A Boy and his Shadow



A tale of a boy who lost his shadow. Told through text message and captured here in the elaborately designed A5 visual edition.

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a boy and his shadow

(sms encounters 001)

by Paul Wright


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Content evokes responses. Sometimes a more abstract idea creates a more honest, even reactionary response. For this collection I used responses from a sms to measure this type of exchange. The gauge of responses (also the absence of) highlights my relationship with the people who responded, the tone and intent with which they were sent, and finally the level of ease with which people are willing and able to respond given the use of communication technology in the palm of their hand.Initially taking the form of a scribble on a torn-out sheet from a notepad, handed to me by an acquaintance, I transcribed its contents as an sms.

What evolved is a 3-day investigation to see how some of my friends, lovers and acquaintances respond when receiving an sms, void of context, on a sunny February day at about lunchtime. Having checked with delight the litter of responses, I followed up with a more instructional sms, this time prompting them to send a picture of their shadows.

The following collection are those responses, both text and image, of which the general tone is pleasantly enquiring and amusing – define moments, shaping the mood of the day, and the rest playing-out a catalogue of quandaries and poses.


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