A catalogue of the entire and very valuable museum of the


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THE <%gig|§| A.^ERICAN^S \ NUMIS/nATtra \ SOCIETY Qk




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Greek, Roman, Saxon, Englifh, Anglo-Gallic, and other. Coins and Medals; antique Bronzes, ci¬ nerary Urns, Etrufcan and other antient Vafes, Lamps, and various other Remains of Antiquity; Carvings in Ivory, mathematical Inftruments, &c.


His curious Library of printed Books and MSS. Prints, Drawings, and Books of Prints.


Coins and Medals, Among which is the fineft and mod complete Series of

Anglo-Gallic Coins, from Henry II. to Henry VI. in- cluhve, ever offered to the Public :


By Order of the Executors, will BE


At his HOUSE, in


On WEDNESDAY, the 17th of MAY, 1786, and the three following Days.

To be viewed on Monday the 15th, Tuesday the 16th, and till the Time of Sale; which will begin at Half an Hour after Eleven o’Clock precifely.

CATALOGUES to be had at Mr. Ger ard’s aforefaid.

Conditions of Sale.

J-rH£ highefi bidder to be the buyer; and, if any

difpute fhall arife between any two or more bid¬

ders, the lot fo difputed to be put up again,

II. No perfon to advance lefs than fixpence*, above

one pound, one /hilling; above five pounds, two (hil¬

lings and fixpence; and fo in proportion,

III. Vhe purchafers are to give in their names and

places of abode, if required, and to pay down five fhiU

i ngs in the pound in part of the pur chafe-money ; in de¬

fault of which, the lot or lots fo pur chafed to be imme¬

diately put up again and refold,

IV. tfhe lots to be fetched away, with all faults, at

the buyer's expence, within one day after the fale,

Laftly. Upon failure of complying with the above

conditions, the money, fo depofited in part of payment,

(hall be forfeited', the lots, uncleared within the time a-

forefaid, /ball be refold by public or private Jale and

the deficiency, (if any,) together with the charges atten¬

ding fuch ref ale, /hall be made good by the defaulters at

this fale•

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A Catalogue, &c.


Wednefday, May 17, 1786*

Lot Copper%



3 4 5 6 7

yTlSCELLANEOUS copper. IVi One hundred large brafs ICO Eighty ditto — —. - So

Forty ditto - - ** 40 Nine contorniates —• - — 9 Middle brafs. One hundred and twenty-fix fmall brafs - — 126

8 Probus, eighty feven, ditto - - - 87 9 Tetric.us fen. and jun. Carinus, Diocletian, and Maxi-

tnian, ditto - - - - 62 30 Tacitus and Maximian, ditto — — 66 ji Fifty-one Egyptian dumps — - - 51 3 2 Seven ditto — — - - 7 13 Fifty-feven Greek coins — - - 57 14 Eleven Oriental ct^ins — - - 11 1$ Four uic;-s, »hree proof halfpence, tickets, &c. 28 lb Fifty two tradefmenV'-tokens-and town-pieces -5^

A 2 Medals*

Firfi Daf s Sale»

Medals. 17 The kings of England complete, with Oliver, by

Daffier. fine —-- ■ _ 34 18 Sir Francis Bacon, rev. Dcus efi qni claufa recludit,

.Thomas Bufhell. extremely rare — j 19 John Lilborne. rare —1 , 1 20 John Duke of Montague, fine —«— I 21 Captain Cook, fine ' — — I 22 William of Wykeham 1, Walpole 1, the Bilhop of

Ofnaburg 2 —— _ — 4 23 The reformers, by Daffier. fine -- 25 24 George II. 2, George III. 1, Sir Ifaac Newton 2,

Milton 1, Locke 1, Oliver 2 —. -“9 25 Five of the Pretender and his family, fine — 5 26 Henry IV. 1, Staniflaus 1, Caffini 1, Fleury 1, Buo-

n^roti 1, and two more — 7 27 William Ducie, by Varin. very rare —* 1 28 Six premium-medals of his prefent majelly. fine 6


