73 thoughts brother felix




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73 Thoughts

The bad heart loses what it cares for the most. The good heart receives what it loves the most.

Enough distance makes every planet beautiful.

Faith is beauty.

If your heart is a closed door, God cannot send for you only the police, the ambulance or the firemen.

Rachel Joy Scott is my Yoda.

Look man I’ve tried to do so many things and I’ve failed man, I just have to stop and do the good things.

God is manifest and obvious. He doesn’t need any proofs of his existence.

God is my fuel.

One don’t have to be an adulterer to burn, it’s enough to live blinded by this world and not to see the heaven of God. One will also burn, although that – maybe – he has the Pharisee’s righteousness.

Knowing without living is nothing.

When I shut up, God speaks.

Bullets cannot defeat Christians.

Every true Christian life is a true love story.

I have such a great need for you God that I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m desperate for you, God. Answer me, speak to me. What do you have to say?

Your heart is a battlefield.

Everybody knows, I think. But no man knows how many of us are also doing what we know to be good, pure and clean.

Whenever you’re alone, abide in God.

Everybody seem to know something. Even I know something. But it takes so much more than just knowing.

Grief is a path to repentance, repentance is a path to humbleness, humbleness is a path to learning, learning is a path to knowledge, knowledge is a path to wisdom, wisdom is a path to love and love is a path to my neighbor. God will be heard when my neighbor and me will call for Him. God will be present among us then.

A proud Christian is a bad servant.

Sin invented atheism.

Most people fear loneliness, the others fear God.

Business is when you give because you want to take, friendship is when you give because you want to give and love is when you give.

Be careful, the path to heaven is covered with ice.

Live in the real world; just like the lilies of the fields.

God must be so wonderful because He made you.

Words are not enough.

The Christian is a sail ship always pointed forward.

God cannot be blamed for anything; God is not guilty of anything.

The strong is not the one who destroys everything around him, but the truly strong is the one who helps the weak to stand up on their feet.

Heaven is not forbidden to us for having a bad nature, but because we choose to not let God do nothing about our bad nature.

The devil keeps trying to show you the cat, and God keeps saying to you that you are not a mouse.

Heaven will be a place of singing and dancing in the presence of God.

There we will be kids again. Children of God.

Man just wont be pleased, not even if you would give him the whole wide earth. Instead God is pleased with you just giving your heart.

I don’t like you but I love you.

Don’t try to be perfect. Try to be alive.

Most people renounce at the love of God for the respect of man. The others pass at the respect of humans taking instead the full love of God.

I know, on this on this earth I don’t deserve nothing good. I know, in heaven I don’t deserve nothing good. I know I have everything good, in God.

God can heal you now!


Just go with God wherever He leads you.

God is my childhood.

God’s thoughts are not also ours but we really can do something about this.

God can break down any idol that man can possibly build up.

This world educates you full up with garbage and then throws you to the garbage dump.

I do not care too much about this life because I am awaited at an awesome party up there.

I was born in a family with problems, had a childhood with problems, then I was a teen with BIG problems and now… I’m in desperate need of Your help.

SOS message from The Cat Child to Home Base. SOS message from The Cat Child to Heaven Base. Do you copy? Message over.

All children have bad dreams and all Christians are threatened by our enemy.

God is my life. Nothing else.

The opposite of sin is not virtue. The opposite of sin is faith.

This world is a battlefield and not a playground.

Without God everybody is bad. With God everybody is good.

God is pleasure.

Christians are the proof.

At prayer it doesn’t matter so much what you feel, but being heard.

This Earth has God’s fingerprints all over it.

The soul is the problem and the Holy Bible is the key.

Some people are desperate for clean veins, I wanna be desperate for a clean heart.

Man is dependent on pleasure; there is nothing he can do about this. But he can choose what his pleasure would be. He can choose God to be his pleasure.

When you suffer much, you believe much. When you believe much, you love much. When you love much, your pain doesn’t hurt you anymore.

It’s a joy to bear the cross each day because it has the healing blood of Jesus on it.

The Indian is hungry. The Armenian produces food. The Romanian makes chocolate. The American has everything. The Indian youth dreams of enough food. The Armenian youth dreams of chocolate. The Romanian youth dreams of drugs. The American youth dreams of an overdose. Because nobody of them has God.

This universe’s name is ‘World War 0’, stretching from one eternity to the other.

Love with your heart.

Faith means to open your heart and look in the heart of God.

God is an artist too. That is the reason of man, of

beauty and of everything.

Glory is man’s destination. Nothing else. Glory is your destination. Nothing else. Glory is my destination. Nothing else.

I have Jesus in my heart.

Living the gospel implies also living its miracles.

God’s presence makes the difference between victory or failure.

If we saw God now His beauty would break our hearts. This is why God is unseen to us.

Sorrow together with God just isn’t sorrow.
