A Day at the Park



A narrative written by senior primary school students.

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1 Written and Illustrated by Breah and Piper

One day there was a little boy and girl named Emily and Liam. They liked to play at the park. 2

“Look! Look!” Liam said. “There is a tree hut! Let’s go check it out!”


They climbed the ladder, opened the door, went inside and looked out the window. 4

“Look! Look! There is a Wobble bridge. Let’s cross it! They crossed the bridge.

Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble.


Look! Look! There is a rope swing. Careful! Hold on tight!

Swish, woah, swish, woah!

Don’t fall off! 6

Look! Look! There is a flying fox! Grab the handle. Don’t look down. Hold on tight! Here we go!

Rattle, rattle. CRASH!


Look! Look! There is a see saw! Hop on. Don’t bounce too hard.

Up, down, bump! Up, down, bump! 8

Look! Look! There is a slide!

Up you go! Weeeeeeeee! Down you go. Thud! Ouch!

Look! Look! Here are some monkey bars! Grab the handles.

Careful, don’t lose your grip!

Swing, swoosh, oo, oo, oo! Swing, swoosh, oo, oo, oo! 10

Ooooh, look! Look! Mud! Jump in!

Squelch, plop, screech, squeal! Squelch, plop, screech, squeal

Oh oh…. Here comes mum!



Look. Look. There is a tap. Quick wipe off the mud! Rinse off your clothes.

Slosh, swish, slosh, swish.

Look! Look! Mum has some ice-creams.

Lick, slurp. Lick, slurp.

What a good day! Let’s come back tomorrow. 13