29 Confular denarii — — ——■■ 39 30 Aelia 1, Afrania 1, Caecilia 2, Caffia 1, Fabia 2, Li-

cinia 1, Maria 2, Pinaria 1, Pomponia 2, Po/lhu- mia 1, Celtia 1, Thoria 1, Claudia 1 — 17

31 Aburia 2, Acilia i, iElia 2, ^Emilia 4, Annia 1, Anteftia 1, Antia 1, Antiilia 1, Antonia 15 28

32 Antonia 5, Aquilia 2, Aurelia 1, Axfia 1, Baebiai, CaEcilia 3, Caelia 1, Calpurnia 6, Caffia 2, Cipia 1, Claudia 4 — - 27

33 Caffia 1, Claudia 1, Caelia 3, Conlidia 1, Coponia », Cordial, Cornelia 7, Coffutia I, Crepufia 2, Cu- piennia 1, Curiatiai, Curtia 1, Domitia 4 - 23

34 Egnatuleiai, tip. ia 1, Fabia 3. Farfuleia 1, Flaminia 1, Flavia 1, Fonteia 6, Fulia 1, Furiai, Gellia I, Holidiai, Hoftilia 2, julia 4, Junia 8 32

3$ Sundry imperial denarii. 36 Ju ius 2, AuguitusO, Tiberius t, Vitellius 2, Domi-

tian 1 —- — —

ius 1

_ 7 - — — y -

jr, Vaieiianjun,

12 1


37 Caligula, rev. Germanicus. fine and rare

38 Augulius i, Tiberius 1, Caligula, AugufiC- . 39 Augallos 6, Galba i, Titus Domitian 1, Severus

1, Domna 1, Balbinus 1, Pup:enus 1, Mariniana ■v y • • • ^ ^

40 Auguftu*

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Firfi Day's Sale,

40 Auguftus 1, Vefpafian reft. 1, Trajan i, Plautilla 1,

Balbinusi, Philip fen, 1, Philip jun. i, Holtil- iian 2, Frebonian 1, Marinrana 1, Gallien 1, Alexander reft. 1, Salonma 2, Valerian jun. 2, Poitumus 2, Probus 1, Urbita 1 _,

4.1 Trajan i, Julia Aquilia 1, Scemias 1, Mzefa 1, Max¬ iminus 1, Alexander 1, Mammea Gordian 2, Philip fen. 1, Voluftan 1, Gaiiien 2^ Emilian 1, Salonina i, Commodus reft, 1, Alexander reft, i, Poftumus 2, Carus 1, Jovian 1, Valens 1. Mag. Maximus 1 _ w _

, Silver Coins,

42 Six Britifh and Saxon _ 43 Burgred 3, Alfred 1 - 44 Edward the Elder, rare -_—


45 Athelftan 1, Eadred 1, Eadgar 2, Ethelred II. Canute 1 __ _, J

46 Edward the Confeffor 14. Harold II. 4. Z. 47 Wiiiiam I, 7 — ____

48 Henry I. 1, Stephen 1 « 49 John 1, Henry III. 19 _ 30 Edward 1. and II. .» —. _ ~



7 2




51 E a ward III. 1, Henry VI. 5, Edward IV. 1, Henrv VII. 7, Henry VIII.. 3. - _ - 17

52 Henry VIII. ftruck by Chriftopher Bainbridge. fine ' and very rare —— 1_

53 Mary very rare ———. .

54 jam.es I Charles I. various, &c. — *

Qroats, Edward HI. 2, Richard If 1 * Edwar III. 2, Henry VI. 8, Edward IV.

ard III. 1 —- Hcm v VIf. 5, Henry VIII, 3, Mary 1,

Mary j, and tout more *' ——.

