9 Design of Flat Slab Column Connections as Per Aci 352-4-R89 23052014 2



Visit Abqconsultants.comThis program Designs andOptimises Flat Slab Column Connections as Per Aci 352-4-R89 - 2Written and programmed byA B Quadriwww.abqconsultants.comabquadri@yahoo.comabquadri@gmail.com99590102109959010212

Citation preview

  • Sheet :

    Cont'd :

    Design of an edge connection subjected to gravity loading note : enter data in cell marked only


    : Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary

    : Shear Reinforcement for Slabs - Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 421

    : Recommendations for Design of SlabColumn Connections in Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Structures


    edge of slab x mm

    mm offset

    Data : C2

    slab L2/2=


    L1= m

    Vu = L1 * * U = * *

    = Kn = kips

    TypeTypeTypeType IIII connectionconnectionconnectionconnection Enter value for =

    U = * + * =

    = * + *

    = = =


    = cover = =

    ( - ) + ( - - )

    = [ + ] + 2 * [ - + ] =

    = bc * d = * = =

    = Vc = 4 fc Acl = 4 * ^ * = == Vn = * = =


    Check moment transferCheck moment transferCheck moment transferCheck moment transfer :- bm = c1 + 2 * [ c2 - ] = + 2 * [ - ]

    = =

    = p bm d fy ( 1 - 1 p ( fy/fc)) >=>=>=>= = =

    Solving for p we get

    p = = %

    As required = * * = =

    Use nos mm bars @ top within a width of bm = =

    .: bar spacing = mm c/c

    Prepared by : Date :

    Abq ConsultantsAbq ConsultantsAbq ConsultantsAbq Consultants Job No. : J-1023J-1023J-1023J-10231 of 34

    A B Quadri12/30/201112/30/201112/30/201112/30/2011

    Verified by :


    Ref codes

    ACI 318-08-

    ACI 421.1R-99

    Calculation Sheet Revision Notes :

    A B Quadri Civil & Structural Design Engineers.

    Project : Animal Feed Factory

    Subject : Design of Flat Slab Column connections as per Aci 352-1-R89


    Strength of reinforement fy 415 Mpa 60191 psi 406

    ACI 352.1 R-89

    406 406


    Strength of concrete fc 25 Mpa 3626 psi 406


    thickness of slab 200 mm 8 in 200 mm thk MMMM

    Slab Length L1 4.50 m 14.76 ft

    Dead Load DL 5.50 Kn/m2 115 psf

    Live Load LL 2.00 Kn/m2 42 psf


    Column Size C2 406 mm 15.98 in

    Slab Length L2/2 3.50 m 11.48 ft

    Column Size C1 406 mm 15.98 in

    Strength of concrete fc 25 Mpa 3626 psi


    4.50 3.50 11.1

    Strength of concrete fc 25 Mpa 3626 psi 174.825 39.34

    Column edge offset from edge of c2 100 mm 3.94 in L2/2

    175 knokokokok

    Design ForcesDesign ForcesDesign ForcesDesign Forces 1.4 Dl 1.7 LL 39.34 kips

    At centroid of slsb critical


    Check ShearCheck ShearCheck ShearCheck Shear 619.58 kip.in

    Assume Bar dia db = 12 mm

    1.4 5.5 1.7 2

    11.1 kn/m2 233.44 psf

    0.4724 in 15 mm 0.5906 in

    Mu 70 kn.m

    mm 7.17 in2

    bc 406 182 406 100 182

    15 12 ] 2 ==== 182dddd = [ 200 15 2001382 mm


    Acl 1382 182 251524 mm2 389.86 in2

    418 Kn

    Ve 0.85 94 79.818 kip 355 Kn

    Vn 3626 0.5 390 94 kip

    0.75 okokokokVe 79.818

    100 406


    39.34= 0.4929

  • Sheet :

    Cont'd :

    Reinforcement Details :-Reinforcement Details :-Reinforcement Details :-Reinforcement Details :- :- Top reinforcement perpendicular to the slab edge spacing < 0.75d = *

    = mm

    Development length of hooks = (fy*db)/(50fc) = * =

    * ^

    = =

    Structural integrity reinforcement

    wb = greater of (1.4D + I .7L) and (2D) = =

    As = (2/3)(0.5*Wb*L1*L2) / (fy) = ( 2 ) * ( 0.5 * * * * 2 )

    3 *

    = =

    Use nos mm bottom bars both ways passing through column cage.

    As =

    Column x

    2 # min

    2 # min

    development length


    bm = mm

    C1 - Temp & # 16


    mm 2 # mm 2 # 12 bars added

    Slab thk on each side # 16# mm bars

    Prepared by : Date :

    Abq ConsultantsAbq ConsultantsAbq ConsultantsAbq Consultants Job No. : J-1023J-1023J-1023J-10231 of 34

    A B Quadri12/30/201112/30/201112/30/201112/30/2011

    Verified by : Calculation Sheet Revision Notes :

    A B Quadri Civil & Structural Design Engineers.

    Project : Animal Feed Factory

    5.37 in

    50 3626 0.5

    Subject : Design of Flat Slab Column connections as per Aci 352-1-R89


    0.75 182


    9.445 in 240 mm

    11.1 kn/m2 233.44 psf

    60191 0.472


    2 16

    233.44 14.76 11.48

    1000 0.85 60.191

    402 mm2 >>>> 333 mm2 OkOkOkOk

    0.516 in2 333

    Prep By : A B Quadri- Abq Consultants - 9959010210 - em-abquadri@yahoo.com-12-2-826/2 Royal Residency, Besides Amba talkies, Mehdipatnam , Hyderabad-India.-www.abqconsultants.com



    200 16

    11 12

    406 406



    C1+4b = 1382
