7 Habits of Highly Effective...


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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Body Transformations

ByRobert King

and Gill Whelan

Copyright 2011 by Rob KIngCopyright © 2011 by Rob King and Andy Pratt.

All rights reserved.

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7 Habits of Highly Effective Transformations

IntroductionWe have seen many transformations as the developers, and head coaches of our Ripped in 42 program. You have found the most effective Body Transformation Program available anywhere.

Transforming your body is an exciting journey. Not only do you have to have a strong body, you have to have a strong mind to push you through workouts, cardio and to stay committed to your meal plan. It’s a lifestyle change that will lead you to a happier, healthier you.

We have seen crazy transformations and there always seems to be a few common traits that our most successful clients share. We have decided to put the 7 habits of our most successful transformations together in an easy to follow report, that we hope will help you make the most out of your journey.

Let’s get started!

Rob King & Gill Whelan


7 Habits of Highly Effective Transformations

1. Goal Setting

In order to ensure commitment and the necessary follow through, Goals are Paramount. You need goals. As Wayne Gretzky once said "You miss 100% of the shots your don't take". Goals force you to consider WHAT you want, and WHEN you will achieve it.

Goals must not be vague. To achieve a Body Transformation, you should follow the SMART Goals design:

S - SpecificM - Measurable A - AttainableR - Results-BasedT - Time Bound

An example of a SMART Goal is "I will lose 22 lbs of Bodyfat in 42 days". Commitment to your goals will be a consistent and continuous practice. Take your goal, use it as the lock screen on your phone, on your laptop, on your fridge, tape it to your bathroom mirror. DO THIS. Ensure that you physically view your goal dozens....even hundreds of times a day.

“Goals are meant to push the boundaries of your belief in

yourself. Stretch your thinking, challenge your potential.

Don’t be afraid to set Big goals!”Craig Ballantyne


7 Habits of Highly Effective Transformations

2. Deadline and Urgency

As humans, most of us are procrastinators by nature. There is always tomorrow. I will do it tomorrow. Tomorrow I start exercising and eating clean. This is a vicious cycle that the majority of people living sedentary lifestyles are caught up in.

Pressure is good. Urgency is good. Give yourself a deadline, and share it with the universe.. Post it on Facebook, tell your family, tell your co-workers. Suggest a similar challenge to friends or family, and create a mission with a deadline. Decide what your Day 1 will be, and prepare and plan. That day, take your before picture with that day's Newspaper in your hand. Once the picture is snapped.....the countdown to 42 days begins, demanding your 100% commitment. Make it a commitment with a vengeance.

Think about the people in the world with terminal illnesses who are told that they have 6 weeks to live. You're not that person with a horrific disease, but continuing to live the life you're living is slowly killing you. So, in actuality, you also have 6 weeks to live. 6 weeks to begin a new life, as a happier, healthier, inspired, empowered, better version of you. Mindset is everything - create the urgency for your goal.

“A dream remains a dream unless you make a decision to achieve it”Author Unknown


7 Habits of Highly Effective Transformations

3. Nutrition Planning and Preparation

Decide on the nutrition and supplement program that you will follow for the duration of your goal. Commit to it. Complete a kitchen purge, and rid your kitchen of anything that does not bring you closer to your goal.

Take 2-3 hours, twice a week and prep your food for the next 2-4 days. Chop the produce, cook the meat, divide into appropriate portions, and store in your fridge. This eliminates any guess work, and eliminates temptation. This way good food is ALWAYS available to you. It's a foolproof system to keeping nutrition on track.

Every night before you go to bed, pack your meals for the following day, and also portion and pack the supplements for that day. It's amazing how becoming organized with your meals will spill over into other facets of life.

Effective planning is the key to success.

“When you fail to plan, you plan to fail”Author Unknown


7 Habits of Highly Effective Transformations

4. Train to Transform

If fat loss is your goal, we suggest 3 main pieces for your training. Metabolic circuits, Weight training, and Sprinting. if you incorporate these 3 into your training, and you stick to your weekly split, and give your workouts 100% effort, there is NO WAY your body will not transform. There is no magic, or secret. These three training components will burn body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and ramp up metabolism. The end result is a stronger, more efficient, leaner, more shapely body; head to toe.