2, Rich-

Philip and





& frrfi Day's Sale,


58 Elizabeth 5, James I. 1, Charles I. 3, Common¬ wealth I. fine - - —— jo

39 Charles I. 3, Mafathufets 1, Charles II. 3, James II. 2 - _ _ - - 9

60 William and Mary I. 1, William III. 12, Anne 6, George I. 2, George II. 11, one a proof, fine 32


61 Henry VIII. 1, Edward VI. 7 62 Philip and Mary 2, Elizabeth 2 63 James I. 4, Charles I. 11 — 64 George III. 1764. « beautiful pattern


65 Two Hardys of Richard II. nsrtf - - - 66 Two Hardys of Henry IV. and two blancs of Henry

67 A half-blanc of Henry IV. extremely rare — 68 Two half-blancs of Henry VI. rare — 69 A gros of Edward the black prince, and a blanc of

Henry V. rar* - - — 70 A blanc of Henry V. extra-rare - ~


Roman Gold,

71 Julias Csefar, m/. Auguflus. fine and fearee . ~ 72 Claudius, nzr* .— ——. — 73 Auguflus 2, Tiberius 1 — -- 74 Two of Nero — ■ —-1 —1 75 Nero 2, Galba 1 - _ —- 76 Domitian 1, Trajan 1, and Hadrian 1 — 77 Hadrian 1, Antoninus 1, Fauflina fen. 1 - 78 Fauflina fen. j , Aurelius 2


4 [S r

4 1 2



1 1

3 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4

79 Fauflinajun. 1, Valentinian 1, Arcadius 1, — 80 Fauflinajun. 1, Valentinian 1, Arcadius 1 — 81 Arcadius 1, Honorius 1, Juflinian 1 — 82 Honorius j, twoGallic?'and one Francic —

. * Englijh Gold.

83 NoblesEdward III.4,' Richard II. I — 2 gA . Edward III. Richard II. and Henry V. or

VI. -- ~ 3 85 Angels

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Firft Day's Sale, y

S5 Angels of Edward IV. and Richard III. rare 2 86 A double-fovereign of Henry VIII. fcarce * I 87 The fovereign, or double-ryal, of Mary, fine 1 88 The chaife of Edward the black prince, extremely rare 1 89 Plates of Anglo-Gallic and other coins, by Sir Charles

, Frederick . r . —— - - 36 90 Seven frames of impreflions from the Paduans. 91 Seven copper medals in a frame 7

t 8 )


1‘hurfday, May i8, 17S6.


1 T\/TISCELLANEOUS copper.. 2 _TViL Various im dais leaden cafts, &c. 3 1 en of the large copper «.oins of the Ptolomies io 4 Sixteen Paduans —■- - - l6

Large Brafs.

5 Pompey i, Julius i, Augullus i, Tibeiius 3, Cali¬ gula t, Nero 4, Galba 2 — — 15

6 Galba 4, Vtfpaft^n 1, Domitian 3, Nerva 2, T ajan

5. ~ '- - - 15 7 Hadrian 14 . *- 14 8 Hadrian 2, Antoninus 14, Fauftina fen. r --- ,17 9 Fauftina fen. 2, Aurelius 13 »• ■ - • 13

10 Aurelius 4, Fauftina jun 4. Lucilla 1, Albinus 1, Severus 4 - «—— <-— 13

11 Severus 1, Domna t, Cara alia t, Masfa 2, Maximi¬ nus 1, Pupienus 1, Gordian jun. 8 -- 15

12 Ale ander 7, Mamniea 2, Gordia > jun. 7 — ■■■* 16 33 Philip fen. 10, Otacilia 4, Philip jun. 5 — 19 14 Trajan Decius 1, Etrucilla 2, Hoftilian 2, Emiliari*

, _ —— —- -- 5 15 Volufian 4, Emilian 1, Valerian 2, Mariniana 1,

Gallienus3, Salomna 2, Pofthumus 2 — 15

, Middh Brafs. i

16 Auguftus 2, Livia 4, Agrippai, Germanicus2, Nero and Drufus r, Antonia 1 - - 11

17 Nero 1, Vitellius 1, Domitian 1, Julia Titi i, Lu¬ cilla 1, Claudius Gothicus 1, Galerius 4 — .10

18 Tranquillina, wry fine and ran —-- -i 19 Galerius



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X 9 Second Day's Sale.

