditional mass media

Four walls marketing

Community marketing

Internal marketing

Seminar Series Proposal Presented to The San Diego Food and Beverage Association June 2015

Copyright © 2015 Jeremy Kravetz All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 5

..Integrated Marketing Systems

Social Media marketing

Ongoing market research. Creating a 2-way dialogue with your customers/market

Constant adaptation and improvement

3. Using Social Media Marketing to Systematically Develop Your Business

Target-customer profiles/segmentation definitions – demographic/psychographic

Establishing strategic customer-acquisition objectives

System components – web host, website software, email client, mobile, outgoing/incoming management


Channels - internet, mobile, software, management tools

Setup costs and ongoing expenses

Strategic content design

Channel/message mix

Scheduling outgoing content

Customer engagement

Monitoring results for constant improvement

Allocating your budget and efforts for maximal achievement of overall customer-acquisition objectives

4. Building Teams That Understand and Work to Achieve Your Goals

Understanding operational and strategic staffing needs

Creating ideal employees profiles

Selecting the right people

Training and Internal Marketing to align staff behavior with business strategies

Letting people be individuals

Keeping employees on track

Requiring excellence and continuous improvement

Management and Coaching

Employee manuals

Creating sustainable company value/wealth

5. Financial Planning for Successful Ventures & Happy Capital Providers

Strategic Budgeting for development/startup

Building your resources “wish-list” into your plan

Building realistic projections/plans

Calculating capital requirements

Working with investors - giving away as little as possible when raising capital

Working with lenders - reducing their perception of risk

Creating sustainable company value/wealth

Seminar Series Proposal Presented to The San Diego Food and Beverage Association June 2015

Copyright © 2015 Jeremy Kravetz All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 5

6. Financial Management Strategies for Growth-Management & Value-Creation

Building the financial capacity and value of your business

Thinking like a CFO

How the financial function supports a healthy business

Importance of accrual basis accounting for effective management

Increasing profits with bottom-up and top-down cost controls

Building Income and Gross Profit with “menu-engineering”

Combining MIS and bottom up management

Financial risk-management strategies

Understanding financial ratios. Using industry benchmarking as a reference point

Insightful management reports

Working with investors and lenders

Creating sustainable company value/wealth