“I’m not telling you it is going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.”

Author Unknown


7 Habits of Highly Effective Transformations

5. Supplements

What most people do not realize is that it's difficult to get adequate nutrition, and appropriate macronutrient levels without supplementing your food. Supplements are not mandatory, but it is our expert opinions (and we've now transformed hundreds of bodies, so we know a little on the subject) that it greatly increases results. Without going into too much detail, there are 3 basic supplements that we highly recommend, and a few others that are also very beneficial.

1. Protein Powder - protein shakes are a quick and easy way to meet your daily protein goals. Not to mention that the protein shakes of today are so tasty, that they really are comparable to an ice cream treat! Not all protein powders are created equal, however, so be careful what you purchase. We recommend Myofusion for both taste and performance.

2. Fish Oils - while taken in high doses, along with meals, fish oils have a fat burning effect. They will greatly enhance your results for the entire 6 weeks. Don't skip them, take them with every meal. Outside of the fat burning effect, supplementing with a quality fish oil (we recommend NutraSea) helps with inflammation of the joints and tendons, gives your skin a more healthy glow, and improves the health and appearance of hair and nails. The benefits of fish oil are endless, but these are some important points relating their role in Body Transformations.

3. Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) - Branch Chain Amino Acids are a complete protein with aids in muscle repair and recovery. Taken during or post-workout, BCAAs allow you to recover faster. Weight training effectively breaks down muscle tissue, and as it repairs, you come back stronger. This is a repetitive process, and through the use of BCAAs, you provide the proper fuel to your muscles to most effectively and efficiently do so. The by product is that you don't experience muscle soreness, which is very desirable with the above-mentioned training required for Body Transformation.

Other supplements we suggest are a quality multi vitamin, L-Carnatine, and Vitamin C.


7 Habits of Highly Effective Transformations

6. Celebration

One motto we live by, both in our Coaching and in our own personal lives is "Celebrate Your Victories". No matter how large or small. Throughout your transformation process, there will be times that you struggle. You will face temptation. As changes in your body begin to happen, you will receive compliments, you will "under-grow" clothing, you will begin your emotional and mental transformation. Every one of these items are reason for celebration. That cake you said no to, the extra workout that you squeezed in after a long day, the belt that you've had to create new holes in. Celebrate these. Share them. Own it. You deserve it.

Once your deadline has arrived and you've achieved your goal, reward yourself with a spa day, a new outfit, or some other extrinsic reward.

Celebrate Your Victories


7 Habits of Highly Effective Transformations

7. Community

Transforming your Body is not easy. If it were easy, there would be no overweight people walking around and we are all aware of the North American Obesity Epidemic. It's a process which must be properly nurtured in order to develop. Think of it as the caterpillar, which becomes the cocoon, which becomes the beautiful butterfly - an amazing process that occurs because of the appropriate environment. Such is the case with your Body Transformation journey.

There are 2 important things we want you to remember:

1. Positivity Breeds positivity - Be that positive, happy, understanding person to the people around you, and you will find the behavior reciprocated. YOU control your reactions. Do not view your new nutrition and workout regime as punishment. Instead, view it as a massive opportunity to improve your life, and the lives of those you love. It's that simple. Remove negativity from your life. Surround yourself with like-minded people, sharing common goals.

2. Quitting is Contagious - Never, ever, EVER give up. - If faced with a personal problem, work stress, or other obstacles during your journey, take that frustration and use it as FUEL for your transformation. Direct it in a positive fashion. If you quit, I guarantee you, you are not only disappointing yourself, but also stealing the opportunity for success from others sharing in your journey.

Join and contribute to a Community for support. A place where Ego and Attitude does not exist. Where goals may vary, but overall success is the common bond. There is strength and power in numbers. You are powerful beyond measure, and the support of community will allow you to understand this fact. Surround yourself with people who make you better, and do all you can to be that person for others.

Being part of a Community where motivation is rampant, success is celebrated, and Victory is achieved on a constant and continual basis, is nothing short of Magic. And only once you have experienced this phenomenon, will you fully understand the importance of this 7th Habit for Highly Successful Body Transformations. This is where your dreams become reality, your mind and body become forever changed, and your Body transformations transitions to a Life Transformation.