$9 Galerius 3, Severus II. 3, Maxentius 2, Romulus t, Conftantine 3, Magnentius 1, Julian IT. 1, Va- lentiniani, Theodahatus i, Leo VI. 1, Leo and Alexander 1 -■ ■—•

20 Thirty-three of the lower empire ■— ■

Englijb Copper•

21 A farthing of Oliver, Cbaritie and change. fine and ve¬ ry rare -— ■ .

22 A ditto of Anne, Pax mifiaper orbem. fine and rare 23 A halfpenny and farthing of Anne —. . 24 A pattern-farthing of Charles II. a pewter farthing of

ditto, and a pewter halfpenny of James II. 25 A proof of the Bombay rupee in pewter, a proof-far¬

thing of Charles II. and a bale coin of Henry IV. king of Caftile, formerly yuppo/ed to be Anglo-Gallic. See Sir Charles Frederick's plates — ■ - . .

26 Various halfpence and farthings. 27 Gun-money.

Silver Medals.

28 Mary T. 2, Cecis vi/us, timidis quies% fine and ftarce *» 29 Two jettons of Elizabeth. fine and fearce —. 30 Charles I. 3, Oliver 1 — ■ -—. _ 3* Cecil Lord Baltimore, rev. Ut fol lucebis America, ex¬

tra rare _— ■ . w 32 Charles!, rev. Nec msta mi hi qui terminus or hi. fine and

rare 33 Charles II. rev. Favente Deo. very fine —

Confular Denarii.

34 Licinia 2, Livineia 1, Lucretia 1, Nonia 1, Mamillia 3, Manlia 2, Marcia 6, Maria 2, Memmia 4, Minutia 1, Munatia 2, Mutia 1, Muffidia 1. No nia 1 JIW 1 .. a---

35 Norbana *, Opimia 1, Papia 2, Papiria 1, Petronia 1, Pinaria 2, Plsetoria 3, Plancia 1, Plautia 4, Poplicia 4, Pompeia 4 ■ .

36 Pomponia 3, Portia 6, Poftumia 3, Procilia 2, Qui- ndia 1, Renia 1, Rofcia 2, Rubria 4, Ruftia 1, Rutilia 1, Satriena 1, Saufeia 1, beribonia 1 —

37 Sempronia 1, Sentia 4, Sergia 2, Servilia 2, Titia 2, Tituria 3, Tullia 1, Vargunteia 1, Veturia 1, Vibia 9 _- —- ‘

l7 33

1 1 2

1 2


— 1



— 28




26 38 Italia

fO Second Day's Sale,

38 Italia 2, one with Ofcan characters, and one Celtibe- rian —— —-«, - .


39 Confular and other coins —— ---

Imperial Denarii,

40 Calls from denarii --- —__ _ 41 Nerva 2, Trajan 6, Hadrian 7, Sabina 1 _ 42, .ffilius 2, Antoninus 2, Aurelius 1, Fauftina jun. 1,

Severus 6, Domna 2, Caracalla 2 _ 43 Caracalla 23, Geta 2, Macrinus 3 __. 44 Macrinus 3, Elagabalus 7, Paula 1, Sxmias 1, Majfa

4, Alexander 7 - .- 45 Caracalla 1, Alexander 11, Mammea 6, Maximinus

6 -- - »■.. ________

46 Gordian jun. 30 •«—. __

8? 16

16 28


24 30

Englijh Silver,

47 William I. 6 48 William I. ditto 49 William II. 50 Henry I. 51 Stephen 3 52 Henry I. 1, Stephen i --- 53 Richard II. 2, Henry VI. 2, Edward IV. 5, Henry

VIIT. 3, Elizabeth 2 .- - •« 54 Pence, halfpence, and farthings ——— 55 Shillings: Oliver r, Charles II. 2, James II. 4, Wil¬

liam and Mary 1, William IN. 3, George il. 1 56 The farthing of Anne, with the car. fine and rare 57 Half-cro-wns: Edward VI. 1, Elizabeth 1, Charles!.

