8 th Grade DISTRICT FITNESS PLAN. District Fitness Plan Introduction Task Resources Process...


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8th Grade District fitness plan

District Fitness Plan


District Fitness Plan

Kim Butler, EdDBobbi Acosta

Danielle Cherry Sweetwater Union High School


Congratulations!  You have recently completed your baseline Fitnessgram fitness test. We will now use this information that you have about your overall fitness and create a plan to improve or maintain your current level.


For an accurate fitness plan it is important that you look at your eating habits as well as your exercise habits. You will use technology to help you develop a 2 week fitness & nutrition plan.

You will create a brochure in order to highlight the key aspects of your 2 week fitness plan for your reference as you use it over the winter break.


Step 1: Review the main parts of this project below.

Overall Project: Review your fitness and nutrition data and make sure the SMART goals are accurate before you make the Brochure.

Nutrition: Analyze your current eating habits to see where problems might be with regards to goals (example intake of too many calories for weight loss goals). Create a nutrition plan with recipes that are inline with your goals.

Muscular Strength and Endurance: Analyze your current muscular strength(push ups) and endurance(curl ups) scores and compare these scores to Fitnessgram standards, and sets SMART goals to improve in this area.

Cardiovascular and Flexibility: Analyzes your current cardiovascular (aerobic capacity) and flexibility scores and compare these scores to Fitnessgram standards, and set SMART goals to improve in this area.


Do carbs cause you to gain weight? What nutrition choices are healthy if I am a vegetarian? These are questions you find interesting because you know the power food has in healthy living. You are responsible for setting up an account with myplate.com, creating a diet for your self that will help you meet your BMI goals, and find healthy recipes and food choices to help you meet your goals.

Details:After reviewing your Baseline Body Composition score create a short term SMART goal for nutrition.Log in to your food Supertracker account and input 2 weeks of food and beverages for your SMART goal. Create a report for the two weeks and save the report as a .pdfGo to MyPlate Recipe and choose a healthy recipe for each: breakfast, lunch dinner and two snacks. Save these on a document.

Process: Nutrition

How can I get my abs strong enough to pass the curl up test? What exercises can I do so I can finally pass the push up test with the beeper? You know the power that muscular strength and endurance have with body weight management and healthy active living.You will analyze your baseline Fitnessgram scores and choose exercises on the Activity Tracker to improve muscular strength and endurance. You will create short term SMART goals. Details:

1.Review your Baseline Fitnessgram Scores to create (1) short term SMART goal for muscular strength and one SMART goal for endurance.2.Go to activity Supertracker account to input 2 weeks of activities for muscular strength and endurance SMART goals. 3.Create a report of the activities you prescribed and save the report as a .pdf4.Use this information to help you complete the brochure.

Process: Strength and Endurance Trainer

How will I every be able to run the number of PACERs laps I need in order to pass the Fitnessgram? You know that flexible muscles result in less injuries and a body with an efficient cardiovascular system is less likely to develop sedentary lifestyle diseases.You will analyze your baseline Fitnessgram scores, and choose activities in the Activity Tracker to improve your cardiovascular fitness and flexibility. You will create SMART goals. Details:1.Review your Baseline Fitnessgram Scores and create (1) short term SMART goal for cardiovascular fitness and flexibility endurance.2.Input 2 weeks in the activity Supertracker account to meet your cardiovascular and flexibility SMART goals. 3.Create a report of the activities and save the report as a .pdf

Process: Cardio and Flexibility


Links for Project Links for Knowledge


Drop Box Fitnessgram HFZ ChartFitness Plan BrochureGoogle DriveMyPlate RecipesSupertracker Main SiteBrochure

Principle of OverloadPrinciple of ProgressionPrinciple of SpecificitySMART GoalsBMI CalculatorPACER Chart

How to set up a Supertracker accountFitness Trainer Resource GuideHow to create a Supertracker report


Congratulations on

completing this very important project! You have just set up a personal fitness plan for you to complete during the winter break to help you pass the Fitnessgram in February! Great work!
