83859312 Love You Like a Love Song Selena Gomez Piano Sheet Music Score



selena gomez

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tuad ar ,u1t t1q dool I puy f,q - eq Euos o^ol u o{Il no,{ oa,o1 I - I

,tq-eq Euos e^ol u allll no{ oaol {q-eq Suos olol A er1t1 nO,{ a,to1 I

like I've been - res -

free I am hyp no-tized by your des ti - ny You are ma


aJ+*gi - cal

e+ly - ri - cal beau

++'ti-tuI IOU are J


No one com-pares you stand a*lone

Mu-sic to my heart song that goes on and

cen-ter full of mi-ra-clesaved my life a-gain And I want


2nd time only: \va

\/you to know- ba - bey

I love you like a love song ba - by

Znd: Bvq

I lsve you like a love song ba-by I love you like a love song ba - by

Znd: 9va

And I keep hit tin' re peatsing mN-/ Boy you pl


v through -y *il/ like il sym pho -'nf rnJ*s no to des-srih-1 what you do


Arr. by Teacher Vol

to Deloine

Jonuory ?Ot?Love You Like A Love Sonc

performed by Selena Cornez and the Scene - J

, , It's been saidVERSEI

and done, E - very beau -

ti tul thouhd becn al rezr right noV here's a - no -


a+++there onu

*+So your me

,+,lo - dy\-/

--l -_.t- ----rttcwill play on

-J --r _-_rttt- \__/and on

f* + q+

with the bsst

' \-r You are beauwe own

ti - ful Like a dreard\*.r/

eom€ a-live - in cre-di ble A