2, Newark 1, Inchiquin 1 -... .. ... 58 Charles II. 2. hammered

Anne 59 William and Mary 1, William HI. $ George II. 1 .- --

60 The twenty-fbillin or piece of Charles I. — 61 Crowns : Elizabeth i, James I. 2, Charles I. 5,

Commonwealth 1 __ 62 William 111. 1, George I. 1, George II. 4 63 Anglo-Gallic : Henry JI. as Duke bf Aquitain. .fine

and extra rare —■- ., ... „ _

64 Eleanor, his queen, as Dutchefs of Aquitain. very rare - ——— • , —-— ___

6 6 5 1

3 2

*4 52 •

1 2 1

6 2

7 1

9 0

1 A

. *

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Second Day's Sale. I j

65 An obolus of Richard I. as Earl of Poiccu. extra rare - -. ..— 1

66 Two half blancs of Henry VI. one unique — 2 67 A gros of Edward HI. very rare —.. . . 1 68 A blanc of Henry V. 1, of Henry VI. 2 —. 3 69 Three blancs of Henry VI. —— —- «* 3


70 Nobles: Edwarl III. 1, Henry V. or VI. 1 71 Edward III.. 1, Edward IV »




72 Three quarter-noble?, a half-angel of Henry VIII. and a quarter-ange of Elizabeth _

73 Angels: Edward iV. t, Henry VII. 1, Henry VIII.

74 Angels of Henry VT Henry VIII. and Elizabeth - 75 A double-fove.reign of Henrjr V!I. Jcarce -

76 Twocrowns and a half-crown of Hen/y VIII. *— 3 77 Th ree halves, and one quarter, fovereign of Edward

VI. - -- --- 78 A (overeign of James T. fitting in a chair _ . 79 The overeign ana half-fovereign, the laurel and two

crowns, or ditto -- —- _ 80 A three-pound piece of Charles I. _ 81 Two twenty and one ten (hilling piece of Charles I. 82 The unit and one more _ __ 83 x he twenty, two ten, and two five, (hilling pieces of

Charles 11.- -- __ „

$4 Gruiennois of Edward ■ II. fine and extremely rare j 85 A let of eogravmgs or Anglo-Gallic coins, by Sir Charles

Frederick. 86 Another fer. 87 A large mahogany cabinet for coins. ■$8 A ditto a..d book-cafe.

4 1

5 1

3 2

» 3 T H I R D





( 12 )


Friday, May 19, 1786.



J5 2


1 T% /TISCELLANEOUS copper. 2 1V1 Miscellaneous Roman. 3 One hundred large brafs . . - „ 4 A piece of King Theodore’s money, and fifteen more 5 A pattern halfpenny of William and Mary, a farthing

of Anne, and thirteen more- 6 Two halfpence of Queen Anne, different _

7 ^ halfpenny of Queen Anne, and an Irifh proof of George It, - - - 2

8 Various irifh, Manks, and American, halfpence and far¬ things, and a piece from the die of the Baltimore fhil* ling.

9 Seven halfpence and farthings, fine .—... - 10 Seventeen fmall orafs, fame oj which are rare 11 Forty Small brafs - _ _ -

12 A Small medallion of Probus, and forty-fcur-Tmall brafs, &c. —-— -

13 Paduans —- —. , _

7 17 40


Large Brafs,

14 Julius 1, Auguflus 3 —— —, Livia 1, Agrippina fen. i Caligula 1, Galba i ——. __

17 Nero 2 —■ ■— - _ 1 8 Nero 3 —. —- —-- „ ..... 19 Vitellius 1, Maximus i - 20 Vefpaftani, Domitian 4, N$iva2> Trajan 2

3 — * 2

21 Trajan

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*Ikira Day's Safe# *3 21 Trajan i, Marciana i — ■— ■ — 22 Hadrian 5 —— — — -

23 Hadrian 1, Antoninas 4, Fauftina fen. 2, Aurelius 3 24 Balbinus 3, Pupienus 1 —-— --.

25 Alexander Severus 2, Orbiana 1, Mammea 4, Maxi- minus 4, Philip fen. 4 . "■■■ _

26 Otacilia 3, Philip jun. 3, Decius 2 ■.

27 Saloninus 1, Pollumus 3, Probus a medallion, Va- lens 1, Urbs Roma 1 . —

3 10




Foreign Silver*

28 Ten foreign coins and jettons 29 Forty ditto -

30 Fourteen Scots coins — 31 Turkilh and Eaft-Indian coins




Silver Medals•

32 Three of Charles II. - - . . ,

33 William III. 1, and a premium-medal of George III. z 34 John Sobiefci 1, Benedict XIII. 1, and 7 jettons - o 35 James II. and his queen 2, William and Mary 1,

Anne 3 _ _ 7 ^

36 Ten coronation-medals, from Charles I. to the prelent king -- —- ,.IO

37 The Duke of Athol, and live more -- 6

The lamiiy-medalof George II. and Queen Anne — z

Imperial Denarii.

39 Gordian jun. -- --_

4° Gordian jun. 6, Philip fen. 25 __ 41 Philip fen. 9, Otacilia 5, Philip jun. 3, Trajan De¬

cius 10, Etrufcilla 3 • ._- .

42 Meffius Decius 8, Trebonian 17, Voluftan c 43 Voiufian 11, Valerian 10, Gallien 9 __

44 Gahien 9, Antoninus reft, 2, Salonina 5, Saloninus I? f oftumus 12, Marius 1, Claudius Gothicus 1, Aurelian 2, Florian 1, Probus 1, Diocletian 2, M.aximian 1 .--—

45 Hsocletian 1, Maximian 1, jin* and rare » — —

Conftantius Chlorus 1.

3® 3i

3° 3° 30


46 Auguftus

Third Dayfs Sale•

46 Augurtusi, Alexander.!, Gordian 1, Philip fen. 6, Otaciliai, Philip jun. 1, Decius 2, Etrufcilla 1, Meffius 2, Trebpnian 1, Volulian 1, ASmilian 2, Valerian 1, Gallien 4, Salonina 3, Saloninus 2, Poftumus 5 - _

47 Scverusi, Paula 1, Mammeai, Maximus 1, Philip fen. 3, Otacilia 2, Philipjun. 1, Decius 2, Mef- iius 2, Trebonian^, Valerian fen. 3, Mariniana I, Gallien 5, Salonina 2, Valerian jun. 2, Salo¬ ninus 1, Poilumus 3 -- --

48 Maximinus 1, Gordian 1, Philip fen. 4, Otacilia 2, Decius 4, Meflius 2, Holiilian i, Trebonian 7, iEmilian 1, Valerian 4, Mariniana 1, Gallien 2, Salonina 1, Saloninus 1, Poiiumus 1, Aureiian I, Severina 1, Florian 2, Julian 4 - —

4-^ Paula 1, Conltans 1, Conftantius 1, Julian 6, Valens 4, Honorius 2, Vaientinian jun. 1, Corillantine the Tyrant 1, Anaftatius 1, JuftinI, 1, Jullinian 4, Heraclius 1 - -—

50 Vaientinian i, Valens 1. large fiver, fie — -



24 2

Englijh Silver.

51 Two groats of Richard III. ——-—. - - 2 52 A groat of Edward VI. very rare ... 1 53 Half-crowns of the commonwealth and Oliver *• 2 54 James II. 3, William and Mary 3, William III. 2 — 8 55 Anne ?, George I. 1, George II. 5 •—*-- 7 ij6 Crowns; George I, 1, GeorgeII. 3 --■— 4


57 A penny of Richard I. as Earl of Poitou, extremely rare •— . ■ ■- I

5S A fide-faced penny of Edward the black prince, very rare - ■■ - - * --—— ■ — I

59 Two half-blancs of Henry VI. very rare - 2 60 A blanc of Henry V. fie and very rare - I

61 A blanc of Henry V. and a ditto of Henry VI. 2 62 Three blancs of Henry VI. . 3 63 A pattern in copper of Edward I. or II. extremely rare I


6 4 Nobles; Henry VI. 1, Edward IV. 2 --.. 3 63 Angels: Henry VII. 4, Henry VIII. 1, Elizabeth 1 3 66 A fovereign of Henry VIII. -■ ■■■■— —- ' 1

5 67 The


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Third Day's Sale,

67 The whole and half fovereign of Edward VI. In ar¬ mour, fcarce ' ■ - —■ - ■ -

68 The whole and half fovereign of Elizabeth 69 T he half, quarter, and eighth, of a fovereign of Eli¬

zabeth ..- --- 70 The fovereign of James, fitting in a chair, and the

half -. ... —_„ 71 The fovereign and ryal of James I. —-. 72 The three-pound piece of Charles I. fine --- 73 The twenty, ten, and five, Ihiliing piece of the com¬

monwealth - —— ■ 74 A pattern for a twenty-lhilling piece of Charles II.

fine and fcarce >—■—■ ■ ■■ — - . 75 A five-guinea piece of William III. <very fi>ie 76 A five-guinea piece of George II. Eafi.India company,

fine and fcarce - _ 77 A two-guinea piece of Charles- II. very fine — - 78 A two-guinea piece of William and Mary, and a half¬

guinea of ditto ———- - _ 79 The two-guinea piece, guinea with Pr. El. half, and

quarter, of George I. ———. - _ 80 The two-guinea and guinea of George ll. fine 81 The half and quarter guinea of George III. proofs,

fine - —-- ______ 82 A mouton of John Duke of Burgundy and a noble of

Campen - - 83 A franc of John King of France, a florin of Raymond

Prince of Orange, and a guilder of John Archbi- flhop of Mentz —■ ■ ■ _

84 Eaft-Indiarr coins ■ -- .——_. _ . 85 A coupan of Japan, fine and rare —- 86 Briiifli and Gallic coins —■ 87 Scots coins of James V. and James VI. -__• 88 The bonnet-piece of James VI. and the Darien pif-

tole __ __ _*■ 89 A pretended coin of Hefiry IV. fitting under a cano¬

py, and a falute ——_ ___ 90 The pavillion of Edward the black prince, fine and ex¬

tra rare -- —,

91 An oval medal of Lord Effex, rev. Hinc ilia dcbrj- ma. very rare T , "

92 A fetof engravings of Anglo-Gallic coins.



£ 2 l

l l


— 2



3 23

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N 4


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t L

Saturday, May 20, 1786,

;L ARGE brafs A treffis, very rare. and an Etrufcan as

3 An as libralis, and eight more —— 4 Colony coins ■

Large Brafs»

- <1 IOO

- 2

9 - 10

5 Livia. remarkably fine ■ .. - —— 6 Caligula — ■ ■ ■ • -- 7 Nero 2, Vefpafian i, Titus i, Julia Tnii — 8 Vitellius - ■ ■■■■» —— 9 Domitian i, Nerva i, Trajan 3 ———

10 Hadrian 4, Sabma 1, Antoninus 3 *-- 11 Antoninus Pius —- ■ ——- 12 Fauftina fen. 2, Aurelius 2, Fauftina jun. 2 13 Fauftina fen. 1, Aurelius 5 - 14 Aurehus4, Fauftina jun. 4 ■ —-- 15 FaulFna jun. 1, Commodus 5 » -- 16 Aurelius 1, Luciila 3, Crifpina 2 *- 17 Commodus 18 Pertinax I, Didius julianus Albinus 1 19 Severus 3, Domna 1, Caracalla 1 20 Caracalla 1, Geta 2, Macrinus 1 21 Diadumenian •- = 22 Aquilia 1, Sasmias 1 23 Alexander Severus 24 Balbinus 2, Pupienus 2 -- 25 Gordian Afr. fen. and Gordian Afr.jun.

1 2

_ 5

— 5 —— — 8

b - - 6 - 8

- 6 - 6 -5

- “ $ 3

- - 4 1 2

- 4 m m ^ **

- 2 26 Maximinus



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7 73



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J 7 7


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7 7 <7~Z

7 7


I ^ 7j7^

7 7

7 7 s ff

Fourth Day's Suit* c*>

r nU* ■


26 Maximinus 3, Maximus 2 > S Z7 Maximinus 3, Maximus 1, Balbinus 1, Gordian jun.

28 Go/dianjun. 1, Tranquillina i, Philip fen. 2

29 Trajan Decius «-— r 1 ■■■■■ — 30 Antinous, a contorniate. rare ——— 31 Antoninus Pius, a medallion, fine and rare —— 32 Trajan Decius, a medallion, fine —. — 33 Gallienus, tvvo medallions - ■■■— ■ ■——

Silver Medals.

34 Lord Shaftefbury and Sir Ed. Godfrey ■ ■ ■ 35 The Duke of Lauderdale, fine - — —— 36 The Duke of York, fine and extremely rare *- 37 The feven bifhops and one unknown »' ~ ■ ■■ 38 William and Mary i, Anne 1, ana George I. 1 39 John Duke of Montague, fine —-— ■ 40 The prefent king, and two more ■ 1 1 -■ —

Greek Kings and Cities.

41 Gelo 1, ArfacesII. i, Alexander the Great 1 42 A tetradrachm of Vologefes III. King of Parthia,

date 482. fine and very rare ■ .- 43 Athens 1, Corinth 1, Marfeilles 1, Tarentum 1, Ve~

lia 1, Apollonia 1, Urina 1 - ■ —-■ 44 Cumae s, Locris 1 — ■ - * 45 A didrachm of Teanum, with Etrufcan characters.

fine and rare -. —— —-- —

Englijh Silver.

46 Quarter-fhillings from Edward VI. to the prefent king 47 Blondeau’s fixpence. fine andficarce «- -- 48 The Carlifle (hilling, Mafathufets 3, the common¬

wealth 1 ■ -- ■—■ - 49 Blondeau’s half-crown, ficarce - > - - • 50 Crowns: Oliver 1, Charles II. with the rofe, 1 51 James II. 1, William and Mary 1, Anne 3 — 52 Patterns of Charles I. William and Mary, George I.

the Hie of Man, with a touch-piece of James III, 53 Two patterns of Oliver, fine and rare —* 54 Various groats. ' ' 55 A crown and half-crown of Oliver, and two (hillings

of George III. —— -

Angie* C




** -



ti \





w W






n ^


Fourth Day** Sale•


56 A penny of Richard I. as Duke of Aquitain. extremely

rare -.——— ■ 57 Edward I. or Ii. as Duke of Aquitain. extra rare

58 Edward III. as Duke of Aquitain. extra rare - - 59 Edward the black prince, fine- end rare ——1 60 Two half-blancs of Henry VI, rare *- 61 A blanc of Edward til. fine and extremely rare 62 A gros of Edward the black prince, fine and very rare

63 A blanc of Henry V. fine and extra rare -— 64 Two blancs, Henry V. and VI. • 63 Two blancs of Henry VI. - — —— 66 A blanc of Henry IV. unique -——


67 A ryal of Elizabeth, rare -- 68 An angel of Richard III. rare ■-—— 69 An angel of Mary and one of James I. bolhficarce

go The half-angel of Mary, extremely rare ——

7 1 The half-angel of Philip and Mary, extremely rare

72 The half-angel of Elizabeth, ditto of James I. and a quarter-angel of Elizabeth, very fcarce —

73 A double fovereign of Henry VII. fcarce - —— 74. A ditto -— - 1 - % ' 75 The double-fovereign of Edward VI. with the dra-

gon’s-head mint-mark, fine and extremely, rare

76 The fovereign of Elizabeth, featedina chair 77 Two half-fovereigns and an eighth of Elizabeth,

fcarce — --

78 Two half-fovereigns, one milled, and a quarter ditto 70 A fovereign of James, fitting in a chair, fine —

80 The whole, quarter, and eighth, of a fovereign of James, with Ang. Sco. very fcarce ■-- r

81 The broad and half of Oliver, fine — ~ 82 A five-guinea piece of William and Mary, fine

83 A ditto of Queen Anne *—-_ -7 - 84 A pattern-guinea of George I, of his lafi: year, highly

preferved and extremely rar<r w'— “

83 A guinea and halfof George II. proofs, very fine

86 Two guineas and two halves of George II. fine 87 A pattern fora guinea of George III. by Tanner, fine

and rare-” 88 Two proof guineas of George III. proofii, and a

and quarter guinea • - --


t7 7

7 7<s7

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*9 Fourth Day't Sale.

go A pattern for a feven-lhilling piece and a German coin of George III. - - 3

go Two falutes of Henry VI. different M.M. - - 2 91 The hardy of Edward the black prince, fine and, ex¬

tremely rare ■ ■ ..- — — I 92 The leopard of Edward III. fine and extremely rare — I 03 A coin of one of the Safannidae. <very rare, and unpub-

lijhed - --- . —— ' - l 94 Prints of Anglo-Gallic and other coins.



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American Numismatic Society

3 8060 00052 7697
